Bridge exercise. How to learn to stand on the bridge from different positions: a set of exercises for flexibility

In pursuit of beautiful forms, girls are increasingly resorting to the help of fitness. But not everyone has time for the gym, and if they do, it's hard to find exercises, involving only the desired muscle group, excluding unwanted growth.

In the gym, at home, in the country, lying on the bed, the glute bridge exercise helps you get closer to the cherished curves of the body. An excellent functional training aimed specifically at working out the buttocks, excluding excessive tension on the quadriceps.

Suitable for beginners- for this it should be performed without, and seasoned athletes if armed with dumbbells or a barbell. This exercise is also suitable for people with weak joints - here they are in minimal stress.

Exercise "bridge for the buttocks" is a truly multifunctional load on the human body. The primary muscles involved are of course the buttocks. In addition, at correct technique performance, an excellent load goes to the muscles of the press, hips, calf muscles and especially the back.

This is interesting! It has been proven that the implementation of this effort with the right technique can help in getting rid of lower back pain.

Glute bridge - execution technique

Body movements that are quite natural for a person do not require application special efforts. Both the standard exercise and its variations include three positions in its execution:

  1. Starting position- lying on your back, emphasis on bent legs, arms are along the body, the lower back is firmly pressed to the floor;
  2. Action position- on a deep exhalation, the pelvic region and the back rush up until the body takes the position of an even stretched string. At the same time, the lower back should be slightly tucked so as not to overload it. At the highest point, we squeeze the buttocks as much as possible;
  3. Return position- while inhaling, without ceasing to compress the gluteal muscles, we return to the lowest point.

Learn more from the video:

Important! When performing the above actions on the floor, we recommend using a gymnastic mat, tourist foam or any blanket / plaid / bedspread.

4 bodyweight exercises (video)

The implementation of this exercise involves many variations, the most effective of which can be found below.

1. Classic

The type of this exercise is basic and is presented in the paragraph above. Great help for . Allows you to work the right series of steps to further complicate things.

You should start with 3-4 sets of 10-15 times.

See the video for more details:

2. With one leg

One-leg glute bridge allows you to concentrate on your left and right side bodies separately. There are two implementation options.

Option one


  1. Starting position - lie on your back, one leg is bent on the floor, the ankle of the second is on the knee of the first;
  2. When exhaling, we rush up, not forgetting about the direct state of the body and the twisted lower back, we linger for a second;
  3. Inhaling, we come back.

See the video for more details:

Option two


  1. Starting position - we land on our back, one leg is bent on the floor, the second is straight, stretched out to the line;
  2. When exhaling, lift up, lingering for a second;
  3. Inhale to return to the starting state.

Required reps: 3-4 reps, 12-15 reps per leg.

More on video:

3. With a bench

The glute bridge on the bench will increase the amplitude of the performance, thereby increasing the load on the buns. The bench can be used in two ways.

Option one


  1. Starting position - the shoulder part of the body is located on the bench, the legs are bent with emphasis on the floor, without deflection in the lower back;
  2. Making an effort, we inhale, pushing the buttocks up;
  3. We return to the starting point. Buttocks do not relax!

More details are shown in the video:

Option two


  1. Starting position - the body is pressed to the floor, bent legs are placed on the bench with emphasis on the heel;
  2. Exhaling, raise the pelvis as high as possible, linger in this position;
  3. We return to the starting point.

This option can be done anywhere, even on the playground:

This exercise can also be done static, for this, at the top point, just linger for 30-60 seconds.

4. With the reduction of the knees

This complication of actions will allow you to burn through your buns even more.


  1. Starting position - classic lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and stand at shoulder level, arms lie along the body;
  2. On the exhale, we push the pelvis up and at the highest point we squeeze the buttocks and at the same time bring our knees together. We linger for a couple of seconds.
  3. We slowly return to the original state.

Try starting with 2-3 sets of 12-15 reps, gradually increasing the load.

Be sure to find out about from Professor Neumyvakin and her.

For more information on how to perform this movement, see the video:

With an emphasis on the bench, you can perform not only the classic version of the bridge, but also with the reduction of the knees and with emphasis on one leg. Instead of a bench, you can use a sofa, chair, ottoman, or any hill in your arsenal.

With fitball


  1. Starting position both on the floor and on a hill, knees bent. Weights are placed in the pelvic region and be sure to hold;
  2. We make an upward movement with the pelvis, freeze for a second;
  3. We return to the starting position.

