I want to work after vacation. Yes - fresh air and proper sleep. We are different and suffer differently

“I don’t want to go to work after my vacation.” Familiar? And the brighter the well-deserved rest was, the more difficult it is to return to working days. After a wonderful week-long vacation spent by the sea or in the mountains, a person often falls into the so-called post-holiday stupor: he does not want to do anything, but only rest is in his thoughts. And all this is accompanied by apathy, nervousness, insomnia, fatigue, and in some cases even fever.

Many employees after vacation do not return to work at all, having written a letter of resignation. This is due to the loss of motivation and the breaking of stereotypes. In psychology, all these conditions are referred to as "post-holiday syndrome". His main reason- abrupt change of scenery. But this is a short-lived phenomenon. It usually lasts from 2 days to 2 weeks, then passes. Psychologists and doctors know how to change from a relaxing holiday atmosphere to a working wave without problems and stress.

Treat yourself to a few bonus days for acclimatization

If you have been vacationing in Turkey, Egypt or another warm country, do not go to work immediately after disembarking from the plane. Rushing into the cycle of work affairs, you run the risk of catching depression and generally losing motivation. Therefore, plan your vacation at sea or somewhere else in such a way that there are 2-3 days left before going to work. During this time, you will not only acclimatize and get enough sleep after a flight or trip, but also get involved in the usual rhythm of life, have time to sort out things, put souvenirs on the shelves, print photos with sea or mountain landscapes and even miss your favorite tasks and colleagues. Adaptation will do you good: returning to work after the holidays will only be a joy for you.

Back to work after vacation: back to normal from the middle of the week

Monday is a tough day. Everyone knows about it. The beginning of the week is especially difficult after a long vacation. If you start working from this day after several days spent at sea, in the mountains or in the country, work week turn into torture and will seem painfully long to you.

The most favorable day to return to work after a vacation is Friday. Usually at the end of the week there are no important meetings, meetings and routine work.

Therefore, experts recommend returning to working mode after the holidays from the middle of the week, and preferably from Thursday or Friday. So, having worked only 1-2 days before the weekend, you will more comfortably establish a working rhythm and will not have time to get tired of work, both physically and mentally.

Break your annual vacation into several parts

Many people who take a whole month's vacation feel terribly tired on their first day at work. This is due to the fact that for a long time a person has time to completely relax and wean from everyday work tasks, as well as the need to get up on an alarm clock and rush headlong to work.

In order to get used to the relaxing atmosphere and get used to the working environment as comfortably and painlessly as possible, it is better to take an annual vacation in parts - 14 or 10 days each. Experts recommend taking one vacation in the winter and the second in the summer. It is during these periods that a person most of all needs a change of scenery and relaxation. If you rest a little, but several times during the year, you will feel less tired, and the introduction into working days will be as comfortable as possible.

Get into work mode gradually

On the first working day after a vacation, you should not "pounce" on the accumulated work tasks and household chores. Otherwise, feeling panic and horror from the amount of unfulfilled, you risk undermining your nerves and health. Return to working days gradually.
So, on the first day, instead of 6 tasks, do 2-3. This could be checking email, answering letters, making a to-do list for the next week, and other small things that do not require much stress.

Merge into work mode smoothly, starting with simple things. And when you already enter the usual rhythm, you can increase the load. Thus, you will quickly come to your senses and get used to the fact that you are back at work.

Also try to divide your work into several stages and give yourself 5-10-minute breaks between these parts. During your break, look at vacation photos, chat with co-workers, meet new co-workers, or get outside and get some fresh air.

And remember the following: do not stay at work until late in the first days after the vacation, even if you have a full emergency. There will be no sense from this: you will run out of steam faster, and you will do your work poorly.

Sleep well, eat well and get fit

Our well-being depends on sleep and nutrition. Therefore, a few days before returning to work after a vacation, try to sleep at least 8 hours and eat only healthy food, forgetting about fast foods, fatty foods and strong coffee. In the post-holiday period, the body needs vitamins, minerals, as well as the “right” calories. Dilute your daily diet with vegetables, fruits, nuts, seafood.

Eat dark chocolate. It uplifts the mood and activates mental processes.

A few days before going to work, do a face mask, manicure, haircut. Such activities will make you feel better and fresher.

Returning to work after vacation: give yourself pleasure

So that the “vacationer” syndrome does not drag on, try not to give yourself to work entirely, without a trace. Remember that in addition to your career, you have your own life. Get more rest and do fun things. On weekends and after work, try not to lie on the couch. Lead an active lifestyle: go to the gym, go to the movies, listen good music or chat with friends over a cup of tea. And share your vacation experience with colleagues by showing them photos and videos. But don't do it too often. Otherwise, nostalgia will not pass.

