Materials for stucco on the walls. How to make beautiful gypsum stucco molding yourself - step-by-step instructions with video. DIY stucco on the wall. Preparation

Modeling on the walls interior spaces has always been considered a sign of good taste and wealth. Today, although there is a wide variety of different gypsum and plastic ready-made elements, which can be used to decorate the walls of one or another room in the house, but sculpting on the wall with your own hands will bring a lot of pleasure and make you proud of your work. Of course, you did it yourself. Someone may think that sculpting on a wall is difficult. Not at all. Every person who has never even sculpted before can easily cope with such work. There would only be a desire to create.

Beautifully designed sculpture will decorate any wall, making it expensive and stylish.

How to make wall sculpting with your own hands

For this you will need:

  • building mixture for plaster;
  • sculpture clay (or other material);
  • stacks, knife, mixing containers;
  • rolling pin

Before you start sculpting, you should prepare the wall of the room; it must be carefully leveled using plaster. Modeling clay must be mixed so that it does not stick to your hands. The elements of the intended composition will be formed from it. Some of the clay is mixed in a container until it becomes liquid sour cream. It is called a slip and is needed to connect finished elements together.

Modeling tools.

You can sculpt anything, but most often various plant compositions are made. From a piece of kneaded clay you need to break off as much as is needed to create one element, and the rest of the clay should be kept wrapped in a wet cloth and plastic bag. This will keep it from drying out.

Possible at simple example Consider how a bunch of grapes is very simply sculpted. You need to take a grape leaf, put it on plastic film and circle along the contour. This will be the template. Then the clay and slip are mixed. A piece of clay is rolled out into a flat cake with a rolling pin and attached to the wall surface using slip. The template is placed on the clay and traced along the contour. Using tools, excess clay is removed. Can be used as professional tools(stacks), and any improvised ones. First, the outline of the sheet is formed, and then inner part(veins and depressions).

The leaf must be on the vine. Therefore, a thin rope is rolled out of clay and attached to the wall. Then the clay is rolled into balls and a bunch of grapes is formed. After production, the composition must dry. Then, together with the wall, it is covered with a primer and painted with water-based paint or whitewashed. You can also make a color composition by adding color to the paint and using art brushes.

Modeling using putty and other materials

Instead of sculpture clay, you can use putty. It is mixed in a container, applied to the wall and, while the putty is wet, the elements of the composition are formed. It is recommended to form sequentially small areas, since this material dries quite quickly. Instead of putty, you can use plaster or alabaster.

Photo 1. Putty embossed painted walls will decorate a children's room.

Using the described method, you can decorate a wall with relief. But you can make a three-dimensional image and decorate, for example, a wall or a corner of a children's room. A child will be absolutely delighted with such a decoration (photo 1).

The easiest way is to make the same plant compositions as in the above example with grapes. Let's look at how you can sculpt a three-dimensional tree branch with leaves and a bird sitting on it.

In order for the branch to be voluminous, it is necessary to make a frame. It is made from wire, which is screwed to the wall of the room using self-tapping screws. You must first drill holes in the wall at the fastening points and drive plastic dowels into them. The wire fixed to the wall should be wrapped in a bandage and coated with a solution of sculpture clay, putty, plaster or alabaster. Using a knife, you need to form the tree bark on the resulting branch. All that remains is to attach the leaves and place the bird on the branch. It is easiest to sculpt a bird from clay, as it is more flexible.

After drying, the entire composition is painted. You can use gouache or water-based paint, adding color to it. This decoration looks simply great, especially if you highlight it with a small spotlight with a directed beam of light.

Decorating the living room with a stucco composition

The wall in the living room can also be decorated with a large plant composition made from putty. You need to choose an open surface that is not covered by interior elements and furniture. As already mentioned, the wall should be completely smooth. It is easier to work with plant elements, since symmetry is not required. For the living room, a composition with large details is more suitable, for example, big flower or tree.

Photo 2. You can decorate the living room with a stucco composition using putty.

