Foundation blocks - FBS dimensions. Foundation blocks: reinforced concrete, expanded clay concrete Weight of FBS foundation blocks

Foundation blocks FBS take part in the construction of the foundation of the structure, as is clear from the name. This rectangular shape

reinforced concrete products made from high-quality types of concrete, having a reinforcement frame and sometimes lugs for ease of unloading and loading operations. They are also called basement blocks. Some modifications are equipped with cutouts at the ends, which are filled with concrete during installation and serve to more effectively connect the elements to each other. Manufactured products have strict compliance with GOST 13579-78. IN individual construction

in most cases, a strip foundation is chosen, due to the possibility of constructing a basement on it, suitable for various purposes. Among other things, experts’ estimates boil down to the fact that installing FBS blocks on average is a couple of thousand rubles per m³ cheaper than constructing formwork and making a monolith with concrete pouring.

Areas and feasibility of using a foundation block The construction of a block foundation can greatly reduce the cost and speed up the construction of the building as a whole. In addition to the fact that FBS blocks are intended for foundations, they are often used in the construction of walls. Wall products are much lighter when compared with the foundation analogues of FBS blocks. Also, these reinforced concrete products are used for permanent or temporary fencing of objects. For example, when repair work

on the roads. FBS blocks, which are called used, would be appropriate here.

  1. Their feasibility of use is related to the following points: When available free space at the construction site. This is due to the fact that the blocks have significant weight, and their movement manually
  2. impossible. Attract a crane.
  3. When there is a shortage of time. It doesn’t take long to assemble a foundation from FBS blocks; the main thing is to prepare a place for laying them. When carrying out work in adverse weather ( autumn time
  4. When the qualifications of builders are insufficient to carry out more complex types foundation works. Device monolithic slab presupposes the presence of knowledge and skills, and it is possible to install foundation blocks in a trench without having either one or the other.
  5. When the tape is made not continuous, but interrupted. This device base allows you to further save on materials.

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Block characteristics

Overall dimensions are the main parameters considered when choosing foundation blocks. The main dimensions are length and width with height. Knowing them, they calculate the required number of products for constructing the foundation of the building. All blocks are named according to the article number. For example, FBS blocks 8-3-6. Let's decipher what this name means.

All blocks are divided into several categories:

  • FBS, where C means solid;
  • FBP, where P – hollow;
  • FBV, where B is the cutout.

It is clear that the first two letters in the name are interpreted as foundation blocks. And the whole difference between them lies precisely in the last letter, which is different for different modifications.

Consequently, the three numbers indicated after the abbreviation FBS will mean the following: the block is 0.8 meters long, 0.3 meters wide and 0.6 meters high.

Or more. Let us decipher the characteristics of the product marked “FBS 24.4.6”. The numbers have the following meaning: length is 2.4 m, width is 0.4 m, height is 0.6 m. The weight of the block is 1300 kg. To transport 10 such products to the site, three cars will be required.

The weight of one block is also an equally significant parameter, which is important during transportation and when calculating the transportation of the number of products in one vehicle. The weight of foundation blocks can vary in the range of 250 kg - 2 tons (in accordance with the marking of the elements).

According to GOST, the grade of concrete for the production of this kind of reinforced concrete structures should be B12, 5M150.

You should try to use foundation blocks that are longer, which will reduce the number of joints and reduce the complexity of installation procedures and the difficulty of sealing connecting seams.

When paying hourly to use a crane, long products significantly reduce the cost of construction.

Solid foundation block FBS 24.4.6-T is the most commonly used high-strength block-type building material. FBS is a rectangular solid block for general purpose. Classic FBS 24.4.6.T is manufactured from traditional materialheavy concrete average density of at least 2300 kg/m3. FBS concrete blocks are intended for the construction of foundations of low-rise buildings and the construction of basements of various depths, as well as technical underground premises of any buildings. FBS is also often used for the construction of walls of unheated buildings and industrial structures. Concrete blocks of this type often used in road construction as barriers in industrial construction

Product marking

The following is accepted symbol FBS foundation blocks:

Designation of the type of foundation block, rounded values ​​of the length, width, height of the reinforced concrete product, then the type of concrete is indicated.

  • FBS – solid foundation block;
  • the first digit is the length;
  • the second is the width;
  • third - height;
  • T - made of heavy concrete.

Marking marks, date of manufacture and weight of products must be on the side edge of each block.

