Ramadan start schedule. Suhoor and iftar (morning and evening meals)

One of the months of the Islamic calendar is called Ramadan, which is translated from Arabic as "hot". This is true, because it is at this time that the sun is at its zenith. But not only the location of the daylight predetermined the name of Ramadan - in this month, all Muslims adhere to a strict fast, which bears the name of the same name with the ninth calendar month.

When does Ramadan start in 2017

Due to the difference in calendars, the beginning of the sacred period changes every year. In 2017 Ramadan falls between May 27th and June 25th. Fasting begins with the first dawn and ends after the appearance of the first evening star.

First of all, Ramadan 2017 (or Ramadan) is a fast on the holy 9th month, which is considered mandatory for all Muslims and is of a special nature. It belongs to the five sacred pillars of the Islamic faith:

Shahada is a declaration of faith. The promise of a Muslim to recognize only his faith and honor the laws of his people.
Namaz is the five daily obligatory prayers.
Uraza - the name of the post during holy month Ramadan.
Zakat is obligatory alms to be given to those in need.
Hajj is a pilgrimage to Mecca.

During one of the most difficult months of the year (Ramadan - the hottest month), Muslims adhere to a very strict fast, which, they assure, helps to pacify worldly desires, become more spiritual and close to God - Allah.

How to observe a Muslim fast


Throughout the month, Muslims eat twice a day: in the morning and in the evening. The morning meal is called suhoor. It must be completed before dawn. Suhoor consists of fruits or dairy products. After eating, there is a mandatory morning prayer - fajra. The second meal is taken after the evening Maghrib prayer. It is believed that during this period it is best to dine with dates.

Physical prohibitions

During fasting, it is forbidden to have sexual intercourse, eat or drink outside the allotted time for this, smoke, including hookah, drink alcohol and take drugs, and induce vomiting.

Moral prohibitions

Ramadan means purification of the soul and body. Therefore, a number of prohibitions touched the moral side of the life of every Muslim. During Ramadan, it is forbidden to lie, slander, swear, harbor anger, and swear. You can not skip the time of prayers and do not make alms.

Who is exempt from fasting Ramadan

Only those people who, for physical reasons, cannot bear it, do not fast: pregnant and lactating women, small children, the elderly, suffering from serious illnesses, mentally ill people and wanderers. If Ramadan was not observed on time, it should be held in another month, when the state of health allows it.

The holy month of Ramadan in 2017 (1438 AH) begins on May 26 at sunset. Thus, The first day of fasting is May 27, 2017. The month of Ramadan will last 29 days. On June 24, at sunset, the month of Shawwal will come, and on June 25, Muslims around the world will celebrate one of the two greatest Muslim holidays - Eid al-Fitr (Uraza Bayram, Uraza Ait). Excerpts from the fatwa of the Ulema Council of the DUM of the Russian Federation in connection with fasting in the month of Ramadan in 2016:


Eating must be stopped before it starts to get light, before the first signs of approaching dawn: “... Eat, drink until you begin to distinguish white thread from black [until the dividing line between the coming day and the leaving night appears on the horizon] at dawn. And then fast until the night [before sunset, refraining from eating, drinking and intimate relationships with your spouse (husband)]...” (Holy Quran, 2:187). With the beginning of the morning prayer-prayer, the meal (suhoor) also ends.

The importance of the morning meal is evidenced by the following words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him): “Eat before dawn [on fasting days]! Indeed, in suhoor - God's grace(barakat)!”. Also in a reliable hadith it is said: “There are three practices, the use of which will give a person the strength to fast (he will eventually have enough strength and energy to fast): (1) eat, and then drink [that is, do not drink much while eating, do not dilute the gastric juice, but drink after the feeling of thirst appears, 40-60 minutes after eating], (2) eat [not only in the evening, breaking the fast, but also] in the early morning [before the azan for morning prayer], (3) take an afternoon nap (nap) [approximately 20–40 minutes or more between 1 pm and 4 pm].”

If a person who intended to fast did not eat before dawn, then this does not affect the validity of his fast, but he will lose some of the sawab (reward), because he will not perform one of the actions included in the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad.

Iftar (evening meal) is desirable to start immediately after sunset. Postponing it to a later time is undesirable.

