Abutilon indoor maple home care. Abutilon plant called "indoor maple". Diseases, pests and growing problems

A very modest-looking plant, but at the same time uniquely charming. The carved leaves and modest flowers-bells of the abutilon indoor maple do not leave anyone indifferent, and it is worth seeing this plant at least once to fall in love with it completely and irrevocably. This home green "pet" has undeniable advantages - it is unpretentious in care and blooms almost all year round. Find out how to properly care for him so that Abutilon feels good?

Indoor maple is a member of the Malvaceae family, which includes more than 200 different types of perennials and annuals. Among the representatives of this family there are grasses, shrubs and even small trees. Abutilon's closest relatives are hibiscus, stockrose, and mallow.

Abutilon is a small evergreen shrub and can reach a height of 1.5 m. Its leaves are lobed (up to 3-5 lobes), serrated, rather large (reach a length of 15 cm), resemble the leaves of an ordinary maple tree in shape.

Abutilon blooms at home throughout almost the entire year - the flowering period begins in early spring and lasts until late autumn. The flowers are in the form of bells or lanterns, they bend down under the weight of the petals. They can be single or collected in inflorescences. Their color can vary from white to red-yellow.

The birthplace of abutilon (indoor maple) is Australia, China, India, subtropical and tropical regions of the continents of North and South America. There is a species that grows in the territory of Russia in the wild - this is Theophrastus' cable car. Now it is actively cultivated and grown at home, gardens, greenhouses.

Home maple is also called rope maple. The fact is that some of its subspecies can be used for the production of various products - for example, burlap, ropes, ropes.

Species, varieties and hybrids

This plant has a lot of subspecies, and all thanks to breeders who tirelessly work on the variety of abutilone. Most often, abutilon hybrid is found in apartments and offices, which appeared due to the crossing of several wild species. The plant is prized for its beautiful bell flowers, which can range in color from yellowish orange to reddish pink, and often have contrasting veining. There are even white buds. The size of the flowers of indoor abutilon is about 4-5 cm.

The size of the hybrid abutilon is small, but it bushes well, may have lobed or heart-shaped leaves. Grows fast.

There is also a cultivar called Abutilone Hybrid Bellevue Blend. The name "Abutilon Bellevue" can be translated from French as "beautiful kind of flowering maple". It arose at a time when French was an international language and was often used by the nobility. As a rule, Bellevue abutilon is called those types of domestic maple that give rather large (up to 5 cm in diameter) flowers.

Abutilon Bella is also a hybrid variety. It blooms for a long time and has fairly large flowers from 5 to 10 cm in diameter, pleasant and smooth to the touch. In shape, they are somewhat different from the usual abutilon bells - they are more open and more like a skirt around the corolla than a familiar flower. The color of the petals is usually red, bright orange, peach or white. Hybrids can occur that produce pink or salmon. Bella is small in size - the bushes rarely stretch more than 50 cm in height and therefore do not require pinching and crown formation. The leaves are bright green and ovate.

Abutilon megapotamus came from Brazil to the collection of gardeners. It grows quickly and looks great in hanging baskets or garden vases, and has leaves with yellowish spots or streaks. It blooms with single lantern-shaped flowers. It is usually grown in the garden, but when the air temperature drops to +15 degrees, the plant is immediately brought into the room. In winter, it is kept as a regular hybrid maple. The plant is also called the Amazon maple.

Also in demand are such varieties as Abutilon Organza or Abutilon Juliet. They are ideal for growing in bright rooms, unpretentious and literally 4-5 months after planting they are already starting to bloom. Juliet can reach a height of 150 cm, moreover, the annual growth is about 50 cm. And in order to keep the shape of the plant beautiful, it is recommended to cut the top shoot every spring, shortening it by 2 times.

For those who want to grow a profusely flowering plant, Abutilon Amelie seeds are suitable. It is lush, easily forms a beautiful crown of the desired shape, has large flowers with pressed tea-colored petals. Over time, they lighten to cream, and in the central part they become fuchsia.

How to care for abutilone

Caring for abutilone at home is quite simple. Indoor maple is unpretentious, but still needs the right conditions. Only in this case will it please with a plentiful and long flowering period.

Temperature regime

Do not forget that the abutilon flower is thermophilic, but it does not like excessively high temperatures. The best option is if in summer it is kept at a temperature of +24 degrees, in winter the regime with the thermometer readings of +14 ... +17 degrees will be optimal.

In the warm season, abutilon is often taken outside, but in this case it is recommended to carefully monitor the weather forecast. If frosts are promised or the temperature suddenly drops to +12 ... +15 degrees, the plant must be brought into a warm room.

