Didactic games for visual arts and artistic activities. Didactic games: definition, structure, types

Card index of didactic games on art activities

For middle group

Didactic game “Magic Colors”

Goal: during the game, develop children’s attention and interest in different colors and shades, a feeling of joy when perceiving the beauty of nature.
Material: cards with different colors.
How to play: give children cards with squares different colors. Then the teacher says a word, for example, birch. Those children who have black, white and green squares raise them up.
Then the teacher says the next word, for example, rainbow, and the squares are raised by those children whose colors correspond to the colors of the rainbow. The children’s task is to respond as quickly as possible to the words spoken by the teacher.

Didactic game “Funny Colors”

Goal: to introduce children to primary and composite colors, the principles of color mixing.

Material: cards with pictures of girls-paints, signs “+”, “-”, “=”, paints, brushes, paper, palette.

Progress of the game: Children are asked to solve examples by mixing colors, for example, “red + yellow = orange”, “green + yellow = blue”.

Didactic game "Caterpillars"

Target. Exercise children in determining whether it is warm or cold color range, in the ability to arrange colors in shades from light to dark, and vice versa.

Material: colored circles of warm and cold colors, image of a caterpillar's head.

Progress of the game. Children are invited to use the circles provided to create a caterpillar with a cold color scheme (warm) or a caterpillar with a light muzzle and a dark tail (dark muzzle and light tail).

Didactic game "Balls"

Goal: to develop in children the ability to perform circular movements when drawing a ball in a closed circle, relying on visual control and with their eyes closed.

Progress of the game. The teacher invites the children to look at a panel in which a kitten plays with balls of thread that he has unwound. Then he invites the children to collect the threads into a ball and shows how the threads are collected into a ball, imitating with the movements of a pencil winding the threads into a ball.

Periodically, the teacher invites children to close their eyes and perform movements with their eyes closed.

In order for children to show interest in work, you can give them the opportunity to draw a lot of balls, arrange a competition: who can draw the most balls.

Didactic game "Matryoshkin's sundress"

Purpose of the game: to develop compositional skills, consolidate children’s knowledge about the basic elements of painting a Russian nesting doll, and consolidate knowledge of Russian national clothing.
Progress of the game: Silhouettes of three nesting dolls are drawn on the board, the teacher calls three children in turn, they each choose to wear their own nesting doll.

Didactic exercise“Let’s draw how the plates are arranged on the table”

Goal: to train children in drawing round and oval shapes, to develop the ability to distinguish objects by size from large to small.

To complete the exercise, children are given stencils with slots for three circles of different sizes and slots for three ovals located between the circles. Ovals also different sizes, handles are attached to them.

Progress of the game: The teacher says: “Children, three bears came to visit us. Let's treat them. For this we need utensils: plates and spoons.” The teacher shows the children stencils and suggests tracing circles and ovals, and then adding handles to the ovals to make a spoon.

After completing the task, the bears and the children watch how all the work is done and compare it with the real table setting, where the plates and spoons are located. Here you can also clarify which side of the plate the spoon is located on.

Didactic game “Collect and count nesting dolls”

Purpose of the game: to consolidate knowledge about the Russian nesting doll, to develop the ability to distinguish this type of creativity from others, to develop skills ordinal counting, eye, reaction speed.
Progress of the game: Leaves with drawn silhouettes of nesting dolls hang on the board, three children are called and they must quickly arrange the nesting dolls into cells and count them.

Didactic game “Who will draw the most oval-shaped objects?”

Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to quickly find similarities between ovals located horizontally, vertically or diagonally with whole objects flora or their parts, complete the images.
Progress of the game: draw at least 5 images of plants in ovals, color them in the appropriate color, while combining various visual materials to complete the resemblance to the original.

Didactic game “Who plays hide and seek with us”

Goal: to teach children to compare the color and background of a picture with the coloring of animals, which allows these animals to be invisible against this background.
Progress of the game: take two cards of different colors, name animals with similar colors; Having received the figure, circle it on the desired background. The winner is the one who gets the most figures, and also draws suitable animals that the teacher did not have.

Didactic game “Draw a warm picture”

Purpose: to clarify with children the concepts of “warm and cold colors”; continue to learn how to compose a picture from memory, using warm colors when coloring.
Material: 4 pictures depicting simple scenes, geometric shapes, found in these pictures, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, sheets of white paper.

Progress of the game: after carefully examining the uncolored sample picture, at the teacher’s signal, turn it over, depict the plot you saw on your sheet of paper, color it, holding warm colors.
Game actions: depicting a plot from memory, completing small details, using unconventional drawing methods to add individuality to your work.
Creative tasks:
A) draw a “warm” still life;
B) tell me what is orange (pink, red, yellow);
B) color the clothes in warm colors. What vegetables and fruits come in the same color?

