The most dangerous signs of the zodiac. Which zodiac signs change more often: how and with whom? What zodiac signs are the most needed ex

Many people who are fond of astrology and believe in horoscopes sometimes ask themselves the following question: "What is the best zodiac sign?". It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer, since it is necessary to take into account individual parameters - strength, beauty, sexuality, spirituality, wisdom. Some are good in communication, others in creativity or raising children. It all depends on what qualities are most desirable for you. Astrology provides a lot of interesting information about different areas, where each of the signs manifests itself from the best side. So, let's look at the list of the most-most.

The best compatibility of zodiac signs in bed

Fire, Earth, Air and Water are 4 elements, the most important factor of compatibility (including sexual), which contributes to strong relationships. Therefore, while the pleasure of intimacy can be enjoyed with any partner, when considering a relationship on a long-term basis, it is better to choose a companion from the same group as your sign. So, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius harmonize well with each other, and intimate relationships between them are full of passion and fire. Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo are voluptuous and restrained, able to control their desires. The best zodiac sign for Libra is Aquarius and Gemini. For air types, partners who are capable of experiments and have high intelligence are attractive. These qualities support sexual interest in them. And a group of water representatives - Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio - are extremely passionate, and as lovers they are simply inseparable. They seek to find in a partner not only sexual, but also moral satisfaction.

The most jealous zodiac sign

From an astrological point of view, Scorpio is considered the most jealous. By nature, he is suspicious, and if a partner gives him a reason for jealousy, even the smallest one, then all the anger, indignation and intransigence of the companion fall upon him. In second place is Taurus. This is the best sign of the zodiac for family relationships, but a terrible owner. Along with them, representatives of the entire fiery element belong to the status of the most violent jealous. Leo, Aries and Sagittarius are by nature leaders who are not going to share the championship with anyone else. But they are jealous as leaders, not as owners. Pisces and Aquarius can be considered the most calm in this regard. These signs have the inherent trait of changing themselves if they suddenly suspect a partner of treason. They strive in every possible way to correspond to their life partner, or in response they try to arouse his jealousy.

Which zodiac sign is the best in family relationships?

Cancer is considered the most domestic and family sign. For him, these values ​​always come first. He is caring, patient and responsible. For him, the main thing in life is a strong family, comfortable relationships full of understanding, children and home comfort. According to astrologers, Taurus are also ideal husbands and wives. They are monogamous, they are serious about everything related to household duties. If they marry, then once and for all. Perhaps their only drawback is stinginess in terms of expressing their feelings. It may seem to partners that Taurus does not love them at all, but this is not so.

The best female zodiac sign

In terms of family relationships and home improvement, Virgo ranks first, followed by Taurus. Not a single sign of the zodiac can boast of innate economic qualities and the ability to arrange being so skillfully. Capricorn woman, according to many astrologers, can also add to this list. If we consider the signs in terms of external attractiveness, then the championship should be given to Pisces, Libra and Lions. According to many astrologers, often beautiful people, equally applies to men and women, are born under the constellation Sagittarius. They are well built, pay a lot of attention to self-care. Although, by and large, a woman who takes care of herself is always attractive, it doesn’t matter what sign she was born under.

most successful zodiac sign

Astrologers say that absolutely everyone can succeed in life. But some mean by this position in society, status, others - material stability, others - the opportunity to do their own thing. The best zodiac sign to accumulate money is Cancer, followed by Taurus. Both are tied to what they have, are in no hurry to spend money, carefully plan expenses, especially for men. In third place is Capricorn. However, unlike the first two, he strives not so much for accumulation as for the realization of his ambitions, of which he has a lot. Career growth and development is important to him. These people more often than others aspire to occupy leadership positions. In this category it is worth noting Dev. They are very hardworking and work well under someone else. They enjoy the very process of work.

The most obnoxious sign

People born under the sign of Scorpio are simply unbearable. Not only are they selfish and can easily offend a person, they are also vindictive. Another sign of the zodiac - Capricorn (woman or man, it doesn't matter) - very cold, sharp and indifferent. He does not show feelings and can simply destroy if someone crosses his path. In third place are Gemini. These people are incredibly smart and cunning. Rarely are they able to admit their mistakes. Some astrologers consider Aquarius to be difficult to communicate, as they tend to commit rash acts, do not think about others, they like to take a walk, live for themselves.

The most hidden sign

Capricorn is considered the most difficult sign in psychological terms. He is stingy with feelings, even having lived for many years next to him, it is impossible to guess about his true feelings, to understand what is in his head. To some extent, this also applies to the constellation Pisces. A female tiger (if viewed according to the eastern calendar) is a person with a double bottom. All their emotions are inside. Although they are very artistic and receptive, they are excellent family men. But an unstable emotional background, a tendency to gamble, internal tension make relationships with them very difficult. The partner will have to try to maintain an alliance with them.

