Repair of filling fittings for toilet cistern. How to fix a toilet flush cistern with a button? With two buttons

If problems arise with the drain tank, it is not necessary to call a specialist to your home. Try to independently determine the cause of the breakdown and eliminate it. Most often, it is enough to simply inspect the tank from the inside and replace worn parts. Let's look at how to repair the cistern yourself below.

Repair of a cistern - design and main parts of cisterns

The flush cistern greatly simplifies the process of flushing the toilet using tap water. At the same time, the comfort of staying in the toilet is significantly increased. Water flows from the water supply into the cistern, which has a filling and draining mechanism. The first version of the equipment accumulates water inside the tank to a certain level. Next, the water supply valve is closed.

After pressing the drain button, the drain mechanism begins to function. Water, in a certain amount, begins to be absorbed into the toilet bowl, flushing it away and entering the sewer system. That is, the principle of operation of the flush tank is based on the alternate functioning of the drain and water collection system.

In order to quickly and efficiently repair a toilet cistern, you should familiarize yourself with its main components. The first and main element is the water fill valve. It is used to adjust the water level in the tank after it enters the toilet. Float - allows you to control the amount of water in the tank.

Initially, the first flush tanks consisted of a rocker arm made of brass, on one part of which there was a float, and on the second part a valve with a rubber gasket that shut off the water supply to the tank. All parts of the overall system interact well with each other. In modern variations of flush tanks, the location of the float is not horizontal, but vertical. At the same time, the process of water flowing to the tank is accelerated, and the valve is located in its side part.

Some older models of flush cisterns have a special bulb that hermetically seals the free space. After tightening the lever, water flowed to the toilet.

Most modern cisterns consist of a fitting assembly that connects the filling and overflow systems. For it to function, you must press the button located on the toilet lid. At the same time, the button has two components; by pressing one of them, water enters the toilet in a small amount, while the second button provides a better flush.

Plastic parts and rubber gaskets are used as fittings for the cistern. If it is necessary to replace them, each part can be purchased separately at any plumbing store.

The drain mechanism also has an overflow, which protects the tank from overfilling with water. If there is excess water in the tank, it will never flow out of it, the drain valve will open and it will gradually flow into the toilet.

Also, when starting to repair an old cistern, you should familiarize yourself with the types of cisterns. In relation to the button or lever for draining water, flush tanks are:

  • side - relevant for tanks installed on the wall; to drain the water in such a tank, you need to pull the lever;
  • top - a button or two buttons are located at the top of the toilet exactly in the center.

In order to improve the aesthetic appeal of the bathroom, in some cases, the flush button is installed separately from the cistern and toilet.

In relation to the material from which the cistern is made, the following options are distinguished:

  • drain tank made of cast iron - it is practical to use, but is losing popularity due to its heavy weight and modern materials that are more convenient to use;
  • faience flush cistern - they are distinguished by the highest popularity, such flush cisterns complement the earthenware toilet bowl well, vary in shape and color, and fit well into any type of interior;
  • Plastic tanks are affordable and most often come in a flat shape.

In relation to the installation method, waste tanks have:

  • top mounting option - the tank is installed high on the wall, an additional pipe is used to connect it to the toilet, which is quite rare in modern use;
  • installing a cistern in the wall is a rather complicated process, for which it is necessary to equip an additional niche in the wall, however, this version of the cistern allows you to save useful space in the room;
  • Most often, the flush tank is installed on the toilet shelf; if any malfunctions occur, it is possible to quickly gain access to the tank and fix them.

Repair of the cistern mechanism

Initially, if problems arise with the operation of the drain tank, it is necessary to conduct a visual inspection of it. The cause of such problems is most often the float. In this case, the matter does not come to repair.

If water continuously flows into the toilet, while filling the tank again, then it is necessary to remove the lid of the flush tank and conduct a visual inspection of the float. With a slight misalignment, it may simply not work. Also, old rubber seals may not press tightly against the drainage system, causing water leakage.