Didactic game “Painted Horses”

Goal: consolidation of knowledge of the basic motives of Russians folk paintings(“Gzhel”, “Gorodets”, “Filimonovo”, “Dymka”), consolidate the ability to distinguish them from others, name them correctly, develop a sense of color.
Progress of the game: the child needs to determine in which clearing each of the horses will graze, and name the type of applied art based on which they are painted.

Didactic game "Portraits"

Goal: teach children to draw a head using templates.
Materials: a sheet of paper with a drawn oval of the face; cardboard templates of eyebrows, eyes, nose, lips, ears, hairstyles.
Progress of the game: lay out the head on a piece of paper, trace it, color the resulting portrait

Didactic game “Make a hedgehog from sticks”

Goal: to learn to convey an image schematically, to distract from secondary features, conveying the main ones.
Material: counting sticks, or colored paper strips, or felt-tip pens.
Progress of the game: lay out an image with sticks or draw shelves with a felt-tip pen, or paste an image from strips.

Didactic game “Bottom of the Sea”

Purpose of the game: skill development artistic composition, speech development, logical thinking, memory.
Progress of the game: A very common game that can be used not only in art activities, but also in other educational areas. Children are shown sea ​​bottom(blank), and it must be said that all the sea inhabitants wanted to play “Hide and Seek” with us, and in order to find them we need to guess riddles about them. The one who guessed correctly puts the resident in the background. The result is a complete composition. The teacher motivates children to perform visual activities. (Good to use with medium and older groups). You can study other topics with your children in the same way. plot compositions: “Summer Meadow”, “Forest Dwellers”, “ Autumn harvest", "Still life with tea", etc. You can invite several children to the board and ask them to make different compositions from the same objects. This game develops intelligence, reaction, and compositional vision.

Didactic game “Collect a landscape”

“Using the example of a landscape, it is convenient to develop a sense of composition and knowledge of natural phenomena. To do this, it is convenient to use this didactic game.
Purpose of the game: to develop compositional thinking skills, consolidate knowledge seasonal changes in nature, consolidate knowledge of the concept of “landscape”, develop observation and memory.
Progress of the game: the child is asked to compose a landscape of a certain season (winter, spring, autumn or winter) from a set of printed pictures; the child must select objects corresponding to this particular time of year and, using his knowledge, build the correct composition

Didactic game on artistic and aesthetic development for preschoolers 5-7 years old “Let’s decorate the service”

Game description:
The didactic game for artistic and aesthetic development “Let’s Decorate the Service” is complex and consists of several options that allow it to be used with children of different levels of development, as well as to maintain children’s long-term motivation for this game.
Children's age: The game is intended for children from 5 to 7 years old.
Purpose of the game: introduction to fine arts; development of aesthetic perception, figurative representation, creative imagination, artistic taste and sense of harmony; promoting the development of independence and creative activity of children; inducing a joyful mood, an emotionally positive state.
- expand children’s cognitive abilities in designing a tea set;
- develop the ability to find dishes for each individual set;
- decorate objects according to the model;
- enrich children's understanding of the variety of decoration methods;
- encourage you to come up with new types of decorations for dishes;

Initiate independent choice children of artistic images and composition options;
- develop the ability to decorate a service, taking into account the chosen style and plot;
- to develop an interest in drawing and experience in artistic activity based on mastering the “language of art” and general manual skill.
- cards with a picture of a tea set;
- separate pictures with a teapot, sugar bowl, saucers and cups from identical sets;
- pictures with a silhouette of dishes from a tea set;
- various decorations cut out of paper and fabric (flowers, circles, squares, butterflies, bows, and so on).
- scissors, colored paper or cardboard, fabric for self-creation decorative elements;
- chips for correct answers.

Progress of the game:

1 game option:

Children look at pictures of tea sets with different style decorations and plot (with flowers, peas, animals). Children are asked to name the dishes included in the tea set (cup, saucer, teapot, sugar bowl). Then the teacher asks to highlight the main features of each set (by color, plot, size, location of the image). For correct answers, children receive a chip. The one who has the most at the end of the game wins.
Purpose of the game: familiarization with the concept of a set, determining the characteristics of its classification, highlighting the artistic and aesthetic features of the design of dishes from the same set.

Game option 2:

Objects from different tea sets are laid out in front of the children. All items are mixed and lie in a mass in the center of the table. Children independently select items for identical sets, explaining their actions. The teacher asks some children to tell about their set.
Purpose of the game: developing the ability to classify objects according to artistic and aesthetic design; development of mental operations of analysis, comparison and generalization; improving the ability to reason, prove, and justify your decisions.