Product characteristics

FBS 24.4.6-T blocks are the main material for strip foundation(a strip of reinforced concrete along the perimeter of the entire building including center lines). Most often, strip foundations made from FBS blocks are used in highly heaving and moisture-saturated soils. The blocks have low water absorption and resist the destructive effects of groundwater for a long time.

As mentioned above, the classic FBS 24.4.6.T block is made of heavy concrete. Such blocks are suitable in cases where they will be forced to withstand high loads from the walls of the building. The qualities of strength, reliability, and corrosion resistance of heavy concrete are unrivaled. Deformation characteristics and resistance to moisture allow FBS blocks to become an ideal material for basement walls and other technical underground objects. A block of heavy concrete does not crumble, does not rot, does not age, does not emit toxic substances

FBS have the form of a monolithic rectangular parallelepiped, length 2380 mm, width 400 mm and height 580 mm. The mass of FBS made of heavy concrete is much greater than that of expanded clay concrete and other materials, and amounts to 1300 kg. But the solid mass is determined by the durability, strength and stability of heavy concrete blocks.

Such blocks can be used when the calculated seismicity of the object is no more than 8 points. For light, non-buried strip foundations, blocks with a width of 400 mm are used; for more powerful and critical foundations, for load-bearing walls of basements and ground floors, blocks with a width of 500 mm and 600 mm are used. For non-load-bearing basement walls, blocks with a width of 400 mm and 300 mm are used.

Reinforcement of the FBS block is carried out in rare cases, because thanks to the material and design, they do not require steel rods to be inserted into the structure.

The versatility of FBS 24.4.6-T blocks lies not only in the variety of shapes and sizes that allow you to implement any engineering solution, but also that the blocks can be used in various climatic conditions and on any soil. FBS blocks are one of the few reinforced concrete products that can withstand a very wide temperature range - from +50 to -70 C.

The production of fundamental concrete blocks is carried out in steaming chambers, as in outdoors, and in enclosed spaces.

The main requirements for FBS are the guarantee of their special strength, as well as compression resistance, since the main purpose of foundation blocks is to withstand the colossal loads of the structure. When used in concrete production High Quality, foundation blocks are not subject to deformation, and are also characterized by increased frost resistance and water resistance, and are resistant to aggressive environments. All these qualities significantly expand the scope of application of FBS.

Product marking

Markings on FBS foundation blocks must be applied to the side surface of the block.

For all products of fundamental blocks FBS 24.4.6.T is issued by the manufacturer technical certificate, where the following parameters are specified:

  • grade of concrete for frost resistance and water resistance;.
  • concrete grade in terms of strength and its average density;
  • tempering strength of concrete and actual tempering density of concrete;
  • date of manufacture;
  • number of reinforced concrete products;
  • indication of compliance with the state standard.
  • tempering strength of concrete and actual tempering density.

Product quality control

Even at the manufacturing plant of concrete foundation blocks, they undergo strict quality control, one of the stages of which is checking for geometric deviations. Deviations in the dimensions of foundation blocks should not exceed the following indicators: in length + 13 mm, in width and height ±8 mm, in cutout sizes ±5 mm, and deviations from the straightness of the profile of the surfaces of the foundation block should not be more than 3 mm over the entire length and width block.

Cracks are not allowed in the concrete from which the blocks for basement walls are made, with the exception of local surface shrinkage cracks. And their width should not be more than 0.1 mm (for blocks made of heavy and dense silicate concrete) and 0.2 mm (for FBS blocks made of expanded clay concrete). The FBS 24.4.6-T block can have several types concrete surface- for painting, finishing ceramic tiles and non-facial surfaces that cannot be finished.


Installation of FBS foundation blocks can take place at the construction site if the necessary mechanisms are available for this. Mounting loops made of smooth rod reinforcement can be installed at a distance of 300 mm from the ends of the block, flush with its upper surface (in FBS type blocks with a length of 1180 and 2380 mm). If special gripping devices will be used when installing foundation blocks, then, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, it is possible to produce blocks without mounting loops at all. Also, the mounting loops of the FBS concrete block must be cleared of concrete deposits, otherwise this can significantly complicate the installation process.

Storage and transportation

FBS blocks are strongly recommended to be stored in stacks that are sorted by brand and batch and tightly stacked with each other. In this case, the height of one stack of foundation blocks should not exceed 2.5 meters. Pads for the bottom row of FBS 24.4.6.T blocks (at least 30 mm thick) must lie on a dense, carefully leveled base.

