How to meditate on a candle. Meditation on a candle flame to pacify the mind. Possibilities of Candle Meditation

After a hard day, with obsessive thoughts, with negative emotions, meditation on a candle flame is recommended in order to cleanse ourselves of the negativity that has accumulated in the soul, heart, and thoughts. It is necessary to choose such a place and a candle of such length that the fire is opposite the eyes. And your eyes looked at him not from above, but from the side.

The initial version of meditation on the flame of a candle

Sit in a meditation posture. Light a candle and position it so that it is about 50 cm away from you at eye level. Look at the flame. Watch him, enjoy. Ask the fire to cleanse you of feelings, resentment. Everyone knows about the ability of fire to attract attention, so it is much easier to concentrate on a candle flame than on other objects.
Now close your eyes, even out your breath and relax. Clear your thoughts of extraneous worries. Open your eyes and fix your eyes on the flame of the candle. Concentrate, imagine that you are in the very center of the fire.
Feel that you are consumed by fire, it fills you completely, cleanses and soothes. Leave all your anxieties and worries, problems and failures in the fire. Feel how all troubles and sorrows melt in it.
If you have watery eyes, close them for a while, and then open and continue your meditation. After 20 minutes, close your eyes and feel the flame go right into your heart. Your whole body is filled with the light cleansing power of fire.
Then slowly open your eyes and exhale deeply. Also inhale slowly and deeply and return to the present time, to your normal state.

Fire burns excess negative energy. That is why it is so easy by the fire or by the lit candles. Contemplation of the flame has a favorable harmonizing effect. Therefore, it is good to light candles when the situation in the house is heated, when there is excess negative energy.
During meditation, you can turn on calm music. It is better to warn your family in advance so as not to be distracted. Sit like this for about 10 minutes. If you don't feel like thinking about anything, you can just watch the flame. It will do everything by itself. It is believed that the flame is a manifestation of the Divine. But it's true, fire always sees what needs to be destroyed in the subtle world.
Performing meditation every other day or every day for 1.5 - 2 weeks, you can notice good results in health, in relationships with other people. And even look younger. You can check yourself. The main thing is to let the light into your soul.

Advanced option - Trataka

Trataka is a meditation for the treatment of vision. To get rid of eye fatigue and prevent vision deterioration in the future, it is useful to do yoga practice Tratak. This is a special meditation for the eyes, in which one must concentrate the gaze on the brightest part of the flame of a candle or oil lamp.
Stare at the flame without blinking until tears well up in both eyes. After that, the eyes should be closed and wait until the tears dry; look no more at the flames. It is enough to do this practice once a day in the evening before going to bed, it takes 1-3 minutes (time decreases with experience).
After doing Trataka, meditation goes very well, and only good dreams are dreamed. Tratak works with the “Third Eye” Ajna Chakra, therefore, not only prevents eye diseases, but also increases intuition (seeing “through” people and the dynamics of situations), promotes optimal decision-making, and improves the quality of dreams. Trataka is an attempt to take control of your attention and reduce the level of uncontrolled mental noise. One of the effects of trataka is improved vision.
1. Candle contemplation is performed while sitting with a straight back.
2. The candle is positioned so that the flame is at eye level and at arm's length.
3. Before contemplating a candle, be sure to close your eyes for a few minutes and calm your breath.
4. Open your eyes and look at the candle (the minimum run time is 15 minutes, the more the better). We don't move, we don't blink. We try as much as possible not to move the eyeballs. The secret is not to strain your eyes initially - then the tears do not well up so quickly. If the eyes are still tired - calmly close them, rest for 15-20 seconds, then continue the practice.
5. We track the attempts of our brain to immerse ourselves in thoughts. In the event that we realize that some thought is spinning in our head, we calmly state this fact, and then let the thought go “to freedom” from the head. Instead of fighting thoughts, we simply “don't think” them.
6. Looking at the flame of a candle, we see it as it is. Yes, we know that a flame is the result of an oxidation reaction of hydrocarbons. We know that it is hot, and you can burn yourself on it. We know that it has a name - "flame". But during trataka, all this knowledge must be forgotten. We just look at the fire, forgetting that it is called by this word. We watch how a wild animal that does not know words looks at a forest fire.
7. At the end of the practice, close your eyes for 2-3 minutes and contemplate the “imprint” of the candle flame on the retina. We try to keep this imprint in front of our inner eye for as long as possible. A sign that everything can be done correctly: at some point, all the surrounding objects and their outlines disappear from our field of vision, and only the candle flame remains.