It is advisable to start breaking the fast with water and an odd number of fresh or dried dates. If there are no dates, then you can start iftar with something sweet or drink water.


It is important to remember that human life and health are paramount: “Do not throw yourself with your own hands (of your own free will) into danger (to death)!” (see Holy Quran, 2:195).

The Almighty has not done anything for us in religion that would burden and complicate life. The Qur'an says: "He [the Lord of the worlds] did not make difficulties for you (constraint, did not create a critical situation) in religion" (see Holy Qur'an, 22:78).

1) Wayfarers

If a person leaves home for another locality or the area, the distance to which is more than 90 km (approximately), then he is considered a “traveler” (musafir) and has the right to: reduce the four-rak’yat prayers to two rak’yats; do not observe the obligatory fast (uraza) with the subsequent obligatory replenishment of the missed days; not attend Friday sermon; not to perform Friday prayer, etc.

2) Women in the postpartum period and during regular

Women during these periods do not fast, for which there are direct arguments in the authentic Sunnah. Subsequently, it remains necessary to make up for the corresponding number of missed days one to one.

3) Pregnant and lactating mothers

Regarding the exemption from fasting pregnant and lactating, the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Verily, the Lord freed the traveler from fasting and from performing half of the [obligatory] prayer [that is, four rak'yat prayers are reduced to two]. Pregnant and lactating He freed [only] from fasting.”

4) Sick physically

“The numbered days are the days of fasting. And which of you will is ill or will be on the way, he [let] transfer the fast to other days. Those who cannot make up for it on other days [because of senile infirmity or an incurable disease] must feed the poor. Whoever does more [than feeds the poor] is better for himself. But if you fast [for example, a traveler who is not hindered by fasting on the way], this is the best for you, if you only knew!” (Holy Quran, 2:184).

IN this issue it all depends on what the qualified doctor says. Personal experience of the patient, of course, is also taken into account and taken into account. If it is really contraindicated for a person to fast, for example, because of the high probability of deterioration in physical condition, health, then he does not fast. After recovery, he will make up for the missed days of fasting one to one.

In the case when the disease has become chronic and it is unlikely that a person will be able to make up for the missed fast, he pays “fidyah-sadaqah”: for each missed day, it is necessary to satiate one destitute so that approximately as much money is spent on him as it takes on average for lunch himself person (or better - the average daily cost of food).

5) Mentally ill

People with mental illness are completely exempted from doing religious practice.

6) Elderly and infirm

7) Children

For minor children (up to about 15 years old), according to the canons of Islam, fasting in the month of Ramadan is not obligatory.

However, if parents believe that, from an educational point of view, joining this tradition will be useful, then this is possible. A child can fast for one day, several days, or in some light form, that is, at the discretion of the parents.


This prayer is obligatory sunnah (sunnah muakkyada) for both men and women. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever prays in the month of Ramadan with faith [in its significance] and expectation of reward [for it only from the Lord], the previous sins will be forgiven.”

The time for performing the Taraweeh prayer comes after the night prayer (‘Isha’) and lasts until dawn. This prayer is performed every day during the entire month of Ramadan (the month of obligatory fasting). Prayer "Vitr" these days is performed after the prayer "Tarawih".

The best is to perform this prayer together with other believers (jama‘at) in the mosque, although it is also permissible to perform it individually. Today, in conditions of a certain prostration, spiritual emptiness and lack of positive communication, attending collective prayers, and even more so such as “Taraweeh”, contributes to the appearance in a person of a sense of community, unity. A mosque is a place where people communicate indirectly, praying together, praising the Almighty, reading the Koran, regardless of social, intellectual or national differences.

Zakatul-Fitr and Sadakatul-Fitr

The phrases “zakatul-fitr” and “sadaqatul-fitr” are different names one obligatory type zakat, which is paid in the month of Ramadan immediately after it ends.

“Zakatul-Fitr” is a tax of breaking the fast, paid from each family member before the start of the holiday of Conversation (‘Idul-Fitr, Eid al-Fitr), or rather, before the holiday prayer. It is the final condition for the Creator to accept the observed fast. It is paid primarily in favor of the poor and needy Muslims, and is also used in other charitable activities.

