How to prepare for the end of the world? How do people prepare for the end of the world? How to prepare for the end of the world

People have always expected and prepared for events that could lead to the end of the world: nuclear winter, zombie apocalypse, any threat to humanity forces us to prepare to survive. You too can learn how to properly prepare for the end of the world.


How to prepare for a disaster?

    Gather the necessary things for a quick evacuation. The “Alarm Backpack” is an essential part of your luggage that is packed in advance and will be ready when you notice the first signs of an impending disaster. There are many useful lists of things you should take with you in such a backpack - the choice depends on the situation in which you expect to find yourself. Among the things that will definitely be needed in any case are the following:

    Pack iodine tablets. These pills will help your thyroid to be less affected by radiation. They will especially help in the event of radioactive fallout.

    Pack smart. While preparing your backpack with everything you need, remember that you must be mobile first. Be prepared for the fact that you will need to walk with this backpack for a long time. No doubt you want to be ready for any turn of events, but at the same time you must be able to carry your things.

    Try to figure out which events are most likely. Some events are more likely to happen than others. You can prepare for a fire, a flood, a nuclear attack, or a government takeover. These are the “end of the world” options that can destroy the sources of your existence.

    Plan your escape routes. You should have several well thought out escape routes for different situations. It is better to have several options if some of them are not available.

    • For example, do you know how to get out of your house or apartment in case of a fire?
    • How to leave the city in an emergency?
    • How will you leave if you don't know how to drive a car?

    How to prepare psychologically?

    1. Learn to control panic attacks. Panic attacks happen when the brain is overloaded with signals from body systems such as the adrenal glands. Such attacks are accompanied by physical ailments, such as difficulty breathing, feelings of fear, and dizziness. They may be triggered by stressful situations or the memory of a traumatic experience in the past.

      • To avoid a panic attack, try to stop smoking and consuming products containing caffeine (in the event of a global catastrophe, you still have to do this).
      • Work on learning to control your breath and body.
      • Find out what exactly causes your panic attacks, and try to cope with this stress. If you understand what makes you panic, you can mentally prepare and learn to avoid what triggers your stress.
    2. Control your breathing. Research has shown that you can reduce stress by practicing deep breathing techniques. To master deep breathing techniques, you must be able to listen to your body.

      Learn to redirect your emotions. Transferring or redirecting emotions is the conscious act of "turning off" or muting strong emotions. This skill is not so easy to develop, it takes time and practice.

      • First, learn to recognize your emotions. This may seem like a difficult task. Get in the habit of writing down all your strong emotions, as well as what is happening around you at this time. Such a diary will help you make connections between emotions and situations.
      • Then try using willpower to evoke another emotion. For example, if you know something is triggering your panic attacks, try to associate a sense of calmness with the situation. With practice in this way, you will eventually learn to call up substitute feelings at the right time, but it will not be easy.
    3. Learn how to prepare your brain to focus on survival. You don't want to keep counting crows during a disaster, do you? That is why the skill of abstracting from your emotions and distracting thoughts can save your life.

      • If you learn to replace emotions, you will help your brain control them effectively. When you find yourself in a deadly situation, your brain tries to save your life. Emotions and panic can affect reaction times, so learning to block strong emotions will help your brain protect your body.

    How to find the right cover?

    1. Get down underground. If you're worried about the end of humanity or a bombing, hiding underground may be your best bet. This could be a bunker, bomb shelter, or other underground shelter. Many companies specialize in custom design and construction of such shelters.

      Stay invisible. History has shown that people panic during disasters such as terrorist attacks and bombings. If you and your family want to stay safe, consider hiding and staying as far away from other people as possible. This mode of survival is usually described as "living outside the system" because it implies complete isolation from society.

      Consider protection from the elements. If you have to leave your usual place of life, it is important to know where to find shelter from any elements. You need to know the following:

    How to prepare the body?

      Be in good physical shape. Your body is the most important survival tool in any situation. You need to be sure that you are in great shape, especially when it comes to the end of the world. Eat healthy foods such as vegetables, fruits, and healthy protein foods to keep your body healthy. You also need to exercise to keep your muscles toned for long walks and runs.

      Doctors recommend exercising to stay healthy. You may have to run fast or walk a lot. To prepare your body for this in the best possible way, do cardio workouts.

      • Cardio training will help improve blood circulation. There are many types of cardio workouts: fast running, jogging, rowing.

      Take the necessary medicines, get vaccinated. To maintain health, you need to constantly engage in it. You should not miss preventive examinations with doctors. Visit your dentist, ophthalmologist and therapist regularly.

