Blue in English. Flowers in English with translation and transcription: flower power

Hello dear user!

In this article, we will expand our stock English words, such a commonly used theme as "".

It is clear that the description of any objects or phenomena without bright colors is boring and unimpressive. Therefore, you and I will learn or raise such a voluminous topic and expand our combinatorics for composing new English statements without undue stress.

First, let's think and remember: what colors do we use most often in Russian? Yes, there are not so many of them. Just a few things that we use without thinking in everyday speech: red, blue, yellow, green, black, white, gray, orange, brown, blue, purple, pink (maybe I didn’t add something).

We, as humans, have the right habit of simplifying things, and therefore we often do not need to complicate everything and say that, for example, this object is charcoal. Most likely we will say that this item is just "gray" and the maximum that can be added is the shade of this item and that's it!

The Anglo-American population is the same people as we are, and they also do not like to complicate anything, so it is enough to know only a certain base of colors, as well as shades. And to study this will not be a super task for us, because it is given back in primary school schools.

Colors in English

Color (Russian) Color (English) Transcription Example
1 red red [red] red car
2 blue blue [blu:] blue pen
3 yellow yellow ['jeləu] yellow pearl
4 green green [gri:n] green apple
5 black black [blaek] black metal
6 white white [wait] white snow
7 orange orange [‘ɔrindʒ] orange sun
8 brown brown [brown] brown tree
9 violet purple [‘pə:pl] purple night sky
10 pink pink [piŋk] pink T-shirt
11 grey gray [gray] gray style

These colors should be known in the order of things. And it is also worth putting them into practice. As you saw in the "Example" column, we simply put our colors in front of the objects and got ready-made word combinations. So you can combine to more clearly express your thoughts.

For those who remember graphic information better, imagine English colors in graphic form:

You can also vary the colors themselves with or without the auxiliary union "and":

  • Red-yellow - red and yellow;
  • Black and white film - black and white movie;
  • Yellow-green jacket - yellow-green jacket;

Shades in English

Plus, you can add a few shades to this for a more detailed description:

  • Dark - dark. Example: dark red car (dark red car), dark green color (dark green color).
  • Light - light. Example: light blue sky (blue sky), light brown pencil (light brown pencil).
  • Pale - pale. Example: pale yellow leather (pale yellow skin), pale brown dye (pale brown paint).
  • Bright - bright. Example: bright red blood (bright red blood), bright green absinth (light green absinthe).
  • Deep - deep (meaning dark). Example: deep pink thing (dark pink thing), deep gray hair (dark gray hair).
  • Dim - dim. Example: dim white light (dim white light), dim purple crystal (dim purple crystal).

This is the very basis that you should know in order to understand "what and how."

But also, for more advanced users, there are many more colors that can be used in English:

Color (Russian) Color (English) Pronunciation
1 amber amber amba
2 anise anise anise
3 apricot apricot eipricot
4 aquamarine aquamarine aquamarine
5 azure azure azoa
6 beige beige badge
7 bronze bronze bronze
8 chocolate chocolate chocolate
9 copper copper cop
10 cornflower cornflower conflave
11 cream cream cream
12 emerald emerald emerald
13 gold gold gold
14 indigo indigo indigo
15 khaki khaki what
16 lilac lilac laylac
17 lime lime lime
18 purple magenta magenta
19 Navy blue navy Navy
20 olive olive olive

That's all I wanted to say on the topic " Colors and shades in English". Summing up, I would like to note that learning and memorizing all new colors can be good, but not so effective. Much more important is practice! It is enough to use them in spoken language so that a certain algorithm for combining combinations of “color + object” would be developed, and then, after good practice, you, without stress, will be able to use all this at the level of automatism.

Hello to all beginners to learn spoken English with us! When learning English online with the help of audio lessons, you should pay attention to such an important class of words as colors. Indeed, in everyday conversations, we often use their names when we describe something: nature, animals, cars, furniture, etc. Knowing colors in English helps to convey information about the subject to the interlocutor most accurately and clearly.

In our world, all objects have certain color except for transparent objects. Colors are very diverse, there are a great many of them, not to mention the limitless variety of shades and tones. Therefore, our today's online audio lesson is devoted to the study of the topic " Colors in English". There is no need to know them all, it is enough to memorize the most basic colors of the spectrum well, which is what we will do today.