The minimum air temperature that abutilon can withstand is +10 degrees. With an excessively low indicator, the flower will begin to lose leaves and may get sick. But at too high a temperature, it is likely to stop blooming.


Abutilon maple is a photophilous plant. It needs a lot of ambient light for abundant flowering, and feels best on the windowsills located in the south, southeast or southwest sides of the apartment. The abutilon bush needs some shade only on very hot days, because if the sun is too bright, the pattern burns out on the leaf plate.

In winter, the plant may experience a lack of light - it is recommended to additionally illuminate it with fluorescent lamps.

Air humidity

Humidity for indoor flower abutilon is also one of the main factors for its prosperous existence. The plant prefers high values ​​\u200b\u200bof this indicator, so it is recommended to spray the foliage regularly (about once every 2-3 days), and also place a container with water near the bush. It is especially important to frequently irrigate abutilon on hot days, but the procedure is carried out only in the morning or in the evening.


Home abutilon is not a succulent and it does not accumulate water, which means it needs quite frequent watering. The procedure is carried out with warm settled water so that the earth lump does not dry out. Watering in summer is more frequent than in winter.

Experienced flower growers advise diluting ordinary settled water from the water supply with boiled water before watering. The optimum temperature of the liquid for irrigation is +30 degrees. In order for it to become somewhat sour, you can add a little lemon juice to it - a few drops are enough.

top dressing

In the spring, Abutilon begins a period of active growth, and at this time it is recommended to feed it with nitrogenous fertilizers. You can purchase those that are sold in stores and are suitable for indoor decorative foliage crops. During the formation of buds, phosphorus-containing and potassium compounds will become the best top dressing. Fertilization interval - 10 days. In the autumn and winter seasons, abutilon does not need additional feeding - there is a dormant period.


Home abutilon needs periodic pruning of shoots, as it grows quite quickly, especially if kept indoors. Pruning is done only after the end of the flowering of the plant or in early spring, before the start of the period of active growth.

Each shoot is cut off by about a third of the length. In this case, the crown of the bush will learn to be neat, and it will bloom more abundantly, since flowers rarely form on old branches. For the first time, abutilon should be cut only when it reaches a height of 20 cm.

Propagation of indoor maple

Reproduction of abutilon can be done in two ways. In indoor conditions, it propagates by seeds and cuttings.


This method is used in the spring, when the plant enters the stage of active vegetation. Abutilon propagates very well by cuttings - it is enough to cut off young shoots 10-12 cm long and remove excess leaves (only the top 2-3 pieces remain). It is recommended to dip the cut point in a root growth stimulator, and then plant the finished cuttings in soil prepared from peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 1. The plant is covered with a film or placed in a small greenhouse. Rooting by cuttings lasts about a month, after which the abutilons are planted in separate pots.


It will take a little longer to grow abutilon from seeds. Planting of seed is carried out in spring (in March) in moist soil. However, before you start growing small abutilons from seeds at home, the seed goes through some preparation. It is thoroughly washed, then soaked in a growth stimulator and scarified. For the last procedure, you can use sandpaper, which processes the seeds. If they have completed this training in production, then this item can be skipped.

Abutilon from seeds is grown in a mixture of peat and sand. Planting material is placed in the ground to a depth of about 1 cm. The container with future seedlings is covered with a film, placed in a well-lit and warm place (about +20 degrees) in the house. It is very good to germinate abutilones in peat tablets. In any case, it is important to monitor the indicators of lighting and temperature.

The soil is irrigated daily with water from a spray bottle, and the container where the abutilon seeds sit is ventilated. Sprouts will appear within about 20 days. Seedlings can be planted in separate pots no earlier than they have 2-3 leaves.

It will not work to propagate abutilon of hybrid varieties with seeds collected independently, since the qualities and characteristics of the mother plant in this case are not inherited.

Abutilon transplant

Abutilons are transplanted depending on the age and size of the bush. Young maples are transplanted every year, adults - no more than 2-3 years.

Pot selection

If you have just started growing abutilon, then plant the first shoots in pots with a volume of about 1 liter. It would be enough. If the container is too large, then the plant will not bloom - until the bush has entwined the entire earthen ball with roots, you should not wait for flowers. Further, abutilons are regularly transplanted into pots, which are 2-4 cm larger than those previously used in diameter.