Who pays and who receives

Who pays. Due to the lack of a clear narrative about this in the hadith texts, Islamic theologians have stipulated two opinions.

First. Anyone who has food and everything vital for himself and his family on a holiday, and at the same time he still has the opportunity to pay (or transfer food) “zakatul-fitr”, then he is obliged to do this. This is what most scientists thought.

Second. The person must be from among those who pay the annual obligatory zakat, which is one of the five pillars of religious practice. If the believer is such, then he pays this alms from himself and all who are under his material support. Hanafi theologians thought so, drawing an analogy between “zakatul-fitr” and the annual obligatory zakat.

Who receives. Islamic scholars are unanimous that zakatul-fitr is paid in the same eight directions in which the annual zakat is paid. Usually, believers donate their “zakatul-fitr” to local mosques, which subsequently distribute it in accordance with the prescriptions of the religion. It is important to note that this form of almsgiving cannot be passed on to people who are far from the concepts of faith.

Payment terms

The time of the possible payment of “zakatul-fitr” begins with the beginning of the month of Ramadan. This was the opinion of a significant part of Islamic theologians, among them scientists of the Shafi'i and Hanafi madhhabs.

It would be more appropriate to pay (or transfer products) a day or two before the holiday of the end of the fast (‘Idul-Fitr).

The most correct would be the payment of "zakatul-fitr" in the interval between sunset on the last day of fasting and until morning, before the start of the holiday prayer.

If the believer did not have time to do this before the holiday prayer, then the obligation still remains. It is highly desirable that this obligation be fulfilled on the first day of the holiday. According to all scholars, leaving it to a later time is sinful.

The monetary equivalent of “zakatul-fitr”

Spiritual Administration of Muslims Russian Federation the size of “fitr-sadaqah” is set:

150 rub. for the poor;

300 rub. for people with average incomes;

from 500 rub. for the wealthy.


If a person is able to fast, then he needs to make up for an imperfect fast for one reason or another only by fasting. It is more convenient to fast in winter when the days are shortest. There is no obligation to make up for missed days of fasting in a row, it is quite acceptable to restore, based on the possibilities, rhythm of life, schedule working week etc.

But the payment of “fidyah-sadaqah” is relevant for those who, most likely, will no longer have the physical ability to fast. “Fidya-sadaka” is a almsgiving, consisting in the fact that for each missed day of obligatory fasting, one beggar must be fed so that approximately as much money is spent on it as the average lunch costs (or better, the average daily cost of food ). Minimum size fidyah-sadaqah for 2016 is 250 rubles.

For a dying person, it is expedient to take into account the days of fasting he missed and bequeath to his heirs to pay fidyah for these days from his property. The children of the deceased can also pay fidyah from their personal savings on his behalf.

Fasting Ramadan- This is a sacred holiday in Islam, lasting a whole month. This is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar. It got its name in honor of the holy month of the calendar.

Let's see what this holy holiday is and why it is so important for its believers. Ramadan is famous throughout the world for the fact that, according to traditions, it is held in strict fasting and prayer. Fasting implies the rejection of food, drink, entertainment and bad thoughts, holding the believer in thought and prayer.

This holiday helps a person to get closer to God. Rapprochement occurs through several types of purification:

Physical, which occurs in the restriction of eating and drinking.
Spiritual, at the time of fasting, entertainment, pleasure, sex, and thoughts about sinful deeds are prohibited.

The main meaning of this holiday and the observance of all restrictions is the opportunity to show loyalty to Allah and pacify the negative qualities in a person that push him to commit evil. It is believed that with the restriction of oneself in life's joys, a person has time to think about his evil and insidious deeds committed during the year, which entail all the negative things in his life.

It is worth noting that Ramadan does not coincide with other holy holidays. Its onset is strictly related to the fact that the Islamic calendar is lunar, and all months begin from the moment of the new moon. Since Islam is a world religion, then the time of the onset of Ramadan in different countries will take place in different ways, with the appearance of the moon.

What is forbidden to do in Ramadan:

With the onset of Ramadan, daily conscious consumption of food and drink is prohibited, smoking of various tobaccos, including hookahs, and quenching sexual thirst is strictly prohibited.

