How to bring damage to ruin and poverty. How to remove lack of money with the help of White magic: conspiracies, prayers, ceremonies, rituals. How to learn to earn more? Damage mechanism - how it works

Everything that scares us causes us anger, fear, and denial. This is fine. It is natural for the human race to both fear and deny everything for which they cannot find an explanation.

Black magic is a special cult and ancient teaching

Black magic, as an ancient teaching or as a special cult, also causes a feeling of apprehension, fear in the majority, and, magicians who have chosen this kind of employment for themselves, are condemned by society. What is Black Magic inherently, is it worth fearing and condemning it?

History of the Black Teaching

The first thing I will say is that in the world of magicians there is no clear definition of Black, White or Gray magic. Magic is a teaching, one stream, one sphere. But this sphere includes various ramifications. If you already so strongly wish to divide the concept of magical influence into categories, then it is better to use not colors, but psychological concepts.

Black Magic is an aggressive sorcery. The actions of such witchcraft are aimed at aggressively achieving goals. If there is an enemy, then the dark magician does not offer to forgive him, but offers to take revenge and take revenge harshly. This is what damage, curses and evil eye are aimed at. Mentioning the power of Love, the consequences of Black magic are not aimed at enhancing the attractiveness of the magician performing the ritual, but at enslaving the will of the victim.

There is no need to argue that this is wrong, or to say that this is the unforgivable sin. None of us mortals, whether we are magicians or ordinary people, have received the highest right to decide whether Black Magic and its rituals are a crime or not. You should not take on the role of the arbiter, someone's fate or someone's thoughts.

Aggressive Magic in the History of Man

If you look from the point of view of an adept of aggressive magic, that is, from my point of view, then Black Magic has been undeservedly oppressed and humiliated for many centuries. Yes, exactly what is not deserved.

Putting forward the adepts of the dark forces, the accusation of harming humanity, the Inquisition violated the main commandments of God with their sentences: do not torture, do not kill, do not steal. And if their faith in God and Paradise was justified, then all those who passed sentence and put punishments into action quite successfully reserved places for their immortal souls in the hyena of the fiery Hell.

But, despite the fact that times are changing, the attitude towards Dark Magic has not changed much. People, the townsfolk, are also afraid of dark magicians, their actions are condemned, and they do not accept their way of life as a worthy choice. At the same time, absolutely everyone resorts to the services of the Black Teaching, consciously or unconsciously. Consciously, this is when a person goes to a magician and orders damage to his enemy.

And unconsciously it is if a person in a strong rage showers curses on his enemy, sending all the troubles of the world to him and his family. So I’ll tell you that it’s not yet known what is a great sin: the professional work of a magician who knows how to properly carry out the ritual of punishing one person, or the black work of a layman who, with his evil words, harms not only the enemy, but also his children, and sometimes grandchildren.

Is Black Magic Worth It?

I will not console you, and say that there is nothing to be afraid of black deeds. Yes, Black Dark Magic is aggression, and if a ritual of punishment, revenge, damage or curse is performed by a professional, then the consequences will not only be terrible, they will be disastrous:

  • illness;
  • death;
  • psychological exhaustion;
  • loss of working capacity;
  • neurological disorders;
  • pursuit magic;
  • depressive state;
  • suicidal tendencies;
  • destruction of personality, etc.

Psychological exhaustion - a consequence of exposure to black magic

But I will also mention that witches and dark magicians are not particularly eager to do damage, cast curses or drive people crazy. Most misdeeds are not worth paying for with your life, even the most powerful magic against the destruction of a person. And the Black Magicians value human life even more than the people themselves.

Working with Dark Energy gives many opportunities, but it takes a lot of strength. And therefore, I would not recommend getting involved in rituals and creating magic items for those who do not feel enough strength and energy in themselves.

Who can and who cannot practice Black Magic?

In connection with the rapid development of scientific psychology, as well as esotericism, many people cease to perceive Magic as something serious and dangerous. Inexperienced, unprepared people try to discover superhuman abilities in themselves, others study various types of divination, practice spells and call spirits, and someone just wants to know themselves from a different side.

Speaking about modern Black Magic, the townsfolk still tend to be more skeptical about it.

However, there are those who not only believe, but also have a desire to try themselves in a similar direction. There are many different types of magic, but in my practice with beginners, Dark sorcery is more interesting than Light deeds. And it is about him that we will talk, because in reality not everyone knows what Black Magic is, and what it is, and who can and who is contraindicated to engage in it.

How to determine your strength for choices such as Aggressive Magic

Black, Aggressive magic is a concept relatively unknown to many people. All that is known to the layman is that:

  • turning into a black magician can be spontaneous;
  • every witch knows how to make the enemy "to death";
  • ancient magic is stronger than modern rituals;
  • Black Magic spells are always Evil.

Basically, everyone associates it with destruction, chaos, evil and one negative. For the most part, this is true - the basis of Black magic is largely based on the worship of Satan, dark forces, work with otherworldly entities. But on the other hand, adepts and sorcerers, witches and warlocks, just like bright sorcerers, healers and soothsayers, adhere to the laws of the nature of magic.

But, rarely, when a spell made by a layman has a powerful charge, or a magical conspiracy containing special words, but pronounced by a novice practitioner, will cause death to the enemy. It will take away the vital forces, but death is unlikely to be able to provoke.

Fear and inexperience will destroy the novice practitioner

This side of magic is very difficult both in understanding and in practice, especially for beginners who, before learning all the basics of magical science, proceed to various kinds of spells, damage, catching up evil forces on other people.