I recommend to look at another interesting article English adverbs: Yesterday - today - tomorrow so you can say: yesterday I saw my dream - a yellow Lamborghini, or tomorrow I will drive a stunning red Ferrari, and today I will drive my pink Cadillac.

Studying only colors separately, there will be little sense. For greater effectiveness, words must be studied in context. Therefore, we will consider color scheme in English in the context of phrases, sentences, questions and answers, in order to reinforce the association associated with each individual color. Pronounce each phrase voiced by the announcer clearly and clearly so that you train your pronunciation to a decent level: /wp-content/uploads/2014/07/RUEN014.mp3 describing something will be in vain, even if you learn all the material of today's audio lesson. Therefore, do not treat this moment negligently, but on the contrary, pay due attention to it.

Colors in English

Carefully study the table below to find out how each phrase is spelled and translated. Note that the very word color» is spelled differently in British and American English: color - British spelling color - American. Therefore, in the table you can find a few more words marked "am", which means - the American spelling given word. The unmarked vocabulary is the classic English spelling.

It is for such cases that the text material of the audio lesson is needed, since it is very difficult to reflect such moments on an audio recording. And the text version of the lesson can demonstrate all the nuances, with the exception of pronunciation. Therefore, we try to make our online lessons as accessible and understandable as possible for beginners to learn English.

English Russian
snow is white Snow is white
The sun is yellow The sun is yellow
The orange is orange orange - orange
The cherry is red Cherry - red
The sky is blue The sky is blue
The grass is green The grass is green
The earth is brown Earth is brown
The cloud is gray / gray (am) Cloud - gray
The tires / tires (am) are black Tires - black
What color (am) is the snow? White What color is the snow? White
What color / color (am) is the sun? Yellow What color is the sun? yellow
What color is the orange? Orange What color is an orange? orange
What color / color (am) is the cherry? Red What color is cherry? Red
What color / color (am) is the sky? Blue What color is the sky? blue
What color (am) is the grass? Green What color is the grass? Green
What color (am) is the earth? Brown What color is the earth? Brown
What color is the cloud? Grey/Gray (am) What color is the cloud? Gray
What color are the tires/tires (am)? Black What color are the tires? Black

Now you can describe any subject in English if you learn all the phrases and train your pronunciation with this audio lesson.

Listen also online and learn

On this page you will find the name of the color on English language, transcription for correct reading, as well as translation in pictures for children.

In addition, here you will find Interesting Facts about all the colors of the rainbow.

Facts about the color orange

The word "orange" literally means "orange" 🍊 and is borrowed from the Indo-Iranian languages, rather from the Persian "naranj" to Europe, and through Europe to Russia 🇷🇺 .

Associative orange is the most warm shade spectrum 🌈, it is believed that it does not have cold shades.

Derived shades of orange (terracotta, red, golden beige, chocolate brown) stimulate the appetite 🍕☕.

Facts about yellow

Yellow is the color of the sun ☀. Symbolizes wealth 💰, light, cheerfulness. Color effectively stimulates brain activity. Promotes concentration and clarity of thought. It lifts the mood.
It is believed that soft yellow light has a good effect on vision 👁. So it is good for the eyes 👁 to look at the setting sun 🎨 and the fire 🔥.

❗ Yellow was Van Gogh's favorite color🎨. The whole gamut of yellow was present on his canvases.

❗The writer Gorky called New York the city of the "Yellow Dragon" 🐉 because of the eternal bustle and constant pursuit of its inhabitants for money 💰

It is known that the human eye 👀 distinguishes shades best
exactly green. 🌳

In many languages, green and blue-green (or even blue along with them)
is one color.

Since green is associated with new growth 🌱, in many languages ​​it means young and immature. Sometimes with the added value of inexperience. In Russian, this expression is "young-green."

Green in some languages ​​is associated with envy (green with envy), and in some - with melancholy and stagnation (turned green with melancholy, melancholy is green).

In Chinese 🇨🇳 slang, “wearing a green hat” 👒 means about the same as “walking with horns set” 🐐 in Russian 😄.

Blue, English blue

Facts about blue

Blue is the color of eternity, peace and contentment. Of all the colors 🎨, blue is most often associated with the concept of beauty 🌅. The color is associated with the sky and the sea. Sometimes it is called azure.

In color therapy Blue colour used to relieve fatigue 😫 and tension. Doctors say that blue is able to relieve insomnia 😪 and headaches. Nutritionists respect blue because it can reduce appetite.

