In connection with the successful completion of the probationary period. Dismissal immediately after the end of the audit. Is it possible to take sick leave or vacation during the probationary period?

At looking for a new job, a lot of effort is applied to finding a worthy vacancy, pass an interview and a competency test, and eventually hear: “We are waiting for you at the workplace on Monday at 9:00.” It would seem that at this moment you can relax, believing that all the obstacles to the desired work have been overcome. But there's more to come passing a probationary period- no less important period, which is also important for subsequent successful work in the organization.

According to article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a probationary period is a check of the compliance of an employee with the assigned work, which is established by agreement of the parties and must be indicated in employment contract.

Success during the probationary period is not only in the conscientiousness of your work, but also in how competently you can enter the team. So how to pass probation at work? The 10 rules for passing the probationary period below will help you do this.

Passing the probationary period:

1. Don't be late

Have you noticed that your new colleagues are not particularly punctual, and the boss generally comes to the office for lunch? May be. But that's no reason to behave the same way. You are a beginner and must show yourself as disciplined as possible, even if no one watches your arrival time. Being late should not be part of your habits at all, and even more so during the probationary period, you can’t afford to relax.

2. Take your time

On the very first day, do you want to impress your superiors and prove that you were hired for a reason? Don't rush, take a look. Initiative is good, but no one likes upstarts, and the new boss expects from you, rather, diligence and discipline, rather than instant innovation. Moreover, if you immediately begin to promote your ideas, you willy-nilly show that you do not like the order established in the company, and thus set the team against you.

3. Write down names

Accept that your name and face will not be remembered immediately, but on the contrary, you need to “learn” all your colleagues as quickly as possible. Attentive people everyone likes you, so write down the names, positions, and office numbers, and try to address people by their first names rather than "Sorry" as often as possible.

4. Leave on time

Bosses love workaholics, but if you immediately start working late at work, this is more likely to arouse suspicion. Are you failing to complete your duties within the allotted time? Or are you just going to surf the Internet for free? Or maybe for some reason you want to be alone in the office? In any case, it does not paint you. Yes, it is necessary to be zealous, but only when it is really necessary. At any enterprise there are "shock" seasons, and the rest of the time there is a working schedule and a normalized working day.

5. Forget "your charter"

Remember the proverb about someone else's monastery? She fully applies to the new place of work. So that already in time passing the probationary period to join the team, it is necessary to maintain its public and unspoken rules and not neglect the company, if you are invited to it. Even if you don’t like something, don’t rebel, try to do it gently and delicately in your own way, but don’t flaunt it, because your “courage” will definitely not be appreciated.

6. Don't show off

Nobody forces you to be a gray mouse, but you should not immediately shock new colleagues. Do not get carried away with bright outfits, do not do fancy makeup, your appearance may be individual, but in no case should shock. To be entitled to full self-expression, you must first win the sympathy or at least the respect of your colleagues. Wait for you to conclude fixed-term employment contract until the team gets used to you, and until that moment, try not to annoy them self-promotion and self-promotion.

7. Don't mope

Is it hard for you to adjust to a new place? Scared that you can't make it? miss you old work? Whatever is bothering you, your new colleagues should not know about it. Do not show your depression, do not complain about the conditions and do not sigh, remembering "how good it was there." Otherwise, sooner or later your superiors will have a question: if you feel so bad here, why did you come?

8. Be a "robot"

Yes, we are all human, and we all have personal problems. But, unfortunately, everyone will have to solve them differently. So, old-time employees have certainly won the trust of their superiors and can “in their own way” take time off for a day or two. Another thing is a novice on probation, he has not yet earned the right to be a man, and if his child falls ill or the sewer breaks, he must “resolve” the situation without prejudice to work. If something really extraordinary happened, explain everything to the boss and promise to work off the lost time. And make it clear that incidents like this are the exception, not the rule.

9. Don't talk

Personal conversations in work time you should not allow yourself even the old people. Firstly, it is distracting, and secondly, it annoys those around you who are working while you are chatting. And when passing the probationary period such a luxury is even more unaffordable. Remember - loquacity, talkativeness, loquacity evil!

10. Relax discreetly

Taking short breaks from work is normal. All people need rest, and all bosses are well aware of this. However, while you are in the office "on the bird's rights", it is better not to annoy anyone with your rest. Do not delay smoke breaks, do not get carried away with tea parties, do not play solitaire games on your work computer. Yes, at first you will have to work hard, but for that it is a trial period - who told you that it would be easy?

