Numerology and "hell's money. Money Numerology: The Secret of Wealth and Prosperity for Any of Us Money Numerology

Numerology reveals many secrets, including the secret of wealth and prosperity. Why are some lucky in financial matters, while others work hard in vain? Each of us has our own destiny, even in terms of money. Pay attention to banknotes in your wallet and piggy bank.

Numerology of money will tell you how to choose the right money talisman, when to spend and when to invest.

All this is easy, everyone can calculate their personal wealth code by date of birth. A simple calculation will bring you money and the desired success. All secrets will be revealed to those who are not too lazy to check to calculate their lucky number. Do not reveal your secrets to others, because Fortune is only friends with those who know how to keep their mouths shut.

Numbers and figures for success

  • ahead of holidays or birthdays;
  • you have a good opportunity to invest money correctly;
  • you can help someone in need.

Only then will justice be on your side. And with happiness comes prosperity. Each banknote is a certain story about the people who held it in their hands. The code on the banknote will tell you about its fate. Happy or not, it will bring you wealth or lead to ruin. Hold on to lucky bills - everyone should have them.

wealth code

Unlike the number of fate, the money code or the number of monetary success is not calculated from the whole date of birth. You only need a day and a month. To do this, add the first four digits from the date:

The resulting number can be deciphered. In this case, it turns out seven, in fact, not the best money number. Do not be discouraged if numerology gives you a sad forecast. This means that you urgently need to rethink your approach to money and spending. Everything will work out for those who learn from their own mistakes.

Your number for money numerology remains the same throughout your life. Unfortunately, or fortunately, this is your fate. But, you have a trump card - knowledge. Now you will know exactly how not to spend the accumulated money. It is contraindicated for many to take loans, because negative monetary energy only exacerbates the losses. All in your hands. By the way, in the same way you can check the money code of any person, you just need to know the date of his birth. It happens to be useful. For example, you know exactly who should not be given a loan.

Deciphering the money code

Now it remains only to find out what the numbers predict for you. The answers to all questions are contained in the numerology of the birth number, so open the secret of how to become rich.


If you often have bills of 10, 100, 1000, then you should spend them sooner. Do not put in the bank, do not invest in any projects. The fact is that for numerology, one and zero are equivalent. Zero is emptiness, nothing. So it turns out that you put “nothing” into your business, which means you will receive “nothing”. These banknotes are best used for shopping, or change them. As soon as the exchange took place, the money ceased to be “not happy”.

The number 1 is not, in itself, unlucky. Only together with zero it becomes ruinous for your wallet. But you don’t need to use it to attract money to life. The unit is the beginning. A coin with a face value of 1 can be put in a piggy bank as a symbol of the beginning. The same coin can be buried under the foundation of a house under construction. It will mark the happy start of a new business.

One, as a wealth code, is the advice to "start small". Your wealth will begin with a small coin, don't forget that. Imagine how your capital grows, then everything will work out.


The number 2 is one of the most "not good" for numerology. It symbolizes poverty, loss, waste of everything. This means that large bills with a sum of 2 digits need to be exchanged or spent as soon as possible. Amounts of 200 and 2000 cannot be loaned or borrowed, in any case, when it comes to returning, something will go wrong. You will lose money. It is also not recommended to keep money in two banks or safes.

You have to be careful with doubles.

By the date of receipt of money, you can predict whether they will benefit you or not. If the number 2 appears, then try not to conduct monetary transactions on this day, otherwise you will harm yourself. The number of fate 2 indicates that a person absolutely does not know how to make money, but spends it thoughtlessly. It is very important to control yourself in this case. Don't take loans or borrow money. Let it not be the best period in your life, but it will end by itself.

Banknotes with the number 2 always lead to rash spending, the purchase of useless goods. If you find one in your wallet, get rid of it as soon as possible. Such bills should not be given to the poor, this will only aggravate their situation.


All amounts with a triple bring success to their owner. The number 3 is very stable. Only 4 is more stable. Construction amounts can be loaned, invested in promising projects, donated, given in growth. They will always bring profit to their owner. For the sake of your wealth, keep a lucky 3 note in your wallet. It is best if it is a foreign sack.