Soil preparation

Home maple loves a loose, slightly acidic substrate, the pH of which should be in the range of 5-5.7. The soil for abutilon is recommended to be prepared from coarse sand, peat and leafy soil (all components are taken in equal parts) or sand, leafy and soddy soil, as well as humus, mixed in a ratio of 0.5:1:2:1. Coconut substrate is also suitable as soil for home maple.

Drainage must be placed at the bottom of the pot. It can be expanded clay, broken brick, clay shards.

Transplant process

Abutilon transplantation begins around February-March. To begin with, new pots of a larger diameter are being prepared. They are washed, drainage is poured into the bottom and some fresh soil (2-3 cm thick) with the addition of coal. A piece of sphagnum moss can be placed over the drain as a moisture buffer. Next, abutilon is carefully removed from its old pot (to simplify the procedure, the soil can be shed well), the old soil is gently shaken off the roots. After that, the roots can be carefully straightened and powdered with Kornevin.

After that, the plant is transplanted into a prepared pot. The free space between the walls of the pot is covered with fresh soil. The root neck is also sprinkled with earth. For the first 3-4 days, the transplanted abutilons are covered with a plastic bag. Watering for the first time is done only after the substrate has dried.

Diseases and pests

Abutilon is not a capricious plant; diseases and pests affect it very rarely. But periodically it can be attacked by aphids, mealybugs or spider mites. Insecticides will help to cope with them.

In general, all diseases of abutilon can occur only due to improper care of the plant. It can be powdery mildew, root rot, when the last watering occurs, reduce it.

Possible difficulties in growing

Difficulties in care and cultivation, as a rule, consist only in providing special conditions for the plant. If it is dried out, grown with a lack of light, waterlogged or improperly fed, then it will most likely die.

In case of overdrying of the soil, the leaves begin to curl, fade. If they are pressed against the trunk, then the plant lacks nutrients. With a lack of minerals, the leaves of abutilon begin to turn yellow, and leaf fall is also possible. If the bush is standing in a draft, then the leaves may dry out around the edges.

Expert opinion

Mila Rozhkova

Color Expert

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In general, abutilon is not a capricious plant, but it is very beautiful, which is why it is popular among flower growers. But, knowing all the subtleties of its cultivation, even a beginner in the world of floriculture can provide him with the right care.

Abutilon(Abutilon)perennial evergreen plant from the Malvaceae family. In its natural environment, it is found in the tropics of South America, Asia, Africa. China is considered the homeland. It grows very quickly, sometimes reaching 2 m. Some species in nature grow up to 4 m. With proper care, abutilon pleases with long - from April to late autumn - flowering.

Flowers can be of different colors: red, peach, salmon, purple, pink. They look like magic lanterns and are formed on long stalks at the end of the shoot, while the growth of the shoot does not stop. The plant is often referred to as potted maple because its wedge-shaped green leaves with scalloped edges resemble the tree's foliage.

In one season, the plant doubles or triples in growth.
Blooms in autumn, summer and spring.
Abutilon is easy to grow.

Useful properties of abutilone

Abutilon is a plant that gives joy. A sad mood transforms into a powerful charge of vivacity; helps to reveal talents, creates an atmosphere of love and harmony. Contemplation of a flowering tree relieves stress. The view of Abutilon Theophrastus is useful. Furunculosis is treated with its juice, wounds heal. Strong ropes are produced from the branches of abutilon. That's why they call him a cannon.

Abutilone care at home (briefly)

Abutilon at home can bloom for almost a year. Despite the spectacular appearance, indoor maple does not require special care, but it must be taken care of competently.

TemperatureIn winter - at least 12 ° C, the rest of the time - within 23 - 25 ° C.
Air humidityHigh humidity is desirable, in drier air frequent spraying is recommended.
LightingWell lit areas.
WateringDuring flowering - plentiful, in winter - moderate.
PrimingBuy a ready-made substrate (acidity level 6 pH); you can cook it yourself, taking equal parts of humus, leafy soil and half a share of sand.
Top dressing and fertilizerIn the phase of active growth and flowering - 1 time in 14 days with mineral fertilizers or organic matter.
TransferYoung bushes - every year, adults - once every 3 years (in the spring, before the period of intensive growth).
reproductionCuttings and seeds.

There are features of growing abutilon . In the spring, its growth is activated. Some shoots grow randomly, thickening and worsening their appearance, taking strength from the plant. So at the end of winter abutilone pruned, leaving half the height, removing weak shoots. When it begins to grow powerfully, it is tied to a support.

Abutilone care at home. in detail

Home Abutilon- A shrub of tropical origin. The beauty and duration of flowering, the longevity of the plant depend on care. At home, it is difficult to create conditions that coincide with those to which indoor maple genetically predisposed, but it is necessary to get as close as possible to them.