It is better to start working with weight with 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.

You will learn more about the glute bridge with a barbell from this video:

Be careful! Start with a small weight, gradually increase the load. Do not overdo it, as this will be fraught big problems with health.

Benefits and contraindications

This exercise has many useful properties:

  • Ease of implementation even at home - it can be performed without additional devices;
  • Thanks to active participation in the process of performing pelvic exercises, blood microcirculation improves, which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole and increases sexual desire in particular;
  • Additionally, the muscles of the core are worked out;
  • Due to the indirect involvement of many muscles, the whole body comes into tone, and weight loss is also observed;
  • There is no excessive load on the back in general, on the lower back in particular;
  • A varied activity - you can do it with or without weight, use a fitball, elastic bands, and;
  • Can't do without it either.
  • The glute bridge is an excellent multifunctional exercise that can give you not only a dream figure, but also excellent well-being. Combine it with other basics and your body will thank you.

Speaking about the benefits of the "Bridge" exercise, it should be mentioned that it is good because it can be performed not only in gym but even at home. It is important to have some kind of projectile on hand to create a little weight. You can also do it using chairs and a bed.

Correct technique

There are many variations of this exercise. Classic variant exercises are performed on a gymnastic rug lying on your back. This option is completely safe for the health of the athlete, so it can be practiced not only by professionals, but also by beginners who have recently decided to go in for sports. In addition, the "bridge" is often included in the training program for pregnant women.

In general, the technique for performing this exercise is as follows:

  1. You need to take a gymnastic mat and take the starting position. The athlete lies on the floor with bent knee joints, hands are located along the body or hold the weight on the hips.
  2. On exhalation, the heels are repulsed from the floor surface, and then the muscles of the buttocks smoothly complete the rise. The top point of the amplitude in this exercise will be considered the maximum height to which you can raise your buttocks.
  3. It is very important to make a short pause at the top point, additionally straining the working muscles, and then return to the starting position.
  4. Perform the required number of repetitions.

Most likely, you may think that the exercise is too easy. To make it a little more difficult, you need to use the following tips:

  1. Use weights in the form of a barbell, dumbbell or disc. The weight is always placed on the top of the thighs and held with the hands. This makes lifting the buttocks more difficult and more effective.
  2. Increase range of motion. The buttocks will work even better if the legs stand on any elevation: a bench, a step platform or a regular chair.
  3. You can perform lifts with one stretched forward, and the second remains standing on the floor. The gluteal muscles will receive an alternate, but high-intensity load.


This exercise is completely safe for the health of the athlete. The risk of stretching or damaging the joints here is reduced to zero, so specialists often use the "bridge" to train weakened beginners or athletes who have recently suffered a serious injury.

Exercise has no contraindications for pregnant women and people suffering from excessive overweight.

Common Mistakes

Some beginners mistakenly believe that only with the help of a "bridge" you can create a good relief and volume for the buttocks. Unfortunately, this exercise is not classified as a basic exercise, so it cannot compete with the squat or deadlift. For getting maximum benefit from the "bridge" it is recommended to perform it at the end of the workout on the legs.

This exercise is very it is important to do the maximum number of repetitions, and some athletes believe that 20 repetitions will be enough. Understand what it is a short time the buttocks will not be able to feel the load well, so the training will be in vain. For one approach, it is recommended to do 60 repetitions, and in some cases even more.

In no case no need to reduce range of motion. In the “bridge”, on the contrary, it is important to raise the buttocks as high as possible. Sometimes improvised means are used for this.


To properly make a “bridge”, an athlete will need a gymnastic mat, as well as weights (dumbbells, barbell, disks). They are placed on the hips and lightly held by the hands for convenience. Clothing and shoes for this exercise are not so important, but they should not hinder the movement of the athlete.

  1. To increase the load on the gluteal muscle, it is recommended to put the legs as close to the body as possible.
  2. During the “bridge”, the body rises as high as possible and at the highest point, a forced contraction of the buttocks is made so that the load reaches its maximum level.
  3. If the exercise is done without the use of weights, then the arms are extended along the body.
  4. Any additional weight is supported on the hips with both hands.
  5. It is important not to strain the hips once again, since the load should only fall on the buttocks.
  6. The ascent begins by pushing off the heels from the surface of the floor or bench.
  7. The exercise is performed at a moderate pace.
  8. It is not recommended to perform this exercise separately from the basic ones, since it is effective only after a good study of the buttocks with the help of squats or deadlifts.
  9. Reaching the bottom point of the amplitude, you do not need to "throw" the buttocks on the floor. A light touch with the muscles is acceptable, and then a sharp rise up. There is no need to wait at the bottom, as the muscles can relax a lot.


