How much down should there be in a winter down jacket? Duck down in a down jacket: warm or not Insulation 80 down 20 feather temperature regime

Down jackets are the most popular clothing for the cold season. Despite their lightness, they perfectly warm, protect from the wind, and are indispensable during winter rain or snowfall.
The advantages of down jackets largely depend on their filling. Synthetic fibers are used for insulation in clothing(holofiber, Thinsulate, Isosoft, Synthetic, etc.). Another option is to use natural materials (wool, fluff, which is often supplemented with feathers).
When choosing a product, you need to take into account the properties and qualities of various insulation materials.
We will tell you what duck down insulation is, whether it is warm, and how many degrees it retains heat.

Characteristics of duck down

Down fillings are made from the down of waterfowl: eider, swan, goose, duck.
Duck is one of the most common materials. Manufacturers turn to it often. But we have to figure out how good it is for down jacket owners.


A duck's rather small downy feather has a number of obvious advantages.

  • Due to its naturalness, it environmentally friendly.
  • Duck down attracts with its lightness.
  • Filler spreads well inside clothing. Small size fluff allows you to fill evenly inner space down jacket so that there are not even small areas left in the clothes free from down.
  • A down jacket made from this material makes a person feel comfortable. After all the filler retains heat well.

Reference. In such down jackets, even small children do not freeze during long walks at temperatures down to minus 25 ºC.


Compared to other waterfowl ducks cover their feathers with a fairly large layer of fat. It is secreted from the sebaceous glands of the bird and is necessary to protect its feathers when they come into contact with water.

Reference: the fatty layer of duck feathers is larger than similar protection in other birds: eider, swan, goose.

This feature leads to such negative features insulation.

Difficult and expensive cleaning

Due to this feature, before using it as a filler, has to be cleaned more thoroughly than other feathers. Strong detergents are used. They can not only wash away the sebaceous layer, but also get rid of the odor.
But the complexity of the cleaning process increases the cost of insulation production.

There is one more disadvantage of such cleaning: the period during which the down plays an insulating role is reduced. Which means The lifespan of clothing becomes shorter.


The fat layer also affects the weight of the down, making it heavier. That's why jackets with such insulation are heavier than products with other contents.


When washing in a machine Jacket contents may clump together. And after washing her required long time to dry completely products.

Advice: If you need to wash a product with duck down filling, place a few tennis balls in the washing machine drum or in the pockets of your clothes. This will prevent lumps from forming.

Features of down/feather filler

Very often, manufacturers produce warm clothes, the insulation of which cannot be called completely down, since feathers have been added to it.
It adds volume to the product and also reduces its cost.

Label symbols

You can find out what was used for the insulation of a particular jacket from the information on the label.

  • Inscription "down" points to downy contents products.
  • Word "feather" indicates that a mixed type was used, made with feather additive.

In addition to the indicated text inscriptions, the label contains numbers. They are written as a fraction. This is the percentage ratio of the two components.

  • At the top (numerator) presented amount of fluff.
  • From the bottom of the fraction (denominator) you can find out how much feather was added to the insulation.

For example, if the label says 70/30, this means that the down jacket fills 70% down, and the remaining 30% is feather.

Optimal ratio

Once you have information about the jacket, you need to evaluate it. To do this, you need to know which combination will provide heat.

Reference: Increasing the feather percentage makes the down jacket less warm.

  • To avoid freezing in winter at temperatures up to minus 25 ºC, you need to select products in which the pen takes up no more than 20% (80/20).
  • Residents of the districts with harsh winters need to find model with even less pen: 10% (90/10).

Having information about duck down, you can decide whether a down jacket with such insulation is suitable for you or not.

Very soon the vast expanses of our Motherland will be covered with snow and biting frost will come, but we still have a little time left to choose and purchase the best option for protection from the cold. What is the warmest, lightest, most beautiful and practical item of winter wardrobe today? Everyone, or almost everyone, knows the answer, is it a down jacket or just down jacket.

Today all the counters are littered with down jackets: from clothing markets to the windows of expensive boutiques. Customers are offered a huge range of down jackets to suit every taste, color and budget, of any manufacturer and design. But there is a huge difference between a real down jacket that will keep you warm and comfortable all winter, and that “bag of feathers” that is often blatantly sold to us under the guise of a down jacket. So, so that you don’t become a “miracle in feathers” and waste your hard-earned money, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our guide, where we will try to briefly but succinctly analyze all the aspects of choosing and purchasing a truly high-quality and practical down jacket.

