Kermek honey useful properties. Kermek (Statica) - the secrets of growing a lush bouquet. What it looks like and where it grows

The plant statice (statice), or kermek (Limonium) is a representative of the family of lead, and earlier this genus was part of the kermec family. According to information taken from various sources, this genus includes 166–350 species. In nature, such plants can be found in Eurasia and on other continents. It happened that even in the sand dunes, the kermek formed thickets half a meter high. The scientific name of such a flower means "inflexible, persistent." In Russia, this plant is also called the Turkic word "kermek", sea lavender, Tatar white lemongrass, and also immortelle. Statica has been cultivated since 1600.

Statica is represented by shrubs or perennial herbaceous plants. Large, often basal leaf plates form a large rosette. Densely pubescent shoots can reach a height of 0.3–0.9 m, they are straight and leafless. Five-membered small flowers are part of the spikelets, which are collected in paniculate or corymbose inflorescences. Flower calyxes can be yellow, blue, salmon, raspberry, white, light blue, purple, pink or purple. The plant blooms in July, while flowering continues until frost. Seeds remain viable for 4-5 years.

Such a flower is distinguished by its unpretentiousness, in this it looks like a weed. However, gardeners love him not only for this. Kermek is very resistant to various pests and diseases, as well as to lack of moisture and other adverse external factors. Such a flower can be grown on any soil, it almost does not need to be looked after, and if desired, it can not be fed at all. However, when growing it, it should be taken into account that it reacts extremely negatively to fluid stagnation in the root system, to strong shading and to sub-zero temperatures. In this regard, in the middle latitudes, statice is grown as an annual.

A perennial plant, statica is able to reproduce well on its own by self-sowing. Her flowering is very lush, and her fringed paniculate inflorescences stand well in the cut for a long time. In this regard, florists often use kermek, creating bouquets and compositions, including dry ones.

Sowing for seedlings

The seeds are covered with a fairly strong shell, therefore, before proceeding with sowing, they must be subjected to scarification. To do this, take a rough file or sandpaper, and walk it along the spouts of the seeds. Then they are immersed in Epin's solution for several hours or kept in moistened sawdust for two or three days.

Sowing for seedlings is carried out in February or the first days of March. To do this, use peat or humus pots filled with moistened sterile loose soil mixture, in each of which only one seed should be placed. Next, the seeds should be sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. The container with pots should be covered with glass on top and removed to a place with an air temperature of 16 to 21 degrees. If everything is done correctly, then the first seedlings may appear 1.5–2.5 weeks after sowing. In the event that you want the seedlings to appear much earlier, then use the bottom heating system.

Growing seedlings

When growing seedlings, do not forget to arrange systematic airing of the crops. Emerging shoots will need to be provided with regular watering, after this procedure, do not forget to gently loosen the surface of the substrate around the plants. Picking seedlings in individual pots or cups is needed only if a small container, box or cassette was chosen for its cultivation. It is carried out when the plants will form 2 true leaf plates. It is important to pick seedlings in a timely manner, because its root system grows very quickly, and it is quite large and has a long tap root.

Seedlings must be hardened off and you need to start doing this in mid-April. To do this, the container with the plants should be transferred to the street every day, while it is necessary to gradually increase the time the plants stay on the street. After the seedlings can be left outdoors for the whole day, they will be completely ready for planting in open soil.

Planting statice in open ground

What time to plant

To plant the statice, you should choose a well-lit area, since it can die in a shaded place. This flower does not require protection from gusts of wind. The earth can be absolutely any, but plants will feel best in sandy or loamy, well-drained, slightly alkaline or neutral soil. Planting seedlings in open soil should be done in June, the fact is that in May there is a high probability of frost at night.

Landing Features

Such a plant does not tolerate transplanting quite well. In this regard, when preparing planting holes, it should be noted that their size must be such that all the contents of the pot (the root system and the earthen ball) can freely fit in them. Plastic cups must be carefully cut and removed, their contents should be lowered into holes that are covered with soil. Planted flowers need watering with salted water (1 large spoonful of salt per 1 bucket of water). The distance between the holes directly depends on the type of statice and can vary from 0.25 to 0.4 m.

Static Care

After planting Kermek in open soil, you can practically forget about it, as it will grow and develop well without care. All that is required is to occasionally water it, as well as to carry out timely weeding with simultaneous loosening of the earth on the site. It is necessary to water the bushes only when the leaf plates lose their turgor. In a rainy summer, it will be possible to forget about watering such a plant in general, but at the same time do not forget to at least occasionally loosen the surface of the soil near the bushes. If long dry periods are observed in the summer, then the statice will need to be watered 2 times during the entire season, while for one of the irrigations you need to take salted water (7 small spoons of salt per 10 liters of water). The bushes should be watered under the root in the evening, and for this you need to take well-settled water, which has heated up during the day.