Three - elemental meaning. If you are asked for financial assistance, give such a bill with a three. She will bring help to the one who asks, the amount spent will be returned to you, but you will receive a blessing. From birth, a person depends on the forces of justice. It is in your power to make your life better by helping others. In this regard, the three is an excellent value.

If your destiny number is 3, then you also understand that people are reaching out to you for help. This is not only about money, but also about any other help. And if you agree, fate returns everything to you with a torus.


Four is a symbol of prosperity

A symbol of complete financial stability, a stable position. If four is your number, then there is something to be proud of. You know how to handle money, you know its value. The most important thing is that you know how to earn money. This is very important, the four is one of the most positive banknotes. There is no adventure or luck in it, it is only the ability to clearly set a task for yourself and fulfill it. A person knows that money is not taken from the air - they need to be earned.

Banknotes with a sum of numbers equal to four are best left in your piggy bank. They will add harmony to your life, will become the key to future well-being. It is better not to give them to anyone, but to use or spend them yourself.


Such a banknote will be very useful to you, because if the sum of the digits of the code is 5, or if you have big money with a face value of 5000 dz, it is best to spend it. Let it go for business, buy useful, necessary things. They will serve you for many years, bring a lot of joy. Buying food is a waste of this excellent banknote. It is best to buy exactly something important for you, home, family. Then you will feel how you invested money wisely.

If you are building a house or furnishing it, choose large denominations of 5000, spend only them. You have never had such successful investments as these. Everything that is bought for the house will last for many years, bring you joy, and it will always look great.


The number of stable payments. If your money number is six, then you have only heard about delayed wages on the news on TV. Money comes and goes, but you always know when it will happen. You are lucky, not everyone manages to feel the energy of wealth so well. The main thing, do not forget, first things are spiritual, and only then material. Then everything will be fine.

Six speaks of stability

The numerology of money gives one piece of advice to those who have found a banknote with a code equal to six in their wallet. Carry it in your wallet. She will bring you good luck. Monetary stability has never hurt anyone. This is especially good in our unstable time.


Seven is a dangerous number for those who do not know how to spend money correctly. It attracts trouble, robbery, loss. If your number is seven, then you know this from birth - you cannot give money into your hands. A person simply cannot restrain himself - the craving for waste, useless purchases or investments is in his blood. Take a salary and stretch it for a month? It will not work, because in the first few days you will want to take a walk to the fullest. And then comes the disappointment.

If you have a banknote with code 7, it is better to spend it soon, exchange it. Then the harmful influence on you will not pass. You can’t keep such money with others, otherwise you will lose them soon. Don't keep her at home. In general, the sooner you get rid of it, the better for you. Not for nothing, the favorite number of all casino owners is seven.


What is an eight? This is the infinity symbol, or two times four. Either way, it's a good number. An infinite amount of money, constant influx of them. A person who has such a banknote must carry it with him. Then, gifts of fate will literally fall from the sky. A person who carries such a bill with him often finds money or valuables. Try it, you will be surprised how it works.

8 brings good luck

The most interesting thing is that a banknote with code 8 is always in demand: you can give, lend, invest or buy. In any case, luck awaits you, and what you spend will return to you.


The most neutral of monetary numbers. They won't bring you wealth, but they won't take it away either. Such banknotes come across very often, if not strange. It is best to spend them in the first place, because the nines will not bring you profit, the joy of shopping. Spend them on the most everyday things. It's best not to buy food from them. Money should make money, and the nine balances positive and negative values.

Lucky banknotes

There is such a thing as a lucky bill. It cannot be spent or exchanged. Such bills become your money amulet, which is able to attract money to your wallet. But how and where to find such a happy money? Each bill has a number. You need to add up all its elements, and the resulting number will show whether it will bring happiness or not. Numbers 6 and 4 will be the most successful. They bring harmony. The monetary code of such a banknote is not often found, you will have to look.