Planting Abutilon

Planting abutilon plays an important role in the formation of a beautiful strong tree. When deciding to grow abutilon at home, they choose a place for it in advance. The best option is a draft-protected and well-lit part of the room: the plant needs light at any time of the year. In summer, you can put it on the balcony or take it outside. Fresh air and the rays of the sun will help the tree to quickly grow stronger and grow.


Abutilon flowering
- a colorful and long-lasting phenomenon. It starts in late April and ends in late autumn. During flowering, bright original flowers-lanterns form on the branches. They consist of 5 petals collected at the base, they can be of different colors. The flower is up to 7 cm in diameter.


In order for Abutilon to grow up healthy and strong, good home care is needed. Required to maintain the right temperature: Hypothermia is as dangerous as overheating. In the warm season, in the room where abutilon grows, it should be + 22 - 27 ° C, in winter and autumn - not less than + 15 ° C. If he feels uncomfortable, he will show dissatisfaction: at a high temperature he will begin to dry out, at a low temperature he will drop leaves.

Avoid sudden changes in temperature.


Abutilon is not very picky about air humidity. But during the heating season and on hot days, when the air becomes dry, periodic spraying leaves. To avoid their burn, it is not done in the light.


For the formation of juicy green foliage, abutilon needs good lighting. He loves bright places, but bright sunlight causes leaf burn. Therefore, it is recommended to choose diffused lighting. The tree is placed next to the windows facing south. In autumn and winter, when the duration of daylight hours is reduced, additional lighting is installed.


Abutilon loves moisture, but both a lack of moisture and waterlogging of the soil are dangerous for him. Lack of moisture leads to shedding of leaves, growth retardation, and excess - to falling buds, drying of foliage, root rot. In summer, abutilon is watered frequently (up to 3 times a week).

To keep the soil moist for a long time, it is loosened and mulched with coconut substrate, crushed bark. After flowering, moderate watering is needed - once every 10 days.

Watered with settled water at room temperature.

pot size

If the tree is grown from seeds, a small container is taken for sowing. Abutilon develops rapidly. As it grows, increase the size of the pot. The need to change the container will be indicated by the appearance of roots from the drainage holes, the crushing of flowers and the slowdown in growth.

In order not to bring the shrub to a critical state, the diameter of the pot is gradually increased until it becomes optimal for abutilon - 13 - 15 cm. The diameter of each new container should be 2 cm larger than the previous one. Some types of abutilon live for more than 8 years; long-lived plants are grown in tubs.

Primer for Abutilon

Loose, rich in humus soil for abutilon - the key to growing a strong beautiful tree. The soil is quickly depleted because indoor maple consumes nutrients instantly. To help the plant replenish their supply, the soil is updated twice a year, given the acidity of the soil.

The development of the tree is faster in neutral or slightly acidic soil (pH about 6), which can be prepared at home by adding biohumus, vermiculite, and sand to the peat mixture.

Top dressing and fertilizer

Abutilon slows down development from November to March, when there is a period of its dormancy. At this time, top dressing is prohibited: excessive stimulation will deplete the plant. In the flowering and growth phase, on the contrary, organic top dressing and fertilizer with minerals are important. They are carried out every 2 weeks after watering.

When abutilon forms buds, phosphorus and potassium are needed. With an excess of nitrogen, the tree grows rapidly, but does not bloom. Use liquid fertilizers for flowering plants. They contain useful substances in the right proportions and are easily digested.


A potted maple needs a transplant. It is carried out, noticing the signs that Abutilon gives:

  • slow growth;
  • small flowers;
  • roots protrude from drainage holes;
  • buds fall;
  • light spots appear on the leaves due to lack of nutrition;
  • crown diameter visually exceeds the diameter of the pot.

Transplanting (transferring) abutilon from one pot to another, they renew the container, if necessary. Refresh the soil, remove dense accumulations of roots and damaged roots. The cut points are sprinkled with crushed charcoal. Young bushes are transplanted once a year, adults - after 3 years. It is better to do this in cloudy weather, so that the plant can easily endure the transplant.

Reproduction of Abutilon

A new tree can be obtained using seeds or cuttings.

Propagation of abutilon by cuttings

Usually at the age of 5 years, the trunk becomes stiff, abutilon becomes less attractive. Reproduction by cuttings- a good option for updating a tree. It is best to do this from spring to late summer. Cuttings 15 cm long are cut from strong branches, clearing from the lower leaves and flowers. Place, slightly tilting, in moist soil. Watered, mulched, covered with foil. To prevent condensation from accumulating, make several holes. Seedlings are kept warm, at a temperature of 22 - 25 ° C. The film is regularly removed for airing and watering. A month later, the cuttings take root, they are transplanted into a pot.