Such curiosity and bitterness can cost a lot to an inexperienced mage. At best, the spell may not work, and at worst, it will have the opposite effect and return to its caster, with nightmarish consequences. That is why, in such a case, you need to be as careful as possible and not climb on the rampage. Better yet, you should contact a specialist in this field, so you will have more chances not to harm yourself and a chance to get invaluable advice from an experienced magician.

In Black Magic, there is the possibility of solving certain problems in ways that simply do not exist in white magic.

Black magic can heal spiritual wounds, making a person happy

But still, with the help of dark forces, you can not only harm a person. With the help of such teachings, sorcerers are able to help people recover from diseases, wounds inflicted on them, and so on. It works on the principle that everything that is applied by a negative is removed by the same negative. Also, with the help of Dark Rituals, damage and love spells are removed.

How to determine that Aggressive Magic is your destiny

As already mentioned above - Dark Magic is very dangerous, sometimes painful and even deadly. Not every person can engage in such power, because in order to devote oneself to this matter, one must have great courage and strength.

Starting to study Black Magic, you need to decide and find out if you can specifically do this. How to find out? Let's take a look:

Do you have enough strength and energy to practice Black Magic

Each person has their own specific energy level. If your energy level is rather low, then in no case should you practice Dark Magic. Otherwise, you will at least expect health problems. In order to raise your energy level, start doing more sports, gymnastics, yoga, meditation, and so on. The choice is yours, so follow your preferences.

Can you control your thoughts while learning the Dark Teaching

As you practice your Dark Forces, you need to be clear about what you are thinking and what you desire. The flow of extraneous thoughts is not allowed, especially if it is not connected with Black Magic. In this scenario, you can get an undesired result or not very good consequences. An important role is played by nuances that are not essential for the layman, but there are no trifles in such a case:

Your religious preference

Very many religious directions do not approve of those actions inherent in Black Magic. Christianity does not accept any kind of magic and does not accept from its followers. If you are in some kind of religious community, you should think several times whether certain actions related to the study of Dark Magic do not contradict and whether you should do it. You must begin to master otherworldly magic without the slightest doubt, since any doubt is a guarantee of unsuccessful work and results.

Do you have the patience

As absolutely, in all endeavors, the highest results will naturally not be expected in a week. You will have to hone your skills for a long time, it will take a lot of strength and nerves, but this aspect is very important, since patience is the key to any success, Moscow was not built right away. Start with the easiest - develop your intuition.

Do you have a place to practice Dark Magic

You must have your own private space to practice Aggressive sorcery. Nobody should interfere with you, you should be completely focused on your activities and be distracted by anything. Not a single living soul should see your notes and notes, only people entrusted to you or your sorcerer brothers can attend the rituals.

The ability to focus on one specific energy

If you practice your magical abilities without being focused on your actions, expect to get any result other than what you want. In addition, such absent-mindedness can lead to disastrous consequences, which you may regret in the future. There are many exercises to raise your level of concentration. You can also try meditation, it is the best way to learn how to concentrate.

Your doubts - carry the collapse of all undertakings

It is categorically impossible to start studying black and any magic with doubts. You must be completely mentally prepared to accept magic into your life, as it will become part of your entire life path, and it will no longer be possible to eradicate it. Having even the slightest doubt, one cannot begin to study magic.

If, nevertheless, you have a fear of otherworldly magic, is it worth considering if this is yours? Maybe you don’t need this at all and you should look for yourself in another kind of magic, but you shouldn’t associate yourself with black forces. There should be no fear, you need to feel that this is your Path.

Aggressive magic and magic in general is a very serious and responsible type of science that requires detailed study and strong moral preparation. Get ready for big changes in your life after you let magical powers into it. Be careful, prudent and attentive while you use the magic of dark forces.

No need to harm people and be selfish, conjuring only for your own benefit and in the name of your motives. With great power comes great responsibility. Try to help people, and not hurt them, treat diseases with your magical abilities, do good, albeit with the help of dark energy.

In this article:

The rituals and rites of black magic are powerful, but extremely dangerous magic that can do the will of the sorcerer, but always requires something in return. All dark rites necessarily bring some kind of harm, if not to the performer, then to other people, so you need to work with such witchcraft very carefully.

Dark magic is condemned by all those who have not found themselves in such situations in life, when extreme pain and humiliation do not allow them to forget the insults inflicted. You can talk a lot about good and evil, you can talk about humility and forgiveness, but not everything can be forgiven and forgotten, some atrocities must be avenged. It is as a means of revenge that black magic is most often used. People tend to condemn others, but they cannot put themselves in the place of another person, they cannot experience his pain, which means that they have no right to condemn.

Evil and injustice have always existed in the world, they went hand in hand with man, and therefore the stronger always looked for the weaker ones and harmed them. Evil tends to repeat itself, if you forgive a thief once, he will steal again, if you forgive a murderer, he will kill. Atrocities should be punishable, and black magic makes it possible to punish the offender by everyone.

What you need to know about black magic

Black magic is aimed at harm, and therefore, it can only be used as a response to evil. Only in this case you will be more or less protected from the most terrible consequences.

The decision on whether to use black magic should be made depending on the specific situation and its circumstances. At the same time, the performer must always be aware of the possible consequences not only for the purpose of the ritual, but also for himself, as well as for his loved ones.

If magic is used as a response to aggression, pressure or force, then even the blackest rite may not have a rollback and disastrous consequences for the performer.

Therefore, before using this or that rite, think about its expediency, and about what it can lead to in the end.

Rollback in black magic

A rollback is a reverse blow of negative energy that hits the performer of the ritual or his loved ones. Contrary to popular belief, rollback does not always work. If your actions are right, if you respond to evil, then you can avoid any subsequent trouble. At the same time, you must remember that every evil must be paid for with a corresponding amount of evil.