Transportation of foundation blocks is only possible if they are securely secured in order to prevent their mixing and possible damage. The number of blocks during transportation depends on the carrying capacity vehicle. The height of the stack of FBS blocks is set depending on the carrying capacity and dimensions of the transport used.

The weight of foundation blocks plays an important role in construction. It is used to determine how many elements are needed to make the foundation and whether the foundation can withstand the load placed on it. This is also the main parameter that is taken into account when choosing special equipment for transportation and installation of FBS.

General characteristics

FBS are solid foundation blocks that are used when installing foundation walls. They are presented in the form of parallelepipeds poured from concrete, inner part which has no voids. At the ends of each product there are grooves for connecting building elements to each other. The mounting loops are on the top surface.

They are made from heavy expanded clay or dense silicate concrete grades. They have standard sizes and weight according to GOST.

In the markings of these building elements, dimensions are rounded to the nearest decimeter.

  • 100 – length of the slab, equal to 100 cm;
  • 4 – product width is 40 cm;
  • 3 – height of the building element, respectively 30 cm.
  • L – the product is made of lightweight concrete.

The abbreviation denotes not only the dimensions, but also the type of mixture from which the blocks are made: “T” - from heavy concrete, “P” - from expanded clay, “S” - from silicate mortar.

Watch the video to see how the block is poured into a special mold.

Depending on the brand of FBS, the weight of the product changes, which can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. Block brands

The grade of the slab, the presence of reinforcement (to increase the load-bearing capacity of the building material), as well as the grade of concrete used for the manufacture of FBS are selected at the stage design work, depending on the load acting on the base under the base of the foundation.

How many products are needed for the construction of a foundation or walls is calculated depending on the load-bearing properties of the FBS and their geometric shape.

Why do you need to know the weight of the slabs?

The disadvantage of blocks is that their installation process is quite complicated

FBS is used for installing the foundation and erecting walls. Their main advantage is that construction site These structures come ready-made, so there is no need to waste time on the concrete achieving the required strength. This speeds up the work significantly.

In the manufacture of these building elements, they use special technologies: drying or steaming of products in a factory, this provides the blocks with a standard degree of hardness, frost resistance and compressive strength. To protect the slabs from the aggressive action of atmospheric and groundwater, they are covered with waterproofing layer based on bitumen.

The weight of the slabs depends on the size of the products and the brand of concrete that was used in their manufacture, plus the amount of reinforcement. It affects the quality and strength of the base. You can find out by using the assortment.

Having determined how much the blocks weigh, builders can calculate how much equipment is needed for their delivery and installation, as well as calculate the load that the FBS foundation can withstand.

Of course, it is advisable to entrust the calculation of the foundation to professionals, but you can also use an online calculator for these purposes. To independently calculate the number of foundation blocks, you need to divide the volume of the foundation by the volume of one block. After this, select the dimensions of the FBS, which, when summed up, are equal to the size of the foundation.

The brand of mortar from which the slab is made, as well as the presence of voids in it, reduces permissible loads to this block. If all calculations are made correctly, then as a result of construction work the owners will receive a stable and durable foundation.

The dimensions of the slab and the grade of concrete also affect the mass of the block. Having found out how much the product weighs (by weighing this building element), you can calculate its density and compare it with the declared density of the plant. This way you can protect yourself from counterfeiting.

It is preferable to buy certified products from well-known brands that have proven themselves construction market. If there is no quality certificate for a building material, it is better to refuse it, because it is not known what technical characteristics he has.

Foundation blocks FBS 24-6-4

The base, which represents a reinforced concrete contour, is considered not only the most reliable, but also the most versatile, as it is suitable for buildings of any type. There are several technologies for arranging a foundation strip, and in some cases it is advisable to install not a monolith, but a block structure. Assortment of ready-made artificial stones quite large, and purchasing the most suitable samples in terms of weight and size is not a problem. In this article we will look at the characteristics, specifics of application and estimated cost often used in low-rise construction of reinforced concrete products - FBS 2400x400x600.

  1. Marking
  2. Application

The specifications for wall foundation blocks (this is what the abbreviation FBS stands for) are described in detail in GOST No. 13579 of 1978. All such samples are divided into 3 types, depending on the specific application. For solid stones the designation remains the same - FBS. If they have cutouts (which simplifies the installation of communication lines), they are marked as FBV. Blocks with voids, characterized by reduced thermal conductivity and lower weight - FBP.

