Prayer is a conversation with God. What saints to pray? Prayers for all occasions! How to pray through the worship of saints

In any case, you need to understand the principle. Remember how it was at school: to memorize a poem without understanding the meaning is very difficult, you need understanding and penetration. The same in prayer.

To begin with, it is important to understand the Heavenly Hierarchy

At the head of the entire hierarchy is God, he is one (but trinity in Persons, the Holy Trinity: God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - this is how God appeared to people), the first representative before God is the Mother of God, and she is one, despite the fact that there are many varieties her icons, and the icons appeared so that a person understood that she was the first representative on any issue before God. Further down the hierarchy are Angels, Archangels, Cherubim, Seraphim, All the saints who lived a God-pleasing life on earth, and after death people were healed from their relics and continue to be healed. Each saint lived his life in a feat, and someone is more famous, and someone is less known, and often the most revered saints are depicted in temples, who performed special miracles for people.

God, the Mother of God, Saints are depicted on icons, we do not pray to icons, but to those who are depicted on them

If you do not know who is depicted in front of you, take a closer look and you will see in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe face, it is written to us what kind of saint it is. In order to find out the biography of a particular saint, there are books “Lives of the Saints”, where you can get acquainted with the deeds and deeds of the saint and find out why he is revered. Of course, every saint has a special care. So, for example, if a saint was an outstanding doctor, then many people pray to him for medical matters, but this does not mean that it is impossible to ask for anything else, quite the contrary. Can. But when praying to the saints, we must understand that they are God's helpers, but not substitutes for him, and it is necessary and possible to ask them for intercession before God on such and such issues.

In everything related to prayer, it is very important to understand that we pray in front of an icon, but not an icon, we turn to the one who is depicted on it, we honor icons, but we do not worship icons, but bow our heads and knees as if before the Lord himself or the Mother of God or Saints.

There are prayers that were compiled by the Holy Fathers, they are contained in the prayer book (a collection of prayers), but what if we are in the temple and do not know the prayers?

Sincerity matters

In fact, sincerity is important, and in such cases you can pray in your own words. For example: “Holy Father Nicholas, pray to God for us”, then you can ask for whatever you see fit. Similarly, to the Mother of God: "Most Holy Theotokos, save us, help us." And at the icon of All Saints: "All Saints, pray to God for us." And there is no greater petition than the one we are talking about.

But if you have a prayer book, you should know that they are of different publishers and content, some have only basic prayers, and there are few prayers for saints, then they are looking for special collections of prayers for certain saints.

Prayers are written in Church Slavonic liturgical language

The prayers were compiled by the Holy Fathers so that a person in the liturgical language clearly expresses his thought, because you have already understood how difficult it is for a person to concentrate on prayer, it is difficult to understand how to speak and what to ask. The Holy Fathers very competently and penetratingly composed prayers under the Grace of the Holy Spirit, and their words soften the soul of a person, open his heart to God, open his eyes.

The meaning of prayer

The meaning of prayer is not reading, not reading, not spells - these are no longer prayers, this is occultism. Prayer is the appeal of a person to God, the Mother of God or a Saint. When reading a prayer, a person penetrates into the meaning of every word. The composition of the prayer may contain both an appeal, and praise, and a mention of historical moments related in meaning to a particular prayer. If the prayer is already familiar, then you cannot switch to automatic reading, in which case it is important to focus on each word.

How to prepare yourself for going to the temple. The temple is the house of God, heaven on earth, the place where the greatest Sacraments are performed. Therefore, it is necessary to always prepare for the acceptance of shrines, so that the Lord does not condemn us for negligence in communicating with the Great. Some retreats are possible with weakness, with the obligatory reproach of oneself.
Clothing is of great importance, the apostle Paul mentions this, commanding women to cover their heads without fail. He notes that a woman's covered head is a positive sign for angels, for it is a sign of modesty. It is not good to visit the temple in a short, bright skirt, in a defiantly open dress or in a tracksuit. Everything that forces others to pay attention to you and distracts from service and prayer is considered bad. A woman in trousers, in a temple, is also an unacceptable phenomenon. In the Bible, there is still an Old Testament prohibition for women to dress in men's clothes, and men - in women's. Respect the feelings of believers, even if this is YOUR first visit to the temple.

In the morning, getting up from your bed, thank our Lord, who gave us the opportunity to spend the night in peace and extended our days for repentance. Slowly wash your face, stand in front of the icon, light a lamp (necessarily from a candle), to give a prayerful spirit, bring your thoughts into silence and order, forgive everyone and only then start reading morning prayers from the prayer book. If you have time, read one chapter from the Gospel, one of the Acts of the Apostles, one kathisma from the Psalter, or one psalm. At the same time, it must be remembered that it is always better to read one prayer, with a sincere feeling, than all prayers, with an obsessive thought, to complete as soon as possible. Before you leave, say a prayer - “I deny you, Satan, your pride and your service, and unite with You, Christ our God, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Then, cross yourself and calmly walk to the temple. On the street, cross the road in front of you, with a prayer: "Lord, bless my ways and save me from all evil." On the way to the temple, read a prayer to yourself: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner."

* Rules for entering the temple.
Before entering the temple, cross yourself, bow three times, looking at the image of the Savior, and say to the first bow: "God, be merciful to me, a sinner." second bow: "God, cleanse my sins and have mercy on me."
To the third: "I have sinned without number, Lord, forgive me."
Then, having done the same, having entered the doors of the temple, bow to both sides, say to yourself: "Forgive me, brothers and sisters."
* In the temple, it is correct to kiss the icons, as follows:
Kissing the holy icon of the Savior - you should kiss your feet,
Mother of God and Saints - hand,
and the miraculous image of the Savior and the head of St. John the Baptist - in sackcloths.
And remember!!! If you came to the service, then the Service must be defended from beginning to end. Service is not a duty, but a sacrifice to God.
NOTE: - if you do not have the strength to stand the whole service, then you can sit, because as St. Philaret of Moscow said: “It is better to think about God while sitting than about standing legs.”
However, while reading the Gospel it is necessary to stand!!!

The sign of the cross is performed in the following way.
We put the fingers of the right hand: thumb, index and middle - together (pinch), ring and little fingers - bending together, press to the palm.

Three folded fingers mean our faith in God, worshiped in the Trinity, and two fingers - faith in Jesus Christ as true God and true Man. Then, with the tips of three folded fingers, we touch the forehead to sanctify our thoughts; belly to sanctify our body; right and left shoulder to sanctify the works of our hands. Thus we depict the cross on ourselves.

After that we make a bow. Bows are waist and earth. The waist bow consists in tilting the upper body forward after making the sign of the cross. When bowing to the ground, the believer kneels, bending down, touches the floor with his forehead and then gets up.

Regarding what kind of bows and when to make, there are certain extensive church rules. For example, prostrations are not performed during the period from the Easter holiday to the day of the Holy Trinity, as well as on Sundays and on the days of great holidays.

To be baptized without prostrations: 1. In the middle of the Six Psalms on "Alleluia" three times.
2. At the beginning, "I believe."
3. On leave "Christ, our true God."
4. At the beginning of the reading of the Holy Scriptures: the Gospel, the Apostle and proverbs.

Baptized with a bow:
1. At the entrance to the temple and at the exit from it - three times.
2. At each petition of the litany, after the singing of “Lord, have mercy,” “Give, Lord,” “Thee, Lord.”
3. At the exclamation of the priest, giving glory to the Holy Trinity.
4. At the exclamations “Take, eat”, “Drink everything from her”, “Yours from Yours”.
5. At the words "Most honorable Cherub."
6. At each word “bow down”, “worship”, “fall down”.
7. During the words “Alleluia”, “Holy God” and “Come, let us worship” and with the exclamation “Glory to Thee, Christ God”, before the dismissal - three times.
8. On the canon on the 1st and 9th odes at the first invocation to the Lord, the Mother of God or the saints.
9. After each stichera (moreover, the kliros that finishes singing is baptized).
10. On the lithium after each of the first three petitions of the litany - 3 bows, after the other two - one each.

Baptized with a bow to the ground:
1. Fasting at the entrance to the temple and at the exit from it - 3 times.
2. In fasting after each chorus to the song of the Theotokos "We magnify you."
3. At the beginning of the singing "It is worthy and righteous to eat."
4. After "We'll sing to you."
5. After "It is worthy to eat" or Zadostoynik.
6. At the exclamation: "And vouchsafe us, Lord."
7. When taking out the Holy Gifts, at the words "Come with the fear of God and faith", and the second time - at the words "Always, now and forever."
8. In Great Lent, at Great Compline, while singing "Most Holy Lady" - on every verse; while singing "Our Lady of the Virgin, rejoice" and so on. Three prostrations are performed at Lenten Vespers.
9. In fasting, while praying "Lord and Master of my life."
10. In fasting at the final chant: "Remember me, Lord, when you come into Your Kingdom." Only 3 earthly bows.

Belt bow without the sign of the cross
1. At the words of the priest "Peace to all"
2. "God bless you"
3. "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ",
4. "And let there be mercies of the Great God" and
5. At the words of the deacon, “And forever and ever” (after the exclamation of the priest “For thou art holy, our God” before the singing of the Trisagion).

You are not supposed to be baptized.
1. During the psalms.
2. Generally while singing.
3. During litanies, to that kliros who sings the litanian refrains
4. You need to be baptized and bow down at the end of the singing, and not at all at the last words.

Prostrations are not allowed.
On Sundays, on the days from the Nativity of Christ to Baptism, from Easter to Pentecost, on the feast of the Transfiguration and Exaltation (on this day there are three earthly bows to the Cross). Bows stop from the evening entrance before the feast to “Vouchify, Lord” at Vespers on the very day of the feast.

Savior Not Made by Hands

Icon is a Greek word and is translated as “image”. Holy Scripture says that Jesus Christ himself was the first to give people His visible image.
Ruled during the earthly life of the Lord Jesus Christ, in the Syrian city of Edessa, King Abgar was seriously ill with leprosy. Having learned that in Palestine, there is a great "prophet and miracle worker" Jesus, who teaches about the Kingdom of God and heals any diseases in people, Abgar believed in Him, and sent his court painter Ananias to give Jesus the letter of Abgar, asking for healing and repentance. In addition, he ordered the painter to paint a portrait of Jesus. But the artist failed to make a portrait, "because of the shining brilliance of His face." To help him, the Lord himself came. He took a piece of fabric and applied it to His Divine face, which is why His divine image was imprinted on the fabric by the power of grace. Having received this Holy Icon, the first icon created by the Lord Himself, Abgar venerated it with faith and received healing for his faith.
This miraculous image was given the name - *Savior Not Made by Hands*.