What is allowed to do in Ramadan:

In Ramadan, unconscious eating, kissing, making caresses that will not lead to ejaculation, bathing and brushing teeth, donating blood, and involuntary vomiting are allowed.

Muslims are sure that in Ramadan the importance of doing good deeds and pilgrimages increases 700 times. In this month, Satan is put in chains, and good deeds reach Allah faster and better. At this time, Muslims approach prayers more responsibly than usual, read the holy book of the Koran, do good deeds, give donations to the poor and distribute obligatory alms.

While fasting, it is obligatory to pay alms (zakat al-filter). This payment is obligatory for Muslims and has an exact measurement. The amount of alms is 1 saa. Saa is a measure of weight equal to 3500 g. different cities used to donate different products. So in Europe they give zakat al-filter with wheat and barley, in the Middle East with dates, in Southeast Asia with rice.

How to eat in Ramadan:

The basis of fasting in Ramadan is quite simple, you can not eat and drink while the sun is shining in the sky. The morning meal, suhoor, should be done until the sun appears in the sky. Evening reception (iftar) can begin only when the sun disappears behind the sky. Meals usually begin with dates and water. Before eating, it is obligatory to read a prayer.

And of course prerequisite while fasting, there is a niyat (intention) to perform it. It manifests itself in the reading of prayers and the performance of rituals. The intention is pronounced every day between the night and morning prayers.

Who can be exempt from fasting in Ramadan:

Fasting is obligatory, but certain categories of people may be exempted from the strict conditions of saum. Minors and people with mental disabilities are exempted from fasting. If the believer went on a trip, then he begins to fast upon his return. Also exempt are pregnant women, and women who are breastfeeding children, women with menstruation. Elderly people who cannot restrain themselves in food prepare food for the poor.

Breaking the fast in Ramadan and its consequences.

It may happen that a believer has broken the keeping of the saum due to a serious illness or due to haida (menstruation). In this case, the believer can be rehabilitated before Allah, and he must fast one day before the next Ramadan, or must give a certain amount to the poor. If a believer has had sexual intercourse in daytime, he needs to compensate for this violation with six ten days of continuous fasting, or to feed sixty poor people. Breaking the fast without a good reason is considered a sin.

End of Ramadan

The last ten days of fasting are the most important for Muslims. Many of them follow the example of Muhammad and retire to read prayers. To do this, they hide in the mosque.

Glorious Ramadan holiday

After the end of the restrictions, Ramadan ends, three days of the holiday come, which are accompanied by breaking the fast. The first day is considered non-working, and schools can take vacations for all three days.

Cohabitation of several religions and conditions for non-fasters
It should also be noted that during Ramadan, people who do not fast, out of respect for Muslims, it is undesirable to demonstratively eat during the daytime, smoke, chew gum, turn on loud music in in public places. There is also this unwritten rule in countries with a mixed religion, for example in Israel, as well as in cities where Arabs and Jews live together.

Ramadan 2019: when

In 2019, Ramadan starts from May 5 to June 3. It should be noted that people are looking forward to this holiday with impatience and reverence, because Ramadan is not just a great holiday, but a personal miracle of the soul and body of every Muslim.

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar in which Holy Quran, in 2018 in most Muslim countries will begin on May 17.

For Muslims, this is the holy month of fasting and spiritual purification, it is the most important and significant of all periods of the year.

With the advent of Ramadan, every devout Muslim must begin fasting, as well as perform a number of necessary preparations and religious rites.

Meaning and Essence of Fasting

Holy fasting is one of the five pillars of Islam, which must be observed without fail from morning prayer to evening prayer. In Islam, this type of worship is intended to bring believers closer to Allah. When the Prophet Muhammad was asked: "What is the best business?" He replied, "Fasting, for nothing compares to it."

Fasting is not only abstinence from food and drink, but also abstinence from sins, so the essence of fasting is to cleanse a person from vices and passions. Refusal of vicious desires during the month of Ramadan helps a person to refrain from committing everything forbidden, which in the future will lead him to purity of actions not only during fasting, but throughout his life.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Polyakov

So, the essence of Ramadan is the upbringing of God-fearing in a person, which keeps a person from any obscene deed.