Main characteristics of FBS

Large sample sizes significantly increase speed installation work. For example, building a foundation. If you make it monolithic (poured), you will have to wait at least 4 weeks (depending on construction conditions) until the concrete gains proper strength. To arrange a shallow prefabricated belt, you will need only 16 pieces of the largest blocks in this group - FBS 24-6-6. Their installation can be done in 1 day. The load-bearing capacity is comparable to structures made of cast monolithic stone.


  • Considering the weight of one element, the installation process cannot be done without special equipment.
  • The need for subsequent sealing of the FBS tape. The joints between foundation elements are not only “cold bridges”, but also channels for liquid penetration.
  • High price of stone. On average, monolithic tape costs ⅓ less.

Before you buy a product, you need to carefully look at its designation, especially at the last positions of the marking. The specifics of the application largely depend on this.

1. By type of concrete

The average stone density in kg/m3 is indicated in parentheses.

  • T – heavy (2,400).
  • L – light (1,800).
  • C – dense silicate (2,000).

There are foundation blocks on the market that are made from expanded clay concrete. In their marking, in the last position, the symbol “c/b” or “P” (porous) is placed. Their cost and weight are less than their analogues. Concrete grades M100 or M200 are used for production. In the first case, for example, for heavy solution, the letter “t” is placed in the designation, and “2t” in the second.

2. According to the specifics of the FBS reinforcing frame

  • Unstressed. The cost of this category is also slightly lower.
  • Tense.

As a rule, steel grade A1 (or 111) is used to reinforce samples 2400x400x600. They are most suitable for installing foundations.

Marking features

In the first position the name is FBS. The definition of the block abbreviation has already been given. Next (from left to right):

  • length: according to GOST, all sample sizes are expressed not in the usual mm (2400x400x600), but in dm, rounded up. In our case, the true length is 2,380, in the designation it is 24. The same applies to other linear parameters;
  • width: 400 (4);
  • height: 580 (6);
  • type of concrete.

The last position is GOST for products (13579-78). Tolerance(error) in dimensions no more than ± 20 mm.

Scope of application of foundation wall blocks

  • Arrangement of strip and column type foundations. Mainly for buildings that have a technological floor. In this case, the blocks used to lay the foundation are the walls of the basement. If you need to increase the size of the support sole, then it is more advisable to use 24-6-6 stones (the largest of the entire group).
  • For the construction of unheated industrial buildings (usually FBS 24-6-6).
  • Construction of artificial barriers and enclosing structures.
  • Overpasses, ramps guiding heavy equipment parking areas, and the like.

FBS cost

FBSBrandvolume, m3Weight, kgRetail price, rub/unit
2400x400x600T0,54 – 0,55 1 300 – 1 350 2 090
WITH1 780
P1 605

*Approximate data for Moscow and the region.

When purchasing blocks, you must read the product certificate. The production of FBS is only possible industrially, since the technology requires mandatory vibrocompression of the solution. It is better not to purchase “handicraft” stones, although they are much cheaper than factory ones.

FBS foundation blocks - range, weight, dimensions

Brand of foundation block Weight, t Foundation block size, mm
FBS 24-3-6t 0,975 2380x300x580
FBS 24-4-6t 1,3 2380x400x580
FBS 24-5-6t 1,63 2380x500x580
FBS 24-6-6t 1,96 2380x600x580
FBS 12-3-6t 0,49 1180x300x580
FBS 12-4-6t 0,64 1180x400x580
FBS 12-5-6t 0,814 1180x500x580
FBS 12-6-6t 0,98 1180x600x580
FBS 9-3-6t 0,326 880x300x580
FBS 9-4-6t 0,468 880x400x580
FBS 9-5-6t 0,51 880x500x580
FBS 9-6-6t 0,7 880x600x580
FBS 12-4-3t 0,31 1180x400x280
FBS 12-5-3t 0,38 1180x500x280
FBS 12-6-3t 0,46 1180x600x290

Foundation blocks are mounted on 3 types of base.