It is not necessary to feed such flowers without fail, but it is recommended to do this if they are grown in poor soil. The first time Kermek is fed after 7 days from the moment the seedlings were planted in open soil. Subsequent top dressing is carried out at intervals of 1 time in 15–30 days (directly depends on the nutritional value of the soil). Feed the plant with a solution of complex mineral fertilizer. In autumn, the statice is not fed.

If the summer time turned out to be damp or the bushes were watered very often and too plentifully, the plants may develop vegetable rot, called botrytis. In this case, the affected bushes should be treated with a fungicide solution. A disease such as oidium can be recognized by the appearance of white mold. To cure the bushes, they must be treated with a sulfur-containing agent. When growing kermek, it should be noted that it is very resistant to diseases and pests, and does not get sick often. If such a plant is provided with proper care, then problems with its health will not arise at all.

The main thing is to grow strong and healthy seedlings of statice, and after transplanting it into open soil, you can no longer worry about the plants.

After flowering

There are frost-resistant types of kermek, which are not afraid of frosts down to minus 30 degrees. However, such flowers should be prepared for wintering in a certain way. After the bush turns yellow and begins to dry out, its foliage and shoots will need to be cut to the level of the ground surface. Then the area with plants is covered with needles, brushwood, straw or fallen leaves, and on top it is covered with a non-woven covering material. Such material is designed to protect the plant not so much from severe frosts as from melt water in the spring. Do not forget to fix the material by pressing it with something to the surface of the site.

Cropped kermek inflorescences can be used to create dry bouquets. In this case, the pruning of the inflorescences is carried out before they begin to fade, and their rich color will fade under the influence of the scorching rays of the sun. Cut inflorescences must be removed in a dark room, while they are turned over and hung. In this state, the flowers will stay until they are completely dry. Well-dried inflorescences are able to delight with their bright and very beautiful flowers for more than 1 year.

Types and varieties of statice (kermek) with photos and names

Popular with gardeners are those types of statice, which are described in detail below.

Statica Suvorov (Limonium suworowii), or plantain flower (Psylliostachys suworowii)

The height of the bush reaches about 0.6 meters. The composition of long spikes includes flowers of lilac-pink or pink color.

Statica Gmelin (Limonium gmelinii)

This perennial winter-hardy plant rarely exceeds 0.5 meters in height. Large corymbs consist of purple-blue flowers.

Kermek broadleaf (Limonium latifolium)

The height of a bush with large basal leaf plates can vary from 0.6 to 0.75 m. Paniculate spreading inflorescences consist of purple-blue flowers. The most popular varieties:

  1. Violet. The bushes are decorated with inflorescences of a rich purple hue.
  2. Blue Cloud. Flower color is lavender.

Kermek Perez (Limonium perezii)

The homeland of this species is the Canary Islands, where it began to be cultivated. The stems of this plant reach a height of about 0.6 m. Large showy inflorescences are painted purple. Their florists are very often used to create dry and fresh compositions.

Kermek Bondwelli (Limonium bonduellii)

This species is native to North Africa. This perennial plant reaches a height of about 0.9 m. Fragile shoots do not have ridge outgrowths. The composition of loose inflorescences includes large white or yellow flowers. It has been cultivated since 1859. There are no varieties of this species, but its seeds are often present in flower mixtures.

Kermek Chinese (Limonium sinensis)

This species began to be cultivated not so long ago. In mid-latitudes, this perennial plant is grown as an annual. Its basal rosette consists of dense, shiny leaf plates, from the central part of which a large number of thin peduncles grow, their height varies from 0.5 to 0.7 m. forms of white or cream color. The most popular varieties:

  1. Confetti. The height of the bush is approximately 0.45–0.5 m. The color of graceful inflorescences is creamy white.
  2. elegant. Plant height is about 0.7 m. Inflorescences are painted in white-cream color.

Notched Kermek (Limonium sinuatum)

The homeland of this species is the Mediterranean and Asia Minor. This perennial herb is grown as an annual. The height of the shoots is about 0.6 m. There are a large number of thin basal leaf plates of an oblong shape, painted in a pale green color. They are pinnatipartite or pinnately lobed and have short petioles. Erect or ascending peduncles branching at the top. Small (diameter up to 10 mm) flowers have pubescent dry wheel-shaped cups and white, pink or purple-blue color, their corolla is light yellow or white. This type is the most popular, and it has been cultivated since 1600. You can purchase flower mixtures of this type, both domestic and foreign. Eg:

  1. Kermek Crimean. In this mixture, the height of the flowers varies from 0.3 to 0.8 m. The color of the inflorescences is blue, purple, pink or yellow.
  2. Mixed Hybrids. The height of the bushes is about 0.45 m. The color of the flowers is white, blue, pink, purple and yellow.
  3. Kermek Supreme. Such a series of varieties is represented by plants not exceeding 0.6 m in height, of various colors.
  4. Shamo. A series of varieties in which the height of the bushes is about 0.7 m, the inflorescences are painted in various shades of salmon color.
  5. Fortress. The bush reaches a height of 0.7–0.8 m. The color of the flowers is yellow, blue, purple, white or pink.
  6. Compinidi. A series of varieties with plants about 0.5 m high. Blue, light blue and pink inflorescences.
  7. Series Petite Bouquet. The height of compact bushes is about 0.3 m. They grow a very large number of inflorescences, painted in pastel colors: blue, light pink, white, lilac or cream.