Another emotionally closed sign is Scorpio. Quite secretive and Cancers, they are difficult to understand. They can be vulnerable and sensitive, harsh and cold. These are a symbol of powerful internal forces moving under the surface. And it is difficult to get under it, as people of this sign erect barricades and hide in their shell. As mentioned, Pisces are no less closed. The tiger woman, and many other representatives of this sign, are endowed with a changeable, lethargic and very closed character.

The most harmonious sign

The first place here is occupied by Libra. This is a balanced, diplomatic and open sign. These people show all their best qualities in communication and personal relationships. They strive for balance and harmony in everything. They feel serene in a calm, comfortable environment. Separately, it is worth mentioning the combination of Libra-Ox. In Chinese astrology, the Ox symbolizes willpower and determination. Libra born this year are charming, subtle and sensual. These are the most calm, balanced personalities from the entire zodiac circle. They are attractive for their fairness, sincerity and balance in everything. For a man of this sign, it is important to be in agreement with everyone, to resolve conflict situations in a peaceful way. Also, the Libra man (Ox) takes marriage very seriously and tries to build good relations with the family of his chosen one. In general, this is an excellent combination of year and sign, the personality traits of the Ox and Libra complement each other perfectly.

The most spiritual sign

Surprisingly, three completely different signs are equally successful here: Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius. Every person strives to develop spiritually. From the natal chart of the horoscope, you can see how much attention he pays to this aspect of life. Someone may have developed intuition, someone believes in "subtle worlds". However, from the standpoint of spiritual strength, it is precisely the three listed signs that are dominant. This is due to the fact that they can go forward, no matter what, focusing on their internal feelings, and not on external factors.

The most sensitive sign

Of the entire horoscope, Cancers are considered the most sensitive, in second place are Scorpios. From a deeper point of view, the Rat-Cancer is an even more sentimental and emotional sign. This combination produces very susceptible individuals who need to be very careful in life not to take the wrong person under guardianship. They easily read the experiences, sufferings of others. These are people with the finest nervous system, who absolutely cannot tolerate rough relationships. They need a reliable and understanding life partner more than others.

Using the astrological characteristic, everyone will be able to determine for themselves the main shortcomings and advantages of a person. Do not forget that personality is also conditioned by many other qualities, so you do not need to focus only on stellar indicators alone.

The zodiac horoscope has a huge impact on a person's life, especially his character and building relationships with the outside world. Each of the signs of the Zodiac endows its owner with certain personal qualities, both positive and negative. In this article, we have collected interesting characteristics of astrologers that will help you understand which zodiac sign is the best in a particular area of ​​\u200b\u200blife.

Ophiuchus is the only "unofficially recognized" sign of the Zodiac and therefore is the rarest. In the sky, the location of this constellation is the area in the middle of the constellation Sagittarius and Scorpio.

The active period of the sign is the period from November 27th to December 17th. In fact, during this period of time, the “action” of Sagittarius continues, therefore it is believed that Ophiuchus has a certain cosmic power.

According to astrologers, all Ophiuchus are people called to fulfill a unique mission. In most cases, their life should be successful, happy, filled with various bright and interesting events.

The calmest sign of the zodiac

In this place are representatives of the Taurus sign, who by nature are not inclined to get involved in conflict situations, preferring to solve problems in a peaceful way, plus they are distinguished by goodwill, love for people and the whole world around them.

The strongest sign of the zodiac

Important planets responsible for their own self-expression and manifestation in the world are the Sun with Mars. Therefore, in order to talk about which zodiac sign is the most powerful, you need to know in which constellation the indicated planets will give a person more self-confidence.

Excellent indicators of the Sun when in the constellations of Aries, Leo and Sagittarius, which means that such individuals will easily express themselves.

Mars also feels great in the constellations of the elements of fire (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius), plus Scorpio (having strong energy) and Capricorn (characterized by perseverance and clarity) are also added here.

Therefore, it turns out that the most powerful signs of the Zodiac are Aries, Leo and Scorpio with Capricorn.

The most faithful zodiac sign

Here the leaders are Taurus and Virgo. Taurus is simply too lazy to spend their precious energy on betrayal, plus such people tend to become attached to their partner.

Virgos, on the other hand, love to support their family, and even when relationships have already exhausted themselves, Virgo will continue to keep them, because she does not want to be left alone.

If we study the statistics, we will find that the representatives of the earth element are the least prone to betrayal (they easily become attached to a loved one and hardly accept a new one), as opposed to the signs of the air, in which everything happens the other way around.

