Secrets of successful people. The main rituals of the rich and happy. They eat healthy food at breakfast. They have mentors whom they observe and consult with.

We've all heard about how super successful people wake up at dawn and manage to conquer the world twice while we sleepily sip our first cup of morning coffee. What do these people do in the evenings? Here are some tips on how to spend the end of the day so that the next one brings you closer to success.

1. Take an evening walk

Always busy, Buffer CEO Joel Gascoigne still finds time for evening walks to relieve stress after a day of work. He turns off thoughts about work and slowly but surely falls into a “state of fatigue.”

2. Turn off electronic devices at night

Arianna Huffington is an ardent advocate of proper rest. Which is quite understandable, given her personal experience.

One day, due to incredible fatigue, she lost consciousness, suffered a head injury in a fall, and woke up with five stitches. Since then, there are no more electronics in her bedroom. Do the same and stop worrying about every new message.

Turn off everything except the alarm clock and feel the tension subside.

Turning off electronics is also the key to peace of mind healthy sleep. Harvard researchers have discovered that our bodies confuse the bright backlight of a smartphone screen with daylight. For everything to fall into place, you need to put electronics away from you at night.

3. Practice good sleep hygiene

Sleep hygiene is more than just clean bed sheets and a made bed. The National Sleep Foundation has compiled a whole list of sleep hygiene routines for a complete recharge. The key factors are comfortable bed, a ventilated room and at least an hour of relaxation before bed.

No matter how busy your schedule is, you need to prioritize: in order not to burn out at work, you need to rest at night. Successful people don't neglect sleep.

4. Read

Take an example from Bill Gates. He achieved success, not least because every evening is ironclad.

In addition to the obvious bonus in the form of new knowledge, it is also great way relax. One study found that just six minutes of reading reduced stress by 68%.

5. Prioritize

“In fact, the president’s working day begins the night before.”

This is a quote from Michael Lewis from his Vanity Fair article about former president USA to Barack Obama. In the evening, the president checked the schedule and main tasks for the coming day - this helped to avoid the morning bustle.

You will feel much calmer if you prepare for the new day in advance.

6. Stop halfway

Greatest Writers Don't try to come up with the perfect chapter ending right before bed. In order not to overwork and maintain the spark, they “freeze” in the middle of a thought or sentence so that tomorrow they can start working with renewed vigor.

“It’s best to stop while things are going well and you know what’s going to happen next. If you do this day after day... you will never get stuck.”

If you are busy with something creative project, that is perfect way build a path to success. End things on a high note and you'll have no problem coming up with fresh ideas. New solutions always arise unexpectedly - you just have to stop worrying about them.

7. Learn something new

It may seem strange, but best time for self-education - the end of a long, exhausting day.

Josh Waitzkin, author of The Art of Learning, recommends ending a tiring day by learning new and challenging things. This is because while you sleep, your subconscious mind processes and effectively assimilates new information.

Every genius, from Salvador Dali to , has used sleep to internalize acquired knowledge and cultivate new ideas.

8. Write down the causes of stress

Instead of falling asleep, our minds often fall into the trap of anxious thoughts about unresolved problems. A person suffers, unable to sleep, and the next day he is like a squeezed lemon. That's why Brian Scudamore, CEO and the founder of the garbage removal company 1−800-GOT-JUNK, writes down all his worries on a piece of paper before going to bed.

If such advice does not seem convincing to you, still think about it - scientific research supports the theory with facts. Listing your problems in writing will save you from the cycle of bad thoughts and relieve anxiety.

Prepared by Taya Aryanova

How do multimillionaires start their day?

For the successful business people The first hours of the day are the time that you can invest in yourself and your priorities before other people's priorities begin to interfere with this. Scientists, by the way, also support this strategy. Many studies have confirmed that morning is the time when people are more optimistic, energetic and ready to solve difficult problems.

Almost all successful entrepreneurs are early risers. Jack Dorsey, Lord Alan Sugar, Tory Burch, Tim Armstrong and Indra Nooyi, for example, usually wake up before 6am. A physical exercise for them it is a constant ritual. Richard Branson likes to start the day with a swim, and Sugar likes to start the day with a bike ride around the English county.

A healthy breakfast also helps you maintain your energy levels throughout the day.

What does Mark Zuckerberg do in the morning? He gets up every day at 8 am and quickly gets ready for work. Richard Branson starts his morning by swimming or surfing. Many famous entrepreneurs stand up
very early - before six in the morning, in order to have more time. They have a delicious breakfast, meditate and play sports.