In addition to such multi-color mixtures, if desired, you can buy varieties presented in one color:

  1. Blue River. The height of the bush is half a meter. The color of the flowers is sky blue.
  2. Epricot. Bushes 0.6 m high are decorated with pink-salmon inflorescences.
  3. Lavendel. The height of the bush is 0.8 m, the color of the inflorescences is lavender.
  4. Iceberg. The height of the bushes is 0.75 m, the flowers are painted white.
  5. Nachtblau. Bushes, reaching a height of 0.9 m, are decorated with dark blue flowers.
  6. Rosenshimmer and Emerican Beauty. The bush reaches a height of 0.6 m. The color of the inflorescences is pink-carmine.

Statica, kermek or immortelle are well known to many gardeners. This perennial herbaceous plant is widely used to decorate suburban areas, so it is very often planted in flower beds. Cut immortelle is used in the preparation of bouquets.

This plant is very popular in Europe, where it is very often grown near houses as a perennial ornamental plant. If we talk about the cultivation of Kermek in the northern regions of Russia, then not every variety of it can survive the winter. Therefore, sometimes landings are carried out annually.

Perennial Kermek: description

Also, this plant is very often called limonium. There are varieties of this kermek that live only 1 year, but most often the immortelle is a perennial shrub or a small bush up to one and a half meters high. The leaves of the perennial Kermek are straight, slightly elongated. The root system is assembled into a beautiful rosette, but the rhizome is rather fragile.

The stems of the immortelle are straight, on their upper part there is practically no foliage. Perennial kermek blooms with spikelets, while the flower cups are filled with white or yellow petals. There are also varieties of purple, pink and other shades.

The plant begins to bloom closer to mid-summer. And to decide whether it is worth sowing a perennial kermek every year, it’s enough to try 1 time and see how it survives the winter. Quite often, gardeners are pleasantly surprised that immortelle survives even harsh winters.

You just need to look at the photo of Kermek to understand that this plant fits perfectly into any garden landscape.

The most popular varieties

Kermek is distinguished by a huge variety of varieties, but the notched immortelle is the most popular. In this case, we are talking about a medium-sized shrub, the height of which rarely reaches 0.5 cm. The inflorescences are quite large, they are distinguished by very small flowers, the diameter of which rarely exceeds 1 cm. Most often they are painted in a bluish-purple color, but sometimes the plant blooms white or pink flowers.

Kermek broadleaf is also popular with gardeners. This plant is distinguished by its spherical shape. The leaves are wider and longer. Flowers at Kermek broad-leaved also grow quite small, purple.

It is also worth paying attention to the Chinese kermek. This plant is considered a hybrid that appeared relatively recently. In central Russia, this plant is grown only as an annual. The shrub is distinguished by its more impressive dimensions, its height can be up to 0.7 cm. Outwardly, the shrub is very similar to lace fabric. Flowers are white or cream in color.

Kermek Gmelin is distinguished by its unpretentiousness. In addition, a plant of this variety is able to survive even in the harsh conditions of central Russia. The height of immortelle is not 0.5 cm. Kermek Gmelin is considered the most resistant to frost, which is why it is so popular with gardeners.

Also in suburban areas, you can often find the Caspian immortelle. This plant also does not differ in increased resistance to frost. Therefore, it is usually grown only in greenhouses. The bushy plant is abundantly covered with branches, on which rather large lilac flowers grow. Perennial Caspian kermek is very often used in the preparation of bouquets for sale. If we talk about growing in a suburban area, then this variety will have to be sown annually. Therefore, it is rarely seen on private lands.

Kermek Tatar causes a lot of controversy. The fact is that many gardeners still classify it as a variety of immortelle - Limonium. However, experts do not agree with this statement. Today Kermek Tatar belongs to the Goniolimon family.


Regardless of whether immortelle will be grown indoors or outdoors, excellent seedlings can be achieved by planting seeds. Experienced gardeners do not recommend using the vegetative propagation method, since the rhizome of this plant is very sensitive. Most often, the roots simply do not tolerate transplantation.

You can buy seed material at any specialized store. However, germinating seeds is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. However, if certain rules are followed, everyone can handle it.