First, try adjusting the float and fixing this problem. When filling the water to the limit without stopping, it is necessary to replace the float.

If there is a worn seal in the flush tank, it is necessary to press the valve against the drainage device; if water continues to flow into the toilet, then care should be taken to replace the seal. It is possible to add additional weights to make the seal heavier.

If the integrity of the float is damaged and it is gradually immersed in water, the water in the tank will fill it above the required level. In this case, it is necessary to replace the fittings in the drain tank.

To ensure that the fitting fits your cistern, remove it from the cistern and take it with you to the store. After removing the fittings, pay attention to every detail; it may be enough to replace one of the damaged elements and not buy the whole fittings.

Depending on the type of pipe connection to the drain tank, there are several types of fittings, so it is better to take it with you to the store. If the liner is located at the bottom, then to replace the fittings in this case, follow these steps:

  • turn off the water using a special tap installed next to the toilet;
  • unscrew the button and remove the cap on the drain tank;
  • disconnect the liner, remove the drain part of the tank, first the upper parts, and then the lower ones;
  • unscrew the fasteners on the drain tank;
  • install the tank on the toilet, unscrew the fasteners that secure the second, lower part of the fittings;
  • install new fittings in the tank and assemble it according to the same principle as it was disassembled.

The process of replacing toilet fittings lasts no more than twenty minutes, and no additional tools are required; it is enough to use pliers and standard keys.

Repair of tank inlet valve

In the process of performing repair work on the drain tank, you will need the following tools:

  • pliers;
  • adjustable wrench;
  • flat and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • rubber sealing gaskets;
  • silicone based sealant.

Quite often, the cause of problems in the operation of the drain tank is the inlet valve. With its help, the supply of water into the tank is regulated using a special lever system. In relation to the toilet option, this mechanism is installed in the side or bottom of the tank.

If a malfunction occurs with the inlet valve, the water in the tank will overflow. In this case, you need to perform the following actions:

  • try to lift the float up to the stop;
  • if in this case, the water does not flow, then it is necessary to change the height of the float, tighten the rod;
  • Clean the inlet valve from dirt and sediment, but before doing this you need to turn off the water. To clean the valve, use an old toothbrush, collect it and check the functionality of the mechanism.

With the help of these tricks, it is most often possible to solve problems that arise during the use of the cistern. However, if the problem remains unresolved, then most likely the inlet valve on the drain tank needs to be replaced. Depending on the type of tank connection, select a new mechanism. There are universal devices suitable for any type of toilet.

Do-it-yourself repair of cistern fittings

If problems arise with a leaking toilet, then in this case it is necessary to pay attention to the following factors, such as:

  • tightness of fixing the flush cistern on the toilet;
  • Inspect the rubber seal for mechanical damage or wear.

Initially, tighten the bolts securing the flush tank to the toilet. However, do not over-tighten them as there is a risk of damaging the toilet and cistern. If the leak is not eliminated, remove the tank and replace the seal located on the drain channel. It is also recommended to replace the washers installed on the tank. To seal all joints, use silicone-based sealant.

Repairing cisterns with a bottom water supply is more difficult to carry out. They also have leakage problems from a worn-out seal at the point where water fills. In this case, the seal is also replaced and fixed with sealant.

Repairing the cistern valve also helps eliminate cistern sump problems. Valve - ensures dosage and transportation of water to the toilet. The principle of operation of the toilet is that when water is supplied, the float rises to the required level, and then the flow of water is blocked. During the flushing process, the float lowers and allows water to flow into the toilet. If you see a rusty stripe inside the toilet, then the float is the cause of the breakdown.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the main types of malfunctions associated with the failure of the float valve:

1. Outdated gasket - in this case, water constantly flows into the drain tank. To get rid of the problem, it is enough to replace the damaged element of the tank.