For example, if your loved one was taken away from you, then the offender should really be punished, and even using black magic you will not get strong consequences. However, the rite must be chosen very carefully. If, as revenge, you decide to bring your opponent to the grave, then, by doing so, you yourself will become the aggressor, because such a woman does not deserve death.

The rollback can go to any of your loved ones or even pets

How to avoid rollback during rituals

The most common way to get rid of the negative effects of black witchcraft is to pay off. However, many beginners mistakenly think that buyback works on the principle: "The more the better." In fact, this is not true at all. You must know not only what to give to the higher forces in the form of a ransom, but also how much. The magician must be very careful in calculating the amount of the ransom, especially if he is working with demons or graveyard spirits. If you pay too much, then you can attract the attention of forces with which it is better not to have anything in common, especially if they initiate communication with you.

In many rites of black magic, the amount of the ransom is immediately indicated, if you trust the source used, then you should give exactly what is indicated, and in the same quantities. Also, try to learn to feel what the forces you are working with want from you. It's not that hard, but it takes experience.

At the same time, paying off is far from all that a magician can do to protect himself. To make the ceremony safe, you must:

  • establish personal protection;
  • block the return channels of the negative energy sent;
  • clearly follow all the instructions when performing the ritual, since it is the mistakes of magicians that often cause various negative consequences;
  • hiding the traces of the ritual and breaking the communication channel with the victim.

Mage's Personal Defense

The magician's personal protection is a concept that includes all the means of protection used by the magician. These means can differ significantly, depending on the tradition in which the performer works. At the same time, for all sorcerers there are a number of rules that allow you to protect yourself from the negative effects of magic.

The most important thing is to constantly increase your own energy. Not a single, even the most powerful magical ritual should completely deplete the esoteric's strength, otherwise he can become an easy target for negative energy.

In the process of work, you need to constantly use amulets and amulets, which also help protect yourself from negative consequences. Before conducting a complex ceremony, it is better to put on additional energy protection in order to protect yourself in case of unforeseen situations.

How to prevent a return

There are various ways to prevent the return of negative energy from the target. Most often, for these purposes, in the process of performing the ritual, the magician uses such attributes as: mirrors, special magic symbols, church candles, pentagrams, and more. In the case of using the strongest rites, the magician can use a doll or volta in order to transfer a possible rollback to them.

In some cases, sorcerers use live creatures instead of dolls, for example, dogs or chickens. However, such actions can bring the magician even more trouble if the knowledge or experience is not enough to carry out this process competently.

It is especially important to work to prevent a return if your enemy is also familiar with witchcraft, or can seek help from a magician.

In this case, immediately after the magical rite, you must immediately cut off all ties and energy channels with the victim, otherwise your magic can be detected and its negative energy sent back.

Black love spell

As an example, when you need to use all the means of protection against rollback, you can give one of the black love spells called "Shoe". This rite is able to completely subjugate the will of the victim, to make a slave out of a person.

Do not forget from the payoff, practicing such rituals

Light three black candles, write on paper the name of the person you want to bewitch. Now attach a photograph of the victim to the sheet of paper (you need to clearly see the face).

Now put on your high heeled shoes, put the sheet with your name and photo on the floor. Step with your right hand on the face of a loved one, kneel with your left foot, pick up a wax candle and read the words into the fire six times:

“13 devils, 13 brothers from pitch darkness. You come to me (name), come out, you will help me in business. In the direction of the eastern hut stands, in the middle of that hut lies a board, and under that board there is longing. Anguish cries, sobs with tears, she does not know the white light. You, devils, go to that hut, find that melancholy, but find that melancholy on the person (name of the beloved). You, melancholy, stick into (the name of a loved one), eat into his heart, into his chest, into his stomach, into his head, enter, grow, go all over the body, go through all the veins and bones, spill over all the blood. Disperse you, melancholy, in the heart (name of the beloved) with dryness, and whine for me (name), a woman. You, melancholy, do not let go of the slave, every minute of his soul, every second of land. May what has been said come true. Exactly".

After that, put the candle on the table and wait until it burns out completely. The next day, fold the piece of paper with your name and photo on it a few times and place your left shoe on the piece of paper on the left side of your bedroom.
This magical rite must be performed exactly 2 days before the onset of the new moon.

As you know, black witchcraft damage is harm done with a bad purpose. Among the most popular damage, damage to money, as well as damage to ruin, stands apart. An object subject to such a strong destructive effect is programmed for the loss of an established business, the loss of a good job, savings, and even sometimes the little money that is needed in order not to die of hunger.

Ways to induce damage to ruin and good luck

Severe damage to ruin is a phenomenon, unfortunately, very common. And you don’t have to be a millionaire to get such a magical hit. It's enough just to live well. If you notice that suddenly things started to go worse, or money is leaving like water in the sand, it makes sense to contact a specialist. In time to pro and destroy it in the bud means salvation.

An effective way to induce negativity associated with the monetary aspect is lining. Often they reset on banknotes. As soon as the intended victim of black corruption for ruin takes the money in his hands, the negative program will begin to work.

When working out a destructive program of ruin, there is a break in the energy connection between the object and the monetary egregor. For self-directing damage to good luck, it is absolutely not necessary to throw up terrible witchcraft artifacts. For this, a photograph of the victim, who was spoken to destroy a person and close all paths, is enough.

Remember that you can get a heavy curse on good luck and weaning success with a gift, or by lending money to someone, or simply by passing money from hand to hand. To bring damage to ruin, it is enough to process the threshold of the victim's house. There is a transfer rule in witchcraft - the one who crosses the threshold transfers damage to the house by launching the induced one.

