A deck of Osho Zen Tarot cards: meaning and description. Key features of the deck. The meaning of the suit of Fire


One of the most popular decks today, after Rider-Waite and Tarot Thoth, is the Osho Zen Tarot. These are very unusual cards, primarily related to the work of the subconscious. The deck does not have a familiar structure, and with classical meaning only a few Arcana intersect. And, nevertheless, the deck won the hearts of many tarologists who could find with it " mutual language". Let's talk in more detail about who was involved in the creation of these cards when the deck first saw the light of day, how to work with it correctly.

History of the deck

For the first time these incredible, bewitching cards saw the light back in 1995 - they were released by St Martins Press (USA). The development of his own Tarot system came to the mind of the greatest Indian mystic and philosopher named Chandra Mohan Jain, better known as Osho. However, during the life of the Master, it was not possible to realize it, therefore, one of his students, Susan Morgan, Ma Deva Padva, as she is called in spiritual circles, became the successor of this work. She herself worked on the creation of illustrations of the Arcana Osho Zen Tarot. What happened in the end can be called a real masterpiece. This is not just Tarot, it is a whole philosophical system based on the teachings of the great mystic. The cards are very different from all Tarot decks that exist today. Bright, colorful illustrations draw in, immerse a person in the world of his subconscious, where in fact there are already answers to all questions. Osho Zen cards are ideal not only for solving pressing problems, but also for meditation, self-knowledge.

After the release of the first version of the cards in the United States of America, the deck was reprinted several more times: in 2003 by AGM (Switzerland) and U.S. Games Systems, and in 2010 by the famous Italians Lo Scarabeo. The Russian version was released in 2006 (publishing house IG "Ves"), in 2008 (AST) and in 2012 (Veligor).

Key features of the deck

If working with traditional decks allows you to look into the future, then Osho Zen Tarot cards encourage us to pay attention to what is happening in our soul here and now. Only by realizing the true meaning of the events taking place and working with your own subconscious, you can get deep, philosophical answers to all questions. Osho urged to perceive life as a game and be aware of every action, phenomenon - only with this approach can one comprehend the true meaning of being. That is why the deck can in no way be classified as a classic.

The deck contains not 78, but 79 cards - the Arcana Master is added, on which Osho himself is depicted. We can say that this is a kind of empty map, indicating that a person himself knows the answers to questions asked. The names of the Arcana are also far from the classics. If, for example, the Priestess is called the Inner Voice, the Lovers are called Lovers, the Hermit is called Loneliness, then the fifth Arcanum, called Nothing, and the eleventh, Breakthrough, nevertheless make us understand that there is no need to talk about the traditional structure.

The suits are also named differently: instead of Wands we see Fire, instead of Cups - Water, instead of Swords - Clouds, and instead of Pentacles - Rainbow. The suits themselves are not written on the cards - the Minor Arcana can be distinguished from each other only by the color of the rhombic crystal located in the center of the lower part. For Fire, these rhombuses are red, for Water they are blue, for Clouds they are gray, and for the Rainbow they are iridescent, respectively. All Minor Arcana and figure cards of Osho Zen Tarot are drawn.

Symbolism of the deck

Unlike other decks filled with many different esoteric symbols, Indian mystic cards seem to be much simpler. You will not find any Kabbalistic, astrological and numerological references, hidden clues and confusing details on them. The meaning and interpretation of the Osho Zen Tarot cards is revealed solely through the illustration itself and your personal perception of it. The images are so deep and interesting that the subconscious begins to work actively even with a cursory glance at the Arcana. All this makes working with the deck simple and intuitive. Absolutely nothing superfluous and distracting - just look at the picture and listen to your inner voice!

Major Arcana

As I mentioned earlier, there are not 22, but 23 Major Arcana in the deck, however, many perceive a card called the Master simply as an additional one - as an analogue or white / black card. The meanings of the cards of the Osho Zen Tarot deck, in particular the Major Arcana, do not repeat the traditional ones, although some of them remain quite recognizable. Let's see what the Trumps of the great Indian mystic's deck are called.