Game option 3:

Children decorate the silhouette of dishes according to the proposed patterns, using ready-made decorations.
Purpose of the game: to develop the ability to design a tea set according to a model.
In this version of the game, children gradually begin to develop imagination, changing the design of objects according to at will(changing the color scheme, arrangement of decorative elements).

Game option 4:

Children decorate the tea set, lay out the ornament according to their own ideas, creating original design solutions.
Purpose of the game: development of creative imagination in decorating objects; consolidation of knowledge that in one set the dishes should be similar in plot and design style.

Game option 5:

Children independently create decorative elements for their service and decorate it.
Purpose of the game: to develop imagination in creating jewelry and using it to decorate objects; continued consolidation of knowledge that in one set the dishes should be similar in plot and design style.

Methodological value of the game: The developed didactic game “Let's decorate the service” complies with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education. Through play activities, it develops the child’s creative potential, imaginative and associative thinking, independence and creative activity. Its relevance lies in the fact that, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education in the presented game the main tasks of the artistic and aesthetic development of children are solved: the development of prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of fine art; formation aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world; implementation of independent creative activity children (figurative, constructive and model). In the game, one can highlight the main directions of artistic and aesthetic development of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education: introduction to art; visual and constructive-modular activities.
The game “Let’s Decorate the Service” uses a variety of means to implement the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”:
- organizing an atmosphere of creativity and motivation for play;
- age-appropriate types of artistic and creative activities;
- taking into account the individual characteristics of children;
- careful attitude to the process and result of children's activities.
Thus, the game promotes the relationship between artistic and productive activity and other types of children's creative activity (play and construction).
With the help of the didactic game “Let's Decorate the Service,” children first of all learn to draw. It develops creativity in children, which is so necessary in life.

Game-activity “Visiting the magic brush”

Introduce children to a magic brush and paints.
Teach children how to use a brush correctly.
Learn to recognize and name colors.

large brush for the teacher - “magic brush” (the brush looks like a girl)
brushes according to the number of children
sets of gouache paints (according to the number of children)


Progress of the game-lesson

Children are busy with independent activities. The teacher prepares drawing materials on the table, accompanying his actions with speech.
Educator: Children, look who came to visit us today!
What an interesting tassel girl.
The brush girl greets the children, shows and tells how unusual she is, and what she likes to draw most. The brush girl invites all the guys to watch how she will do it. The teacher shows the children how to draw with a magic brush and what happens.
Educator: Now the girl with a brush will pick up yellow paint like this and put it in a glass of water. I wonder what will happen? Look how beautiful it is!
The teacher names the color and asks the children to repeat what color the water turned out to be. Thus, paints of several colors are diluted in front of the children. The brush girl encourages the guys to do the same themselves. Children sit on chairs and pick up brushes (demonstrate how to hold brushes correctly).
Educator: Now you will dilute the paint yourself in water.
The teacher asks the children what color they want to use paint.
Educator: Katya, what paint did you choose? Red? (children's answers, assumptions)
Vanya, what paint did you choose? This one? What is the name of the color of this paint?
Do not remember? (The teacher, together with the children, specifies the color of the paints, fixes their names in speech).
Educator: Has everyone chosen the colors? Wet the brushes and place them in a glass of water.
(Showing and explaining how to hold a brush correctly). Now take the paint on the brush - like this. The teacher notes that the paint should be carefully applied to the brush, and the last drop should be left on the edge of the paint jar.
Dip the paint brush into the water and stir gently. This is such beautiful colored water! (specify what color the water is)
During the game-activity, if the child spills water on the table, you must ask him to wipe the water with a cloth. After all the children have diluted the paint in the water, the “Doll Lunch” situation is played out: the child puts a glass, sits the doll (a bear, a bunny) and treats him to various drinks (as if it were carbonated water, juice, fruit drink...) After the free play activity activities children are told a fairy tale
V. Suteeva “Cockerel and paints.”

Game-activity “Kolobok”

Goal: to develop children’s speech activity and desire to paint.

Develop emotional responsiveness to a literary work.
Develop the ability to listen together with a group of peers, the teacher telling a fairy tale.
Encourage children to repeat individual words and expressions from fairy tales.
Teach the simplest method of depicting in a drawing “from a spot”; technical skills of painting with paints (carefully take the paint, hold and wash the brush correctly).
Develop the plot and game concept.

table theater based on the fairy tale “Kolobok”
big girl-tassel for teacher
3 sheets of whatman paper, tinted green with figurines of fairy tale heroes
tassels according to the number of children
yellow paint
glasses of water