The most beautiful zodiac sign

The greatest external attractiveness and charm are inherent in the "human" signs of the Zodiac, that is, Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius.

But besides this, appearance is dependent on the state of the planets in the natal horoscope, the first house (or Ascendant), which is very important.

But still, which zodiac constellation girls are the most beautiful? The presence of a good appearance usually lies in the harmonious combination of the entire natal horoscope. Here the element of man will play a huge role.

  • for example, the element of Water adds plumpness (chubby lips) with big eyes to the image;
  • air element - will add a few centimeters of height and reward its owner with refined facial features;
  • earth signs - on the contrary, they are distinguished by short stature and a square face, stocky;
  • fire element - gives its representatives an outstanding appearance, endows with large and sharp facial features.

The sexiest zodiac sign

There is an opinion that the most sexual constellation is Scorpio. In reality, this opinion is somewhat erroneous, since for Scorpio, having sex is a way to get rid of excess accumulated energy, plus getting pleasure. Despite this, the representative of this constellation is deservedly in the 1st place in terms of sexuality among men.

As for women, here, of course, the palm belongs to Taurus. Taurus is distinguished by sensuality (because he is patronized by the planet Venus). Such people are used to enjoying everything they do and sex plays a huge role for them.

Most jealous zodiac sign

Here, as in the previous case, Scorpio comes first, because it is he who is distinguished by the highest degree of jealousy, which doubles when the Moon is in a similar sign. Representatives of this constellation are distinguished by increased jealousy, show distrust of others and try to find dirty tricks everywhere. They also love to take away the personal belongings of their soulmate (for example, her phone), they strive to find the very essence of information there.

Scorpios often believe that their chosen one is their personal property. But, it should be noted that not all people of this sign fit such a description, of course, there are exceptions to the rules. Also, if Scorpio directs all his enormous energy in a different direction, then his character will become softer and he will get rid of pathological jealousy.

The kindest zodiac sign

According to astrologers, each of the zodiac constellations has its own, both positive and negative sides, and each zodiac sign is good in its own way. For example, Pisces will always be able to express their sympathy to you, Libra will listen to your complaints, Lions will be able to support and encourage, and Aries will push you to take decisive action.

But still, the palm in this category belongs to two signs - Taurus and Libra. Representatives of these zodiac constellations evoke sympathy from others due to their softness and attractiveness, because their life is influenced by the planet of love Venus. Therefore, Libra is easy to win over others, they always try to look their best and it is unlikely that they will be able to ignore your requests.

Of course, we must not forget about Aries - the most sacrificial sign of the Zodiac. Yes, he is not an adherent of sentiment, but he will always provide real help if necessary.

The most evil sign of the zodiac

Anger is a very flexible concept that differs markedly for representatives of different signs of the zodiac. For example, it seems to vulnerable Pisces and Cancers that anger is when people raise their voices and shout. At the same time, signs of the element of Fire may not even pay any attention to such attacks. But for Pisces, Cancers and Libra, this will greatly spoil the mood. Therefore, if we talk about anger in such a context, then Scorpios, Aries and Leos fall into the category of the most “evil” ones, because their life is completely controlled by the fiery luminaries.

The craziest sign of the zodiac

Uranus is the patron saint of everything original and non-standard, and Aquarius falls into the category of the craziest signs of the Zodiac! The patron of Aquarius is just Uranus, and the people of this constellation are distinguished by originality and non-standard thinking. Aquarians like to communicate, they are crazy about change and constantly generate new ideas that may seem strange and even crazy to many.

The richest sign of the zodiac

Turning to the statistics of Forbes magazine, we will see that Lions occupy the first place in the list of the wealthiest people. Then follow the constellations of Gemini, Aquarius, Aries, Libra, Taurus and Pisces.

In general, according to these statistics, the real picture becomes visible, because Leo seeks to live a royal life, occupy a high position in society, he does not like to work for someone else. These desires stimulate him to open his own business.

The most harmful sign of the zodiac

Gemini often lie and can get out of any, even very difficult life situation. And Aquarians are used to putting their own interests above the interests of other people.

In third place in the list of the most harmful zodiac signs is Scorpio. Often, such individuals are distinguished by isolation, causticity, they suffer from a bad mood and a desire to sting someone.

It is very important that Scorpio is taught from childhood to love and compassion, then he can turn into a good and devoted friend.

Luckiest zodiac sign

Which of the signs of the zodiac is more lucky than others? Here, without much thought, one can name Gemini, who have the ability to get to the right places at the right time. Plus, such people are distinguished by ease of upsurge and activity, complemented by excellent intelligence, which together helps to predict future events and turn them in their favor.