So, a down jacket is an item outerwear, a jacket or coat designed to be worn during the cold season. To protect the body from the effects of low temperatures, only natural down and feathers of waterfowl are used as a heat-insulating filler (eider down and the down of geese raised in low temperatures in northern countries and the Siberian part of the Russian Federation are especially valued). The surface of the down jacket is made of light, durable and breathable fabric (membrane), the seams must be taped for better tightness and thermal insulation. To distribute the down evenly throughout the volume of the jacket, it is placed in special down bags, separated from each other by sealed seams. The design of down jackets should provide maximum protection against heat loss human body. Some down jackets can provide warmth even in frosts down to -85 C°. The first down jackets appeared in the 16th century in Norway and were filled with eider down, but it is officially believed that the patent for the modern classic down jacket (parka) was received in 1940 by Eddie Bauer, an American designer and founder of the brand of the same name. casual wear Eddie Bauer.

The main advantages of down jackets include excellent thermal insulation properties with low weight, ensuring air exchange without heat loss due to the properties of membrane fabrics, versatility and practicality, durability with proper care, all kinds of designs.

Perhaps the only drawback of down products is their rather high price. But we must not forget that the optimal “lifetime” of down is designed for a period of 7 to 10 years, and with proper care for it, even twenty. Synthetics will last you only 3-5 years. It follows that down is more than twice as durable as synthetics, which is why it costs more.

Some of our sellers and buyers mistakenly believe that a down jacket is a general name and this can be used to call any jacket with insulation that is similar in design. It's a delusion. Which, by the way, is used by not entirely clean businessmen. Down jackets use only natural down; any synthetic analog turns the down jacket in a regular jacket with insulation.

A real down jacket will become an indispensable winter item for you and will delight you for many years, but in order to choose the “right” down jacket you need to know the fundamental points. We tried to collect the main practical tips and really hope that they will help you choose and purchase the perfect down jacket.

1. Pooh(down), the most important thing in a down jacket. The principle of thermal protection of down is simple - it creates an air layer between the body and the external environment. Air is a poor conductor of heat and the air layer itself created by down is the main heat insulator. And how well the material holds this very layer is an indicator of the quality of this insulation. It is well known that the down of waterfowl (primarily goose down) is an unsurpassed material as thermal insulation: it is light, airy and perfectly retains a large amount of air inside. But all the same. It can be large, small, caked, airy, rotten, etc. and so on. and the properties of a particular batch of fluff depend on these parameters. There are many parameters, but when it comes to thermal insulation properties, then to evaluate them all over the world, such an elasticity indicator as Fill Power is used, which reflects the ability of fluff to recover after compression - this is the main indicator of the quality of fluff. The elasticity is determined as follows: take 1 ounce of fluff, compress it, remove the weight and determine to what size the fluff has recovered. In a good down jacket, the Fill Power value should be at least 550; its best indicators reach up to 950 units.

  • up to 400 – poor quality fluff.
  • 400 – 450 – medium quality down.
  • 500-750 – excellent quality down.
  • 750 and above - exclusive quality down.

The point of using goose down with a high Fill Power rating is as follows: the thermal insulator in clothing is essentially an insulating air layer of the same thickness, called loft. Down with different Fill Power can create the same loft at different weights. So, for example, using 550 insulation requires 40%-50% more weight than using 800 down to create the same amount of insulation. The Fill Power indicator is a generally accepted indicator of the quality of down filling and for any high-quality down jacket this indicator is indicated on the tag or label, so when choosing a down jacket, pay first attention to this indicator.

Down jackets use down mixed with feathers, the “golden proportion” is considered 80% down (down) and 20% feather (feather), in down jackets for extreme conditions this ratio could be 90% down and 10% feather. In the description it is indicated through a fraction, for example - 80/20. A larger percentage of feathers indicates the low quality of the down jacket and such a down jacket will not warm you in cold weather, and the hard feather rods will come out, piercing the fabric.

2. Down jacket weight, speaks about the quality of the filler and the product as a whole. After all, another clear advantage of down as insulation for winter clothing is its lightness. For example, a regular men's down jacket 550 Fill Power weighs less than 1 kg, and an extreme jacket from The North Face, a model called Supernatural, with a Fill Power rating of 950 weighs only 370 g (!) and is designed for high-altitude climbing. In addition, natural down is so soft that it allows you to move freely without restricting your movements. The use of membrane fabrics and various elements can significantly increase the weight of a down jacket.

3. Material the outside and lining must be waterproof, because down is highly hygroscopic and it easily accumulates moisture and requires quick drying. If this is not done, it may simply deteriorate. Also, the material must be durable and downproof. At the same time, it must have breathable properties, i.e. provide air exchange without heat loss. Modern membrane materials have all these properties; this is a type of fabric that, due to its special structure, has water-repellent or windproof properties and at the same time allows water vapor to pass through it. Manufacturers of such fabrics call them differently, but they have the same principle, the most famous membrane is Gore-Tex.

