The story "Tosca" as a reflection on the comprehensive patterns of human existence. The plot, composition, storyline of the work. Artistic detail in the story. III. The loneliness of a person among people is the terrible essence of the story "Longing". The theme of loneliness

GB(O)S(K)OU S(K)O boarding school in Gryazi


Subject:. The story "Tosca". The theme of human loneliness in the world.

Continue developing the ability to analyze artistic text

The development of ideas about the genre features of the story

Repetition of theoretical concepts: plot, plot, conflict, expressive means

During the classes.

I. Organizational moment.

II. Individual report of the pupil about creativity

III. Introduction to the topic of the lesson. ( slide 1)

1. Teacher's word

Chekhov, in his short stories, posed problems that are relevant to our time, he deeply investigated life phenomena, exposing the causes of social disorder. The writer saw with pain that in the conditions of reaction the Russian intelligentsia openly broke with the ideals of progress and democracy. The standard of social behavior was lack of spirituality, pessimism, sometimes outright betrayal of the ideals of good, which reflected the general crisis of the noble-bourgeois culture. Chekhov was not associated with the emerging proletarian movement, but, anticipating a radical restructuring of all forms public life, the writer opposed inertia, stagnation, resolutely denied the existing order.

(slide 2)

“Vulgarity was his enemy, he struggled with it all his life ... No one before him could so mercilessly and truthfully draw people a shameful and dreary picture of their life in the dull chaos of philistine everyday life.” (M. Gorky).

Satisfied philistine happiness irritated Chekhov, he suffered because the beauty of human relations was destroyed in the sleepy stupor of the philistine. Hence the writer's longing for the real, spiritual meaningful life full of work and creativity. In this feeling, perhaps, the whole of Chekhov with his hidden suffering, merciless denunciation of vulgarity, active defense of the healthy, active principles of human life.

(slide 3) “Chekhov least of all claimed the role of a preacher, the ideological leader of the youth, and meanwhile, we managed to protect ourselves from many dark and unworthy acts only because he, as if with a click, etched all spiritual rubbish out of us,” he said. And in order to better understand the essence of the story "Longing", we will work according to the following plan:

(slide 4) I. The history of the creation of the story "Longing"

II. The theme of human loneliness in the world, expressed in one work.

1. The story "Longing" as a reflection on the comprehensive patterns of human existence.

2. Plot, composition, story line works.

3. Artistic detail in the story.

III. The loneliness of man among men terrible essence story "Tosca"

IV. Analysis of the story "Tosca"

1. Vocabulary work

What do you think longing is? What is the lexical meaning of this word?

(slide 5) From the “Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language:” LONGING (pressure?) Constriction of the spirit, languor of the soul, excruciating sadness; mental anxiety, anxiety, fear, boredom,

grief, sadness, heartache, grief"

Subtle psychologist of the human soul. He showed how hopeless longing of a person can be, lonely, like a person. They fill each other, vessels with deep, viscous contents. And human deafness, which leads to boundless loneliness and emptiness, to the emptiness of vessels that should be filled with living moisture.

Entering Russian literature, Chekhov acted as a master of the "small" form. This is a great artist of the word. He is able to convey in a short story the whole life of a person, adhering to the rules he himself formulated: “to write with talent, that is, briefly” and “brevity is the sister of talent.” Behind his landscapes, often drawn with the help of one precise and accurate detail, behind short dialogues and monologues, behind small details, an attentive reader always distinguishes not named by the author, but clearly visible depths of life.

2. History of the creation of the story

(slide 6) The story "Tosca", dedicated to the topic of disunity of people and the loneliness of a person, is recognized by many researchers of the literary heritage as the pinnacle of the writer's early works. This work was published in January 1886 in the "Petersburg newspaper", in the "flying notes" section, where before that he had already published many ironic sketches and other short satirical works that brought him literary fame as a witty, observant humorist - Antosha Chekhonte. What served as the leading motive for addressing this topic is not known for certain. In December 1885, the writer visited St. Petersburg for the first time and "the whirlpool full of monstrous fires, restless cod and running people", into which he plunged upon arriving in the capital, contrasted with his defensive psychasthenic mental warehouse and, perhaps, this to a certain extent served as one from the incentives for writing "Tosca". Moreover, the psychasthenic characterological pattern manifests itself most clearly at the age of 20–40 years (Lichko, 1977). The author of Tosca is twenty-six. Draft versions of the manuscript of "Tosca" have not been preserved, since during this period of creativity he had the habit of destroying all preliminary sketches and used preparatory materials upon completion of work.