On December 20, the 13th baktun (period) of the Mayan calendar ended, which gave rise to many about the end of the world. Fears on this score have surfaced in human history more than once, and therefore, in the 21st century, assumptions about the possible destruction of the planet or human civilization will not surprise anyone. Many people have earned a lot of money today. The descendants of the Maya, apparently, did not understand it as the end of the world, as some scientists have suggested, but simply the end of an era. Many people around the world, however, are busy preparing to survive a possible catastrophe. But they are more concerned about real threats, such as nuclear war, natural disaster, famine, economic collapse and others.

Jay Blevins shows off a bag of essentials he carries in his car just in case, in Berryville, Virginia on December 5, 2012.

Phil Burns demonstrates an air-purifying mask at his home in American Fork, Utah, December 14, 2012.

A man displays the Until Doomsday app on his smartphone at a cafe in Belgrade on December 20, 2012. From Russia to the United States, thousands of people prepared for the fateful day. According to the Mayan calendar, the 5125-year cycle known as the Long Count ends today.

Lu Zenhai (right) walks near his ark in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, November 24, 2012. Lu believes that the end of the world on December 21 will be due to a flood. He spent all his savings on the construction of a vessel measuring 21 by 15 meters, which is powered by three diesel engines.

Lu Zenhai stands in his ark, which he spent all his money building, in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region on November 24, 2012.

A depiction of water on one of the last pages of the 12th-century Dresden Codex, which is one of only four Maya handwritten books that have survived to this day, is displayed at the Saxon State Library in Dresden, Germany on November 8, 2012. Many people around the globe have interpreted the completion of 13- go baktun according to the Mayan calendar as horses of light.

Bolivian priests make offerings on the ship Tunupa on Lake Titicaca, La Paz, December 16, 2012. Sunday was the first of six days to celebrate the end of the Mayan calendar. December 21 is considered by many to be the end of the world, while Bolivians see this day as a change of era.

A ball game between Honduran Chorti and Guatemalan Quirigua in Copan, December 18, 2012. December 21 is a great day to visit the old Mayan temples that are located throughout Mexico and Central America.

Tourists pose for pictures next to a stone slab counting down the days to December 21, 2012, at the Xcaret theme park in Playa del Carmen, Mexico on December 15, 2012. Amid the global frenzy, advertisers and entrepreneurs have been preparing for the apocalypse in their own way. Only the Mayan ancestors, who allegedly predicted the end of the world on December 21, 2012, remain calm.

Workers build a bunker in Salt Lake City, Utah, Dec. 12, 2012. The cost of one such shelter is between $51,800 and $64,900.

Paul Seyfried looks into a bunker he is building for a client in Salt Lake City, Utah on December 12, 2012.

Mike Porenta prepares goods for shipment to the American Prepper Network warehouse in Sandy, Utah on December 10, 2012.

Freeze-dried foods and food rations on the shelves of a Country Foods store in Sandy, Utah, Dec. 10, 2012.

Jeff Nice releases bees at his farm in Kinston, North Carolina on December 14, 2012. Jeff and Jeanie Nice live on a farm where they raise pigs, chickens, turkeys, and vegetable gardens.

Jeff and Jeanie Nice work on a barn at their farm in Kinston, North Carolina, Dec. 14, 2012. On the farm, they tend to livestock and grow vegetables. There is also a shooting range on it, where Jeff teaches hunters and ordinary people how to use weapons.

Mike Holland stocks up on a trailer in Warrenton, North Carolina on December 13, 2012. Mike Holland lives on a 13-acre farm with his wife, four children, and three others, where they raise chickens, turkeys, goats, and cows. . The farm also has a greenhouse and several trailers with many cold rooms where they store food. Holland also has ammo, firearms, safes, security cameras, and a military grade electricity generator.

Gendarmes head to Bugarache, France, to secure the region on December 19, 2012. Peak Bugarache, the highest point of the Corbière massif in southwestern France, has become a focal point for many believers in the apocalypse. Rumor has it that there are doors to other worlds in the mountain, and that aliens will fly here on Judgment Day. Many people are convinced that this is the only place that will survive after the end of the world.

Bottles of wine labeled "end of the world" are displayed in a store in the western Turkish village of Sirince on December 20, 2012. Many people flock to this small village in the Turkish province of Izmir because they believe it is the only refuge from the coming apocalypse because, according to myths, it was from here that the Virgin Mary rose into the sky.

A spherical module called "Noah's Ark" designed by Chinese inventor Liu Xian floats on a river during a test in Xianghe, Hebei province, 12 December 2012.