The purpose of the icon
The main purpose of the icon is to help people rise above worldly fuss, to assist in prayer. “An icon is an embodied prayer. It is created in prayer and for the sake of prayer, the driving force of which is love for God, striving for Him as perfect Beauty.
The icon is called upon to awaken in the future before it the spiritual need to pray, to bow down to God in repentance, to seek consolation in sorrows and prayers.

What icons should be in the house of an Orthodox Christian
At home, it is imperative to have icons of the Savior and the Mother of God. From the images of the Savior, for home prayer, they usually choose a half-length image of the Lord Almighty. A characteristic feature of this iconographic type is the image of the Lord with a blessing hand and an open or closed book. Also, often for the home they acquire the icon of the Savior Not Made by Hands.
The icon of the Mother of God is most often chosen from the following iconographic types:
"Tenderness" ("Eleusa") - Vladimirskaya, Donskaya, Pochaevskaya, Feodorovskaya, Tolgskaya, "Recovery of the dead" and others;
"Guidebook" ("Hodegetria") - Kazan, Tikhvin, "Skoroposlushnitsa", Iverskaya, Georgian, "Three Hands", etc.
Usually in Rus' it is customary to place in each home iconostasis an icon of St. Nicholas, Bishop of the World of Lycia (Nikola the Pleasant). Of the Russian saints, the images of St. Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov are most often found; of the icons of the martyrs, the icons of George the Victorious and the healer Panteleimon are very often placed. If space permits, it is desirable to have images of the holy Evangelists, St. John the Baptist, the archangels Gabriel and Michael.
If desired, you can add icons of patrons. For example: The patrons of the family. - Holy noble Prince Peter (in monasticism David) and Princess Fevronia
Saints Peter and Fevronia are a model of Christian marriage. With their prayers, they bring down the heavenly blessing on those who are getting married.
- the holy martyrs and confessors Guriy, Samon and Aviv - are known among Orthodox Christians as the patrons of matrimony, marriage, a happy family; they are prayed “if a husband innocently hates his wife” - they are the intercessors of a woman in a difficult marriage. PATRON OF CHILDREN. Holy Infant Martyr Gabriel of Bialystok

How to Pray RIGHT. Prayers are read according to certain RULES. The rule is the order of reading prayers, fixed by the Church, their composition and sequence. There are: morning, afternoon and evening rule, the rule for Holy Communion.
Each of the rules has almost the same beginning - the initial prayers:

“In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

King of Heaven...
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us (thrice).
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.
Holy Trinity, have mercy on us...
Lord, have mercy ... (three times).
Glory to the Father and to the Son...
Our Father …"
these opening prayers are followed by the rest.

If you are limited in time, then use the prayer Rule of Seraphim of Sarov:
After sleeping, having washed, first of all, you need to stand in front of the icons and, reverently crossing yourself, read the Lord's Prayer *Our Father* three times. Then three times * Mother of God Virgin, rejoice * and, finally, the Creed.

Is it possible to pray in your own words? Yes, but within certain restrictions.
The Church does not forbid praying in your own words. Moreover, she points to this and prescribes, say, in the morning rule: “Briefly offer a prayer for the salvation of your spiritual father, your parents, relatives, bosses, benefactors, known to you, sick or in sorrow.” Thus, we can tell the Lord in our own words about what concerns our acquaintances or ourselves personally, about what was not said in the prayers placed in the prayer book.
However, without reaching spiritual perfection, praying with the words that come to mind, even if they come from the depths of the soul, we can only remain at our level of spirituality. By joining the prayers of the saints, trying to delve into their words, each time we become a little higher and better spiritually.
The Lord Himself has given us an example of how to pray. The prayer left by Him to His disciples is called the Lord's. It exists in all prayer books and is part of church services. This is a prayer - *Our Father*.

The Lord's Prayer (given to us by Jesus Christ)
Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be thy name, may thy kingdom come,
May Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us our daily bread for this day;
and forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors;
and do not let us fall into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

I believe in one God the Father, the Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth, everything visible and invisible. And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Only Begotten, begotten from the Father before the beginning of time; Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, uncreated, consubstantial with the Father, through whom all things were created.
For us for the sake of people and for our sake of salvation, he descended from heaven and was incarnated from the Holy Spirit and Mary the Virgin, and became a man. He was crucified for us under Pontius Pilate, and suffered, and was buried, and rose again on the third day, as the Scriptures foretold. And ascended into heaven and reigns with the Father. And coming again in glory to judge the living and the dead, His kingdom will have no end. And in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the Life-Giving One, who proceeds from the Father, with the Father and the Son equally worshiped and glorified, who spoke through the prophets.
Into one Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the remission of sins. I look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the age to come. Amen.
The Creed is a summary of the foundations of the Orthodox faith, compiled at the I and II Ecumenical Councils in the IV century; recited in the morning as a daily prayer.

Have mercy on me, O God, according to Thy great mercy, and according to the multitude of Thy mercies, cleanse my iniquities. Wash me from all my iniquities, and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my iniquities, and my sin is always before me. I have sinned against You alone, and I have done evil before You, so that You are right in Your judgment and just in Your judgment. From my very birth I am guilty before You; I am a sinner from my conception in my mother's womb. But You love the sincere in heart and reveal to them the secrets of wisdom. Sprinkle me with hyssop and I will be clean; wash me and I will be whiter than snow. Return joy and gladness to my soul, and my bones, broken by Thee, will rejoice. Turn Your face away from my sins and cleanse all my iniquities. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit in me. Cast me not away from Your presence, and take not Your Holy Spirit from me. Give me back the joy of Thy salvation, and by Thy Sovereign Spirit confirm me. I will teach the transgressors Your ways, and the wicked will turn to You. Deliver me from premature death, O God, God my salvation, and my tongue will praise Your righteousness. God! Open my mouth, and my mouth will proclaim Your praise. For you do not desire sacrifice—I would give it—and you do not delight in burnt offerings. A sacrifice to God is a contrite spirit; God will not despise the heart of the contrite and humble. Renew Zion, O God, by Thy mercy; raise up the walls of Jerusalem. Then righteous sacrifices will please Thee; then they will offer sacrifices to you on your altar.

* Song of the Most Holy Theotokos:
Virgin Mother of God, rejoice, Blessed Mary, the Lord is with you; blessed are you in women and blessed is the fruit of your womb, as if the Savior gave birth to our souls.

* Prayers to the Most Holy Theotokos:
O Most Holy Lady Theotokos! Raise us, servant of God (names), from the depths of sin and deliver us from sudden death and from all evil. Grant, Madam, peace and health to us and enlighten our minds and eyes of the heart, even to salvation, and vouchsafe us, Thy sinful servants, the Kingdom of Thy Son, Christ our God: for His power is blessed with the Father and His Most Holy Spirit.

*A simpler prayer -
Most Holy Mother of God, pray to Your Son and God for the revelation of my mind and for the blessing of my undertakings, and for sending down help from above in my affairs, and forgiving my sins, and for receiving eternal blessings. Amen.

Blessing of food or Thanksgiving prayer, said before the start of the meal.
Prayer can be read sitting or standing. But, if there are people professing a different faith, then it is better not to say the prayer out loud!
Prayer, in content, can be short or lengthy. The three options below for prayers before a meal are the most common, as they are the most concise:

1. Lord, bless us and these Thy gifts, which we partake of bounty
yours. In the name of Christ our Lord, amen.

2. Bless, Lord, this food so that it goes for our good and gives
strength to serve You and help those who need it. Amen.

3. Let us thank the Lord for the meal that is given to us. Amen.

We present you other options for prayers before meals:

1. Our Father ... Or: The eyes of all are turned to You, Lord, and You give food to everyone at the right time,
you open your generous hand and satisfy all living things.

2. We thank You, Christ our God, for You have satisfied us with Your earthly blessings. Don't deprive us
Your Heavenly Kingdom, but as you once came to Your disciples, granting them peace, come to us and save us.

Often, believers, before and after eating, simply read three prayers: “Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen". "Lord, have mercy" (three times). “Through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, have mercy on us. Amen".

And, if you want to have a snack with an apple or a sandwich, for example, then the clergy recommend simply to cross yourself or cross what you eat!

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother, our reverend and God-bearing fathers and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.
Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.
Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of Truth, Who is everywhere and fills everything, Treasury of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Blessed, our souls.
Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us. (Three times)
Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Lord, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Your name's sake.
Lord have mercy. (Three times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.
Our Father, Who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as in heaven and on earth. Give us our daily bread today; and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

* Prayer of St. Macarius the Great, to God the Father
Eternal God and the King of every creature, having vouchsafed me to sing even at this hour, forgive me the sins that I have done in this day by deed, word and thought, and cleanse, Lord, my humble soul from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. And give me, Lord, in this night's sleep to pass away in peace, but having risen from my humble bed, I will please your most holy name, all the days of my stomach, and I will stop the enemies of the flesh and fleshless who fight me. And deliver me, O Lord, from vain thoughts that defile me, and from evil lusts. For Yours is the kingdom, and the power and the glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

* Prayer to the Holy Spirit
Lord, the King of Heaven, the Comforter, the Soul of truth, have mercy and have mercy on me, Your sinful servant, and let me go unworthy, and forgive all, the tree You have sinned today as a man, more so, and not as a man, but also more woefully than cattle, my free sins and involuntary, known and unknown: even from youth and science are evil, and even from impudence and despondency. If I swear by Your name, or blaspheme in my thoughts; or whom I reproach; or I slandered whom with my anger, or grieved, or about what I became angry; or lied, or was worthless, or came to me poor, and despised him; or my brother grieved, or married, or whom I condemned; or you become proud, or you become proud, or you become angry; or standing by me in prayer, my mind moving about the wickedness of this world, or the corruption of thoughts; or overeat, or drunk, or laughing madly; or a crafty thought, or seeing a strange kindness, and by that wounded by the heart; or unlike the verbs, or the sin of my brother laughed, but my essence is countless sins; or about prayer, not radih, or otherwise that crafty deeds, I don’t remember, that’s all and more than these deeds. Have mercy on me, my Creator, my Lord, a sad and unworthy servant of Yours, and leave me, and let go, and forgive me, as a Good and Humanitarian, but I will lie down in peace, sleep and rest, prodigal, sinful and accursed az, and I will worship and sing And I will glorify Your honorable name, with the Father and His Only Begotten Son, now and forever and forever. Amen.

Lord our God, if I have sinned in these days in word, deed and thought, forgive me as Good and Lover of mankind. Peaceful sleep and serene grant me. Send your guardian angel, covering and keeping me from all evil, as if you are the guardian of our souls and our bodies, and we send glory to you, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.

