The use of osmanthus in folk medicine. Osmanthus: beneficial properties and a recipe with green tea Osmanthus fragrans fragrant osmanthus

Osmanthus tea, or Gui Hua Cha, belongs to the category of oolongs and is famous for its delicate floral taste and aroma of fragrant herbs. The osmanthus flower, added during production to high-quality tea leaves, gives the drink an amazing sweet aftertaste and subtle honey notes. Read more about osmanthus tea, its taste properties, benefits and brewing methods - later in the article.

Fragrant osmanthus is a shrub that grows in some eastern regions of Asia. Since ancient times, in China, the fragrant flowers of this plant have been used in brewing tea to give the drink an exquisite pleasant aroma and diversify the taste.

The smell of osmanthus is a light fruity note, a cross between peach, honey and aromatic herbs. To get a better idea of ​​what osmanthus smells like, imagine the combination of ripe honey apples, juicy apricots, and the subtle scent of wildflowers.

In addition to the delicious aroma, the osmanthus plant has many more advantages. So, for many centuries, the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom used osmanthus flowers in folk medicine to strengthen the body and treat colds, as well as to treat wounds and treat inflammation of the oral cavity (osmanthus has anti-inflammatory properties). Added to tea, osmanthus flowers invigorate, refresh and tone.

Osmanthus Tea Gui Hua Cha

The birthplace of tea with osmanthus is the eastern regions of the Celestial Empire; osmanthus oolong is currently produced in the Chinese province of Guangxi Zhuan, located in the southeast of the country.

What is the production technology of this drink?

  • For the preparation of tea, high-quality raw materials collected from the best tea bushes are used;
  • Osmanthus flowers taken from certain bushes act as a natural flavoring agent; for the production of elite varieties, the flowers are hand-picked by craftsmen;
  • After harvesting, tea raw materials are subjected to standard procedures: first, they are dried and dried in the open air;
  • Then the tea leaves are twisted to extract the juice, which subsequently gives the drink a characteristic aroma and pleasant taste. Thanks to strong fermentation (oxidation), the drink gets all its beneficial properties;
  • Tea raw materials are again dried, then roasted in a specially designed giant dish;
  • The leaves are stored with dried osmanthus flowers, soaking in the aroma of this plant and absorbing its juice. As a result, when brewed, a tea with a floral-fruity aroma of the osmanthus plant is obtained.

According to the tea classification, osmanthus tea belongs to the category of highly fermented red teas or, depending on some stages of production, to the oolong group.

When brewed, the drink acquires a rich reddish or amber hue, becoming a little paler with each new infusion.

On a note!

Like any high-quality tea, osmanthus easily withstands several brews, revealing a variety of flavors and aromas with each brew. The optimal number of straits is 5-6.

Perhaps the main advantage of the Gui Hua Cha drink is the amazing fragrant smell of sweet fruits, an exquisite combination of juicy apple, apricot and peach flavors. New brews reveal subtle honey and floral notes in the tea.

The taste of osmanthus tea is soft, slightly sweet, leaving a pleasant fruity aftertaste.

Useful properties of osmanthus tea

Tea variety Gui Hua Cha is known not only as an extremely tasty, but also very healthy drink.

  • Substances contained in tea, alkaloids (tannins in tea), stimulate the nervous system, tone up and give a feeling of cheerfulness and freshness. At the same time, tea, unlike other energy drinks, gently and delicately affects the body without causing headaches and other side effects;
  • Gui Hua Cha, like any tea, is rich in antioxidants that prevent the formation of cancer cells in the body, and also actively fight the aging process and wear and tear of internal organs. Antioxidants help maintain youthfulness and beauty of the skin, slow down the appearance of mimic wrinkles;
  • Since ancient times, fragrant osmanthus flowers have been used in oriental medicine to treat colds and infectious diseases, dry coughs, strengthen weak immunity;
  • Possessing an antiseptic effect, osmanthus tea disinfects the oral cavity and prevents the development of caries;
  • Tea is good for vascular health and is recommended for the prevention of atherosclerosis, varicose veins and thrombophlebitis;
  • The drink has a beneficial effect on the state of the digestive system, facilitating the process of digestion of food. Regular consumption of fermented tea (namely, Gui Hua Cha belongs to these) helps to normalize the intestinal microflora and serves as a prevention of dysbacteriosis and gastric disorders.