Before you start growing a perennial kermek, you need to prepare the seeds. They are covered with a rather hard ribbed skin. It is not recommended to clean the shell. However, if this is not done, then the seed material will germinate for a very long time. In this case, it is worth going for one little trick. To do this, rub the seeds a little with sandpaper. After that, you can lay them for some time in a wet mixture consisting of sawdust.

Kermek plant: seedlings

Seeds are best planted immediately in separate pots. This is necessary in order not to disturb the already delicate root system of this amazing plant. It is best to use ordinary peat pots for this.

Planting immortelle is recommended in early spring. To do this, it is enough to spread the seeds in pots and sprinkle them a little with earth. And after that, peat pots must be covered with glass or polyethylene. In this state, they should be from 10 to 16 days at a temperature not lower than 20 °. It is best to install seedlings in a bright, cool place. When young sprouts take root in the ground, you can transfer them to open ground. It is not recommended to do this if frost prevails outside.

Landing in open ground

It is worth noting that kermek is characterized by increased resistance to wind, so you can not be afraid of drafts. It is not necessary to prepare the soil in a suburban area, as this plant is unpretentious.

But with the root system of immortelle, you need to be very careful. When transferring to the holes, you need to carefully remove the rhizome from the pot and move it to open ground. It is also worth considering the features of static care.


Some, looking at the kermek, the photo of which is presented in the article, immediately think that this culture needs large volumes of water. Actually it is not.

In the process of growing, this plant practically does not need water. In hot weather, it is enough to water the culture no more than 1 time in a month and a half. It is recommended to bring water under the root. In this case, the liquid must be slightly warmed up. Watering is best done in the evening. Once a season, you need to add a little salted water. Immortelle may not be fed, but if there is such a desire, or the soil is not nutritious, it is recommended to add some minerals to the soil.

Diseases and pests

The fact is that in some situations, Kermek can get sick with botrytis. This disease develops due to waterlogging of the soil. This happens at the onset of the rainy seasons or if the gardener is too overzealous in caring for the crop.

In order to get rid of an unpleasant ailment, it is enough to use any fungicide.

How does it get along with other plants?

Kermek is a wonderful decoration for any suburban area. Today, almost no European landscape can do without this plant. At the same time, the immortelle perfectly shows itself in group flower arrangements. It is also used to decorate garden borders. At the same time, the immortelle gets along well with any cultures that are next to it. Therefore, you can safely plant it on any suburban area.


However, some homeowners successfully grow only this crop on their plots. If you combine several different varieties of this plant, then the composition will turn out beautiful without the participation of other flowers. Kermek will decorate both a modest and more elite suburban area. At the same time, the plant absolutely does not need special care, so it will not require much time.

In the photo: a bouquet of wild-growing kermek, Crimea

Dried flower with a bright palette

Among garden annuals and perennials there are many plants suitable not only for decorating flower beds, but also for cutting. But few plants can compete in popularity with Kermek when it comes to arranging winter bouquets. Its small flowers with a bright or pastel color in corymbs or panicles look spectacular and airy and do not lose their attractiveness with proper drying for years. Growing Kermek will not cause trouble even for the most inexperienced growers, and the beauty of a compact plant will pleasantly surprise anyone.

About names and classification

The name Kermek directly indicates the nature of the plant: from the Greek "leimon" means "glade" or "lawn". This plant really lives mainly in arid steppe conditions. But among gardeners, Kermeks are better known by their old name - statice. Plants were identified in the genus Kermeks quite a long time ago, but the change in classifications had little effect on the popularity of the old name. However, more and more often, seeds on sale appear under the strict but beautiful botanical name limonium. His appearance is eloquently evidenced by another nickname - sea lavender. But under whatever name you come across this plant - kermek, statice, limonium - in the scientific world it is known as Limonium and is a representative of the genus Kermek of the Gilt family.

In the photo: cultural kermek, Moscow region

Description of Kermek

Kermeks are herbaceous plants that form a basal rosette of leaves and numerous shoots crowned with inflorescences. Limoniums have a powerful tap root, thanks to which the plants acquire high drought tolerance. The leaves are oval or ovate, elongated, reaching a length of 10-15 cm. Peduncles branch, as a rule, only in the upper part, but they create a semblance of an openwork cloud above the bush. Small flowers with a dry calyx and a slightly larger corolla with free petals seem large, collected in complex inflorescences - corymbs, panicles and umbrellas, consist of dense or loose spikelets.

Flowering of annual kermeks usually starts in mid-June, perennial species most often bloom in August. As a rule, cutting inflorescences can be continued throughout the second half of the season until the first frost arrives. Limonium palette includes bright acrylic colors - from dazzling ultramarine blue to lilac, violet, candy pink, lemon ...

Conditions for growing Kermek and planting

Limonium is considered one of the hardiest flyers. Annual species of plants perfectly endure short-term cooling, and without exception, all Kermeks are undemanding to the composition of the soil.

