How to wash a feather pillow at home? Is it possible to wash pillows in a washing machine: step by step instructions. Washing pillows with different fillings Where to wash feather pillows

Bird feather pillows remain in demand. They are inexpensive, comfortable, breathable. However, the filler is able to accumulate moisture and tightly stray. In addition, it absorbs odors, mites multiply in it, and mold forms. To avoid negative consequences, feather accessories for sleep are periodically cleaned.

How to wash a feather pillow at home: preparation

They start by sewing several covers made of cotton fabric, for example, calico. Gauze will not work: one layer will let the feathers out, a double one will hold between the layers. For the filler with which one pillow is filled, 3-4 bags are sewn or one large one, which is much larger in size than the pillowcase.

  • cleaning the pillow from accumulated dust using a beater or vacuum cleaner;
  • ripping one edge of the breastplate;
  • shifting feathers into pre-prepared pillowcases;
  • thorough stitching of the edges of the covers.

When the down and feather are moved, the breastplate is freed from the remaining down, washed, dried and ironed, ready for further use. But it is better to sew a brand-new breastplate from a compacted material, for example, teak.

Detergents: how and how to wash a feather pillow

Trying to wash the feather pillow with high quality, do not use ordinary washing powders- they are not completely rinsed out. But if there were no special means for down products, you can take the usual one, but up to 30 g.

Optimal use of the gel for delicate fabrics.

The Unipuh tool successfully copes with the processing of down jackets. This and similar preparations do not contain difficult to rinse phosphates, bleaches, chlorine. The action of special means is aimed at effective fight with contaminants caring attitude to the feather texture, maintaining its "breathing" ability. Thus, the pen is not threatened with tangling into balls.

How to wash feather pillows at home in a washing machine

Can pillows be machine washed? Certainly yes. But you will need "helpers" - laundry balls (you can replace them with plastic ones for playing table tennis). When washing, the balls hit the product, extracting dirt and preventing the formation of a clump of feathers.

Directly wash feather pillows in washing machine carried out like this.

  1. 2-3 bags of feathers are loaded into the drum. At more handbags, due to the occurrence of strong vibration, there is a significant risk of feather lumps in each auxiliary case. If the pen was moved into one large case, several towels are placed with it to evenly disperse the load.
  2. The selected cleaning agent is poured / poured into the “washer” powder compartment. And the softener is excluded.
  3. Place the balls.
  4. Choose a mode. It's good if there is a function Duvet"("Fluff"). If not available, stop at delicate/hand wash. Best Temperature– 30°C. Above will cause damage to the pen.
  5. The selected push-up rpm should be no higher than 400. If there are none, better function disable. And also it is necessary to press the button with the designation "Additional (intensive) rinse".
  6. At the end of the cycle, remove the covers with feathers, lay each on a separate towel and remove moisture.

How to wash a feather pillow by hand

Do not trust mechanized cleaning - wash by hand. The sequence of actions when washing by hand:

  • fill a bathtub or a capacious basin with warm water - in a smaller capacity, you will have to clean the packing in batches, which will delay the cleaning process;
  • pour in / pour in detergent(gel, fluff, scoured soap), dissolve it thoroughly;
  • pour filler into the container;
  • leave the bird feather wet for 3-4 hours;
  • with a colander / sieve, select some of the feathers, wash under the tap, move to another clean container. It is necessary to do this with all the filling;
  • drain the water, taking care to prevent blockage;
  • repeat the process for better cleaning feathers.

To disinfect and give the washed feather pillow a pleasant smell, before the final washing stage, the filler is placed for some time in water with the addition of esters. The best for this purpose are esters of lavender, orange, cypress and others with antiseptic quality.

Steam cleaning is another way to wash a feather pillow

A little-known method for caring for feather pillows. It is not necessary to have a press steamer. The device perfectly replaces the iron with the mode of steam generation or sheer steaming.

  1. Attach pillow on weight.
  2. Steam the surface of the product on both sides.
  3. After a quarter of an hour, repeat the procedure.
  4. Place the pillow to dry in the sun.
  5. Spread the stuffing with your hands, making sure it is dry.

Steam cleaning, although not like washing, will still protect and refresh your bedding. The hot air of the steam generator has a detrimental effect on microorganisms, bacteria, dust mites. At the same time, the sleep attribute gets rid of odors with steam, is cleaned of dust and endowed with freshness.