2. Rust on the saddle - this problem is caused by water constantly entering the tank. In this case, it is recommended to replace the entire valve. However, it is also possible to install a gasket made of a denser material.

3. Lack of integrity in the float operation - some valves are made of plastic or steel. In this case, if the integrity of the float is damaged, it fills with water inside and does not rise up, blocking the water. To fix the problem, follow these steps:

  • turn the float over;
  • replace the float valve.

4. When the axial part on the lever wears out, the piston becomes stuck and insufficiently pressed, while water is constantly transported into the tank. To troubleshoot, you will need a nail. However, if the lever has too many defects, it is recommended to replace it.

5. If the stop valve is damaged, then repairing a toilet flush cistern with a button is carried out using a stopper from a plastic bottle. In this case, it will serve as a new thrust cap.

There are two more common problems with the operation of the cistern:

  • high noise level during toilet operation;
  • Problems with the drain start button.

If pressing the button does not drain the water in the tank, then you need to check the chain connecting the drain mechanism and the button. Try loosening the fastening on the button, maybe the problem will be solved.

If a strong sound effect occurs during the draining process, then to eliminate it, put a plug on the part specially designated for it in the drain tank. Most often, such problems arise when using tanks with side water supply. If after performing all the manipulations, the noise from the drain remains at the same level, then in this case, we recommend purchasing a special float-type system with a stabilizing chamber. This version of the system is characterized by quiet operation.

Since the drain tank has a fairly simple design, even non-professionals can repair it. The main thing is to correctly identify the problem and fix it in time. Remember, any equipment requires periodic preventative maintenance. Only in this case will it serve you for as long as possible.

Repair of toilet cisterns video:

In order for the toilet tank to last a long time and work without breakdowns, it is necessary to ensure its correct assembly and installation even during the installation of new plumbing. You should also make sure that high-quality materials are used during installation and that all connections and fasteners are reliable. Under these conditions, you will not need to repair your toilet cistern for many years.

Tank drain device

A fairly simple design, which consists of three main parts:

  • containers;
  • water supply valve with a shut-off float mechanism;
  • devices for draining water from the tank.

The main elements of the tank fittings

All these parts may differ in the materials from which they are made, design and operating principle.

Fill valve faults

Signs of valve failure are:

  • water constantly flowing down the toilet;
  • its complete absence;
  • very slow filling of the tank.

Constantly flowing water indicates that the tank is overfilled as a result of a maladjustment of the filling valve or a failure of the float mechanism.

A more rare failure may be wear of the sealing gasket covering the valve nozzle. In each of these cases, repairing the toilet cistern will not be difficult.

Before you begin adjusting the float mechanism, you need to check its serviceability. If the sealing of the float or buoy device is broken, it will simply sink and it is useless to talk about adjustment until it is replaced.

If the float is working properly, then its position is adjusted by changing the bend of the rocker arm, which is connected to the valve. The position of the buoy structure is adjusted by tightening the axial nut.

The float mechanism must be adjusted so that after filling the container to the overflow line, the valve is completely closed. This is achieved through several experimental attempts.

What to do if the water is constantly flowing?

The reason for such a constant leak in a small stream into the toilet may be damage to the sealing membrane at the junction of the drain siphon with the tank.

In this case, in order to repair the toilet cistern, you will need to replace this gasket with a new one. But, before replacing, be sure to check the correct connection of the push lever or the serviceability of the push button. Sometimes leaks are caused by them not working properly or sticking when they return.

The siphon membrane is located at the junction of the drain fittings and the tank

To replace the sealing membrane:

  • drain the water from the container;
  • disconnect the siphon from the push lever or button and remove it;
  • replace the old seal with a new gasket;
  • after that, install the siphon in place;
  • attach it to the push lever or button and tighten the clamp nut tightly.

Check the operation of the flush tank after repair. Most likely the leak will be fixed.

How to get rid of noise when filling the tank?