At the end of the topic, watch an interesting video material:

Each representative of the zodiac circle has its own strengths and weaknesses, which makes it unique. However, only one will get the title of the best: perhaps this is your Zodiac Sign.

Some qualities make us special, and astrologers are ready to confirm this once again. Despite the fact that it is impossible to succeed always and in everything, a person can succeed in a certain area and deserve the title of the best. Based on the characteristics of each Zodiac Sign, astrologers were able to identify their main advantages. In this regard, the experts of the site offer to find out why your Zodiac Sign is better than others.

Luckiest Zodiac Sign

Some Zodiac Signs are real losers, but Gemini is not one of them. Observations of astrologers showed that it was these representatives of the zodiac circle that deserved the title of the most successful Sign. Their ability to appear at the right time and in the right place helps to become more successful. Even if they find themselves in a difficult situation, they will be able to find a way out of it without much effort. Gemini are born lucky, and in this it is difficult for them to compete.

The most sociable sign of the zodiac

It is impossible to compete with Libra in sociability. Even being in an unfamiliar company, they will be able to draw attention to themselves and at the same time they will never annoy others with simple jokes and conversations “about nothing”. Libra is much more important than communication itself, but how and with whom it happens is not so important. It may seem to many that Libra is intrusive, but in fact it is not. According to astrologers, Libras are simply afraid of loneliness and experience real pleasure from dating and the process of communication.

Most Creative Zodiac Sign

Thanks to the rich imagination and creative thinking of Aquarius, astrologers recognized them as the most creative. Aquarians are often unrecognized geniuses. Every new idea that comes into their head is different from the next. Some of them may seem absurd, but Aquarians know how to implement them and thereby surprise others. The problem is that they do not always finish what they started, which is why they often remain in the shadows. Having managed to get rid of this shortcoming, Aquarians will be able not only to achieve recognition, but also to change the world.

The most family zodiac sign

In the ranking of the best family men, Cancers take first place. Their main goals are to find a reliable partner, create a strong family and become a good, caring parent. In addition, they value family traditions and sometimes create them themselves. Astrologers assure that if you want to find your ideal life partner, you need to get to know Cancer.

The strongest zodiac sign

Many may decide that confident and ambitious Aries or power-hungry Lions deserve such a title. But astrologers decided otherwise: according to their version, it is Pisces that is the most powerful sign of the zodiac. Despite their kindness and gentle nature, they have qualities that do not allow them to give up even in the most difficult moments of life. In most cases, they are good-natured, but if necessary, they can show their dark side. Other signs of the zodiac cannot boast of this feature.

The most beautiful sign of the zodiac

Sagittarians know the true power of beauty and are not afraid to spend neither time nor money on their appearance. Caring for themselves, they pay attention to all the little things and do not miss the opportunity to improve themselves. Based on the observation of astrologers, this Zodiac Sign is naturally beautiful. Their strong qualities, combined with their attractive appearance, definitely make them the most attractive.

The kindest zodiac sign

Tactful and courteous Taurus are deservedly considered the kindest Sign of the Zodiac. Their desire to help anyone in need is itself a sign of kindness. In addition, this is evidenced by the manner of communication with others. Even if there is a person next to Taurus who literally annoys him, Taurus will not show negative emotions: on the contrary, he will show favor to the interlocutor so that he feels comfortable.

Most Successful Zodiac Sign

Capricorns have all the necessary qualities in order to succeed. That is why astrologers have come to the conclusion that this Zodiac Sign deserves to be called the most successful. Capricorns can hardly be called careerists, because they try to devote time not only to work, but also to their family. However, if they wish to take a leadership position and earn more than their colleagues, it will not be difficult to do so. Purposefulness allows Capricorns to achieve their goals and become more successful, this is what distinguishes them from other Zodiac Signs.

Sexiest and most passionate zodiac sign

The attraction of Scorpions lies precisely in their sexuality. Many mistakenly think that Scorpio enters into intimacy only in order to lose excess energy and get complete satisfaction from the process, and it does not matter to him whether the partner will be pleased. But in fact, they are more important than the feelings and emotions of another person. Unlike other Signs of the Zodiac, Scorpio will not calm down until he gives the partner the full range of feelings.

smartest zodiac sign

Virgos strive to be perfect in everything. That is why, more than other Signs, they are engaged in self-development, gain new knowledge and try to apply it in experience. In addition, they will not miss the chance to show off their erudition and surprise others with interesting facts and information. Despite Virgo's shortcomings, astrologers believe that their desire for excellence helped them earn the title of the most intelligent sign of the Zodiac.