However, even such a healthy drink as tea should not be abused - excessive consumption provokes headaches, tachycardia, nausea and vomiting.

How to make osmanthus tea

Osmanthus tea belongs to the category of red teas, so when preparing a drink, you need to follow the general recommendations for brewing red tea varieties.

On a note!

For tea ceremonies, it is best to take earthenware or glassware - these materials contribute to a more complete disclosure of the taste of the drink.

  • For brewing use boiled water 90-95 degrees. It is advisable to take clean, soft and filtered water;
  • For 1 cup, take 1 tsp. leaves;
  • Pour the tea leaves with water and immediately drain the water - the first strait will clean the tea leaves from dust and dirt;
  • Pour hot water back into the teapot and let steep for 2 minutes. After this time, the drink can be drunk;
  • Tea can withstand up to 5 infusions, however, with each new brewing, the infusion time should be increased by 30 seconds.

You can diversify the taste and aroma of osmanthus tea by adding a little honey to the drink. Also, when brewing, you can throw a little mint or flower petals into the teapot.

Another recipe for making Gui Hua Cha is as follows:

  • Put tea leaves in the teapot at the rate of 1 tsp. per person;
  • Add oolong leaves or other green tea;
  • Pour hot, but not boiling water;
  • Let it brew for 1-2 minutes;
  • Start drinking tea.

This method is suitable for gourmets, as it allows you to enjoy two tastes at once - for example, osmanthus and oolong (or the tea that was added to Gui Hua Cha).

The homeland of the beautiful osmanthus is China. There, this plant is held in high esteem - it is considered sacred. Many legends and traditions are associated with it. The plant is considered a symbol of the Moon Festival, which takes place just when flowering bushes fill everything around with their wonderful intoxicating aroma. The Chinese call it kinmokusei, tea olive, fragrant olive. In the wild, it is found from the Caucasus to Japan.

But not only for the refined beauty and enchanting smell, the Chinese love this plant. Thousands of years ago it was established that flowers, lateral roots, bark, leaves are incredibly useful in the treatment of a number of diseases. In addition, they are used in cosmetology, perfumery, cooking. An excellent essential oil is obtained from the flowers.

plant description

Osmanthus is an evergreen shrub, sometimes a tree. It has large glossy, leathery, dark green leaves. It blooms from September-October until spring with small flowers of white, yellow, yellow-orange hue, collected in bunches.

The smell of different varieties is somewhat different, but, in any case, fragrant notes of peach or apricot are felt. It bears fruit in ovoid drupes up to 15 mm long, in a dark purple or purple skin.

The chemical composition of the plant is very diverse. It contains vitamin C, cis-jasmine, geraniol, linalool, phenethyl alcohol, gamma-de-galactone, chemical compounds of linalool oxide isomers, magnesium, calcium.

Useful properties of osmanthus

Useful substances are found in all parts of the plant. Use the medicinal properties due to these substances in such cases:

Application in traditional medicine

The beneficial properties of osmanthus are widely used in alternative medicine. In folk recipes, flowers, bark, lateral roots, young shoots of the plant are used. Benefits bring even just tea from osmanthus flowers, or by adding them to green or black tea.


  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • with a tendency to increase blood pressure;
  • in the presence of epilepsy;
  • children under 12 years old.

Growing and caring for a plant

Osmanthus can be grown at home or in the garden.