In addition, they all spend a lot of time taking care of themselves in the morning. The most productive entrepreneurs do not get to work right away. Morning is their personal time: they do exercises, read, eat a delicious and healthy breakfast.

Even though these matters are not related to their work, they understand that it is important to pay attention to them because they are an important component of personal success. In addition, they realize that most likely they will not have time to do these things during the working day, so it is better to do them right away so that they can then direct all their attention to work tasks.

How to become a successful person? No one will ever give an exact answer to this question. However, one answer is self-discipline. And the rules of the daily routine are its main stage.

The way a person starts his day can say a lot about him. If you really want to become a successful professional, then you will have to make drastic changes to your morning routine, just like the entrepreneurs who managed to build their own businesses did.

How do you start your morning?

Like most people, you probably wake up reluctantly, yawn displeasedly, then walk through your sleep to the bathroom, and from there to the kitchen, where you quickly swallow breakfast, and finally get out of the house?

And there's nothing wrong with that. But! If you want to become a truly successful person, you will have to make drastic changes to your morning routine.

There are many examples to follow. For example, British baron and businessman Alan Michael Sugar, whose fortune is estimated at $1.27 billion, begins every free morning with an 80-kilometer bike ride.

Or fashion designer Tory Burch, with a net worth of about $750 million. She wakes up at dawn around 6am, checks email, gets her three children ready for school and does 45 minutes of exercise. And all this before going to the office.

Impressive, isn't it? Then check out the morning schedules of seven more world-famous businessmen.

Mark Zuckerberg

Creator of Facebook
Net worth $50 billion

Every day, Zuckerberg wakes up strictly at 8 am, if he has not previously worked all night long. The morning routine is made easier by a modest wardrobe: he wears the same style of T-shirts and pants every day, so as not to rack his brains over what to wear.

Richard Branson

Founder of the Virgin Group Corporation
Net worth: $5 billion

In the mornings, Branson swims around his island and then plays an hour to an hour and a half of tennis before sitting down to breakfast.

Jack Dorsey

Co-founder of Twitter and Square
Net worth: $1.1 billion

Dorsey wakes up at 5:30 a.m. to meditate briefly and then runs 10 kilometers, regardless of location or weather.

Peter Jones

Investor of the show Dragon's Den
Net worth: $475 million

Jones uses the 20-minute rule: during this time he should have time to shower, shave and eat a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Saving time continues later: on the way to work, he drinks a cappuccino and checks the sales figures of his company.

Tim Armstrong

Executive Director of AOL media holding
Net worth: $400 million

Armstrong gets up at 5 a.m. to have time to read and do morning exercises before you start using email.

Simon Cowell

Music producer, creator of the show “The X Factor”
Net worth: $750 million

He gets up only after the alarm has gone off several times. For tomorrow he prefers a glass hot water with lemon, papaya juice with lime, oatmeal, tea and 3 smoothies.

Arianna Huffington

Founder of Huffington Post
Net worth $50 million

He starts every morning with half an hour of meditation. Arianna is so confident in the effectiveness of this procedure that she even conducts weekly group meditation classes for her subordinates.

Indra Nooyi

CEO of PepsiCo Corporation
Net worth: $80 million

He wakes up even before the sun rises, at 4 am. Therefore, Indra arrives at the office no later than 7 o’clock

Get up earlier, start the day with active activities and start working - because success will not wait for you!

As they say, “how you start your morning is how you spend your day.” These words contain the truth, since a good morning mood is the key to good luck throughout the day.

It is not always possible to start a morning, a day, or a new task on your own. Sometimes any person is faced with the fact that there is a block in his affairs. In such cases, it is usually impossible to cope without help. Redirect financial flows, attract good luck and manage your life - all this can be done if you know who to contact. Read more. And of course, get ready to start new life, from Monday or any other day.

5 morning rituals to attract success

Ritual one. This ritual is very similar to meditation and is based on meditative practices. Immediately after waking up, you need to wake up a little to stop wanting to sleep, because you will need to close your eyes again. You can wash your face and sit in a chair, or stay in bed if you are sure that you will not fall asleep.

Achieve complete silence and curtain the windows to block light from entering the room. By closing your eyes, you close the door between the present and the future, stopping time. Now you are outside this world - you are somewhere on the border. Say to yourself or quietly out loud: “Blessed by nature and the Universe, I am ready to face the future and change it. Let all doors open before me."