The most honest zodiac sign

Due to the sometimes unbearable nature and self-esteem, Aries can hardly be called the best Sign of the Zodiac, but honesty is the quality that distinguishes them from others. Aries are often too straightforward, but this trait is not always blameworthy. In most cases, directness allows this Zodiac Sign to get rid of unnecessary connections and successfully prove its case. In this, honest Aries are really better than others.

Most Charming Zodiac Sign

At first glance, it may seem that the Lions are too arrogant and narcissistic. However, astrologers believe that these qualities are not unreasonable, because Leo is the most charming of all the Zodiac Signs. Charm helps them always feel at their best, especially when you consider that for Leo, the attention of others is the best source of energy.

It is quite difficult to say which zodiac sign is the best. After all, each has advantages that make them truly unique and attractive.

It turns out that each representative of the zodiacal circle has characteristic features of appearance that are unique to him. Of course, the external signs of the signs of the Zodiac are more designed for typical representatives, but in most cases this horoscope really works! Compare yourself and your friends with the descriptions of the appearance of the zodiac signs and see for yourself!


Aries is easy to recognize by the thick head of hair and pronounced, thick or converging to the bridge of the nose. Hair can be of any color, but always have a very rich shade: for example, a bright blond or a burning brunette. But most often the hair of Aries is cast with copper. In general, redheads are very common among representatives of this sign. Also, Aries is easily recognizable by its daring look and burning eyes. The physique is most often strong, with well-developed muscles, which allows Aries to be in good shape until old age. The skin is swarthy or reddish. On the head or face, representatives of this sign often have moles, one large or several smaller. The movements of Aries are sharp and impetuous, the gait is swift.

Typical Aries: Jean Paul Belmondo, Alexander Buinov, Elton John, Mariah Carey, Christopher Lambert, Celine Dion, Alec Baldwin, Steven Seagal, Alla Pugacheva, Victoria Adams, Carmen Electra, Alexander Lebed.


Both men and women are often very beautiful. A thin Taurus is rarely seen, in terms of physique they are real strong men. The body of the representatives of this sign is strong, strong and proportional. True, with age, men develop a belly due to a sedentary lifestyle. Gesticulation is restrained, because Taurus is sedate and tries not to make unnecessary movements. Their characteristic feature is thick hair, often dark in color. Men can also have thick chest and facial hair (beards really suit them!). Skin color is dark. Taurus eyes are quite large, dark gray, brown or with a Persian slit. The eyelashes are long and thick, the look is soft, velvety. Lips are full and sensual. One large mole can often be seen on the cheek. The ears are either very tightly pressed or strongly protruding.

Typical Taurus: Salvador Dali, Jack Nicholson, Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer, Nikolai Fomenko, Philip Kirkorov, Audrey Hepburn, George Clooney, Linda Evangelista, Letizia Casta, Pierce Brosnan, Cher.


The physique of Gemini is often asthenic, they are not muscular, but sinewy. The figure is slender, the limbs are long, the growth is often above average. The face is elongated, thin, with thin features, somewhat asymmetrical. Of course, sometimes there are full Gemini, but even they are mobile and dexterous. Freckles often appear on the face. Lips are either pursed or bowed. Gemini's facial expression is somewhat roguish. The look is lively and fast, the eyes are small. Hair is thin and unruly, so Gemini often cut their hair short. Hair and eyes can be any color. The nose is thin, very often with a sharp tip. Due to the constant and lively facial expressions, the skin of the face is prone to stretching and, over time, becomes covered with a network of wrinkles.

Typical Gemini: Alexander Abdulov, Naomi Campbell, Jaon Collins, Clint Eastwood, Marilyn Monroe, Anna Kournikova, Prince, Jacques Yves Cousteau, Johnny Depp, Paul McCartney, Nicole Kidman, Isabella Rossellini, Angelica Varum, Kristina Orbakaite.


Cancers tend to be overweight, especially with age. The outlines of the body are soft, vague. The face is round and full, the skin of the face is pale. The nose is softly defined. Hair is soft, smooth and manageable. Usually they are either light or blue-black. The easiest way to recognize Cancer is by the eyes, which are of two types. First type: rounded, prominent, watery, with a very meek and sad expression. Such eyes can be blue, gray or green. The second type: the gaze is directed inward. The section of the eyes can be narrow and more saturated in color, there are even brown eyes. A piquant detail of Cancer women: beautiful large breasts with a mole on it.