Farmer Liu Xian sits inside one of his seven survival modules in the backyard of his home in Qiantun village, Hebei province, December 11, 2012. Inspired by the 2012 Hollywood apocalyptic movie and the 2004 Asian tsunami, Liu hopes his creations, which consist of a fiberglass shell around steel frame, will be accepted by government departments and international organizations for use in the event of a tsunami and earthquake.

Liu Xian stands next to his modules outside his home in Qiantun village, Hebei province, December 11, 2012. While the whole world trembles before the coming apocalypse, local residents can sleep peacefully, they have something that will save them from death.

Farmer Liu Xian looks out from one of his modules on December 11, 2012. Liu has built seven of these hermetic spheres that can stay afloat, and some can even move on water. The interiors of the modules are slightly different from each other. Each of them has oxygen tanks and seat belts. The module can accommodate up to 14 people who will always remain upright while inside.

Hugh Weil lays out groceries at his home in Bountiful, Utah on December 10, 2012.

Firearms instructor Phil Burns holds a gun, which is one of the items he will need in case of an apocalypse, at his home in American Fork, Utah, Dec. 14, 2012.

Safety instructor Patrick Troy of Jay Blevins' readiness team stands next to a gun at a home in Burreville, Va., Dec. 5, 2012. Jay and Holly Blevins have spent months preparing for a possible end of the world with a group of others.

Jay Blevins, his wife Holly Blevins, and their children Samuel Benjamin, 7, Eliana Grace, 9, and Evangeline Joy, 4, stand outside their home in Berryville, Va., December 5, 2012, with rescue equipment. The Blevins family together with a group of people preparing for the end of the world to be self-sufficient in the event of a disaster or subsequent civil unrest.

Incredible Facts

An amateur inventor from China developed doomsday survival capsule and named it "Noah's Ark".

"Whether the end of the world comes in 2012 or not, we must use our capabilities to prevent it," - said the man.

Inspired by Liu Qiyuan to build a farmer's shelter Hollywood movie "2012", released in 2009.

He hired 10 workers and invested $288,000 to build six $50,000 capsules.

metal capsules, covered with fiberglass, thermally insulated, do not let radiation and water through and also equipped with an oxygen tank.

Thanks to the electric motor, the structure rotates 360 degrees under water.

Each capsule has two compartments: the larger one is enough places for 14 people, which can sit with seat belts fastened, and the small one stores water and food supplies. In such a balloon, people can survive in the sea for about 5 months in the event of a tsunami and hurricanes.

Preparing for the end of the world in Russia

There are only a few days left until December 21, 2012 - the supposed end of the world according to the Mayan calendar, when the 5125-year cycle, known as the long count, ends.

A possible apocalypse caused a serious panic all over the world, including in Russia. Russians are sweeping off store shelves stocks of vodka, matches, candles, as well as kilograms of buckwheat, pasta, oatmeal, rice and salt for a rainy day.

According to surveys, about a third of the population of the country believe in predictions about the end of the world. At the same time, many believe that those who live in the north and east of Russia will be the first to be affected by the apocalypse.

Where to escape from the end of the world?

Media reports that Muscovites and other residents of large cities have been taking vacations since December 21, 2012 and are asking to be paid their salaries in advance.

Many in search of heavenly places go to Goa - a state in southwestern India or communities close to nature in Altai and the Urals, as well as in the Siberian taiga.

Meanwhile in Norway they built the so-called "Noah's Ark" for seeds. The repository of all known grain crops is located on the Svalbard archipelago in the Barents Sea near the Arctic Ocean. The bank is equipped with blast-resistant doors with motion sensors, two gateways and meter-thick reinforced concrete walls.

In France, the authorities closed access to Mount Bugarash, which is considered by some to be a sacred place and will be protected in the event of the end of the world. Among those who believe in the apocalypse, there is an opinion that on December 21 the aliens will descend to the Bugarash peak and save everyone who is there.

Dalai Lama on the end of the world

In October, rumors appeared on the Internet and on TV that a Tibetan Lama, known as the "Oracle of Shambhala", supposedly predicted that the end of the world would come on December 21st and last for two weeks. According to Lama, our planet will enter the "zero band" at 10 am Moscow time, which will lead to complete darkness and silence.

How to prepare for the end of the world?

Complete all cases before 12/20/2012 and repay all debts

Collect documents, money and warm clothes and go out of town, better to the countryside

Prepare food and drinking water for 2 months, candles, firewood and take care of the presence of a stove in the house

- observe animals, especially cats who have an innate instinct for how to deal with disasters

Don't look out the windows, don't go outside pray and meditate

According to the oracle, the Earth will leave the "zero band" in February 2013.

