Dark wallpaper in the interior - advantages and combination options. Photo review of the design. Brown wallpaper in the interior: types, design, combination with other colors, curtains, furniture Combination of brown wallpaper

Brown is considered one of the simplest and most complex colors at the same time. Simple - because it is found everywhere in nature. Complex - because brown can also be obtained artificially, for example, by mixing green and red, orange with blue or gray, yellow and purple... People who prefer interior decoration in brown tones dream of peace, quiet, security, they are often passionate about the countryside, fishing, traveling, but do not like stormy and vibrant adventures and adventures.

The catalog of the Espartos online wallpaper store presents collections with photographs of brown wall wallpaper and its shades for every taste and purpose.

Variety of brown palette

Colorists specializing in colors and their shades have tried many times to count the number of shades of brown, but when approaching the figure of 190–200, they lost count. Manufacturers wall wallpaper Every year they release new collections, which always include brown tones.

The brown palette can be divided into two categories:

The combination of brown wallpaper with other colors in the interior Thanks to the variety of brown palettes, wallpapers of such shades have gained recognition all over the world both among designers and among owners of residential and office premises . The photographs in our store catalog show various combinations of the corresponding wallpapers. You can combine them with wallpaper of other colors or buy wallpaper with an interesting pattern: brickwork , under the tree, matting, floral motifs

  • Brown and white. This combination is recommended for the bedroom. Colors do not put pressure on you emotionally and help you relax and unwind as comfortably as possible. White will look equally good with all shades of the brown palette: cold, light, warm, dark.
  • Brown with orange or yellow. Recommended for decorating children's rooms and rooms with north side, where there is not enough light, warmth and mood. Brown can be used as the base color of the interior, including several shades at the same time, and yellow and orange can be used as additional bright and enlivening spots.
  • Brown with blue or blue. Suitable for decorating a room in nautical style. Use with caution, consult a designer to select suitable shades.

Brown is the color of stability and calmness, naturalness and luxury. It can become a neutral background in the living room or the central element of the bedroom design - it all depends on what kind of wallpaper Brown buy as you see fit.

Brown wallpaper in the living room interior they are harmoniously combined with furniture in warm colors

Brown wallpaper in the photo in the interior look fundamental, safe and reliable. But you shouldn’t overload a small room with too dark canvases - they can be used as an accent, diluting bright white. Decorative accents can also be created using objects in shades of sunny yellow, delicate greens, and rich azure.

Features of using brown in the interior

Brown wallpaper, the price of which depends on the base material and coating, will fit perfectly into the concept retro style, in Japanese or African ethnic style, as well as in traditional and even minimalist solutions.

Brown wallpaper with a pattern goes well with plain light canvases

Brown wallpaper catalog - a lot of win-win variations:

  • smooth single-color surfaces;
  • imitation of textiles, wood, marble, plaster;
  • noble vintage ornaments, voluminous, colored with bronze or gold;
  • with vertical or horizontal stripes;
  • with spectacular patterns in the form of coffee beans, animal skins;
  • plant motifs.

A harmonious complement to brown will be golden and green, orange and beige, purple and white.

Brown wallpaper catalog with photo in the interior demonstrates all the grace and depth of this incredible shade. Here you will find and bronze shine, and delicious chocolate notes and you will be able to enjoy the versatility and practicality of this tone, which turns out to be appropriate almost everywhere. Brown wallpaper can vary in saturation, but at the same time remains quite dark. However, this does not in any way limit their use even in small areas - just do not cover all the walls with such canvases, but use them as a deep accent. By the way, brown tone is considered incredibly cozy and very natural - it will look appetizing in the kitchen, and in the bedroom- calming, in the office it will emphasize respectability, and in the nursery it will become a relaxed background for bright toys and textiles.

Depending on what color is chosen to decorate a home, a person’s emotional mood will largely depend. Brown shades are considered calm and restrained; they evoke a feeling of warmth and help create a calm and soft atmosphere. Psychologists believe that shades of this color help you relax, abstract from other people’s opinions, and feel solid ground under your feet. However, brown is very versatile, and if dark shades Since they promote relaxation and concentration, lighter ones are already symbols of freedom and lightness.