Working non-stop leads to burnout. Therefore, without have a nice holiday not enough. But even here it is worth remembering that a well-deserved rest is only a small part of our life and sooner or later we need to return to our usual working course. And to avoid becoming a victim of post-vacation syndrome, follow simple recommendations: sleep, eat healthy food, do not try to do everything in one fell swoop, lead an active and varied lifestyle and dream of your next vacation. And then you will easily join the working track, and your favorite work will bring you joy and pleasure.

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Vacation has come to an end. It would seem that you can go to work with renewed vigor and fresh thoughts, but for some reason you don’t feel like it! you feel very tired and dissatisfied with your work. There is no desire to work. Many at this time even think about leaving. Well, it's post-holiday depression.

How to get ready for work after vacation? Make it so that the work was a joy, and did not seem hard labor? Some advise not to go on vacation for more than two weeks, so as not to fall out of the working atmosphere and quickly return to the usual schedule after the vacation. Others even recommend not to deviate from business, even to call up colleagues and, as they say, keep abreast. But is it worth following such recommendations? After all, it is almost impossible to relax and unwind, constantly thinking about work. In addition, your permanent telephone conversations with colleagues, most likely, will offend the one with whom you went on vacation. How to relax, forgetting about work, and then make sure that going to work after a vacation does not become painful?

  1. First, decide how much you will rest and how you will spend your vacation. If you want to travel to the tropics, take a vacation of at least 2 weeks. The fact is that while on vacation, you will have to go through acclimatization, which will take several days. Imagine your body has just become accustomed to humid air and high temperatures and you re-stress it (and acclimatization is stress on the body) by returning too soon. Naturally, returning to work after such a vacation will be painful. If you can afford to take a few vacations, spend it in your familiar climate zone. You can go to the country, visit relatives or friends;
  2. Remember the rule: "at work - I work, at rest - I rest." If you can separate these two activities, then after the holidays it will be easier for you to tune in to business. At the same time, do not forget that rest is not everyday festivities until the morning ... Of course, you can afford to drink a little, but if you don’t know when to stop, then after a two-week alcohol marathon, the place for you is not at work, but in the hospital ! So it is better to direct forces to restore the body after;
  3. Try to return from vacation 3-4 days before going to work. This will help you reacclimatize and get ready for work. Try to get more rest these days. Do not burden yourself with urgent household chores these days. It will be possible to visit friends, give brought souvenirs or make at home at the end of a new working week;
  4. A couple of days before the end of the holiday, try to do it at the same time as on weekdays. This will help set the body to work after the holidays;
  5. In the first working days after the holidays, you should not take on new projects or tasks that are too difficult. It is better if you finalize an already started project, because it is much easier to finish it than to start doing something from scratch. If there is no such activity, then start planning. Make a to-do list for the next few days. By the way, you can do this even a few days before the end of the holiday, then after the holiday you can safely proceed to the implementation of the planned.

To avoid post-holiday depression, you need to follow these recommendations, allow your body to gain strength, energy and vitamins. Then it will be much easier to return to work after the holidays. After all, you will not feel overwhelmed and devastated. Work will be a joy, and new forces will help in the implementation of any ideas and projects.

And remember proper rest- a guarantee of productive work.

Yesterday you were enjoying your freedom to the fullest, warming your belly on the beach, splashing in the pool and not knowing any worries at all, and today you are already gathering dust in a stuffy office, looking at the sad faces of your colleagues and the mountain of accumulated work that you don’t seem to have time to complete until next vacation. Of course, this is a huge stress for the body. Uncle psychologists even came up with a term that characterizes this condition - post holiday syndrome. This disease affects about 40% workers returning from vacation. Let's take a closer look at what kind of animal this is - "post holiday syndrome", and with what it is eaten.

Statistics tell us that 80-85% resignation letters are written by employees who have just returned from vacation. This is due to the fact that after giving yourself a break in the form of a vacation, and then, returning to work rested, it is easy to look at your work from the outside, analyze how much it is dear to you and how much it satisfies you. I would not recommend writing an application in the first week after the vacation. The fact is that against the backdrop of post-holiday depression, it may seem to you that your work does not suit you at all, but this the feeling can be deceiving. Therefore, postpone this decision until at least next week, and if the intention to leave this job does not disappear, then it is really worth writing a statement.