Progress of the game-lesson

Children are busy with independent activities.
The teacher puts a house from the fairy tale “Kolobok” on the table.
Educator: Children, here is the house where grandparents live. Do you want me to tell you a fairy tale? (children's expected answers)
The teacher, telling the emotional fairy tale “Kolobok”, shows the tabletop theater on fairy tale of the same name. Encourages children to help Kolobok sing his song, pronounce the words of the characters, and recognize them.
Educator: Children, the fox ate Kolobok. Grandfather and grandmother were very upset. How can we help them? (children's expected answers)
After the children decide to draw Kolobok, the teacher creates all the conditions for productive activity.
Educator: Children, look what a magical path I have prepared for you!
Together with the teacher, children look at a pre-prepared track with applicative pictures based on the fairy tale (three sheets of whatman paper with figures of the fairy tale characters). Children speak out about what they see, the teacher does not intrusively help to examine the path. Using a play technique with a girl with a brush, the teacher shows the children the technique of drawing “from a spot.”

Educator: Children, her tassel friends came with the tassel girl. A brush for Lena, a brush for Hera... The girl gives each child a brush. Yellow paint is placed on the tables, and children draw koloboks.
During the drawing process, individual work is carried out with children to master the technique of painting with “stain” paints.
Educator gaming techniques encourages children to beat their “koloboks”. At the end of the lesson, the teacher reminds the children that after drawing they need to wash their brush and be sure to carefully put it in the box.

Game-activity “Bunny loves to draw”

Goal: to continue to cultivate a sustainable interest in painting with paints

Continue to introduce children to the magic brush
Introduce the technique of drawing “on wet paper”
Teach children how to use a brush correctly. Teach technical skills in painting with paint.
Learn to recognize and name primary colors, give the concept of shades.
Cultivate accuracy in working with paints.
Develop the plot and game concept.

paint sets
large leaf Whatman paper (or wallpaper)
brushes according to the number of children
brush for the teacher - “magic brush”
cups of water, cloths, napkins (according to the number of children)
toy “Bunny”

Progress of the game-lesson

Children are busy with independent activities. The teacher places a large sheet of Whatman paper on the table, pronouncing his actions.
Educator: What a big winter clearing I found for the Bunny. And here is Bunny himself.
The teacher tells a nursery rhyme about a bunny and encourages people to say the words to the nursery rhyme:
Bunny, bunny,
Long ears
Fast legs.
Bunny, bunny,
Bunny, coward.
The bunny jumps and accidentally spills water on a piece of whatman paper and cries.
Educator: Bunny, why are you crying, don’t cry. Bunny says that he accidentally spilled the water and he is very ashamed.

The teacher and the children console the bunny. The teacher asks the children how else they can comfort the bunny. A magic brush comes to the rescue and offers to play with paints - this will console him. The teacher helps the magic brush: distributes water with a sponge over the entire sheet of whatman paper, asks the children to help (sponges according to the number of children).
The children, together with the teacher, wet the entire sheet of whatman paper with beeches. A magic brush picks up orange paint and draws a line across the sheet.
Educator: Bunny, look what happened? What does it look like?
The bunny looks and says that it looks like a wet carrot and calms down, jumps around the carrot and rejoices. Then he says goodbye to the children and runs away.
Educator: Thank you, magic brush, for helping to console Bunny. Guys, the magic brush says that she loves when everyone is happy and happy. She invites all children to draw whatever you want on a wet piece of paper with paint.
The teacher helps the children take the brushes and reminds them that the paint needs to be picked up with all the bristles, and the last drop should be left on the edge of the jar. Children draw.
The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that the images on a sheet of paper appear as if blurred in the rain or as if in fog. And if you tilt the sheet, the colors will flow down and you will get a new pattern. During the drawing process, the teacher specifies what paint each child will use. When the paints have dried, you and your children can try to imagine what it could be. The children and their teacher stop at the fact that it looks like a forest clearing after the rain.
The teacher encourages the children to tell a nursery rhyme about rain:
Rain, rain is more fun.
Drip, drip, don’t be sorry.
Splash more in the field -
The grass will be thicker.
Just don't kill us,
Don't knock on the window in vain.
While reading the nursery rhyme, children use their fingers to imitate rain.
Educator: Well done, kids! The rain stopped, the sun came out and bunnies came running to our clearing to play. Let's play with the bunnies.
The game “On the forest lawn” is played
After the game, the children take the bunny toy and jump with it across the drawn clearing.

Game-activity “Feathers for the Cockerel”

Encourage children to engage in dialogue with adults: speak up proactively, answer questions, engage in reading a poem, feel the rhyme.
Strengthen the ability to distinguish colors: red, yellow, green, purple...
Learn to pinch off small pieces of plasticine from a large piece; teach the technique of “rolling” round shapes between your palms.
Learn to develop a plot and game concept.

picture “Cockerel”
toys: cockerel, hen, chicks
yellow plasticine
necessary material for modeling (boards, rags, etc.) for each child.