If you got the number 2 or 7 - rather spend it, do not keep it in your wallet, because this banknote only brings losses. Use it to buy something you don't need that you use quickly and don't leave around the house. If the resulting number is 1 or 8, then it can be put aside in a piggy bank. All good things start small. This banknote can be very small, but you yourself will be surprised how larger money will be pulled into your piggy bank.

Despite this, a banknote on which the number matches the number of your fate will be happy. You will be especially lucky if it is 6 or 8. According to fate, a person has excellent chances to get rich, so this talisman must be protected and not wasted. You will receive the number of fate by the date of birth, adding up all the components: day + month + year.

If you want to get rich, then do not neglect the advice of experts. These little rules must be remembered to get rich. It has nothing to do with your date of birth or other numerological concepts.

  • Do not keep torn banknotes at home. They draw away the energy of wealth.
  • If you want to invest in something, then choose only brand new banknotes. It is better to buy something for the old ones. This is how you maintain the balance of the circulation of money.
  • When lending money, do not lend small bills. Then more will come back to you.
  • It is better not to keep gold and jewelry at home. The energy of gold attracts thieves.
  • All money magic happens only on Fridays after sunset.
  • Do not count money after sunset - this will lead to sudden spending.

These little tips are very helpful. Of course, you probably have your own rituals for attracting money that do not fail. Use them. Your personal code for money numerology will help you sort out financial problems. If something goes wrong - there is always the opportunity to change the attitude towards money. Remember, spiritual concepts and interests should always be slightly higher than material ones. Then the harmony of life is achieved, and there is no lack of money. Do not put them at the forefront, so that life does not pass in pursuit of gold.

The numbers have special magical vibrations and are able to control not only our destiny, but also financial well-being. With the help of numerology, you can calculate your personal wealth code.

With the help of the date of birth and the name code, you can find out which number is responsible for your financial well-being and in which direction it is worth moving to achieve it. To do this, you will need to add the date of your birth with the resulting name number. For example, Maxim was born on 12/22/1958, which means: 2+2+1+2+1+9+5+8=30, 3+0=3, that is his birth number is 3. Then, using the table, we determine the number of the name:

1 - a, i, c, b;

2 - b, d, t, s;

3 - c, k, y, b;

4 - d, l, f, e;

5 - d, m, x, y;

6 - e, n, c, i;

7 - e, o, h;

8 - w, p, w;

9 - h, r, w.

Max = 5+1+3+1+1+5=16= 7 . We add the number of the date of birth with the number of the name: 3+7=10=1+0=1. It turns out that in this case personal code - unit.

Number values

Unit. Material stability comes to people of this number through their own achievements and projects. They strive for individuality and choose activities to their liking with a creative approach to business. For vigorous activity, they need inner freedom and independence from others and their opinions. Your own business or project develops without interference and brings a stable income in the absence of constraining factors.

Deuce. Leadership qualities and a desire to help a large number of people help people of this number achieve well-being. They implement large-scale plans alone, and then find followers with whom they willingly share knowledge and experience. The larger their plans, the more benefit they bring to themselves and others.

Troika. Their talents help these people achieve financial independence. The great potential in the field of entertainment makes it possible to start earning on positive emotions and feelings of people. However, people with such a monetary number do not have a pronounced desire to earn money, so they treat money with a degree of disdain. They have a fairly high probability of receiving a good inheritance or winning a large sum of money.

Four. This figure means the stability of the financial situation, and the amount of money directly depends on the efforts made to achieve wealth. These people usually plan the path to their goal in stages and slowly develop entrepreneurial activities.

Five. The owners of such a monetary number are distinguished by their propensity for risk, bold undertakings and all kinds of experiments. However, to achieve material stability, they need team support. If people with this number in the code set out to bring their bold ideas to life, they manage to rally people around themselves and lead them to success, guided by collective knowledge and skills.

Six. These people will get money easily if they can see the sources of income. It is important for them to realize that material well-being is literally at their feet, you just need to read the signs of Fate correctly and follow your intuition.