Most designs to reduce the noise level of water include the installation of a special drain pipe, through which water is discharged to its lower part when filling the tank.

First of all, check its installation. If the tube has fallen off, then put it on the fitting near the filling hydraulic valve. If such a tube is missing, then try to select the required diameter and install it.

Another way to get rid of strong noise when filling is to reduce the flow rate of the supplied liquid. This can be done by closing the tap on the water supply line or installing a restriction washer on the hose fitting.

What to do if the cistern does not fill with water?

The reason for the lack of water supply to the drain tank may be a clogged valve or supply hose, as well as sticking of the sealing gasket on the valve nozzle.

To check the condition of the supply hose:

  • shut off the water supply by closing the ball valve or valve at the point of connection to the water supply;
  • disconnect the hose from the tank and direct it directly into the bowl;
  • open the tap.

If the water flows normally, then the hose is working. Otherwise, it will need to be replaced with a new one. Cleaning an old hose is not recommended as you may damage the inner surface of the rubber tube, which will lead to unexpected and severe leakage in the future.

If the hose is working properly, it means that the water supply device is broken. Typically this part cannot be repaired or cleaned. It just needs to be replaced completely. And since valve designs vary, remove the broken part and take it with you to the store to buy exactly the same one.

Water flows at the toilet attachment point

If water begins to pour from the tank directly onto the floor, this means that the steel mounting bolts have rotted or the sealing gasket at the point where the tank is attached to the pedestal has been torn.

Unscrew the fastening bolts

But don't rush to start repairs. Before you repair your toilet cistern, you need to buy:

  • new set of mounting bolts;
  • rubber gaskets;
  • pressure washers;
  • a new sealing collar under the siphon.

Replacing fasteners

After purchasing the necessary materials, you can begin to work.

First of all, turn off the water by turning off the tap where the supply hose connects to the water supply network. Drain the water from the tank. Remove the old fasteners. To do this, unscrew the nuts that are located at the bottom of the rear of the frame.

They are probably in better condition than the bolt heads and will be easier to turn. Clean the fastener installation sites from dirt and rust.

Place the new cuff in place of the old one and place the tank on the toilet. Insert new gaskets and mounting bolts into the holes and secure their position with nuts.

The nuts must be tightened very carefully so as not to overtighten and damage the sanitaryware.

Open the water supply and check the tightness of the connections. In some cases, the leak may return after 2-3 days, so recheck the leaks over time.

Complete replacement of cistern fittings

Replacing the installation fittings in the water drain tank may be necessary in the event of a complete failure of its main components or in the case when you do not want to go through and repair the parts of the toilet flush tank individually. This is probably why you decided to completely replace all the filling.

When removing components and parts from the tank, pay attention to their design features. Model designs of flush fittings can differ significantly from each other.

The design of the fittings is different for side and bottom connections, and can also differ in the design of the tank, which can be installed directly on the frame or suspended separately.

When removing the tank, turn off the water supply and drain the water from it. It is best to assemble and install new fittings with the container removed. It will be much easier this way, and the build quality will be much higher.

Therefore, start the repair by disconnecting the flush barrel from the toilet:

  • carefully unscrew the drain button and remove the container lid;
  • unscrew the mounting bolts and inspect their condition, rusty bolts and cracked gaskets will need to be replaced with new parts during reinstallation;
  • remove the drain column by turning it 90 degrees or unscrewing the clamping nut;
  • remove the column from the tank;
  • disconnect the water supply hose and unscrew the clamping nut securing the supply valve;
  • remove it and install a new one, tighten and tighten the fastening nut;
  • install a new drain column by replacing the old membrane with a new one;
  • connect the water supply hose and adjust the position of the float mechanism as described in the first section of the article.

After all these steps, put the tank in place and secure it with the mounting bolts. Install the cover and secure its position by tightening the push button.

Check the operation of the drain tank. Pay special attention to the places where the flush tank is attached to the toilet and where the water supply hydraulic valve is attached. Make sure there is no overflow, but the container is filled to the maximum level.