Signs and manifestations of damage to good luck and quick ruin

Damage to ruin, made by a professional strong magician, is a very dangerous thing. Its consequences are such that, as a result of the impact, families not only collapse, it happens much worse. The spoiled bears the stigma of a loser, everyone with whom he once communicated, who was once dear to him, turns away from him.

As a result, the victim damage to ruin remains in a narrow circle outlined by the sorcerer. A person cannot escape from it, cannot help himself, start a normal life again. Left alone, reaching despair, the patient can commit suicide.

These are the most severe consequences of damage to ruin. Approximately according to the same scenario, another magical obsession develops - damage to good luck.

Diagnosis is a manifestation of damage to luck, and its consequences

This magical attack is made suddenly, the sorcerer sends such a program, which, in practice, pulls the luck of one person, redirecting it to another. It can be both luck in love, in money, and in any other area.

The victim of free damage to good luck is faced with such, with such failures that, in the end, tired of everything, he stops fighting. Having received a magical blow in the form of damage to imminent ruin, a person realizes that wherever they go, all roads are closed in front of him, and there is no way out.

But there is a way out. And basically, he's the only one. Without the help of a sorcerer, a strong white magician, victims of damage to luck, or independent damage to ruin, as well as people affected by any kind of black witchcraft curse, can not do.

There are such types of magical intervention in a person's life that hurt him in the most vulnerable place. They strike at monetary prosperity and financial well-being. One of these influences is damage to money.

Let people say that happiness is not in money, but we all know that you certainly cannot build happiness without money. There will never be paradise in a hut, because this is how a person works. He needs good living conditions, and we always dream of better than we already have.

Therefore, we need money, and we earn it with sweat and blood. We pay a high price for owning them - and our nerves, strength and time are spent on earning them. But sometimes such a situation occurs that it seems that a black streak has come in the financial issue.

If a person feels that luck seemed to have turned away from him and the money simply stopped going into his hands, and one financial trouble haunts him after another, then you have nothing more than damage to money, or rather, its victim.

Damage to your money is terrible and ruthless, its signs should be sufficient reason to immediately take all necessary measures and think about how to remove the damage.

If you suddenly stopped getting along with business partners, if you started losing money both directly (thefts, burnt savings, scammers, etc.) and figuratively (a partner deceived, a customer did not pay, cut wages, etc.), do not write it off as a tragic coincidence: you need magical help!

Let's talk about how damage is done to money and financial well-being in particular.

Damage with the help of money, roughly speaking, can be sent to coins or banknotes. In this case, a person who imprudently picked up money lying somewhere on the road takes the damage upon himself.

No wonder they say - you see that money or a wallet are lying around - never pick it up! And this is not only because scammers have such a “divorce for money” scheme, but also because magic and damage even worse than scammers can hit your finances.

This is negative money magic, because money is also energy, if you want it to appear in you, somewhere it must become less.

In order to get damage through money, you need to wait until one of your friends has a dead person in the house, and you need to put a penny at his feet on the last night, it is important that no one finds it. In the morning, come to the house with the deceased, pull out a coin, uttering a conspiracy:

"Ir. Erech. Azod. (Name of the enemy) was rich, but became poor.
Do not see you vzroda, be poor.
I call for neither profit, but loss, I doom you to nibble.
Just as a copper coin cannot be gold, so you cannot get out of poverty.
Nima. Nima. Nima!

Look, do not make a mistake with the words of the conspiracy, otherwise you will condemn yourself and everyone in the family up to the third generation to begging. After reading the plot, go to the crossroads, reach the middle, drop a coin and, turning around sharply, go back, do not turn around.

Be sure that the coin will be raised. Remember, the intersection must be pedestrian, where cars drive, your coin will not be raised.

Black rite with coins in the name of the enemy

There is another strong damage to money using coins, but this is already nominal damage, that is, you have already outlined the victim. Take a five kopeck coin and put it on the grave with the name of the victim, leave it there for 13 days.

  1. Buy 13 candles.
  2. Line a table with black linen that you never place food on.
  3. Draw the wheel of Chernobog in the center with soap.
  4. Put a photo of the enemy on it, on the photo - those same 5 kopecks, and around - 13 candles.
  5. Cast the same spell as in the first case, only inserting the name of the enemy into it.
  6. After that, you need to throw this coin to your enemy.

You can put a curse on poverty in the following way. On the street, from a beggar, without bargaining, buy something from his clothes.

Pick up a handful of the smallest coin, wrap the photo of the enemy and change in the clothes of a beggar. Tie it all in a tight knot and read the following plot:

“A poor lot, gray nickels, but a demon driver through poverty and lightness,
to live starving, not to know the warmth, to wander, run, search, not find at home,
only alms for you (name) to live!

Take it to the swamp and drown the bundle in it with the words (repeat three times):

"The demon is black, terrible, go fulfill it!".

Walk away and don't look back.

This rite is done on coal from a conflagration. It is important that the burnt building was residential; it will not work from a non-residential barn.

You need to not just throw coal into your enemy’s house, but first skillfully take it. Go to the conflagration, of course, when the coals cool down, stand among the burning and ruins, and read the spell:

“The house was rich and the people in it were full, and the ashes covered everything with a shroud of the dead.
There is no gold, no silver, no copper plaque, only coals on the ashes.
No more songs of joy can be heard here, no wedding feast, no well-deserved peace, only the wind howls and the stench stands.
I will take coal from this ashes, not simple, but beggarly.
Whoever brings that coal into the house will no longer live as a master, nor sleep on downy featherbeds, but be a serf, a erratic shag, sleep on straw away from prying eyes.
An age of suffering and sorrows cannot be washed down with wine, nor forgotten. Does not heed the prayers, the spirit of the beggar.
As I take it, I, the slave (name), let this coal be taken to the servant of God (name). I will settle for him dashingly fierce, poverty and fear.
He will be in bondage for a century, he will not escape from bondage. With my strong word, the blacksmith forged armor, but I did not find out how to unforge. Amen!".