The almost classic Fool opens the deck, and already starting from the first Arcana we see obvious changes. Instead of the Magician - Existence, instead of High Priestess- Inner voice. The meaning of the card Creativity Osho Zen Tarot (3 Arcana) is somewhat reminiscent of the Empress - most likely the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe birth of something new, however, the words of the Master himself in the book guide to the deck will make you take a different look at the creative process and its essence.

Now let's see the sequence of the following Arcana: Rebel (Emperor), Nothing (Hierophant), Lovers (Lovers), Awareness (Chariot), Courage (Strength). The Loneliness Osho Zen Tarot card resembles the traditional Hermit, but its meaning is much deeper - here, it seems to me, it is worth inserting a quote from the Master: “There are several things that are possible only in solitude. Love, prayer, life, death, aesthetic experience, blissful moments - it all happens when you are alone. Wonderful words, aren't they?

We continue through the Major Arcana: Loneliness is followed by Change (Wheel of Fortune), Breakthrough (Justice), New Vision (The Hanged Man), Transfiguration (Death), Integration (Temperance), Conditioning (Devil), Lightning (Tower), Silence or Silence ( Star), Past Lives (Moon), Innocence (Sun), Beyond Illusion (Judgment), Finality (Peace). This is followed by the same twenty-third card of the Master, but it is not numbered.

From the Major Arcana, I personally like Completeness, Silence and Conditionality a lot. Completeness is illustrated by an almost finished puzzle depicting a person - it remains to put in place only one small detail, and the picture will become complete. Awesome metaphor! Looking at the image of Silence, you really immediately want to stop the internal dialogue - this card is so beautiful. The conditioning refers us to the ancient parable about how the lion, while still very small, fell into a herd of sheep. The sheep brought him up in their own image, but one day he met a real lion, and he showed him his reflection in the water - at that moment a transformation took place. The card encourages us to turn to our true inner self, which is often hidden under masks and stereotypes imposed on us by others.

As you can see, the value Osho cards Zen Tarot cannot be compared to classics like Waite. This is a completely different cut of understanding that will open up to you as you work with the deck.

Minor Arcana

As I said above, the Minor Arcana are represented by four non-classical suits: Fire, Water, Clouds and Rainbow. Fire cards are made in orange-red-yellow colors, Water cards are blue-blue, Cloud cards are gray-brown, and Rainbow cards, as you might guess, are represented by all the colors of the rainbow.

Let's take a closer look at a few numerical Arcana from the Osho Zen Tarot Gallery. Let's start with the element of Fire. Fire is associated with energy and action. The Ten of Fire is called Suppression. In her image, we see a human figure that is oppressed from all sides: ropes, a heavy load pressing from above, blackness shrinking from all sides. Not much fun, is it? Arkan encourages us to think about suppressed emotions that pollute our soul, make it "heavy".

Another "fiery" example is the Five of Fire - Wholeness or Totality. It reminds us that a person is free to do whatever he wants, but at the same time you need to give yourself to what you are doing, completely and completely, otherwise the action does not make any sense.

Now let's move on to the Water Arcana. The suit of Water is associated with feelings, emotions, with what a person has in his heart. I personally really like the image of the Water Five - Clinging to the past. The meaning of the Osho Zen Tarot card Clinging to the Past lies in the fact that you need to be able to leave the past in the past: what has already happened, we cannot change, and while we are stuck in the already “dead” heart, the present passes by.

Let's look at the Ten of Water. The meaning of the Osho Zen Tarot Harmony card can be expressed by a quote from the Master himself: “You are right in the middle between death and life - you are neither. So don't cling to life and don't be afraid of death." The key point of the Arcana is that you don't have to choose one thing - just stay in harmony with one and the other.