Causes of post-holiday depression

The reason for this disease is that during the holidays the body adjusts to a new schedule. Everything changes biological and psychological rhythms, emotional background, diet and sleep, the volume of mental and physical activity changes. And if you are relaxing in a different climate and in a different time zone, then you can add to all this also acclimatization. When you go to work, your body has to adjust back to a tough schedule. This takes some time (usually 2-5 days). At this time, your body and spirit, as it were, protest against the fact that you arrange such stress for yourself. Hence, physical and psychological ailments arise, the name of which is - post holiday syndrome.

If you are using alcohol, then it is quite possible that on vacation you will often abuse it, which is also will negatively affect the body when going to work.


Post-holiday syndrome is accompanied a lot of bad feelings, the most common of which are:

  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • lethargy
  • Diffidence
  • irascibility
  • Headache
  • Pressure surges
  • insomnia

A person can even get sick with some ORZ- the body may well react in such a way as to extend its vacation.

Risk group

can strike any worker, but there are some categories of citizens who are more at risk of experiencing all the delights of this syndrome for themselves.

Dissatisfied with their work. If work does not bring any pleasure, and a person has to force himself to go to work just for the sake of money, then after several weeks full of positive emotions and vivid impressions, returning to unloved job will be a very difficult test.

Mentally unbalanced people. A sharp change in the rhythm of life, first of all, unbalances people who are prone to rash and impulsive actions.

Men. As a rule, it is more difficult for men to get involved in work than for women. This is due to the fact that women have a more flexible psyche and they often go to work with pleasure, looking forward to how they will tell colleagues about their wonderful vacation and about the travels and adventures that took place on this vacation.

People who take long holidays. The brightest exampleteachers. The longer the vacation lasts, the longer it will take to get into the working rhythm.

People aged 40-45 years. At this time, many are experiencing the so-called middle age crisis. A person is overcome by thoughts about his own destiny, he tries to analyze the years he has lived and the mistakes made in his life. On vacation, he may well indulge in these philosophical reflections, but at work this may cause problems. Therefore, at this age, the return from heavenly pleasure to the harsh truth of life is especially painful.

So if you a mentally unstable man in his early 40s who works as a teacher and hates his job- I have bad news for you 🙁

But don't despair, friend! I have prepared some recommendations for you how to return to work after vacation if not with pleasure, then at least by minimizing discomfort, depression And stress.

How to return to work after vacation

Get out of vacation in the middle of the week. Try to plan your vacation so that the first day of work falls on middle of the week, not at its beginning. Otherwise, the first working week may seem unbearably endless to you.

Come back from vacation 2-3 days before going to work. During this time, you can slowly cool down from impressions, get involved in the urban rhythm, adapt to the weather and mentally tune in to the working mood.

Don't spoil last days holidays with household chores. After returning home from vacation, many try to redo the accumulated household chores in the last days of the vacation, thereby poisoning themselves these days. Women are especially guilty of this. No, I don’t call on the last days of vacation to wallow in a vegetable on the couch, but excessive activity is useless. Try to find some balance. A little cleaning will be more than enough. You can deal with the rest of the things later.

Think positively about work. Remember why you love your job. Replay in your head some positive things about your job and your co-workers. Imagine how when you go to work, you will be share impressions with colleagues, show photos and videos from the rest, Maybe, give someone brought souvenirs. This positive attitude will help you to enter the working channel easily, naturally and with pleasure.

Get enough sleep. Get enough sleep to alleviate post-vacation syndrome. Try to sleep at least 8 hours a day.

Plan your work time. During your vacation, a lot of work must have accumulated. There is no need to panic and take on everything at once. Better plan your working hours. Deal with the main things first, and do the minor things later. And don't forget to get distracted every hour, especially if you have a sedentary job.

Postpone acceptance important decisions. Try to postpone all responsible and important decisions until the time when you get involved in work.

Try to spend the first working days "relaxed". Do not overload yourself in the early days. Do a little cleaning, clean up your desk, check your email. No labor feats in the first days! You don't have to stay at work. If possible, try to leave early. And on your first weekend, try to have a good rest.

Don't worry if thought processes are difficult. A person who has been in the sun for several weeks IQ declining points on 20 . This discovery was made by German scientists. So, if you feel like you're a little silly after your vacation, don't worry about it. In a few days IQ will recover.

Pamper your body with endorphins. Include some in your diet bitter chocolate and more vegetables And fruits. Better take fruit oranges And bananas. These foods will saturate your body endorphins which will make you feel a little happier. Don't forget also about morning exercises And walks in the open air. Drink more clean water . From other drinks, pay attention to green tea And mineral water . But from strong tea And coffee better to refuse.