  • Prefabricated strip foundation slabs These slabs are marked with the FL index and together with wall blocks are elements prefabricated foundation. Foundation slabs are laid on a flat, compacted base with waterproofing.
  • Monolithic pillow for the foundation A monolithic concrete pillow with a thickness of at least 300 mm is made on a compacted soil surface with compacted sand or crushed stone. In the case of reinforcement, it performs the function of belting rigidity. This cushion can be wider than the FBS blocks and act as a widened strip foundation.
  • Crushed stone-sand base Foundation blocks are mounted on a compacted layer of sand or crushed stone 8-10 cm thick. Before installation, the compacted surface is spilled with bitumen to provide horizontal waterproofing of the block.

FBS are stacked on cement-sand mortar or concrete. Vertical joints are filled with concrete. For more reliable embedding of FSok joints, their ends are made with recesses for installing concrete locks. To install the FBS, a truck crane and a team of 5 people are required. This is for practical reasons; perhaps the process technology requires more workers. The fact is that to lay the foundation block you need to make a volumetric bed of mortar or concrete. Even with a slight distance of the mixture from the installation site, this is hard work. Therefore, while 2 people and a crane are involved in the installation, 3 or more workers are performing a layer of mortar or concrete under the next foundation block.

The seams between the blocks are made up to 40 mm wide. To ensure the installation of seams, the length and height of the blocks are 20 mm less than the design one. After assembling the foundation wall and embedding the locks, vertical waterproofing of the foundation is performed using coating or pasting materials.

In addition to assortments of materials for the construction of foundations country houses We have prefabricated floor slabs.

Prefabricated block foundations appeared many decades ago. To this day, many buildings stand on strip foundations assembled from concrete blocks. But not all builders consider them reliable: after all, they are not monolithic, and therefore are less resistant to soil movements.

Monolithic foundations have a very high degree of reliability. But their creation is very lengthy and not an easy process, you need to install formwork, make a reinforcing belt for several hundred tie points, mix a large amount of mortar, and pour it. Then wait a few weeks for the solution to mature and only then continue construction works. Everything takes at least a month, and often more - if everything is done with your own hands, without involving outside workers.

To speed up the process, ready-made foundation blocks are used. They are produced by many factories, they are different types, geometry and dimensions. Some can only be worked with using construction equipment, while others - the smallest ones - can be worked with manually.

During assembly, they are installed in a dug pit on a prepared cushion. Rows and elements in a row are connected using cement mortar, sometimes using reinforcing belts to increase reliability. Assemble a small base for the bathhouse, small house or a garage can be done even in one day. After which all that remains is to carry out waterproofing works and insulation work.

But due to the fact that the structure is not a monolith, it can only be installed on reliable, non-heaving soils. If there is even a minimal tendency to heave, it is better not to install a prefabricated block foundation: if significant forces are applied to it, it will begin to “walk” and the building may collapse. However, on dry and rocky soils this is one of the most affordable and quickly erected foundations. Now you know where you can install prefabricated block foundations.

What are the types of foundation blocks?

First of all, let's talk about the materials from which the foundation blocks are made. This:

  • reinforced concrete;
  • expanded clay concrete;
  • silicate concrete of increased strength.

In the manufacture of reinforced concrete blocks, the mortar is most often used in the grades M-150, M-100, M-200. Depending on this, the characteristics change and the price increases. If the building is supposed to be massive, large and heavy, blocks of the highest quality, with high strength, are needed; for low-rise construction and the foundation for a bathhouse, blocks from M-100 mortar are sufficient.

Iron concrete blocks are and are called heavy: their mass is large due to the high density of the solution. Their weight, depending on the dimensions, can be from 300 kg to 2 tons. To distinguish the type of block, the letter “T” is placed at the end when marking.

When making expanded clay concrete, expanded clay is used as a filler. This composition is lighter, the mass of the blocks is from 260 kg to 1.5 tons. When marking these products, add the letter “L” at the end - light. Thermal insulation characteristics They have better, lower price.

But unpleasant properties and features also appear: high hygroscopicity, as well as lower strength. To neutralize hygroscopicity, careful waterproofing and measures to drain water from the foundation will be required. But nothing can be done about strength: expanded clay concrete blocks can only be used on foundations for light buildings, e.g. wooden baths or single garages.

In the manufacture of silicate concrete blocks, lime is used as the main binding element. The solution is of medium weight, which is why these blocks are called light and are designated at the end with the letter “C”. The weight of products manufactured according to standards (minimum density 1800 kg/m3) can be from 300 kg (the smallest) to 1.63 tons (the largest).

According to GOST, silicate concrete blocks are not used in conditions high humidity. This means that they are not suitable for foundations.