Chekhov's stories put before the reader serious problems, receive a thorough development in their plot structure, become a genre of great literature. Paving the way for the story, Chekhov started from old techniques, dilapidated themes, external entertainment. On the other hand, Chekhov's story absorbed the best

achievements of the former Russian literature. Chekhov was the master of this "small"

forms. Chekhov's stories are fraught with great meaning, differing from the rest in clarity and conciseness, carrying a certain moral conclusion. An example of such a story

his short story “Tosca” can be considered. This is a story about well-fed, indifferent people who consider themselves a class above, unable to understand, pity another person, support him with a friendly soft and kind smile, alien to responsiveness and compassion.

3. Work on the epigraph:

(slide 7)

To whom shall we sing my sorrow,

Whom shall I call to weeping?

Only to You, my Lord,

Sadness is known.

What is an epigraph for? (work idea)

The epigraph to “Tosca”: “To whom shall we sing my sadness? ..”, the initial line of the spiritual verse “Joseph’s Lament and True Story”, once performed by Russian wanderers “passing stones”, sets a certain psychological tone to Chekhov’s story. The author thus expands the boundaries of the upcoming narrative, encourages the reader to think about the "existential" dilemma of human existence - the topic of human loneliness among people, the lack of response to someone else's pain, the inability to be heard, pour out one's grief, establish confessional contact with another person.

4. Working with text

Where does the story begin? (urban winter landscape - reading an excerpt to students)

The landscape prepares us for a meeting with the main characters - Jonah and his horse, emphasizes the complete alienation of the world from Jonah.

What do Jonah and his horse look like? (reading an excerpt)

What is each of them thinking about?

Tell us about the main character. (student answer)

How many storylines are there in the story? (Jonah the son, Jonah the horse, Jonah the outside world: military, three merry revelers)

5. Composition of the story

(slide 8) The plot of “Tosca”, at first glance, is another reflection of the young Chekhov’s favorite literary device - with warm irony to build a composition, a storyline of a story from an anecdotal, in fact, situation: an old cab driver who did not find understanding from any person he met on the way who buried his son, pours out his grief to the horse. However, the story told by Antosha Chekhonte on the pages of the periodical is “not an ironic trinket” of entertaining humorous journalism, but an age-old tragedy of a man knocking on people's souls (Dunaev, 1998).

(slide 9) In the plot of “Tosca”, at least, two interrelated plans can be found: on the one hand, the author encourages the reader to empathize with Iona Potapov, and on the other hand, to reflect on the comprehensive regularity of human existence - longing for someone’s soul , consonant with itself, able to understand, respond, sympathize, listen.

(slide 10) The conflict of the story lies in the fact that longing and loneliness stem from the fact that people's hearts are closed, callous, not ready for compassion for their neighbor. That is why “my sorrow” (epigraph) remains unknown to anyone except God, and Jonah’s answer to his bitter words is the silence of the whole world.

(Simultaneous repetition of literary terms: plot, plot, conflict)

6. The role of the artistic detail ( slide 11)

Among other writers, extraordinary observation distinguishes. A deep knowledge of life and people helped him, with the help of small details, individual strokes, to depict truthfully and vividly the character of a person, objects, nature. Therefore, the artistic detail is of great importance in the work of Chekhov. He was very strict in the selection of details, he checked everything to the smallest detail - nothing can be accidental in his works. The writer said that if a gun hangs on the wall in the first act, then at the end it must fire. Chekhov brought the genre of the story to perfection. In a small work, he could convey a large amount of information, this was important for the writer. Artistic detail contributed to the reduction of volume. In his works, Chekhov omitted such important information as the genealogy, biography of the characters. The main means of characterization was a portrait, although it also did not correspond to the usual idea. It was not a description of the color of hair, eyes, and the like, the writer chose two or three of the most accurate and accurate details, and this was enough to vividly represent the image as a whole. Craftsmanship of detail: in the story, the author mostly calls the horse a horse. As soon as the suffix appeared, the reader sees this old, hackneyed, work-tired horse, as miserable as her owner, and just as poignantly pitiful. And only she can breathe her warmth into Jonah's arms. In his stories, Chekhov shows only the main, most important points, and omits the rest. Artistic detail helps him condense time. Chekhov does not say this directly, but the reader vividly imagines these changes, and all this is due to artistic detail.

The development of artistic detail is an important merit of Chekhov, he made a huge contribution to world literature. This technique has been introduced into short stories with great skill. Chekhov painted ordinary, everyday life and achieved the maximum approximation to it. From small strokes, strokes, a colorful realistic picture is created. The reader forgets that the text is in front of him, so clearly he imagines everything described.