Drying pillows

Only a competent process will remove moisture from the bird's feather. Otherwise, the appearance of fungi and pathogens is possible. Unwanted aromas will appear, the filler will begin to break down.

It is better to wash feather pillows in the summer. With sufficiently warm air and low humidity, the water will evaporate quickly, and the feather filler will dry out in two days.

Choose a ventilated place for drying, avoiding direct sunlight. If this is not possible, the washed products are placed on the loggia / balcony.

If it becomes necessary to wash the products in late autumn or winter, they dry them with a heater or even a hairdryer.

For drying, one of the options is selected:

  • hanging bags filled with washed feathers on linen twine;
  • drying the spilled aggregate on the floor/table covered with cloth or clean paper to absorb moisture;
  • use for drying washing machine, for which the covers are put into the drum and the temperature is set to 30°C. The inconvenience of the method is that every one and a half to two hours the feathers gathered in the bags in a lump must be shaken by hand.

After drying, the clean feather is moved to the breastplate, which is tightly sewn up.

What should I do if the filler still fell off during washing? Fluff.

  • Put the pillow in a large plastic bag, stick the vacuum cleaner tube in there and wrap the butt joint well with adhesive tape. First, suck the air out of the bag, and then blow it in again. Do this twice or thrice.
  • Lay the product on the covered soft material a horizontal plane and walk along the sleep attribute with a plastic beater on both sides.

If the pillow did not dry well after washing, extraneous odors and unpleasant stains will appear. Will have to wash it again.

Properly caring for the pillow, you can extend its life.

  1. Whisk every day.
  2. Vacuum or beat out by hand monthly.
  3. Once every two months, ventilate in the fresh air.
  4. If the pillow is not used and stored for a long time, keep it in a case made of compacted material (not in polyethylene!).

A thorough annual cleansing will allow for a long time enjoy soft pillow without any microorganisms.

Along with the use of synthetic fillings, pillows continue to be traditionally stuffed with bird feathers. Waterfowl representatives of the bird world - swans, ducks, geese, eiders - share this magnificent heat-insulating and moisture-proof material with a person. To increase the softness of sleeping accessories and reduce their weight, manufacturers use a down-feather combination.

Such pillows have a lot of practical advantages: hygroscopicity, air permeability, dimensional stability and pleasant elasticity, which for many is a prerequisite for a comfortable sleep.

Let's talk about how to wash a feather pillow at home and what processing methods are guaranteed to return freshness to products and help maintain their original softness.


Despite the wide range of drugs household chemicals, not every detergent is suitable for cleaning feather and down pillows. So, from the use of washing powders, and even famous brands, it is desirable to refuse immediately, because it is rather problematic to rinse the powder granules from the down-feather filling with high quality.

The second negative point concerns the loose consistency of powdered products, which negatively affects useful qualities natural materials. But when there is nothing else at hand, then the use of the powder should be strictly dosed, no more than 50 g per load of the machine.

For the care of down and feather fillers, sparing biological agents in the form of gels are recommended. Usually they wash delicate fabrics and products made from natural fibers. And this is just what you need for washing feather and down pillows.

Which of the drugs deserve attention:

  • Specialized Concentrate "Unipuh". It does not contain phosphates, aggressive bleaches and chlorine. It does a good job of removing a wide variety of contaminants, while maintaining the integrity of the filler structure, lipid coating and breathability of pillows. Processing with "Unipuh" reduces the fragility of the feather and prevents the filling from rolling. They are good at cleaning down jackets and down bedding.
  • Delicate biological agent BioMio– environmentally friendly and does not smell. Ideal for gentle and high-quality cleaning of products made from natural materials.
  • Biogels for washing children's clothes - high-quality products that, thanks to the gel formula, rinse out of the structure without any problems natural fibers. They have hypoallergenic properties and easily cope with stubborn stains.

Benefits are undeniable laundry soap high alkali content and fatty acids in a volume of at least 72%. Once again, we list the main advantages of a tool that is well known to everyone:

  • It has an antibacterial effect, which is an additional plus in the fight against dust mites.
  • It has a completely eco-friendly composition without the slightest hint of synthetic additives.
  • Hypoallergenic - eliminates the risk of developing or exacerbating allergies.

Method of application: the bar is crushed with a grater and a working solution is prepared from the resulting chips. Minus: after washing, things have to be thoroughly rinsed out.

In addition to liquid detergent or soap, it is recommended to use a mixture of one or more aromatic oils to neutralize the specific smell of bird feathers.