End of the world: what scientists say?

Meanwhile, scientists have repeatedly denied rumors about the end of the world. Experts say that in Buddhism there is no such thing as the end of the world.

NASA experts also did not find any evidence, including the existence of the planet Nibiru, the parade of planets, solar storms, magnetic pole shift, which would indicate that the apocalypse will happen exactly on December 21, 2012.

Researchers are confident that the Maya never claimed the end of the world, and recent archaeological finds suggest that humans will live for at least 7,000 more years. This suggests that after the end of the calendar, another calendar will begin, marking a new era.

Among the citizens of the United States, a subculture called Preppers is gaining popularity. These people are actively preparing for the end of the world: stocking up on essentials, equipping shelters and upgrading their cars.

If suddenly all over the world there was no electricity, no mobile phones, no banks, no Internet, no TV, no emergency services. Highways would fill up with cars, planes would start falling from the sky. After a while, it would become obvious that the light would not return, states plunged into chaos, riots broke out in large cities, governments were overthrown. And in all this confusion appears an organized group of militias, armed and ready to establish their own laws.

This apocalyptic story is the script for the new American TV series Revolution, which begins airing this week. So what would you do in such a situation? This is a question members of the subculture known as "Preppers" (prepared) who are ready for any disaster have been squashing themselves for years.

Preppers look at the world around them and see a huge number of potential threats - economic collapse, global warming, terrorism, nuclear war, reduced energy supplies, asteroid impacts and yes, extended power outages. They came to the conclusion that the end of the world as we know it is not far off, time is running out and we need to prepare for the complete collapse of society.

Preppers in the US alone are thought to number three million and growing. Many American Preppers spend thousands of dollars every year to stock up on everything they need to survive the impending disaster.

Ron Douglas, along with his wife and six children, stocked up enough to last for a year. Douglas, now in his forties, lives in Frederick, Colorado, about 30 miles from Denver. It took 15 people and more than six hours to carry his supplies to his front lawn, which he keeps in his basement. If the catastrophe causes shortages of basic necessities such as food and water, the Douglas family will not even consider leaving their home.

Douglas stocks

1. Large buckets of rice, beans, nuts, sugar, salt, wheat and flour
2. Dehydrated (lyophilized) food
3. Canned food: cheese, butter and meat, etc.
4. Water bath - autoclave
5. Vacuum sealer
6. Autoclave
7. Pots
8. Canned pork and turkey
9. Decoction: beef and chicken
10. Salt
11. Aluminum foil
12. Portable first aid kits, lighters, UV sticks, fast adhesive
13. Candles
14. Sunflower seeds
15. Cough remedies
16. Canned Turkey
17. Canned food
18. Backpacks with food supplies for 72 hours
19. Charcoal
20. Potato
21. Grill
22. Solar oven
23. Beef
24. Vinegar and cider
25. Olive oil in jars
26. Wall first aid kit
27. Canned vegetables
28. Powdered milk and eggs
29. Washing powder
30. Douglas family
31. Heirloom seed bank
32. Cleaner
33. Pasta
34. Dried mashed potatoes
35. Construction staples
36. A variety of canned food
37. More canned food
38. Dry hot chocolate
39. Generator
40. Propane burners
41. Water filter
42. Hand heater
43. Masks
44. Empty canning jars
45. Jars of Roasted Peppers
46. ​​Rifle, shotgun and pistol
47. Buckets of honey
48. Cans of sardines
49. Folding tent
50. LPG
51. Solar panels
52. Plastic hose

If they do need to leave their home, they will use their modified Chevrolet Suburban, an SUV equipped with an emergency power supply that can travel about 1,400 kilometers without refueling. The rise in popularity of the Preppers movement is associated with a television program on the National Geographic channel called "Doomsday Preppers". This show became the highest rated channel program in America.

However, the show was not well received by the Preppers, perhaps because it sheds light on the more sinister side of the movement as reflected in the headlines. As became known. the mother of Sandy Hook killer Adam Lantz identified herself as a Preppers. Nancy Lantz was Adam's first victim, he fired four bullets at her before starting the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School, killing 20 students and six teachers.

However, there is no direct evidence that Nancy's lifestyle contributed to the tragedy at Sandy Hook, but many believe that this left a certain imprint on Adam. But not all Preppers are armed and dangerous. Many of them simply want to increase their chances of survival and provide some independence in the event of the end of the world. They care about the environment and want to protect the future of our planet. Douglas insists that he is one of them.

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