Synthetic materials with special impregnations are also used, which provide all the qualities necessary for down jackets. In the description of the fabric with water-repellent impregnations are designated as DWR (Durable Water Repellent).

Fabrics are very popular among manufacturers Ripstop with a special reinforcing structure due to the weaving of nylon threads into the thickness of the main fabric. While remaining light, the strength of such fabric is comparable to the strength of parachute fabric.

4. Design down jacket, a very important condition when choosing a real, high-quality product. It is the design that allows the down to be distributed as efficiently as possible and ensures an optimal warmth/weight ratio. In most down jackets, the inner and outer fabric of the down jacket are simply sewn together to form sections, and each section is filled with down. A huge disadvantage of such down jackets is the cold seams between the sections, through which a huge amount of heat is lost. Such down jackets are called single-layer and they will warm you only in frosts down to -10 -15 C°. The size of the down sections (packages) plays a big role; their size should not exceed 20 cm, otherwise the down will simply pile up at the bottom of the package and all the qualities of the down jacket will be reduced to zero. If you want to buy a down jacket for severe frosts, then you should take into account some of the features of their tailoring. These down jackets are called two-layer, due to the fact that the upper part of the down jacket is practically separated from the down lining, and at the joints it is stitched through an intermediate tape - a “warm” seam. A design is also used when the down bags themselves have two layers - outer and inner, and they are offset relative to each other and overlap the outer seams. Such down jackets are capable of retaining heat in extreme frosts down to -30 to -70°C.

The main zipper on the down jacket should have double-sided fabric protection to prevent heat loss. At chin level, the zipper should be protected with a fleece insert. Pocket zippers should also have external protection. To keep your neck warm and your wrists from freezing, a real down jacket should have warm collars and cuffs made of materials such as Polartec or knitted fabric.

5. Temperature rating. When choosing a down jacket for yourself, ask yourself: at what lowest temperature will I wear it, how much time will I spend outside, how will I get to work or school? After all, for residents of central Russia and residents of Siberia, Mother Nature has prepared absolutely different conditions winter period of the year. To make it easier to choose down jackets based on the outside temperature, some manufacturers of down jackets (and other winter clothing and footwear) use a so-called temperature rating. This value is usually indicated in the description of the down jacket on the labels, and shows that the manufacturer guarantees comfortable conditions at a given temperature below zero.

But not all manufacturers provide such data. To roughly determine this indicator, you can use the link to the Fill Power value. Clothes using down Fill Down 550 or Fill Down 600 Designed primarily for daily use at temperatures down to -25 C°, this down is already of excellent quality and creates a good degree of insulation. Down jackets Fill Down 700 have a lighter product weight and are comfortable down to -25 -30 C°. Exclusive down Fill Down 800- allows you to achieve a very high heat/weight ratio and is used to lighten clothing and achieve the highest degree of comfort in frosts down to -35 C° and below.

6. Style Down products are no different in variety. For men, it is preferable to choose classic parkas (parka) and voluminous bomber jackets (puffer, bulk); for women, along with unisex parkas and women's jackets, elongated down coats (coat) are very popular. For people living and working in extremely low temperatures, as well as for travelers and hunter-fishermen, down suits are sewn, consisting of a jacket and pants sewn together. The choice of down jacket style must be approached with all responsibility, since, first of all, a down jacket is intended for protection from the cold, and not for walking on the catwalk. Remember that a down jacket for frosts of -15 C° and below must cover your lower back and have a hood, so the best option is a classic down parka with a hood. Otherwise, diseases of the genitourinary system and kidneys are guaranteed. When choosing a down jacket for children, also take into account the degree of protection of the child’s body; only you are responsible for the child’s health.

If in winter you prefer to travel by car, then you must take into account that down jackets are quite bulky, and driving in long women's down coats is problematic.

A distinctive feature of the parka jacket is the fur trim of the hood. Some manufacturers use only natural fur - coyote, red and silver fox, raccoon, while others are content with artificial analogues due to the rhetoric of animal welfare societies. The fur trim has not so much a decorative function as a purely practical one - protecting the face from the frosty wind. Pay attention to the parkas of the Eskimos and their fur hoods - these tough guys know a lot about winter clothes.

Before purchasing, carefully measure your dimensions and compare with the size chart ( size chart) specific brand. Also pay attention to the fit of the item in the product description. fit - regular(fits true to size) slim(skin-tight), relaxed relaxed(loose fit, runs up a size or more).

7. Selecting a manufacturing company Quality down clothing is of paramount importance. We advise you to give preference only to well-known and trusted clothing manufacturers with rich history in the field of production of down jackets, focusing on the development and production of down jackets for low temperature conditions, with good reviews about product quality. Companies that are committed to using natural and safe materials, but not lagging behind the development and application of innovative approaches in production, with a wide range and reasonable prices.