In addition to material, density, weight and price, there are many characteristics that need to be paid attention to. There are many more parameters by which you will have to choose them.

Types and sizes

Foundation blocks have different shapes and profiles, and also different dimensions. Products different shapes have different purposes and marking:

After the letters that indicate the type of product, there is a set of numbers. They display the dimensions of the blocks, indicated in decimeters. The first number is the length, the second is the width, and the last is the height. For example, FBS-24-6-6 is a rectangular block, 240 cm long, 60 cm high and 60 cm wide. The designation FL-6-12-3 stands for: trapezoidal block (pillow), 60 cm long, 120 cm wide and height 30 cm.

The use of all these blocks involves the use of cranes or, at a minimum, a winch. But there are very small blocks, measuring 20*20*40 cm. They are poured into standard molds at the same factories. When pouring, vibratory compaction machines operate, which increase the density of the solution. A mixture of Portland cement, sand and larger aggregate is used. The filler can be gravel, and then the block is concrete, or expanded clay, and then it is, respectively, expanded clay concrete.

Small-sized concrete blocks are solid and hollow. Solid ones are used for laying the foundations of light buildings on reliable soils, hollow ones are used for constructing walls. You can work with them without equipment: the weight does not exceed 40 kg. But when constructing such a foundation, it is necessary to create additional reinforcing belts. In some cases, each horizontal seam is laid metal mesh. And to increase strength, you can also make a reinforcing belt of greater height. It all depends on the conditions on the site and the design of the building.

Frost resistance

This characteristic is important for most of the territories of our country. Any of the materials can withstand a certain number of freezing and defrosting cycles. To increase this indicator, various additives are added to the solution. It is clear that the more cycles a concrete block endures without destruction, the longer the foundation will last.

FBS block size table

Resistant to media

If there are acidic or alkaline soils on the site, it is necessary to choose the type of concrete accordingly. If we talk about the Moscow region, then most of the soils are acidic, so here it is necessary to use blocks with crushed stone as a filler: it makes the products resistant to acid attacks.

The acidity of the soil is determined using tests that can be purchased at a store that sells agricultural equipment. They cost pennies, the method of application is written on the packaging, as well as the scale by which the condition of the soil is determined.

Cost and quality

You can tell exactly how much a particular foundation block costs only after calling several factories in your region. Prices vary significantly. Moreover, there can be a significant difference even among manufacturers in the same region. It could be the brand of concrete. Here you need to ask and compare. Take the time to visit each production site and inspect and evaluate the blocks presented there according to the following parameters:

  • Geometry. All blocks must be identical, the edges smooth and clear. It is also desirable that the surfaces also have a minimum of flaws or no flaws at all.
  • The declared density can be compared at home (we are talking about small blocks of 20*20*40 cm). They need to be weighed, dimensions and weight compared. Calculate density. For expanded clay concrete it should not be lower than 1800 kg/m 3, for concrete - not lower than 2000 kg/m 3. Only these can be used for foundations.
  • Then do a crash test: throw blocks from the same height onto a hard surface. Under no circumstances should they crumble and chipping should be minimal.

These simple manipulations allow you to determine the quality of concrete blocks. Just don’t forget which of them belongs to which company (sign or number).

Construction of a foundation made of blocks

There are several types of foundations that can be constructed with concrete blocks. These are strip, pile and columnar. The technologies are not much different, but there are still some features.

from blocks

There can be several options for constructing a strip foundation made of blocks:

Is it possible to make such foundations from 20*20*40 cm blocks? If this is a small structure in weight and the soil is suitable, then the answer is “yes”. In this case, a log house made of logs or timber will feel especially good. Due to the elasticity of the wood, possible movements will be compensated. In addition, this material is lightweight, and the strength of small-sized blocks will be enough to support this weight.

If the soils have even the slightest hint of heaving, or the house is heavy, only specialists can say whether it is possible to make a foundation from small blocks after examining the site and making calculations.

Using blocks for pile and columnar foundations

Reinforced concrete products are used for different sections: round, square, polygonal. They go deep to strong layers of soil that can support the weight of the house. The upper part of the piles is united by a strip base on which the walls will rest. This type of foundation is good on complex loose or highly heaving soils.