Each numerical card of Water literally "sings" about our emotions and feelings. The quintessence of the suit is, perhaps, the Ace. The meaning of the Movement with Flow card in the Osho Zen Tarot is full confidence our lives, the emotions that we experience, it is the need to swim along the river of earthly existence without struggle and resistance.

The suit of Clouds is associated with thoughts, mind, knowledge. Take a look, for example, at the Arcana of Wine (8 Clouds) and Comparison (5 Clouds) - and you will see that these two feelings actually live inside our mind. These are not feelings, these are the creations of our mind!

The rainbow is the suit of reality in all its manifestations. She shows us some ordinary earthly things and phenomena that are not connected with internal energy manifestations of the soul or mind. See how clearly and clearly the meaning of the card is traced in the illustrations of the Arcana Ripeness (9 Rainbows), Patience (7 Rainbows), From Moment to Moment (2 Rainbows).

In a word, all Junior Arcana Osho Zen Tarot is intuitive - and at the same time, very deep. Each of them can be viewed for hours, as if immersed in the map itself.

court cards

Court cards also reflect key qualities and manifestations of their suits. For Fire, these are Creator (King), Playfulness (Page), Generosity (Queen) and Intensity (Knight).

For Water - Healing (King), Understanding (Page), Susceptibility (Queen), Trust (Knight).

The court cards of the Clouds are Control (King), Wit (Page), Morale (Queen), Fight (Knight).

Someone may not understand the meaning of the Osho Zen Tarot Struggle card - in fact, it is more connected with the internal struggle, the struggle of the mind, reason, and not with the physical confrontation.

Features of the interpretation of cards

You probably noticed that there are actually no cards describing any physical events in the deck - each Arcana relies precisely on internal, spiritual phenomena, from which the tarot reader can already deduce more “earthly” mantic interpretations at will. It is necessary to carry out fortune-telling on Osho Zen Tarot cards in freestyle - that is, relying solely on your intuition. By the way, this is what is mentioned in the accompanying book. If, when working with classic Tarot decks, we can name at least a few keywords that will correspond to the same Arcana from different authors, then with Osho Zen, such a practice is simply impossible. Only your personal feelings should work here.

Start off practical work with these cards it is best from the Osho Zen Tarot "Instant" layout. Just pull out one single Arcana - it will most accurately describe the situation in which you are at the moment, or the prevailing energy of the day. Not all layouts, especially multi-card ones, are applicable to this deck. Some tarologists generally do not advise becoming attached to certain schemes and offer to pull out for each question as many cards as your intuition tells you, and then read them in random order- in the way that seems right to you right now.

What issues is the deck suitable for?

On the one hand, the deck belongs to the universal ones, but on the other hand, it is important to understand that we cannot consider only the event plan of reality on it, since all the phenomena described by the cards occur at the subconscious level. So, for example, if we want to know if Petya will meet Masha, and we get the Isolation and Clinging to the Past Arcana, we can say that now in his thoughts is the desire to be alone and rethink his past experience. Can this be considered a direct answer to the question? I think yes. If we ask what awaits a person in the next month at work, and Exhaustion, Intensity and Burden fall out, we can assume that he will have to work a lot and at an active pace, which will lead to severe fatigue, loss vitality. In a word, fortune telling on Osho Zen Tarot cards is an activity for thinking people who are ready to analyze, feel, understand, delve into the depth of the illustration.

Who are the cards for?

You can buy Osho Zen Tarot for a tarologist of any level - both a beginner and a professional. In order to work with these wonderful cards, it is not even necessary to have any experience at all. Many choose this deck as their very first deck, and after a few weeks of practice, they are fully mastered with it.

  • For those who want to learn a fundamentally new, non-classical Tarot system
  • For those who do not want to deal with the clutter of various symbols, and are looking for a simple, understandable deck to work with
  • Those who are engaged in spiritual practices and meditation
  • To everyone who prefers to get acquainted with the meaning of cards not from books, but from their own feelings
  • Osho book lovers

If you decide to buy Osho Zen Tarot cards, try to get them at the same time as the accompanying Zen Tarot book, which contains extracts from Osho's texts about each Arcana. This is perhaps the most worthwhile literature on the deck to date.