Typical Crayfish: Isabelle Adjani, Michael Tyson, Pamela Anderson, Princess Diana, Tom Cruise, Gina Lollobrigida, Sylvester Stallone, Zhanna Aguzarova, Courtney Love, Tom Hanks, Harrison Ford, Leonid Agutin.

a lion

Lions are characterized by a well-built figure and a muscular body. Men often have broad shoulders and narrow hips. In women, narrowness in the hips appears only in adolescence, and then the hips become proportionate to the figure. If Leo prefers to lead a lazy lifestyle, then with age he can grow fat. But Leos usually love to play sports, so they know how to keep their body in order. The growth of Lviv is either very high or very low (Napoleon). Face with pronounced cheekbones: wide or high set. The head is round, large and proudly raised. The eyes are radiant, often with raised outer corners, the look is clear. Typical Leos are distinguished by thick, light hair, but men often have bald patches on the sides of their foreheads (cat ears). Hair and eyebrows easily burn out in the sun.

Typical Lions: Coco Chanel, Madonna, Oleg Tabakov, Oleg Popov, Leonid Yakubovich, Jennifer Lopez, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dustin Hoffman, Melanie Griffith, Antonio Banderas, Alena Sviridova, Ben Affleck, Sean Penn, Robert De Niro, Patrick Swayze, Bill Clinton, Napoleon Bonaparte , Louis De Funes, Pierre Richard.


Virgo's body type is average. The figure is proportionate, it can be both dense and thin, but not obese. Virgo is characterized by a low waist. The face is oval and tense. The eyes are small, attentive with a tenacious look. Lips tightly compressed. The nose can be large or long, often with a slight hump. The hair is thin and smooth. Hair color can be any, but darkens with age. The eyes can also be any color. The most common are hazel or cornflower blue.

Typical Virgos: Claudia Schiffer, Sean Connery, Zemfira, Michael Jackson, Cameron Diaz, Richard Gere, Keanu Reeves, Charlie Sheen, Freddie Mercury, Hugh Grant, Larisa Dolina, Lada Dance, Alexander Rosenbaum, Tommy Lee Jones, David Copperfield, Sophia Loren.


The physique of Libra is asthenic, thin-boned, fragile, but very harmonious. Growth is often low, even low. Women are petite and very attractive. They have a thin waist, high chest, perfectly shaped buttocks and hips. Men are also attractive, but they cannot be attributed to the athletic type. All Libras remain attractive even in old age. The most characteristic feature of this sign is the dimples on the cheeks. Lips are sensual and vibrant. The contour of the upper lip resembles Cupid's bow, and the lower lip is quite plump. Eyebrows neat and well-defined, especially their outer corners. The hair is very beautiful, slightly curly, any color. Men by the age of 30 can begin to go bald, which, however, does not spoil them.

Typical Libra: Bridget Bardot, Michael Douglas, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Linda Hamilton, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Winslet, Vladimir Putin, Sigourney Weaver, John Lennon, Luciano Pavarotti, Ilya Lagutenko, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Catherine Deneuve, Yuri Luzhkov.


Scorpio always has a bright and well-remembered appearance. It is easiest to recognize this sign by the eyes. Their gaze is especially striking: burning, tenacious, piercing to the depths of the soul. Eye color can be any, but always very bright. Often these are either very dark, deep eyes, or cold steel. The outer corners of the eyes may be raised. The nose is quite thin, with a hump and a pointed tip down. The upper lip is slightly upturned. The hair is thick and coarse. Scorpios may well be bright blondes, but more often they are burning brunettes. The body tends to be overweight, especially with age. They usually have a strong physique, sometimes even athletic. Growth is above average. Manners are calm, confident, but Scorpio is always ready for action.

Typical Scorpios: Alain Delon, Demi Moore, Sophie Marceau, Leonardo DiCaprio, Julia Roberts, Diego Maradona, Vivien Leigh, Whoopi Goldberg, Denny De Vito, Bjork, Picasso, Voltaire, Eldar Ryazanov, Lolita Milyavskaya.


Sagittarians are tall, stocky, with a strong muscular body. There is some tendency to be overweight, even obese, but they always look presentable. Men develop a belly over time, women may have heavy hips, although the upper body is quite graceful. A characteristic sign of Sagittarius is an elongated nose of any shape. A high forehead and a chin with a dimple stand out on the face. The eyes are usually wide apart, the look is somewhat mocking, but not impudent. Most often, the eyes are brown. The hair is soft and very thick (especially in women), although there are also balding Sagittarius among men. There are many brown-haired people among the representatives of this sign.

Typical Sagittarians: Woody Allen, Gennady Khazanov, Yuri Nikulin, Tina Turner, Britney Spears, Ozzy Osbourne, Kim Bassinger, John Malkovich, Andrei Makarevich, Frank Sinatra, Steven Spielberg, Christina Aguilera, Brad Pitt, Leonid Brezhnev.