* Prayer to our Lord Jesus Christ
Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, for the sake of Your most honest Mother, and Your bodiless Angels, the Prophet and Forerunner and Your Baptist, the apostles of God, the bright and victorious martyrs, the reverend and God-bearing father, and all the saints with prayers, deliver me from the present demonic condition. Hey, my Lord and Creator, do not want the death of a sinner, but as if to turn and live to be him, give me the conversion of the accursed and unworthy; deliver me from the mouth of the destructive serpent that gapes, devour me and bring me down to hell alive. Hey, my Lord, my consolation, Even for the sake of the accursed in corruptible flesh, throw me out of wretchedness, and give consolation to my wretched soul. Plant in my heart to do Thy commandments, and leave evil deeds, and receive Thy blessedness: in Thee, O Lord, trust, save me.

* Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos
Good Tsar, good Mother, Most Pure and Blessed Mother of God Mary, pour out the mercy of Your Son and our God on my passionate soul and with Your prayers instruct me in good deeds, so that the rest of my life will pass without a blemish and I will find paradise with You, Virgin Mother of God, one Pure and Blessed.

* Prayer to the Holy Guardian Angel
Angel of Christ, my holy guardian and protector of my soul and body, forgive me all, the fir-tree of sinning in this day, and deliver me from every wickedness of the enemy, but in no sin will I anger my God; but pray for me a sinful and unworthy slave, as if I were worthy, show the goodness and mercy of the All-Holy Trinity and the Mother of my Lord Jesus Christ and all the saints. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Life-Giving Cross:
Let God arise, and let His enemies be scattered, and let those who hate Him flee from His face. As the smoke disappears, let them disappear; as wax melts from the face of fire, so let the demons perish from the face of those who love God and are marked by the sign of the cross, and in joy they say: Rejoice, Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, crucified on you, who descended into hell and corrected his strength the devil, and who gave us His Honorable Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honorable and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Lady Virgin Mother of God and with all the saints forever. Amen.
Or briefly:
Protect me, Lord, by the power of Your Honorable and Life-Giving Cross, and save me from all evil.

Weaken, leave, forgive, God, our sins, free and involuntary, even in word and in deed, even in knowledge and not in knowledge, even in days and nights, even in mind and in thought: forgive us all, as Good and Humanitarian.
Forgive those who hate and offend us, Lord, Lover of mankind. Bless those who do good. Grant to our brethren and relatives even for the salvation of petitions and eternal life. In the infirmities of the being, visit and grant healing. Izhe govern the sea. Travel travel. Grant forgiveness to those who serve and pardon us of sins. Those who have commanded us unworthy to pray for them, have mercy according to Your great mercy. Remember, Lord, before our departed father and brothers, and give them rest, where the light of Thy face dwells. Remember, Lord, our captive brothers and deliver me from every situation. Remember, Lord, those who bear fruit and do good in Your holy churches, and grant them even salvation, petitions and eternal life. Remember, Lord, also us, the humble and sinful and unworthy servants of Thy, and enlighten our minds with the light of Thy mind, and guide us on the path of Thy commandments, with the prayers of our Most Pure Lady, the Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, and all Thy saints: blessed be Thou forever and ever . Amen.

*Confession of sins DAILY:
I confess to you the Lord my God and Creator, in the Holy Trinity, the One, glorified and worshiped, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, all my sins, even when I have done all the days of my stomach, and for every hour, and now, and in the past days and night, by deed, by word, by thought, overeating, drunkenness, secret eating, idle talk, despondency, laziness, contradiction, disobedience, slander, condemnation, neglect, self-love, acquisitiveness, theft, ill-spokenness, foul profit, mischief, jealousy, envy, anger, remembrance , hatred, covetousness and all my feelings: sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch and my other sins, both spiritual and bodily, in the image of you my God and the Creator of anger, and my neighbor unrighteousness: regretting these, I blame myself to you my God I imagine, and I have the will to repent: to the point, Lord my God, help me, with tears I humbly pray to Thee: forgive me, who has passed my sins by Thy mercy, and resolve from all these, even I have spoken before Thee, as Good and Lover of mankind.

When you go to sleep, be sure to say:

* In Your hands, Lord Jesus Christ, my God, I commit my spirit: You bless me, You have mercy on me and grant me eternal life. Amen.*

God bless and save you!!!

I will try to show the difference between the veneration of the saints and the service of God with one example.

Once I had a conversation with a young man who, having come to the temple, was very indignant at the presence in the church of a large number of icons. It was clear that the young man was well versed in the knowledge of the Holy Scriptures, had an idea about some Christian dogmas, although somewhat distorted, but at the same time he was an absolutely non-church person. From this I concluded that before me stood a man who had fallen under the influence of the teachings of some pseudo-Christian sect. Moreover, the guy's behavior was somewhat aggressive towards everything Orthodox.

One got the impression that he was specially sent to the temple for some kind of provocation. This opinion was reinforced by the appearance of a candlestick that was clearly restraining its emotions, with which the young man tried to "clear his brain." I hurried to the aid of the churchwoman.

As expected, all the attention of the young man immediately turned to me, because. he sincerely hoped to prove his case to at least one Orthodox Christian, and even more so, to a priest. He supported his arguments with the words of the Holy Scriptures: “It is said, after all, “Worship the Lord your God and serve Him alone” (). So why is there such a large number of icons of saints in Orthodox churches, when there should be nothing but images of Christ? And as you enter, you only hear, pray to the Mother of God, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Panteleimon the Healer and someone else. Where does God go? Or have you already replaced Him with other gods?” I felt that the conversation was going to be difficult and, apparently, a long one. I will not retell it all, but I will try to highlight only the very essence, because. In these difficult times, many people are asking similar questions. And, unfortunately, these seekers of truth quite often fall victim to well-trained sectarians and themselves become permanent members of various kinds of sects.

To begin with, I invited the young man to deal with the definitions, following a simple logic. This is a simple psychological technique that I often use when necessary to convey to a person some undeniable truths. So, who are the saints and why should they pray? Are they really some gods of a lower order? After all, he calls to honor them and offer prayers to them. To begin with, the veneration of saints is an ancient Christian tradition that has been preserved since apostolic times. The martyr who suffered for Christ, immediately after his death, became an object of reverent veneration for believers. On the tombs of the first Christian saints, the Divine Liturgy was performed, prayers were offered to them. It is clear that special reverence was given to the saint, but not at all as a separate god. These were people who gave their lives for God. And, first of all, they themselves would be against exalting them to the rank of a deity. After all, we, for example, honor the memory of people who laid down their lives for the Fatherland on the battlefields. And we even erect monuments to them so that future generations would know and honor these people. So why can't Christians honor the memory of people who especially pleased God with their lives or martyrdom, while calling them saints? I asked the young man to answer this question. An affirmative answer followed. The first bastion of sectarian thinking has collapsed.

Now it was necessary to show this seeker of truth the difference between the worship of God and the veneration of the saints. A church-going person can immediately see the difference in definitions. Indeed, man is called to serve the Lord his God and only Him alone. Worshiping anything or anyone else is regarded as a violation of the first commandment: “I am the Lord your God, that you have no other gods before me” (). Serving the Lord is manifested both in the church and in the daily life of an Orthodox Christian. It is enough to pay attention to the name - divine service, and not holy service at all. Thus, the Orthodox do not worship saints at all, but venerate them. They are revered as senior mentors, as people who have reached spiritual heights, as people who live in God and for God. People who have reached the Kingdom of Heaven. And the basis for the veneration of mentors was given by St. Paul: “Remember your leaders…. and looking at the end of their lives, imitate their faith ”(). And the faith of the saints is the Orthodox faith, and it calls for the veneration of the saints from apostolic times. And one of the greatest saints spoke of this veneration: “The saints are venerated - not by nature, we worship them, because God glorified and made them terrible for enemies and benefactors for those who come to them in faith. We worship them not as gods and benefactors by nature, but as servants and co-servants of God, having boldness towards God because of their love for Him. We worship them, because the King himself refers honoring to Himself when he sees that they honor the person he loves not as a King, but as an obedient servant and a friend well-disposed to Him.

Our conversation with the young man turned into a more relaxed channel, and now he listened more than he spoke. But for greater persuasiveness, it was necessary to give a couple more weighty arguments for being right, and I hastened to do so. For this, the concept of the heavenly and earthly Church fit perfectly. The Church of Heaven - triumphant, together with the Church of the earth - militant constitutes the one Church of Christ - His Body. And all people, including saints, are individually members of the Church of Christ. The saints are our intercessors and patrons in heaven and therefore living and active members of the militant, earthly Church. Their grace-filled presence in the Church, outwardly manifested in their icons and relics, surrounds us like a prayerful cloud of God's glory. It does not separate us from Christ, but brings us closer to Him, unites us with Him. These are not mediators between God and people who would remove the One Mediator of Christ, as Protestants think, but our fellow-prayers, friends and helpers in our service to Christ and our fellowship with Him. The mediator is "... one and the mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself a ransom for all ..." (). The Church is the body of Christ, and those who are saved in the Church receive the power and life of Christ, are adored, become “gods by grace,” are themselves Christs in Christ Jesus. Thus, the saints are those who, through the feat of their active faith and active love, have realized in themselves their likeness to God and thereby manifested in the power of God's image, by which they attracted the abundant grace of God to themselves. After all, Christ himself says in the Gospel: “Whoever loves Me, he will keep My word, and My Father will love him, and We will come to him, and we will make our abode with him” (). The apostle only confirms these words: “I do not live, but Christ lives in me” (). To this, my interlocutor could no longer find intelligible arguments in his favor either in the Holy Scriptures or in his sectarian knowledge.

Now I could safely move on to the question of prayer to the saints. As I have already shown above, the saints are our prayer partners and friends on the path of serving God. But can't we ask to intercede for us before the throne of the Almighty? Doesn't the same thing happen in our daily life when we ask our loved ones and acquaintances to put in a good word for us in front of our superiors? But our Heavenly Father is much higher than any earthly authorities. And everything that cannot be said about ordinary earthly people is really possible for Him. But when praying to the saints, one should not forget about praying to the Lord at all. For He alone is the Giver of all blessings. And this is a very important point, because. many Orthodox Christians in prayer to the saints forget about the One to whom, in the end, the prayer request will be directed, even if it is the intercession of one of the saints. A Christian should not forget about the Lord his God. After all, the saints also served Him. By this I showed the young man how important it is not to go too far even in such a seemingly simple matter as prayer. It was clear that the guy was in some confusion, but having collected his thoughts, he gave out the last question: “Tell me, why is it necessary to pray to different saints on a specific issue?” I expected this question and the answer was already ready. Saints can help us not because of the abundance of their merits, but because of the spiritual freedom they acquire in love, which is achieved by their feat. It gives them the power of intercession before God in prayer, as well as in active love for people. God gives the saints, along with the angels of God, to do His will in the lives of people by active, albeit usually invisible, help. They are the hands of God with which God does His works. Therefore, it is given to the saints even beyond death to do works of love, not as a feat for their own salvation, which has already been accomplished, but, indeed, to help in the salvation of other brethren. And this help is given by the Lord Himself in all our worldly needs and experiences through the prayers of the saints. Hence the saints - the patrons of certain professions or intercessors before God in everyday needs. The pious church tradition, based on the lives of the saints, ascribes to them effective help to their earthly brethren in various needs. For example, George the Victorious, who was a warrior during his lifetime, is revered as the patron of the Orthodox army. The Great Martyr Panteleimon, who was a doctor during his lifetime, is prayed for deliverance from bodily ailments. Nicholas the Wonderworker is greatly revered by sailors, and girls pray to him for a successful marriage, based on the facts of his life. People who live off fishing pray for a successful catch to the apostles Peter and Andrew, who, before their high calling, were simple fishermen. And of course, one cannot fail to say about the highest of all angels and archangels, the Most Holy Theotokos, who stands at the head of the host of saints. She is the patroness of motherhood.

