Causes, symptoms and treatment of testicular pain. Why do a man's eggs hurt and is it dangerous? What if the egg hurts

If a man’s testicle hurts, then it is necessary to consult a specialist, since this symptom may indicate the development of a pathological process. Pain in the lower body can be very strong, which is associated with the sensitivity of this area. Sometimes other symptoms join the pain, which completely weaken the man and instill fear in him for his health and life.

Why pain occurs

Such pains are most often disturbed by adult men, although sometimes children also suffer from this. These sensations may have a different character: the pain may be pulling, radiating to the lower back, sharp, sharp, aching, the testicle may swell. Regardless of the severity of the symptom, such discomfort is not considered normal. In this case, only a specialist will identify the cause of the violations and prescribe treatment.

A testicle in a man can hurt for various reasons. Some of them are pathological.

Trauma and mechanical damage

Often the testicle hurts if a blow or bruise has been inflicted. This causes a sharp pain, which gradually disappears on its own. With a severe injury in this part of the body, it can hurt so much that a man experiences pain shock and loses consciousness.

Stitching or cutting pain requires an immediate call to the doctor. The consequences of the lack of timely treatment can be infertility or organ loss.

In the left testicle or in the right, as well as under the testicles, it can hurt due to the development of inflammation of the appendages. This causes swelling and severe pain. This happens when a bacterial infection enters the epididymis, the tube inside the scrotum behind the testicle. The appearance of the organs remains absolutely normal, the main symptoms of the disease are pain and swelling of the tissues. This disease is called epididymitis.

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Violations develop due to gonococcus or chlamydia entering the epididymis. For the same reason, urethritis may develop.

Pain in this pathology most often occurs with strong sexual arousal, which contributes to the movement of infected urine to the epididymis. In this condition, the epididymis and the testicle itself hurt.

The disease can develop not only in young men, but also in older people, especially against the background of prostatitis. In this case, the bacteria enter the epididymis from the infected prostate gland.

Pain in the testicles in a man, with prostatitis and epididymitis, is accompanied by pain and a burning sensation during urination. Other unpleasant symptoms are also possible.

Epididymitis can cause an increase in testicular size and sensitivity. Symptoms increase gradually and the pain reaches its peak a few days after the development of inflammation.


In some cases, testicles hurt with prostatitis. Most often, with inflammation of the prostate gland, it hurts in the perineum, but sometimes the pain radiates to nearby organs. If at the same time one testicle hurts, then this is normal for prostatitis.

Spasm with inflammation of the prostate often radiates to the genitals and pubic area. Such radiating pain can be acute paroxysmal. How severe pain in the testicles with prostatitis depends on the severity of the disease.

In the case of chronic prostatitis, the lower back and testicles hurt, in the presence of complications with purulent stagnation. There are also symptoms such as the inability to empty the bladder, high fever, weakness, anuria. Pain in the testicles in men with prostatitis is more likely to bother with advanced forms of the disease.

Painful sensations of an acute nature may indicate testicular torsion. This often results in severe vomiting. The exact reasons for this phenomenon are unknown. There was an assumption that the problem occurs due to increased physical activity, but this can also occur during sleep, so this hypothesis was canceled.

Torsion occurs when an organ twists along its own axis. Because of this:

  • the spermatic cord is twisted;
  • blood flow to the body is disturbed;
  • the vas deferens is strongly compressed.

It is very important in this situation to provide first aid in time, as the death of a twisted testicle may occur.

The problem usually occurs in adolescents, but there are situations when similar problems occur in adult men.

Feeling the symptoms, most patients immediately go to the hospital, as the pain is too strong. But in some cases, the discomfort is not so pronounced. This makes the man think that everything will pass by itself. As a result, the testicle dies. But if in the first few hours after the onset of the pain syndrome, blood circulation is restored, then the probability of saving the sex glands will be high. Going to the doctor a day or two after torsion leaves little chance of maintaining the normal functions of the organ.

Inflammation of the testicles

Sometimes pain in the testicular area indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the testicles. This disease is called orchitis, and most often it is a complication of mumps. The danger of the disease is that it can lead to infertility.

Inflammation develops when a virus that infects the salivary glands spreads to the testicles. 30% of patients with mumps subsequently develop orchitis. Both testicles may be affected.

On the fourth day after the symptoms of mumps appear, the gonads begin to swell and hurt. Inflammation continues to develop within a week, the organ can swell greatly, but gradually decreases. The affected testicle will be smaller than the healthy one, and its sperm production will also decrease, but the second testicle does not lose its ability to fertilize.

Even the defeat of both testicles does not always cause infertility, if treatment is started in time, until the organs have completely atrophied. To prevent the development of this disease, it is recommended to be vaccinated against mumps.