The righteous believe that fasting, in addition to abstaining from food, drink and passion, also includes the abstention of body parts from everything obscene, since without this fasting will be ruined and the reward will be canceled.

Fasting also helps a person to control negative emotions and qualities such as anger, greed, hatred. The essence of fasting is that it helps a person to fight the passions that overwhelm him and control his desires.

© Sputnik/Victor Tolochko

Ramadan in 2018 begins on May 17 at sunset and ends on June 15 in the evening, after which the Eid al-Fitr holiday will begin (the Turkic name is Eid al-Fitr).

Ramadan, in different Muslim countries, may begin at different time, and it depends on the method of astronomical calculation or direct observation of the phases of the moon.

How to fast

Fasting begins at dawn and ends after sunset. During the month of Ramadan, devout Muslims refuse to eat during the day.

In Islam, there are two nightly meals: suhoor - pre-dawn and iftar - evening. It is advisable to finish Suhoor at least half an hour before dawn, but iftar should begin immediately after the evening prayer.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexey Danichev

According to the Quran, the best food for breaking the fast at night is water and dates. Skipping suhoor and iftar is not a violation of the fast, but observance of these meals is encouraged by an additional reward.


The following words of the Prophet Muhammad testify to the importance of the morning meal: "Eat food before dawn on the days of fasting! Verily, in the suhoor - God's grace (barakat)!"

Throughout Ramadan morning reception Muslims spend food before dawn. They believe that Allah will greatly reward such an action. During the traditional suhoor, you should not overeat, but you should eat enough food. Suhoor gives strength for the whole day.

© photo: Sputnik / Mikhail Voskresenskiy


Evening meals should be started immediately after sunset, that is, after the last daily prayer (or the fourth, penultimate prayer on that day).

After iftar, Isha follows - the night prayer of Muslims (the last of the five obligatory prayers). daily prayers). It is not recommended to postpone iftar, as it will be bad for the body.

In order not to overload the stomach in a few hours of a summer night and at the same time recharge your batteries for a long hungry day, it is not recommended to immediately drink water with food, diluting gastric juice. You need to drink about an hour later, when you feel thirsty.

What you can and can not eat in the post of Ramadan

During suhoor, doctors recommend eating complex carbohydrates - cereal dishes, sprouted grain bread, vegetable salad. Complex carbohydrates provide the body with energy, despite the fact that they are digested for a long time. Dried fruits - dates, nuts - almonds and fruits - bananas are also suitable.

Protein food should be discarded in the morning - it takes a long time to digest, but loads the liver, which works without interruption during fasting. You shouldn't drink coffee. In the morning, you can not eat fried, smoked, fatty foods - they will cause an extra load on the liver and kidneys. In the morning, fish should also be abandoned - after it you will want to drink.

During iftar you can eat meat and vegetable dish, cereal dishes, in a small amount of sweetness, which can be replaced with dates or fruits. You need to drink a lot of water. You can also drink juice, fruit drink, compote, tea and jelly.

In the evening, it is not advisable to take fatty and fried foods. It will harm health - cause heartburn, deposit extra pounds. Exclude foods from evening meals fast food- various cereals in bags or noodles, as they will not saturate and in just an hour or two you will want to eat again. In addition, such products will cause appetite even more, as they contain salt and other spices.

It is better to exclude sausages and sausages from the diet during the Ramadan fast. Sausages affect the kidneys and liver, satisfy hunger for only a few hours, and are also able to develop thirst.

Children, sick people, pregnant and lactating women, travelers, warriors and the elderly who are physically unable to fast are exempted from Ramadan. But it is obligatory to compensate for fasting in another, more favorable period.

Month of patience and education of the spirit

Fasting is not only abstaining from food, drink and sexual intercourse from the beginning of the morning dawn until sunset, but also spiritual purification. A Muslim fasting in the month of Ramadan educates his spirit and learns to be patient by resisting base desires and refraining from evil words and deeds.

It is important to perform the five times daily prayer (prayer) on time, which mainly consists of reciting the verses of the Qur'an and glorifying God at the same time as taking various postures.