To properly wash a feather pillow at home, but this is done by machine and by hand, it is important to properly prepare for processing.

You should know that, no matter what method is used, only the filling is subject to cleaning. And since such products are not completely washed, you will need covers where the filler will be placed in parts, in order to avoid its loss.

Chintz is suitable for sewing fabric cases, although other loose cotton fabrics can also be used. Gauze, by the way, is absolutely not suitable option: the fragile single-layer material will quickly break through the sharp tips of the feathers, and the fluff will instantly clog the two-layer gauze shell. In both cases, the volume of stuffing will sharply decrease, which is unacceptable.

The width of the cases should match the width of the sleeping accessory, while having twice the length. With bags of this size, it is convenient to carry out any manipulations during washing, and drying the contents will take much less time.

You can use a couple of old pillowcases as cases. Optimal solution for reusable washing - bed covers with zippers.

To prepare a down product for cleaning in any way, proceed as follows:

  • First, the dust accumulated inside is removed using a carpet beater (cracker).
  • Carefully rip the neckline from one end.
  • Being careful, transfer the filling to the cases. A damp cotton sheet will limit the unhindered spread of weightless fluff around the room when it is removed from the pillowcase. In addition, natural cotton fibers have antistatic properties, which also makes it easier to work with light feathers.
  • They tie the cases well, if not laziness, then fix the ripped edge with threads or fasten the zipper.

It is advisable to immediately clean the gutted bedding. Don't forget to get rid of any fluff left inside before washing.


The process of washing bedding by hand includes three procedures:

  • prolonged soaking;
  • washing itself;
  • repeated rinsing.

Warm water is poured into a capacious container or bath, the optimum temperature is from 30 to 40 ° C.

Hot water provokes the appearance of an unpleasant odor, from which it will be impossible to get rid of later.

A two-hour soaking of covers with down and feather filling is enough for it to get soaked properly and even the deepest dirt begins to come out. Washing may have some nuances, which directly depends on the degree of wear of the pillow.

Cleaning a new pillow

For newly purchased pillows, the filling is completely fresh, so the feather fans are securely held on the rods, that is, you don’t have to worry about the safety of the filler during wet processing.


  • the product is soaked in any of the previously listed detergents;
  • the bedclothes are freed from feathers;
  • the filling is placed in parts in a colander, rinsed and squeezed;
  • sort out the wet down and feather mass to remove the remaining specks;
  • the feathers are transferred back to the colander and the rinsing procedure is repeated;
  • a few drops of aromatic oil are diluted in a tank of a suitable size and feathers are lowered there.

Thanks to this procedure, the filler will acquire a pleasant smell and will be disinfected once again. Best effect provide natural aromatic oils of orange, pine, cypress. Synthetic fragrances can cause itching or migraines. After the aroma of the bath, it remains to dry the feathers, which will be discussed later.

Cleaning an old pillow

Here already it is necessary to proceed with caution in order to avoid damage to the repeatedly used packing. In this case, cleaning preparations and aromatic oils are used in a similar way. To eliminate the old smell of feathers and improve their condition when soaking in water, ammonia is added. In the absence of ammonia, you can use vinegar at the rate of 15 ml of essence per 5 liters of working soap solution.

Unlike new stuffing, the old stuffing is carefully washed directly in cloth cases.

Washing machine

Feather bedding can be washed at home using a washing machine. In order to improve the quality of washing, do not neglect the capabilities of special soft plastic balls for cleaning feather fillings. Their principle of operation is extremely simple: when the drum sloshes water and turns the contents along with the balls, they hit the products many times and “knock out” deeply ingrained dirt. Another useful function of the balls - prevent the feathers from falling off in lumps.

An alternative to a plastic ball is a tennis ball, which will provide a similar effect when washed with feather padding.

General rules machine wash means:

  • The use of reliable covers made of dense matter that can withstand repeated rotations of the drum and water pressure. With a compact new accessory, there will be no problems, even if it is washed entirely with the stuffing. Whereas the strength of a worn bedclothes is doubtful, which means that there is a high probability of damage during the washing process, and this can lead to a malfunction of the automatic machine.
  • Uniform load distribution inside the drum. Uneven load when laying one case will provoke strong vibration. For this reason, you need to add a towel or a couple of pillowcases, then the balance will be restored.
  • Right choice washing mode: creating optimal conditions for machine washing involves the use of programs: "Delicate wash", "Hand wash", ideally - "Wash duvet / down jacket". Each of these modes is characterized by a combination of a temperature of 30 ° C and a double intensive rinse with a spin on low power up to 400-500 rpm.