Prolonged sexual abstinence

Aching pain in the testicles in men often occurs due to dissatisfaction.

During arousal, blood accumulates in the penis and testicles. If the process does not end with ejaculation, then pain in the testicles may occur. You may feel better after masturbation or sexual intercourse. If a man has masturbated or had sex, but the pain has not gone away, it is worth getting an examination, perhaps the problem is different.

This disease is characterized by varicose veins in the testicles. In this case, discomfort may be felt in the left testicle. The development of the disease is promoted by increased physical activity and circulatory disorders. For unknown reasons, the egg on the left is more likely to suffer.

Pain in the left testicle in this case may be accompanied by a change in the color of the organ due to a violation of the blood flow to it, it is also possible to omit the increase in the testicle in size.

Normal functions of the organ can be restored only by removing or ligating the dilated vein.


In the left testicle, in the initial stages of the development of the problem, a man may not feel any manifestations. For some, the left testicle aches or pulls a little, the discomfort in the testicles increases during intimacy or during physical exertion, the functions of the organ are disrupted. If it is a cyst, then there are pulling pains in the testicles in men.

The prognosis depends on the timeliness of treatment. The most effective way to fix the problem is surgery.

This disease develops when the organs of the abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal protrude beyond the abdominal wall. Unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen in men, a feeling of heaviness and discomfort when walking are the main manifestations of the disease. At the same time, the left testicle hurts due to the fact that the spermatic cord was transferred. Discomfort in the lower abdomen increases with movement.


With this disease, fluid accumulates in the testicular membrane. This is a common disease that can occur in adults and children. Treatment consists of puncturing and removing excess fluid.

Circulatory disorders

If a man has pain in his testicles and lower abdomen, the problem may be a violation of blood circulation in this part of the body. Such symptoms can be caused by vascular lesions, Fournier gangrene, in which the tissues of the perineum or scrotum completely or partially die off.

pinched nerve

The left testicle can hurt with injuries at the bottom of the spine. This leads to pinching or compression of the nerve, which causes discomfort in the testicles and in the lumbar spine. At the same time, the back hurts, discomfort can be given to the left side.

When do you need a doctor

To avoid serious consequences for health and life, it is urgent to consult a specialist in such cases:

  1. If the left testicle is swollen and hurts. This may indicate the development of varicocele, hydrocele, inflammation and other problems.
  2. If pain is caused by touching the testicles.
  3. There has been a change in the size, shape, or structure of the penis.
  4. Suddenly, a strong sharp pain arose in the testicle and lower abdomen.
  5. Unpleasant sensations in the scrotum, and the symptoms gradually increase.
  6. The pain is accompanied by nausea, vomiting and high fever.
  7. If after an injury the condition does not normalize within an hour.
  8. When, during the palpation of the testicles, a lump on the testicle was found, painful or painless.

Very often in men, testicles hurt if a serious disease develops. Therefore, you should not hesitate with treatment in any case. Timely therapy will help to avoid consequences.

How is the diagnosis made?

If the lower back and testicles hurt, discomfort is given to the lower abdomen, or any other discomfort occurs in this part of the body, you should contact a urologist. Diagnostics begins with the following procedures:

  • palpation of the scrotum;
  • rectal examination;
  • general examination of blood and urine.

Further examination may consist of such specific procedures:

Most often, an ultrasound examination allows you to determine exactly why discomfort has arisen.

In the case when the prescribed diagnostic procedures did not help to identify the cause of the deviations, the patient needs a consultation with a proctologist and a neuropathologist.

What to do for pain in the testicles

A specialist can prescribe a suitable therapy only after it has been found out why the pain in the gonads appeared. What to do in this case will be prompted, depending on the reason. Treatment is as follows:

The causes of pain in the testicles are quite serious, so it is easier to prevent the development of the problem than to suffer the consequences later. To do this, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Visit a specialist at least once a year, even if nothing bothers you.
  2. Periodically feel the testicles. This will detect a change in size, the presence of neoplasms in the organ.
  3. Varicose veins, dropsy and torsion cannot be prevented, but at the first symptoms of such disorders, you need to go to the doctor.
  4. With a full bladder, you do not need to endure, not have sex or expose yourself to physical exertion.
  5. Timely treat infectious diseases.
  6. Do not wear tight underwear, trousers or jeans.
  7. Use condoms during intercourse to protect yourself from infections.

Only advanced pathological processes cover both sex glands, in most cases the disease affects one testicle. If the inflammation is one-sided, then it can be eliminated, and there will be no risk of infertility.

Consultation with a urologist

If you do not take action in the early stages and start the disease, then organ atrophy and other disorders will occur.

Discomfort after a minor injury will go away on its own. Dangerous severe damage that can cause atrophy, hemorrhage, organ rupture.