How to use brown wallpaper?

As noted earlier, the color we are considering has many shades, and varied shades, which means that brown wallpaper can be used in the interior of an apartment completely in various rooms, starting from the hallway and ending with the bedroom. The only thing that should be taken into account is the natural gloominess of the color, the excess of which can lead to the same gloominess of the entire design itself. Therefore, you should not decorate the room entirely in brown shades - there should be combinations and accents.

Dark brown wallpaper in the interior combined with white

White is perhaps the most neutral color, which, according to by and large, goes well with any other color. However, it perfectly breaks up the gloominess created by a dark palette, bringing more freedom and space to the room. In addition, it allows you to visually expand the space of the room, which can be very useful for small rooms. Brown wallpaper in the bedroom combined with white accents will look very cool. Curtains can become carriers of white, bed sheets, carpet, several accessories, upholstery.

However, this combination in itself may seem boring to many people, so it is not forbidden to add a few bright components. Let's say let it be yellow desk lamp, green rug or blue pillow. Take a look at how the brown wallpaper in the photo looks in such an environment:

Dark brown wallpaper in the interior combined with beige

Beige companions are ideal for cases where dark brown wallpaper is used in the interior. Such a tandem is one of the most balanced, one might even say monochrome. This is due to the fact that both shades belong to the same color scheme, however, they are located at its opposite ends. Ideal rooms to use this combination: bedroom and living room. The interior created with the help of this pair will look very calm and harmonious. Moreover, it is much warmer than the combination considered in the previous case. At the same time, what shade will be on the canvases and what shade will be on the accents is up to the owner to decide. So, brown wallpaper in the living room can be dark, and in the bedroom it can be light. The color of furniture, textiles and other components, respectively, in the first case will be light, in the second - dark. All that remains is to add a couple bright accents, and the design is ready.

Brown wallpaper in the kitchen

It should be noted that brown wallpaper in the kitchen can also be a good choice. As a rule, these are light shades of walls in combination with a dark facade of furniture, or more light furniture. The main thing is that the shade of the latter differs by at least several tones from the main color of the walls. In addition, you should refrain from using cloths near work areas. It's better to post it there ceramic tiles, since wallpaper can very quickly become unusable under the influence of fumes, splashes, etc.

Brown wallpaper combined with pink

Pink color will help dilute the seriousness of brown, and dilute it to such an extent that these colors can even be used in a children's room. Children's room with brown wallpaper, decorated with e.g. pink curtains, a rug, and several drawers for toys, it will look light and relaxed.

But the children's room is not the only room that will successfully accept a combination of brown and pink. Both the bedroom and the living room will also look very good in a similar design. At the same time, the main thing is to ensure that the proportion of pink is not predominant, since in this case the interior may take on the appearance of being too frivolous, and such an effect, while more or less acceptable for a bedroom, is unlikely for a living room.

Brown wallpaper in the bedroom and living room combined with green

In combination with yellow-green shades, light brown wallpaper looks especially good in the interior. The use of fresh green foliage against the background of walls, similar in color to the bark of young trees, literally pleases the eye, inspires optimism and fills the soul with harmony. Such a tandem within the walls of a city apartment looks as lively and natural as it does in nature. Ideal places To implement such an interior, the living room and bedroom will be used. Look how the brown wallpaper looks here in the photo:

But with darker shades of brown it is better to use bright ones yellow colors, because the closer green gets to yellow, the more noticeable its sound is in the interior. Carrying positive energy, yellow fills the room with joy and optimism, which perfectly dilute gloom and seriousness dark walls. The living room and dining room would be suitable for using this pair.

Brown wallpaper in the bedroom combined with purple

To this combination in last years began to show more and more interest, thanks to which it received wide use in residential apartments, and offices too. However, it is suitable only for those people who are not very susceptible to the psychological effects of flowers. If purely visually this combination looks very good, then in terms of psychology it has such a calming effect that a person may lose all desire to do anything. However, if we're talking about about the bedroom, then such an effect will only be beneficial.