After that, you should not immediately leave, but first bow to all four sides, starting from the north, then to the east, south and west and pick up the first ember that caught your eye. Don't mess around for a long time choosing!

Completion of the rite

You need to leave calmly, without fuss, silently and without looking back at the ashes, otherwise everything you said in a spell will overtake you. Coal must be carried in the right hand with which you took it.

If you do everything right, then you will ruin the enemy for life, and the one who decides to remove the damage will have to take it upon himself.

This conspiracy allows you to make sure that the person on whom this damage is directed will be constantly in debt. It is done on the one who does not repay the debt and is not going to do it.

Sowing damage, so that no matter how much a person borrows, everything would go in vain. This person has a debt loop and toil from the torment and go to the courts. For this, gather the barren flower and dry it, and say tacos at the entrance to Compline:

“If the flower is full and many, and if the flower is small and empty, such is the same and you are an empty flower, cover the domina of God's servant with your cover.
So that he lived an empty life, so that the bins were empty, so that the share fell empty.
Just as those empty flowers cannot be filled, so the servant of God will not get rid of the name of the empty share.
Forever and ever. Amen!".

At midnight, throw out a handful of empty flowers to his doorstep with the words:

“Go mother empty dolyushka, those new domina for the ages of the servant of God's name. Amen!".

Many people complain about their poor financial situation. If you have wealthy enemies, you can perform this rite and exchange your poverty for their wealth.

For this ceremony, you need to get any item from the rich people's house, as well as a homemade leather bag (it is not necessary to do it yourself).

You will also need wine, pavoloka (expensive silk fabric), three candles of yellow or with shades of yellow, wax ones will do, but not as thin as church ones, thicker.

Go to the forest, find a clearing on a hill and stay there for three nights. The first two nights you can not burn a fire. On the third at midnight, lay out the prepared things on a pavoloka, on a specially prepared altar made of stones.

In the middle, light three candles in the shape of a triangle and read the following plot:

"O Lord of the world! From lack of protoria, but deliver orphanhood, save, fill my house with abundance, like the house of a slave (the name of the owner of the thing from the house of the rich), whose cherished little thing (the name of the thing that you managed to take).
To live for me a slave (name) as in Iriy-Sad of auspiciousness, to pour fat, to bathe in gold.
Amen. Amen. Amen. I give you, Lord of the world, this treat.

After conspiring, drink wine, sprinkle the altar with things with the rest of it, throw one of the stones from the altar into the house of the rich, try to do it so that it is not found. Return the thing stolen from them earlier with the words:

“I took the rich, I return the barefoot.
Yes, what he did is true.
My word is strong. Amen!".

Here is another independent ritual for directing powerful damage to failure in the life of the enemy. At midnight, you need to go to the crossroads of three roads and light three wax candles. After that, you need to read a conspiracy of monetary damage to the poverty of the offender, while the candles are burning:

“I will go along the black path, I will stand in the middle of three roads, I will bow on four sides, I will call on the furious winds.
You fly, winds, to the house of the slave (name), fly into the doors and through the cracks, take away all his goodness with you, scatter the acquired property around the world.
The hole is full of holes, the dust is rotten, the emptiness is empty, the darkness is thick. Let everything be as it is sentenced. Amen!".

After reading the plot, leave and do not look back! This magical rite for lack of money can be performed independently. The ritual is proven and works well even for novice magicians.

The consequences of the rite

It spins up quickly, according to the reviews of those who did it on their own, it does not let anyone down. It happens that it quickly brings a person to complete ruin. Doesn't give a return. In any case, getting hit back is unlikely.

How exactly it will work depends on the visualization. After all, you can damage a business in different ways, not only take away money. You can have authority, and influence, and luck in general, and only through this the last money will go away.

This magical plot to ruin a competitor is read at the crossroads, and combined with the rite "Your sun is gone." If you want to not only ruin your competitor’s business with the help of rituals of black magic, but so that you get the good of the enemy, then first do the rite to draw good luck, and to take away what you need for yourself, and then on the next waning moon - this one at the crossroads.

How to ruin a businessman's life

Another simple ritual, how to ruin a businessman's life, i.e. how to make damage to lack of money on your own. You can do it on any day of the waning moon. It is necessary to take an egg from under the chicken, take it to the crossroads, hit the ground with force so that it breaks, and read the words of monetary damage to poverty:

“It crashed, the devils were born, then they will jump along the path, let them go, (name) among everyone they will find.
What (name) is done is spoiled by them, if the money is counted, then the money is lost, not multiplied, but sown with ashes, scattered in the wind, if a friend is bought, then set for a week.
Turned away from the people, then everything is thinner, but made rainy, uncounted, unseen by the eyes, unheard of by the ear, married with one egg, the merchant life (name) is ruined. Amen!".

After that, you need to collect the shell and say:

“That (name) is a surcharge, money and gold. Amen!".

And in order to greatly damage money and ruin your offender, you need to throw these pieces at the door of the enemy’s house. Or where he works or trades, or otherwise conducts his financial affairs. And, throwing the lining, you need to say this:

“Bought by you, paid to you by the devils, Prashin has not been seen for money. Amen!".

And leave without looking back.

This is a strong damage to take away luck, will help bring your enemy to poverty and complete ruin.