And most importantly - do not forget that not only you go through a trial period in relation to the company, but also the company in relation to you. Remember that you are an excellent specialist, that your employment opportunities are not limited only to this company. This attitude will improve your chances by:

Your possible disadvantages will be more than compensated by professionalism;

Confident behavior, adorned with self-esteem, is itself perceived as professionalism;

It is in a confident and firm state that you intuitively choose the line of behavior that will contribute not only to successful entry into the company, but also to professional and career growth (promotion, promotion) in it.

Good luck with your probationary period!

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The interview was successful, the desired job was found.

But it is not always the case. Serious organizations and companies that accept newcomers to their staff, without fail, set a trial period for them. How to successfully pass the probationary period? If you want to get a foothold in this job, you have to pass the “exam”.

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the probationary period for employees can last up to three months. For employees - managers and heads of accounting departments, the test is set for up to six months. The employer does not have the right to extend the probation period at its discretion. It is possible to increase the verification period only if during the test the person took sick leave or went on vacation.

During this period, the leader is eyeing the newcomer. Appreciates it professional quality, punctuality, accuracy, etc. And a beginner gets used to a new place. Meet colleagues, assess their capabilities. During this time, you can understand whether such a job suits you, or you should look for another place.

If the management sees in you a full-fledged, worthy employee corresponding to this position, consider that the test was passed with success, and you will remain in the state.

But if the boss does not see your efforts, skills and desire to cooperate, he has the right to fire you without paying severance pay. He is only obliged to warn you 3 days before the dismissal. There are times when newcomers leave on their own. They understand that such work does not suit them, bad team, excessive requirements, etc. At the same time, there is no obligation to warn the management in advance.

After the announcement of your departure, they have no right to force you to stay or work for two weeks. They are subject to ordinary dismissal. Legal employment is considered only after passing the probationary period. Therefore, you do not owe anything to the authorities.

You are entitled to the trial period wage. It should not be lower than that indicated in the vacancy announcement. Sometimes employers deceive inexperienced newcomers in an attempt to save on pay. It is reported that the salary of the test subject is not due, or the salary will be lower than it should be. And when three months expire, the employee is reported that he is not suitable for the position. It is illegal. Therefore, be careful. In front of the device new job read labor laws. Ask about the company's reputation.

If you agree to a trial period, require a contract. Read the terms and conditions in the contract. If at the first meeting with the management something strange seemed to you or the refusal to conclude an agreement, without hesitation, leave such an offer.

When accepting employees, reputable organizations must correctly stipulate their responsibilities. Or represent a senior for an internship. If they tell you everything in detail, that's good. There will be an opportunity to plan time, evaluate and distribute forces. Find out if you are qualified for the position. If there were no clarifications, follow the proven advice.

  1. natural behavior. Do not show yourself as too shy or liberated person. People are judged by the first moments of communication. Be yourself in all situations. Feel free to seek help from experienced colleagues. After all, it is impossible to understand all the intricacies of work in one day. Curious employees are appreciated. But be curious. Do not show a complete lack of experience in your field of activity.
  2. Discipline. If you are on the path to success, do everything ahead of time, show the skills of a specialist well, do not turn up your nose and do not violate the norms of discipline. Do not run away early from the workplace. Don't make yourself protracted lunch breaks. But you don't have to stay up late at the office either. The authorities will not appreciate this, but will think that you do not have time to fulfill your duties during working hours.
  3. Relationships in the team. Friendship with colleagues important point in a working environment. If you are a sociable, not shy person, this will not be difficult. Watch the behavior of your colleagues. Behave yourself too. Then you will not become a white crow and an object of ridicule. Match the style of your clothes. Match their style. Do not come in jeans if everyone is wearing formal trousers or skirts. On the first working day, win over your colleagues with an interesting story from life, an anecdote to the place, etc. Buy sweets and treat everyone to tea. Of course, if it is not forbidden by the authorities. Do not be intrusive and talkative bore. Don't judge anyone. Otherwise, you will gain a reputation as a gossip (gossip).
  4. Show initiative. Feel free to express your personal opinion. Propose a solution to an urgent problem. A beginner can from the side, fresh eyes evaluate the performance of the firm. And suggest measures to improve it, based on previous experience. But don't do anything without the advice of management. Maybe the company does not need your eagerness to improve something. Taking independent action just piss off your boss.

Your successful result at the end trial period depends only on you. Be patient and go ahead!