For both annual and perennial kermeks, it is necessary to provide sunny areas, these are light-loving crops that do not tolerate even light shading. The intensity and duration of illumination determines not only the size and quality of the inflorescences, but also the compactness of the bushes.

Kermeks prefer light soils. The key parameter is water permeability: limoniums cannot stand even the slightest stagnant water. Otherwise, they are completely undemanding and feel good in ordinary garden soil, in depleted soil, and on rocky hills.

Without exception, all limoniums do not tolerate transplantation very well. Plants form a deep taproot, and the cultivation of kermek is possible only if the earthen clod around the rhizome is carefully preserved when planting seedlings. It is better to plant kermeks in the spring, for annual kermeks - only in the second half of May. The optimal landing distance is 30-40 cm.

Growing from seeds of perennial kermeks is almost the same. Seeds of perennial kermek are sown for seedlings from March to May, grown according to the standard technique with light covering of seeds and germination under glass or film. Plants dive at the stage of the third leaf. Seedlings are grown in pots until September, after which they are transferred to a permanent place. When transplanting seedlings, you need to keep an untouched earthen ball and avoid contact with the roots. After planting, the plants provide additional watering.

You can propagate perennial kermek and division, but it is difficult to save parts of plants, because these plants really do not like transplanting.

Types and varieties of Kermek

There are about 300 different species of perennial plants in the genus Kermeks, but only a few of them are cultivated. Moreover, in our climate, kermek is more often grown as annuals; it does not withstand frosty winters. Therefore, all plants are divided into two groups according to the method of cultivation. Perennials are considered almost uncommon. But annual Kermeks have won the title of one of the main cut crops and have many excellent varieties.

In the conditions of the middle lane and regions with severe winters, the most popular types of limoniums are mainly grown:

Kermek Bonduchelli (Limonium bonducellii), aka Kermek Bondwelli (Limonium bonduellii) is a tall plant that forms bushes up to 90 cm in height. The stems are graceful, thin, the inflorescences are quite loose, but at the same time large and bright. The species on sale is usually represented by mixtures of varieties with lemon-yellow colors.

Kermek notched , or statice (Limonium sinuatum) - an annual up to half a meter high with fairly large lanceolate or pinnate basal leaves and numerous erect peduncles branching at the top. Small flowers up to 1 cm in diameter are collected in spikelets, which in turn develop into complex shields of inflorescences. The plant is characterized by a dry calyx of flowers. The purple, blue, pink and white palette of colors is widely represented in various variety mixtures, in the form of which the seeds of this plant are sold.

Kermek Chinese (Limonium sinense) - an annual plant about 60-70 cm high with a dense basal rosette of large leaves and thin peduncles crowned with openwork flowers. This Kermek has yellow flowers, but the funnel-shaped perianths are white or cream.

Some varieties of annual kermek that can be found on sale: Limonium (kermek) Borntalsky, Art Shades, Twilight, Limonium Bonduelli, apricot, dark blue, Roseum superboom, Lemon sherbet, Statica KIS Epricot / Yellow / Dark Blue, Statica Talisman, Supreme pink/blue/yellow/carmine/light blue/white.

As perennials capable of overwintering in regions with severe winters, only 3 types of Kermeks are grown, but all of them are inferior in terms of the number of varieties to annual plants and in popularity.

A favorite of perennial limoniums - broad-leaved kermek (Limonium platyphyllum). This is a fairly large and lush plant with a height of 60 to 80 cm and a diameter of about half a meter, with a dense edge covering both shoots and greenery. The basal rosette of large lanceolate-oval leaves at the end of summer produces strongly branching shoots, on the tops of which there are spikelets of small purple-lilac flowers. Despite the fact that the size of the inflorescences and their brightness are inferior to annual kermeks, the peduncles branch so densely that the entire bush turns into a blooming lace ball. The flowering of broad-leaved kermek lasts a month and a half.

Perennial kermeks are also used in landscape design:

TO common yermek (Limonium vulgare) - a half-meter perennial with large basal leaves and large panicles of inflorescences of purple flowers, forming an almost spherical cloud above the plant;

Kermek Gmelin (Limonium gmelinii) - a plant with large leaves and tall peduncles, branching only in the upper part and crowned with shields of complex lacy inflorescences of white or purple color. (Variety "Kermek Hungarian")

It should be borne in mind that sometimes, under the name Kermek, they sell seeds of plants that have a completely different botanical name and affiliation, but are surprisingly similar in their properties and external data to true Kermek. Among them are Tatar kermek and Suvorov kermek.