Growing abutilone from seeds

Reproduction by seeds not always convenient: they quickly lose their germination. It is better to sow last year's seeds. In the spring, large seeds are selected, treated in a solution of potassium permanganate. Grooves are made in the soil and the seeds are placed at a distance of 20 mm from each other, deepening by 5 mm. The container with seedlings is covered with polyethylene. Make holes so that the seedlings "breathe". Contain at a temperature of 20 - 23 ° C. The film is removed to moisten and ventilate the soil. After 3 weeks, the first shoots appear. When 2 leaves grow, the seedlings dive into pots and put in a bright place away from drafts. After 4 - 6 months, abutilon will bloom.

Variegated species are propagated only by cuttings in order to preserve the biological characteristics of the parent plant.

Diseases and pests of Abutilon

The plant is unpretentious, but improper care of it can cause problems:

  1. Abutilon sheds leaves - improper watering (stagnant water or lack of moisture), sudden changes in lighting or temperature, draft.
  2. The tips of the leaves of abutilon dry up and curl - very dry air in the room. It is necessary to spray the leaves (without touching the flowers); set aside from the batteries, an open container of water is placed next to the pot.
  3. Abutilone yellow foliage - dry air, hot room, lack of nitrogen. Spraying, airing, top dressing.
  4. Pale leaf color - little light. The plant is moved to a brighter place.

With high dryness of the air, excessive watering, abutilon is attacked by pests: aphids, scale insects, mealybugs, spider mites, whiteflies, thrips. To combat them, insecticides are used, the conditions of the plant are changed.

Types of home abutilon with name and photo

More than 100 types of abutilone are known. At home, some of them are grown, adapted to home life. They are small in size, bloom for a long time and do not require special conditions.

Abutilon Megapotamsky (AbutilonMegapotamicum), or Abutilon Amazonian

The shrub grows up to 1.5 m. The stems are slender and drooping. The length of elongated-oval leaves with serrated edges reaches 8 cm. Single flowers hang down on long pedicels. The red corolla has a tubular-ribbed shape.

Petals with a red spot at the base are yellow. With proper care, it blooms all year round. In England it is called "weeping Chinese lantern".

Abutilon vine (AbutilonVitifolium)

Tall branched shrub, grows up to 2 m. Bright green leaves with jagged edges reach 20 cm, have from 3 to 5 lobes. The inflorescences are painted in blue or lilac, dark veins are expressed on the petals. Flowers are arranged in groups. Long shoots are covered with fluff. Blooms from the end of April.

Abutilon Sello (AbutilonSellowianum)

It grows up to 2 m. Slightly branched straight shoots are pubescent. The pointed, elongated three-lobed leaves have a smooth texture and serrated edges. The flowers are pale purple with pink veins. The flowering period falls on July - December.

Abutilon spotted, or Abutilon painted (Abutilon/striatum)

Shrub with flexible short shoots and multi-lobed green leaves on long petioles. They have a heart-shaped appearance, white spots and jagged edges. Golden flowers with dark pink streaks are shaped like a bell. Formed in the axils of the leaves. Flowering falls at the very end of summer.

Abutilon hybrid (Abutilonhybridum)

Abutilon is obtained artificially by crossing different plant species. Evergreen tree 1.5 m high. Petals can be painted in different colors: pink, white, orange, red, yellow, burgundy. Veins are always visible on them - dark or light. The flowers are shaped like bells. The leaves are covered with a delicate pile, have 3-5 lobes and long petioles.

Abutilon is a beautiful plant that can refresh and decorate the interior. Brings peace and joy to the home. Responsive to elementary care, and with good care, it is ready to bloom all year round.

Even for a beginner grower, growing abutilon will not seem difficult. This decorative indoor plant is also popularly called maple for the peculiar shape of the leaves. Abutilon belongs to the mallow species, and its homeland is the tropical forests of Brazil, Africa and India. But unlike many foreign indoor plants, it is quite unpretentious in its care.

Flower growers love abutilon for its abundant flowering, which begins in May and lasts until the end of October. When creating optimal lighting, air temperature and humidity, indoor maple can bloom throughout the year, shedding faded inflorescences and delighting the owners with new bright flowers.

The genus to which abutilon belongs has more than 100 species. Flowers can be of very different colors - from pale milky to bright burgundy. In indoor floriculture, the most popular hybrid and Amazonian varieties of indoor maple.