Columnar foundations have similar geometry. Only their depth is much less. There are shallow (above the freezing level) types and those with a foundation below the freezing level. Less depth is compensated larger area bases: pillars are usually wider. Here, as with the construction of a prefabricated strip foundation, the following options are possible:


Proper use of concrete blocks for foundation construction greatly speeds up the process. Whether it will turn out cheaper or more expensive is difficult to say. In some cases it is cheaper, sometimes, due to the need for long-term rental of a crane, it is more expensive. What is undeniable is that it is built much faster, and this is sometimes no less important than the cost.

Product drawing:

FBS 24-6-6 foundation blocks are made of reinforced concrete and have the shape of a parallelepiped. They are called the full six. Like all reinforced concrete products, foundation blocks are marked with an abbreviation. IN in this case“FBS”, which can be deciphered as “solid foundation blocks”. In their markings they have numbers indicating the sizes of their three dimensions - length, width and height, traditionally in decimeters.

To install these reinforced concrete blocks, special hinges are installed on them, by which they are lifted working equipment. There are grooves at the ends that are filled cement mortar for the strength of their connection to each other. They must be strong and reliable, since they are designed to withstand the load of the mass of the architectural structure. They must be resistant to temperature changes, frost-resistant, and should not be subject to the destructive effects of moisture from the soil. Like similar reinforced concrete parts, they are made from heavy grades of concrete that meet the requirements of strength, water resistance and frost resistance. Additional reliability is provided by the internal frame made of reinforcement.

The production of FBS 24-6-6 blocks must be carried out strictly in accordance with the rules of GOST 13579-78. The use of foundation blocks is modern stage urban construction and industrialization in general, since prefabricated reinforced concrete structures seem to be the most convenient and practical. This material could radically change the quality of buildings, influenced the speed and cost of building construction, and the ergonomics and practicality of construction equipment. Basically, solid foundation blocks are used for laying strip foundations. But in practice, their range of use is much wider - these are the walls of industrial buildings, walls of basements and plinths.

Depending on the region and manufacturer, these blocks may have the following marking options:

FBS 24.6.6t (the letter "t" in this case means that the block is made of heavy concrete)

Any design and construction, including laying foundation blocks, must be carried out strictly in accordance with the required technologies provided for in SNiP. This abbreviation is very familiar to all builders; it stands for “Building Codes and Rules”. Strict adherence to all prescribed recommendations and instructions is primarily a matter of safety and reliability of the building’s future operation. The slightest inaccuracy or oversight in work can lead to irreparable consequences. What I would like to remind you about working with concrete products such as solid foundation blocks.

The basis of the foundations and the beginning of any work should be the determination of the type of soil and soil from a geological point of view. Check the level and depth of soil freezing in winter period. It is also necessary to determine the depth groundwater and calculate the expected load on the foundation, plus make a margin for safety. Based on these data, a project is being prepared that takes into account all the nuances of the layout of foundation blocks and pillows. It is very important not to make a mistake with the layout of the axes; this will allow you to create the necessary and correct geometric shape building under construction. Foundation pads, by the way, ensure the reliability of the foundation being laid. Also, one of the main stages is properly waterproofing the foundation. Saturated with salts groundwater quite aggressive. The block filler can, of course, be different - from crushed stone to expanded clay, more cheap material It is more economical and even lighter, but it makes the foundation less strong.

You cannot neglect the characteristics of the grade of concrete from which FBS blocks are made; compare them with GOST 13579-78. If the foundation is done incorrectly, sooner or later cracks will appear in the walls, the entire geometry of the room will be disrupted, moisture will begin to seep in and even wind will penetrate. That is, it is the foundation that determines the condition and quality of the entire house as a whole. Practical control over the work of laying the foundation must be the strictest so that the entire construction does not go to demolition in the future. The damage from this can be colossal.

FBS 24-6-6 foundation blocks manufactured in industrial conditions guarantee the quality of the reinforced concrete product. Laying the foundation with blocks is a significant time saver, since the work is done really quickly and is not overly complicated. Such a foundation can be loaded immediately after it is laid - this is also an important plus for builders.

Technologically, it is stipulated that each foundation block is tested in production for strength in accordance with GOST 13579-78. If the foundation is made monolithic and concrete is poured, then construction suffers “downtime”, since such a foundation must be given time to thoroughly harden (sometimes these periods are calculated in weeks), whereas with reinforced concrete blocks construction continues without pause. In addition to solid foundation blocks, there are also hollow foundation blocks and solid foundation blocks with a cutout. Jumpers are placed in these cutouts and communications are laid.

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