  • The plant prefers sunny places. Therefore, at home you need to choose a window on the south side, and in summer place a flower on the balcony.
  • In winter, lighting should also be good, and the temperature should not be lower than 10-14ºС. Osmanthus can withstand temperatures down to 0 for some time, but prolonged cold will destroy it.
  • The soil must be prepared slightly acidic. For a pot, they take 2/3 of fertile land plus a third of peat, it is advisable to add mineral fertilizer at the rate of 30 g per bucket of soil.
  • When planting in open ground, compost is applied at the rate of up to 3 kg per plant.
  • Seeds are sown in containers in spring.
  • Osmanthus can also be propagated from cuttings. To do this, in July, semi-lignified or completely lignified cuttings of 10-15 cm are taken and planted in a mixture of peat and sand, taken in equal proportions. The temperature is desirable around 20ºС.
  • When the roots form, the plants are transplanted into small pots.
  • During growth, watering should be plentiful. In winter - moderately, but not allowing drying out.

Traditional medicine has accumulated experience for thousands of years in the use of natural ingredients for the treatment of diseases. And even with the availability of the most modern medicines, the recipes of traditional healers are consistently popular, as they really help the human body to cope with various ailments.

We offer for review useful articles about magical healing properties, about the positive impact on the body of spicy-aromatic, about many useful recipes from the usual.

If you, dear readers, have had to use the healing properties of exotic osmanthus, write about your impressions of using it.

Many people want to have something exotic on the windowsill of their apartment. Unusual "guests" from the tropics and deserts, from the shores of the Amazon or always delight the eye and cheer up. Why not start at home not only a beautiful and rare plant, but also a useful one? One of these is osmanthus. Few people in our country know what it is, since it is rare to find it in stores or at home.

Description of the genus

Under the name "osmanthus" a whole genus of deciduous evergreens is combined. All of them belong to the Maslinov family. The homeland of the plant is tropical forests from Asia to the Caucasus itself. Osmanthus is not yet as popular and widespread in Russia as, for example, in China. It has been grown there for more than one millennium, and not only as an ornamental, but also as a medicinal plant. Osmanthus is associated with many legends and beliefs; it is traditionally considered a symbol of love and fidelity. Plants of this genus are shrubs or trees that have hard, dark green leaves with smooth or serrated edges. Osmanthus flowers can be snow-white or yellow in color, they exude a strong aroma, which is sometimes compared to the smell of magnolia and jasmine.

Osmanthus fragrant

Very often it can be found under the name of tea or fragrant olive. The homeland of the plant is Southern Japan, the Himalayas and China. Under natural conditions, it is a tree or shrub up to three meters high. Flowers can be white or yellow, depending on the variety, have a pronounced sweetish aroma. The scented osmanthus is a very showy plant with leathery leaves that have serrated edges. In nature, it begins to bloom in September, and this continues until spring.

Osmanthus grows quite slowly, but it is unpretentious and drought-resistant. It will grow in almost any soil. In open ground in our climatic conditions, osmanthus will not take root, as it cannot withstand a long drop in temperature below zero. But he will feel quite comfortable in room conditions. If you want to grow a tree, then and in this case, osmanthus is perfect (photo below).

Which soil to choose

The osmanthus plant is not capricious, but nevertheless, for the best growth and development, some nuances must be taken into account. It is better to choose a place in the apartment with bright lighting, for example, on the south window, and in spring and summer, take it out to the loggia, balcony or terrace. It is best to choose a soil with a slightly acidic or neutral environment. The ideal ratio is 2:1 (fertile light soil and peat). You definitely need good drainage, so you need to put expanded clay on the bottom of the pot, and add coarse river sand to the soil. The plant does not require pruning, as this will reduce its flowering.

Propagation by seeds and cuttings

The first method is very long, since seedlings will have to wait at least six months, or even more. In addition, it all depends directly on the freshness of the seeds. If they are old, then it is necessary to carry out stratification so that the osmanthus is healthy and strong. What it is, every grower knows - keeping seeds at certain temperatures for their best germination (for osmanthus - three months in warmth and the same in cold). It is very easy to propagate the plant with semi-lignified cuttings. They need to be cut in July. Then dry the cut for several hours, dip it in a growth stimulator and root it in a mixture of peat and sand. When the roots appear, it is necessary to plant young osmanthus in separate pots.