In Orthodoxy, there is a custom to give names at baptism in honor of Christian saints, who, at the same time, are called the angels of this person (name day is also called the day of the angel). This word usage indicates that the saint and the guardian angel are so close in serving their person that they are even designated by a common name, although they are not identified.

Our conversation was coming to a logical end. I very much hoped that the arguments I had advanced should have left a mark on the soul of this young man. And I was not mistaken. Finally, he said a phrase for which one could talk for a very long time: “Thank you! I realized that I was wrong in many ways. Apparently my knowledge of Christianity is still not enough, but now I know where to look for the truth. In Orthodoxy. Thank you very much again." With these words, my interlocutor left. Left alone with my joy, I hurried to the church to offer a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord and all the saints who had helped me that day in my pastoral service. But that's a completely different story....

All Saints, pray to God for us!

Part two

Not so long ago, my article “Why pray to the saints when there is Christ?” was published on the site. As I expected, it caused a sufficient number of reviews. There were reviews with gratitude, and there were also with condemnation and misunderstanding. But I remember one comment. I will quote it verbatim: “I have a couple of comments. As you know, Protestants are different. Among them are Lutherans. And they know Scripture as a whole better than the Orthodox. So, their position is: you can “venerate the saints”, i.e. remember their life, set them as an example ... but you can’t pray to them. Why? - because all the deceased are in anticipation of the Last Judgment. Prior to that, they are, as it were, "incapacitated." Thus, the question is not in pantheism, but in understanding the afterlife before (!) Judgment. If the priest deigns to explain this, referring to Scripture (and for Protestants this is authority, unlike tradition), then it will be more valuable.

So, I invite the reader to reconsider the theme of the veneration of saints in the light of Holy Scripture. Immediately I would like to object to the author of the commentary that the Lutherans know the Bible better than the Orthodox. The Bible is the same for both Orthodox and Protestants. There are Orthodox who know the Holy Scriptures very well, and there are Protestants who are well versed in the knowledge of the Bible. Therefore, I think that any comparison is generally inappropriate.

Let's continue further. Indeed, Protestants do not recognize Holy Tradition; for them, only Holy Scripture is the authority. Let it be. Let's start with Ap. Paul, said in the epistle to the Hebrews: “You have approached ... the city of the Living God, the Heavenly Jerusalem and the multitudes of angels, the triumphant cathedral and the church of the firstborn written in heaven, and the Judge of all God, and the spirits of the righteous who have reached perfection” ( ). The righteous are in heaven, in Heavenly Jerusalem. This means that their afterlife is already determined by the Lord. Even more revealing in this matter are the words of the Savior, spoken to the repentant thief: “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise” (). Holy Scripture contains a sufficient number of texts that speak of saints as inhabitants of the Heavenly City. Here is one of them: “then four animals and twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp and golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints” (). The importance of the saints in Heavenly Jerusalem is also shown: “And he made us kings and priests to our God; and we will reign on the earth" (). And their number is quite large: “And I saw and heard the voice of many angels around the throne and animals and elders, and their number was ten thousand and thousands of thousands” (). Therefore, according to Scripture, the saints are already in paradise next to the Lord, and their afterlife is already determined before the Last Judgment.

Now it is worth reflecting on the "incapacity" of the saints, about whom the author of the commentary spoke. Here it would be appropriate to define the Church of Christ. Let's go back to Scripture. God put "everything heavenly and earthly to unite under the Head - Christ" (). Therefore, the Church of Christ is a combination of heavenly and earthly churches. The Church, heavenly and earthly, is one Body, the Head of which is Christ. And all of us, including the saints, are members of one Body. But don't the members of one body take care of each other. Doesn't one foot, stumbling, transfer the entire burden of the body to the other foot? Or is one hand not washing the other while taking care of it. The body cannot function if the heart stops working. In this case, do not the saints take care of us, already being before God.

Does not a healthy organ of the body send an impulse to the brain that the neighboring one has begun to hurt. In the same way, the saints pray to the Lord for us, “so that there is no division in the body, and all members equally take care of each other. Therefore, if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is glorified, all members rejoice with him ”(). “Jerusalem above ... he is the mother of all of us” (). But the citizens of one city, when they see their fellow citizens in any trouble, immediately, at their call, help in any way they can. So do both Orthodox and Protestants. Both those and others pray for each other, despite the many difficulties that have to be overcome in order to help either by deed or by prayer. They pray according to the word of the apostle: “Is any of you sick, let him call for the elders of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will raise him up ”().

So why do Protestants forbid the apostles themselves to pray for us? Isn't this absurd? Mutual prayer is a manifestation of mutual Christian love and care. It is in this reciprocity between the earthly Church and the heavenly that Protestant theologians do not believe. During the days of their earthly life, the apostles, according to the word of the Savior, loved their neighbors and prayed for them: “we ... do not stop praying for you” (). So really, after they “left the body and settled down with the Lord” (), did they begin to love those who remained on earth less? Have they really lost that love in Christ Jesus, about which they themselves wrote that it “never ceases” ()? No no and one more time no! They pray for us and their prayer is effective, and it is foolish to deny it. How many miracles the Lord performs through their holy relics and icons! And there is no contradiction to this in Holy Scripture, for "faith without works is dead" (). And their deeds are visible to all.

The saints ask for us, and the Lord fulfills their requests: “whatever you ask in prayer with faith, you will receive” (). They are our prayers. We ask them to pray with us and for us. So why should we reject from ourselves what was natural for the saints - prayer for each other? In Orthodoxy, the prayerful invocation of saints is based on the fact that they are the same people. And we ask them the same thing that we ask other people who have free prayer. Not only the Lord calls for mutual prayer, but the saints echo him. Saint: “Let us always and everywhere pray for each other ... and if one of us first goes there (to heaven) by the good pleasure of God: may our mutual love continue before the Lord, and may the prayer for our brothers not cease before the mercy of the Father.” And here is what he says about the intercession of the saints by St. in a word for 40 martyrs: “How much labor would you use to find one prayer book for yourself to the Lord! - and here are 40 prayer books, sending up a consonant prayer ... a holy face! Holy squad! Relentless Regiment! Common guardians of the human race! Good accomplices in cares, companions in prayers, the most powerful intercessors, luminaries of the universe, the flower of churches! The earth did not hide you, but the sky received you, the gates of paradise were opened for you.

So, the saints pray for us, their help is effective and visible to many. How many spiritual and worldly needs people have. But the Lord does not always fulfill our prayer requests. And this is because of our sins: “And when you stretch out your hands, I close my eyes from you; and when you multiply your prayers, I do not hear: your hands are full of blood ”(). It also happens because we pray without faith and diligence: “A man with double thoughts is not firm in all his ways” (). The Lord hears and fulfills the prayers of the saints: “because the eyes of the Lord are turned to the righteous and His ears to their prayer” (). The prayers of the saints are strong before God: “Confess your wrongdoings to each other and pray for each other to be healed: the fervent prayer of the righteous can do much. Elijah was a man like us, and prayed with a prayer that it would not rain: and it did not rain on the earth for three years and six months. And he prayed again: and the sky gave rain, and the earth brought forth her fruit. Therefore, we are trying to find ourselves prayerful and intercessors before the Lord among the saints. Indeed, many people resort to the prayerful help of saints in various needs. And the Lord gives each saint a special grace of helping people in various situations. How many women become happy mothers after many years of infertility through the prayers of the Mother of God. And truly, “Who, flowing into your temple, the Mother of God, does not soon receive healing?” (rite of the small consecration of water). And how many people the Lord heals from bodily ailments with the hands of the Great Martyr. Panteleimon the Healer. And do not count all the miracles that God works through the prayers of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

There is already a tradition of praying to different saints in different needs. There is nothing prejudicial in it, if you follow all of the above. But, unfortunately, many people do not understand this. Recently, “prayer books for various needs” have appeared on sale in churches. They abundantly present prayers to saints in various everyday needs. The names of the prayers in them are presented approximately as follows: "a prayer to Adrian and Natalia for family well-being" or "a prayer to Panteleimon the Healer from bodily ailments." Great, let's pray! We open the desired page and see that there is a prayer read on the feast day of the saint. Something is embarrassing. Where is our need in life? Where did our prayer request to the saint to pray in a particular situation go? Isn't it easier to turn to the saint in your own words and ask him to pray for us. After all, as he said, "the prayers of the saints have very great power, but only when we ourselves repent and correct ourselves." And only in a rare book can such an explanation be found. As a rule, it is not. And the people of God begin to diligently read the proposed prayers as some kind of conspiracies. After all, it is written in black and white: “from bodily ailments,” etc. And they do not even consult with the priests on such an important issue as the rule of prayer. What for? After all, everything is written in the prayer book, how and to whom to pray. And in prayer to the saint, many completely forget that the giver of all blessings is the Almighty God, and not the saint. And the prayer rule of such a person is similar to such a “prayer book for every need”, where there is no place for prayer to the Lord. And a person is already beginning to imagine himself a pillar of piety and an example of prayerful asceticism. As a result, he falls into arrogance. And this is the fault of the publishers of such prayer books, who, in order to save money, do not bother to explain how to properly honor the saints and ask for their prayerful intercession. Sad but true! And this is not invented by me at all, but is based on real human destinies. Fortunately, there are also opposite examples, when publishers, taking care of the reader, explain in detail how to honor the saints and turn to them for prayer support. Such a prayer book is pleasant to pick up and pray.

So what should an inexperienced person do in such an important matter as prayer? First of all, it is necessary to clearly understand that we ask the saints to pray to God for us. And nothing else! Secondly, prayer is not some kind of conspiracy, after reading which the head will instantly stop hurting or the daughter who has sat in the girls will successfully marry. Only the Lord knows when and what to give from His rich mercies and generosity to man. Thirdly, before starting the constant reading of one or another prayer follow-up, you need to take a blessing from the confessor. In this case, a person will know that he is doing the right thing, and it is always better to pray with a blessing. You can even ask the priest to serve a prayer service to the saint, to whom he will subsequently turn with prayers. But just do not ask the priest to serve a prayer service for material well-being or promotion. If the Lord fulfilled these petitions, then the priests would probably be the richest and most successful people on earth. But most importantly, we must remember that prayer is never superfluous. She, according to the word, "is our reverent conversation with God." Let it be the intercession of the saints. In a word, talk to your health! All saints, pray to God for us!