However, ignorance of the law is no excuse, remember? Therefore, try to find out all the norms of corporate culture adopted in the company in the very first days. At first, all employees of the organization will be watching you, your actions will be in sightPhoto: Depositphotos One of my good friends was almost fired from her job for sending business letter counterparty with his personal Email. And the other still was fired on probation - for refusing to go to work on Sunday. At first, you will be watched by all the employees of the organization. Your actions as a new employee will be in full view. Therefore, respect the traditions and follow the rules that are now established in your company. 3. Be friendly and open You came to the organization to work. Now you and your colleagues are one team.

How to pass the probationary period

Such curiosity will by no means be superfluous, because each organization has its own nuances (someone holds a meeting in the morning, someone at the end of the working day, and so on). 3. With your charter in a strange monastery If you already worked somewhere before the device, you should not habitual ways bring into the new organization.

Expressing dissatisfaction with the organization of work or the attitude of superiors towards subordinates will not add points to you, but rather reduce the chances of permanent job. With your comments, you will bring dissonance to a well-coordinated team, and neither the employees nor the boss will like it.

If much does not suit you, it is better to draw your own conclusions and get used to the new order or quit without waiting for the end of the probationary period. 4. No interest in work Perhaps you are not interested in this job, and you are only going to work because of the money.

New job: how to successfully pass the probationary period

If there is no corresponding instruction from the head, try to organize it. “It seems to me that the results of this half of the year will look best in the table: it will be possible to compare with the previous period. And our achievements will be clearly visible!” - the manager will surely appreciate such an offer, and you will be able to show your best side.

Do not be afraid to take the initiativeInitiative is punishable, they liked to talk in Soviet times. Now the situation has changed: in progressive companies, an enterprising employee has not been perceived as a troublemaker for a long time.


On the contrary, reasonable proposals, a fresh look and interesting ideas, most likely, will be appreciated by your manager. But if it seems to you that the department in which you work is doing something wrong or inefficiently, do not criticize the common cause.

How to successfully pass the probationary period

And it is customary in the team to help and support each other. Do not try to strictly limit your powers from the first day of work - I will do this, but this is not included in my official duties.

Such an approach will immediately make you vulnerable in the eyes of not only the team, but also your employer. At first, most likely, an employee will be assigned to you who will bring you up to date.

This person should be treated with special respect. IN commercial organizations mentoring is very reluctant to pay, and therefore for this person you will most likely be an additional burden.


Be friendly and willing to help. Do not wait to be directly asked to do something if you yourself see that a colleague needs your help. 4. Coordinate your actions with the employer It would seem an obvious rule that does not even require voicing aloud.

How to pass a probationary period at work

If the employer is not satisfied with your work, then he has the right to terminate the employment contract with you, that is, simply dismiss you. To do this, the following conditions must be met: the contract is terminated before the expiration of the trial period, you must be warned of dismissal in writing no later than three days in advance and indicate the reasons.
The employer may consider that you did your work poorly, missed deadlines, were late, and so on - all this should be spelled out. Moreover, the employer cannot take your mistakes and violations out of your head, but is obliged to document them. For example, you were late - there should be a memorandum and an explanatory note. If you believe that you have been dismissed unreasonably, you can appeal this decision in court. Just be realistic - you really could not cope with the work.

How to pass the probationary period

If you took sick leave, then you will have to go through a probationary period for as many days as you stayed at home. If it doesn’t add up Interviews with new candidates are good criterion for personnel selection. And most of the new employees successfully pass the tests.
However, it happens that newcomers get lost, do not follow orders and behave lost. Then the employers decide to break labor Relations. In the case of a probationary period, the employee is warned about the termination of employment obligations three days in advance. The employee must receive a letter where the decision to terminate the probationary period is justified.

You need to analyze your behavior and work on the mistakes.

How to pass the probationary period? employer logic

Usually in it general view describes the tasks that a new specialist must solve during the probationary period, the timing of their implementation, as well as the criteria for evaluating his work - for example, the number of attracted customers, sales volume, the number of articles written, etc. Your manager together with a HR specialist.

Having received such a document, discuss the details with your boss or your mentor: with whom you can cooperate on certain issues, where to look for the information necessary for work. Set goals and deadlines Russian companies the timetable for taking office is still more of a rarity than a daily practice. Nevertheless, you may well invite your manager to plan your work together for the first weeks or months.

How to pass a probationary period at work?

It will probably be quite difficult to achieve record numbers in the first months. However, for this you need to take the first steps and show the employer that you are doing everything to achieve the plans that were announced at the interview. Therefore, before entering a new workplace, make your plan and follow its points to hold on after the probationary period. In this plan, you need to write tasks that must be completed within a specified period. It is also necessary to indicate the deadlines for completing the tasks and identify the criteria for evaluating the work. You can draw up such a plan together with the manager or recruiter.