Pain in the gonads is not always dangerous, but the advice of a specialist should not be neglected. The male organ needs to be given close attention. If the testicle hurts, then you need to urgently go to the doctor. He will find out why this happened and prescribe treatment.

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The scrotum is the most important, but almost defenseless organ. The reasons why a man's eggs hurt are often associated with the presence of inflammatory and infectious diseases. Sometimes pain can be caused by physiologically normal phenomena, but sometimes it is a sign of the development of a pathological process.

The testicles (or testicles) are the genital organ in which seminal fluid is produced. If the production of sperm is impaired, a man may be at risk of infertility. With various diseases of the genital organs, they can be disturbed if an infection gets into them or against the background of the spread of the inflammatory process.

It hurts the right testicle or the left - there is no difference, the reasons do not differ from the position of the testicles in the scrotum in men. Sometimes testicular pain is a symptom of a boy's puberty.

However, it is necessary to consult a doctor. Pain may indicate the development of a cancerous tumor.

The main reasons why the testicle hurts (right or left) in men:

  1. physiological factor. A feeling of heaviness or even tingling can be a symptom of prolonged sexual abstinence. Usually this is a one-time stagnation, which is not a symptom of the disease. After ejaculation, the discomfort in the groin goes away.
  2. Tissue injury. Due to a bruise, fall or blow to the groin, pain appears in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bdamage. The testicles begin to swell and hurt, necrosis and even gangrene may develop, if infection has also occurred.
  3. Inflammatory diseases. Eggs hurt in men due to prostatitis and other problems with. Also, such unpleasant sensations develop against the background of epididymitis, orchitis and other pathologies.
  4. Infection. Due to promiscuity and the lack of a condom, a young man can pick up a bunch of sexually transmitted diseases. Harmful bacteria cause irreparable harm to men's health, provoke inflammation.
  5. Circulatory disorders. The vascular cause is associated with a violation of the metabolic processes in the scrotum, while the left or right testis may suffer. Oxygen deficiency of the blood supply leads to varicocele, and this may result in the death of scrotal tissue.
  6. Cancer lesions. In advanced forms and with aggravating chronic diseases, oncology can develop. When a problem is detected early, cancer is highly treatable.

As soon as discomfort and pain appear in the testicular area, the factor that provoked them should be determined. After the course of treatment, additional diagnostics are prescribed, confirming the effectiveness of therapy.

Associated symptoms

At the doctor's examination, it is important to accurately describe the problem and the nature of the pain. Associated symptoms also play an important role. Additional signs will help clarify the diagnosis. The pain can be pulling, sharp or intermittent.

What symptoms can accompany discomfort in the scrotum:

  • tissue swelling;
  • change in the size and shape of the testicles;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • pain is given to the groin, abdomen;
  • erection problems;
  • difficulty urinating;
  • redness of the genitals, the appearance of a rash and spots;
  • problems with conception;
  • general weakness.

Sometimes testicular pain in men and its causes are associated with drug therapy and may be a side effect of certain medications. In this case, nausea, vomiting or other disorders of the digestive tract are additionally observed.

When to see a doctor

Self-diagnosis is an inaccurate, sometimes erroneous method for determining the presence of an illness at home. However, such an examination of your own body may indicate that it is time to seek help from a doctor.

The following manifestations can serve as a reason to contact a urologist, andrologist or venereologist:

  • there is an increase in pain when pressing and pressing on the scrotum;
  • it becomes unpleasant even from touching the scrotum;
  • feeling of heaviness and discomfort when walking;
  • recently a man received a bruise of the testicles;
  • an increase in the testicles, a change in their shape and appearance;
  • on palpation, foreign seals are palpated;
  • a rash and redness appeared on the surface of the penis and scrotum;
  • for a long time it is not possible to have a child;
  • the pain recurs constantly or intermittently.

For severe pain, you can drink non-steroidal painkillers based on ibuprofen or ketoprofen. In order to avoid mistakes in the diagnosis, before going to the doctor, do not use antibacterial agents for intimate hygiene, refuse to take analgesics. Medicines can interfere with lab results.


The first way to determine the presence of pathology is palpation. To the touch, the doctor determines inflammatory processes, the presence of a cyst, stagnation or torsion of the spermatic cord. Infectious diseases cannot be determined without a general smear and other laboratory tests.

According to the results of general laboratory tests, an increase in leukocytes can be detected, indicating the presence of pathology. A bacteriological smear will help to identify the presence of fungal and some bacterial diseases.

Ultrasound diagnostics is one of the most accurate methods to help find cysts on the testicles, determine prostatitis and connective tissue ruptures. A spermogram is prescribed if a man has problems with conception.