It's not difficult to do it yourself

As you can see, it is quite possible to repair the toilet cistern on your own. Therefore, before calling a plumber, look at the cause of the breakdown and think about how difficult it will be to repair it yourself.

Most likely, you can fix almost any breakdown yourself, especially since today all the necessary parts for this are in stores.

When renovating a toilet, the installation of the toilet is usually approached carefully. This plumbing detail is the main element of the bathroom arrangement. However, even a properly carried out installation and compliance with all requirements does not guarantee that various problems will appear in the operation of the device over time. The most common operational problems that arise are breakdowns of the drain tank. Sometimes owners notice that the toilet tank does not fill with water at all or that the liquid enters the system too slowly. Often such a malfunction can be easily fixed with your own hands. The samples of plumbing fixtures produced nowadays allow owners to repair the toilet cistern without resorting to the help of professional craftsmen.

Before repairing a toilet cistern, you should understand the general principle of its operation and have a good understanding of the device from the inside.

Tank drain device

Today there is a large selection of different designs for draining water into the sewer, but they all have the same mechanism and principle of operation. The main components of such structures are a device for collecting water and for flushing it into the toilet bowl. To flush the tanks, there is usually a button or lever. It may be located on the cover or side of the device.

The flush cistern is sometimes installed at a certain vertical distance from the toilet. In this situation, the container is connected to the plumbing using pipes. This type of design allows you to increase the flow of flushed water.

In some models, the elements of the sewer system for drainage are hidden behind a special decorative screen or combined in one design with a bowl. At the same time, no matter what configuration the drain tank has, its structure remains unchanged.

Toilet cistern

The main functions of the product are as follows:

  • water is drawn into the system to a certain mark or level; malfunctions in the parts of this device are often the reason why water is not drawn into the toilet tank;
  • The water should be drained into the bowl in full or partially.

The main points of operation of the device while filling it with water:

  1. In order for water to resume flowing into the tank after draining, the float, which is fixed at the end of the lever, must work effectively.
  2. After pressing the button, the float lowers, opening a special hole for water supply.
  3. When water completely fills the system to the desired level, the float rises again and closes the fluid inlet channel.

Today they produce devices in which water is supplied from below. This is very convenient because it significantly reduces the noise level when filling the tank. However, such designs have a more complex structure and are much more expensive than conventional budget analogues.

Old-style devices used a similar drain principle. The hole for draining water was covered with a rubber part like a pear or a special valve. The lever, protruding beyond the structure, was connected to the body using a chain. To flush, you had to press the lever and it would open the drain hole.

Cistern. Inside view

If you are wondering why water is not filling into the toilet tank or is filling very slowly, first of all, you need to check this component for a malfunction. Sometimes a significant amount of liquid simply flows out through a drain that is not tightly closed. Later in our article we will look at ways to solve this problem.

Such designs are simple; they do not have a large number of small moving parts. If this system breaks down, you can easily repair it yourself. The toilet tank in your bathroom will work like new again.

However, newer toilet models have a different type of locking mechanism. Such fittings have the function of adjusting the flushing force or the volume of drained water. Externally, the device is a double button, each half of which allows you to release water with a different pressure.

Double Button Flush Parts

Tank repair technology

Water enters the drainage system from a water pipe, passing through a flexible hose. After the tank is completely filled, the rising float closes the membrane and blocks further access to liquid. When you press a button or release a lever, the rubber bulb moves up and water pours out, washing the bowl.

It is these parts that usually fail, and then water does not flow into the toilet tank or the device constantly leaks. In this case, it is not at all necessary to immediately prepare to replace the plumbing product. Often it is enough to simply buy a new hose or other structural element.

Hoses for supplying water to the tank

In some situations, you can get by with regular water supply adjustments or replace the drain system.

In order to repair a faulty drain tank, you need to prepare the following tools:

  • a sharp and long rod or nail;
  • adjustable wrench.