7. What is the essence of the story "Tosca" ( slide 12)

From the beginning of the story, he points to the harmony present in the relationship between the old cabman and his "horse", sensitively catching the slightest changes in the state of mind of its owner. Either she is “white and motionless”, similar to a “penny gingerbread horse”, together with the silent Jonah stands for hours under wet snow, “immersed in thought”, then “begins to trot”, when the owner’s anguish becomes unbearable, bursts out of her chest and dictates to quickly leave the bustle of the city crowd and return to the court. The world of people rejected him, and the old man goes to his horse - a dumb creature - which alone understands him: "the horse chews, listens and breathes into the hands of its owner." With warm irony to his hero, to all people lonely in their anguish, vainly looking for a response, salvation in another person, and, perhaps, to himself, he ends the story with the following two phrases: “The horse chews, listens and breathes into the hands of its owner ... Jonah gets carried away and tells her everything…” (ibid.).

The theme of loneliness declared in the story is developed and comprehended by the writer throughout his subsequent literary activity. The leitmotif of the plays is also the problem of spiritual loneliness and disturbed psychological contact between people - the monologues of the characters do not find a response from each other, they meet either with mockery or indifference. In solving this eternal problem for a person, it is possible to avoid sentimentality, an edifying tone, condemning sarcasm and philosophical pathos. does not accuse anyone either of people's self-absorption, or of their inability to understand and hear each other - this is a primary given, due to the otherness of each person for another. Overcoming alienation, entering into a psychologically full-fledged contact with another person who is not like himself, is possible only when minimum effort to broadcast their warmth or sincere perception of it from another person. The loneliness of a person among people is the terrible essence of the story "Longing". And Chekhov nowhere allows himself to moralize - he simply draws life, but the laconic narration perfectly conveys everything that the author would like to say.

V. Reflection

VI. Lesson summary

VII. Homework: Prep. to the lesson on / Thurs (Chekhov's story (optional)), work from art. in the textbook

Do people need support, attention and care in order not to feel lonely? This is one of the questions that arise when reading the text of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, a classic of Russian literature.

Revealing the problem of loneliness, the author tells us about the cab driver Ion Potapov. Less than a week ago, his son died, and the driver "didn't talk to anyone along the way." the passengers don't care about Jonah, they don't even try to listen to him. Later, the driver talks about his trouble with the horse. He feels that only to her he can tell about his sad loss.

In the work of Maxim Gorky "Old Woman Izergil" in the legend of Larra, the story is about the son of an eagle and a woman.

Larra is proud, considers himself the chosen one, puts himself above the rest. Having killed an innocent girl, he is subjected to a terrible punishment - he is doomed to eternal exile. Being lonely, the hero loses the meaning of life. One day, he deliberately comes too close to people, hoping that his fellow tribesmen will kill him, thereby freeing him from this unbearable exile. But people shun Larra, fulfilling the order of the elders of the family. Larra walks the earth like a shadow, unable to find peace. He is punished by loneliness for pride, selfishness, cruelty, selfishness.

And now let's turn to examples from the novel - Leo Tolstoy's epic "War and Peace". Pierre Bezukhov is very lonely. At the beginning of the work, we see Pierre in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer, where the attitude of secular society to young man as to the illegitimate son of a wealthy Petersburg dignitary, and the revolutionary speeches of the "Jacobin", who has just arrived from Paris and justifies Napoleon, "the monster of the human race", arouse both fear and indignation in the hostess of the salon and most of her guests.

But as soon as Pierre becomes the richest man in Russia, having received an inheritance that suddenly fell upon him, the attitude towards him changes. Society begins to flatter Bezukhov, Prince Vasily marries a rich heir to his daughter Helen, but loneliness still does not leave the hero. No nearby loved one, a friend, such as Prince Andrei, who went to war, who would help sort out the spiritual turmoil. Pierre goes a long way until he finds the meaning of life and happiness. In many ways, Natasha Rostova helps him overcome difficulties. In her company, he becomes better, and the soul is again and again reborn to life.

Let's summarize. We have seen that a person needs compassion, attention, or at least someone's presence in order not to feel lonely and cope with their troubles.

Updated: 2017-09-22

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Lesson summary

The theme of human loneliness in the world (according to the story of A.P. Chekhov "Tosca").

Item: literature

Class: 9

Lesson type: reading and study lesson

Forms of work: individual, frontal, group

Lesson Objectives:

    To continue acquaintance of students with the work of A.P. Chekhov.

    Continue to develop the ability to analyze a literary text. Develop creative imagination and the ability to boldly express one's own opinion.

3. To instill in children a sense of compassion, sympathy, a desire to help

neighbor in difficult times.

Lesson equipment:

    Projector, screen, computer presentation.

    Explanatory Dictionary edited by S.I. Ozhegov.

    Cards for group work.

During the classes

I . Organizing time.

Target: emotional attitude to the lesson. Awareness of the importance of this lesson, motivation for its result.

Hello guys!

I want to start our lesson today with a parable borrowed from the notebook of the French writer Alphonse Daudet:

"Once wise songbird was asked: "You sing so beautifully, but why are your songs so short?" To which the bird replied: "I have so many songs, I must tell them to the world."