You can do it either during the day or at night. And here's what you need to have to independently conduct a magical ritual:

  • chalk or soap
  • 6 wax candles
  • photo of the victim, from which you want to draw good luck (I recommend taking a photo not from thick paper)
  • saucer or ashtray
  • cup of milk
  • 2 drops of own blood
  • rowan stick

Draw an inverted pentagram on the floor with chalk, put 5 candles at the corners of the rays. The sixth candle in the center. You stand in a pentagram facing north, and from the central candle you light a photo of the object. While the photo is burning, read the words of the magical conspiracy of damage to poverty and chronic bad luck:

“Your time is gone, your sun is gone, everything has passed to me!”

The ashes from the photo are mixed in a goblet with milk and their own blood. The contents should be mixed with a rowan stick and drunk. After that, you can exit the pentagram. Leave the candles to burn out.

As soon as the candles burn out, erase the pentagram. The rowan stick can be left until the result, but can be taken along with the cinders of candles to the crossroads. This strong damage to failure in business and to the taking away of good luck in general, is simple and understandable, there are no subtleties and pitfalls.

You can take away a person's luck and send bad luck on him. It is advisable to first perform a witchcraft rite, and then, in the next cycle, you can already at the crossroads damage a competitor and his trade, a stubborn debtor, or an enemy who offended you greatly.

Visualize your intention; in general, the action of black witchcraft is aimed at depriving the victim of well-being. Despite the simplicity of the rite, it turns out to be a very tough pull of positive from the victim of influence to the magician - performer.

For a black rite of damage to failure in business, you need to have a shoelace from the shoes of the one whose fate you want to change. And on the waning moon, buy a simple pectoral cross. Thread a lace into this cross, tie 6 knots, reading the words of the conspiracy for each:

“I spoil the slave (name) fate, fate, I harass and expel, from the world of the white slave (name) I live.
To be your slave (name) no one's, worthless. If by fate happiness is supposed to be for you, so it is taken away by me.
I take the happiness of the slave (name) to myself, and I leave you the slave (name) with nothing. In the name of my Father. Let it be so!".

In order for this strong damage to complete bad luck to work in all matters, and show results that are tangible by the object, you should go to the cemetery and tie this cord around a wooden cross on the nominal grave of your enemy.

Here is an example of a quick and easy for independent application of damage to the thief of luck and good luck. Seeing someone in the hands of a lot of money, put your left hand behind your back, fold the fig, say in a whisper:

"And the same to me!"

Then do the same with the right hand.

Then clasp your hands at the level of the solar plexus and repeat these magical words. Kradnik spins up instantly, during the day the victim will have a material loss, and you will have a monetary profit.

And this way to conjure up failure for a competitor in trade is suitable if you want to transfer luck to yourself, and brisk trade, in order to draw buyers to yourself. Works well.

Taking a pinch of dust where the enemy is doing business, read the magic words of the conspiracy on it:

“For you grass-ant, for us - boxes are full.
I take, I take, I take, I take.
I profit, you lose.
So ordered!

Bring this dust to yourself, read the same words, and keep it with you. So you can successfully damage the money and business of a competitor if the business is in private retail. A competitor's business will deteriorate, and money will be transferred to you.

Black cemetery damage for money is done to ruin the enemy and his constant failures.

At the old cemetery, twenty-seven branches must be collected. Chop them with an ax, but for now you will chop, read the words of the spell of damage to poverty and bad luck:

“The demon cut, oblique mowed, chopped with an ax, but (name) deprived of luck.
That luck is nailed, but split with chips, and thrown into the furnace of a demon, burned, but burned, but in that place it is folded with a bag. Amen!".

Beginning of the ceremony

Chopped branches are divided into three parts. You need to throw one part into the water, say:

"Sea, rivers and scattered!".

Leave the other part of the branches at the crossroads and say:

“God, but with every step from (name) a good share is taken away. Amen!".

Completion of the rite

And the last part must be burned with these words in order to independently bring damage to luck - in order to take away luck from a person and make him an outcast:

“The demon created fire, but singed the graveyard tree, and branches fell from that tree, and hit life (name) like a hail, but everything was torn to shreds by a gap, but doomed to a bag (name), so now the poor (name) walk, no one not to know, not to notice, his eyes are blinded, but endured with wine, then as a lamb to the slaughter, then for nine years he will not see good luck, but not hear, jump from one hole to another, and climb from one coffin to another, then on I’m making branches far away, but with an ax cut those branches into the blocked one, and now treat them with fire with a gift, so that that strong woman is hefty, but she manages her course, but right in the heart (name) is brought. Yes, a black page is inscribed in the fate (name) by the chronicler, but that page has neither edge nor end, and then forever and ever, but the branches are strong, but fate (name) is trampled on by the demon. Amen!".

After that, the ashes must be scattered in the wind.

A very effective ritual for self-damaging money and bad luck in business and in all the affairs of your enemy. It has a lot of positive feedback from those who have done it themselves. If you do everything right, then your enemy will live in failures, in debt and poverty.

Whether or not to leave a ransom after damage to lack of money

Differently. It all depends on the specific case and the magical ritual used to induce damage to ruin and poverty. In this case, the ransom can not be left. And that's why. Here, the performer pays the Forces, giving them access to the victim, giving them the opportunity to take the victim's good:

“... I will bow on four sides, I will call the feisty winds to me, you fly, the winds to the house of the slave (name), fly into the doors and through the cracks, take away all his goodness with you ...”.

However, if you think that having spoiled the trade at the crossroads of three roads, you must pay off, nothing will prevent you from doing this. It can be vodka, tobacco, money, fresh meat or a sacrificial bird. At the mercy of the Force may ask for something special. In such cases, the magician is usually given a sign.