"Bridge" is one of those exercises that are recommended for all athletes without exception. With its help, the buttocks and partially the back of the thigh “achieve”, which positively affects the growth rate muscle mass. "Bridge" is also in a good way to fight cellulite.

It often seems to us that the implementation of certain acrobatic and sports elements is a simple matter. However, behind the imaginary lightness are years of training, work and daily struggle with your body. The secret of beauty and grace is in practice, perseverance and good stretching. The familiar “bridge” exercise is no exception.

Getting ready to take the bridge

How to learn to stand on the bridge? First, never try to do it yourself. The result will either not satisfy you, or you risk completely crippling yourself and getting injured. To properly and confidently stand on the bridge, prepare for this step by step, each time going to new level in the exercises. Take your time.

To stand on the bridge, we need some features of our body. First of all, a flexible and mobile spine. With a sedentary lifestyle, the vertebrae stagnate and become "wooden". Add to this sedentary office work, extra pounds, diseases of the joints and back.

In this case, it is better to devote the first classes to stretching and flexibility of your body. Otherwise, the joints and vertebrae will not succumb to the desired postures. Further training can be directed to strengthening the muscles of the back and abs. A good and strong back is the key to balance in the “bridge”.

Muscle stretching and strengthening

It is best to start with basic stretching exercises. These are twists and bends down so that the spine is stretched. Try to reach the floor with your hands. Perform the exercise without sudden movements. Press your stomach into your legs and slowly return to a standing position. Repeat 5 times.

Another exercise to strengthen the muscular frame. Sit on the floor, spread your legs wide and stretch first one, then to the other foot, touching your legs with your stomach. Then stretch to the middle of the floor. Try to keep your spine straight. Freeze in this position for a few seconds, then repeat the exercise 8-10 times.

Strength exercises for endurance and strengthening

A good effect in strengthening the muscular frame of the back and the press is given by twisting. They train the muscles, while stretching them, making them flexible. It is best to perform twisting on flat surface. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees. Keep your hands behind your head. Rise up. In this position, turn to the left, then to the right. Try to touch your knees with your elbows. It is necessary to work with the body, straining the muscles of the abdomen, and not the neck or arms. It is better to repeat the exercise up to 12 times.

Yoga will help prepare you to learn how to stand on the bridge. As you know, yoga has good exercise for stretching, flexibility and muscle endurance. This is the so-called "hill".

To do this exercise, get on all fours, it is important to stand straight. The floor should be a good support. Next, you need to raise your lower back as much as possible, stretching your pelvis up. The neck is relaxed at this point. Bend the spine and try to stretch the press to the legs. Don't bend your knees.

You will feel flexibility throughout your body. There will be a feeling of lightness, the body will be stretched and strengthened. It is better to repeat the “hill” several times, freezing in one position for a few seconds. Remember that yogis are also accustomed to breathing evenly and correctly. Oxygen nourishes muscle cells.

Another strengthening exercise - also on a flat surface. It is advisable to lie on your back. Bend your legs at the knees. Hands at the seams. Chin - pull down to properly stretch the cervical vertebrae. In this position, do not rush, but calmly raise the pelvis. Everything else does not come off the mat. Only the back and belly work. In no case do not make sudden movements, everything is moderate. Similarly, gently lower the pelvis and back. In this exercise, try to bend the spine as much as possible. Repeat it several times, remembering to breathe.

After the above exercises, you will already be prepared to perform the bridge itself. First, try to do it from a lying position. The rug or floor should be comfortable and non-slip. Otherwise, you risk falling. Shoes and clothing can play a role. They should also be comfortable and non-slip. Professional acrobats, performing the bridge with bare feet, even use special talcum powder.

Be careful with your spine, do not demand from yourself right away excellent results in becoming on the bridge. Do this gradually, gaining height.

You will soon realize that the bridge is given to you effortlessly and does not cause discomfort. This means that you are doing everything right and have achieved the desired result, while at the same time strengthening your muscles and vertebrae.