Most dictionaries interpret the term "prayer" as an appeal of a believer to God and holy people with requests, praises and thanks.

Unfortunately, for a person who stands up, such a narrow definition is more likely to raise new questions ...

How to pray? What position of the body is needed for reading prayers? Who exactly should you pray to if there are many saints in your spiritual tradition? Who should pray if you have not decided on your religion? And, most importantly, how does prayer affect life?

Prayer is the greatest power that changes the fate of a person. There is no power on this earth that influences a person's life more than prayer. What is this influence?

  • Prayer cleanses and softens
  • It gives knowledge how to live on and do the right thing in any situation.

How to pray properly worship saints

We are all very closely connected to each other on earth. So, for example, a mother often feels that her son or daughter is sick, although she may not see them and be far away.

The same connection exists even with those who no longer live on earth. And this connection can be strengthened - it all depends on the determination in the heart to establish a closer relationship. Just like a mother to her children, one can be close to a holy person with one's heart.

How to do it?

Unfortunately, we cannot establish a relationship directly with God. There is a simple reason for this: the highest living being does not like cheap relationships.

Humans are by nature cheap creatures. Once we have achieved some kind of relationship, we want to continue to enjoy them. In prayer, we constantly ask God for something. That is, just felt God - immediately "give". He does not want such a relationship, and therefore does not allow unworthy people to approach him.

« Jesus said to him: I am the way and the truth and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me»

Gospel of John, chapter 14

Holy people are guides, the road to God for those who want to establish a deep relationship with the Higher.

Jesus said that only through him can one come to God. And if a person prays to him, he definitely reaches God.

Thus, a person prays to the saints, and his life begins to move towards God. The knowledge and understanding of how to live is revealed to him, life itself changes, and everything external to which we usually aspire in material life comes naturally.

1) Constant presence in the society of believers

2) Love for all living beings

3) Devotion and Love to God

Who needs to pray if you have not decided on a religious tradition

Take a picture of a holy person you know.

Read to him prayers that you come up with yourself, which come from the heart.

Prayer should contain an appeal to God. For example, it might start like this: My beloved Lord! I want to live for you...».

After a while, you will get to know your spiritual tradition and faith and understand who you need to pray to. But the only way to gain this knowledge is through a holy man.

How to pray correctly

Firstly. You should put in front of you the image of a holy person. Even a painted icon will do - a connection with the saint will be established even through a painted image. (For Muslims - the Koran, or remember the holy name.)

Secondly, in front of the icon you need to light a couple of candles - the fire clears the space.

Third if you have a recording of the voice of a very exalted and pure person from your spiritual tradition, especially when he prays, this is the greatest wealth that can be in this life.

The strongest opportunity to develop spiritually is to hear a pure sound, the sound of a holy man's voice.

It is important to try not to artificially evoke any feelings in yourself (for example, repentance or love), not to get carried away by the experiences that arise, but to fully concentrate on reading the prayer.

“I want to satisfy you with my life. I want to live for you, not myself. I want you to feel better, not me. I want your mission to be fulfilled, not mine. I want your life to bloom next to me, not mine. I want your dreams to be fulfilled, not mine. I don't need anything from you. I want you to be happy".

Such a state is called selfless service. When a person enters into it, this saint enters into a person's life. He begins to live our life, and we - his. And now we will do everything for him, and he will do everything for us.

Of course, this is very difficult to achieve, because we always want to live only for ourselves, even spiritually. We constantly want to only ask for something, instead of doing everything for him.

Fortunately, to keep yourself in this state and get the opportunity to focus strongly, there is →

4 body positions for reading a prayer

Position 1. Standing still - gives a person inner strength, he becomes adamant. This position is needed when a person achieves something in life. It gives the opportunity to overcome difficulties, obstacles, victory over fate.

Position 2. Kneeling - gives a person victory over his bad habits. A person internally becomes resistant, like a stone.

Position 3. Sitting on the hips (if from pose 2 on your knees to sit on the buttocks) - gives the ability to deeply understand everything. As a result, a person becomes peaceful, collected, focused and thus “breaks through” his destiny.

The 3 poses described above have one thing in common - they help to overcome obstacles.

Statement 4- a lightweight version of the so-called. lotus posture. You need to bend at the knees and cross your legs, throwing one leg on the thigh of the other. This posture enhances the concentration of the worshiper.

If a person can sit in the full lotus position (padmasana) and put both legs on his hips, his spiritual thinking is very much organized. A person will be able to deeply concentrate on prayer, not be distracted, to concentrate his attention.

If you are tired of being in one position while reading a prayer, take another. You should never completely relax and, as it were, "settle" in a pose. The back should be perfectly straight.

If you fall asleep, swaying from side to side a little will help keep you awake.

If you can’t concentrate, and thoughts switch your attention all the time, while you are in a very alert state, try to freeze and not move.

Of course, that's not all there is to know about reading prayers and about how to pray. We will continue our conversation in a few days.

About prayers

Prayer is one of the most powerful means of healing both bodily and spiritual illnesses.

Prayers are laudatory, thanksgiving, pleading and repentant:

If we have sinned, have sinned before God, we must ask Him for forgiveness, that is, repent (then the soul will feel better and the body will recover); such prayers are called penitential;

If everything is fine with us, if we and our loved ones are healthy and prosperous (there is a place to live, what to wear, what to eat) - for this they glorify and thank God; such prayers are called laudatory and thanksgiving;

If some kind of misfortune happened (illness, misfortune, ailment or need), they ask God for help; such prayers are called pleading;

Since we constantly sin before God, we must always, before asking anything from Him (for example, asking for healing and recovery), first repent before Him, and then ask God for health, etc.; that is, a prayer of repentance, like a prayer of thanksgiving, must always precede a prayer of supplication.

It is best to pray in the church, also in the church you can order a prayer service with water blessing.

It must be remembered: when you pray to some saint in your special need, turning to him for help, the prayer for us will be a saint, and we receive help from God through his prayer. The Christian Church honors the memory of its saints, who became famous for the exploits of a virtuous life. Many holy saints of God received special grace from God, and He honored them to be intercessors before Him in deliverance from our sorrows and bodily ailments, in which they themselves were tempted.

The saints in their earthly life turned to God for help in healing their ailments, sorrows and deliverance from temptations, asked God to honor them with the gift of helping people in various situations of life even after death. The saints participate invisibly in our conversation with God. They, as before they were petitioners for God's mercy, still stand before God, hear the prayer of people living on Earth, and strengthen it many times over.

It must be remembered: in order for the prayer to be heard, the saints of God should pray with faith in the power of their intercession before God, with words coming from the heart.

In our prayers, we turn to the Lord God, to His Most Pure Mother - our Intercessor and Helper, to the holy angels and holy people - the saints of God, because for their sake the Lord God will soon hear us sinners, our prayers.

We pray to the Mother of God because She is closest to God and at the same time is also close to us. For the sake of Her maternal love and Her prayers, God forgives us a lot and helps us in many ways. The Mother of God is the Great and Merciful Intercessor for all of us, for the entire Christian race.

Angels are incorporeal and immortal spirits endowed with mind, will and power. They are sinless, always doing the will of God. When God sends them to people, then they appear in a visible way, taking on a bodily form. The word "angel" means "messenger". There are 9 angelic ranks - Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Forces, Powers, Beginnings, Archangels, Angels.

At baptism, God gives every Christian a Guardian Angel who invisibly protects a person throughout his earthly life from troubles and misfortunes, warns against sins, protects him in the terrible hour of death, and does not leave even after death.

Holy people are the saints of God; so we call them, because, while living on earth, they pleased God with their righteous life, and now, being in heaven with God, they pray to God for us, helping us living on earth. Saints have different names: prophets, apostles, martyrs, saints, reverends, unmercenaries, blessed, righteous, confessors.

Prophets are saints who, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, predicted the future, mainly about the Savior. They lived until the Savior came to earth.

Apostles are the closest disciples of Jesus Christ. After the descent of the Holy Spirit upon them, they preached the Christian faith in all countries. At first there were 12 of them, and then another 70. Two of the apostles - Peter and Paul - are called the First Supreme, since they worked harder than others in preaching the faith of Christ. The four apostles - Matthew, Mark, Luke and John the Theologian who wrote the Gospel - are called Evangelists.

Saints who, like the apostles, spread the faith of Christ in different places, are called Equal-to-the-Apostles. For example: the faithful kings Constantine and Helen; Right-Believing Prince Vladimir of Russia; St. Nina, Enlightener of Georgia; Mary Magdalene; First Martyr Thekla and others.

Martyrs are Christians who accepted cruel torment and even death for their faith in Jesus Christ. If, after the suffering they endured, they later died peacefully, then they are called confessors. Confessors, to whom the tormentors wrote blasphemous words on their faces, are called inscribed. The first to suffer for the Christian faith were: Archdeacon Stephen and Saint Thekla, and therefore they are called the first martyrs. Those who died for the holy faith after especially heavy (great) sufferings, which not all martyrs were subjected to, are called great martyrs, for example: the holy great martyr George (the Victorious), the holy great martyrs Barbara, Catherine and others.

Hierarchs are bishops or hierarchs who have pleased God with their righteous life, such as St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Alexis, Metropolitan of Moscow, and others. Hierarchs who endured martyrdom for Christ are called holy martyrs. Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom are called Ecumenical teachers, i.e. teachers of the entire Christian Church.

Saints are righteous people who moved away from worldly life in society and pleased God, being in virginity (i.e., not entering into marriage), fasting and prayer, living in deserts and monasteries. For example: Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, St. Anastasia and others. The saints who endured martyrdom for Christ are called martyrs.

The righteous are those who led a righteous life pleasing to God, lived in the world, like us, being family people. For example: holy righteous Joachim and Anna and others. The first righteous on earth, the ancestors (patriarchs) of the human race, are called forefathers. For example: Adam, Noah, Abraham and others.

The unmercenaries healed free of charge, that is, without any payment, without demanding remuneration for their labors, they healed both bodily and mental illnesses. For example: Cosmas and Damian, Cyrus and John, the great martyr and healer Panteleimon and others.

A fool for Christ's sake is a person who, for the sake of Christ, appears to the world as strange in outward actions, but in fact is full of true wisdom. Such people are also called blessed.