I also saw on sale a book by Anna Novikova “ Osho interpretation Zen Tarot ”, and for the sake of interest I found it in electronic form. However, the book seemed to me not a very necessary acquisition. On the one hand, the author tried to bring out rather brief, but informative meanings of each card in different areas of life, but on the other hand, as mentioned earlier, you need to look for your own deck for the deck. individual approach rather than using other people's interpretations. So, for example, Novikova interprets the Lovers card in the professional sphere as inspiration and respect for work duties, superiors, and colleagues. I see a completely different meaning in it - it seems to me that Arkan can talk about the need to gain self-confidence, because we let another person into the intimate area only when we are sure that we are worthy of what we are offered. Although many of the interpretations in the book, in principle, somewhat agree with my personal ones.

In general, I strongly recommend that everyone who is interested in this deck read the complete books of Osho himself at their leisure - then a lot will become clear and you will definitely not need additional literature. On this note, I end my review of Osho Zen Tarot. Thank you for your attention!

The Osho Tarot deck is considered unconventional, as it does not answer the question in a simple sense, as it happens with others like it. Each card is a kind of meditation, since the decoding is one of the quotes from the master Osho himself. There is no and will not be an exact answer, because only by understanding yourself, you can see it. More details about the deck itself, how it was created, as well as how to work with it, will be discussed in this article.

History of Osho cards

Tarot under the name of an Indian philosopher first saw the light in 1995. Although considered young, she has already managed to gain her reputation with experienced tarot readers. The cards themselves were translated into about twelve languages ​​and during this time found their admirers.

The idea of ​​their creation appeared five years before the sannyasin Osho Ma Zhivan Upasika. She was an experienced tarot reader from Germany, who was inspired by the ideas of the master. Upasiki received Osho's approval, and only after that did she turn to the artist Ma Deva Padme. The latter, in fact, completed the work.

When Padma worked with tarot, she lived in the Osho commune. While the master was alive, the artist often talked with him and showed her sketches. She finished her work after Osho died, although, according to her, the master was always invisibly present during the work until she finished it.

Tarot Osho: deck structure

It should be noted right away that many tarologists attribute this deck to oracles, since some of its cards differ somewhat from the traditional version both in name and in interpretation. Also, the deck itself does not give a specific answer to the question, but rather pushes in the direction of reflection, inspiring Osho's sayings.

Tarot in its composition has seventy-eight cards, as in the classic version. Major arcana - twenty-two, and minor - fifty-six. In the deck, the suits are named somewhat differently - Fire, Rainbow, Clouds, Water. A feature is also a completely different name for each card of the Minor Arcana.

For example, there are two cards called Moment to Moment and Experience. With the classics, you can only compare the cards of the Court and Aces. If we talk about the principle of the cards, then we can note the path of the “Jester”, which differs significantly from the classics (there it goes in a spiral), because a special card has been added to the deck - the “Master”. It is she who allows you to stop and get out of the spiral.

The deck also has completely different names for the Major Arcana. For example, "Empress" is called "Creativity", and "Emperor" - "Rebel". It is believed that this deck is very easy to understand even without an addition to the interpretation, since the pictures on the cards are very simple and their meaning is clear on an intuitive level.

How to work with cards

Osho Zen Tarot cards can provide an answer to any question that is correctly asked. Despite the fact that many consider the deck almost unearthly, with right approach the answer will be received and sometimes it is very striking. But it can be somewhat veiled, and in order to understand it, it will be necessary to think a little.

The peculiarity of this deck is that it works well with the cause-and-effect relationships of the human condition, as well as with the emotions that accompany any situation. Use this deck if you need to analyze the mental and physical state of a person. You can also ask her a question about your relationship, promotion career ladder or in business.