Capricorns tend to have a lean, lean physique. Of course, stocky Capricorns are also found, but this is a very rare occurrence. Representatives of this sign have a narrow chest and a thin neck. Growth can be anything. Facial expression is always focused. The face itself is narrow, pale or earthy. The nose is often long and the profile is rigid. Lips narrow and pale. Nasolabial folds are strongly pronounced on the face. Hair is mostly dark and straight. The most characteristic feature of Capricorn is the lowered outer corners of the eyes. The eye color is pale, the most common being gray eyes. The look is detached. In their youth, the appearance of Capricorns is rather harsh, cold and aloof. But with age, they seem to get younger and become very attractive.

Typical Capricorns: Kate Moss, Ricky Martin, Marlene Dietrich, Anthony Hopkins, Christy Turlington, Mel Gibson, Michael Schumacher, Adriano Celentano, Nicolas Cage, Elvis Presley, Jim Carrey, Kevin Costner.


The body type of Aquarius is average, strong enough, though not athletic. Growth is usually high. The face is oval, without pronounced facial features, the shape of the nose and lips. Because of this quality, the appearance of Aquarius is not always remembered, although they often have a very unusual appearance. Any hair color, but in most cases they are wavy. Lips are smiling, with raised corners. The most characteristic features of Aquarius: a clear open face and a flying gait. Aquarius women are not very susceptible to age-related changes, over the years they are getting younger right before our eyes.

Typical Aquarius: Rutger Hauer, Nastassja Kinski, Phil Collins, Lisa-Marie Presley, Brandon Lee, Natalia Imbruglia, Dieter Bohlen, Amber Valletta, Jennifer Anniston, John Travolta, Vyacheslav Tikhonov.


The beauty of Pisces is mysterious and elusive. The typical Pisces has a round face with soft features. The complexion is often pale or pale pink. The eyes are large, sad, a little sleepy. In their youth, Pisces are very attractive, thin and slender. However, with age, they begin to blur. It is difficult for them to maintain a slender figure, for this they need to spend several hours daily at the simulators, do gymnastics and run. Diets do not give the desired result. Pisces men also tend to be overweight and vague with age. But they often have an elongated face, and their eyes are not so big.

Typical Pisces: Sharon Stone, Cindy Crawford, Bruce Willis, Andrei Mironov, Valery Leontiev, Oleg Yankovsky, Drew Barrymore, Elizabeth Taylor, Jon Bon Jovi, Tatyana Bulanova, Yuri Gagarin, Chuck Norris, Eva Herzigova, Liza Minnelli, Kurt Cobain, Mikhail Gorbachev.

Personally, I and my friends all came together! What do you say?

Helpful Hints

"Everyone lies"- the most famous phrase of the famous Dr. House has been around for a long time. But still, not everyone knows how to do it deftly and without any remorse.

Who lies without blushing? Most likely, there is someone in your environment who knows how to do this with spectacular craftsmanship, and also get out of the water dry when he needs it. Have you ever thought about who this person is according to the sign of the Zodiac and is there any pattern with regard to the ability to lie depending on the date of birth?

It turns out that some zodiac signs are more likely than others to use lies. for your own purposes. Cheating isn't always bad. Very often people deceive because they want to hide something unpleasant, and also in order to protect loved ones from unnecessary worries and worries. Who is the best at doing this?

Of course, you should not take this information as if all representatives of a certain sign are liars and deceivers, and someone who is not particularly good at lying will never do this. Just some signs because of their characters want more often deceive and hide something than others.

The most deceitful people


The one who deceives best of all and knows how to circle anyone around his finger is the representative of the Gemini sign. His dual nature often pushes him to a lie, moreover, a lie completely unnecessary and inappropriate.

You should not expect punctuality and reliability from Gemini. They are often too windy and frivolous, and if they lie, they can do playfully and even without any intent, but just for fun.

If Gemini is frivolous enough, he will lie, not realizing that he can harm someone or unpleasant emotions. He can also lie, demonstrating not the same feelings and emotions who are actually experiencing.

For example, when someone is unpleasant to him, Gemini can smile very sweetly at this person and carry on small talk, but behind his eyes he can also easily spread impartial information about this person. The duplicity of some representatives of the Gemini sign makes them the biggest liars of the entire Zodiac.

Why do they lie most of the time? From nothing to do, for the sake of fun, for the sake of profit.


Scorpions can be called not so much deceitful as cunning and dodgy. And they lie for the most part not for fun, but in order to no one guessed What is going on in their souls.

Any Scorpio is a rather vulnerable sign, but has incredible self-control and knows how to control himself and his emotions. This is a rather complex skill that not everyone is capable of. If there is a reason, Scorpios know how to stay cold and indifferent even when their heart is about to jump out of their chest.