First, a contour is drawn on the surface of the wall. Then you can spread the putty and apply it to the wall with a spatula, immediately forming the desired part of the part using a knife and other available tools. If the putty dries, you can complete the work by carefully cutting off the excess. But it’s still easier to work with raw material.

You can work with putty in another way, applying it in layers, forming volume. Each layer must dry. There is no need to smooth the lower layers, as those placed on top will stick to them better. Some craftsmen recommend mixing putty by adding toilet paper to give the solution better plasticity.

Such a flower or tree on the wall of the hall will not only decorate the room, but will also serve as a source of pride, because... You did all this with your own hands.

So, decorating walls with modeling is not difficult and does not require professional skills, especially if you use the following useful recommendations. You also need to use your imagination to create a truly original composition (photo 2).

It should be noted that the stucco composition looks many times more attractive if it is illuminated.

Therefore, when choosing a wall to work with, you immediately need to determine where the lamps can be installed.

This article describes the process of making gypsum stucco from start to finish, which can be made at home if desired. Moreover, of any shape and style, but under one condition - if you know how to sculpt something from plasticine. It is not necessary to be a professional sculptor with a “three-dimensional” vision of objects; it is enough to be able to sculpt from the same plasticine at least a chamomile or, say, a carrot with an apple :) in bas-relief, which will later serve as a model for making beautiful ceiling cornice from plaster in the kitchen!

Let's move on to the essence of the process. As an example, the photo shows an example of making a plaster cornice with a grape pattern.

First of all, on a piece of smooth polyurethane or plaster cornice, we sculpt a fragment of the Grapes ornament from plasticine. As you already understand, it will serve in the future as a model for the future ceiling cornice made of plaster with a Grape ornament.

Next, the model is covered with molding silicone, which performs the functions of a mold for pouring plaster. In our case, we used two-component silicone SK 764, consisting of silicone ( liquid rubber) and hardener.

Displacement proportions - for 100 g of silicone, add 2 cubes (2 g) of a medium-sized syringe and carefully, using a stick, quickly mix and immediately pour onto the plasticine model.

After 24 hours, pour the 2nd layer and immediately carefully cover it with small squares of pre-cut gauze from a regular medical bandage. Gauze serves as a reinforcing component for the rubber mold.

The next day, pour the 3rd layer. That's it, the form is ready! But we don’t remove it from the plasticine yet. The next step is to make a “pallet” - the basis for the resulting rubber mold. To do this, apply it to the frozen silicone. liquid solution from plaster. We make the solution in a ratio of 1 to 1 (water and gypsum). Gypsum sets very quickly, so you need to work with it very quickly.

The upper part of the pallet, as seen in the photo, is carefully cut off and leveled with a long paint spatula. From the beginning of work with gypsum to completion, you need to do it in about 20 minutes. As soon as the gypsum pallet sets and cools (the plaster heats up to 50 degrees when hardening due to the expansion of the gypsum structure), remove it, turn it over and put it on the table. Following this, remove the silicone mold from the plasticine, wash it in a soapy solution, and place it on a tray. The mold is ready for casting!

In niches silicone mold pour in liquid gypsum, which, after hardening (20-30 minutes), is carefully removed from the silicone.

We repeat this operation 4 times - we cast 4 fragments of the Grapes ornament, which we need for assembly on the Main model of the cornice.

I look forward to your feedback!


Decorating with stucco is especially popular nowadays, as it helps add nobility and restraint to the room. This design can add unusualness not only to walls and ceilings, but also to decorate a fireplace, windows, and the like. With the help of stucco it becomes possible to hide uneven surfaces, emphasize the attractiveness of light sources or decorate upholstered furniture.

A characteristic feature of this wall decoration is the experimentation of style trends from classical to minimalism.

When working with stucco, a special molding technique and asymmetrical arrangement of parts are used. With stucco molding you can hide communication elements or beautifully decorate a niche in the wall.