No major changes during this period. If you have decided to change something globally in your life, the first week after the vacation is not the best. best time. After all, such changes require a lot of energy and, accordingly, can negate the positive effect received from rest. But if your hands are itching to change something in your life, start with the little things, and when you get involved in the working rhythm, then you can think about global changes.

Analyze your condition

Severe post-vacation syndrome is a sure sign that you are out of place. For people who work, as they say, "in place" post-holiday syndrome goes away either mildly, or they are not at all familiar with this condition.

Personal experience

Personally, the last days of my vacation are the hardest for me, and when I go to work, I quickly get involved. But in the last days of vacation, the mood is always at zero.

As for the duration of the vacation, I I like to go on vacation for a whole month. A few years ago I worked at an enterprise where I was provided with additional 14 days holidays. I took a vacation there once a year, all at once - on 42 calendar days. I don't like to go on vacation 2 weeks- the subconscious mind does not perceive this as a vacation 🙂 Moreover, in order to rebuild from a working rhythm to a vacation one, it also takes time - 3-4 days. And the last 3-4 days I'm starting to think about work. So that leaves only a full week of vacation. Whether it's a vacation 4 weeks! 🙂


Cutting transition from a relaxed state, which lacks discipline And obligations, and there are joy And pleasure, in a state of strict discipline perceived by the body as the strongest stress. The human psyche perceives the end of a vacation as a huge loss. The stress of such a sharp restriction of freedom can only be compared with parting with a loved one.

Have a smooth transition from vacation to workdays! And let your work bring you as many positive emotions as possible! Then no post-holiday syndrome threatens you!

If the phrase " I don't want to work after vacation” is increasingly spinning in your head, and thoughts about how to go to work after vacation are haunting, then you are close to the post-holiday syndrome.

How to get back to work after vacation

  1. Try to plan your vacation so that there are 2-3 days left before going to work. During this time, you can get used to the climate, the time zone, and just get enough sleep if you spent your holidays like a real tourist, seeing the sights and going on excursions.
  2. Spend the last days of your vacation in peace. No need to rush to meet friends, visit social events or make a change. The best option now - leisurely and measured performance of pleasant deeds: walks in the parks, a long sleep, self-care.
  3. Indulge in memories. Nothing can be more unsettling than returning from fabulous places to gray landscapes. hometown. Try to keep the feeling of a holiday as long as possible - sort out photos, reread travel notes, write to new acquaintances, leave reviews on travel resources based on fresh impressions.
  4. First day after vacation. Main mistake the first day after vacation - going to work on Monday. Monday is already a difficult day, and even Monday after a vacation can plunge even the most rested employee into an abyss of despondency. If possible, try to return to the office closer to the middle of the week - on Wednesday or Thursday. The idea that only a couple of days before the legal weekend will not only have a beneficial effect on general state but will warn post-holiday syndrome.
  5. Don't try to get down to work right away. Chat with colleagues, find out current news. It is better to postpone the implementation of important matters that require attention until later (after all, you have only two days before the weekend, something serious should not be started, right?). In no case do not deprive yourself of daily work rituals - a cup of coffee, an afternoon walk will be those “hooks”, clinging to which, you will quickly return to the working rhythm.
  6. At home, as well as at work, it is better not to make important decisions and spend the first weeks in a calm atmosphere. Do not immediately take on yourself and your family all household chores at once. Household routine can be just as serious a stress factor as a post-holiday rush at work. If you don’t feel like cooking dinner, go to a restaurant with your family or order food at home, and weekly cleaning can wait - your good mood for household members, it is probably much more important than the absence of dust and ironed shirts.
  7. Take care of yourself. Your body will be grateful if fresh fruits, vegetable salads and plenty of pure water are added to the diet for several days. Remember that the simpler the food, the better, and it will also save you hours of standing at the stove. If you really want to relieve the tension of the first week with the help of alcohol, then do not be too strict with yourself. Evening memories of the rest with a glass of wine will bring only positive emotions.

When it comes to sports, oddly enough, the first days after a vacation are not the best time to resume intense training. Even if you have gained a few extra pounds over the holidays and you can’t wait to get back in shape, try to enter the sports regime gradually - instead of aerobics - yoga or Pilates, instead of anti-cellulite massage - sauna or relaxing body wraps. And finally, main advice- do only what you really want on the last days of your vacation, ignoring recommendations that are at odds with your desires. If you're itching to meet up with your friends and show off your even tan, don't lock yourself up in the house. If you feel that you are ready to move mountains at work, feel free to rush into battle. Just do not forget that initial enthusiasm can quickly burn out, so take on all undertakings wisely.

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