In what cases and to whom to pray

In pain we pray:

- in case of head disease - to St. John the Forerunner;

- in case of eye disease - to the martyr Longin the Sotnik, St. Nikita, Bishop of Novgorod, Simeon of Verkhoturye, Kazan saints and wonderworkers Guriy and Barsanuphius, the apostle and evangelist Luke, the holy martyr Lawrence the Archdeacon, the holy Great Martyr Mina the Egyptian, St. Alexis Metropolitan of Moscow, the Holy Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica ;

- with a toothache - to the holy martyr Antipas;

- with diseases of the stomach and hernia - the great martyr Artemy, the Monk Theodore the Studite;

- in case of injury and pain of the hands - to the Monk John of Damascus;

- with pain in the legs - to Simeon of Verkhotursky;

- with a fever - the Monk Myron and Basil the New, the holy martyr Photinia of Samaria, the holy righteous Artemy of Verkolsky;

- with a fever - to the Apostle Peter;

- with chest disease - St. Demetrius of Rostov;

- in case of illnesses of infants - to St. Julian, the righteous Simeon the God-Receiver, Hieromartyr Uar;

- at the deliverance of babies from a relative - the holy great martyr Nikita;

- about the healing of babies - the holy great martyr Paraskeva;

- about the healing of infants from smallpox - to the holy great martyr Konon;

- in case of female bleeding - to the Monk Hypatius;

- with relaxation of the body with insomnia, loss of appetite and with the deprivation of any members - to the Monk Alexander Svirsky;

- with leprosy - the holy martyr Agrippina;

- in case of a sore throat - to the Holy Hieromartyr Blasius;

- during difficult childbirth - the holy Great Martyr Catherine, the Monk Melania the Roman, the holy righteous Zacharias and Elizabeth;

- from the resolution of infertility and childlessness - to the Monk Roman the Wonderworker, the Monk Hypatius, the Monk Euthymius the Great, the holy Monks Zacharias and Elizabeth, the infant martyr John of Kiev Pechersk;

- from paralysis - to the Monk Jacob Zheleznoborovsky, the Monk Evdokia;

- from insomnia - to the Monk Maruf, Bishop of Mesopotamia, the seven youths of Ephesus;

- from hard drinking - to the holy martyr Boniface, the Monk Moses Murin;

- from all ailments - to the holy Great Martyr Panteleimon;

- from deprivation of mind - to St. Andrew the Holy Fool;

- about healing from dumbness - to the Monk John of Rylsky;

- with epilepsy - the holy martyr Vitus;

- for various illnesses - to Spiridon, Bishop of Trimifuntsky, the Monk Pimen the Painful of the Caves, the Monk Sampson the Hospitable, the Martyr Diomedes, the healers Cosmas and Damian, Cyrus and John, Photius and Anikita;

- in sorrow - to the martyr Tryphon;

- about healing - to the holy archangel Raphael;

- about strengthening in the patience of illnesses and misfortunes - to the righteous Job.

In family troubles, we pray:

- about the happiness of marriage - to your Guardian Angel, the holy martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria, the holy apostle Simon (Zealot);

- about the blessing and patronage of pious families - to the holy archangel Barahiel;

- about the well-being of the second marriage - the Monk Abbess Afanasia;

- about the desire to have a male child - to the Monk Alexander of Svir;

- about the lack of mother's milk for babies - to the Monk Hypatius;

- about the weak teaching of children - the holy three youths Ananias, Azarias and Misail, the holy martyr Neophyte, the Monk Sergius of Radonezh, St. Theodosius, Bishop of Chernigov;

- in care to marry off daughters - St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, Philaret the Merciful;

- in caring for a position or some kind of occupation for sons and in general in the age state of children - to St. Mitrofan of Voronezh;

- in the sadness of a parent's heart about a son or daughter (where they are and whether they are alive) - to the Monk Xenophon and Mary;

- about the safe return from a distant trip of her husband - Forty Martyrs;

- when a husband hates and persecutes his wife - to the martyrs Guriy, Samon and Aviv;

- in homesickness - to the Monk John Kuschnik.

In the needs of life, we pray:

- at the entrance to a new house - to the righteous Joseph the Beautiful (Chastous), Guardian Angel;

- at the opening of works in a workshop, factory, etc. - to the Apostle Paul, St. Basil the Great;

- in trade - to the great martyr John the New Sochavsky;

- in drinking houses - to the Monk Basil the New;

- at sowing and reaping - to the Apostle Philip;

- about success in fishing - to the apostles Peter, James, John;

- from the fire - the Mother of God, in honor of her icon, called "Burning 'Kupina", Bishop Nikita of Novgorod, St. Spyridon Prosfornik of the Caves;

- in lack of rain or drought - to the prophet Elijah;

- against spoilage of fruits and during famine - to the holy martyr Charalambius;

- from the caterpillars - to the holy martyr Tryphon;

- to find the stolen - to the martyr John the Warrior, the Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron;

From diseases to cattle and in general for welfare, we pray:

- if domestic cattle - to the Hieromartyr Modest of Jerusalem;

- if the cattle is horned - to the holy martyr Vlasy;

- if only horses - to the martyrs Florus and Laurus;

- about the patronage of shepherds and herds from predators - the holy great martyr George and the Monk Julian;

- about the expulsion of evil spirits from people and cattle - to the Monk Nifont and Saint Maruf.

in anticipation and unexpected dangers to life, we pray:

- about deliverance from death on the water, from various troubles and sorrows - to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker;

- from frost - to Blessed Andrey the Holy Fool and Blessed Procopius the Holy Yurodivy of Ustyug;

- if the road was lost or robbers attacked - to St. Nicholas, the holy righteous Joseph the Betrothed;

- if someone chokes on a bone or something - to the holy martyr Basil;

- from sudden death - to Hieromartyr Charalambius, Hieromartyr Zadok of Persia, Holy Great Martyr Barbara, Rev. Onufry the Great;

- in order not to die without confession and holy communion from serious illnesses and sudden death - Great Martyr Barbara;

- so that the patient, who has no hope of recovering and who is tormented himself and as a burden to others, should rather die - to the Monk Athanasius of Athos;

- against harm from sorcerers - to the holy martyr Kivrian and martyr Justina;

- in prison for guilt and without guilt - the Great Martyr Anastasia the Solver;

- on the verge of death during the war - the First Martyr Thekla, Saint Nikita of Novgorod;

- in captivity of enemies - to the holy righteous Simeon the God-Receiver, the Monk Peter of Athos.

In mental illness or death of the soul, we pray:

- when unbelief troubles the soul - to the Apostle Thomas, St. Paul the Simple;

- in despondency - to St. Tikhon of Zadonsk;

- in despair - to St. John Chrysostom, the Monk Athanasius of Athos;

- in the passion of anger - to the Monk Ephraim the Syrian;

- against pride - to St. Sergius, St. Alexis - a man of God;

- against the love of money - to the Monk Fedor;

- in the passion of drunkenness and hard drinking - to the martyr Boniface, the Monk Moses Murin;

- in fear of extraneous violence against one's virginity or marital chastity - to the Monk Moses Ugrin, John the Long-suffering, the martyrs Alexander and Antonina, the martyrs Virineya, Proskudiya and Domnina of Edessa, the martyr Thomaida of Egypt;

- in the struggle with carnal passion - to the Monk Martinian, the Monk Vitaly, the Saint Euthymius of Novgorod, the Monk Mary of Egypt, the Monk John the Long-suffering, the Monk Sarah of Egypt;

- in a prodigal dream and in desecration itself - to his holy Guardian Angel and saints who help in the carnal struggle;

- in possession (this disease of the spirit is the most difficult to cure) - to St. Tikhon of Zadonsk;

- about the exorcism of demons - to St. John of Novgorod;

- about driving away evil spirits - to the Monk Nikita the Stylite; Saint Nifont, Saint Macarius the Great, Saint Anthony the Great, all the venerable fathers.

In various everyday situations, we pray:

- from the fire - to the holy righteous Basil the Blessed;

- about the patronage of the weak - to St. Anthony the Great;

- about the blessing of God over the house and about the abundance of the fruits of the earth - to the holy Hieromartyr Blasius;

- about the patronage of soldiers - to the holy Great Martyr George;

- about bringing down rain and salvation from hunger - to the holy prophet Elijah;

- from dropsy and childlessness - to the Monk Hypatius;

- about the patronage of purity and chastity - to the holy noble princes Boris and Gleb, the apostle John the Theologian;

- about the patronage of bees - by the Monk Zosima and Savvaty;

- about the taming of anger - to the Monk King David;

- about the protection of the glory of God - to the holy Archangel Michael;

- about the gospel of the mysteries of God - to the holy archangel Gabriel;

- about the enlightenment of the mind - to the holy archangel Uriel;

- about the patronage of ascetics and monastics - to the holy archangel Jehudiel;

- about the return to the Church of those who were torn away from it by the devil's slander - to the Monk Simeon the Stylite;

- about help in the study of iconography - to the holy Apostle John the Theologian;

- about the enlightenment of the mind for teaching, literacy - to the holy prophet Naum, St. Sergius of Radonezh;

— for help in spiritual singing and reading — to St. Roman the Melodist, St. John of Damascus;

- in case of deprivation and loss of children - to Saint Eustathius Placis, Saint Xenophon and Mary;

- about help in troubles, misfortunes, sorrow, need, etc. - to the holy martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius, Orestes;

- about help in case of hunger - to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky, St. Euthymius the Great;

- about the bestowal of fertility - to St. Tikhon of Amaphunta, the Holy Hieromartyr Charalambius;

- about deliverance from the invasion of enemies - to the Monk Macarius of Kalyazinsky;

- about help in everyday cases - to the holy righteous Evdokim the Cappadocian;

- about the blessing for marriage - to the holy noble Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom;

- about the patronage of pious families - to the holy archangel Barahiel;

- about the blessing on the journey - to the holy apostles Cleopas and Luke;

- about repentance - to St. Andrew of Crete, St. Mary of Egypt;

- about the gift of repentant tears - to the Monk Ephraim the Syrian.

- Defenders and patrons of the poor and needy - St. Philaret the Merciful, St. John the Merciful, St. Simeon the Stylite, St. Zotik the Orphan;

- the punisher of violators of oaths and agreements - the holy martyr Polievkt;

- the liberator from eternal torment of those who died without repentance - the Monk Paisios the Great.

- The most revered saints in Rus' are St. Sergius of Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov.

Of course, all the saints are the saints of God, and the Lord, glorifying them, works any miracles through their prayers. However, it has long been customary that Tikhon of Zadonsky (Zadonsky Bogoroditsky Monastery, Zadonsk, Lipetsk Region) is more often treated by those suffering from the disease of possession, to Alexander Svirsky (Holy Trinity Alexander-Svirsky Monastery, Lodeynopolsky District, Leningrad Region) - from relaxation (paralysis) , to Seraphim of Sarov (Serafimo-Diveevsky monastery. Nizhny Novgorod region) - from diseases of the celiac.