When you have such a document in your hands, you can discuss the details with a mentor, on some issues. For example, where you can find the information you need to work.

The consequences of such behavior can be the most unpredictable. What else won't your employer appreciate?

  • Indigestible music playing from your PC speakers. As an option - an employee with plugged ears. Wearing headphones, you isolate yourself from the rest, although it will seem to you that you are in complete control of what is happening in the office, other colleagues, seeing your headphones, simply will not approach you.
  • Discussing with colleagues your previous boss and the organization's practices.
  • Eccentric behavior.
  • Frequent tardiness and requests to leave early from work.

What does the employer expect from you? The requirements of the employer are clear: Firstly, he wants to see your desire and desire to work.

How to successfully pass the probationary period at a new job

This is a direct indication of the law, which means that even if you sign an employment contract in which you will be given a probationary period, the contract in this paragraph is not valid. Fourth conclusion: the trial period should not exceed three months.

Less is possible - at least three days, more - no. Only managers, chief accountants and their deputies were unlucky - they can be set a trial period of up to six months, the work is such a responsible one. The specific period of probation set for you should be specified in the employment contract. But keep in mind that the time spent on sick leave does not count towards the probationary period. They fell ill for two weeks - they are added to the probationary period. The fifth, disappointing conclusion: the probationary period is indeed established for a reason.
The first conclusion: a probationary period can be established, but this is not a mandatory condition. You can be hired without a test. In principle, the probationary period is set by agreement of the parties, but if you refuse to sign the contract in which it is established, then you simply ... will not get a job.

The second conclusion: if the employment contract does not say anything about the probationary period, then it is not established. It cannot be retroactively included in the contract. The opinion of the employer that the test is established for everyone and it is not necessary to specifically stipulate it can be ignored.

Third conclusion: the law lists the categories of employees for whom a probationary period is not established in principle, including pregnant women and women with children under the age of one and a half years; minors (under 18 years of age); young professionals (with reservations that they must receive education at a university, college, etc.
Finding a job is half the battle; most of the “freshly settled” employees have a trial period ahead of them, which must be passed. And only after that it will be possible to breathe freely - the work has been received.

In essence, a probationary period is an opportunity to check whether you are suitable for this job and whether it suits you. But the crisis and the emerging “employer market” have their own rules: the job has become a reward, and the winner has the feeling that a line of people who want to get the same job has lined up behind him (or the employer successfully forms such a feeling).

In fairness, we note that at all times, starting a new job was stressful. Let's see what makes up the successful completion of the probationary period. By right in Labor Code RF (Bible of Worker's Rights) two capacious articles are devoted to probation - 70th and 71st. We read carefully and draw conclusions.

Those who manage to find a suitable job usually experience how to successfully pass the probationary period? After all, when yours is selected from a huge number of resumes, from dozens of applicants, the choice is on you, you want to keep this achievement, go through a probationary period and keep your coveted job. To do this, you need to show yourself as positively as possible within a month, which is very difficult to do in a new team when you do not know its orders and characteristics of each of the employees.

What can be done to minimize errors? How to successfully pass the probationary period? Try to follow these rules:

1. Don't make your own rules

This rule applies not only to those who want to pass a probationary period at work. It is universal for all occasions. You don’t have to immediately tell everyone right from the door that you know exactly how to make life in a team better, how to do work correctly and generally live competently. Perhaps you, a person with a fresh look, will throw some shortcomings in the company's business processes, but this does not mean that you should immediately voice them. Remember that this system of work and relationships has been built here over the years. Perhaps this is the best solution for this company. Only with time will you be able to understand whether it makes sense to come up with optimization proposals or not. At the beginning, your task is to pass a trial period, and only then you can deal with recommendations.

2. Get to know the corporate culture

This recommendation is a consequence of the previous advice. Each company has its own rules of conduct, and some of them are difficult for a beginner to guess. But this does not mean that you will always be forgiven for not knowing these rules. Therefore, in order to successfully pass the probationary period, try to ask everything about the current corporate ethics. Act on the basis that this is now your company, it is important for you to know everything about it, even if you are just going through a probationary period at work.

3. Show friendliness and openness

To successfully pass the probationary period at work, it is important to understand that even at this stage, you and your colleagues represent the same team. This means that you should help each other. Do not try to immediately sharply outline your terms of reference for the position: this is part of my duties, but this is not. Usually, a mentor is assigned to a person who is on probation at work. As a rule, he is not paid extra for this, but he is asked for all your failures. Therefore, try not to be a burden to him, but on the contrary, offer your help in something.