Progress of the game-lesson

The group room is decorated with a theatrical screen.
Educator: How many of you have seen a live cockerel? And the chickens? (a cockerel appears)
The teacher and the children examine the cockerel (comb, beard, beak, tail).
Educator: How does the cockerel sing? Please imitate his loud singing. How do the chickens respond to him? Is it loud too? Quieter, of course. And how do the chickens squeak? Loud?
That's right, even quieter. Depict the loud crowing of a cockerel, the clucking of hens and the squeaking of chickens.
Educator: Now we’ll play with you. Nastya, we will have a chicken, and we will be chickens.
The game “The chicken went out for a walk...” is played (2 rubles)
Educator: Look, how fun we were playing, but do you hear someone crying? Yes, it's a cockerel.
The teacher sets up an easel with a drawing of a cockerel without a tail. He explains that the cockerel also wants to have the same beautiful tail, and asks the kids to give him feathers: red, green, yellow.
Educator: First, I’ll give the cockerel a feather. Cockerel, what feather should I give you (red) The teacher finds a red feather, shows it to the children, then inserts it into the slot and says: “Here’s a red feather for you cockerel!”
Cockerel: “Let Sasha give me a feather...” asks the cockerel. If the child makes a mistake, the cockerel crows: “I want another feather!” I want a green feather!” In conclusion, the children admire the beautiful rooster’s tail.
“My tail is beautiful! - the cockerel rejoices.”
“Very beautiful,” the children rejoice.”
Educator: The cockerel is happy! He wants you to read a poem about him:
Cockerel, golden comb cockerel,
Butter head, silk beard,
Why do you get up early, sing loudly,
Don't you let Nastya sleep?
Children read a poem together with the teacher. The cockerel gives them chocolate eggs.

Dear Colleagues!

The game is often used by us in pedagogical process kindergarten, primary school and institutions additional education children as a teaching method, and as a means of activating children’s cognitive activity. From the connection with games, visual activity becomes more interesting, attractive for the child, and evokes a strong emotional response. The relationship between visual activity and play creates in children a motive for activity that is personally significant for each child, and this in turn ensures its effectiveness. And the result of the activity is higher, since the child does not just draw and sculpt, but conveys images of the game in images, which contributes to the development of his creativity.

The inclusion of games in the teaching process of fine arts is one of the most visually effective teaching methods. It is a combination of the teacher’s words, the active actions of children with visual aids and special gaming equipment. Scientifically based games are used to form and develop a sense of understanding of beauty, fine arts and abilities. Connecting the game with artistic creativity creates in the child a certain attitude toward a more vivid perception and transmission of the surrounding reality.

The most important condition of the game, which removes the compulsory nature of learning, is the active action of children. Without this decisive condition, educational and gaming tasks cannot be realized.

Using a game in a fine arts lesson, a teacher must have a specific pedagogical goal, which determines the didactic objectives of the game and its educational nature. Game actions seem especially rational for developing understanding design features shapes, formation of a sense of space, proportions, development of visual memory, observation, eye.

Didactic tasks, unlike ordinary classes, are solved here through game moments, through the implementation game actions, which occur according to certain rules and agreements. They contain moral requirements for the relationships of children, for them to fulfill certain standards of behavior and certain roles. The success of the game, the difficulties that had to be faced, are revealed in its finale, at the moment of summing up the results.

Only if the above conditions are present can a game perform educational functions and produce tangible results in introducing children to the world of beauty and teaching the basics of fine art.

A good game requires simple play equipment that children can make themselves under the guidance of a teacher or parents.

The games collected here appeared in the process of searching, combining different elements of already known play activities and created new ones.

According to learning objectives, they can be combined into separate groups.

1. Games that promote the development of graphic skills and understanding of the design features of the form. For example: “New figures”, “Assemble a figure from the picture”, “Shapes”, “What does it look like”.

2. Games that promote the implementation of picturesque and coloristic learning tasks.

3. For example: “Rainbow”, “Warm - cold”, “Fish”, “Beautiful flowers bloomed in the meadow”, etc.

4. Games that reinforce knowledge about the properties of an object: their color, shape, structure, size. For example: “Paired pictures”, various lotto and dominoes.

Games that promote the development of ideas and feelings: symmetry - “Recognize the object”, “Butterflies”; colors - “Each item in its place”, “What colors are missing”, “Find a square of the same color, but a different shade”;

1. rhythm - “Finish the pattern on the rug”, “Continue the pattern”, etc.

2. Having a common goal - the development of children's creative abilities, the didactic games given in the collection are combined into 3 sections:

3. didactic games and exercises aimed at developing visual activity;

didactic games and modeling exercises.

didactic games and exercises based on natural materials.