jetti meditation

Place a lit candle in front of you, sit in front of it on the floor in the lotus position or some other comfortable position.
Carefully look at the flame for some time. Then, with your eyes closed, visualize the flame in your mind and bring it inward at the mid-eyebrow.
Next, lower the flame into your spiritual heart, symbolically located in the center of the chest. When the flame reaches the lotus-like heart, slowly imagine how its petals begin to slowly open one by one under the influence of light, washing over every thought, every feeling, emotion and desire, removing darkness and ignorance from there. Now in our heart there is no place for dark feelings and thoughts, the divine light has expelled them.
Imagine that the light begins to spread more and more. It gets stronger and brighter. Here it penetrates into your hands and feet, and from now on they will no longer perform dark and evil actions. They will become instruments of light and love.
Next, the light reaches your tongue, and as a result, lies, slander and malice leave it. Direct the light to the eyes and ears to destroy all dark desires there. Let your head now be filled with light, and all evil thoughts leave it, because evil thoughts dwell only in darkness.
Constantly imagine that the light is becoming more intense and brighter, and it will become so. Now it is already going beyond your body, spreading in expanding circles. You direct it to all your relatives and loved ones, relatives and acquaintances, friends and colleagues, to your enemies and rivals, strangers, to all living beings, to the whole world, to the whole Universe.

It's no secret that most modern people often experience devastation, loss of strength, depression, dissatisfaction. In this connection, the condition of the physical body, including the organs of vision, is deteriorating. Simple and effective yoga practices will help balance your inner state, come to inner harmony and balance, as well as restore and maintain vision throughout your life. Let's talk about "trataka" - a meditation for beginners and at the same time a cleansing technique for the eyes.

Trataka is an attempt to take control of your attention and reduce the level of uncontrolled mental noise (one of the “side” effects of trataka is improved vision).

A typical problem of a modern city dweller is eye fatigue. It is also caused by prolonged computer work, poor air quality, insufficient drinking of water, stress, strenuous driving, and improper lighting in the workplace.

To get rid of eye fatigue and prevent vision deterioration in the future, it is useful to do yoga practice. Trataka.

This is a special meditation for the eyes, in which one must concentrate the gaze on the brightest part of the candle flame.

It is enough to do this practice once a day in the evening before going to bed. Trataka works with the “Third Eye” Ajna Chakra, therefore, it not only prevents eye diseases, but also increases intuition (seeing “through” people and the dynamics of situations), promotes optimal decision-making, and improves the quality of dreams.

Trataka: execution technique

  1. Candle contemplation is performed while sitting with a straight back.
  2. The candle is positioned so that the flame is at eye level and at arm's length.
  3. Before contemplating the candle, be sure to close your eyes for a few minutes and calm your breath.
  4. Open your eyes and look at the candle. We don't move, we don't blink. We try as much as possible not to move the eyeballs. The secret is not to strain your eyes initially - then the tears do not well up so quickly. If the eyes are still tired - calmly close them, rest for 15-20 seconds, then proceed to contemplation again.
  5. We track the attempts of our mind to immerse ourselves in reflections. In the event that we realize that some thought is spinning in our head, we calmly state this fact, and then let the thought go “out of the head”. Instead of fighting thoughts, we simply “do not think” them.
  6. Looking at the flame of a candle, we see it as it is. Yes, we know that a flame is the result of an oxidation reaction of hydrocarbons. We know that it is hot, and you can burn yourself on it. We know that it has a name - "flame". But during trataka, all this knowledge must be forgotten. Too often in life we ​​look at something through the prism of our knowledge, and this prism distorts what we see beyond recognition. We simply look at the fire, forgetting that it is called by this word, we watch how a wild animal that does not know words looks at a forest fire.
  7. At the end of the practice, we close our eyes for 2-3 minutes and contemplate the “imprint” of the candle flame on the retina of the eyes. We try to keep this imprint in front of our inner gaze for as long as possible. A sign that everything can be done correctly: at some point from our field of vision, all surrounding objects and their outlines disappear, and only the flame of a candle remains.