4. Account for your actions to your employer

Perhaps the simplest rule that will allow you to successfully pass the trial period. But many often forget about it and install their programs on the working computer, disable the installed ones, etc., thinking little about the consequences.

What should be avoided in order to pass the probationary period?

Do not turn on music on your PC, even if you are wearing headphones. Music from the speakers may not be to the taste of either the boss or colleagues. And the employee, sitting in the headphones, just fences himself off from the world. There is no desire to approach him and include him in the general flow of work. And this is not at all what helps to pass the probationary period.
Do not discuss with new colleagues the previous place of work and boss.
Do not display eccentric behavior.
Avoid talking on the phone with friends and hanging out on social networks.
Do not be late and do not take time off from work for any reason.

How to successfully pass the probationary period?

Demonstrate the desire and desire to work. The boss must see the fire in your eyes, the desire to delve into the essence.
You must be absolutely loyal. That is, to accept unconditionally corporate values, to show respect for colleagues and superiors.
Required condition: in order to pass the probationary period, you must qualitatively fulfill your duties entrusted to you by the position. If necessary, be sure to show initiative, readiness for responsibility.
Usually, not only a good specialist is hired, but also a good person. Therefore, if you want to pass a trial period, feel free to demonstrate your moral principles and life values. Their positive coloring will always play into your hands.

We all know that trial period is difficult and responsible time for a new employee. It shows how a person is suitable for this company, this team and work in general, as well as how such work, team and company correspond to his needs. If there are no problems in this relationship, the question is, how to successfully pass the probationary period, will not excite you at any stage. Everything will go by itself smoothly. But if you feel some discomfort, a suspicion that something is not right here and not the way you would like, do not torture yourself and do not put the company at risk. After all, she's not the only one. With due effort, you can find the company of your dreams where the problem of successfully passing the probationary period will not arise at all.

It was with you that your manager met personally and approved your candidacy. Now it's up to the little things - to prove yourself in a new place and reach those career heights that you so dreamed of!

But do not rush to make far-reaching plans. You have been given a month. And for this month, your task is not only to prove yourself, but also not to mess things up. Often newcomers make whole line mistakes, which sometimes lead to sad consequences.

A good friend of mine almost got fired from her job because she sent a business letter to a counterparty from her personal email. And the other was nevertheless fired on probation - for refusing to go to work on Sunday.

At first, you will be watched by all the employees of the organization. Your actions will be visible to everyone. Therefore, respect the traditions and established now in your company.

3. Be friendly and open

You came to the organization to work. Now you and your colleagues are one team. And it is customary in the team to help and support each other. Do not try to strictly limit your powers from the first day of work - I will do this, but this is not part of my job responsibilities. Such an approach will immediately make you vulnerable in the eyes of not only the team, but also your employer.

At first, most likely, an employee will be assigned to you who will bring you up to date. This person should be treated with special respect. In commercial organizations, mentoring is very reluctant to pay, and therefore, for this person, you will most likely be an additional burden. Show a desire to help. Do not wait to be directly asked to do something if you yourself see that a colleague needs your help.

It would seem an obvious rule that does not even require voicing aloud. But many neglect it from the very first working day.

Photo: Depositphotos

For example, as a host, a beginner installs various “super important” programs like icq and M-agent on his working PC, changes system settings, and disables anti-virus software at his own discretion to “optimize work processes”. The consequences of such behavior can be the most unpredictable.

What else won't your employer appreciate?

  • Indigestible music playing from your PC speakers. As an option - an employee with plugged ears. Wearing headphones, you isolate yourself from the rest, although it will seem to you that you are in complete control of what is happening in the office, other colleagues, seeing your headphones, simply will not approach you.
  • Discussing with colleagues your previous boss and the organization's practices.
  • Eccentric behavior.
  • Social networking, cell phone conversations with friends.
  • Frequent tardiness and requests to leave early from work.

What does the employer expect from you?

Thirdly, you are expected to perform your duties with high quality. If the job requires initiative and responsibility, you will be expected to display these qualities.

And fourthly, your employer really hopes that you are not only a competent specialist, but also just good man. Availability of life values ​​and sustainable moral principles will always be a strong argument in your favor.

Probationary period is a difficult time for an employee. This time is given to you and your company to answer the question - are you suitable for each other? If the answer is yes, then most likely the adaptation process will pass quickly and almost imperceptibly for you. If, however, in an organization in which you recently got a job, you are uncomfortable and uncomfortable, then maybe you should not waste your precious time on it?

Don't be afraid to look for the company of your dreams. After all, this company employs people just like you! And to the one who knocks, sooner or later the door will be opened.

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