When they lose their jobs and in family troubles, they ask for help from Blessed Xenia (the Chapel of Blessed Xenia, Smolensk Cemetery in St. Petersburg).

Saint Mitrofan of Voronezh (Intercession Cathedral, Voronezh), Saint and Righteous John of Kronstadt (St. John's Monastery, St. Petersburg), St. Sergius of Radonezh (Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, Moscow Region) and Ambrose of Optina (Optina Pustyn , Kozelsk, Kaluga region) - all these are the greatest healers and intercessors for us, and you can resort to their help in any trouble and in any difficulty.

Which Saint in what cases to pray

Agathia, martyr (patron of livestock).

Agapit of the Pechersk (from various ailments and diseases).

Agrippina, martyr (assistant in the healing of leprosy and other serious bodily ailments).

Adrian and Natalia, martyrs (about good relations in the family).

Alexander, martyr, and Antonina, virgin (helpers in case of fear of extraneous violence of their virginity or marital chastity).

Alexander Nevsky, noble prince (defender from the invasion of foreigners, from the violence of infidels, deliverance from internecine strife).

Alexander of Rome, martyr (deliverer from laziness and all diseases).

Alexander Svirsky, Reverend (about healing in relaxation of the body with insomnia, loss of appetite and deprivation of any limbs, and also in the desire to have male children).

Alexis, saint. Moscow and All Rus' miracle worker (about the gift of clairvoyance).

Alexy, man of God (patron of fishermen, relieves pride).

Alipy, icon painter of the Caves, reverend (healer of leprosy and assistant in the study of icon painting).

Anastasia Rimlyanina, reverend martyr (assistant in the preservation, welfare and healing of livestock).

Anastasia the Patterner, Great Martyr (liberates from captivity and imprisonment, helper in difficult childbirth).

Andrew the First-Called, Apostle (about good suitors).

Andrey Rublev, Reverend (when studying icon painting).

Andrey, for the sake of Christ, holy fool, blessed (about the healing of those deprived of their minds and from frost).

Andrew, Archbishop of Crete, saint (priest of repentance).

Anikita, martyr (healer of various ailments and diseases).

Antipas, Bishop of Pergamon of Asia, Hieromartyr (healer of toothache).

Anthony, John, Eustathius of Vilna (Lithuanian), martyrs (about the healing of those suffering from leg diseases).

Anthony the Great, reverend (on the expulsion of evil spirits, on the patronage of the weak, on the exorcism of demons).

Artemy, the great martyr (about getting rid of diseases of the stomach and about healing from a hernia).

Artemy Verkolsky, the Righteous (about healing from fever and getting rid of various ailments and diseases).

Athanasius of Athos, Reverend (about help in despair and about the fact that the sick person, who has no hope of recovering, who suffers himself and is a burden to others, should soon die).

Athanasius of Brest, martyr (on protection from the invasion of the infidels).

Afanasia, abbess, reverend (about the well-being of the second marriage).

Boris and Gleb, noble princes, martyrs (about deliverance from internecine strife, during disaster and invasion of enemies, about the protection of crops and fertility, about healing diseases, about appeasing warring and softening evil hearts).

Barbara, Great Martyr (about deliverance from sudden or sudden death, so as not to die without confession and Holy Communion, about help and intercession for children, about deliverance from serious illnesses and diseases).

Barsanuphius, Bishop of Tver, saint, miracle worker (on the healing of diseases, especially eye diseases).

Basil the Great, Archbishop of Caesarea in Cappadocia, Saint (at the opening of works in a factory, workshop, etc.).

Basil, confessor (about getting rid of bloating and heavy breathing).

Basil of Novgorod, saint (about healing from an ulcer or black death).

Basil the New, Reverend (about healing from a fever, as well as about well-being in drinking houses).

Basil the Blessed, Moscow wonderworker (about the healing of diseases, especially eye diseases, about getting rid of the fire).

Vitus, martyr (about deliverance from epilepsy).

Vitaly, reverend (on deliverance from carnal fornication).

Vladimir, Equal to the Apostles, Grand Duke (on the healing of eye diseases).

Vlasy, Bishop of Sebastia, Hieromartyr (about the healing of diseases of the throat and fear of strangulation with a bone, about help in everyday affairs, about the blessing of God over the house, about the preservation, welfare of livestock, about the abundance of the fruits of the earth).

Boniface, martyr (about getting rid of the passion of drunkenness and hard drinking).

Vsevolod, miracle worker of Pskov, noble prince (on the intercession of widows and orphans).

Gabriel the Archangel (herald of the mysteries of God and minister of miracles, herald of joy and salvation)

Galaktion of Vologda, reverend martyr (on deliverance from the invasion of foreigners).

Galaktion and Epistimius, martyrs (on deliverance from carnal fornication).

George the Victorious, Great Martyr (on the patronage of Orthodox soldiers and the army, on the patronage of the throne and the state, on the salvation and preservation of Russia, on the preservation and welfare of livestock, on the patronage of shepherds, on the preservation of livestock from predatory animals, on deliverance from sorrow, on the return of lost children about the taming of wild animals).

Gerasim, reverend (about the taming of wild animals).

Gregory, icon painter of the Caves, reverend (when studying icon painting).

Guriy, Archbishop of Kazan, Saint (about getting rid of headaches and eye diseases).

Guriy, Samon and Aviv, martyrs, confessors (about the patronage of the family hearth, when the husband hates and persecutes his wife, about good relations in the family).

David, king and prophet (about taming anger and giving meekness).

Damian, healer of the Caves, reverend (about getting rid of various ailments and diseases).

Daniel, the prophet (of dreams).

The Nine Martyrs of Cyzic: Theognis, Rufus, Antipater, Theostichus, Artem, Magnus, Theodotos, Faumasios and Philemon (on dreams).

Dimitry, Metropolitan of Rostov, Saint (on the intercession of widows and orphans, on compassion for the poor, orphaned and defenseless, on help in poverty and need, on help to sufferers exhausted by chest disease).

Demetrius of Thessalonica, Great Martyr (on the enlightenment of the eyes, on the patronage of Orthodox soldiers and the army, on protection from the invasion of foreigners and infidels).

Dimitry, Uglichsky and Moscow, noble prince, prince (on the insight of blind eyes).

Diomede, doctor, martyr (about getting rid of various ailments and diseases).

Domnina and her daughters Veronica and Proskudia, martyrs (in fear of extraneous violence of their virginity).

Evangelists: John the Evangelist, Mark, Luke, Matthew (about good relations in the family, about advice and love between husband and wife).

Evdokia, reverend martyr of the 2nd century AD (women who cannot become pregnant pray to her).

Evdokia, venerable martyr of the 4th century AD (about the harvest of cucumbers).

Evdokia, Princess of Moscow, reverend (on the insight of the eyes and from paralysis).

Evdokim the Cappadocian, the Righteous (on the intercession of widows and orphans, on compassion for the poor, the orphan and defenseless, on help in poverty and need).

Eustathius Plakida, Great Martyr (with deprivation and loss of children).

Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugene, Mardarius and Orestes, martyrs (on poverty and need).

Euthymius the Great, Rev. (on the resolution of infertility in marriage and during famine).

Euthymius of Novgorod, miracle worker, saint (on deliverance from carnal fornication).

Euphemia the All-Praised, Great Martyr (on affirmation in the faith).

Catherine, Great Martyr (about the enlightenment of the mind to the study of spiritual literacy, during difficult childbirth, about good suitors, when there is thunder or hail).

Elena, queen (about the patronage of crops, about fertility, about the patronage of flax growers).

Hermogenes, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', miracle worker, holy martyr (on deliverance from the invasion of foreigners).

Yermolai, mentor of Panteleimon, holy martyr (about getting rid of various ailments and diseases).

Ephraim the Syrian, Rev. (on deliverance from the passion of anger and on the gift of repentant tears).

Zechariah the Prophet and Elizabeth, the righteous, parents of St. John the Baptist (for help in difficult childbirth and marital infertility).

Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky, reverends (on help at sea from storms and drowning, on help on the water to those who swim, on success in beekeeping).

Zotik the Orphan, Presbyter, Hieromartyr (about compassion for the poor, orphans and defenseless, about help in poverty and need, about healing from leprosy).

Jacob Zheleznoborovsky, reverend (on healing leg pains and paralysis).

Jacob Zevedeev, Apostle (on success in fishing, on the patronage of fishermen).

Elijah the Prophet (about the giving of rain, about salvation from lightning and hail).

Joachim and Anna, the righteous, parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary (about the resolution of infertility).

John the Theologian, apostle and evangelist (when studying icon painting, about success in fishing, about good relations in the family).

John the Warrior, martyr (about finding the stolen, about returning the stolen, from thieves and offenders).

John of Damascus, Reverend (about help in spiritual reading and singing, about healing hand pains or mutilating hands).

John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople, Saint (on the enlightenment of the mind to the teaching of spiritual literacy and on help in despair).

John the Baptist, Prophet, Forerunner (about getting rid of a headache, at the consecration of a bee house, for children, about the patronage of crops and about fertility).

John of Kronstadt, the righteous (about healing from various ailments, about deliverance from the passion of drunkenness and hard drinking, about help in difficult teaching).

John Kuschnik, reverend (in homesickness).

John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria, Saint (on the intercession of widows and orphans, on compassion for the poor, orphaned and defenseless, on help in poverty and need).

John the Long-suffering, reverend (in a special demonic attack on the flesh).

John the New, Sochavsky, Great Martyr (on successful trading).

John, Archbishop of Novgorod, Saint (on the expulsion of demons and protection from the invasion of foreigners).

John of Rylsky, Reverend (on the healing of dumbness).

Joasaph, Bishop of Belgorod, saint (during construction work).

Job long-suffering, righteous (about the patience of illnesses and misfortunes).

Job, hegumen of Pochaev, reverend (about deliverance from the invasion of infidels and foreigners).

Jonah, Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus', saint (about getting rid of a toothache).

Joseph Volotsky, reverend (on deliverance from the invasion of the infidels).

Joseph the Betrothed, the righteous (about preservation and help on the way, when robbers attacked, when the road was lost).

Joseph the Beautiful (Chasest) (at the entrance to a new house and on the foundation of a new house, about dreams).

Jophiel the Archangel (a prayer book of God and arouser of people to prayer, a prayer book for the salvation and health of people).

Ipaty Pechersky, healer, reverend (about healing from female bleeding, in the lack of mother's milk for babies).

Hypatius, hegumen of Rufian, reverend (on getting rid of infertility and on healing from dropsy).

Irinarkh, recluse of Rostov, reverend (about getting rid of insomnia, about healing from demonic possession and about casting out demons).

Isidore, holy fool for Christ's sake, miracle worker of Rostov, blessed (about the harvest of cucumbers).