Now imagine how you approach a dark curtain, barely visible in your mind, and open it. Your future is there. Try to see yourself from the outside at work, busy with business. Say: “I see success with my own eyes, as if I were there and not here. I am capable of anything, I can do anything. There are no barriers for me in this world. Let it be so". After reading the plot, slowly close the curtain, going back. Open your eyes and say again "May it be so." Your morning will be more enjoyable if you imagine it in meditation, so work on your imagination. Successful people are those who are creative and able to look ahead.

Ritual two. You will need a basin or other container with water. Even a small saucepan will do. It all starts in the evening, before you go to bed. It is best to perform the ritual under the influence of the waning moon, but bioenergy experts say that this ritual is quite strong in other phases. You need to pour cold water into a container and place it on the windowsill in the room where you sleep. Don't forget to throw in a pinch of salt, which has magical property take on all the troubles and take away all the negativity from the house and from the person. Before going to bed, say: “Salt and water will destroy everything bad forever. Troubles and failures will destroy me and give me strength. They will bring me money, joy and everything that I deserve.” In the morning, when you wake up from sleep, go to the bathroom and wash yourself cold water, and then take that container of water from the windowsill and wet your face a little with that water, and pour the rest into the sink.

Ritual three. Take a shower every time before going to bed as it helps in good healthy sleep. There is one unusual ritual with this simple household procedure. They say that water washes away not only fatigue, but also negativity. The next time you take a shower, say this spell: “The water is cool, take my sorrows away. May I be happier when I get up tomorrow morning. I want my eyes to see only light and goodness, to be surrounded only by good people. Amen". After this, imagine how the water washes away all the negativity from you. In the morning you will feel much better than usual.

Ritual Four. Before leaving home for work, try performing a simple ritual. Stand in front of a mirror holding a candle in your hands. Take her in right hand and draw the flame along the contour of your body in the reflection of the mirror. Then take the candle to left hand and do the same. Previously, we wrote about the “fire shield” technique, which protects against troubles, damage, evil eyes and failures. This ritual also works with fire, so its function is primarily protective.

Ritual five. It is done on the New Moon and Full Moon for the entire subsequent period. You will need moonstone or silver (or both). This metal and stone interact well with the energy of the Moon, so they can be charged with positive energy. If you are doing a ritual on the New Moon, then in the evening, on the day of the New Moon, take the jewelry in your hands, close your eyes and say the spell: “The moon gives me strength, as if we are one. Bless these amulets, charge them with goodness and give me the strength to overcome all obstacles in the future.”. After this, put the jewelry under your pillow and leave it there every day until the Full Moon. It’s better to wear them to work with you, rather than on yourself. On the Full Moon, it is better to put jewelry on yourself before going to bed and say the same words of the ritual. After this ritual, you can wear the jewelry on yourself, and before going to bed, put it where it always belonged.

Many psychologists advise thinking about good things before going to bed, since what matters is how you experience sleep, not when and how you wake up. If you want to sleep, go to bed earlier. Maintain your body's routine and don't let it become overtired. Try to be as much and as often as possible fresh air. Play sports and get rid of bad habits. This way you can properly adjust not only your energy, but also your body.

Nature will always come to your aid. You just need to believe in it. Finally, we advise you to familiarize yourself with our three money rituals. They can become the basis for attracting wealth and financial stability that in conditions modern world very important. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

Twelve Rituals Regularly and Quietly Practiced by the Most Successful People We Know

1. They always have a clear, proven morning routine.

Too many authors of books and courses on personal success treat their readers as if they are robots, forgetting how mighty force are our emotions. And the less negativity we have at the beginning of the day, the less it will be in the future. After all, when we start the day in a calm, orderly state of mind, it is much easier for us to concentrate on what needs to be done.

But how can we do this when as soon as we open our eyes, stress instantly falls on us - the phone rings, notifications about new letters and SMS pop up every minute, and even fire alarm worked?.. If your morning starts like this, then instead of creating something new, you spend the whole day reacting to problems. In the speeding car of your life, you find yourself in best case scenario in the passenger seat, and you certainly don't determine your priorities yourself - instead, you try to solve problems that life throws at you, and they don't necessarily turn out to be really important.

Try to make the first hours of your day as little different from each other as possible. A proven, consistent routine can help you feel like you're truly in control of your life, significantly reduce your anxiety and stress levels, and generally make you feel much more focused and competent. In general, remember - how you start your day is how you will spend it.

2. They only do what is really necessary.

We have all asked ourselves the same question: “Why don’t I get anything done”? But the answer is painfully simple - because most of what we do was not worth doing.