Next, you can begin to practice the bridge from a standing position. Here it is important to keep the balance of the body when performing the exercise. Start doing it with the help of loved ones, let them insure you, after which you can move on to doing the exercise yourself. As you can see, to learn how to stand on the bridge, you need patience and desire.

The bridge is great exercise, which gives a load on many muscle groups, strengthens the spine and tones the whole body. To learn how to do this exercise, you need a certain physical training and stretching. You should not immediately go on a feat and try to stand on the bridge from a standing position, as you can get seriously injured.

How to learn to do a bridge from a prone position?

Before proceeding to training, you need to warm up the muscles well and do it. Stretch your ankles, wrists, and of course your back.

Instructions on how to learn to do a bridge lying down:

  1. Lie down on the floor. If you are doing this exercise for the first time, then it is recommended to perform it on something soft so that, if anything, it is not difficult to fall. Legs must be bent at the knees to form right angle. Put your hands next to your head different sides so that the fingers point towards the legs. It is important that it is comfortable, it is not necessary to bend strongly to the point of pain. Elbows should be directed towards the ceiling.
  2. Having figured out what the starting position should be, you can move on to information regarding how quickly you learn to make a bridge. Make a light push from the ground with your hands and lift the body, it is important to do it evenly. Move up until the arms are straight, but the legs should remain slightly bent. To avoid injury, do not focus on the brushes.
  3. Having done the right one, linger in the upper position for a while, and then slowly lower yourself. After a short rest, repeat the exercise again. Do not overexert yourself, as you can break your back.

How to quickly learn to do a bridge while standing?

First, try doing the exercise against the wall. Stand with your back next to her and take two steps away from her. Put your feet at shoulder level, put your hands behind your head and slowly lower yourself down, making a bridge. If this goal is achieved, you can move on to the most important task.

How to learn how to make a bridge from a standing position at home:

  1. Place your feet at shoulder level, and raise your hands up, pointing your fingers to the ceiling.
  2. Begin to slowly lower yourself down, arching your back and pushing your hips forward. Hands should be tense and not move from the chosen trajectory.
  3. Lower yourself down until your hands touch the ground with a full palm. The gaze should be directed between the hands.
  4. After standing in the bridge for several minutes, you need to slowly lower yourself to the ground.

"Bridge" is an exercise for working out the legs, buttocks and back, its benefits for the spine are especially great. It is suitable for athletes of any level - from beginners to advanced. Inventory for implementation is not required, so you can make a "bridge" anywhere - in the hall, at home or in the park.

When performing a "bridge", the work mainly includes:

  • thigh muscles;
  • buttocks;
  • lower back muscles;
  • muscles that straighten the spine;
  • rectus abdominis.

At the same time, the “bridge” is a universal exercise; almost all muscles are loaded when performed.

Execution technique

A proper execution technique looks like this:

  • lie on your back, bending your legs and resting your feet on the floor, stretch your arms along the body;
  • lift the body off the floor so that the body and hips form one line;
  • hold this position, and then lower yourself to the starting position.

The exercise will give the best effect if you keep the muscles tense during the approach. To achieve this, do not lower your buttocks to the floor in lowest point movements, and leave slightly raised above the floor. In this case, the target muscles will work in this position. This technique allows you to give them the maximum load. In this case, you can relax only after the completion of the approach.

"Bridge" on the shoulders with raised arms

This additional way doing the exercise. The technique of movement is the same as in the previous version, it is necessary to lean on the floor with your shoulders and feet. But during the approach, keep your hands raised up to the ceiling.

"Bridge" on fitball

The “bridge” exercise can also be done on a gymnastic ball, leaning on it with your feet:

  • lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body, lift your legs, bending at an angle of 90 degrees and placing your calves on a gymnastic ball so that they are spread hip-width apart;
  • lift the buttocks off the floor and straighten the body so that the hips and body are extended in one line;
  • stay in this position, and then lower yourself down.

To ensure a stable position for yourself, while performing such a “bridge”, spread your arms apart, placing them on the floor with your palms down.

"Bridge" lying with his shoulders on the bench

This embodiment is useful primarily for the buttocks, therefore it is suitable primarily for girls who do not work with heavy weights and do not need to develop powerful muscles to support the spine, but want to create attractive shapes for themselves.

To perform a “bridge” lying with your shoulders on a bench, you must:

  • sit on the floor near the bench, resting your shoulders on it, bend your legs and put your feet on the floor;
  • lift the pelvis off the floor and raise the body and hips in horizontal position so that they form a straight line, while resting your shoulders on the bench;
  • stay in this position for a while, then return to the starting position.