In didactic games, various contents are easily integrated, and the game can be included in any lesson, allowing you to increase students’ interest in it and intensify their activities. Thus, in the process of creating a game and during the game itself, you can widely use the artistic word: riddles, nursery rhymes, poems. This helps children emotionally perceive and understand the images included in the game, understand their aesthetic character, which contributes to the development of imaginative thinking and imagination (see description of the games).

Every item in its place

Our task: Paired two-color cards, the top half of the card is one color, for example blue, and the bottom half is painted in a similar color - blue. On another card, the colors in the top and bottom half are reversed. White silhouettes of identical objects are pasted on two cards: mushrooms, butterflies, vases, etc.; two-color figures, painted in two similar colors for each pair of cards, for example, one fungus has a yellow cap and an orange leg, the other has the opposite.

Game options:

vEach player receives the same number of objects, painted in two similar colors. The teacher places several cards in the middle of the table and suggests putting objects on them that would blend into their background, i.e. with the color of the bottom and top. After completing the task, other cards are laid out and the game continues.

vEach player receives two paired cards. All the figures are kept by the presenter and the children do not see them. The teacher makes a wish: “I have an object whose upper part purple, and the bottom one is blue. What is this item? Who needs it? The players look at their cards and guess the object based on their color and silhouette: “This is a butterfly. Her upper wings are purple and her lower wings are blue. I need her,” etc.


In didactic games, various contents are easily integrated, and the game can be included in any lesson, allowing you to increase students’ interest in it and intensify their activities. Thus, in the process of creating a game and during the game itself, you can widely use the artistic word: riddles, nursery rhymes, poems. This helps children emotionally perceive and understand the images included in the game, understand their aesthetic character, which contributes to the development of imaginative thinking and imagination (see description of the games). Learn to notice all the colors in a multi-color image of an object, through comparison, determine which colors are missing on a strip with squares; identify and name similar colors that are used in the subject.

Our task: Cards with images various items, cut out of paper in 5-6 colors, including close ones. At the bottom of the card there is a strip divided into square cells. In cells 2-4, colored squares are pasted. Cells 4-2 are free; squares of all the colors that were used to depict objects.

Game options:

vEach player must carefully examine the objects on the card and find out by the number of cells how many colors are used in the image. Compare the colors of the objects and the colors of the squares on the strip, identifying which colors are missing. Select the squares of the missing colors from the box and arrange them into empty cells.

Then determine which similar colors are used and name them. In the butterfly there isthe following similar colors: red - pink, blue - purple, etc.


Our task: Develop associative thinking, imagination, creative abilities.

Our task: Alphabet, salty dough, paints, tools for modeling and drawing

Game options:

vInvite children to look at the alphabet, write printed letters on paper, look at what or who they might look like, then make letters from dough and color them. Arrange an exhibition and analysis of the received products.

Didactic exercises and gameson modeling, aimed at developmentspatial thinking and imaginationAnd

children's creative abilities FORMS

Our task.Reinforce the idea of ​​flatand volumetric geometric forms; direct inte-res on their comparison and analysis of similarities and differences; show shadows of volumetric bodies; create a search engine task: sculpt voluminous dough out of doughforms, looking at their schematic or incomplete image on a plane; propose to sculpt the volume -forms based on existing modules (combinedtoric, form analysis, mental construction);create conditions for experimenting with sculpted forms (transformation and transformationone form to another and vice versa); develop spacecreative thinking and imagination.

Material.Shapes made from dough andfigures (volumetric and relief); cut from flowersNoah thick paper geometric shapes; drawings of geometric bodies.

Class options. Depending on the suppliedNoah didactic task, teacher demonstrateschildren certain geometric shapes, reportsthe purpose of the exercise, explains the necessary conditions or rules.

vFashion three different balls that can bedifferent in size, color or bothsigns immediately. What can each be turned into?out of them and all together.

vMake three different circles. (How can this be done bark?)

vMake three different cubes. (What can you do?rotate each of them and all together?)

vMake three different squares.

vMake three different pyramids. (What can you transform each of them and all together?)

vMake three different triangles. (How can but do this?)

vSculpt several geometric bodies.

vMake several geometric shapes.

vFashion a house from several shapes.

vMake two similar chickens, but from different ones forms

Our task.Teach children to “read form” - create images in their imagination based on unfinisheda long (or schematic) image and implementyour idea in sculpting.

Material.10 separate shapes - ball, disk, qi-lindr, cube, straight flagellum, “wave”, “lightning”, pi- ramida, cone.

Game option.The teacher offers the children to playto play the game. He takes turns showing the shapes, and the childrenfirst they figure out what it looks like, and then 2-3 images are sculpted according to the plan.We must strive to Each participant in the game offered his own version of Veta, named a new, interesting, unusual topic, ohwhich no one has said yet. When a new form is shownwe the game starts with the next child to haveeveryone had the opportunity to answer first. Along the waygames are encouraged and any initiative is supported tiva children.