Of course, today almost everyone famous brand has down products in its collection, but these clothes are not very suitable for use in our conditions and have a more decorative, design role. From hundreds of manufacturers, we invite you to choose from time-tested and harsh winter conditions: Canada Goose, Pajar, Bask, Bogner, Joutsen, Hally Hansen, Peak Performance, Fjällräven, The North Face, Marmot, Mountain Hardwear, Patagonia, Columbia, Jack Wolfskin, Lands"End, LLBean, Eddie Bauer, Cabela's, Woolrich, Parajumpers, Moncler, Haglofs, Halti, Rossignol. As can be seen from this list, most of the companies represented are from northern and Scandinavian countries, where they know what real frost is.

8. Price of a down jacket, ranges from $120 for a simple down jacket, to $1000 and up for luxury brand down jackets. An adequate price for a good down jacket from a famous foreign brand will be the amount of $200-600 depending on the materials used and subject to purchase on well-known online sites in the USA and Europe. Of course, the same down jackets can be found in Russian retail, but then the prices will have to be increased by 2-3 times. And at all kinds of sales and seasonal discounts, an excellent down jacket can be purchased at huge discounts for only $100-250, not to mention and with their truly amazing opportunities to snag wonderful things at ridiculous prices.

Well, buying down jackets for $1000 or more from fashion couturiers, for whom appearance is of paramount importance over the main property of a down jacket, is a purely individual matter. The main part of the price tag here is the fee for a high-profile brand. Often, such down jackets are simply categorically not suitable for use in harsh climates, since they are created by designers from France and Italy, where the climate is much milder.

Here we will not consider Chinese-Turkish consumer goods priced at $50-100 with a Moncler and Canada Goose look, offered in droves on the Chinese sites and Taobao. It is foolish to imagine getting real goose down for such a price, best case scenario it will be chicken, or at worst cotton wool. After all, down raw materials undergo special processing: they are cleared of fat and dust, undergo veterinary and radiation control, are treated with special antibacterial and water-repellent agents, and only after this are they allowed to be produced into down clothing, and it is simply impossible to imagine that for all those millions of down jackets that are littered with our markets and shops, there was so much goose down!

9. Where to buy a real down jacket? There are 2 answers to this question: in the nearest shopping center or in a foreign online store. We advise you to direct your gaze towards the second option, because there are at least 6 huge positive aspects when buying a down jacket abroad:

  • Adequate prices due to very strong competition (similar down jackets in our stores are offered at a price one and a half to two times higher, and the price for the luxury segment reaches simply cosmic values, there is no need to pay our sellers rent and staff salaries, there are no fees for customs registration and fees, no VAT). Plus honest discounts up to 30-70%!
  • It is not always possible to buy a product in a company store or from an official dealer of a particular brand. We don’t have many of them yet, and those that exist are mainly located in large cities. It's much easier to do this online. On the website of each trademark you will find a list of brand stores and official dealers, incl. and on the Internet.
  • Confidence in the authenticity of the product (the ability to purchase goods directly from the manufacturer, and large foreign online stores value their reputation very much and will never sell you a fake, which cannot be said about our businessmen, who even in a respectable shopping center can easily sell Chinese Woolrich, Moncler or even Canada Goose for $1000.
  • A huge selection of manufacturers, models and sizes is available to you to choose from without having to leave your home.
  • There is always the opportunity to find reviews and feedback about the product from ordinary buyers.
  • The product can be returned or exchanged without any problems (without going through the 7 circles of hell)

Perhaps the only sensible manufacturer of down jackets in Russia is the Bask company, whose down jackets can be purchased in the online store. In any case, Russian Bask down jackets are worth paying attention to.

Important Note: If a large foreign online store offers you to choose a regional site, for example in Russia, then be sure to compare prices before choosing. Many foreign stores believe that only millionaires live in the Russian Federation and significantly increase the price tag. The images show two women's down jackets for the winter 13/14 season from the official Moncler online store, offers for Russia and Germany (the price tag is the same for the rest of Europe). No comments needed.

Screenshot from

Where to buy down jackets online

In the official online stores of manufacturers. But here a “surprise” may await you, because... Not all such stores accept payments from residents of the Russian Federation, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus and offer international delivery, and at an affordable price.

  • Bogner (Germany)
  • Fjällräven (Sweden)
  • Hally Hansen (Norway)
  • Haglöfs (Finland)
  • Halti (Finland)
  • Jack Wolfskin (Germany)
  • Moncler (France)
  • vest– sleeveless down vest

Insulation(goose down, duck down, 550-850 Fill, 80/20, 90/10, 60/40) – insulation (goose, duck down, down elasticity value, down-to-feather ratio in %).

Body liner(Lining) - lining material.