Combination with blue and orange - brown wallpaper in the hallway

Duet of blue and orange flowers looks truly amazing against the background brown walls. They get along well with them separately, but the most best result should be expected precisely from the combination of this trinity. On the one hand, blue brings notes of coolness and spaciousness to the interior, on the other hand, orange adds bright and rich accents. By dividing them into pairs, this effect cannot be achieved. If you use only blue, the room will seem more austere and cold, but if only orange, then the room, although warmer, will become darker and visually smaller. Brown wallpaper in the hallway in combination with blue and orange accessories will perhaps become best choice for this room.

It has long been noted that the enormous influence on emotional condition a person, as well as his well-being and psychological mood, are influenced by the colors that surround him.

Psychology experts believe that brown shades are calming and help restore psychological balance. Canvases of such colors will certainly help you create an original and stylish design any room. To avoid dullness and gloom, designers advise combining dark and light palettes.

Room with brown canvases

Most people believe that chocolate color dull and a room in this design will certainly be gloomy. However, if you combine brown wallpaper with light furniture, you can get a harmonious atmosphere.

For deep color, it is enough to choose the “ideal friend” and the interior will turn out incomparably beautiful.

Selecting wallpaper

When choosing brown wallpaper, you need to be extremely careful. Small room overloaded with this color will seem even smaller.

Combination with white

This combination can be considered the most ideal. With such a union, snow-white will expand the room and visually increase its space. When decorating in such colors, you need to add a little variety, in the form of colorful details, to avoid the dullness of the interior.

For small rooms, feel free to choose white and brown wallpaper, they will visually increase the size of the space, and the room will look much more spacious.

Union with pastel shades

To create a warm and relaxed interior, choose this combination. This union is perfect for a living room or bedroom. In the hall, designers successfully practice the technique of accentuation. It is when coffee wallpaper They are glued to only one wall, and the other three walls are decorated in pastel shades. Bright decorative items will fit perfectly into such an interior.

A rich bedroom decoration can be created using chocolate colors or with gold motifs. Beige and brown wallpaper will make your apartment warm and welcoming.

Blue notes

The combination of these colors will make the room cold and dark. This design solution suitable for rooms located on the south side.

For a children's bedroom you should not use a lot of brown; here you can and should add blue. For example, blue you can select a playing area.

Duet golden and brown

Designers consider this union to be the most sophisticated and chic. These colors complement each other. In the sunlight, the walls shimmer with gold. Using this combination, you can emphasize the wealth and status of the homeowners.

Yellow wallpaper goes well with brown. Using this combination you can create a beautiful room with a cozy atmosphere.

Combination with green

Brown-orange mood

If you want to get an energetic atmosphere without losing warmth and comfort, feel free to decorate the room in these colors. Light-colored furniture is perfect for such an interior.

Duet with lilac

By choosing such a duo to design your room, you can achieve a calm and relaxing atmosphere. A bedroom made in this style will help you relax after have a hard day and will always set you up for a pleasant holiday.

Features of using these shades

Shades of brown have different intensities. Therefore, there are quite a few alternatives for its use. When using brown wallpaper in the interior, you need to pay attention to some features:

  • Rich chocolate, without sufficient lighting, it seems dull and gloomy.
  • When choosing dark wallpaper, you need to choose more quality models. They last longer appearance and are more resistant to mechanical damage.
  • To create such an interior, it is imperative to use bright accents.
  • IN big room use dark brown wallpaper. In tiny rooms, give preference to light brown wallpaper.
  • Massive patterns should be used only on one wall. Large drawing can greatly “saturate” and overload the room.
  • Beige or white-cream furniture is perfect for chocolate canvases.

Wall color with brown furniture

Chocolate-colored furniture goes well with brown fabrics if you add a few other colors to the room. Green, yellow or cream decorative elements will do this perfectly.

Chestnut-colored furniture harmoniously combines:

  • Pale grey colour It will bring rigor to the interior and will be able to slightly expand the space.
  • Milky shades also visually increase the space and add softness to the room.
  • Add a romantic mood, create cozy interior the color of coffee with milk will help.
  • Unique and stylish house can be achieved using golden shades.

A large number of photos of brown wallpaper in the interior can be seen in the portfolio of any designer. Noble color can be used to decorate a room in any style. Don't be afraid bold decisions when creating the style of your home.

Photo of brown wallpaper

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