Meditation is useful in that it puts thoughts and feelings in order. With our candle meditation, you will not only notice an improvement in your condition, but you will also easily learn how to meditate if you try it for the first time.

Due to innate reflexes and the historical development of man as a species, we can look at the burning fire without interruption. It literally beckons and attracts the eye. When a person looks in silence at the flames, plunging into himself, his state becomes very close to meditative. You just have to learn how to work with the chakras.

Meditation with a candle

Of course, it would be very convenient to sit on the floor near the fireplace or light a fire in the forest. But this is absolutely not necessary. There is a much safer way to meditate with fire in a quiet and peaceful home environment. First, pick up a candle so long that you can see the full flame. That is, put on the table, it should be at the level of your eyes. That way you won't be looking down on her. It is very good to conduct this meditation with music that calms and relaxes you. But the most ideal sound background is the rain outside the window.

So, having determined a suitable place and position for your candle, sit back and look at it. Meditation involves such concentration that excludes extraneous thoughts. This is what is usually the most difficult for beginners. Watching the fire usually helps to eliminate this interference. However, if any thoughts get into your head, they definitely need to be considered or even discussed with someone. But it is advisable to abandon them for the duration of meditation.

Where there is fire, there is warmth. And where there is warmth, there is peace. Look at the fire and calm down. You can choose one of the mudras - a position in which you will keep your hands throughout the meditation and at the same time have a positive effect on your body. Such meditation for 10-15 minutes daily will soon have a positive effect that everyone will notice, not just you. Usually the result appears within two weeks.

Why fire is good for meditation

According to various beliefs, fire often turns out to be something purifying. He is sometimes prescribed a divine principle. Rituals of purification, both of a person and of a room, are very often associated with the fiery element. Fire thus destroys negative energy. Therefore, it is easier for you to get rid of the negativity accumulated during the day by meditating in front of a candle flame. Just choose a time so that nothing disturbs you during the entire meditation: no, even the slightest extra sound.

To make the transition smoother and easier, you can try to gradually meditate, for example, while traveling on public transport. Having achieved results from meditation with fire, you can now imagine a flame or a whole fire and watch it burn. It may not work out the first time, but at home you can fix everything by returning to meditation with a candle again.

By bouncing back from this meditation, you will be able to accomplish more. And meditation from Natalia Pravdina will help you fulfill your desires. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.07.2016 06:11

A candle is an assistant in many conspiracies and rituals. Esoteric practitioners very often use candles. AND...

We sit comfortably, focusing our gaze on the candle. While with open eyes we try to come to a point, to see this flame, light. At the same time, the environment gradually becomes less clear, less clear, for us only the light of a candle is the focus of attention.

With closed eyes, we continue to concentrate on the flame of the candle and take the first deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. We watch how the candle and its light change, remember how sensations change. See how the glow expands and becomes brighter.

Take a second deep breath, pause, exhale. We note how much the pause is deeper than the first time, just fix it, then breathe calmly. Inside, from the fire that we breathed into ourselves, we feel a slight warmth. We understand the power of this element, the element of fire, or we try to understand it, to feel it. We take the next breath, imagining how we inhale through the fire and exhale through it. We feel inner peace, harmony, an even state, we sincerely thank the fire, the candle, for carrying out this cleansing and restoring ourselves. We take a simple deep breath, while exhaling, from the very depths of the heart center we send that highest aspect of Love that we are capable of at the moment into the direction of the candle. Inhale, pause, exhale through the heart center.