Venereal diseases are not able to detect a normal smear. For this, a sick person is prescribed PCR tests to help identify chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, or gonorrhea. Computed tomography is indicated when the doctor suspects the presence of a cancerous tumor.


Drug therapy is prescribed in each case individually. With some diagnoses, only surgery is indicated. Treatment of pain in the testicles is prescribed only after an accurate diagnosis and identification of the cause of discomfort.


This is varicose veins of the testes. Unfortunately, it is difficult to detect the disease at an early stage; the testicle begins to ache only in the last phase. At the same time, a man experiences discomfort during sexual arousal and in the process of urination.

The main cause of discomfort is insufficiency of venous circulation.

Therapeutic therapy is divided into basic and additional treatment. The patient needs to adjust his lifestyle, reduce the number of sports activities and do therapeutic exercises. It is important to normalize body weight so that the pressure on the testicles is minimal. Alcoholic beverages and cigarettes are also strictly prohibited.

In order not to overexert the rectum, constipation should be avoided. For this, a special diet rich in fiber is prescribed. If conservative methods do not help to cope with the problem or at least stop the symptoms, then surgical treatment is prescribed.


So called inflammation of the epididymis. The causative agents are most often bacteria. It should be noted that the pain occurs in the appendage itself, which is located in the upper part of the testicle, almost close to it. There is a feeling that it is the testicle that hurts.

The disease is getting older every year. Elderly people suffering from prostatitis suffer from it. In this case, the infected prostate becomes a source of pathogenic bacteria.

Symptoms of epididymitis:

  • burning, itching and sharp pain during urination;
  • urinary incontinence, nocturnal enuresis;
  • increased body temperature, fever and fever.

Epididymitis with untimely treatment can cause impotence and complete infertility.

If the doctor has identified precisely the inflammation of the appendage, then urgent hospitalization is indicated. Treatment by a urologist is carried out on an outpatient basis. First of all, the hospital will try gentle methods before deciding to perform the operation.

Treatment for epididymitis:

  1. Strict bed rest. It is necessary to provide the scrotum with rest and an elevated position (use a suspensorium or lay the scrotum on a rolled towel).
  2. Proper nutrition. Harmful, fried foods, spicy foods are removed from the diet.
  3. Cold compresses. They will help reduce the heat in the testes, for this, a bandage or ice soaked in cold water is applied to the scrotum area.
  4. concomitant treatment. The pathogen that caused inflammation of the appendage is detected and eliminated.
  5. Physiotherapy. It is prescribed mainly after the treatment of acute manifestations of epididymitis.
  6. Opening and drainage. It is indicated if suppuration is found in the area of ​​​​the appendage.
  7. Epididymectomy. This is the removal of the appendage, the most radical measure used in complicated cases.

The operation is prescribed only if the inflammation threatens the second testicle or even the life of the patient. But with timely identification of the problem, epididymitis responds well to treatment, the health of a man is fully restored after rehabilitation.


Aching pain may indicate inflammation of the testicle itself. The etiology of the symptom is usually infectious, orchitis develops. Bacteria enter the male body through the scrotum, move to the bladder and descend to the testicles. This is how infection occurs.

A typical symptom of orchitis is pain, which is why doctors recommend undergoing an examination in case of prolonged soreness. With this disease, discomfort increases during walking. Attacks are removed with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs based on ibuprofen, ketoprofen.

Additional symptoms of orchitis:

  • the appearance of redness of the testicles;
  • tissue swelling;
  • general weakness;
  • body temperature increases.

Orchitis has no stages of development and begins suddenly. In this case, intoxication of the body occurs, the patient sharply feels unwell. The standard duration of treatment for testicular pain in men is about 2 weeks.


Hydrocele is a collection of fluid in the testicles. The disease occurs in children and adults, may be acquired or congenital. The main symptom is heaviness and pain in the scrotum.

There are only two main types of dropsy treatment:

  1. No operation. A man will be offered puncture or sclerosis. The first method involves the withdrawal of serous fluid from the testicular area. This is a temporary measure, the hydrocele may reappear. Sclerotherapy is getting rid of the liquid, but also filling it with a chemical substance that can completely get rid of dropsy after several procedures.
  2. Operation. In an uncomplicated case, non-fusion of the testis membranes is eliminated, the outer layer of the testis is removed, the dropsy fluid is aspirated, and the incision on the scrotum is sutured. If the hydrocele is complicated by a hernia, the incision is made already in the inguinal region, which allows you to simultaneously treat both diseases.

As a rule, the doctor gives the patient himself to make a choice: sclerotherapy or surgical treatment. Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. If the hydrocele is complicated by other diseases of the reproductive system, only surgery is indicated.

Torsion of the cords

Adnexal torsion can leave a male without offspring. This is a dangerous pathology that requires immediate treatment. Basically, testicular torsion develops in childhood, but it can also be the result of an injury to the scrotum.