The sequence of work when washing by machine:

  • the stuffed cases are placed in the drum;
  • the encapsulated gel is added directly to the drum, and the compartment specially designed for liquid products is filled with the concentrate, after which the balls are added;
  • at the end of washing, the cases are removed and laid out on a flat surface to dry.

How to dry?

To begin with, here are a few practical advice general plan for drying down and feather accessories for sleep:

  • When squeezing the feather mass, it is necessary to remove moisture qualitatively. Wet feathers are of interest to pathogens and molds. From a product with a characteristic unpleasant odor that has appeared, which will already be a clear sign of mold damage, all that remains is to get rid of it.
  • Wet cleaning of down and feather accessories is preferably carried out in summer period. In the heat, the products will dry with maximum speed. Therefore, drying will take only a day or two. The faster the moisture evaporates, the lower the likelihood of mold development.
  • Required condition high-quality drying of fluff - good air circulation, so stuffed cases are placed in sufficiently ventilated places.

Consider the three most common and most convenient ways drying down and feather filling.

On open air

Drying of feather contents in the street can be carried out not only in the warm season, but also in winter season. The advantage of summer drying - the possibility of processing feathers with ultraviolet light- a weapon of mass destruction of pathogenic viruses and bacteria. A similar effect can be achieved by "freezing" the filling in winter, since the action of frosty air is just as detrimental to all harmful microorganisms.

How to dry properly:

  • filled covers are squeezed out with gentle movements with a terry towel;
  • then hands knead the fallen clumps of feathers;
  • hanging cases on the street.

If the filling is dried in the summer, then it is periodically shaken, kneading by hand. IN winter period the covers are first brought into the heat, allowing the frozen moisture to thaw, and only then the contents are straightened.


If it is too cold outside, then radiators can be used to dry the washed feather stuffing. To prevent the fluff and feathers from drying out, they are distributed over several cases, filling by 50%, the lumps are systematically beaten and kneaded, not forgetting to turn the covers over more often.

With the help of special devices

Comfortable these days floor dryer only the lazy did not get linen. Just this useful thing will come in handy for drying cases filled with feathers and down. To speed up drying, it is placed in close proximity to heating radiators.

Another modern helper in everyday life is a dryer. This is the perfect solution to the issue of drying washed bedding. According to the instructions, such a unit ensures their complete drying within four hours at a given temperature regime 30 degrees. If you put a few balls in the dryer, then at the same time you can get rid of lumps. Owners of automatic machines equipped with a dryer should also use miracle balls that will take care of uniform whipping of the downy filling.

Whatever method is used, the final stage of pillow processing is filling the washed and ironed pillowcase with dried filler. The cut edge is sewn together.

Care rules

With proper and timely maintenance, a feather pillow will last much longer.

What is needed for this:

  • Shake the pillows daily to prevent the stuffing from caking. It is advisable to do this in the morning, so that by the evening the product has time to restore its original shape.
  • Ventilate bedding outdoors monthly. You are already aware of the beneficial effects of ultraviolet radiation and frosty air. In addition, this great way refresh the pillow, on which it will be a pleasure to sleep. High humidity in the apartment is a reason for more frequent drying.
  • Long-term storage of feather pillows involves the use of dense fabric cases. The disadvantage of plastic bags is insufficient ventilation, due to which the product may “suffocate”.

Feather pillows are not a relic of the past. They are still popular, even with a wide variety. bedding from modern materials. Down and feathers are natural fillers that have unique thermal insulation properties. With proper care, pillows last a very long time and give their owners comfort during sleep.

It would be a mistake to think that to keep the pillow clean, it is enough just to change the pillowcases in a timely manner. Dust, sweat and other contaminants penetrate through the fabric of the pillowcase and the pillowcase. As a result, feathers and down become a favorable breeding ground for dust mites and mold fungi, the waste products of which can cause severe allergic reactions, which is especially important for people with bronchial asthma. Unlike synthetic fillers, the colonization of microfauna in feather pillows occurs intensively and quickly.

Pillows should be washed at least once a year. The reason for more frequent washing is the appearance of a persistent characteristic odor.

Previously, it was customary to clean pillows in winter in very coldy and dry hot weather in summer. For the life of dust mites, the optimal conditions are high humidity and temperature 18-25 ℃, and under the influence of high or low temperatures they die. However, now not everyone has the opportunity to lay out pillows on the street for several days.