A.P. loved this parable. Chekhov. He, like that bird, knowing the world, its people, was in a hurry to tell us, his readers, about everything. In his short stories, he, like a doctor, tries to cure people of such ailments as vulgarity, servility, servility, ignorance, limited horizons.

The famous Russian writer Korney Chukovsky said: “Chekhov least of all claimed the role of a preacher, the ideological leader of the youth, and meanwhile, we managed to protect ourselves from many dark and unworthy deeds only because he, as if with a click, etched out all spiritual rubbish from us.”

Can we say these words about us today? We will try to answer this question today in the lesson.

And the subject of our conversation will be the story of A.P. Chekhov "Tosca".

Open notebooks, write down the topic of the lesson.

State the objectives of the lesson. What should we learn in the lesson? What to learn? (continue acquaintance with the work of A.P. Chekhov; develop the ability to analyze a literary text; find artistic means in it; learn to boldly express your own opinion).

II . A word about a writer. Student message.

Target: development of monologue speech of students, the ability to highlight the main information, work with sources.

A student's story about the life of A.P. Chekhov (using presentation).

The story, "Longing", which will be the subject of our analysis in the lesson, was written by the writer in 1886.

III . Work on the content of the story.

Purpose: to form the ability to analyze a literary text, to find out what the system of figurative and expressive means of language serves in a story. Improve the skills of working in groups in the analysis of a work of art.

Guys, tell me what associations you have when you hear this word - longing.

Building a cluster.

Questions to the class:

What does it mean to be lonely?

Can a person be lonely among people?

Do you feel lonely?

What is the lexical meaning of this word?

Let us turn to the explanatory dictionary, ed. S.I. Ozhegov.

Yearning and

1. Mental anxiety, despondency.

2. Boredom, as well as (colloquial) something very boring, uninteresting.

What is the meaning of this word in the story?

Give synonyms for this wordsorrow, grief, chagrin, melancholy, sadness, despondency ).

Why did the writer choose the wordyearning ? Guess how you think. (It can be assumed that the stressed vowelA emphasizes the infinity, boundlessness of this feeling, hopelessness).

You have already read the story at home. But just reading Chekhov's story is not enough. To understand the true meaning of his works, one must pay attention to every detail. To this end, we turn to the story test.

Frontal discussion on:

What is the beginning of the story? Read out.

(Snow, twilight, lit lanterns. Every object, a living being is entangled, separated from the outside world by a cold blanket).

What impression does this winter evening make on you?

(The soul becomes gloomy, cold and lonely).

What is the role this description?

(With the help of the landscape, the internal psychological state of a person is transmitted).

And how does it feel main character And she?

(He is sad, bad).

Why is he bad? (His son died.)

Quite right. He buried his son and stayedone . How can you help someone in this situation?

(Talk to him, listen, smile, show a minimum of affection, compassion and patience).

Did Jonah try to talk about his grief? (Yes.)

To whom?

(To a military man, a hunchback, a janitor, a young cab driver.)

Let us follow the text how these people react to Jonah's story about the death of his son.

Work in groups. Find and discuss. Prepare a speaker for the group.

1 group: meeting of Iona Potapov with the military.

2 group: meeting of Iona Potapov with Gorbach.

3rd group: Meeting of Iona Potapov with the janitor.

4th group: meeting of Iona Potapov with a young cab driver.

So,let's conclude:

Iona Potapov is among people, but he has no one to tell his sadness, because they are indifferent people, they do not know how to feel the pain of another person, they do not know how to sympathize. Nobody cares about his grief. Everyone on their own.

What artistic means does Chekhov use to convey the longing of the hero?

Let's do this task in groups.

1 group:

Epithets: great sadness, knows the boundaries yearning. Epithets evoke in the reader not very bright, not very joyful associations. Without a doubt, they convey the author's feeling for the events and images depicted.

2 group:

Metaphors : bursting the chest, would flood the whole world, fit in the shell.

Metaphors, personifications, comparisons carry a negative emotional load, help to feel the state of Jonah.

3rd group:

gradation : evening twilight - evening haze - darkness.

Repeat: the son died - from what? ... go; the son died - we will all die, drive; son died... These techniques reinforce the expression.

Let's doconclusions about the role of these artistic means:

The linguistic means used in the text are not accidental, they help to reveal the theme of the work, to express the author's idea. In a small work, with the help of various artistic techniques, Chekhov reveals a great misfortune in a person's life.

To whom did Jonah pour out his soul? Who listened to him anyway? (Horse.)

Why did Jonah decide to tell her everything?

(In the horse, Iona Potapov sees your soul mate As he lost his son, so she lost her master and oats. He begins to remember and talk about his son, and then "gets carried away and tells her everything." Because in this emptiness and silence, in this "soulless" city - this is the only creature that listened to him, did not push him away.)