Testicular torsion is a pathological direction of the spermatic cord, due to which a man experiences pain. The testicular area may burn and throb.

The doctor can determine the torsion even with palpation. If the spermatic cord is not properly positioned, the testicles do not receive enough oxygen, which can lead to pinching. The result of such a pathological process is the stagnation of spermatic fluid in the parenchyma of the testis.

Testicular torsion treatment methods:

  1. Small deviation. There is a chance to correct the curvature of the spermatic cord without surgery, but the chance is minimal. Massage will only help if the torsion is only a few degrees.
  2. Operation. The only accurate method. The surgeon makes an incision in the tissues, the cord is untwisted. In some cases, this step is not enough, then the testicle is removed.

Then the patient goes through the path of recovery after the operation. For 2 months, you will have to give up sexual activity, maintain sexual peace. Additionally, the use of anti-inflammatory painkillers is indicated.


Treatment of injuries depends on the degree of tissue damage. Minor bruises that are not even accompanied by swelling can be treated with a cold compress and analgesics to relieve pain.

  • taking painkillers;
  • maintaining bed rest;
  • temporary sexual rest;
  • cold application (compress, ice);
  • wearing a bandage.

Analgin, Ketoprofen, Ibuprofen will help to cope with pain. It is recommended to avoid prolapse of the scrotum by wearing special holding underwear. Cold compresses will relieve the tissues of swelling and the appearance of redness, bruising.

If the injury was severe and there is a tissue rupture, consult a doctor. The reason to seem to a specialist may be the presence of severe swelling, blood and pus in the urine, severe pain. In case of rupture of the skin or internal bleeding, emergency surgical intervention will be required.

Sperm stasis

Usually occurs due to prolonged sexual abstinence. Seminal fluid accumulates in the testicles because there is no ejaculation - its release. The anomaly is more of a one-time nature and is treated in two ways - by sex or masturbation.

The patient may notice a thickening of the seed and even the presence of a yellow tint. The color has changed due to the long stay of the seed in the testicles. There are a lot of methods for treating ejaculate stagnation in modern medicine. Treatment can be carried out with medication, physiotherapy and even surgery.

The main methods of treatment:

  1. Physiotherapy. The patient needs to get rid of congestion in the testicles. For this, a massage is prescribed that promotes ejaculation.
  2. Medicines. To facilitate the emptying of the testicles, some drugs from the pharmacological group of alpha-blockers, muscle relaxants or sexual stimulants will help.
  3. Surgery. It is indicated in the event that the patient cannot get an erection on his own, but the production of the seed does not stop.

Problems can begin if ejaculation is not possible. This is the only indication for the operation. The patient is advised to have a regular sexual life to prevent the recurrence of stagnation.


If you start treatment on time, you can avoid negative complications. Depending on the disease of the testicles, a man may develop a chronic pain syndrome, and the pathology of the testicles can provoke inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

Possible consequences:

  • the transition of an acute form of the disease into a chronic one;
  • erectile disfunction;
  • decreased activity of spermatozoa;
  • complete infertility;
  • fatal gangrene.

That is why it is worth consulting a doctor, even if in fact the problem was temporary. To prevent dangerous complications, do not self-medicate and follow the recommendations of your doctor.


Advanced testicular diseases affect not only the quality of intimate life and sexual sensations, but also the ability to conceive. To exclude serious consequences, a man should contact a specialist when pain in the scrotum occurs.

Preventive measures:

  • treatment of inflammatory or other diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • maintaining a regular sexual life with a regular sexual partner;
  • wearing a bandage or special protection when playing sports;
  • selection of suitable underwear;
  • compliance with the rules of intimate hygiene;
  • strict implementation of the doctor's recommendations;
  • proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits;
  • annual preventive examinations by a urologist.

At least once a year, you need to visit a doctor, even if nothing bothers a man. Many patients needlessly ignore the rules of prevention. Such measures will help eliminate and even prevent the recurrence of the problem.


Learn more about the first signs of scrotal disease and when to see a doctor.

Men have various health problems, but one of the most unpleasant is testicular pain. This is the most sensitive organ, any impact on which is accompanied by intense pain, which affects the psychological state of a man, significantly lowering his self-esteem. The gonads of men are the testicles, they provide the reproductive function (in women - the ovaries).

Let's figure out why the testicles in men hurt and what to do in this case.

When should pain be a concern?

It should be noted that this problem has no age restrictions. In this case, the causes that caused pain in the testicles can be very different. It is important to remember that a visit to the doctor should not be postponed in such cases:

  • a mechanical injury has been received, and the pain does not subside for more than one hour;
  • pulling pains in the testicles in men either subside, then resume;
  • the testicle has changed shape;
  • pain appeared suddenly;
  • there is pain during palpation;
  • pain is accompanied by symptoms: fever, dizziness, nausea.