Kermek Tatar - its correct name is Goniolimon Tatar (Goniolimon tataricum), once it was part of the genus Kermek, but later scientists identified it as an independent genus. It is popularly known as a "tumbleweed" for the property of dry shoots in the form of a ball to break off and spread across the steppe by the wind, scattering seeds in this way (like many kermeks). Outwardly, it looks like a broad-leaved kermek. On sale we meet as “German Statica”, “Kermek Tatar”, “Kermek Tatar White”. Grown from seeds (sowing March-April) as a winter-hardy perennial with dry shelter for the winter and protection from the spring sun.

Kermek Suvorova - in fact, Psylliostachys suworowii - Psylliostachys or Suvorov's Plantain. An annual of Asian origin with long spike-shaped inflorescences consisting of small flowers. Growing from seeds is carried out through seedlings like annual kermeks. ("Limonium Suvorov").

The use of kermek in the design of the garden

Annual limoniums look great in any decorative arrangements - from summer flower beds to classic flower beds and mixborders. They are good as a border in the foreground, in groups on a lawn or on an alpine slide. Kermeks attract butterflies to the garden, set bright color accents and look good in any company, contrasting favorably with both perennials and large-flowered annuals.

Perennial kermeks are good as tapeworms on the lawn, in rock gardens, mixborders, natural arrays.

But still, most often kermeks are grown for cutting - for live and winter bouquets. Inflorescences for live bouquets are cut after the buds are fully opened. For drying, it is better to use plants with not fully opened flowers, which open when dried. When drying for winter compositions, kermek is hung in bunches with inflorescences down in ventilated and dark rooms. Cutting can be carried out from the end of summer until frost.

The genus Kermeks has about 300 species. The name of Gmelin's kermek was given in honor of the German naturalist Johann Georg Gmelin, who, based on the results of his expeditions in 1747-1759, gave a description of 1178 plants growing in Siberia.

Description of Gmelin's Kermek.

The medicinal plant Kermek Gmelina or Kermek lilac is a herbaceous perennial medicinal plant with a long root. The medicinal plant belongs to the family of lead. The leaves in the basal rosette are of various shapes, from ovate to broadly elliptical and oblong-obovate, bluish-green, narrowed at the petioles below, obtuse above. Peduncles of the plant at the top are paniculate - branched, rounded. Kermek gmelen flowers in a pyramidal or corymbose inflorescence of short and dense spikes. Petals are blue-violet. Spikelets 2 - 3 flowered. Flowering of the plant is observed at the end of summer and lasts 1.5 months. Good honey plant.

Kermek: Latin name.

Limonium Gmelini

Kermek Gmelina photo.

Kermek flowers photo.

Where does Gmelin's Kermek grow?

It occurs in salt marshes, in river valleys, in saline meadows, along the shores of salt lakes and seas. It can be found in the southeast and south of the European part of the CIS, in Central Asia, in Kazakhstan, in the south of Siberia. Kermek Gmelin is often bred in flower beds due to its decorative effect.

Preparation of Kermek Gmelin.

For the treatment of ailments in late autumn, the roots of the plant are stored.

Growing Kermek Gmelin.

The cultivation of the plant Kermek gmelin, as a remedy, began in 1791. Kermek Gmelin when grown requires light cover for the winter and shading. He likes drained soils without stagnant water, top dressing in the form of compost and humus. Propagated by seeds and vegetatively. Seeds for seedlings are sown from March to May, and they are transplanted into the ground in late August - early September. The rhizomes of the plant are divided in autumn and spring.

The chemical composition of Kermek Gmelin.

Ellagic and gallic acids, tannins, alkaloids, myricitrin glycoside were found in the roots of the plant.

Kermek Gmelin: properties.

The plant has a therapeutic anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and astringent effect.

Medicinal properties of kermek honey.

In harvest years, one bee family can produce up to 30 kg of kermek - honey. True, this honey is not highly valued, due to the fact that it belongs to the dark varieties, but it is quite suitable for the wintering of the bees themselves. It also helps with liver diseases, metabolic disorders and as a means of expelling bile.

Kermek Gmelin: application.

Powder and aqueous decoction of the roots are suitable for enterocolitis, diarrhea, dysentery, nasal, uterine and other bleeding. The use of powder and decoction of the roots of Kermek Gmelin in acute gastrointestinal diseases has been confirmed by positive clinical studies.
In patients, dyspeptic phenomena disappeared, diarrhea stopped, pain in the abdomen disappeared, appetite, well-being and general condition improved.

Treatment with Kermek Gmelin.

A decoction of the roots of Kermek Gmelin.

1 tsp Kermek Gmelin roots pour 1.5 cups of water and cook for 8 minutes, then soak for 2 hours, filter and consume 2 tbsp. l. before meals three times a day.

Kermek gmelina: contraindications.

Different types of Kermek conquered a vast territory, settling in North America, Australia, Africa, Western Siberia and Europe. In the Mediterranean, they cover the dry slopes of the coast of the seas (even on saline soils) and lakes, forming a carpet of different shades, for which they received one of the names Limonium, which means “meadow” in Greek. Due to the wide geography, different peoples gave this plant different names: statica, Tatar grass, sea lavender, etc.