It is known that products made of fluff, for example, down jackets, are undesirable to wash at home, since the filler can fall into lumps and lose their beneficial features. Therefore, the question of how to wash a feather pillow can be confusing.

Of course, the easiest way is to take the pillow to the dry cleaners. As a result of processing, feathers and down are not only cleaned, but also acquire additional volume.

You can also wash your feather pillow at home to keep it clean and fluffy. This can be done both manually and using a washing machine.


To wash a feather pillow at home, you need to prepare:

  • a piece of gauze several meters long;
  • detergent for washing products made of fluff or wool;
  • fabric softener or essential oil.

Washing a pillow means cleaning its filler from accumulated dirt. It is unlikely that it will be possible to wash a feather pillow qualitatively without tearing the pillowcase. By washing the pillow entirely, you will not only not clean the fluff and feathers, but also risk spoiling them - after such a wash, the filler may clot or rot. Therefore, even if you are afraid that fluff and feathers will scatter throughout the apartment, feel free to proceed with the procedure.

To clean as carefully as possible, before proceeding to rip open the bedsheets, lay a sheet on the floor and perform all manipulations only on it. There should be no drafts in the room, as well as objects that will be difficult to clean from settled feathers. In any case, fluff will scatter around the room, so you should have a vacuum cleaner at hand, with which you can quickly collect it, preventing it from spreading throughout the apartment.

So, the pillow is torn open, and its contents lie on the spread sheet. What's next? There are two options. You can immediately start washing the filler or pre-place it in small portions in gauze bags. Both of these methods have their advantages and disadvantages. Sewing gauze bags will require some time and effort, but it will greatly facilitate washing. In the second case additional training is not required, but the process itself will be more complicated (you need to filter water with filler through a sieve, and also constantly make sure that drains do not clog).

To wash the filler using gauze, you need to fold the fabric several times and sew bags out of it. To wash one medium pillow, you will need three bags, if the pillow is very large - four or even five. It should be remembered that the less feather is in one bag, the easier it is to clean the filler with high quality. After filling, the bags are sutured. The seam should not be too sparse, as the contents can break through it. You can, of course, tie the edges, but then you have to constantly monitor the safety of the knot.

IN warm water dilute a small amount of detergent for washing feathers or wool and wash the bags in it, trying to thoroughly grind the filler inside. Then the bags are rinsed in clean water, changing it up to five times. During the last rinse, add a little conditioner or a few drops to the water. essential oil. It is better to choose light and unobtrusive aromas. Smells that are too intense or harsh, which will later end up with a feather in your pillow, can cause headache or interfere with sleep.

If you decide to start washing without using gauze, the sequence of actions should be the same. The filler is carefully transferred to a basin with warm water in which detergent is dissolved. Immerse the pen in the water carefully so that it does not fly apart. You can leave the filler soaked for several hours, this is enough for the contaminants to dissolve. Then the water with the filler is carefully filtered through a sieve and washed running water. During the final rinse, a conditioner or essential oil is also added.

It is necessary to wring out the filler as carefully as possible, because even a wet feather dries for a very long time, and a poorly squeezed one can also stick together. The bag can be laid out on a towel and then twisted, thereby gently squeezing out excess water.

So, it is obvious that washing a pillow at home by hand is not so difficult, but a washing machine can make the task even easier.

Machine wash

To wash a feather pillow in the washing machine, be sure to use special bags. In addition, the density and strength of the seams of such a bag must be monitored especially carefully, since feathers that have come out can clog the drain. The probability that the bag in the drum will break is quite high, which is why few people risk washing pillows at home.

The bags should be small in volume, while at the same time it is advisable to place several towels in the drum, as well as special balls. This technique will not allow fluff and feathers in the typewriter to fall off.

When machine washing the pillow, it is advisable to put several towels and special balls in the drum for it.

For washing, you must use delicate mode, such as "wool", with a temperature of 30 ℃ and a maximum number of rinses. For spin it is better to choose average indicators - with fast rotation, bags with filler may burst.

A wool or feather detergent is added to the powder compartment, and a conditioner is used to rinse.


It is very important not only to wash the feather pillow correctly, but also to dry it. If this is done poorly, you can ruin the filler completely and irrevocably (for example, if mold forms on feathers in a humid environment).

Bags with washed filler are dried in a suspended form, periodically whipping (you can use a regular beater for this purpose). You can also fold the filling into a clean pillowcase made from a thin fabric, such as chintz.