How did Jonah address the horse? (Brother filly)

Does it change emotional coloring this word throughout the story? (Yes)

(From contemptuous horse, to neutral - horse, to diminutive - filly.)

Read aloud the last two sentences of the story.

How do you explain the ellipsis?

Indifference is the laziness of the soul. After all, a person needs so little from people - it is necessary that they listen to him, they say good word, smiled. But even this smallness is not something that is a pity - just too lazy to sympathize, understand ...

Let's look at the epigraph of the story. Read.

How do you understand the meaning of the epigraph?

(There is no one to tell, only the man himself and God know).

Let's go back to the question I asked at the beginning of the lesson: "he bled all the spiritual rubbish out of us." Can we say these words about us today? (Yes)

Chekhov in many works gives us a lesson in the relationship between people, encourages us to be sensitive, teaches us to be tolerant of each other, to drive indifference and complacency out of our hearts.

Listen to Varlam Shalamov's poem:

Where is life? Though the rustle of a leaf

She would have spoken.

But behind is emptiness

But behind is silence.

And I'm scared to step forward

Step into a hole, into a black forest,

Where memory takes by the hand

And there is no heaven.

Varlam Shalamov 1938

What do you think, is there anything in common between A.P. Chekhov's story "Tosca", written in 1886, and the poem of the poet and writer, who, like A. Solzhenitsyn, went through the GULAG Varlam Shalamov, written in 1938?

(The theme of loneliness. A poem, like a story, teaches sympathy, understanding of a person.)

IV . Summarizing. Grading.

Purpose: to assess the knowledge of students and motivate them to work in the following lessons.

The result of our work will be writing a syncwine. As a keyword, let's take the word - longing.


green, huge

Covers, absorbs, oppresses

No one to tell about your grief


Grading a lesson.

Thank you all for the lesson.

V . Homework (group)

1 group:

Find epithets. What feelings do they evoke in the reader? What is their role in the text?

3rd group:

Find examples of gradation, repetitions. What is their role?

2 group:

Find metaphors, personifications. Do they carry a negative or positive emotional load? What do you think, for what purpose did the author use these linguistic means?

A.P. Chekhov "Longing". The theme of human loneliness in a crowded city. Lesson in grade 7 using technology critical thinking(reading with stops).

The purpose of the lesson: Definition of the ideological sound of the work.


educational: be able to determine the theme and idea of ​​the story, be able to find artistic techniques and funds.

Developing: develop coherent monologue speech; develop memory, thinking, creativity; develop the skills of expressive reading, culture of communication, listening.

Educational: to cultivate a sense of respect, attention and compassion for others, responsibility for their actions.

Equipment: multimedia projector, laptop.

Lesson form- reading with stops.

I. Goal setting.

Today we will read together the story of A.P. Chekhov "Tosca" and discuss it.

Call. How do you understand the title of the story? Write an associative series for this word. Let's turn to dictionaries: SLIDE #2


melancholy - sadness, grief, pain, grief, grief, contrition, sadness, grief.

-Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary

1) mental anxiety, despondency;

2) boredom.

-V.Dal's dictionary

Anguish (pressure) - constraint of the spirit, languor of the soul, excruciating sadness, mental anxiety, anxiety.

Do you think the story will be happy or sad?

II. Reading the story with stops.

Let's readI fragment from the beginning of the story to the words "... and the bustle of the street becomes more audible."


1) Comment on the words and expressions "sitting on the goats", "there is still no initiative."

2) What mood does the description of the winter landscape create? (this is not just twilight and snow - it is a symbol of hopeless emptiness and human indifference).

3) How is the description of the horse as close as possible to the hero? (Jonah and his horse seem to be inanimate, we still don’t know what happened, and the author already makes it clear that life has ceased to glimmer in the soul of this person).

Let's readII fragment from the words “A cabman, to Vyborgskaya ...” to the words “... and, apparently, is not disposed to listen”

Explain the words and expressions: “to Vyborgskaya”, “from a fever”.

Why is it difficult for Jonah to control the horse? Choose an answer. SLIDE #3

    Does he not know how to drive?

    Is it snowing in Petersburg?

    Pedestrians and carriages interfere with him on purpose?

    Is he immersed in himself, in his thoughts?

How does Jonah inform the military about the death of his son? What is the reaction of the military?

Let's readIII fragment from the words "Having landed him on Vyborgskaya" ... to the words "thank God, they finally arrived."

Comment on the meaning of the words: “two kopecks”, “the price is not similar”, “old cholera”.

Why does the author mention snowfall in St. Petersburg again at the beginning of this episode?

Why does Jonah agree to take young people for only two kopecks? Choose an answer. SLIDE #4

    Does he need money?

    He worries and does not think about money?

    He is ready to work for any price, because there are few clients?