Carl Linnaeus cataloged this species for the first time, gave it the name Statice sinuate, assigned it to the genus Kermekovye. In the modern classification of Kermek or, as its name sounds in Latin, Limonium belongs to the Plumbaginaceae family.

Of some species growing in the steppes and deserts, a tumbleweed is formed. Thus, they disperse seeds, expanding the boundaries of their habitat.

Limonium is found as a perennial and biennial herbaceous crop. In horticulture of central Russia, annual species are more often used. The root system is pivotal and very long, adapted in dry areas to receive water from great depths. Plant height ranges from 20 cm to 2 meters. The leaves are either collected in a lanceolate basal rosette, or elongated narrow. Rare and very small leaves are found on the stem. The leaf blade is often green or gray-green in color, in some species it is wavy with a jagged edge.

The flowers are bell-shaped, with five petals, collected in a paniculate or corymbose inflorescence. In temperate latitudes, flowering begins in July, ends with the arrival of the first frost. In regions with a subtropical and Mediterranean climate, flowering begins a few months earlier. The palette of inflorescences is very diverse. There are white, yellow, pink, lilac, violet, blue, purple colors.

Some species, such as Kermek Gmelina and Kermek Broadleaf, are used not only in landscape design and floristry, but also as a honey plant.

Species and varieties

Many species came to gardening from the wild, practically unchanged, for example, Kermek Broadleaf and Kermek Gmelin are found in the wild in the steppes, on the edges of the tracts of Europe and the Caucasus. Not a single variety has been bred for landscape design, but the plants are so winter-hardy and decorative that they remain popular among gardeners.

Kermek Tatarsky

The habitat of Kermek Tatarsky is distributed in the south of the European part of Russia, Bulgaria, Ukraine and the Caucasus. In the steppe regions, after flowering, this plant forms a tumbleweed. The root is taproot and very long, the leaves are wide, leathery. The height of the plant is only 30-40 cm. The shape is rounded. The peduncle appears in June, the bud consists of five dry white petals. Growing Kermek Tatar does not require much effort. It suits poor dry and stony soils. The plant will grow on both chalky and acidic soils. You can grow a lush plant with abundant flowering by enriching the soil with humus.

Shelter for wintering in the middle lane is not required. You can sow seeds for seedlings in March, seedlings are planted in a permanent place in August and September. Vegetative division is possible, but the survival rate is very low. This species can also be propagated by dividing the outlet. In the garden, the plant is ideal for a well-lit place on an alpine hill. Can be used as a dried flower.

Kermek Tatarsky

Kermek Broadleaf

Kermek Broadleaf got its name from the wide leathery leaves collected in a basal rosette. Small inflorescences on strongly branched shoots are painted purple, rise to a height of 50 cm. Flowering begins in July, ends after 1.5 months. Flowering is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. The bush grows up to 50 cm in diameter, in landscape design it looks good as a tapeworm. In the wild, it prefers the dry steppe slopes of the Caucasus, and therefore does not tolerate stagnant water in the garden. For planting, it is better to immediately choose a permanent sunny, open place. There is another name in the literature - flat-leaved kermek.

Kermek Broadleaf

Statice Suvorov dried flower

Statica Suvorov or Suvorov's plantain is a close genus to the Kermeks. It is grown in gardens as an annual plant. Statica seeds are sown in April, in a permanent place - in May or June, to avoid night frosts. The flower stalks of the plant resemble spikelets of plantain, reach a height of 20 to 80 cm, are painted in lilac and pink colors.

Statice Suvorov

Kermek Caspian

A heat-loving variety of Limonium, prefers the salt marshes of the seas and salt lakes. The height of the plant reaches 70 cm. The peduncle is distinguished by the presence of small, often branched shoots that look like leaves. Inflorescences are pale purple, very small. It freezes out in the open ground of central Russia. In heat-loving regions, the flower is grown for bouquets. Very well preserved, after drying does not change color.

Kermek Caspian

Kermek Notched

Kermek Notched or Notched. This species is native to Asia Minor, the Mediterranean and North Africa. The leaves are weakly expressed, pinnate, form a basal rosette. On the sides of the stem are broad-winged ribs. The plant reaches a height of 80 cm. The flowers are collected in dense spikes, mostly blue, purple, pink, white or yellow. After flowering, a fruit is formed - an obovate box.

In the temperate latitudes of Russia, it is grown as an annual. On the site it is very important to provide the plant with maximum lighting, since even a small reduction in lighting will affect the quality and duration of flowering. Grown abroad and in the southern regions of Russia for floristry, like bouquet flowers. When dried, the petals do not change color or shape.