Shell– fabric, the top covering of a down jacket, both natural and synthetic fabrics or a mixture thereof.

  • membrane- multilayer membrane fabric, has a high density and weight, can have different brand names - Gore-Tex, HyVent, etc.
  • DWR treated/covering - coating of the upper fabric with a waterproof compound.
  • ripstop- fabrics with a special reinforcing weaving structure.

Windproof(block wind) - windproof.

Waterproof- waterproof.

Hood- hood.

Cuffs(soft, rib-knit inner) – cuffs (inside with a soft, knitted insert).

Detachable(hood, ruff, skirt, fur) – removable part (hood, collar, skirt, fur).

Adjustable(hood, gaiter/throat, cuffs, cord waist&hem) – adjustable/contractible parts (hood, neck, cuffs, drawstring for tightening the waist and bottom hem).

Fur(natural/genuine or faux) – fur (natural or artificial) as a finishing element.

Zipper(external, internal, two-way) – zipper lock (outside, inside, both ways), prefer YKK locks.

VELCRO closure – Velcro

Pockets(external, internal, security, hand warmer, dual entry, zip-off) – pockets (external, internal, secret, for warming hands, with double access, with a zipper)

Fit(regular, slim, relaxed) – fit, cut (regular, tight, loose fit - usually runs too big).

Bulky– voluminous, baggy.

Overal length– total length of the down jacket.

Weight(light, medium, heavy) - weight (light, medium, heavy).

Wash(machine or hand) – washing (machine or hand).

High-quality down jackets can last for dozens of seasons if they are properly cared for. No extraordinary care conditions are required, just try not to let the down in the down jacket get wet, and if this happens, dry it as quickly as possible. The down jacket should be stored flat on hangers. Read the care labels carefully!

Pay special attention to the washing process. We'll give you some practical tips for washing in the washing machine.

  1. For washing, set the softest and most delicate program.
  2. Be sure to fasten all zippers and buttons
  3. Use special liquid detergents for down jackets
  4. A washing temperature of 30 degrees Celsius is quite sufficient
  5. Turn on the extra rinse mode for better rinsing of the powder.
  6. Minimum spin speed: when wet, some down jackets become very heavy and the machine simply cannot cope with the spin cycle. In this case, you must press it manually.
  7. Place 3-4 tennis balls in the washing machine drum.
  8. The down jacket is dried flat in warm and sunny weather on the balcony or bathroom
  9. During the drying process, periodically fluff the down jacket, straightening the down.
  10. After complete drying, you can put the down jacket again in washing machine along with 3-4 tennis balls and turn on the spin mode (no washing and no rinsing). A centrifuge with balls should beat the filler a little more and make the clothes more voluminous.

What's wrong with fluff?

With proper care, a down jacket will last for a couple of decades. But down, especially swan fluff, is a very expensive raw material. In addition, it is an excellent breeding ground for ticks and often causes allergies. - this is a whole shamanic ritual that will “eat up” the whole weekend! Even after dry cleaning, fluff can become matted and clothes will become cold. Therefore, manufacturers are switching to cheaper and more convenient synthetic materials that can survive regular machine washing in the “synthetic” mode or at 30°C. But jackets with such fillings are usually called “down jackets”.

Temperature: If a down jacket contains 70% down and 30% feather, you will not freeze at -30°C. If the down to feather ratio is 80% and 20% respectively, it will be warm even at -40°C.

Price: from 15,000 rub. A jacket with Canada Goose insulation costs from RUB 59,000.

Where can I buy:


Hypoallergenic, easy-to-care material, inferior in warmth to down. As a rule, camel or sheep wool is used as an additional layer in clothing made from synthetic materials. Nowadays, adult clothes are almost never sewn exclusively on sheepskin: it is bulky and is not in demand. And for kids, transformable overalls and sheepskin envelopes for strollers, sleds and car seats are still popular.

Temperature: up to -25°C.

Price: from 3,000 rub.

Where can I buy:


Under the influence of temperature, synthetic fibers stick together - a padding polyester is obtained. One of the most popular, affordable and cold insulation materials. Along with down, it is losing popularity. If you still insist on the good old padding polyester, choose models with a double layer of insulation. This down jacket weighs more, but will keep you warm in the cold.

Temperature: up to -15°C. The double padding jacket can be worn at -20°C.

Price: from 1800 rub.

Where can I buy:

Very important!

Don’t rush to run out of the store if you hear the word “sintepon” from the seller. Often padding polyester is called any synthetic material, with which the jacket is stuffed. And this can be very good modern insulation. If you like both the jacket and the price, study the labels and ask for a product passport.