Layout "Instant": the easiest layout

Osho Tarot cards can predict an event for you today or simply answer any question that worries you. If you are doing fortune-telling as meditation, then you can also use this layout. It is quite simple, you just need to decide on the question, remove one card from the deck and see its interpretation.

Hagal layout

Difficult to understand and quite powerful layout, which is recommended to be done once in a lifetime. Therefore, if you have a really important question, then lay out the Osho Zen Tarot cards in the Hagal layout.

Here you can see the union of two oracles at once, which are considered very powerful. This is Armantic Futhark and Zen Tarot. The rune itself, in its interpretation, means creation and creativity, as well as change and destiny. Therefore, in combination with Osho cards, the alignment is considered very powerful.

The layout is laid out in the form of a rune, it contains eight cards. The first tells about the influence of past lives on you, the second card can tell you why the questioner came here. The third card will tell about what is now, and the fourth about what is destructive and therefore pulls back. From the fifth card you can learn about what will help in development and growth upwards, and from the sixth - about the existing help in life. The seventh card will show destructive actions, and the eighth will tell about the necessary meditation.

Layout “Bird in flight”

This is another alignment of Tarot Osho. In its shape, it really resembles a bird during the flight. The left wing will tell the questioner about the feminine energy that is acting at the moment. The right wing is a symbol of active male energy.

The layout uses seven cards, the countdown starts from the one in the middle. It is also considered a male card. Next comes second female card, and so the sequence is observed until the very end. This layout can be compared to a ladder that the questioner climbs, because each card currently selected is the answer to the previous one.

The “Paradox” layout

The entire Osho Tarot deck is involved in this layout. Put it in front of you and concentrate on your inner issues or just meditate. Then divide the deck into three parts and choose one of them. Remove the top card - it is she who will tell about what is here and now. Pull out the lowest card - it will tell you about the influence of past lives on you. It remains to choose any one card from the pile - it is she who is the right paradox.

Unification layout

Some layouts created using Tarot Osho are designed for two. So, if you use the “Unity” layout, you can understand the existing relationship (between you and your partner) and understand why there is a misunderstanding. Perhaps, by laying out the cards, you will see what can be thrown out of the relationship, or affirm that you really need it.

There are ten cards in the spread. They are laid out in a semicircle (seven cards) around three cards in strict sequence. Those that are located in the center (two crosses on the cross, and one on top in the usual position) talk about the relationship between partners, and those that are around them (or rather, opposite the one in the center) are the internal state of the partner.

Layout “Key”

This spread uses eight cards, which are laid out from top to bottom. Using it, you can consider the hidden unconscious sides of your question. In addition, it can be laid out if you need to learn about the inner life, about what is happening here and now.

Layout “Mirror”

Another alignment for relationships. With it, you can make a detailed analysis of relationships with another person (for example, a husband, lover, or any relative). The cards will tell you about the energies that flow between you and how they interact.

The spread uses twelve cards. They are located in vertical lines opposite each other. 1-3 and 7-9 cards tell about the one who lays out the cards, 4-5 and 10-11 tell about the other person.


The Osho deck is suitable for those people who always look inward, often meditate and do spiritual practice. But it does not matter if the deck came to you, but you do not feel spiritual in yourself. This means that you are on the verge of something new and amazing that will completely change your life. It is not for nothing that the layouts in the Osho ZenTaro deck are quite numerous, and at the same time they have very interesting and poetic names that reflect their essence. Choose the right one and explore your inner world, because these cards will most accurately reveal it to you.

This is a kind of meditation, an attempt to look inside yourself. These cards differ from other Tarot decks, first of all, in their purpose. Below we will tell you about what Osho Zen Tarot is and how to work with it correctly.

In the article:

Osho Zen Tarot: what is it?

Osho Zen Tarot was created by students after his death. The set of cards appeared in 1995. The images for the arcana were drawn by the sannyasin Osho Ma Deva Padma.

Osho is an Indian spiritual leader and mystic, attributed by some researchers to neo-Hinduism, the inspirer of the neo-orientalist and religious-cultural movement of Rajneesh.