N our task.Teach children to create new patterns -tic images from several ready-made forms; develop imagination and associative thinking.

Material.Sets of different shapes sculptedfrom salt dough: ball,disk, cylinder, hemisphere, cone, pyramid, plate, cube, indefinite shape, etc. With complicatedIn the new version of the game you can offer severalforms of each type, varying in size.

Game option.The teacher distributes the kit to the children.you are in shape (possibly sculpted the day before by yourselfchildren) and offers to put together different interests -new figures. For this you need different shapes appliedpush each other so that something happensnew and interesting. New figures may betumblers, snowmen, houses, carts, flowers, chick-lanterns, lanterns, lamps and much more. Thisthe game, like the previous one, should preferably be played withspecial sets of forms to avoid the appearancetemplate images.


Our task.Teach children to analyze and reproduceproduce a diagram of the subject; sculpt based on a diagramintended image.

Material.Sets of sculpted parts: ci-linders, spheres, flagella, ovoids, pyramids, etc. (de-children can fashion the waist the day before, perhaps duringanother didactic game); pictures with diagramsfigures (airplane, girl, dog, tower, boat, giraffe, etc.), which are based on geometricsome forms similar to sculpted parts.

Game option.The teacher tells the children that they will assemble different shapes. Shows one ofpictures, for example a dog, and offers to collectthe same dog made from sculpted parts. Children co-create the proposed image and check whether it matcheswhether it is a given pattern. Then you can suggest to othersanother picture or distribute all the diagrams to the children so thatthey assembled pieces and exchanged parts.

A complication of the game can be collecting piecesfrom memory or replacing one details other, approaching-cabbage soup in this case.

Riddles and answers

Our task.Teach children to create an image as aa nasty riddle without visual reinforcement.

Material and tool. Riddle texts; salty dough; cardboard; boxes for relief modeling; stacks.

Game option.The teacher tells the children that thisfor an hour they will listen to riddles and guess their unusualin a different way - to sculpt answers from plasticine, notsaying the answer out loud. Take turns asking a riddle -ki and invites children to create riddles in the form of sculptedlined figures. Clarifies that you can sculpt as volume-both natural and relief images. Even better post-try to combine the answers into a common composition. InDuring one game you can offer 2-5 riddles.

The owner of the gold is on the field,

Serebryan's owner is from the field.

(Sun and month.)

The gates rose - there was beauty for the whole world.


An eagle flies across the blue sky.

She spread her wings and caught the sun.


And lumpy and nostrils,

Both soft and brittle - and the cutest of all.


A beautiful maiden sits in prison,

And the coma is on the street.


Round, but not an onion, yellow, but not butter,

With a tail, but not a mouse.


The golden sieve of black houses is full;

How many little black houses -

So many little white residents.


When to sleep, when to get up,

No legs, but I walk, no mouth, but I will say,

When to start things.


Didactic games and exercises used in working with children based on nature, to develop their creativity

vFish swim in a stream (fish swim in a pond)

Tasks. Develop aesthetic perception, imagination, learn to analyze an image by color.

Rules of the game. Select fish of a suitable color (to match the color of a stream, pond, river), place images of the same color, but in different shades, from light to dark and from dark to light.

Build a beautiful pyramid

Tasks. Develop color perception.

Rules of the game. Assemble a pyramid by color: from dark to light shades or from light to dark, or alternate contrasting colors.

Lotto (vegetables, fruits, berries)

Tasks. Teach children to analyze images, correlate them, select identical ones (develop mental operations of comparison, likening, generalization). Fix the names of vegetables, fruits, flowers.

Rules of the game. Make a whole image from two halves.


Tasks. Activate children's experiences.

Teach them to analyze object images, correlate them with real objects, highlight and name their color, correlate them with the colors of the rainbow and select identical ones, develop children’s imagination.Rules of the game.

Select subject pictures according to the colors of the rainbow.

TasksSort by color

Rules of the game.Develop the ability to distinguish colors, select colors in different directions. Teach children to make a whole from parts.

. Assemble this geometric figure from parts according to color, contrasting colors, beautifully create images of an object of your choice according to color. Bloomed in the meadow

Tasks. Develop imaginative thinking, imagination, aesthetic perception, discrimination of colors and shades, ability to select colors,diversifying the color scheme.

Rules of the game. Show the children flowers of a certain color range: in the clearing, flowers of warm colors, cold colors, and multi-colored flowers bloomed.

Tasks.Develop children's sensory, artistic and creative abilities, actions of comparison and likening.

Rules of the game. Place several cards of vegetables and fruits in front of the children. (There may be other items).