Step-by-step instruction

First, it is necessary to eliminate the incorrect position of the valve or float. These parts may move slightly. If there is a misalignment, you should remove the lid from the toilet tank and carefully adjust these elements by hand, putting them in place. Often, performing these simple steps is enough to fix the problem.

Adjusting the elements of the cistern

If this does not help, minor repairs will be required.

How to correct the situation if water does not enter the system

Before repairing the tank, turn off the tap water in the system. Then perform the following steps:

  1. Unscrew the hose using an adjustable wrench connecting the water supply tube to the tank, and check the free flow of liquid.
  2. Remove existing blockage. This must be done when water passes through the hose but does not fill the tank. Contamination may be in the pipe or its junction with the drain system. This area is cleaned with a nail or any other long sharp object.
  3. After that the flexible hose is attached back to the tank and check whether the container is filled with water.

Float repair

Malfunctions of this part, as a rule, are of two types: the float does not supply water to the system at all or does not completely block its flow. Problems are usually caused by either the float itself or the valve. Float designs may vary. They produce models of plumbing fixtures in which this part is hollow inside. There are also floats that resemble a cup turned upside down. The first option much more often stops functioning normally, since water can get into it. In this case, the situation can only be corrected by completely replacing the locking mechanism. The second version of the float is somewhat more convenient to use, however, over time, dirt accumulates on it and it can also fail. The problem is easy to fix - just rinse this system component well.

Float in the cistern mechanism

The shut-off fittings or valve, which restricts the water supply, ceases to cope with its functions due to contamination of the membrane or holes that allow water to pass through. To repair these parts, the float is disassembled. To remove the membrane, you need to remove the protective cap by turning it slightly. All membrane ducts are thoroughly washed, and then the part is put in place and the cap is screwed back on. However, it is often advisable to replace the membrane. Typically this spare design element is included when purchasing a new float.

Float adjustment

To adjust the position of the float, you need to perform a number of simple manipulations. You need to fill the drain tank and monitor the level to which the water reaches. The liquid should be located three to four centimeters below the side openings of the tank. Some drainage systems do not provide such clearances. Then pay attention to the body of the drain device - the liquid should lightly cover it.

Float repair and adjustment

You can get the required water level in the tank by raising or lowering the float. By raising this element of the system, you can increase the mass of water collected, and by lowering it, you will reduce the amount of liquid. Adjustment is carried out using a special screw or rail (the second option is often found in inexpensive plumbing models).

Fixing drainage problems

The troubles that arise due to a breakdown of the flush mechanism mainly boil down to the continuous flow of water into the toilet bowl. There are several reasons for such problems:

A leak can also occur at the junction of the tank and the toilet. Such problems can be eliminated by replacing all gaskets and rubber seals for fasteners or screws. To do this, the tank reservoir must be removed.

Dismantling and repair of the drain tank

If a breakdown occurs in the parts of the locking mechanism, then it is necessary to replace all failed elements or buy new shut-off valves.

As you can see, the cistern design of different toilet models is the same and has a fairly simple operating principle. If you understand the mechanism of action of all parts of the drain system, carrying out routine repairs will not be difficult. You can easily troubleshoot problems yourself. It is only important to notice the breakdown in time and solve the problem of a faulty tank.

The device of the drain tank. Drain tank. Inside view Hoses for supplying water to the tank Adjusting the elements of the drain tank

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 4 minutes

Plumbing equipment is subject to intense operating loads and often fails. When the toilet tank constantly leaks, it causes great losses due to excessive water consumption. It is not advisable to call specialists because the device fails, since repairs mostly involve adjusting the tank mechanism. But to understand how to fix a toilet, you first need to know how it works. Let's figure out how to independently repair a toilet cistern with a button.

Toilet device

The toilet includes the following elements:

  1. A toilet bowl connected to a sewer pipe with a sealed cuff.
  2. Drainage tank with fittings that allow it to be filled with water and drained.