The main difference between this deck and traditional decks is that its main purpose is to show Current state person. The deck invites you to play comprehensive Zen game. It is not used to predict future or past events. It shows what is happening at this particular moment, thereby giving a hint to a person what to do, what to pay attention to, how to prioritize. In fact, Osho Zen Tarot is an oracle with which you can know yourself..

Differences between Osho and the classic Tarot

Osho Zen Tarot is different from classic decks. Yes, it retains the previous structure: 78 cards, of which 22 are the Major Arcana and 56 are the Minor. Some of the names of the major arcana coincide with the classical ones (for example, arcana "Fool" And "Lovers" from the classics have not changed their name in Osho Zen), some of the Major Arcana have similar names to the traditional ones ( "Priestess"- in the classics, in Osho Zen - "Inner voice"), and some of the arcana have completely different names (lasso number three in Osho is called "Creation", in the classic "Empress" etc.).

The minor arcana are not divided into elements, and their interpretation also differs from the generally accepted one. In particular, the element of water replaces the classic "Cups" or "Bowls" fire element - "Wands" or "Scepters", clouds, symbolizing the mind, represent "Swords", and the rainbow "Pentacles" or "Denarii". In addition, the minor arcana do not have a numerical value, instead they have their own names ( "Healing", "Trust", "Friendliness" etc.). Each of the four elements has its own court cards, similar to the classical ones, but their hierarchy does not play any role. The interpretation of the cards is also different. More precisely, they have nothing to do with the traditional divinatory meanings of the Tarot. All of them are described in detail in the instructions that come with the set of cards.

Osho Zen Tarot Divination

How to work with this unusual deck? First of all, you need to understand that these cards will tell you only about the present. They will not show the future and the past. Osho Zen fans consider her a great helper in spiritual growth. They believe that the cards help to realize the feelings and emotions that a person is experiencing now, thereby showing him different manifestations of himself, what is happening to him.

Fans of divination on these cards offer special layouts (for example, a layout "Seven Chakras", which, as the name implies, is based on seven chakras) and modified classical layouts (for example, « « ). Also, the deck is great for layout « « .

In order to use these cards, you do not need to understand, since this deck, as we said above, is more of an oracle than a full-fledged Tarot deck. She does not need the so-called deck development- a number of practices that tarologists use to get to know and tune in to one or another, (for example, meditation on a lasso or "Map of the day"). Big number people far from Tarot use these cards for meditation.

What questions does the deck work with:
  • relationship issues;
  • questions of knowledge of oneself and the world;
  • personality characteristic;
  • karmic issues;
  • viewing chakras.

What questions should not be looked at Osho Zen Tarot:

  • Any questions not related to the inner world of a person;
  • Issues of money, work, travel, the probabilities of the development of the future.

If you want to get to know yourself better and are looking for the right tool for this, the Osho Zen Tarot deck is just what you need. Knowing with its help your current state, you will learn to consciously treat yourself and life, understand your true desires and how to realize them.

In contact with

Among esotericists, and especially tarologists, there is perhaps no person who has not heard about the Osho Zen Tarot deck.

Few people know that Osho himself has nothing to do with it: the deck was created much later than his death. But be that as it may, the essence and structure of this deck is still built on the principles and teachings of Osho himself.