"Fiber" means "fiber". Synthetic, warm and comfortable. It does not harbor ticks. It holds its shape perfectly. Retains heat for a long time. It washes off without problems. Exact analogues of holofiber are fibertek, polyfiber and fiberskin. Excellent combination of price and quality.

Temperature: up to -25°C.

Price: from 5,000 rub.

Where can I buy:


An expensive analogue of holofiber and a friend of children. In terms of consumer properties, it is no different from holofiber. The cost of clothes on isosoft is formed depending on the brand (popular children's Scandinavian brands - Kerry, Reima, Huppa and domestic Shaluny) and the degree of use of additional materials (membrane, wool, fur). Heat-saving properties depend on the density of the insulation. For those who are always cold, the most the best option- 300 gram insulation.

Temperature: up to - 25°C

Price: jacket from 4,500 rubles, overalls or dungarees + jacket set - from 6,500 rubles.

Where can I buy:


A unique Russian insulation based on bicomponent (core and shell) fiber. The material has a porous three-dimensional structure, so thermofin down jackets are very light and soft. They are twice as warm as GOST requirements for winter clothing. Such a thing, if worn carefully, will last up to ten years. Thermofin is used to sew workwear, as well as maternity jackets and babywearing jackets. Neither mother nor baby is cold!

Temperature: two-layer thermofin for 200 grams, each layer - up to -50°C, single-layer for 200 grams - up to -30°C.

Price: from 4,000 rub.

Where can I buy:


New generation synthetic insulation. In terms of warmth and lightness, it is not inferior to natural down. At the same time, it is completely devoid of its disadvantages: non-allergic, economical, easy to use. Classic American Alaska jackets are insulated with polyfill - warm, light, non-staining, almost eternal. They are especially appreciated by pilots and motorists. In children's clothing, polyfill is found in jackets and overalls from the popular Canadian brand Deux par Deux. And for women, ladies' versions of Alaska jackets have recently appeared on the market - military-style jackets for active walks.

Temperature: up to -30°C.

Price: from 12,000 rub.

Where can I buy:


Classic insulation for men's jackets. It is positioned as a new product, although it is a modernized version of the synthetic material that was used to insulate the jackets of American pilots back in the 70s of the last century. The material is characterized by durability and heat-saving properties. Such models of down jackets provide additional insulation camel hair, covered with an outer membrane layer. And the internal pocket for a cell phone is treated with a radiation-protecting coating.

Temperature: up to -30°C.

Price: from 20,000 rub.

Where can I buy:


Thinsulate fibers are ten times thinner than human hair, so jackets with this insulation are very light. And in terms of warmth, they are not inferior to clothes made with natural down. The material can withstand extremely low temperatures. At the same time, it has all the operational advantages of synthetic insulation. Thinsulate clothing is worn by climbers, skiers, astronauts and oil workers.

Temperature: up to -40°C.

Price: from 7,000 rub.

Where can I buy:


Russian version of the famous Alaska. Polyester insulation fiber is light and airy. It retains heat perfectly. Holofan fabric is cut out and stitched, repeating the shape of the jacket. The insulation does not change position and does not come off even after numerous washes. Russian Alaska is worn by the country's top officials. Hunters and fishermen respect holofan clothing. At the same time, the market offers a wide selection of holofan down jackets for women, children, as well as men who are far from winter extremes.

Temperature: with an insulation concentration of 300 grams per meter - down to -30°C.

Price: from 4,000 rub.

Where can I buy:


Russian microfiber insulation with silver ions. Practical material, retaining heat. It does not create a greenhouse effect. Protects against wind and static electricity. In some versions it has fire retardant properties. Tested under conditions of polar expeditions and on Elbrus. Clothes with shelter insulation are made for the military, installers, security guards, firefighters and people leading a normal lifestyle in the city.

Temperature: up to -50°C.

Price: from 7,000 rub.

Besides: synthetics are often combined with fleece, nylon, wool or fur lining. This makes the jacket warmer, but also clumsier.


There are only a few days left before the start of calendar winter, and the thermometer indicates that it is time to say goodbye to autumn. This means that light autumn jackets and favorite coats are sent to the far corner of the closet, and they are replaced by down jackets, sheepskin coats and fur coats.

Of course, the lightest, most comfortable, practical and affordable winter clothing is a down jacket. This is exactly what this article will be about. After all, there are countless down jackets on sale today, but you want to buy a down jacket that is not only beautiful, but also warm.

How to choose a down jacket?

The most important thing to pay attention to when choosing a down jacket is the composition of the filler. After all, it depends on it how warm the thing will be, and whether you will freeze in a down jacket at low temperatures.

There are 3 main types of filler for:


Artificial down;

Natural down/feather.