Research has shown that the secret to increasing productivity is not working overtime - especially if you jump at the first thing that comes along - but in following a predetermined daily routine and setting your priorities correctly. So if you want to be more successful and at the same time reduce your stress level, before you take on increasing your productivity, ask yourself: “Do I really need everything I’m going to do?”

Just because you can do something doesn't mean it's worth doing. I think this is the main problem with most manuals. proper organization time - as a rule, productivity gurus focus on how to get work done faster, but the problem is that most of the things people try to “do quickly” are not worth doing.

If we think about this situation carefully, we realize how ironic it is - we are always complaining about not having enough time, and then we fill our day with unimportant tasks as if it were endless. Therefore, try to focus on what is really important to you and forget about the rest.

3. They don't put off what needs to be done until tomorrow. They do it. RIGHT NOW!

While everyone else is talking about what needs to be done, successful people just do it.

I have already said this, and I will repeat it as many times as necessary - you can be a genius, and have a doctorate in your pocket, but you will not be able to change anything or somehow influence the world, just sitting with arms folded. There is a huge gap between knowing how to do something and putting that knowledge into practice. Knowledge and experience that is not translated into experience are worth nothing. And you won't change this in any way.

Successful people know that good plan, implemented today, is much better than an ideal plan implemented in the vague future. They don't wait for the "right time" good day“or a completely impossible phenomenon - “the right circumstances”, because they know that the root of such expectations lies in only one thing - fear. If they need to act, they act here and now - because this is the only way to achieve real progress.

4. They always try to turn what they encounter into life path self-obstruction

Many of the best novels, heart-warming songs and innovative inventions have been inspired by broken hearts and incredible mental pain. Therefore, in everything bad that happens to us, we can find good - all these adversities can serve as a catalyst for creating something magnificent.

A recent trend in psychology called “Post-Traumatic Growth” suggests that most people are able to use the difficulties, adversities and trauma encountered in life to increase creativity and overall creativity. intellectual development. More specifically, trauma can help people improve their skills interpersonal communication, the ability to be content with little and be grateful for it, to find hidden reserves and to endure failures.

When the image of the world we created in our creation as safe and cozy place, falls apart, it makes us rethink a lot. We get the opportunity to look out of our cozy little world, look around and see everything as if we were seeing it for the first time. And what, if not this, could better help us in personal growth and ultimately lead to true success?

5. They know how to give their all and even more.

What's the easiest way to learn something new? Go beyond your “comfort zone” and give it your all.

Yes, of course, routine can even be pleasant. It’s mindless to float along the stream in which everything around you is so familiar... But how, living such a life, can you learn something new? But no way. Sometimes you need to get into a situation in which there is nothing familiar or familiar. Yes, it may be hard and uncomfortable for you there. But it will only benefit your brain. We learn something only by getting into the “discomfort zone.”

When we struggle with something, we become stronger and smarter. And the more we do it, the better we become. It is much more beneficial for us to spend ten minutes in extreme conditions than a few hours of routine activities. And if you really practice something, then to the point of exhaustion, to the limit of your capabilities and even beyond that, making mistakes, stumbling, getting up and again giving your best.

6. Taking complex solutions, they trust their intuition

Believe me, intuition really exists, and you shouldn’t ignore it, because its origins are in our subconscious, and they are based on all the experience we have gained. If everyone around you says “yes” to you, but your heart thinks otherwise, most often it is telling you this for a reason. And when you have to make a difficult choice, get all the information available to you, calculate everything possible options, and then trust your instincts.

Successful people know that trusting your intuition means trusting yourself first, and the more you trust yourself, the more power you have over making your goals and dreams come true.

7. They are able to be positive in any situation.

As Shawn Achor writes in his book The Happiness Advantage, recent Scientific research showed that doctors with a positive attitude during diagnosis are much more attentive than doctors with a negative or even neutral attitude, allowing them to make an accurate diagnosis almost 20% faster. The same study shows that salespeople with a positive outlook are almost 50% higher than those with a pessimistic attitude. And the grades of students taking exams in good mood, turn out to be significantly higher. It turns out that our brain is at its peak efficiency only when we are in a positive mood - and not at all when our mood is negative or even neutral.

Of course, I don’t want to say that successful people never get sad or lose their temper, but it will be much easier for you to achieve what you want and move towards your dream if instead of savoring negative emotions, you will try to get rid of them as quickly as possible. So try to think less about your problems and more about something good. Be more positive!