Seven. Creative people associated with this figure do not strive for material enrichment. More often they are interested in spiritual growth and all kinds of practices and teachings aimed at achieving harmony with themselves and the world around them. However, they are excellent specialists in their field and, under favorable conditions, are able to create unique things, projects and ideas to improve any process.

Eight. This figure, like a magnet, attracts monetary abundance, but requires a reverent attitude to finances. Success comes to people who do not put their enrichment at the forefront, but work fruitfully in large-scale projects, benefiting not only their company, but all of humanity.

Nine. The number of changes allows you to instantly hit the jackpot and just as quickly remain literally penniless. People of this number need to take their activities seriously and not allow themselves to relax at crucial moments. Business spirit and the desire to win will help to achieve prosperity. In relation to money, these people have a rule: earn a lot, part easily. This means that you should not be mean and obsessed with your wealth to the detriment of other activities.

In order for financial stability to appear in life, it is necessary to strive for success and not forget about the laws of the Universe. Material and spiritual wealth depends on your attitude to money and environment. Do not strive to earn all the money, but make an effort to achieve your independence. We wish you good luck in your endeavors, and do not forget to press the buttons and

04.04.2017 15:15

Numbers have a magical property to help us in the most important moments of life. With the help of proven...

The science of numerology, which studies the influence of numbers on the surrounding reality, life, character and destiny of a person, could not ignore the financial sphere of life, the topic of money and wealth, especially since banknotes are measured in numbers. Finance and the science of numbers are closely related to each other - based on the laws and methods of numerology, you can determine which numbers and dates attract money and which repel; find out how much you can borrow and lend; when it is possible to carry out risky financial transactions, and when it is impossible to do this in any case; what amounts are better to put aside in the form of savings, and what amounts to spend on recreation and entertainment.

For such calculations in numerology, the principle is used - when, to obtain the final numerological index, the numbers and letters of the object under study are reduced to a base number. So, for example, to find out what amount of money is successful for financial transactions or whether the price of the purchased item is happy, it is enough to add up all the numbers in the initial amount and reduce them to the base one (suppose the amount of interest is 22550, as a result of folding we get the base number 5: 2+2+5+5=14=1+4=5). In the same way, you can find a lucky bill that will attract money and wealth to you: the letters (their numerical values) and the numbers that make up the series and number of the bill are reduced to the base number (for example, a bill with the BU series and number 2694981 has a monetary the numerological index will be 2: 2+6+2+6+9+4+9+8+1=47=4+7=11=1+1=2).

You can calculate the monetary numerological index for everything related to finance and money: for a specific date (by adding the numbers of the day, month and year), for an enterprise or firm (by summing the numerical values ​​of the letters included in its name), for an electronic wallet number or credit card, to determine the amount that is better to keep in your wallet, etc. To simplify the process of calculating the monetary numerological index, you can use the online calculation form below - just enter the numbers and letters of the object of interest in the field and click the "Calculate" button - the online calculator will calculate the index and show the result. By clicking on the link corresponding to the received index, you can find out its value.

Helpful Hints

Everyone knows that numbers, in addition to quantitative characteristics, also have qualitative ones. They are endowed with a rich symbolic meaning that can be attributed to any area of ​​life.

Below we will tell you about the symbolic meaning of numbers from 1 to 9. Numbers greater than 9 must be converted to a single digit. For example, 15 is 1+5=6, 3462 is 3+4+6+2=15=1+5=6. A single-digit number in terms of money represents the most powerful energy, but each part of a multi-digit number also carries important energy. For example, the number 3462 includes the energies of 3000, 400, 60, 2, and 6.

Note that in order to obtain accurate information regarding a particular person, his life circumstances and events, any individual number in complex charts of human numerology must be an integral part of a larger analysis that includes several numbers in different positions of the chart. However, starting with each individual number is a good first step.

So let's get started.

Money numerology

Number 1

1, 10 and even 19 (the number of karmic debt) in a key position symbolize monetary advantage. However, as a temporary vibration, 1 can represent the end of something good, when a person has to start all over again. At the same time, the initiation of new cases under the sign of this number is a very good sign of future prosperity.