Sintepon- artificial filler. Its advantages are good thermal insulation, washability at home, affordable price. Disadvantages - bulk, low wear resistance. A down jacket filled with padding polyester will keep you warm even in extreme cold(but the synthetic winterizer must be laid in several layers), it will cost very little, but it will be voluminous and quite heavy, and with frequent washing it can lose its appearance.

Artificial down- This is a synthetic insulation, which consists of fibers in the form of springs, balls and spirals. This configuration prevents the fibers from coming into contact with each other, which creates cavities that allow down jackets to retain their shape and retain heat. Popular types of artificial down: holofiber, polyfiber, fibertek. Artificial down is warmer than padding polyester and costs more, but not much.

Natural fluff- the warmest, lightest and most expensive filler. Models with 100% natural down content are extremely rare and are very expensive. As a rule, natural down is combined with feathers. The best down is considered to be the down of waterfowl - goose, duck, swan. It is very soft and holds heat very well.

The optimal proportion is 75% down and 25% feather - in such a down jacket you will not freeze, even if the thermometer drops below -20 degrees Celsius. Models with 80% down and 20% feather are very warm, but such down jackets are very expensive. Many manufacturers produce models containing down and feathers in a ratio of 50:50 - such down jackets are designed for temperatures down to -10 degrees. However, it gets colder for no more than 2 weeks a year, so it’s quite possible to buy a down jacket with 50% down and 50% feather as a winter item.

In general, the main rule here is: the higher the percentage of natural down content, the warmer the down jacket.

Down distribution

Another important point that you need to pay attention to before buying a down jacket. All models of down jackets are sewn from square sectors. And there is an explanation for this. This sewing pattern allows you to evenly distribute the insulation throughout the down jacket. Please note that the length of one side of such a square should be about 12 cm. If this value is larger, the fluff will not be able to be distributed evenly and will clump together near one of the corners of the square.

Inscriptions on the label of down jackets

If the label of a down jacket says “down”, the inside is natural down. The inscription “feather” indicates the content of the feather in the filler. "Polyester" means padding polyester or other synthetic filler. “Cotton” is ordinary cotton wool, which will clump when washed. "Wool" - wool batting.

Down jacket length

Of course, the longer it is, the warmer it is. But it’s not always more comfortable. Therefore, choosing the length of a down jacket is a purely individual question. For those who travel by own car, a short down jacket would be preferable, and for those who walk a lot, it is better to choose a longer model.

Where to buy a down jacket?

In our online store you can buy a down jacket for every taste and budget. We have models with 80% natural down content, mid-priced and warm down jackets, and budget items.

Reading time: 6 minutes

Down-feather filler is one of the types of natural fillers, consisting of a mixture of down and feathers from birds - domesticated (goose, duck) and wild (eider, swan, wild duck). Down grows in the plumage of waterfowl only; it protects them from low and high temperatures, that is, from cold and from overheating.

The plumage of birds is divided into flight and contour feathers and down. Fly feathers are never used as filler. Contours (upper body) select only the fluffiest ones. The feather has a hard core (shaft), under which lies down (the lower part of the body), which forms a “layer” and prevents the feather from coming into contact with the body. The down does not have a spine like a feather, but only a core, from which extend beards with processes that interlock with each other and give the down a rounded shape.


The total number of processing stages and operations that fluff goes through is about eighteen.

  • The first stage is considered to be raising waterfowl.
  • Down is collected from a living bird at a certain period.
  • After collection, it is weighed and the quality and degree of moisture are determined, then dried, dusted, sorted and down and feather mixtures are made.
  • Then these mixtures are washed in machines with special detergents, squeezed out in centrifuges to a moisture content of 45-50%, and fed into drying machines, where they are finally dried with hot air (at a temperature of 80-120 degrees). Sometimes hot steam cleaning is used.
  • Using a fan, the fluff is fed into a collector and pressed into bales.

All raw materials must be tested and veterinary certificates are issued for them. If the fluff comes from disadvantaged areas where poultry diseases occur, it undergoes mandatory disinfection.

Categories and properties of down and feather filler

The most expensive type of filler is the one that contains the most fluff - 99-100%. It is called Exclusive quality down and has the following properties:

  • very durable;
  • has low thermal conductivity - the fluffs come into contact with each other and create air gaps, a barrier is formed that allows neither heat nor cold to pass through;
  • hygroscopic - able to absorb large amounts of moisture and evaporate it into environment;
  • has very low weight - light and delicate down compared to all other fillers, including synthetic ones, has a better weight-to-warmth ratio;
  • breathable - ensures good air circulation;
  • non-felt - the fluffs do not fall off, as they are very strong, flexible and elastic.

When adding a feather to such a filler, the category decreases. Filling with a down to feather ratio of 95% to 5% belongs to the Premium category, 70% to 30% to the Highest category, 50% to 50% to the First category, 30% to 70% to the Second category.