A water supply hose is connected to the tank. Depending on the design, it is connected from the side or from the bottom. The bowl and cistern are usually connected to each other using bolts and a seal.

Accessories components:

  • rod release mechanism with drain button;
  • a shut-off device (inlet valve) connected to a float;
  • rubber sealing gaskets.

How a toilet with a button works

A toilet tank with a button is a water seal that is filled with a portion of water, which is supplied to the bowl when the valve is opened. The flush is controlled by a button that needs to be pressed. At the same time, the valve opens and the water flows down under its own weight, washing the bowl. After the tank is released, the shut-off valve at the inlet opens, the tank is filled with the next portion to a certain level, regulated using a float. Access to the mechanism is provided by opening the top cover of the tank.

Preparation for repair

Before you can repair the toilet cistern, you need to open it. It is only accessible from the top if you remove the cover. In many modifications it is attached using a ring around the button. This ring must be pressed and turned counterclockwise. After prolonged use, the ring may not turn. Then a few drops of oil are applied to the attachment point. After the ring has turned, unscrew it, and then release the button from the plastic clothespins and remove the cover.

Do-it-yourself methods for repairing the tank mechanism

Through the upper hole in the tank the entire mechanism of the drain fittings is visible. It may have the following faults:

  1. The tank is constantly leaking.
  2. There is no water pressure at the inlet.
  3. Uncontrolled drain mechanism.

The causes of these malfunctions can be different, and the method in which the toilet cistern will be repaired depends on them.

  • The plug (bulb) does not fit tightly to the drain hole. To avoid this, you should purchase high quality plumbing fixtures. The possibility of repair can be checked by pressing the rod with slight force. If water does not flow, the plug can be slightly weighted with additional weight or the stem can be leveled. You also need to periodically clean the seal from rust and salts, due to which the seal is broken and liquid constantly flows into the bowl.
  • The regulator does not shut off the water supply. At the same time, the tank will never overfill, thanks to the presence of an overflow tube. The serviceability of each element of the device is checked: float, intake valve, fasteners, rod. The failed part is replaced or the float mount is simply tightened.
  • Leaking from the tank into the room. It may have a crack or the gasket seal may be broken. Particular attention should be paid to the quality of the connection between the current tank and the bowl. It needs to be tightened, and if this does not help, the rubber gasket is changed. Another cause of a leak may be wear of the cuff at the junction of the bowl drain with the sewer pipe. The seal is replaced with a new one, having cleaned the connection of contaminants and treated the surfaces with sealant.
  • Weak pressure through the inlet valve. This usually happens if it becomes clogged. This can be prevented by cleaning or installing a filter in front of it.

Intake Valve Replacement

Before repairing the toilet, you should turn off the water supply valve. It is connected to the pipeline from the riser. Then the flexible hose is unscrewed from the inlet mechanism. It can be easily removed if the fastening is loosened. A new or repaired one is installed in its place. Assembly is carried out in reverse order. Plastic threads do not require sealing, and fluoroplastic tape is wound onto brass threads.

Replacing the drain valve

The main reason is the wear of the o-ring under the valve. To replace it, you need to remove the fittings and install a new gasket. Then reassemble in reverse order.

The water release button should always be used carefully and pressed without any sudden force.

Adjusting the water level in the tank

The water level can be easily adjusted with your own hands. To do this, the float is installed in a certain position.

The optimal level is considered to be when the water supply to the container has stopped, and a few centimeters remain to its upper edge.

The adjustment method depends on the design of the valve. The simplest one is bending a metal rod. If the float moves along a horizontal plastic guide, it is fixed using fastening elements in a certain position. With a vertical layout, it is moved with an adjusting screw.

When choosing the filling level, do not forget about the overflow tube. Its upper edge should be a couple of centimeters above the water level in the filled container. If it is located lower, water will constantly flow into the bowl through the overflow.