It is best to dry your pillows outdoors. Therefore, it is preferable to clean them in the summer and hang the filler bags on outdoor balcony, but not in direct sunlight, but in the shade or partial shade. If you washed the pillow in winter, it is also recommended to hang it out in the cold for a while to further disinfect it.

It is necessary to dry the products at such a temperature that they are completely dry within two days. With longer drying, the filler may begin to rot.

Drying can also be carried out indoors, choosing a dry and warm place without a draft, for example, near the battery. Down or feather can be laid out on a flat horizontal surface. For fast and high-quality drying, feathers need to be turned over from time to time. To prevent the filler from flying apart, it should be covered on top with gauze or a thin cloth.

After drying, the filler is placed in a clean pillowcase and carefully sewn up. Then they put on a pillowcase and enjoy sleeping on a clean and fresh pillow.

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Svetlana 26.02.2018 04:37

You can also wash the pillow with the help of an automatic machine, but few people know how to do it correctly. To figure out how to wash pillows at home, you need to familiarize yourself with the cleaning methods depending on the filler.

Products can be filled with down, feathers, wool, synthetic or organic materials such as buckwheat.

You can easily wash pillows with synthetic filling in a typewriter. Products made of fluff will require certain nuances to be observed, and it is possible to wash pillows filled with organic matter only in some cases.

How to wash pillows in a washing machine?

The most common synthetic filler is synthetic winterizer and holofiber, although there are other options such as polyester and even polyester balls. It is easiest to wash such a product in a typewriter at home, since synthetics are less whimsical to cleaning conditions.

To see if synthetic pillows can be washed in the washing machine at home, place a heavy object on them before washing. After a while, remove it and look at the ability of the pillow to restore its original shape. If the product was able to do this, then washing in the machine will not harm it.

As you know, many washing machines are equipped with special programs that allow you to take care of fabrics. Normal modes such as everyday washing at home for synthetics will not work. For her, it is best to choose a delicate wash or special program cleaning bedding.

If your machine does not have special modes, try to find one that meets the optimal conditions for cutting the product. It is better to wash the pillow in the washing machine when not high temperature about 40 degrees at low rpm. As for cleaning products, it is best to choose gels. The powder can be poorly washed out of synthetic fibers, while the gel is much easier to rinse out. Since the pillow is one of the products with which a person is actively in contact with the skin, it is better to rinse it additionally after washing.

Pillows with synthetic filling are unpretentious to spin. Such a product will not suffer from spinning at a speed of about 1000.

How to wash a feather pillow in a washing machine?

These product options are more difficult to clean than synthetic pillows. But they can also be washed at home in a typewriter machine. However, this is not so easy to do. If you simply place pillows with synthetic filler in the drum of the machine and wash them in a certain mode, then the product of their fluff must first be torn along the seam, and then the filler should be divided into several parts. Down and feathers are sewn into pillowcases or specially designed covers. You should not interfere with too much fluff in one cover, as in this case it will be washed much worse.

When the filler of their fluff is distributed on pillowcases or covers, it must be put in the machine. If your device has a drum of normal sizes, then you need to lay several cases with feathers. At large sizes you can put about four at once.

To prevent fluff and feathers from bunching up, a couple of tennis balls should also be placed in the drum. The same principle applies to down garments, so you can purchase special laundry balls from the down department. If you are going to wash with powder, cut the amount of powder you normally use for washing by half. But the best remedy becomes a gel.

Feather pillows can be washed using programs for delicate fabrics or duvets. The water temperature during washing should not be higher than 30 degrees. On the spin cycle in the machine at home, you need to set the minimum possible number of revolutions. Be sure to use an extra rinse.

Feather pillows should be washed at least once a year, although it is best to clean them about three times a year.

How to wash pillows made of natural material?

In addition to synthetics or down, there are other equally popular fillers.

For example, bamboo pillows. It is a natural material that has antibacterial properties, gives the product softness and at the same time elasticity. Bamboo options are ideal for sleeping, while they are easy to machine wash at home. You need to clean it at home every six months, because layers of bamboo fibers accumulate inside it.

You can wash bamboo products at home in the same way as options with synthetic filler. As cleansers, you can choose gels for washing children's things or blinds. Balls can be placed in the drum to beat the bamboo when washing.