Number 2

In monetary numerology, this number symbolizes debt, sacrifice and need. It is not at all desirable to purchase goods with deuces or receive a salary in which there are deuces. The same can be attributed to 11, because when this number is reduced to a single digit, the same 2 is obtained.

Do not borrow deuces because you will have difficulty paying it back. Also, you should not lend anyone 2000, 11,000 or 20,000, because the probability of default on the debt grows exponentially.

We also advise you not to store your funds in two places. Keeping all your eggs in one basket is not recommended, but splitting your hard-earned money between two banks is also not advised, because the chances of burnout increase. Better choose 4 banks. Two represents theft, deceit, duplicity and constant savings.

Number 3

This figure symbolizes some financial acquisition. The three are lucky only when it comes to a constant financial flow. The energy of the triple is the energy of additional earnings, expansion, new opportunities. Troika loves movement, activity and action.

However, this number is not suitable for savings, because it will not lie quietly in a piggy bank or on a card. Therefore, it is not recommended to save amounts with a triple or triples, because they will be spent quickly. With triplets, you need to constantly do something.

Number 4

This figure carries the energy of stability, because the four is strong, stable and resistant. It is ideal for those who like predictability and stability. The amounts containing this figure are excellent savings in family budgets, they are suitable for bank deposits.

If there is a four in the price of the goods, then you can safely take such goods in installments. This figure does not promise a lot of money, amounts with a four, as a rule, are earned exclusively by honest work. But at the same time, the four rewards you with the opportunity to plan income and expenses, and also protects you from pointless spending.

money and numbers

Number 5

This figure is closely related to money and luck. The 5 is a thriving career, and the 5 is great for acquisitions of any kind. If the price tag of the goods has it, then the purchase can be made without even thinking.

Amounts with a five are great for various contributions and investments. With the help of this number, they often win at the casino, it is also good to spend five on buying a gift, since in the future it will be a justified investment. However, the five is not at all suitable for storage, it will constantly make you spend money on entertainment and pleasure.

Number 6

This number is able to attract financial resources only for the most necessary, and then if a person does not have debts from a past life, which is quite common. Six will not let you starve, wear leaky shoes and accumulate debts on utility bills. However, don't expect a luxurious life either.

The energy of money is directly related to the energy of the number. And in itself, the six at the energy level is limitations and hard work. If a person's wages are connected with this number, then in most cases he gets it very hard, he works from dusk to dawn and accepts many restrictions. Experts do not advise investing in anything related to the six amounts, as well as putting them on a deposit, because they will have the smallest income.

Number 7

This number is a wildcard for money. In the vast majority of cases, the seven symbolizes financial problems. Many people believe that the seven is a divine guardianship, a good number. This is actually so, if we consider it from the point of view of self-development and spirituality. However, in the numerology of money, it is incredibly dangerous.

This number likes surprises, and savings loves stability. It is highly undesirable to lend, give, deposit, or inherit amounts with this number. Do not purchase products that have a seven in the price tag, you may face losses.

Number 8

This number in the numerology of money is considered a real magnet that attracts money like a magnet. This is a lot of money, but everything can also turn into big losses and big troubles. This number is also called the number of God or the number of infinity. The Eight helps to increase capital, and also helps to open up new opportunities for making money.

Moreover, the figure eight helps money come from different sources. The number is great for working with financial indicators. It patronizes employees of currency exchanges, whose work is associated with constant risk. The number is great for investment.

Number 9

The nine, like the seven, is more connected with the spiritual world than with the material. For the most part, she doesn't care about finances. However, this figure, unlike 7, is not charged with negative monetary value. Moreover, it helps those who know how to take care of other people.

Amounts with a nine can and should be given to those in need, as well as transferred to charitable organizations. Thus, a person activates the energy of giving, which will certainly return to him a hundredfold.

Money in a person's life

But how do numbers in monetary terms affect a person's life? There are several theories trying to explain this phenomenon. According to the first, the numbers have vibrations that are on the same wavelength with different areas of our lives. Each number comes into contact with man and with the universe. That is, their influence on us cannot be underestimated.