It is the ransom, in the classical version, that is necessary during the magical rite of spoiling for poverty and the ruin of a competitor's trade. Here everything happens according to a different scenario: through this rite, the magician takes everything good, everything positive from the object of influence. For this he pays off, pays the Forces.

Conspiracies of black magic (damage)

Damage to tears (let tears in)

If your bloodline is killed or seriously offended, they wipe their tears with a handkerchief, slander him, and throw them on the enemy.
“Like a cow roars, it does not live without a roar,
What hour does not pass, the minute does not blow,
Roar you, do not roar, treat you and not cure.
I close the lock with a stone key, I close the lock tightly,
I seal it with a salty tear.
Let it be so!
Roar you roar like sick cows.
Let it be so!"
People subjected to this corruption roar night and day, and not a single doctor will be able to help them.

Damage to the snow from the grave

Sculpted on the grave with the same name as the victim, a snowman. They sprinkle it with baptismal water and call it the name of the victim.
Then the funeral is performed, burning 39 candles. After that, a person does not live long and is beaten by a terrible cold.

Damage to the carpet

If you place a broom on the carpet with which you swept after the deceased, and at the same time say:
“The legs of a dead man are not legs. Let it be so!"
The one who first walks on the carpet will have very sore legs.

Wind Enchantment

Throw on a fair wind in the direction where the enemy lives, a clod of earth, snow, sand, dust, etc. and while saying:
Amakula . Kulaba.
Blind the man (name)
Black eyes, blue, brown, gray
Green, what is.
The womb is a pit, thinner than meadow grass,
Dry dry foliage,
Rather, soon melting ice,
Running water, taking land.
Amaula. Kulaba"

Funeral service on a handkerchief

The handkerchief stolen from the enemy is buried in the church together with the deceased, the prayer "Our Father" is read backwards.
Ten evenings they burn branches of aspen, weeping willow and black dope.
The handkerchief is taken to the cemetery.

On mud

If you throw a photo into the mire (green standing water), then the person will get sick and wither. They say about such people "it has become completely green."

Damage to the tablecloth

The tablecloth after the commemoration is shaken off after the enemy. The conspiracy is short:
"I buried the church, I commemorated the tablecloth."

On a coffin nail

They find a nail from the lid of the coffin in the cemetery, carry it to the enemy’s house, and having noticed the place, they drive it head-to-head into the ground. But if the nail comes out of the ground inadvertently, then the one who let the damage fall ill himself.

Damage to the ground from the grave

This damage is done between three holidays.
They go to the cemetery, take the earth from the grave where same-sex people lie around, and leave this earth at three crossroads, saying:
"I put (name) for you."

Take away the sense of smell

Pinch your nose with both hands and whisper three times:
“How can I not hear what the shit smells like now and the color of spring,
So (name) so that he does not hear either the smell of bread or the smell of shit.
Let it be so!".

Revenge for evil

At midnight on the eve of the full moon, light seven candles, placing them so that they form a circle. Put seven nails in the center of the circle. After that, read the plot seven times. When the candles burn out, collect the nails in a black rag and throw them under the threshold of the offender. Take the rag to the cemetery and bury it at midnight near the fence from the inside.
“The soul is on fire, the forge is on fire, the nails are in the furnace, the mare is in the soap. On hot nails, on bottomless abysses, on boulder-stones, on swamps-swells, rush about, spin, so that there is no rest, sleep, night, day. To you, (name), - sadness, longing, gloom and darkness, eternal turmoil. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Let it be so!".

On the enemy

Read into the wind, through the window.
“On a dark night, at a bright dawn, my slander will come true. If (name) starts to wash, the water will dry up, she won’t wash, she won’t get drunk (name) will breathe, she won’t inhale, she won’t exhale, she sits down to eat her hand won’t rise, sharper than a red-hot needle, a piece for her. As water dries at noon, so it will begin to dry, as a fish is suffocating on the shore, it is so suffocating, as a father cannot sleep on a dark night for a month, so (name) cannot see sleep, cannot close his eyes, cannot find peace. Won't sleep, won't breathe. As a candle does not go out to the wind, so (name) will go out. Let it be so!"

On an egg

Get the victim's urine, buy an egg without bargaining, and go on a Tuesday or Saturday night to a remote place where no one interferes.
At the thick end of the egg, make a hole and release the protein, leaving the yolk; then fill the egg with urine while saying the name of the victim.
Seal up the hole with white wax, bury it and come back without looking back. As the egg begins to rot, the spoiled one will turn yellow and die within a year.

Catch a bad dream

“You (name) would sleep, you would doze off.
In a dream, I would suffer and suffer.
I would snort, I would snore
Would spin like a wheel, writhe like a snake.
Word, deed.
Let it be so!".

On an aspen stake They read on an aspen stake: “Swallowing a stake for you will not help you and the highest throne. Let it be so!"

Take away restful sleep

Bury an egg with the words:
“I bury the peaceful sleep of my enemy. Until that hour, from my mandate. While the egg lies in the ground, (name) does not sleep at night. Let it be so!".

Punish the offender

They wait for him to pass, look at his back, whisper after him:
“Go, arrow, with pain, tears, untrodden paths, through his blood, not into the eye, not into the eyebrow, but go straight to the heart. Chain him and prick him, beat him, tear him, punish him, bring him out - my offender (name). Key, lock. Let it be so!".

mess up the earth

Wash the feet of the deceased and pour water on the ground of the enemy. Not even a weed will grow.