Stucco molding is made from wooden material, gypsum or polymer. Wood is environmentally friendly and high cost. Plaster stucco requires certain skills during installation. Excellent materials are polyurethane and polystyrene.

What to choose among such a variety?

Polyurethane is inexpensive compared to polystyrene, it is also durable and does not cause allergic reactions. It lends itself well to priming and lamination.
Gypsum is capable of expanding during hardening and penetrating into small holes.

The process of creating stucco from plaster

Creating stucco from plaster is quite an exciting activity. To work you must have:

  • scalpel with knife;
  • wire with shapes;
  • construction gypsum.

Gypsum will be the basis of the structure, since it can be made in any shape, the material is flexible and can harden quickly.

In order to sculpt from plaster, it is first filled with water and stirred thoroughly. The result is material for creativity. The consistency of the solution depends on the massiveness future design: for a larger product, the gypsum should be thicker.

Stucco molding of complex shape is made on a frame made of copper wire, this frame is flexible and durable.

  • First, prepare a template for the future product, then fill it with plaster solution.
  • Let it dry and mold the component elements.

When connecting several elements, they are secured to each other with a gypsum solution;
To give the product color and texture, additives and pigments are used.

After the material has hardened, plaster stucco molding sand fine-grained sandpaper. Thus, the design will be smooth and matte.

For those who have not yet learned how to work with plaster, we advise you to buy a special mold for modeling. It is made of plastic or silicone.

To ensure that the interior has the same stylistic direction, professionals advise creating identical patterns on the walls and ceiling. It is important not to visually reduce the space. Avoid using heavy pieces in small spaces as the room will look unnatural.

First, select the location of the decor taking into account the area of ​​the room;
fix firmly large details using dowels and screws;
before fastening, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the surface and remove the whitewash;
then draw the outline of the installation with a pencil;
notches are made on the parts, wall and ceiling surfaces using a chisel;
You need to install the cornice from the corner of the room; cut the stucco molding in half with a hacksaw at an angle of 45°;
prepare a plaster solution, add 3% carpentry glue into it;
wet the wall with water and apply glue to it;
put the structure in place and move it a little;
extra gypsum mortar remove with a plaster spatula.

First make holes in the wall.
Place the plugs in them, then screw in the screws.
Opposite to screws with reverse side cornices make holes in the wall that are slightly wider in depth, fill them with plaster and place the structure on fasteners.
Fixing the socket:
we form holes through the socket, they are placed in the ceiling opposite the plugs with screws;
We screw a flexible wire to a separate screw, it is coated with nitro varnish in advance;
we pull the wire through the holes and screw it onto the screw;
We cover the holes with plaster mortar.

For many centuries, plaster stucco molding has not lost its position in interior design. It is difficult to imagine an elegant and expensive style without bas-reliefs and plaster sculptures. The history of its appearance goes far back Ancient Greece, where majestic castles were almost entirely made of them.

Until the 20th century, gypsum had no analogues, only with the advent of new technologies it was replaced by polyurethane and foam plastic. The hand-made elements found during archaeological excavations were accessible only to the pharaohs.

Now the cost is not as high as 5000 BC, but also not among the budget options finishing materials, like polyurethane stucco.

In what interior style is plaster stucco molding acceptable?!

For the harmonious use of modeling in interior design, you need to carefully consider the style and concept of the room. Exquisite moldings, figurines and picture frames will not suit every room design. Country, Provence or scandinavian styles They generally do not allow such elements in their interior. They will be very provocative in designs such as loft, minimalism and hi-tech.

The modeling in the listed projects will look pretentious and completely tasteless, like leftover elements of past decor. But there are plenty of others design solutions, where gypsum elements will come in handy.

Roman style

The Roman style consists almost entirely of stucco, and in this case it is impossible to overdo it. Absolutely everything can have carved details, be it the ceiling, walls, cornices, rosettes and niches, everything will fit perfectly into the image. The main thing is that the ornament is suitable and consistent in the same spirit.