    For another reason?

For what purpose does the author repeatedly emphasize that Jonah laughs, chuckles, and smirks when addressing young people? How does this behavior of the hero show his state of mind? How does Jonah tell the young people about his son's death? What is their reaction?

Let's readIV fragment from the words “Having received two kopecks” ..... to the words “... the young man covered himself with his head and is already sleeping.”

Explain the words: “silence comes for him”, “scurrying”, “trotting”, “spiral in the air”.

In this episode, the word "longing" is used 6 times; in what context is it used each time?

Why was Jonah seized with melancholy, and how does he himself explain its cause?

Why does Jonah return ahead of time? Choose an answer. SLIDE #5

    Is he tired?

    The weather is bad?

    Late hour?

    horse sorry?

    No one agreed to listen to him?

How does Jonah inform the young cab driver about the death of his son?

What is the reaction of the interlocutor?

Let's readV fragment from the words "The old one sighs and itches" .... until the end of the story.

Comment on the words: “wails”, “they didn’t go to the oats”, “ordered to live long”.

Why Jonah needs to be sure to talk about his grief. Choose an answer. SLIDE #6

    Does he need to talk?

    Does he want sympathy?

    Does he feel uncomfortable in St. Petersburg, where there are a lot of people and no one to talk to?

    Is this the first big grief in his life?

How does Jonah inform the horse of his son's death?

What is her reaction?

Is this episode funny or scary?

How does Jonah's speech change towards the end of the story?

III. General conversation.

The story has epigraph. This is the 1st line of the spiritual verse "Joseph's Lament and Reality."

To whom shall we sing my sorrow?

Whom shall I call to weeping?

Only you, my Lord,

My sadness is known.

    How to understand it?

    Why is the city indifferent to Jonah's experiences?

    What is the moral of the story?

    Is it funny or sad that Jonah told about his grief to the horse?

IV .Conclusion. The son of the cabby Jonah died. Jonah wants to tell someone about this, to talk, to pour out his soul, and thus alleviate the grief a little. But it turns out that there is no one to tell! Not a single person wants to listen to Jonah, and he eventually tells everything ... to his horse.

Read the last sentence. How do you explain the ellipsis?

Indifference is the laziness of the soul. After all, a person needs so little from people - it is necessary that they listen to him, say a kind word, smile, but even this smallness is not something that is a pity - just too lazy to sympathize, to understand.

Choose the lexical meaning of the word "longing" (see the "challenge" stage) that best suits the story.

Longing and loneliness stem from the fact that the hearts of people are closed, callous, not ready for compassion for their neighbor, because “my sorrow” (epigraph) remains unknown to anyone except God, and Jonah’s answer to his bitter words is the silence of the whole world.

V .Reflection. Compilation of "syncwine". SLIDE №7


Huge, knows no bounds,

Ask, talk, listen.

Someone to pour out your soul.


VI. Homework. SLIDE #8

Level 1 (medium). Write 4-5 sentences on the topic: "Can the story be considered important for our time as well."

Level 2 (creative). Write a continuation of the story on the topic: "Jonah's conversation with the horse."

Lesson Objectives:

Equipment: textbook, text of the story " Yearning» , material on the topic of the lesson.

Lesson type

Predicted results:

K. I. Chukovsky






Sherstyuk Nina Gavrilovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

first qualification category

MBOU "Gorodets secondary school

named after the Hero of Russia Alexander Prokhorenko"


The theme of human loneliness in a crowded city in A.P. Chekhov "Tosca"

Lesson Objectives:

1. to continue acquaintance of students with the work of A.P. Chekhov;

2. give an idea about the plot, the composition of the story "Longing";

3. find out the moral issues of the story, theme, idea;

4. repeat theoretical concepts: composition, story, landscape,

Expressive means of language;

5. develop reading culture;

6. educate the spiritual and moral culture of students.

Equipment : textbook, text of the story " Yearning" , material on the topic of the lesson.

Lesson type : a lesson in the analysis of a work of art.

Predicted results:

1. students know about the plot, the composition of the story "Longing";

2. determine the plot elements of the story, the features of the composition;

3. determine the theme and idea of ​​the work, correlate the beginning and the end;

4. characterize the main character of the story;

5. perform research work with the text of the story in groups.

Chekhov least of all claimed the role of a preacher, the ideological leader of the youth, and yet we managed to protect ourselves from many dark and unworthy deeds only because he, as if with a click, etched out of us all spiritual rubbish.

K. I. Chukovsky


  1. Updating of basic knowledge

Hearing multiple creative works(cm. homework previous lesson)

  1. Motivation for learning activities

Chekhov is a master of the short story.