These signs may indicate the development of various diseases.



Pain in the testicles often appears as a result of injury or bruising. The severity and duration of it in this case depends on the severity of the impact. A slight bruise can cause a sharp pain that quickly passes without leaving any discomfort. A severe injury can cause not only severe pain, but also pain shock or loss of consciousness.

When there is discomfort in the testicles, you need to pay attention to the nature of the pain: if it grows and does not disappear for a long time, there is a high probability of chronic injury to the scrotum.

Stab and cutting injuries are most dangerous for the male gonad. Medical assistance must be provided very quickly, otherwise the man risks losing the testicle.

Testicular torsion

Acute pain in the testicles in men, which arose suddenly, may speak from torsion of the spermatic cord. In this case, the testicle moves and rotates along the longitudinal axis. This prevents blood from circulating and compresses the vas deferens. What to do in this case? Of course, see a doctor.

Surgery is possible, but this is not the only way out of this situation. The doctor will first attempt to get rid of the problem using external manual detortion.

The reasons for the development of this condition have not yet been studied. It is known that most often it affects adolescents and young people under 30 years of age.


Pain in the testicles can be caused by a disease such as varicocele, in which the veins of the spermatic cord dilate. The causes of the disease are vascular pathology and high blood pressure in the veins of the scrotum and pelvic organs. A man rarely suffers from acute pain with this disease, but you need to remember that if you delay in going to the doctor, the testicle can atrophy.


Cause pain in the testicles in men can epididymitis - inflammation of the epididymis. It should be noted that the pain occurs in the appendage itself, which is located in the upper part of the testicle, almost close to it. There is a feeling that it is the testicle that hurts.

Inflammation is usually caused by microorganisms: chlamydia or gonococci, penetrating into the appendage from the bladder or urethra. This is due to the fact that as a result of sexual arousal, high pressure occurs in the urethra, which leads to the return of infected urine to the epididymis.

However, epididymitis is not only a disease of young men, it also affects older people with prostatitis. In this case, the infected prostate becomes a source of pathogenic bacteria.

Symptoms of this disease:

  • sharp cramps and burning sensation when emptying the bladder;
  • loss of control over urination;
  • temperature increase.

Delayed treatment can cause infertility or impotence.


The disease is characterized by inflammation of the testicle, while all parts and tissues of the organ are involved in the process. Orchitis most often occurs as a complication as a result of infectious diseases: influenza, mumps, pneumonia, etc. In this case, the infection spreads through the bloodstream.

Symptoms of pathology:

  • a significant increase in body temperature;
  • redness of the skin of the scrotum;
  • scrotum hot;
  • the pains are getting stronger.

The mumps virus infects the salivary glands, but other organs can become infected, most often the testicles are affected. Before the boy enters puberty, such complications are rare. In adults, the disease occurs in 20-30% of cases. On the 3-4th day after the swelling of the glands in the mouth in men, a sharp increase in temperature occurs, the testicles increase, and there is pain on palpation. After about a week, the symptoms of the disease disappear, while the affected testicles shrink and atrophy.

A man who hears the diagnosis "orchitis" thinks that he is doomed to infertility. Timely treatment will help to avoid such a disease.

Unsatisfied sexual arousal

Pain in the testicles can be the result of sexual arousal, which for a long time does not end with the eruption of the seed. This condition is called "blue eggs". Discomfort is due to the fact that with a prolonged erection, blood stagnates. Such symptoms go away on their own within a short time, and nothing special needs to be done.


Discomfort and pain in the testicles can be caused by hernial protrusions (part of the peritoneum protrudes into the lumen of the inguinal canal). In such a case, there is a feeling of swelling, overflow in the scrotum. This is especially felt when a man is standing. Such a pathology does not involve conservative treatment, there is one way to get rid of the problem - to perform an operation.


The testicles hurt and due to the development of a malignant tumor in them. A similar pathology can occur with cryptorchidism, if the glands did not descend into the scrotum, but remained in the abdominal cavity. Here the temperature is higher than in the scrotum. This is what leads to the emergence of neoplasms.

There are several factors that cause pathology:

  • family predisposition;
  • testicular injury;
  • testicular underdevelopment;
  • infertility;
  • previous operations.

Discomfort and pain in this case rarely bother a man in the early stages of the development of pathology. If such a problem has arisen, an operation is performed to remove the gland.

There are other reasons that cause soreness of the testicles:

  1. Urolithiasis disease.
  2. STD.
  3. Prostatitis, etc.

Diagnosis and treatment

We found out why eggs hurt. Now it is important to figure out what needs to be done to prevent irreversible consequences, and what methods of treatment are used to solve a particular problem.