Kermek Notched

Kermek Gmelin

On saline soils of sea coasts and river valleys, Kermek Gmelin feels good. Widely distributed in the steppe regions of the European part of Russia and Siberia, Central Asia, Mongolia, Northern China and central Europe. Tall (up to 50 cm) perennial plant. In contrast to the very close species of Kermek Broadleaf, the peduncle of this species is less sprawling, collected in dense brushes. The color of the petals is lilac, in rare cases white. The leaves are painted gray-green and collected in a basal rosette. In central Russia, in winter, it is advisable to cover Kermek Gmelin, and in spring to shade from the bright sun.

Kermek Gmelin

Kermek Bonduelli

In North Africa, Kermek Bonduelli is widely used. For ornamental purposes, it is grown as an annual plant. The height of the bush is up to 90 cm. On thin stems, lush inflorescences are painted yellow or white.

Kermek Bonduelli

Kermek Chinese

Under natural conditions, the plant is a perennial, while in temperate latitudes it is cultivated as an annual. The basal rosette is formed from glossy leaves. The peduncle grows up to 70 cm in height. The inflorescences are yellow with white perianths. Breeders bred varieties of Confetti and Elegant from this species.

Kermek Chinese

Kermek ordinary

A perennial plant with a high stem up to 50 cm. The stem is straight and bare, the root system is pivotal, reaches a depth of 1 m. The leaves are green, oval in shape, collected in a rosette. It blooms for a little over a month with purple flowers collected in a panicle inflorescence, up to 50 cm in diameter.

Kermek ordinary

plant care

Kermek Gmelin is the most common species in the gardens of the temperate latitudes of Russia. Most species thrive in the winter without shelter. May suffer from waterlogging of the soil in the spring, from sunburn in early spring. The main requirement for the soil is good drainage. If you grow Limonium for flowers, then it is advisable to take care of fertilizing once every two weeks, as well as mulching and loosening the soil. On heavy and clay soils, flowering and plant development will be noticeably worse. Despite the fact that the plant is drought-resistant, it is better to water it additionally on hot summer days.

Diseases and pests

Statices are very hardy plants, practically unaffected by pests, with the exception of aphids. You can get rid of it by regularly spraying the affected plant with insecticides. During a period of strong moisture, the plant may suffer from root rot. Controlling the moderation of watering and good drainage during planting will help to avoid infection.

Transplant and reproduction

Statica is a perennial plant, but in central Russia, most varieties are grown as an annual. Perennial species include: Kermek Gmelin, Kermek Caspian, Kermek broad-leaved and Kermek ordinary. Annual species often found in gardens are Kermek Bonduelli, Kermek Chinese and Notched. There are several ways of reproduction: sowing seeds in open ground, seedlings and vegetative.

Growing Kermek

Seed germination is low, about 20-30%, the plant does not like transplants. Sow seeds in open ground in early spring, when the possibility of night frosts has passed and the earth warms up well. A more efficient way to grow Kermek from seeds is seedlings in early March. Each germinated seed is initially planted in a separate pot, from which it is later transplanted to a permanent place.

Propagation of plants for the garden

In the garden, the plant reproduces poorly by seeds on its own, most often the seeds do not have time to ripen. Vegetative propagation is also fraught with difficulties, since the root system is very long and it is almost impossible to divide the maternal outlet without damaging it. Planting shoots is best done in early spring or autumn.

medicinal properties

Kermek has a number of useful properties. In folk medicine, the root of the plant is used to prepare decoctions and infusions. Flowers are included in some collections.

Kermek root

Kermek root is a unique preparation. The raw material is dried and ground into powder to obtain a 20% aqueous or 10% alcohol solution. For the treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding, an infusion of wine is used.

Contraindications to the use of Kermek

For the use of preparations based on Kermek, it is necessary to observe the exact dosage. Medicinal collections of Kermek are not recommended for pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as for people suffering from constipation and high blood clotting.

Useful properties of Kermek

The therapeutic characteristics of Kermek are associated with its astringent, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties based on ellagonic acid, glycoside, alkaloids and tannins.

Application of Kermek

Clinical studies have proven the effectiveness of drugs based on the root of kermek for the treatment of diseases such as dysentery, catarrh of the stomach, painful menstruation, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, diseases of the throat and oral cavity.

Use in landscape design

A rich color palette of inflorescences and undemanding soil makes this plant indispensable for rock gardens and gardens with poor rocky soil. Undersized species in mixborders and on the sides of the paths will delight in flowering from mid-summer until frost. Due to the unpleasant smell during flowering, it is better to avoid planting near the house and arbors on the site. When dry, the smell disappears. Dried flower Kermek can remain unchanged for up to several years. In bouquets, they use Kermek notched, Gmelina, broad-leaved. In bouquets, they last up to two weeks and enjoy well-deserved love from florists.

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