This is a great artist of the word. He is able to convey in a short story the whole life of a person, adhering to the rules he himself formulated: "to write talentedly, that is, briefly" and "brevity is the sister of talent." Behind his landscapes, often drawn with the help of one precise and accurate detail, behind short dialogues and monologues, behind small details, an attentive reader always distinguishes not named by the author, but clearly visible depths of life. The story "Tosca" is recognized as the pinnacle of the writer's early works.

Indifference... How often, when we hear this word, we are surprised and indignant, thinking to ourselves that this does not apply to us. And how often we forget that we offended and brought grief to our closest and dearest people. Indeed, often so little is required of us: to listen, to say a kind word, to smile. But even this smallness we sometimes regret so much. Well, what did it cost the heroes of the story "Tosca" to show a minimum of affection, compassion and patience in order to ease the grief of Iona Potapov? Their souls would become much brighter and purer if they understood the grief of the cabman. How much brighter and better our world will become when dryness, callousness, indifference finally leave us...

The famous Russian writer Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky said (addressing the epigraph of the lesson): “Chekhov least of all claimed the role of a preacher, the ideological leader of the youth, and yet we managed to protect ourselves from many dark and unworthy deeds only because he, as if with a click, etched out us all spiritual rubbish." Can we say these words about us today? We will answer this question today in class.

  1. Work on the topic of the lesson
  1. Introductory speech of the teacher

The epigraph to "Tosca" "To whom shall we sing my sadness?.." (the opening line of the spiritual verse "The Lament of Joseph and the Reality") sets a certain psychological tone to Chekhov's story. The author encourages the reader to think about the loneliness of a person among people, the lack of response to someone else's pain, the inability to be heard, to pour out one's grief, to establish confessional contact with another person. Beginning of Tosca:

"Evening twilight. Large wet snow swirls lazily around the newly lit lanterns and lies in a thin soft layer on the roofs, horses' backs, shoulders, hats ..." Running people in their usual street bustle big city they do not notice either the falling snow, or the cabman Iona Potapov, who is “white as a ghost” and with his immobility resembles a snow statue.

  1. Immersion in the topic of the lesson (conversation)

What does it mean to be lonely?

Can a person be lonely among people?

What do you think longing is? Loneliness?

What is the lexical meaning of these words?

  1. Vocabulary work (writing on the board and in notebooks)

Loneliness is the state and feeling of a person who is in conditions of real or imaginary isolation from other people, the rupture of social ties, the lack of significant communication for him, the lack of communication, etc.

Anguish - constraint of the spirit, languor of the soul, excruciating sadness; mental anxiety, anxiety, fear, grief, sadness, grief.

  1. Analytical work with the text of the story "Tosca"

a) The teacher's message about the history of the creation of the story "Tosca".

The story appeared in January 1886 in the Flying Notes section of the Petersburg Newspaper, where A.P. Chekhov had previously published many ironic sketches and other short satirical works that brought him literary fame as the witty, observant comedian Antosha Chekhonte. What served as the leading motive for A.P. Chekhov's address to this topic is not known for certain. In December 1885, the writer visited St. Petersburg for the first time, and "the whirlpool full of monstrous fires, restless cod and running people", into which he plunged upon arriving in the capital, may, to a certain extent, served as one of the incentives for writing Tosca. A flashed street scene, a fragment of a conversation heard, or simply the sight of a cabman and his horse bent under the snow - these or other impressions, unknown to us, could give impetus to the work of the writer's imagination. Is there any need, however, for some special, real or literary, commentary on Tosca, on a story with such an obvious plot, with a gripping reader's sympathy for Iona Potapov and his misfortune? Of course, the main meaning of the story should be understood without any comment, through understanding the internal connections of the work, the logic of its plot, composition. The author of "Tosca" is 26. Draft versions of the manuscript of "Tosca" have not been preserved, since during this period of creativity A.P. Chekhov had a habit of destroying all preliminary sketches and used preparatory materials at the end of the work.

b) Research with the text of the story (in groups)

1st group

  • How many times does Jonah try to tell about his son's death? (Three times)
  • Write down the reaction of the interlocutors. (The son died ... from what? ... go; the son died ... we will all die, drive; the son died ... (no answer)
  • What is it called means of expression? (Repeat) Support with examples from the text of the story.

2nd group

  • What time of day did the story take place? (In the evening)
  • Write down the change in evening lighting. (Evening twilight, evening haze, darkness)
  • What is the name of this expression? (gradation)
  • How many times does this change occur? (Three times) Support with examples from the text of the story.

3rd group

  • Write out from the text verbs that characterize the actions of a crowded city. (Dark masses move, crowds run, crowds scurry)
  • How many times does Chekhov mention this in the story? (Three times) Support with examples from the text of the story.

4th group

  • Write out from the text how Jon's appeal to the horse changes.
  • How did the emotional coloring of the word change? (From the contemptuous "horse" - through the neutral "horse" - to the diminutive "filly")
  • What is the name of such vocabulary (first and third words)? (Expressive) Support with examples from the text of the story.