As a filler, sheep or camel's wool. Is it possible to wash pillows with this filler at home? The answer will be yes, but in this case the machine must have a wool cleaning program. Laundry detergents should also be made specifically for wool. They usually contain lanolin.

  • The popular pillow filled with buckwheat husks can only be cleaned by hand. To do this, the product must be torn, dried and calcined at home, and its cover should be washed by hand or in a delicate mode in a typewriter.

How to dry products?

Washing such products is distinguished by the presence of nuances for each filler. But no less important process is drying. If done incorrectly, the pillow will have an unpleasant smell, and if it does not dry out completely, it will become a breeding ground for germs.

Options filled with synthetics or bamboo are dried on a horizontal surface. At the same time, it is desirable that the room is well ventilated.

If you washed down products, you need to dry such a filler very quickly so that it does not rot. Therefore, it is recommended to clean in the machine at home. down pillows in summer. On a sunny day with high air temperature, any amount of fluff will dry much faster. As the filler dries, it needs to be whipped. When it becomes completely dry, the fluff and feathers are transferred back to the cover and sewn up.

Woolen options are dried horizontally on the floor, but you can also use the drying mode, if the washing machine has one. But you need to dry the wool in the machine at a temperature of 30 degrees.

Is it possible to wash the products differently? Of course, you can clear them manually. Perhaps this option would be more acceptable for down products. But even when cleaning by hand, you must remember that the water temperature should not exceed 40 degrees.

To wash feather products on your hands at home, the filler is not placed in pillowcases or covers, but washed directly. It is left for two hours in water, in which the cleaning agent is first diluted. Then the feathers or down are washed and rinsed with a colander. Dry down filler on towels.

In addition to washing in a machine or by hand, steam can be used to clean products at home. This will require a special steam installation.

If you're not sure you can clean your pillows at home, you can always take them to the dry cleaners, but it's pretty easy to wash synthetic, down, and wool items yourself.

Bird feather - traditional for pillows. It is usually combined with down to increase softness and reduce the weight of the product. Feather used for bedding waterfowl- ducks, geese, eiders, swans. Benefits of these pillows affordable price, hygroscopic and breathable. Disadvantages - the likelihood of developing allergies, as well as the possibility of reproduction of mites and mold. Helps avoid problems proper care for products. They need to be cleaned once a year. Let's figure out how to wash a feather pillow at home.

When deciding how to wash a feather pillow at home, you need to know that wet cleaning can be done both with a washing machine and manually. In any case, it is impossible to process the entire product as a whole.

In preparation for machine washing, you need to sew a few covers of chintz or other thin cotton fabric without holes. It is better not to use gauze: one layer will not hold the feathers inside, and if you fold it in half, the filler will get stuck between the layers. Requires 4-5 bags for one medium size pillow. An easier way is to sew one cover 2-3 times more than the pillowcase.

Before washing feather pillows, preparation for machine cleaning should include the following steps:

  1. Rid the pillow of dust by knocking it out with a cracker.
  2. Rip one end of the lining.
  3. Transfer the filler to the covers, filling each by 50-70%, or place the pen in 1 bag.
  4. Firmly sew the free edges of the covers.

Tip: After gutting the bedclothes, it is advisable to immediately clean it: knock out the remnants of fluff, wash, dry and iron. You can sew a new cover from thick fabric. Teak is ideal for these purposes.

Machine wash pillows

How to wash a feather pillow in a washing machine? An important point is the choice of detergent. It is better not to use a standard powder, since its particles are difficult to rinse out and may remain in the pillow filler. In addition, a loose agent does not improve the properties of the pen. But if you have to use it, then you need to pour a small amount into the machine - about 30-50 g.

Suitable preparations for washing down and feather filler are gel-like products for delicate fabrics or special substances for natural fibers. The latter include "Unipuh" - a liquid preparation intended for pillows and blankets. It does not contain phosphates, chlorine and bleaches. "Unipuh" effectively removes impurities without damaging the structure of the feather, and also maintains its breathability and lipid coating. The tool protects the filler from rolling and brittleness.

You should also prepare special ones made of soft plastic. They are placed in the drum of the machine. During its operation, the balls “pound” the product, removing all impurities. When cleaning the feather filler, they prevent it from falling into one lump. Plastic laundry balls can be replaced with two clean tennis balls.