How to properly care for abutilone at home

The only difficulty that flower growers may face when deciding to plant abutilon in an apartment or house is finding a suitable place for it. Indoor maple requires a lot of space, it grows very quickly and does not tolerate close proximity to other plants. Despite the tropical origin, he does not like extreme heat and dry air, so you should not place abutilon next to heating radiators.

Caring for indoor maple is as follows:

  • plentiful summer and moderate watering in winter;
  • providing drainage - indoor maple does not like stagnant water;
  • temperature in winter - not higher than +15-+17 degrees, in summer - up to +25 degrees;
  • moderate lighting without direct sunlight;
  • annual transplant;
  • fertilizing with mineral fertilizers in spring and summer;
  • pruning and pinching young shoots.

In winter, the growth of a houseplant slows down, it does not need to be watered and pruned too much. But from the beginning of spring, when the vegetation enters the active stage, the plant begins to demand more attention. In addition to abundant watering, pruning is required to form a crown. If this is not done, in one season abutilon can reach a height of up to 1.5 m, and its decorative properties, like a shrub, will lose their attractiveness. Pruning is also useful for increasing the number of buds that form on young shoots.

Reproduction and cultivation of indoor maple

The plant reproduces well by cuttings. For this, cuttings are used, cut in the process of care and pruning for indoor maple. They take root equally actively, both in water and in the ground.

If the cutting is placed in a rooting substrate, be sure to cover it with plastic wrap or a glass jar, occasionally removing the artificial "greenhouse" for ventilation.

Sometimes in flower shops you can find abutilon seeds on the shelves. As a rule, plants with green monochromatic leaves are grown from them. Variegated varieties are not bred from seeds.

Abutilon Species: Indoor Maple Blooming Variety

There are about 150 types of indoor maple. But the following are especially popular in apartments and houses of flower growers:

Hybrid (Abutilum Hibridum)

The most common species, which is an evergreen shrub. The leaves of abutilon hybrid are delicate with small fluffy hairs. This species includes several varieties that differ in flower color.

Abutilon Hybrid (Abutilum Hibridum) Derek Ramsey

Megopotamsky (Abutilum Megopotamicum)

This type of indoor maple has smaller leaves, and its shoots hang down to the bottom, so often experienced flower growers use it as an ampelous plant, planting it in a flower pot. Has very good decorative characteristics. The inflorescences look like small lanterns, which, having strewn the plant, create an incredibly beautiful view. It can grow like a tree or shrub if the trunk is firmly supported.

Abutilon Megopotamsky (Abutilum Megopotamicum)

Bella (Abutilum Bella)

Very beautiful shrub with large inflorescences up to 7 cm in diameter. Branches evenly, creating a lush crown. Feels great, both in pots and containers, and in the garden.

Abutilon Bella (Abutilum Bella) Limulus

Sello (Abutilum Sello)

A tree-like plant with weakly branched shoots. The leaves of this type of indoor maple are three-lobed, they are distinguished by their original color - white stripes on a light green background. Requires support to increase stability. Under favorable conditions, it reaches a height of 2 meters.

Abutilon Sello (Abutilum Sello)

Diseases, pests and problems in growing abutilone

Although it is believed that indoor maple is unpretentious in care, like many plants, it can be exposed to diseases, shed leaves or suffer attacks from harmful insects. Common pests include:

  • spider mite;
  • sooty fungus;
  • whitefly;
  • scab.

To control pests, acaricides and a soap solution are used to wipe the leaves.

Also, the soil should not be allowed to dry out - from this the leaves of the plant begin to wither and fall off. In conditions of low humidity, they can turn yellow and curl into a tube.

Abutilon may not be one of the most popular ornamental plants, but more and more people are starting to notice the beauty of this little shrub. Undoubtedly, the hybrid cable car will decorate not only the apartment, but also the terrace and garden. Its decorative appearance is due to the large, bright flowers as well as the leaves.

Abutilon hybrid (Abutilon x hybridum) belongs to the Malvaceae family. Its natural habitats are found in the forests of South America (Brazil).

The genus Abutilon includes more than 100 species of very diverse plants (shrubs, semi-shrubs, herbaceous plants), which reach a height of several meters. When growing at home, we mainly encounter hybrid forms of abutilon hybrid (Abutilon x hybridum) and abutilon megapotamus(Abutilon megapotamicum) - with drooping shoots. In our climate, they are grown as houseplants.