Watering and transplanting

Watering during the period of intensive growth (in winter) should be plentiful, the rest of the time - moderate, water stagnation in the soil should not be allowed, but the land should not be overdried. Osmanthus loves moist air very much, so daily spraying will only benefit him. Sometimes you can arrange a tropical rain for the plant in the shower, and the leaves should be wiped with a damp cloth from accumulating dust. Once a month during the growing season, osmanthus should be watered with a complex mineral or organic fertilizer.

Replant the plant only as needed. Osmanthus prefers to grow in a tight pot until the roots fill it completely. Young plants should be transplanted as they grow, while for large ones it will be enough to change only the top layer of soil.

Gui Hua Hong Cha and osmanthus: what is it?

This is a unique product made in China. Authentic Gui Hua Hong Cha is made from an elite variety of red tea, which has a very rich, tart flavor that is the result of a high degree of fermentation. It grows in only three Chinese provinces. To flavor the drink, an ancient recipe is used, its main ingredient is osmanthus. What it is and how to use it, perhaps, every resident of the Guangxi province in China knows, because this is their signature drink. Only two varieties of osmanthus are used, the flowering period of which is only 10-15 days, so this is a unique product, and the amount of genuine tea is limited.

If you are a happy owner of this plant, the drink can be prepared at home. To do this, osmanthus flowers must first be dried at room temperature (not in direct sunlight), and then brewed. The infusion is used as an independent drink or added to black tea. It has an amazing aroma and a slight soothing, relaxing effect. The essential oils contained in the flowers have a beneficial effect on the body and help to cope with cough.

If you plant osmanthus at home, you will never regret it. The plant will give you a great mood and will delight you with its decorative effect, and besides, it will be possible to treat yourself with pleasure to a mug of tea with fragrant flowers on cold winter evenings.

Osmanthus. During its flowering, the aroma spreads far. The plant itself is not yet visible, but its sweet fruity smell is already felt. Small osmanthus flowers cannot be compared in their beauty to others more common and famous on the planet, but its exquisite and delicious aroma captivates everyone who has ever tasted it.

Osmanthus is an evergreen deciduous tree that belongs to the olive family and grows in tropical regions of Asia. The plant can be of several types, so somewhere it grows as a shrub, and somewhere as a small tree. Osmanthus is considered a rare plant, its flowers, collected in brushes, differ in color and strength of fragrance. There are silver-white inflorescences, golden-orange, and even reddish. In Asia, osmanthus is called the fragrant olive.

And in China, special respect is expressed for this plant. Osmanthus is the emblem flower of Hangzhou. At the same time, it is used to flavor tea, which helps with colds, mainly coughs. Osmanthus flowers are also used to make fragrant jam.

Many legends and traditions are associated with this noble plant. In Taiwan, almost every wedding is held with osmanthus flowers, because they are the personification of fidelity and love. Osmanthus flowers are also indispensable participants in the Chinese Moon Festival, which is celebrated in September, that is, at the time when the tree begins to bloom.

Zhongqiu - this is the name of this holiday, or mid-autumn, is celebrated annually on the 15th day of the eighth month of the lunar calendar. In 2018, this event will take place on September 24th. In Chinese culture, the full moon is a symbol of peace and unity between man and nature. This holiday is loved by all Chinese people. One of the traditions of this holiday is the union of two loving hearts.

The celebration takes place over three days, which are considered days off. Everyone visits each other, attends festive events, and at home they bake moon cakes from lotus seeds and sesame seeds. Each part of China has its own recipe for making moon cakes, which also have their own history. But now we are talking about osmanthus. The flowers of this plant fill cooked treats with their sweet fragrance.