Washing feather pillows in a washing machine consists of the following steps:

  1. Load 2-3 bags of filler into the drum. If you put more, there will be too much vibration, and the pen will clump. When washing the filler from a small pillow in one large cover, it is advisable to add several towels to the drum to evenly distribute the load.
  2. Pour or pour detergent into a special compartment. Air conditioning is not recommended.
  3. Throw balls into the drum.
  4. Select a mode. Ideally, if the machine is equipped with the “Duvet” (“Down”) mode. If it is not available, choose a delicate or hand wash. Optimum temperature- 30 ºС. A higher value can lead to the destruction of the natural filler.
  5. Set the spin speed to no more than 400 and an additional (intensive) rinse. If it is not possible to select the minimum spin, it is better to turn it off.
  6. After the end of the wash cycle, take out the covers, put them on a towel and roll it up, squeezing out the water.

Hand wash pillows

How else to wash a feather pillow at home? The second way to wet clean the pillow is to wash it by hand. It is more labor intensive than washing machine processing, but allows you to control each step and avoid damage to the filler.


  1. Pour water at a temperature of 30 ºС into a bathtub or a large basin. If the bowl is small, then the filler must be processed in batches so that it floats.
  2. Add detergent to the liquid - washing gel, a special preparation for fluff, shavings of baby or laundry soap. Stir it up.
  3. Pour the filler into the container, spread the lining on one side.
  4. Soak for 2-4 hours.
  5. Collect some of the feathers with a colander, rinse under the tap and transfer to any suitable container. Process the entire filler in this way.
  6. Pour water out of the bathtub or basin, closing drainer mesh so that it does not clog.
  7. Dial clean water and add detergent to it. Dip the feathers into the liquid. Rub them with your hands.
  8. Collect the pillow filler in a colander, rinse thoroughly under running water. Squeeze lightly to remove most of the moisture.

Note: Before finally washing the feathers, they can be dipped for a few minutes in water with a little essential oil. This will help sanitize them and fill them up. pleasant aroma. It is advisable to use lavender, orange, cypress or other oil with antiseptic properties.

Drying pillows

Having figured out how to properly wash the pillow in the washing machine or by hand, you should consider the drying rules.

  1. It is important to completely rid the feathers of moisture. Otherwise, fungi and pathogens will begin to multiply in them, which will lead to an unpleasant odor and damage to the filler.
  2. The best time of the year to wash feather pillows is summer. Due to the high temperature, moisture will evaporate quickly, and the product will dry in 1-2 days.
  3. The optimal drying zone is a well-ventilated place in the lacy shade of trees or under diffused sunlight. In the apartment, it is better to mark the pillow on the balcony.
  4. When washing in the cold season, it is advisable to dry it near the heater. In addition, you can use a hairdryer, but its time continuous work should not exceed 15 minutes.

Ways to dry pillows:

  1. Hang the pouches or one feather case on a clothesline.
  2. In a draft-free room, pour out all the filler on a horizontal surface, placing paper or cloth under it that absorbs moisture well.
  3. Place the covers in the dryer of the washing machine, setting the temperature to 30 ºС.

In any case, every 1.5-2 hours you need to shake the feathers (beat the bags) and disassemble the resulting lumps with your hands. On last step The pillow filling should be poured into a clean or new pillowcase and sewn up.

If the feathers are matted, after they are completely dry, they can be fluffed using one of the following methods:

  1. Put the pillow in plastic bag, insert the tube of the vacuum cleaner into it, tightly wrap the junction with adhesive tape. First draw out all the air, and then blow it back. Repeat 2-3 times.
  2. Place the pillow on a soft horizontal surface. Tap on it with a plastic clapperboard on both sides.

If it was not possible to completely dry the pillow, and an unpleasant smell appeared and dark spots, it is necessary to repeat the washing process.

Extend service life feather pillow proper care will help:

  1. Once a day, the product should be whipped. It is better to do this in the morning so that the filler restores its shape during the day.
  2. Pillows should be vacuumed or dusted once or twice a month.
  3. Once every two months, the product should be taken out for Fresh air. Sun rays or frost will refresh the filler and rid it of ticks. If the air humidity is very high in the house, then it is recommended to dry the pillow more often.
  4. For long-term storage, the pillow must be placed in a cover made of dense fabric. Polyethylene is better not to use.

Thorough cleaning of the feather at least once a year is a mandatory item in the care of pillows. This helps to prevent the development of pathogenic organisms in the filler and restore its properties - softness and elasticity. If it is not possible to wash at home, it is advisable to take the pillow to the dry cleaner. Professionals will clean and disinfect the fluff, and then fill it with a new pillowcase.


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