Indoor maple is characterized by an elevated structure, green shoots, sometimes stiff at the base. The bush is fast growing. In their natural habitat, shrubs can reach 3 m in height, home-grown samples, depending on the variety, can reach a little more than a meter in height, and, as a rule, lower. Very decorative leaves, shaped like maple leaves. Depending on the variety, the number of shares varies - from three to seven. Color from bright green to motley with white or yellow spots. Numerous bell-shaped flowers appear in spring and bloom until late autumn. Flowers planted on long petioles, depending on the variety, delight - red, orange, white, pink, yellow flowers. The diameter of the flower can reach 8 cm. The seeds are dark and reniform.

With proper pruning, abutilon can be formed into a small tree.


On sale you can buy a very diverse variety, so it is worth looking around and choosing the most suitable variety.

Popular Bella series includes colorful forms with large flowers, the diameter of which reaches 7 cm.

  • "Red" with burgundy flowers,
  • "Deep Coral" with coral flowers,
  • "Apricot Shades" with apricot flowers,
  • 'Salomon Shades' with salmon colored flowers.

It is worth noting that these are dwarf forms, about 45 cm high.

The yellow color will delight the varieties: Canary Bird, Golden Fleece, and spotted leaves Cannington Carol, Cannington Sally. 'Ashford Red' blooms red. A particularly beautiful variety is "Savitzii" with decorative white-framed leaves.

Popular at the moment abutilon hybrid Juliet mix of colors, a mixture of varieties of different colors and Bellevue variety- a mixture of colors, a shrub 90 cm high, blooms summer-autumn. Maple green leaves. The flowers are large, different colors.

Varieties with variegated leaves are the result of infection of abutilon with viruses. The presence of the virus in the cells does not significantly affect the growth of the plant, it can slightly slow down the growth. Indoor maple with spotted leaves looks original.


Abutilon hybrid, grown at home, should be placed in a bright room (south window), this guarantees lush flowering. Since abutilon can be grown on a balcony and terrace, it is worth using this option, especially since the plant likes fresh air during its lush growth. In the fresh air, it is better to provide a secluded place, sheltered from the scorching sun. Abutilon also grows in partial shade, however, in such a place, it will not pamper us with too lush flowering.

The room temperature during the growth period is 16-22 °C, in winter it is definitely lower than 10-15 °C.

The soil is fertile, humic, permeable and rich in nutrients. You can use a universal substrate for potted flowers.


Abutilon care includes watering, fertilizing, transplanting, tweezing and overwintering.

Watering is a very important home care procedure for abutilon, especially during the growth period and when grown in a sunny place. The plant in such conditions needs a lot of moisture. The frequency of watering depends on many factors, but it may be necessary to water the plant daily, when grown outdoors, during a drought period, even twice a day. When grown indoors, abutilon should be provided with good drainage because it does not like water. During the winter period, the soil should not be constantly wet, on the contrary, between the first and second watering, the soil should dry out slightly.

During the growing season, abutilon is fertilized every 7-14 days with a multi-component liquid fertilizer in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Do not fertilize in winter.

The leaves are cleaned by washing off the dust with warm, soft water, being careful not to spray the flowers.

It should be remembered about tweezing for a beautiful plant shape. During the season, this procedure is carried out several times.

Abutilon is transplanted in early spring. If necessary, lightly trim the roots. When transplanting, you need to remember about drainage!


Abutilon hibernates in a bright room, at a temperature of 10-15 ° C. Watering is limited and fertilizer application is stopped.


Abutilon hybrid is propagated through shoots and apical cuttings. Basically, seedlings can be obtained during the entire growing season, but it is best to do this in the spring when transplanting and pruning abutilon. The length of the cuttings is 6-10 cm. The seedlings will take root in a few weeks, providing moisture (cover with a film) and a warm substrate, which is a mixture of peat and sand. Rooted cuttings are placed in a bright place at a temperature of 20 ° C.

Abutilon is also propagated in a generative way from seeds. Sowing them in February and May. Acquired seeds germinate fairly quickly (2-3 weeks), it is better to stratify collected seeds with your own hands.

The most common growing problems

When growing hybrids, one should be careful with numerous pests, which, with mistakes in home care, often attack weakened plants, especially at low humidity. These include:

  • whiteflies;
  • spider mites;
  • scale insects;
  • mealybugs.

As mentioned earlier, abutilon hybrid loves moisture, but not a wet substrate. When the substrate is too wet, the leaves fall off. The problem very often occurs in winter, when watering must be limited.

Yellowing and dropping of leaves is a reaction to a significant change in temperature, for example, after moving a plant from a terrace into a house.

In addition, regular watering is required because drought will cause the leaves and flowers to curl and fall.