Osho Zen Tarot Deck Structure

Many people ask the question - is it Tarot at all? Or maybe it's an oracle? In fact, I would still classify this deck as an oracle. Because not all decks with 78 cards can actually be called Tarot for one simple reason: the classic Tarot deck has a completely clear structure and principles of each arcana, which should not change their essence. In - as in the classic Tarot - 78 cards, they are also divided into Major (22) and Minor Arcana (56), they also have suits, however, they are named completely differently: the suits of Fire, Clouds, Rainbow and Water. The peculiarity of the deck is that each card of the Minor Arcana has its own unique name, and only Aces and Court cards have an almost classic name like "Page of Fire" or "Queen of Water". But, for example, 2 Rainbows in the classics here have the name "From Moment to Moment", and the classic 3 of Swords - "Experience". The same changes affected the Major Arcana. Moreover, along with other names, they have a slightly different principle of operation in this deck. For example, here the path of the "Jester" does not go in a spiral (as in the classical Tarot), which implies the assimilation of each new lesson and the subsequent gradual development of the soul. In the Osho Zen deck, a “Master” card has been added, which, like a real magician, is able to stop the spiral, which means that it becomes possible to jump out of the wheel of birth and death. The names of the Major Arcana have also been changed: "Empress" classic version called "Creativity", "The Hanged Man" - "New Vision", "Emperor" - "Rebel". By by and large, the Osho Zen deck is very intuitive: the pictures with which the artist decorated the deck are simple. They in an elementary form reflect the essence of the name of the card. By the way, I assume that the names of the arcana are still taken as from the Osho's teachings, and from the key concepts of the classical Tarot.

Principles of working with a deck

What questions does this deck answer? For some reason, it is generally accepted that if Osho achieved his enlightenment through meditation, then the deck was created exclusively for these purposes. But I hasten to assure you that this is not at all the case. Turning to the origins, we understand that Osho himself has nothing to do with the deck, because the principles of enlightenment and teaching that he covered in his life are in fact the same theoretical part. Accordingly, the deck is able to answer absolutely any adequate questions.

Not a single Tarot deck “likes” questions like: “What awaits me in the future?”, “Will he (or she) call in 2 hours?” and similar nonsense. Like any Tarot deck, Osho Zen requires specifics, i.e. the more specific you formulate the question, and the better the tarologist understands your situation, the more accurate the answers and explanations will be. Also hallmark Osho's deck is that it more clearly than other decks shows the cause-and-effect relationships of a person's state, reveals in detail the emotional component of any situation. With its help, you can make a detailed analysis of the physical and mental state of a person. And the deck also works great with relationships, careers and business.

Spread example

For example, I will tell you a case from my consultation. A girl asked a question, whose problem is that she is a treasure trove in life creative ideas, but for some unknown reason, she quickly loses interest in the work she has begun, and as a result - a bunch of unfinished business and sheer disappointment. The simplest layout was made three cards cause, effect, result. I will not describe the whole essence, but the result and subsequent advice was the following (the description of the map is taken from official source to the Osho Zen Tarot deck): “When you are open to the highest, it immediately flows into you. You are no longer an ordinary person, you have gone beyond. Your insight becomes the insight of the whole existence. Now you are no longer out of touch - you have found your roots. Usually everyone moves without roots, not knowing where their hearts continue to receive energy from, not knowing who continues to breathe in them, not knowing the life juice that flows inside them. Your inner being, when it opens, first experiences two directions - height, depth. And then gradually, as soon as it becomes your stable position, you begin to look around and spread out in other directions. And once you reach the point where depth and height meet, you start looking around, at the very circumference of the universe. Then your consciousness begins to unfold in all directions, but the road was one.

The Zen Osho Tarot deck was created based on the teachings of Osho. It stands apart from the classic decks and has a special purpose. Let's talk about the features of such cards and how to work with them correctly.

The Osho Zen Tarot deck was created by the followers of the great Teacher after his death in 1995. Author of drawings for seniors and minor arcana was Ma Deva Padma.

For reference: Osho is a well-known spiritual leader in certain circles, who founded his own religious and spiritual movement.

What is the difference between the Osho deck and all the others:

  • The purpose of any fortune-telling is to know the state of a person at the current moment in time. It is believed that it is the state of affairs "in the moment" that has the greatest impact on the future.
  • With this deck, you cannot learn about the past or predict the future, but you can get hints. For example, what should be given Special attention how to prioritize

If you are a fan of traditional tarot divination, this deck is not for you. But if you want to know yourself and move deeper into spiritual development the maps will show you how to do it.

Differences between the Osho deck and the classic ones

Before you start guessing, you need to understand the main differences between the deck and other Tarot.