Scorpios are very domineering natures and love manipulate and control. This makes them more confident, allows them to feel power. But still, most often Scorpios do not lie, they simply do not finish speaking, hide and hide something from prying eyes.

Scorpios are the biggest tricksters of the zodiac and often use cunning and lies for the purpose of revenge. By the way, Scorpios are the most sensitive people to other people's lies. Their intuition and knowledge of psychology usually tell them right away when someone else is lying to them.

Why do they lie most of the time? To hide their true feelings, thoughts and intentions (at best) and to manipulate or take revenge on someone (at worst).


Cancers cannot be called open people, they will not show you all their feelings and emotions, and they will not share their innermost. At least until you become one for them kindred spirit. Just like for representatives of the Scorpio sign, for Cancers their own space is important, into which they prefer not to let anyone in, which means they know how to skillfully hide something personal from prying eyes, being able to lie or keep silent.

Read also:How lies affect health?

Cancer is strong feeling of caring for loved ones, so often they lie for the good, in order to protect them from unnecessary worries. But it often happens that Cancer deceives himself, either out of uncertainty, or in order not to face the hard truth.

Why do they lie most of the time? From self-doubt and their strengths, in order to protect loved ones and themselves.


As you can see, all three water signs can boast of good skills to lie and withhold information. They are all quite cunning and able to adapt well to circumstances, capitalizing on your lies. Fish are no exception.

Although there are also very honest Pisces, nevertheless, any Pisces has circumstances in life in which she simply can't be honest, because she is so vulnerable, and sometimes the truth can rip off all the fragile armor from her and injure her.

Pisces cannot live without fantasies - this is their world, so the lies of Pisces often turn out to be their fantasies, creations of a sick imagination, and there is simply no point in being offended by them for this.

Fish - masters of self-deception. They most often deceive not even others, but themselves, continue to believe in a lie invented by them and sincerely do not understand when someone tries to explain to them that in reality everything happens quite differently.

Why do they lie most of the time? To avoid being vulnerable and deceived by others.

The most cunning people


Libra can be insincere and even deceitful, partly because they do not like to appear in unfavorable light, in this sense they are similar to representatives of the sign Leo. They know how to lie very skillfully, and it is not so easy to catch them in a lie, because they are good at getting out.

Libra can weigh false compliments or to have a nice conversation with people who are not well treated. Often they do this in order not to cause quarrels, conflicts or disagreements that they do not tolerate. They know how to flatter and evade to get what they want. Moreover, this applies not only to Libra women, but also to men of this sign.

Since representatives of the Libra sign often pretty lazy, they will lie recklessly about their skills and abilities so that they are not forced to make decisions or be the initiators of something.

Why do they lie most of the time? Not to make decisions on your own and not to cause any disharmony.


Aquarians are virtuosos at lying if there is a good reason for it, but in general they will not resort to lies too often and use them as a weapon. Aquarians prefer bitter truth than sweet lies because they often think about the future and how it might affect them. They do not like cunning, and they require honesty and friendliness from the environment, therefore they themselves are ready to be honest with others.

However, if Aquarians do lie, they do it when others not ready to accept the truth. And they do it out of friendly motives, wishing the other side well.

Aquarians love to shock and surprise, so they often prefer to shock with the truth rather than a lie. But if possible shock with a lie, ... perhaps Aquarius can resort to it in rare cases, but here the lie will look more like a fairy tale, and Aquarius, unlike Pisces, do not like to plunge into fabulous fantasies so much.

Why do they lie most of the time? Because the other side cannot accept the truth.

7th PLACE:♌ Lion

Leos are quite selfish and often use lies to self-assertion. Leo men often lie about their virtues to attract the attention of the opposite sex, women - to seem better than they really are. And also to get attention.

The Leo is afraid of appearing in a bad light, so his lies are often a defense for his ego. But in general, this sign cannot be called false, because a lie can not only raise Leo in the eyes of others, but also ruin his reputation if something suddenly goes wrong, so Lions often prefer to keep lies to themselves and more often tell the truth.

Why do they lie most of the time? To draw the attention of others to his person, as well as from selfish motives.


Taurus, like other earth signs, are not among those who are ready to lie at the first opportunity. They are not particularly amused and happy. Rather, on the contrary: Taurus prefers everything to be according to the rules, comfortable and cozy, and lies can to some extent take them out of their comfort zone: either it will make you suffer from remorse, or (God forbid) it will force you to somehow give back what you have acquired by overwork ...

However, sometimes there are situations in which it is simply necessary to lie in order not to lose this very comfort and inner peace. So representatives of the Taurus sign who have connections on the side can lie. It is difficult for them to leave their usual life, even if they want something new. It is the fear of change that makes Taurus lie.

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