© photo: Sputnik / Denis Aslanov

The five periods of time in which worship should be performed correspond to the five parts of the day and the distribution various kinds human activity: dawn, noon, afternoon, late afternoon and night.

With the onset of Ramadan, it is customary for Muslims to congratulate each other in words or in the form of postcards, because this particular holiday is the moment of the birth of the holy book of the Koran, which plays special role in the life of every believer.

Material prepared on the basis of open sources

For every Muslim, the holy month of Ramadan is not only a period of strict fasting, but also a symbol of spiritual and physical purity, an opportunity to get rid of sinful deeds and thoughts, to prove one's devotion to the Almighty. Translated from Arabic, "Ramadan" means "hot" or "hot" - indeed, believers have to observe many severe restrictions and mandatory ritual actions throughout the month. In addition, in the Arabian Peninsula, which is considered the "cradle" of Islam, fasting has long fallen on a time of exhausting summer heat. What date does Ramadan 2017 start? The beginning and end of the holy month is determined by lunar calendar so each year the event falls on a different date. Today we will find out the schedule for Ramadan in 2017 for Moscow, as well as traditional features - what you can eat and what you can’t do on this important muslim post(urazu).

Ramadan 2017 - the beginning and end of the holy month

According to ancient legends, during his stay in the cave of Hira near Mecca, the prophet Muhammad received the first divine revelation from the angel Jibril - this happened an important event in the month of Ramadan (Ramadan) 610. Together with the subsequent revelations received by the prophet from the Almighty, a holy book Koran. Wide use received the feast in 622.

What date does Ramadan start and end in 2017?

According to the Muslim (lunar) calendar, Ramadan is considered the ninth month, and its beginning and end are annually determined by learned theologians. In 2017, the holy month will begin on May 27 and end on June 25, after which the strict the post will come a cheerful holiday of breaking the fast - Uraza-Bayram.

Month of Ramadan 2017 - schedule-calendar of prayers for Russia (Moscow)

During the holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are required to observe strict post(urazu), adhering to a specially drawn up schedule - for Russia, the United Arab Emirates, Tunisia or another country. So, in Moscow, Ramadan in 2017 begins on May 25 at 9:06 pm, and ends at 9:20 pm on June 24. During strict fasting, a prayer is considered an obligatory ritual for every devout Muslim, which is traditionally read in the morning after waking up, during the day and in the evening before going to bed. We bring to your attention the schedule of Ramadan fasting in 2017 for Moscow - following our calendar, you can perform prayer according to all the rules and at a certain time.

Schedule of the month of Ramadan 2017 - for Moscow

What you can eat in Ramadan - the rules of nutrition during holy fasting

The main rule of Ramadan is the restriction in food, drink, smoking and intimacy. Thus, the soul and body are cleansed of sins and various negativity. As for food during the holy fast, there are their own rules and restrictions. So, all believing Muslims with the onset of Ramadan can eat only after sunset - this dinner is called iftar. According to tradition, the whole family gathers at the table after evening prayers, local time. Fasting begins every day at dawn, and ends with the last ray of the sun - and so the whole month of Ramadan.

Food and water for Ramadan - fasting features

According to Islamic canons, morning breakfast(suhoor) must end before dawn, and the evening meal (iftar) is held only after sunset. Before starting a meal, you need to take three sips of water and eat a few dates. Each meal is preceded by a special prayer - pre-dawn or evening. What can you eat on Ramadan? Despite the strict fast, different dishes are served for the meal - from meat, cereals, vegetables. The most popular drinks include tea, coffee, milk and water.

Ramadan - what should Muslims not do?

During the holy fast of Ramadan, there are a number of restrictions and prohibitions for Muslim believers. What not to do on Ramadan? It is strictly forbidden to consume alcohol and different types and drinks, smoking and inhaling the smell of tobacco, as well as engaging in intimate relationships during the daytime.

During Ramadan, the following may not fast: mentally ill Muslims, pregnant and lactating women, children, the elderly, travelers.

So, now you know what month Ramadan 2017 is, the beginning and end of the holy fast, as well as the schedule-calendar of prayers for Moscow and other cities. What to eat and what not to eat during Ramadan? Following our recommendations, you will be able to properly hold the uraza - according to all the religious rules of Islam.

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