Presentation of the results of the work

c) Conversation

1. Artistic detail.

Among other writers, A.P. Chekhov is distinguished by extraordinary powers of observation. A deep knowledge of life and people helped him, with the help of small details, individual strokes, to depict truthfully and vividly the character of a person, objects, nature. Therefore, the artistic detail is of great importance in the work of Chekhov. Artistic detail contributed to the reduction of volume. In his works, Chekhov omitted such important information as the genealogy, biography of the characters. The main means of characterization was a portrait, although it also did not correspond to the usual idea. It was not a description of the color of hair, eyes, and the like, the writer chose two or three of the most accurate and accurate details, and this was enough to vividly represent the image as a whole. Craftsmanship of detail: in the story, the author mostly calls the horse a horse. As soon as the suffix appeared, the reader sees this old, hackneyed, work-tired horse, as miserable as her owner, and just as poignantly pitiful. And only she can breathe her warmth into Jonah's arms. In his stories, Chekhov shows only the main, most important points, and omits the rest. Artistic detail helps him condense time. Chekhov does not say this directly, but the reader vividly imagines these changes, and all this is due to artistic detail.

2. Composition of the story

The plot of "Tosca", at first glance, is another reflection of the young Chekhov's favorite literary device - with warm irony to build a composition, a storyline of a story from an anecdotal, in fact, situation: an old cab driver who did not find understanding from any person he met on the way, who buries his son, pours out his grief to the horse. However, the story told by Antosha Chekhonte on the pages of the periodical is "not an ironic trinket" of entertaining humorous journalism, but an age-old tragedy of a man knocking on people's souls (Dunaev, 1998).

In the plot of "Tosca", at least, two interrelated plans can be found: on the one hand, the author encourages the reader to empathize with Iona Potapov, and on the other hand, to reflect on the comprehensive pattern of human existence - longing for someone's soul, consonant with himself, able to understand, respond, sympathize, listen.

The conflict of the story lies in the fact that longing and loneliness stem from the fact that people's hearts are closed, callous, not ready for compassion for their neighbor. That is why “my sadness” (the epigraph) remains unknown to anyone except God, and Jonah’s answer to his bitter words is the silence of the whole world.

  1. Reflection. Summing up the lesson

Summary of the teacher:

Today at the lesson you were once again convinced that the stories of A.P. Chekhov are distinguished by brevity and richness of the plot. In the story "Tosca" it seems that nothing happens. The driver Ion Potapov is covered with snow in the dull winter twilight. He is waiting for his passengers. In fact, Jonah is no longer waiting for anyone or anything. For a whole week now he has been living as if half asleep: his son has died. The tragedy of Jonah is of no interest to anyone: neither the military, nor the idle youth, nor a man of his own class - a cab driver. No one is interested in Iona Potapov, no one needs his soul-rending pain. Everyone is in a hurry somewhere, everyone is dissatisfied, annoyed, only Jonah has nowhere to rush. He is lonely, sad, lost in thought. Death made a mistake, "misidentified the door", took away the heir, who "was a real cabman." After several attempts to pour out his soul to strangers, Iona Potapov understands that there are no sympathizers in grief and there will not be, people become isolated, they want anything, but not talk about someone's death. People do not want to think about frailty, they mindlessly scurry around the world, hoping that luck will save them, they will find their place in life, and what do they care about the death of another person.

The lack of sincerity, responsiveness, understanding is a problem not only of the 19th century, but also of the present. Iona Potapov may be a taxi driver whose son tragically died. Will it find a response in the souls of modern passengers? I think no. Jonah has "an enormous longing that knows no bounds," the same is true of the boundless callousness and indifference of those around him. Winter. Snow falls. It will melt when it gets warmer, there will be no trace left of it. Jonah's longing will also dissipate if he finds warm review and participation. Yes, the pain of loss will remain, like a memory of the past snowfall, but it will be possible to live, taking care of the horse, calmly thinking about your death. To whom can Jonah cry? Only a living soul, only she is able to understand the grief of another. Jonah found such a silent friend - his partner, a horse, old, hackneyed, tired of work, which only breathes its warmth into the hands of its owner. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov is a subtle psychologist of the human soul. He showed how hopeless longing of a person can be, lonely, like a person. They fill each other, vessels with deep, viscous contents. And human spiritual deafness leads to boundless loneliness and emptiness, to the emptiness of vessels that should be filled with living moisture.

The loneliness of a person among people is the terrible essence of A.P. Chekhov's story "Tosca".

  1. Homework in Russian literature

Prepare for the lesson extracurricular reading. Read the essay by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov "Sakhalin Island".


IN methodological development The lesson used materials from the site of I. N. Perova.

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