In a sunny place, with a lack of humidity, plants wither. At noon, it is worth shading the plant and providing it with a sufficient level of humidity.

When growing hybrid varieties, a bright place is very important, which contributes to lush flowering. In a dark place, the number of flowers is much less. In a too shaded place, the shoots become elongated, the leaves are lighter.

More light leaves will be a symptom of a lack of fertilizer. Lack of fertilizer leads to lack of flowering.

As a representative of the Malvaceae family, abutilon is known to amateur gardeners as a plant that belongs to perennial shrubs and herbs. It is widely distributed in Australia and Asia, Africa and America. More than 150 species of this marvelous plant are known.

The second name of the flower is "rope". Varieties grown in natural conditions have a coarse fiber. It is used for the production of tight ropes and ropes. Florists call abutilon "home maple" because of the special shape of the leaves.

Indoor abutilon is unpretentious in care, despite the fact that it comes from the subtropics. Favorable factors for him are the abundance of light and heat. Flowering occurs in April-September.

However, if all the conditions for the plant are met, it will delight its owner with a beautiful bell-shaped color throughout the year.

Varieties of abutilone

Among the variety of abutilon plant varieties, the following types are most popular:

Abutilon Darwin is a low-growing shrub-type flower. Its shoots reach a length of no more than 1 meter. The color is bell-shaped orange-red.

Abutilon painted - has thin, small in size, soft to the touch shoots. This species is called spotted, or striped. It has a golden yellow color with red patches in the form of a small bell on a thin stem.

Abutilon vine - a type of plant with large leaves reaching 16 cm. The color has a rounded shape. The color scheme is yellow and light shades of red.

Hybrid Abutilon is a plant that reaches a maximum length of 1.5 meters. The color is bell-shaped. The color palette varies from white to dark shades of red.

Abutilon Suntense is one of the largest varieties. Its maximum size is 4 m. Purple buds are 11 cm in diameter. This species is quite difficult to grow in a small indoor pot. It will feel great in the garden.


A flower needs diffused light. It will give the leaves a rich color. In winter, the flower does not have enough sun. A special phytolamp can fill.

Temperature regime

Despite its thermophilicity, the plant is uncomfortable at temperatures above 26 degrees. During the hot summer months, it is recommended to regularly ventilate the room.

Also, the abutilon flower should be protected from possible drafts and sudden changes in temperature. It exists well at 13 degrees, but at lower rates it begins to drop leaves.


Abutilon loves moist soil. Therefore, the process of caring for him includes abundant and frequent watering. For this, distilled boiled water is used.

During watering, you should keep the "golden mean". With insufficient moisture, the plant sheds not only leaves, but also flowers that have not yet blossomed.

Too much water accumulates in the pan, which contributes to the decay of the root system and the formation of rot on it. During the winter months, abutilon needs to be watered much less frequently.

In addition to moderate watering, the plant needs to provide moist air around it. Abutilon leaves are recommended to be periodically sprayed with a spray bottle, or placed near the pot with a flower container with water. Twice a month you need to bathe it in the shower, and also remove the accumulated dust on the leaves with a damp cloth.

Fertilizer and pruning

It is necessary to feed the plant during its flowering period - from April to September. It is recommended to alternate organic and mineral fertilizers.

It is worth doing such manipulations 1 time in 2 weeks. In winter, the plant does not need to be fed.

The formation of the crown is carried out in the spring. In this case, cut the stems by 1/3. Do not be afraid that the plant will not bloom. As a rule, the buds appear on the side shoots.

Abutilone transplant

The plant is transplanted in early March. The root system of abutilon requires a lot of space, so you should choose a deep pot so that the plant is comfortable.


The method of reproduction directly depends on the plant variety. Variegated species are propagated by cuttings, non-variegated species are propagated by seeds.

The seeds of the plant are sown in the soil in early spring. Greenhouse conditions are provided for the container, maintaining a temperature of 18 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to ensure regular ventilation and spraying. Under favorable conditions, seedlings will appear as early as the 3rd week.

When propagating in a different way, cuttings from young shoots are used. They are kept in water until small roots appear, or they are immediately placed in the soil, while ensuring constant watering. For seedlings, it is necessary to observe a temperature not higher than 23 degrees. Rooting occurs in a month.

A wide variety of photos of abutilon is presented in various Internet resources. Varieties of this exotic plant amaze with their size and individual color palette.

Despite its sophistication, the flower does not require too much attention. Perhaps that is why he is a "favorite" of both experienced florists and beginner flower growers.

Photo of abutilon

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