The differences are:

  • The names of some arcana differ. For example, the Priestess card in the Tarot deck is the Inner Voice, the Empress is Creativity. But most of the names of the arcana still coincide with the traditional
  • There is no division of the minor arcana into suits and elements, there is no digital classification. There are no Swords and Cups in the Osho deck, but there are Scepters and Denarii. Instead of the usual Twos, Threes and Aces - Trust, Friendliness, Healing

And, finally, the interpretation of cards in fortune-telling layouts is radically different. There is nothing to do with the classical interpretation. Therefore, you should carefully study the decoding of the arcana after purchasing the deck.

How to read Osho Zen Tarot?

The Osho deck is quite unusual. Therefore, if you want to make a layout, you need to know how to do it right.

There are several important points:

  • If the purpose of fortune-telling is to know the future or reveal the secrets of the past, use another, classic deck. Osho cards can only tell about the present
  • The Osho deck is an excellent assistant in spiritual development. Use the cards if you are striving for self-knowledge, spiritual growth, want to know yourself deeper, determine the source of your emotions and feelings, and understand how they can affect your life in general.
  • Classic spreads are not suitable for this deck. You can use special, modified layout options. For example, "Seven Chakras", "Card of the Day" or "Celtic Cross"
  • You can also use the cards for meditation practices.

What problems will the Osho deck help solve:

  • Understand relationships with the opposite sex or improve the union with your current partner. Determine what's in your internal state affects personal life
  • Better understand yourself and know the world in all its manifestations
  • Get complete and detailed description personalities
  • Work out karma: find out about availability karmic debts that require elaboration, understand their purpose, etc.
  • Aura diagnostics: maps will point to problematic chakras and help eliminate energy problems

The Osho deck will not help if you want:

  • Understand financial problems, attract money and prosperity, find new job, learn how to increase capital and more
  • Learn the future and options for its development
  • Find out how the trip will end or which country to go to

To summarize: any questions not related to your inner world, it will not be possible to work out with the help of the Osho deck. To do this, use the classic tarot cards.

Watch a video about an overview of the cards of the Osho deck:


The most popular layouts that are made using this deck:

  1. Breakdown of relationships. Helps to understand the essence of relationships with a partner. This applies not only to love affairs, but also to relationships with parents, children, friends, colleagues and business partners.
  2. "One card" layout. Allows you to assess the problem situation and understand its causes. Provides answers to the most important questions. Answers the question: “What mistakes of yours led to the current circumstances in life?”
  3. "Key". Working with the unconscious. This fortune-telling can bring a lot of surprises, because it “reveals” deep psychological problems.
  4. "Instant" layout. Considers the situation that concerns you from the point of view of Buddhist philosophy. Only one card is used, the value of which will be a complete prediction
  5. "Here and now". Talk about the most relevant event for you today. It will help you understand that there are no accidents. Indicate what your thoughts and feelings influenced the outcome of cases

Deck Composition

The Osho deck includes:

  1. Major arcana: 22 pieces
  2. Minor arcana (56 pieces) - 4 suits: Fire, Water, Clouds, Rainbow

Each card has its own, unique name.

Consider the interpretation of the prediction using the example of decoding the Awareness card (major lasso):

  • You live at the minimum of your possibilities. Mistakes of the past and fears of the future hinder development and progress. You do not burn brightly like a fire, but smoke like a candle that is about to go out
  • You need to work with your thinking, get rid of negative thoughts and attitudes, then most of the problems will go away. You will open the flow of positive energy, and life can change dramatically
  • You act on the basis of your mind only. But forget to listen to the voice of your soul. Learn to hear yourself inside, to understand the needs not of the brain, but of consciousness. Develop mindfulness

Use the Osho deck when you need to understand yourself and your own life. If chaos and anxiety reign in your soul, there are a lot of thoughts, questions too, and the answers do not come by themselves, the magic arcana will help resolve the situation and work with the mind.

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