First, you should consult a doctor and undergo the necessary diagnostic procedures. The doctor will ask and examine the patient, after which laboratory tests will be prescribed:

  1. General analysis of blood, urine.
  2. If there is discharge from the penis, a urethral smear, which allows you to identify sexually transmitted diseases.
  3. Testicular ultrasound.
  4. Nuclear scan.

The treatment that will be prescribed depends entirely on the cause of the pain.


Minor injuries and bruises of the testicles are treated at home. Therapy is prescribed by a doctor. It consists:

  • in taking painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • sufficient rest;
  • the scrotum should be raised;
  • apply ice to the injury site.

If, as a result of an injury, the scrotum has ruptured, there is an accumulation of blood in it, surgical intervention is required.

Testicular torsion

This condition requires the immediate intervention of a doctor. First, he will try to manually untwist the testicle. If the attempt fails, surgery cannot be avoided. During surgery, the damaged testicle will be untwisted, the doctor will assess its viability, and then attached to the wall of the scrotum, which will help prevent further twisting.


What should be done to get rid of such a problem? Usually, treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, but in difficult cases, hospitalization is carried out.

Treatment involves taking:

  • antibacterial drugs for about two weeks;
  • anti-inflammatory agents;
  • painkillers;
  • scrotal support.

Complications may develop that require surgical intervention. One of them is a scrotal abscess.

Inguinal hernia

Treatment of inguinal hernias consists of surgical intervention. At the request of the patient, treatment can be completed on an outpatient basis. However, a strangulated hernia requires mandatory surgical correction.

Whatever the cause of pain in the testicles, treatment should be carried out as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician. Self-medication can lead to irreversible consequences that will deprive a person of a full sexual life and cause infertility.

Pain in the testicles is extremely dangerous to ignore, since untimely treatment can have dangerous consequences, up to complete impotence. In this article, you will find a complete list of the causes of pain in the most intimate area of ​​the male body, as well as recommendations on how to get rid of it.

What diseases can cause pain in the testicles?

Pain cannot occur on its own, and therefore if you feel pain in one or both testicles, it is very important to immediately visit a urologist.

The causes of such pain can be hidden not only in problems with the genitals. Often, pain in the scrotum occurs with kidney disease and inguinal hernia. And it also happens that even the doctor cannot identify the cause (we will consider such situations in the next section).

Diabetic neuropathy

This problem can occur in men who suffer from diabetes. If the disease progresses, it can cause a dangerous complication - damage to nerve fibers. Often, diabetic neuropathy also affects those nerves that are located in the male groin and scrotum, thereby causing pain in the eggs.


This disease provokes the inflammatory process of the appendages of the testis. In 80% of cases, epididymitis occurs as a result of a nonspecific infection entering the male body. The disease may develop after an injury.

Fournier's gangrene

We are talking about the rapid progressive necrosis of cells in the scrotum, which is accompanied by their decay. It usually occurs against the background of injuries to the testicles and / or scrotum tissues and their infection with various microorganisms.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis

With this disease, inflammation of the blood vessels in the groin and testicles occurs, provoking multiple microthrombi. The causes of the disease are the circulation in the blood of a man of the immune complex, which should normally be excreted from the body.

Hemorrhagic vasculitis can develop as a result of diseases transferred earlier, as one of the symptoms of allergies, or as an adverse reaction to drugs.


A disease in which large amounts of fluid form and accumulate in the scrotum (the second name is dropsy of the testicle). A hydrocele appears due to injuries or as a consequence of other diseases suffered by a man. Complications can be very dangerous.

Inguinal hernia

If the pain occurs only in the right testicle or only in the left, it can be provoked by an inguinal hernia. A hernia can be either congenital or acquired in a man.

Stones in the kidneys

Pain caused by the formation and movement of kidney stones can be localized not only in the back and groin, but also in the testicles.


Mumps is a viral infection that can affect absolutely all human organs and manifest itself through an increase in temperature. In some cases, it can even provoke orchitis.


Inflammation of the testicle(s) that occurs as a complication of influenza, mumps, mumps, or gonorrhea. A high predisposition to orchitis occurs as a result of injury, weakened immunity and hypothermia.


An inflammatory process that develops in the prostate gland and the pain from which can affect the scrotum. Prostatitis can develop not only as a result of injuries, but also as a result of hormonal problems, disorders in the blood and lymph flow.


The second name of the disease is seminal cyst. It is characterized by the formation of a fibrous membrane in the right or left testicle (or their appendages), which may contain seminal fluid or spermatozoa. If your testicles hurt, be sure to feel around your groin area for a spermatocele.

testicular cancer

Tumor formation in the testicles is very rare, but it can also cause pain and severe discomfort in the scrotum.