Julian, Reverend (about the preservation of cattle, which can be attacked by predators in the field).

Julian of Cenomania, saint (about the healing of diseases of infants).

Cyprian, the Hieromartyr, and Justina, the Martyr (about saving from evil charm, about getting rid of sorcery and harm from magicians).

Cyrus and John, unmercenaries and miracle workers, martyrs (about healing from smallpox, abdominal diseases, abscesses and scabs, from various ailments and diseases, in a diseased state in general).

Cyril and Methodius, Slavic teachers, Equal to the Apostles (about the enlightenment of the mind and the teaching of spiritual literacy).

Cleopas and Luke, the apostles (about preservation and help on the way).

Conon of Isauria, martyr (about healing from smallpox).

Constantine, equal to the apostles, king (on the harvest of cucumbers).

Cosmas and Damian, unmercenaries and miracle workers (about healing from eye disease and pain in the legs "about healing from smallpox, about healing from various ailments and diseases, about the patronage of weddings and those entering into marriage, about enlightening the mind to study literacy, about healing animals, about patronage of blacksmiths and artisans).

Ksenia of Petersburg, blessed (about enlightenment and teaching children to read and write).

Xenophon and his wife Maria, reverend (in case of deprivation and loss of children).

Lawrence of Rome, archdeacon, martyr (on the healing of eye diseases).

Lavrenty of Turov, Reverend (about healing from demonic possession).

Leonid Ustnedumsky, reverend (on healing from a snake bite).

Longinus, centurion, martyr (about healing from eye diseases).

Luke, apostle and evangelist (when studying icon painting, on healing eye diseases, helping with planting in the garden).

Lucian, Rev. (on the gift of speech and the gift of clairvoyance).

Macarius of Alexandria, venerable (on the healing of the possessed).

Macarius the Great, Egyptian, reverend (to drive away evil spirits).

Macarius Zheltovodsky, Unzhensky miracle worker, reverend (on protection from the invasion of foreigners, from the violence of the heterodox).

Maxim the Greek, Reverend (on the intercession of widows and orphans).

Mary of Egypt, reverend (in a special demonic attack on the flesh).

Mark, apostle and evangelist (on good relations in the family, on advice and love between husband and wife).

Maron of Syria, reverend (about healing from fever and fever).

Martin the Merciful, Bishop of Tours, Saint (about compassion for the poor, orphans and defenseless, about help in poverty and need).

Martinian, reverend (on deliverance from carnal fornication).

Maruf, Bishop of Mesopotamia, reverend (to drive away evil spirits, about deliverance from insomnia).

Matthew, apostle and evangelist (on good relations in the family, on advice and love between husband and wife).

Melania Roman, reverend (during difficult childbirth).

Mina, Great Martyr (about healing from eye diseases).

Myron of Crete, miracle worker, saint (about healing from fever).

Mitrofan, Bishop of Voronezh, Saint (concern for the future of children).

Michael the Archangel (protector of all Orthodox Christians from visible and invisible enemies and evil spirits, helper in sorrow, guardian over a sleeping person).

Modest of Jerusalem, saint (about deliverance from the death of livestock).

Moses Murin, reverend (on deliverance from the passion for wine of those suffering from drunkenness).

Moses Ufin, Caves, reverend (in fear of extraneous violence to his virginity or marital chastity, in the fight against carnal fornication).

Moky, Hieromartyr (about healing from various diseases and ailments).

Natalia, martyr (assistant of flax growers).

Nahum, the prophet (at the beginning of writing).

Neophyte, martyr (about the enlightenment of the mind).

Nikita, the great martyr (about the healing of children from an epilepsy, known as "kindred", about the preservation and welfare of waterfowl).

Nikita Stolpnik, miracle worker of Pereslavl, reverend (to drive away evil spirits, about healing in relaxing the body with insomnia, loss of appetite and deprivation of any members).

Nikita, recluse of Pechersk, Bishop of Novgorod, saint (from fire and lightning, in lack of rain and drought, in danger of being killed, about the healing of eye diseases).

Nikolay Ugodnik, Archbishop of Myra, miracle worker, saint (about healing from various ailments and diseases, about the patronage of the family hearth, about good relations in the family, about help in various troubles, about well-being on the way, when the road was lost, for children, from sadness and despondency, in order to attach daughters to marriage, at sea from a storm and drowning, about the intercession of widows and orphans, about help in poverty and need, in captivity from enemies).

Nil of Sorsk, reverend (on deliverance from the invasion of foreigners).

Nifont, Bishop of Cyprus, reverend (to drive away evil spirits from people and animals, about the gift of speech and the gift of clairvoyance, about casting out demons).

Onufry the Great, reverend (so as not to die a sudden death).

Paul, Apostle (at the opening of works in a factory, workshop, etc.).

Paul Rev. (when unbelief worries the soul and the exorcism of demons).

Paisius the Great, reverend (so as not to die without confession and Holy Communion, as well as deliverance from the torment of the dead without repentance).

Paisius Velichkovsky, Reverend (on deliverance from the invasion of the infidels).

Panteleimon, Great Martyr and Healer (about healing from various ailments and illnesses, about healing children from their "kindred", about the patronage of Orthodox soldiers and the army, about the patronage of the Russian fleet).

Paraskeva Pyatnitsa, martyr (about the gift of rain, about protection from hail and lightning, about good suitors, about healing children, about resolving infertility, about patronage of the family hearth, about good relations in the family, about the patronage of agricultural work, during the sowing and reaping of bread ).

Peter, the Apostle (about deliverance from fever, about success in fishing).

Peter of Athos, Reverend (on liberation from captivity and imprisonment).

Peter, noble prince, and Fevronia, princess, of Murom (about blessing on those entering into marriage).

Pimen the Painful, Caves, reverend (about healing from various ailments and diseases).

Polievkt, martyr (punisher of violators of oaths and treaties).

Procopius, fool for Christ's sake. Ustyug wonderworker, righteous (about helping those floating on the water, from storms and drowning, so as not to die from frost).

Raphael the Archangel (healer of God, healer of mental ailments).

Roman, reverend (about the solution from infertility).

Roman the Melodist, Reverend (about help in spiritual singing and reading).

Savvaty of Solovetsky, Reverend (on success in beekeeping, on help at sea, from storms and drowning, when they start to mow).

Zadok Persian, Hieromartyr (about getting rid of sudden or sudden death).

Sampson Hospice, reverend (about healing from various diseases).

Sarah of Egypt, reverend (in a demonic attack on the flesh).

Seraphim of Sarov, miracle worker, reverend (about the healing of leg pains, about the healing of celiac diseases, about healing from demonic possession, about healing from pain in the lower back, about casting out demons, in general in a painful state).

Sergius of Radonezh, miracle worker, reverend (about help in difficult teaching, about getting rid of pride).

Simeon the God-bearer, righteous (about the patronage of children, about healing and preserving the health of babies, about liberation from captivity).

Simeon of Verkhoturye, the righteous (about the healing of leg pains, about the healing of eye diseases).

Simeon the Stylite, Reverend (on the return of the Church to those who had been torn away from it by the devil's slander).

Simon the Zealot, or Canonite, the Apostle (about a happy marriage).

Sisiniy Kizichesky, martyr (about healing from a fever).

Solomon, king (protects those who go into the forest).

Forty martyrs, tormented in the Lake of Sebastia (so that the husband and son return safely from a distant absence).

Spiridon, prosphoronist of the Caves, reverend (on deliverance from a fire, on stopping a fire that has begun).

Spyridon, Bishop of Trimifuntsky, saint (about healing from various ailments and diseases, about helping with hunger).

Stefan, Bishop of Great Perm, Saint (about deliverance from sorrows and misfortunes).

Taisia, reverend (in the struggle with carnal fornication).

Tarasius, Archbishop of Constantinople, Saint (on healing from fever).

Tikhon, Bishop of Amaphunte, Saint (on the bestowal of fertility).

Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Miracle Worker of Zadonsk, Saint (about getting rid of sadness and despondency, about healing from demonic possession).

Three youths: Ananias, Azariah and Misail (on the enlightenment of the mind to the teaching of literacy).

Three saints: Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom (on receiving a prosperous life).

Tryphon, a martyr (about healing from various ailments and diseases, about getting rid of snoring, in sorrow, about the happiness of marriage, about getting rid of bedbugs, mice and cockroaches, from caterpillars that harm gardens, fields and vegetable gardens, about driving away evil spirits, about deliverance from sorcery, about help in everyday affairs, about getting rid of sadness, about casting out demons).

Uar, martyr (for dead babies who were not worthy of receiving Holy Baptism).

Uriel the Archangel (enlightener of spiritual and bodily feelings, mentor of the lost).

Falaley, martyr (about healing from various ailments and diseases).

Thekla, First Martyr, Equal to the Apostles (on deliverance from death in war).

Theoditus the Studite, reverend (about healing from chest diseases and from pain in the stomach).

Theodore of the Caves, Martyr (on deliverance from the love of money).

Theodore Tiron, Great Martyr (about finding the stolen, from thieves, about the intercession of widows and orphans, about compassion for the poor, orphans, defenseless).

Theophanes of Sigrian, confessor, reverend (about getting rid of diseases of horses).

Therapont of Monzen, reverend (about healing from eye diseases).

Philaret Gracious, righteous (to marry daughters, for help at sea from storms and drowning, for the intercession of widows and orphans, for help in poverty and need, in captivity from enemies, about leaving captivity and imprisonment).

Philip, the Apostle (during the sowing and reaping of grain, about the patronage of crops and about fertility).

Florus and Laurus, martyrs (about getting rid of the passion of drunkenness and hard drinking, about healing from the horse case).

Foka Vertogradar, martyr (on the patronage of gardeners).

Thomas, Apostle (when unbelief troubles the soul).

Fomaida of Egypt, martyr (about getting rid of carnal (prodigal) passion, in fear of extraneous violence to marital chastity).

Photina the Samaritan, martyr (about healing from a fever).

Charalambius, Hieromartyr (about healing from various ailments and diseases, about the fertility of the earth, about help during famine and spoilage of fruits, from sudden or sudden death, about the abundance of fruits of the earth).

Chrysanthos and Daria, martyrs (about getting rid of carnal fornication, about a happy marriage).

The icon of the Mother of God "Search for the Lost" heals from dental and eye diseases.

The icon of the Feodorovskaya Mother of God helps with difficult childbirth.

The icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy" heals from deafness.

The icon of the Mother of God "The Redeemer" heals from demonic possession.

The icon of the Mother of God "Quick to Hear" keeps those who have fallen into a shipwreck.

The icon of the Mother of God "Merciful" helps with bleeding, headaches.

The icon of the Mother of God "Consolation in Sorrows and Sorrows" heals the dumb, the paralyzed.

The icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" helps from drunkenness.

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