Put on a keel (huge subcutaneous abscesses)

They take a black radish with a long tail, they slander not after midnight. This is done 3 times, then the radish is buried with the tail up. CONSPIRACY:
“I became a heretic, I became a robber. Midnighter, and I want to overthrow and spoil my enemy, (name). Even in the middle of the day, even in an open field, even in dark forests, even in quicksand, even sleepy, even drowsy, even in a tower, even at an oak table, even for bread, even for water, he would stumble, he would swear, so that it would not be possible to live in the day or sleep in the night. To be with him with a keel, with a large radish.

For the loss of everything

Full moon or waning moon.

Light a black candle.
Take a white chicken egg, release the contents through a hole in the blunt end, wrap the egg with hair (preferably a walking woman). Speak to him seven times:

Roll, drift, under the stove, roll under the stove, lie down under the stove. As that hair rots, so the owner, slave (name), be unhealthy. As an egg is empty, so let his house be empty. As an egg rolls, it falls on (name) mountain. I famously call, famously inflict. My soul boils in a cauldron, and (name) endure everything in the light. And one, and two, and three, and for life.

Leave the candle to burn out

Sending Nightmares

Waning moon or full moon.

At dawn, bury a fresh (not older than a week) white chicken egg and say once:

Devils and witches, foresters and swamp kikimoras, watermen with mermaids, self-killed drifters and government hangmen flocked to the hellish egg under the bone roof, flocked. They consulted, agreed: we will go to the slave / slave (name) both day and night, as he / she closes his eyes, as he / her sleep takes - we will reveal to him / her the horrors of hell, death torments, the throne of our Lord Devil. The word is strong, the slander is strong. An egg in the ground, a nightmare in a dream. Amen.

Revenge on the evil neighbor.

Collect a handful of dry earth from the cemetery (do not forget to pay off) read the plot seven times, and then throw a neighbor on the ground.
I’ll spit in the weeds, blow smoke, cover it with dust, cover it with ashes, sweep it with a horse’s tail, and sprout with tryn-grass. This black sand, collect in a tight bag. (spit three times over the left shoulder)

To destroy the enemy.

At midnight, go to the crossroads of three roads, light three wax candles and read the plot until the candles burn out. Leave without looking back.
I will go along the black path, I will stand in the middle of the three roads, I will bow on four sides, I will call on the furious winds. You fly, the winds to the house of the servant of God (....), fly into the doors and into the cracks, take away all his goodness with you, scatter the acquired property around the world. The hole is full of holes, the dust is rotten, the emptiness is empty, the darkness is thick. Let everything be as it is sentenced. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Amen.

On the enemy.

Read into the wind, through the window.
On a dark night, at a bright dawn, my slander will come true. The slave (name) will start to wash, the water will dry up, she won’t wash, she won’t get drunk, the slave (name) will breathe, she won’t inhale, she won’t exhale, she sits there, her hand won’t rise, sharper than a red-hot needle, a piece for her. As water dries at noon, so it will begin to dry, as a fish is suffocating on the shore, it is so suffocating, as on a dark night the father cannot sleep for a month, so the servant of God (name) cannot see sleep, cannot close his eyes, cannot find peace. Won't sleep, won't breathe. Just as a candle does not go out to the wind, so the slave (name) will go out. Amen.

On the enemy

Furious evil, gnawing grief, I send to the slave (name). With black wind. With gray smoke, with pain, I send blood. You fly evil to the slave (name), do not enter the porch in the chest, do not find a way out. What I let go of the wind, I will not return back. Get along with her misfortune, get used to it. Century by century from now to century. Amen.

no wake-up call

There is such a corruption "Wakeless" when a person, no matter how much he sleeps, will not get enough sleep and will want to sleep all the time.

It is very difficult to remove it, but almost anyone can bring this damage.

Take his photo, where he is photographed alone. If he is in a team, then a cropped photo will not work.

In the photo, the teacher's eyes are gouged out with the words: "You want to sleep! They are tired! Let your eyes rest!" Then they drip wax from three candles into the holes, saying the same words.

Finally, the photo is placed face down under the bed of any sleeping person.

If the rite of inducing damage to the "wake-up" was successful, then the result will be within a week. If it didn’t work out, it’s better not to do it again, but to turn to the Magician.

Damage to drunkenness.

After the feast, they collect from glasses in a separate vial what the guests did not finish. On the resulting drinks, read:
“They didn’t finish it, but you (name) drink alcohol without measure.”
Drinking alcohol must be secretly added to the victim's food.

Damage to obesity.


Photo (or thing), a piece of pigskin with bristles.

The photo is placed on the skin (where the fat is). Circle the photo along the contour (in breadth), stick pins along the circled contour. Pour everything with a lilac or black candle. Bury in trash.

From the beginning we read:

“I conjure you (name), by the power of the Archangel Astorosh and instill in you the spirit of a pig. For from this moment you will get along with him, and you will become like a pig.

As a pig devours everything, does not know the analysis, walks with scarlet, so you (name) will eat, drink, and overeat indiscriminately. Turn into a pig in body and soul."

Damage to the passion for gambling.

If there is an opportunity to slip a card to the right person later, then this is better. Then a spell is cast on the ace of diamonds, after which the card must be handed over to the object.

If it is not possible to hand the card to a person, then there are two options. Or, with the necessary spell, a photo of the object is applied to the ace of diamonds "face to face" and this whole beauty is placed between two magnets. With words:

"They don't play cards without an ace,

And (name) does not live without a game!

This "sandwich" of a photo, an ace and magnets closes in a chest or box. The key is thrown into the river with the words:

"As the key does not emerge from the river,

So (name) will not stop playing!"

The second option is the usual manufacture of a doll (volta) and carrying out all the rituals with the doll with the handing over to her of a charmed ace of diamonds.

In case of inducing this damage, I also advise you to approach the players and give a couple of coins with the words "As you play a lot, let my friend (name) play. Take it to the fort!"

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