The student who comes to the board (whoever wants to be named - you can use a counting rhyme for this) describes the qualities of the object, and then names what it is like (or what is similar to it).

Game "Warm - Cold"

Tasks. On two large square-shaped sheets (20x20) two circles with a diameter of approximately 2-3 cm are glued in the middle: red (warm) and blue (cold).

Rules of the game. Invite children to come up with environmental objects of the same color and cut them out in duplicate. Children paste one copy of the image of the named objects onto large sheets of paper at the same distance from the middle, around it. The second copy of the image is pasted onto separate cards (handout cards for game participants).

Game "Dominoes "Animals"

Tasks. Learn to distinguish wild and domestic animals, birds and beasts, develop your horizons and memory.

Rules of the game. Make a whole animal from two halves.

Children make dominoes themselves from salted dough cut into squares (5x5 cm). They draw images of animals and birds on them.
Yulia Belonosova Card index of visual arts games for children

preschool age.

Card index on visual activities for preschool children 1. Didactic game

“Who will draw the most oval-shaped objects?” Target : consolidate skill children quickly find the similarity of ovals located horizontally, vertically or diagonally with whole objects of the plant world or their parts, complete the drawing.

Images: Material and equipment cards with images ovals in different positions

Rules of the game, colored and simple pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons. : draw at least 5 ovals plant images , paint them with the appropriate color, while combining different figurative

material for completeness of similarity with the original. Game actions

: completing drawings of familiar plants from memory, painting them in the required colors. 2. Didactic game.

“Who will draw the most oval-shaped objects?”"Who's playing hide and seek with us" : learn, a background of a picture with the coloring of animals, which allows these animals to be invisible against this background.

Images: cards with backgrounds of different colors (green, yellow, striped, brown, white, animal figures (frog, tiger, polar bear, white hare and brown hare, etc.).

Rules of the game: take two cards of different colors, name animals with similar colors; Having received the figure, circle it on the desired background.

material for completeness of similarity with the original.: guessing "cunning" animals, drawing them on cards with the appropriate background.

3. Didactic game "Portraits".

“Who will draw the most oval-shaped objects?”: teach children draw head using templates.

Materials and equipment: a sheet of paper with a drawn oval of a face; cardboard eyebrow templates, eyes, nose, lips, ears, hairstyles.

material for completeness of similarity with the original.: Lay out the head on a piece of paper, trace it, and color the resulting portrait.

4. Didactic game "Draw a warm picture» .

“Who will draw the most oval-shaped objects?”: clarify concepts with children "warm and cool colors"; continue to learn how to compose picture from memory using warm colors when coloring.

Images: 4 pictures depicting simple scenes, geometric shapes found on these pictures, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, sheets of white paper.

Rules of the game: after carefully examining the unpainted sample picture, at the teacher’s signal, turn it over, depict Color the plot you saw on your sheet of paper, sticking to a warm palette.

material for completeness of similarity with the original.: plot image, finishing small details, using unconventional drawing methods to add individuality to your work.

Creative tasks:

Tell me what is orange (pink, red, yellow);

Color your clothes in warm colors. What vegetables and fruits come in the same color?

5. Didactic game .

“Who will draw the most oval-shaped objects?”: consolidate knowledge : consolidate skill : consolidate skill with geometric figures: circle, square, triangle.

Images: templates from cardboard

Rules of the game: The teacher offers the children a hat, scarf and mittens. Children decorate clothes with suggested geometric shapes on assignment teacher: “Adorn the scarf with blue geometric shapes” etc.

6. Didactic game “Decorate your hat, scarf, mittens”.

“Who will draw the most oval-shaped objects?”: consolidate knowledge : consolidate skill about the primary colors of the spectrum. Continue introducing : consolidate skill with geometric figures: circle, square, triangle.

Images: templates from cardboard(hat, scarf, mittens, geometric shapes.

Rules of the game: the teacher suggests decorating clothes with certain geometric figures: “Decorate the mittens with circles” etc.

7. Didactic game "Color Lotto".

“Who will draw the most oval-shaped objects?”: develop : consolidate skill ability to distinguish colors, name objects of the same color.

Images: 4 cards, divided into 4 cells, in which depicted items of one colors: red – star, flag, flower, cherry; yellow – lemon, sunflower, turnip, pear; green - grapes, spruce, plant leaves, cucumber; blue – cornflower, bell, plum, balloon; paper squares of the same colors.

Rules of the game: the teacher gives it to the children cards, and in the middle of the table puts 16 squares of four different shades. Invites children to select 4 squares of the same colors as the objects on their maps, and arrange them in the appropriate cells. Then he asks to tell what colors the artist used. For example: "I have all the items yellow color» or: "I have blue items".

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