The more feathers added, the worse the properties of the filler. If small or crushed feathers from killed poultry are added to it (as a waste product from meat production), it will have higher thermal conductivity, low hygroscopicity, greater weight and fallability. It is also necessarily treated with chemicals.


There is a special indicator of the quality of down and feather filler - the FEEL POWER index (the higher the better).

It shows how resilient the fluff is and how capable it is of recovering from compression.

If the index value is 750 and above, this is fluff of exclusive quality, it is collected manually and only in the spring from the chest part of the bird, which is constantly in selective housing conditions.

An indicator below 400 indicates a very low quality of the filler; such fluff was collected from a dead bird.

The degree of elasticity also determines how many degrees the insulation effectively protects from the cold. For example, duck down in a down jacket with a high FEEL POWER index will provide comfort down to minus 30-35 degrees and even lower.

Raw materials


The most valuable is considered to be the down of the northern eider bird, which lives in the Arctic climate of Iceland (eider down is also collected in Canada, Denmark, Finland and Norway). It is collected by hand directly from the nests. She plucks it out of herself to warm her offspring with the warmth of her skin.

All subsequent stages of processing are also carried out manually, since the fluffs have the highest degree of adhesion, and in the filled product they form a dense elastic layer that does not change shape during use. Products with eider down are incredibly light, airy and warm. This type of filler is the highest quality and most expensive.

Goose feather

Next comes goose down, which is also divided into categories. Most Valuable white goose, followed by gray. Its quality depends on both the breed of bird and the habitat: the harsher the climate in which the goose lives, the higher the quality. Canadian is considered the best. Next come the European breeds: Hungarian, Italian, North German and others.

The down of birds that live in harsh conditions, but fly to countries with warm climates (Turkey, China, Germany) for the winter, is of less quality.


In addition, duck plumage has a specific smell and requires additional processing. Canadian duck down is of very high quality.

White duck down is considered a universal insulation material. It is interesting that the raw materials for it are collected from nests, since this species of duck is listed in the Red Book. Birds prepare nests for their chicks by lining the bottom with down, which they pluck from the abdomen and chest. They cover the laid eggs with the same down.

Chicken feather as a filler

It only has a feather. Used for the production of goods in the lowest price segment.


The best producers of such filler are Canada and Hungary, and products using down and feather raw materials are Canada, Europe (Germany, Hungary) and the Scandinavian countries. The main exporter of the highest quality eider down is Japan.
In Russia, for a long time, raw materials were produced from the fluff of a dead bird, so it was of low quality and inexpensive, then (high-quality and cheap) gained popularity.

Application and care

The down-feather mixture is used as a filler for those products that are intended as insulation. These are winter outerwear (down jackets, jackets, coats) and bedding (blankets and pillows).


For men's, women's and children's down jackets and overalls, down is additionally treated with water-repellent compounds. Usually the filler of the Highest category (70/30%) is used. Such clothes are very light, but protect well from winter frosts.

Modern down jackets are sewn in such a way that fluff and feathers do not come out through the layer of outer fabric. To do this, the filler is placed in special fabric bags, additional cushioning fabric is used, and the seams used to quilt the product are treated with special compounds. To prevent such a down jacket from letting in the cold in the quilting areas, the bags are overlapped.

Thus, a suit with down filling has the following pros and cons. Their main advantage is lightness, durability, and low thermal conductivity of down. However, natural insulation requires additional and special care; it can cause allergic reactions.

How to care for a down jacket made of down and feathers

It is recommended to have the down jacket cleaned, but machine washing with liquid detergent on a delicate cycle is also allowed. To prevent fluff from forming clumps, three tennis balls are placed in the washing machine.

You should not wring out or dry the product in a machine; you should allow the water to drain by laying the down jacket on a horizontal mesh or grid. Then dry with a fan or hair dryer.

Bed dress

And with such natural filling they are very light, soft and warm. They keep their shape well and do not fall off. It is recommended to fluff your pillows by hand every morning (not in the evening).


For such products, dry cleaning in specialized institutions is recommended. You can wash it yourself in a machine at a temperature of 40-60 degrees. Only high quality items are washed. In cheap ones, the filler is more fragile and can be damaged.

Bedding. Much depends on the country where the raw materials were produced, but there is no such information on the label.

You can visually check the quality by pressing on the product and seeing how quickly it returns to shape. If high-quality raw materials were used, the shape is restored by 50-70% in 15 seconds, and completely in 2-3 minutes.

Service life

Clothes and blankets filled with goose down can last up to 20 years. But it is recommended to change bedding (pillows and blankets) every few years (or clean it once a year), as they absorb all the substances that are released through human skin.

Thanks to modern technologies down and feather filler is a very high quality and environmentally friendly material. With proper care, products with it will last a very long time.

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