Another theory says that numbers carry a certain sacred meaning, due to which they attract energy to themselves. Most likely, both theories are true, but the truth, as always, is somewhere in between.

Can't vibrations be part of the sacred meaning, or vice versa? If you think in this vein, then the theory will immediately acquire new interesting details. How a person attracts money to himself is also one of these energies or vibrations, and therefore can be influenced.

There are two ways in which a person can influence their cash flows through banknotes and numbers. The first is to find a successful banknote that can bring you financial well-being. But picking it up is not easy. The second way is numerology. Everyone can find something for themselves. Will these banknotes somehow differ in the strength of their action (successful and calculated according to numerological principles)? No, there won't be any difference.

Numerology of money

The choice of method is entirely up to you, how you like it. The main thing to remember is: don't approach this subject unless you are confident in what you are doing. It is very important to believe that this banknote will be your talisman, no matter what. Moreover, the bill will only help you, but not do everything for you. Therefore, you will also need to try. You have to start moving towards wealth yourself.

How to choose your lucky banknote?

The choice must be made based on several factors. First of all, the banknote should carry a psychological and energetic message. In other words, for its owner, it must mean something. Also, a banknote should be a kind of hook for the subconscious, it should be charged with bringing success in monetary matters.

The bill must necessarily be associated with some incredibly successful purchase or successful purchase. Moreover, the bill must have positive energy. For example, it should be personally pleasant to the touch.

How the word "ruble" was formed, remember? When buying, they were chopped off from an ingot (copper, gold, silver). Since 1316, the ruble has become a monetary unit.

Modern money has the form:

  • cash (paper, coins, i.e. performing the functions of a means of circulation and payment);
  • non-cash (checks, cards, current accounts, otherwise credit money, as an obligation that is repaid within a certain period).

In 1951, the first bank card appeared in New York City.

It is interesting that the owner of the card is the bank, and the holder must, at the request of the bank, return it. In fact, this is a “purse” in which we store money. Here we also need numerology. After all, a bank card has a number, plus it has a personal account (settlement) in the bank. Do you need a “purse” whole, profitable without holes? Or maybe it’s not yours at all and brings only expenses? How to calculate? Yes, just add up the numbers of the number (personal account) of the card.

Numerological number shows:

  • 1 - Pay attention to cash from new sources. It is this number that you need to use when buying a variety of equipment, as well as who you should let them transfer to this account.
  • 2 - Money should not accumulate on this card. From the point of view of numerology, the deuce is the movement of energy, it is better to use it as pocket money. We put 1,000 rubles for lunches, “ate” and put more.
  • 3 - Suitable for creative people, students, businessmen's wives. There is no money, suddenly oh-la-la, the fee came, a scholarship, the husband threw money.
  • 4 - Ideal for accumulation. Decided to buy a car, then keep the money in the account with the amount of 4. You won’t waste it, put it in, but take it off only for what you decide to purchase.
  • 5 - Let's go on a trip, then transfer money to the card with number 5, the trip will be a success. Do not keep all the money on this account, and if there are more than three digits 5 in the number, then make sure not to buy unnecessary things.
  • 6 - Workhorse, covers daily needs in full. If 6 appears several times in a number, then you will complain about the lack of income. From the point of view of numerology, it is better to use a bank card with several sixes for pensioners.
  • 7 - Lucky, you can calculate everything to the penny. You can accumulate, pay for purchases. If the number contains several sevens, and the card number gives the amount of five, then the money will be wisely spent.
  • 8 - Lucky number for income. Therefore, this is a debit card, save up, or rather, let money come here from various sources. Listen to your intuition, what else can be done to increase wealth.
  • 9 - Sweet word - salary, pension, scholarship. “As you work, so you pop.” It's nice when the money arrives on time, according to the calendar. It's nice to spend what you've earned in a month for your working life.

Have you noticed that when transferring from a card (account), your last name, first name and the person to whom you are transferring are indicated.

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