Art Deco

Art Deco is the option when a combination of something completely incompatible at first glance is acceptable. Creative execution can include all possible chic items.

It is not necessary to adhere to any single type of plaster elements; you can combine classic designs on vases and niches with modern figurines.

Typically, this style is preferred by people with an active lifestyle who value comfort and luxury in one set.

Empire style

Empire style is a style in which decorative stucco becomes solid and key value. The status of a room in the Empire style is sometimes breathtaking, and the owner of such a room feels like a true pharaoh of our time.

The gypsum elements here are massive and monumental. Small stucco elements can only add to the mood.


Rococo style implies light and flirty elements. Lush, but at the same time weightless forms give the room romanticism and a feeling of heavenly stay.

Asymmetry and elaborate crimp perfectly complement the image of such a design. Great importance is given by painting elements like gold or patina.

Renaissance and Romanticism

The Renaissance and Romanticism are somewhat similar to each other, since they allow multi-level ceilings and walls with numerous niches. If the Renaissance also needs figurines, then romanticism is distinguished by the lightness and individuality of its owner.

Plaster stucco molding when decorating the ceiling

When viewing a catalog of photos of gypsum stucco molding, most of it is devoted to the design of the ceiling. Perhaps this is explained by its area in relation to other surfaces in the interior, which allows you to expand your imagination and realize creative idea in full.

The time has passed when modeling was relevant only in expensive estates, in majestic halls and palaces, now everything more people lean towards luxury and classics, introducing it into the halls and even bedrooms of apartments.

Plaster stucco on the ceiling does not always have a classic white look. Increasingly, painting techniques are being used to diversify and add individuality to a room. It is very important to use the correct coloring composition, then the beautifully designed stucco molding becomes even more elegant.

The most popular color remains gold; it is used to cover the most convex parts of the bas-relief. Along with this it is used art painting with full-fledged paintings in the chosen style. Filling the molding with beige shades looks very stylish and natural.

DIY plaster modeling

The variety of choices in shops and decor shops will not leave you indifferent, but sometimes you really want to create something with your own hands, because the result will become a true source of pride for its owner. Decorative modeling made of plaster, a creative and very exciting task, but labor-intensive and requiring certain skills.

Preparation of the solution:

  • Grind the gypsum well to a powder and sift through a sieve;
  • pour into a container with sufficiently high edges;
  • Gradually add water in small portions until it reaches the consistency of kefir;
  • stir with a special attachment using a drill, this will avoid the formation of unwanted lumps.

Making figures

Any mold is suitable for casting elements for ease of removal finished sample It is better to give preference to silicone ones. They are sold at any hardware store or on numerous websites. The cost is not high, especially since it will be enough to acquire just a few, because the plaster hardens quickly.

From the moment the composition is diluted until it is cast into molds, no more than 2-3 minutes can pass, otherwise plasticity and fluidity are lost.

Adding 25% adhesive solution will give strength to the plaster, but drying at temperatures above 16 degrees Celsius will make the element brittle and brittle.

Filling rules:

  • Prepare the mold thoroughly by covering it soap solution(any soap will do);
  • pour in gypsum in layers, thoroughly compacting each previous one;
  • prevent the formation of cavities when pouring;
  • leave for 1-2 hours until the solution hardens completely;
  • remove the element and sand it with sandpaper to remove roughness;
  • coat with primer.

Installation of gypsum elements is simple. Massive and heavy elements are attached using self-tapping screws, small and light ones can be mounted with PVA glue, liquid nails, or even using putty.

After the adhesive composition has completely hardened, the finished decorated element must be coated with universal paint or special composition for plaster. Only after this can you begin decorative painting.

Stucco molding in the interior can be used as moldings, cornices and decorative frames for pictures or rosettes. With the right style, all these elements will fit perfectly and fit into the overall concept. Regardless of whether these are solid decorative elements or unobtrusive finishing, the interior will receive chic, sophistication and uniqueness.

Photo of plaster stucco molding

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