Torsion of the spermatic cord

This is a pathological condition that causes compression of the nerves and veins of the spermatic cord, and, as a result, severe pain. If a man sees a doctor in time, conservative treatment is possible. If this method is unsuccessful or impossible, it will not be possible to avoid surgical intervention.

undescended testicle

A condition where one or both testicles in boys do not descend into the scrotum, but remain in the abdominal cavity, in the inguinal canal, in the groin under the skin, or even in the thigh.

An undescended testicle in boys under 1 year old is treated with surgery. Sometimes hormone therapy is prescribed.

Urinary tract infections

Infections such as pyelitis, pyelonephritis and cystitis, in addition to the urinary tract and penis, can also cause inflammation in the testicles.

Sexually transmitted infections

The number of such infections is very large and not all of them can provoke any symptoms. However, in the presence of chronic forms of gonorrhea or syphilis, men often experience pain in the scrotum.


The disease causes dilation of the veins in the testicles and can lead to infertility. The cause of varicocele in men may be heredity, the presence of tumors or increased pressure in the abdominal cavity.

Non-disease causes of pain

When the testicle or the entire scrotum area hurts, but there are no obvious health problems, the problem should still not be ignored.

Sometimes the testicles begin to hurt due to:

  • Unsatisfied sexual arousal - this is probably the most common provocateur of pain in the testicles. When pain arises from abstinence, there is no need to consult a urologist.
  • The resulting injury, which was inflicted in the scrotum. Pain can occur not only immediately after the impact, but also after a few weeks.
  • Side effects of the drug. If you are taking antibiotics or undergoing chemotherapy, the treatment may cause pain in various areas of the body, including the groin.
  • Vasectomy. If you have undergone a sterilization procedure, one of its consequences may be periodic pain or discomfort in the testicles.

When is emergency medical attention required?

Many men are embarrassed to talk about their problem and courageously continue to endure the pain. But this is a very stupid and reckless attitude to one's health, which is fraught with disastrous consequences.

Go to the hospital or see your urologist right away if you have:

  1. There was a sudden or very sharp pain in the scrotum or in the groin.
  2. Your scrotum is red and very hot to the touch.
  3. The stomach or abdomen is very sore, the body temperature has risen, nausea, chills and blood in the urine have appeared.
  4. Within a short period of time, a tumor appeared on the scrotum.

Schedule a visit to a urologist if:

  1. You feel discomfort in your testicles and it doesn't go away within a few days.
  2. You feel a lump or swelling inside the testicle or in the groin area.
  3. You observe a gradual change in the shape, size or color of the testicles.
  4. You recently had contact with a person who has mumps.

What to do if you experience pain in the testicles?

If your eggs hurt, the algorithm of actions should be as follows:

  1. Visit a urologist and talk frankly with him about the problem. He will carefully examine the painful organ, sex glands and abdomen, prescribe additional diagnostic methods. He will also tell you what to do to eliminate pain and their causes.
  2. After making a diagnosis or understanding the non-medical cause of pain in the eggs, strictly follow the recommendations and prescriptions of the urologist. Remember, incorrect or too short treatment can only aggravate the situation!
  3. Visit the urologist again after completing the prescribed course of treatment. The doctor must make sure that the problem has disappeared.

In the presence of serious diseases, you may even be prescribed surgical intervention. In no case do not refuse the operation, because it will not only relieve you of pain, but also help prevent complications such as impotence, infertility and even death (in the presence of a cancerous tumor).

How can you help yourself at home?

If a visit to the doctor shows that medical intervention and drug treatment is not required in your situation, the following recommendations will help relieve pain at home:

  • wear a bandage for the scrotum until the pain disappears;
  • use ice to relieve swelling or swelling;
  • take warm baths;
  • while lying down, place a rolled towel under the scrotum;
  • use safe pain relievers, such as ibuprofen, to relieve pain.

If, in a conversation with a urologist, you found out that the only cause of pain is unsatisfied sexual tension after a long arousal, all you need to do is increase your sexual activity.

You can accomplish this task without sexual intercourse with the help of regular masturbation.

What are the complications of testicular pain?

With chlamydia or other infectious diseases, you can develop testicular damage, which in turn often provokes problems with potency and fertility (the ability to conceive). But testicular torsion often even leads to gangrene and other deadly complications.

How to prevent pain in the scrotum?

Not all cases and causes of testicular pain can be prevented, but there are a few things you can do:

  1. Wear comfortable clothes and a special sports bandage to prevent injury (especially if you are a big sports fan).
  2. Prefer safe sex: use condoms as a contraceptive.
  3. Examine your perineum and testicles once a month to notice any changes in time.
  4. Empty your bladder completely when urinating to prevent urinary tract infections.

Video: pain in the eggs can be a symptom of what diseases?

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