Tank Troubleshooting

The tank may leak water due to a crack in it. The same applies to the cup. In this case, the question of how to repair the flush tank or bowl does not arise: the entire toilet is usually replaced. A small crack in the top of the ceramic pieces can be repaired. To prevent it from spreading further and increasing water seepage, it is drilled at the ends and treated along the entire length with sandpaper. The work is done carefully.

Repair of a built-in tank (with installation)

It is more difficult to get to the tank mechanism installed behind a false wall. First of all, you should purchase a device that is highly reliable and rarely requires repairs. There should be inspection hatches in the wall through which you can get to the tank and replace the gaskets if the seal is broken. It is not possible to repair the drain fittings yourself due to the complexity of the design.

A coarse filter is installed in front of the hidden tank, which captures solid particles, which in most cases cause leaks.

Toilet flush cisterns can be made of different materials, can be of different shapes and differ in the installation method, but their operating principle is almost the same, and the design of all flush cisterns does not differ very much. Let's look at what types of such mechanisms there are.

According to the installation method, drain tanks are divided into only three types:

  1. The tank of the system is compact, which is installed directly on the toilet bowl itself;
  2. A cistern built into the wall, most often used in conjunction with wall-hung toilets;
  3. A hanging tank, which is mounted at a certain height and connected to the toilet bowl via a drain pipe.

Features of the mechanism for supplying water to the cistern

All flush tanks have only two main structural elements - a water supply mechanism and a drain mechanism. The water collection system can be made in two versions:

  • with side feed;
  • with bottom feed.

The first are float valves designed for tanks, into which water is supplied to the upper side. These models are produced mainly by domestic companies, they are simple and low in cost, but they create a lot of noise during the water intake process.

Diagram of the toilet flush cistern

Such a valve includes two main parts - a body with a membrane located in it, which shuts off and opens the water supply to the tank, as well as a float connected to the body via a lever. Thus, falling and rising along with the water level in the tank, the float moves the lever, which in turn acts on the rod with the membrane attached to it, opening and closing the access of water to the tank through the valve.

The mechanism with bottom water supply is a little more expensive, but it is much quieter. This system is somewhat more complex; in it, the float moves along a special vertical rod, although the operating principle itself has not changed. The water supply shutoff mechanism is activated by a special rod connected to a float, which is also a water level limiter in the tank.

How to adjust the amount of water in the tank

When installing any of these systems, in order to save or increase flushing power, the amount of water drawn can be changed. We'll tell you what steps you need to take to do this:

The device of the flush mechanism of the toilet tank

The drainage system for the cistern can be top or side. The latter, however, will not be considered, since it presupposes the presence of a hanging tank, which is now practically out of use. But the top flush system is used on almost all models of modern toilets.

Toilet flush mechanism

Installation procedure for a toilet cistern (video)

You shouldn’t have any difficulties during the process, since everything is done very simply and quickly enough:

Possible malfunctions during operation of the drain tank

  1. Water is not supplied to the tank or its supply is not shut off. The culprits for this are either the water supply valve or the float. Floats are made either in the form of a hollow cylinder or an inverted glass. In the first case, the damaged float cannot be repaired, and the problem can only be eliminated by replacing the float or the entire valve. With a float in the form of an inverted glass, only one problem can happen - it becomes overgrown with dirt and various deposits, which is why it begins to work poorly. In this case, you should simply clean it.


  2. If the float is ok, but water does not stop flowing into the tank– the reason is a worn valve membrane. Usually a spare membrane comes complete with another float. If you don't have one, you can purchase it separately. The protective cap is removed from the valve, after which the old membrane is removed and replaced with a new one. It is also useful to clean the small hole in the valve through which water enters the tank. If it gets clogged, then, accordingly, the tank stops filling or this process occurs extremely slowly.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in the design of the toilet cistern, so if necessary, anyone can easily install or repair it.

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