8. They create visual reminders of their long-term goals.

Let's say you want to lose weight, but when you come home tired, it is very easy for you to convince yourself that you will definitely start working out and go on a diet... but tomorrow. You want to create your own highly profitable business, but you are so stuck in a routine that it is much easier for you to do the usual day after day than to change something. You understand that you should start putting things in order in your personal relationships, but it’s so difficult... it’s better to work with another client instead.

Achieving something truly good is not so easy, and when we find ourselves in a situation where we need to work hard for that “something good,” we often take every opportunity not to do it. Even if in this case we do not get an inch closer to the goal, or even move back.

In order to somehow counteract this, truly successful people come up with ways that can tear them out of the captivity of sweet dreams and return them to, albeit difficult, but urgent matters. A friend of ours, who had gotten out of almost $100,000 in debt over the past 5 years, kept a printout of his balance sheet at all times. credit card glued to her computer monitor - she reminded him hourly that it would be good to pay off his debts. Another friend taped hers to the refrigerator door. own photo- taken when she was 20 kilos overweight - to remind herself what kind of person she never wanted to be again. And another filled his desk with photographs of his family - not only because he likes to look at them, but because he has a lot of work to do, they help him remember who he is ultimately working for.

Think about times when you have allowed immediate impulses to push you away from achieving your ultimate goal. And then give yourself some tangible “reminder” so that it doesn’t happen again.

9. They keep a diary. Or at least holding a notebook

Oprah keeps a diary. Eminem keeps a Diary. And even JK Rowling keeps a diary.

Successful people try to monitor their progress towards their goals, set goals, analyze their own mistakes inside and out, and then learn from them. And often a diary or notebook helps them with this. If you want to get to life goal, you can't do without a map, and this notebook can be that map for you. You can write down in it what you did today, what you wanted to do, what you did wrong, and so on. It is a tool that allows you to better understand yourself. A tool that allows you to write down all the most important thoughts. With the help of a notebook, you can understand where you have been and where you are going. It's a shame that such a simple but effective tool is so often underestimated.

10. They have mentors they watch and consult with.

Whatever you want to achieve, you are unlikely to be able to do it alone. Not everything can be learned from books alone. And immersed in the Internet, sometimes it is so difficult to separate truth from fiction... You need someone who can show you what, how and why - your personal mentor or coach.

Yes, ten thousand or so hours of practice may well make you an expert, but are you sure that you can force yourself to devote all this time to the same activity? It's better to find yourself a good mentor. If you really study the biographies successful people, it becomes obvious that people who have achieved success in their business best results- athletes, musicians, actors, business people, and so on - were truly great mentors, coaches or role models. It was these people who made the monotonous and boring practice tolerable and even interesting.

And sometimes just observing a mentor can work wonders. When we look to someone we want to learn from and know exactly what we want to achieve, it can create incredible motivation. Man is a social being, and if he really wants to join some elite group - oh, sometimes this can almost inspire him to achieve a feat. And when you have a clear example before your eyes... “Well, he could do it, and so can I!” Although this line of thinking seems too simple, believe me, the time spent studying truly great people will not be wasted.

11. They don't mind open-minded opinions and criticism.

“To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, and be nothing.” These words of Aristotle are still relevant today.

So you are being criticized because you said, thought or did something differently from everyone else? So that's great. This means you don't follow the crowd's opinion. And this is an important part of the path to success.

It's worth learning from truly successful people how to effectively respond to criticism they receive. Hateful and negative criticism must be received, evaluated and forgotten about, while constructive criticism must be remembered and conclusions drawn from it. In particular, value the opinions of people you respect, who have already been where you are trying to go. Try to listen to other people's opinions and constructive criticism with gratitude - then the people around you, with where more willing will share them with you in the future.

12. They know how to step on their own pride.

And last but by no means least important...

Admit the mistake you made. Apologize. Know that you are not the center of the earth. Dream big. Recognize that your success is not entirely your fault. Be able to laugh at yourself. Ask for help when you really need it.

Make mistakes and suffer defeats. And then get up and try again.

There is no one on this planet permanent job, nor other absolutes. We are all researchers in search of something new. Learn from everyone you can, stay humble, and remember to have fun along the way.

This is what truly successful people do.

If you could only remember two words from the entire article, let them be the words “give your best” and “observe.”

Give it your all: I mean... give it your all. Always try to work to the limit and beyond the limits of your abilities - this is the only way you can push those limits and come out of your shell.

Observe: Remember to observe your mentors and those who are more experienced and successful than you. Make notes and conclusions, and then try to repeat their success.

And now it’s your turn...
What else would you like to add to the list? What quiet ritual has helped you or someone else achieve success? Leave a comment and share your thoughts with us!

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