And the blue color makes you want to work and study 🤓 🤓 🤓

Purple, purple in English

The word brown in Russian is from the word "cinnamon", which, in turn, is from the word bark. And the word brown, according to dictionaries, comes from the Turkic “kara”, which means black. 🙂

For many centuries, brown, like gray, was associated with the poor, but gradually the situation began to change - already in Victorian era👑 The color was quite common in clothing, most likely due to its practicality and restraint.

In Japan 🇯🇵 one of the shades of brown (sumac) was the most important forbidden color ⛔, clothes of this color were worn by the emperor 👑 once in his life, no one else had the right to wear clothes dyed sumac.

Interestingly, brown is the most common eye color 👀 in humans.

Associatively, almost all people consider White color cold or cool ❄❄❄. However, white color visually expands objects.

As you know, the dress of the bride 👰 in Europe is white, and the legend tells why it happened this way.
The most famous and common is that white is a symbol of the purity and innocence of a girl entering into marriage.

The ancient Greeks believed that if you sleep in white, you will dream good dreams 😪.

And finally, a cheat sheet - Colors in English with translation. I hope it helps you learn colors in English!

The article has a large number of materials for learning English.

Colors in English with translation and transcription for children, toddlers, beginners: table, writing

Learning colors in is an important part of learning English. It is not difficult to memorize them, since the words are quite simple in pronunciation, and thanks to the clarity, funny songs and reinforcing cartoons, the lessons are fun and effective, both for children and adults.

In English, there are primary (most commonly used) colors and additional ones. You should study them, depending on what age you are, what materials in English you work with and what you need the language for (colloquial, business, literary).

IMPORTANT: Adults should learn colors, reinforcing knowledge with colloquial phrases, dialogues, poems. It is useful for children to watch cartoons and learn funny theme songs, as well as play simple games using the learned material.

Primary colors (names and transcription) and visualizations for memorization:

Translation of rainbow colors into English with translation and transcription

Fun and easy to remember colors using rainbow. As is known, this a natural phenomenon has 7 primary colors most commonly used in speech. Invite your child to watch an educational cartoon with a rainbow, make a rainbow from plasticine or cut it out of colored paper, draw with pencils or paints, naming each color in English and fixing the material.

IMPORTANT: The "English" rainbow has a slight difference from the usual "Russian". The fact is that the "Russian" rainbow has two related colors: blue and cyan. In turn, "English" - purple and lilac. This happened because the color blue and cyan in most cases in English is pronounced like blue. In rare cases, you can find such a designation as sky blue(sky blue, i.e. blue). But purple and lilac in English have a completely different sound: purple And lilac(lilac).

Video: “A song about a rainbow in English - The Rainbow Colors Song”

Song about colors in English for children: words with translation

Learning funny songs, singing them and playing with musical accompaniment, it is much easier to memorize new words, use them in speech and improve your knowledge. Exists big choice thematic songs, the main thing is to be able to interest a child in them, cheer him up with songs and entertain him with musical cartoons.

See the lyrics below for the lyrics.

Video: "Song about colors in English"

Poems in colors in English for children: words with translation

As an alternative to songs, English-language rhymes about colors can become. They help not only memorize new vocabulary, but also train the correct pronunciation of words.

Poems about colors in pictures:

Cartoons about colors in colors in English for children: list, video

Cartoons and video lessons are very effective in learning English for children. Their visual memory is more developed than other skills. Cartoons are a favorite entertainment for children and they will gladly accept this form of activity.

Exercises, assignments for colors in English for children with translation

Creative and interesting tasks for children will not only be able to interest them and teach them new vocabulary, but also help the child have fun, as well as spend time usefully. For work, it is important to have a set of colored paints, pencils or felt-tip pens.


Task: Write the names of fruits and vegetables, color them and name their colors correctly

Color games in English with translation and transcription

Games are one of the favorite activities of children in English lessons. While playing, you can also get acquainted with new words and consolidate vocabulary.

Picture game options:

Task: Recognize and name the colors obtained by mixing paints

Color cards for learning English for children with translation and transcription: photo

Flashcards for learning English always help to study the material. Cards can be used for games, creative projects and as a visual aid.

IMPORTANT: The cards suggested in the article can be printed and used in English lessons.


How to speak, read, pronounce in English, colors in English in Russian: video, translation, transcription

The names of other colors in English will also come in handy. Below you will also find a video correct pronunciation words. brown-haired, brown-haired

Video: "How to teach a child a foreign language?"

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