Osmanthus for health

Osmanthus is also used in medicine, its medicinal properties were described by Avicenna. In addition to treating cough, a decoction of osmanthus stems is used to treat skin abscesses, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect, smoothes scars on the skin, and stabilizes pressure.

The smell of osmanthus flowers gives joy, energizes and is an excellent depressant. Osmanthus absolute is valued on a par with tuberose absolute and neroli. Its smell, fresh and very fragrant, is considered one of the most delicious and fragrant notes, creating a juicy peach-apricot note that gives depth and sensuality to the composition.

Fragrance in perfumery

Osmanthus has long been included in the main components of perfumery, it takes pride of place both in the heart of the fragrance and in the plume. It is used as an absolute, which is obtained from a plant that has golden-orange flowers. Osmanthus absolute is a very expensive raw material, therefore it is used only in the most expensive perfumery.

The smell of osmanthus is compared by many to the smell of peaches, apricots and plums. All these fruity sweets create a velvety scent with spicy leather notes, like sweet scented fruits stored in a suede purse. The smell of osmanthus is a delight that causes joy and a feeling of happiness.

Osmanthus absolute is used by perfumers in floral, fruity and oriental groups, and is called "memories of a Chinese garden". Osmanthus pairs beautifully with geranium, neroli, tonka bean, honey, rose, sandalwood, rosewood, benzoin, and mandarin.

Serge Lutens Nuit de Cellophane
The fragrance is unusual and very persistent, like all Lutens fragrances, created in 2009. Osmanthus is here at the very beginning of the composition, surrounded by a retinue of jasmine and citrus. Sparks of juicy mandarin, honey drops of sandalwood, notes of sweet almonds are felt in it. The fragrance is reminiscent of the reflections of the sun's rays in colored stained-glass windows.

The Different Company Osmanthus
The fragrance was created in 2000 by perfumer Jean Claude Ellena. In it, osmanthus plays a key role. The lightness and weightlessness of the fragrance is complemented by hints of bergamot and mandarin, notes of delicate roses and fresh herbs. The whole fragrant composition is accompanied by an accompaniment of musk and rose. Such smells can be heard walking through the Chinese gardens of Beijing. The composition contains mandarin orange, bergamot, green notes, osmanthus, jasmine and geranium. Base notes are musk and rose.

Jo Malone London Osmanthus Blossom
This sensual feminine fragrance, created in 2013, gives tenderness and awakens romantic feelings. The composition is built around the melody of osmanthus with its velvety nuances and sweet honey-peach sound.

Hermessence Osmanthe Yunnan – Hermes
A wonderful fragrance for men and women, belongs to the floral fruity group. The fragrance was launched in 2005 by perfumer Jean-Claude Ellena. The fragrance features orange, tea, osmanthus, freesia, leather and apricot. The fragrance creates a feeling of happiness, gives memories of childhood, in which apricot orchards grew, and the hot sun filled the fruits with sunlight and a unique sweet smell.

Sunshine Amouage
Another sunny fragrance reminiscent of summer was released in 2014. Even the bright yellow bottle evokes warmth and memories of hot sunbeams. Sunshine is a fragrance that you want to breathe, very tasty and sweet, with apricot jam.

Sunshine - bright and at the same time gentle, cheerful. Osmanthus, surrounded by noble companions, gives a good mood. And the companions in the composition are worthy. These are soft and delicate chords of almond and davana, shades of blackcurrant, osmanthus, jasmine, magnolia, vanilla. Woody base of tobacco, papyrus, patchouli and juniper berries. Sunshine can be called an elixir of happiness.

Benghal Lancome
The aroma of Benghal is like a sweet drink, delicate and attractive, a fruity-osmanthus haze that makes you want to dress up. Benghal is feminine and long lasting. This is the scent of summer, light, carefree and cheerful. Released in 2006. The fragrance features ginger, mandarin, apricot, osmanthus, jasmine, sandalwood and musk.

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