Gradually, we begin to breathe just like that, take a simple natural breath and, with an exhalation, transmit Love to the entire space around us. With each exhalation, the waves harmoniously spread from us and go farther and farther. Another deep breath, pause, exhale. Gradually, we begin to feel how the world responds to our message of unconditional love, which we are only capable of at this stage of our development, and responds to us with the same love. And when we inhale, we already accept what comes to us from outside. Inhale, pause, exhale. We breathe calmly. We receive waves, on exhalation we receive them through the heart center, radiating outward. We understand how united we all are with nature, with this world and with these vibrations.

We gradually shift our gaze to the heart, to the center of the soul and begin to see how the candle flame begins to burn there, but only as our inner fire. With each breath, our inner glow intensifies and grows. We continue to watch. Recorded this state. We slowly open our eyes, we come to the “here and now”.

Candles are a great way to focus while meditating; experiment with colors and scents to create different moods.

Using candles is the easiest way to focus while meditating. Candles will help you gather your thoughts, relax, tune in to your inner self; they can even act as magical tools. The candle gives light in the darkness and symbolizes the "burning" of the spirit, which does not fade away even in the darkest hours. Candle meditation can be done at any time, indoors or outdoors, alone or in a group.

fire of inspiration

Helping to relax, meditation with a candle enhances intuition. It will also help you find the strength to complete private tasks, such as focusing on your studies or getting through a difficult report.

When using candle meditation for magical purposes, be careful when choosing a color; for example, pink candles can be used for love, and red ones for passion (see Divination course).

Candles- an easy way to focus while meditating. To create certain moods, choose different colors.

Scented Meditation Candles

Scented candles are sold in many stores. However, you can scent them yourself by rubbing them with a cloth soaked in an essential oil of your choice, according to the purpose of your meditation.

❖ Sandalwood is ideal for meditation. Its rich woody aroma will help you achieve spiritual enlightenment.

❖ Rosemary and lemongrass are good for clearing the mind and giving you energy to study or solve problems. Rosemary also relieves stress.

❖ Rose and jasmine oils enhance the feeling of fullness of life and feelings of love, passion and passion. Jasmine, in particular, relieves nervous tension.

❖ Vanilla, patchouli and heather help channel your energy towards real, earthly goals and well-being. Patchouli is also known for its sensuality.

scented candles will create the appropriate mood for meditation, depending on your goals.

Love meditation with a candle

Choose a suitable candle, light it, and then sit back and watch it burn. Concentrate your thoughts and try to visualize in the flame of a candle what you want to achieve.

Determine for yourself the purpose of your meditation and keep it in mind when choosing a candle: the color and smell of the candle you choose will influence you. Since the meditation below is designed to increase your love energy, a pink candle will work for you. This meditation experience can be customized to your liking by choosing candles with a different color and scent. For example, blue candles can be used for peaceful meditation.


Make sure that the place where you are going to meditate is pleasant, quiet and free from clutter. If desired, light incense and place a candle on the table at eye level.


For this meditation, use a pink candle. If you want to give it a rose scent, put a few drops of rose oil on a soft cloth and gently rub it into the candle. Having done this, focus on your love feeling. It can be directed at yourself or at another person.


When the candle is lit, sit comfortably and take three deep breaths and full exhalations. Looking at the candle, watch how the flame moves, then freezes.


By continuing to stare at the candle, you will feel calm and peaceful. This state is called “relaxed mind”. If your attention starts to wander, carefully bring it back to the flame.

5 Spread Your Energy

Now you will find that the flame of the candle "responds" to your attention. You can "make" it fly higher or stay still, and this will be a reliable confirmation of the effectiveness of your meditation. As the candle burns, it will give off a fragrance, and now you can visualize your desires or intentions.

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