The height of the bench is desirable to select individually. For a person of average height - about 40 cm. When you sit with your back to her in the starting position of this version of the "bridge", the bench should be at the level of the bottom of the shoulder blades or slightly lower. In this case, it is easy to lean on it with your shoulders when lifting the pelvis.

The nuances of technology

The lower back during the execution of the "bridge" should be straight. If you bend it too much, there is a risk of damage to the intervertebral discs.

To increase the load, do the exercise with weight - take the weight and place it on the fold between the stomach and legs. A sand-filled ball, barbell pancake, dumbbell, barbell assembly, or other suitable object or projectile will do. During the exercise, fix the projectile motionless.

Point your feet forward or spread slightly to the sides. Experiment with the width of your legs. Optimal distance where they should be located depends on the goals of the training - are you trying to work out the buttocks first of all or direct the load on the back. Try placing your feet narrower and wider to find a position where the target muscles will work better. The emphasis during the approach is first of all on the heels.

As with other exercises, great importance when performing the “bridge”, mental concentration plays. During the approach, direct attention to the target muscles - this is the key to effective study. It is important to feel your body and understand which muscles are under load - in this case, you will get maximum results.

Perform the exercise smoothly and without sudden movements. Slowly and under control lift your pelvis off the floor and return to the starting position in the same way. If you're doing a bridge with weights and can't lift your glutes without a jerk, reduce the weight.

If at the top of the amplitude the angle between the hips and the body is maintained, that is, there is not enough strength to straighten up completely so that they form a straight line, also reduce the weight of the weight.

Benefit and harm

The bridge exercise good effect in strengthening the muscles of the spine. This muscle is very important for back health and safe exercise. If the core muscles are not sufficiently developed, there is a high risk of spinal injury when working with large weights in basic exercises to work out the legs, arms, or the same back.

"Bridge" was originally used in physiotherapy exercises as an exercise for the recovery of patients with injuries of the spinal column. But due to its effectiveness in strengthening the muscles of the back, it is also useful in bodybuilding and any other sport where it is necessary to protect the spine from stress in order to protect it from injury.

The gymnastic bridge gives a big load on the lumbar muscles, and after all, problems with the spine often occur precisely in lumbar on which the weight of the body rests. However, before performing this exercise for back problems, you should first find out if there are any contraindications, otherwise the situation can only be aggravated.

With the help of the "bridge" you can get rid of back pain. Similar problems arise due to underdeveloped core muscles, the strength of which is not enough to keep the spinal column in the correct position. In this case, the "bridge" will come in handy, because it loads well both the stomach and the back. Also, due to the strengthening of the muscles when performing the “bridge”, you can improve your posture.

Working out the back of the thighs is often neglected. But uneven muscle growth does not lead to anything good - the body must be developed in proportion. "Bridge" is one of the few exercises with which you can load the muscles of the back of the thighs.

Pumped buttocks, which can be developed with the help of a “bridge”, are needed far from only for improvement appearance. They are also useful in many sports - primarily running and jumping. It is also important that the “bridge” loads the abdominal muscles well. With it, you can tighten the stomach, giving it harmony and elasticity.

At the same time, with the wrong technique for performing the “bridge”, the back can not be strengthened, but damaged. First of all, such troubles occur when the athlete does not maintain the correct position of the spine - bends excessively or, conversely, performs the exercise with a hunched back. In such a situation, the spinal column receives a dangerous load, which leads to injury.

What can replace the bridge

This is a unique exercise, and it is impossible to find a full-fledged replacement for it. But instead, you can include several different exercises in the training program that will allow you to work out the same muscles:

  • flexion of the legs in the simulator for working out the back of the thigh;
  • tilts with a barbell for the back of the thigh, buttocks and lower back;
  • hyperextensions for the back;
  • The bar is an exercise, like the “bridge”, it loads almost the entire body as a whole.

The bridge is a unique exercise that allows you to simultaneously work out the legs, buttocks and back. Initially, it was used for the rehabilitation of patients with spinal injuries, however, the "bridge" will be very useful for anyone who wants to strengthen the back and legs, especially if you need to pump the back of the thighs.

It will also be of great help in working out the buttocks. Thus, the positive effects of its regular implementation are great and varied. The main thing is to know how to make a “bridge” correctly, in which case it will bring maximum benefit and will not cause you any harm.

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