Plum is a Latin name. How to choose a plum: description of varieties with photos and recommended pollinators. Plum home: description of the fruit tree

Everyone knows what a plum looks like. This is a favorite plant of gardeners for its incredibly healthy and tasty fruits.

It has beneficial properties, rich in minerals and vitamins. Plum pulp contains potassium, fluorine, sodium, proteins, dietary fiber, carbohydrates, vitamin B1, B2, C, E and PP.

The use of plums has found its place in medicine. It is used for hypertension and kidney disease, it is able to cleanse the human body of cholesterol. With constipation and intestinal atony, it has a mild laxative effect.

The use of plums will be useful for gout, rheumatism, heart disease, metabolic disorders. In this article, we will consider all the features of growing homemade plums.

Plum home: description of the fruit tree

Novice gardeners may not know if a plum is a tree or a bush.

This tree has an egg-shaped crown, the productive age reaches 15 years, while the plant can live up to a quarter of a century.

Early varieties of plums can bear fruit already in the second year after planting, but late varieties - only in the sixth.

The plum has a tap root system, and almost all the roots lie at a depth of 35 cm. The plum is not a small one, the height of the tree can reach 15 m. The leaves are short-leaved, simple, elliptical or obovate, serrated at the edges, pubescent below. The leaves are up to 10 cm long and up to 5 cm wide. Up to three flowers can be obtained from one flower bud.

Did you know? Depending on the age, variety and quality of care, the yield of plums from one tree can reach 70-100 kg.

Plum fruits can be yellow, red, purple, blue-black or light green with a bluish bloom. The drupe has a pointed and flattened bone on both sides. The plum fruit can be elongated or rounded.

The nuances of planting a home plum

In areas with a cold climate, the planting of a plum tree occurs in the spring, when the buds have not yet begun to bloom. But in warm regions, plum can be planted in the fall, so it will have time to take root before frost. However, if you have seedlings in October or November, it is recommended to dig them up until spring and cover them with spruce branches from frost. When the snow falls, it is necessary to throw a snowdrift on the spruce branches. With the advent of spring, when the first buds begin to bloom, home plum seedlings are planted in a prepared pit.


The location for home plums is best chosen from the southwest or south side of the site. For growing plums, this is an immutable rule. Plums are quite thermophilic, so it is better to grow and develop on the slopes from the southern directions, where the soil warms up well.

The plant can also be planted along the fence on the sunny side. If the area where the plum grows is in a lowland, then it is better to plant a plum at elevations up to 0.5 m, and up to 2 meters in diameter. Home plum is quite susceptible to soils, while planting and caring for it are simple, but chernozem or gray forest soil would be preferable.

The composition of the soil for planting

The soil for planting must be prepared in advance, the site must be dug up, at the same time, mineral fertilizers and high-quality organic matter must be applied. Since it is best to plant a plum in early autumn, you need to dig up the site in the spring with further exposure of the area under clean fallow immediately before planting.

Did you know?If planting a plum is planned in the spring, you need to process the site 14 days before this moment.

If the climatic conditions are moderate, then the plum should be planted in the spring, and the soil should be prepared in the fall. When planting, they dig a hole, focusing on the root system of the plant, the roots should not be constrained by the walls of the hole and bend up. Usually a hole is dug up to a depth of 0.5 m, and a width of up to 0.7 m.

Proper home plum planting technology

Plum is a fairly common cultivated plant, so it will not be difficult to master the correct technology for growing homemade plums. In order for the tree to be strong and bring a good harvest, you should know how to properly prepare the planting hole, the timing, as well as the home plum planting scheme.

Landing dates

The timing of planting home plums directly depends on climatic conditions. In the southern regions, the plant is best planted in autumn. In the middle lane, it is recommended to plant a tree in the spring, but a good survival rate of a plum planted in autumn is also possible. In an area where there are severe winters, home plum will not have time to take root in the fall, so planting should be done exclusively in the spring. When planting a plum, you need to take into account not only the time, but also its growing season. Young growth is grown only when it is at rest.

Important!If the plant began to grow actively, then it is no longer worth moving it to a new place.

Planting hole preparation

A pit for planting a home plum should be dug to a depth of 60 cm, and a diameter of at least 70 cm, while discarding the top layer of earth in one direction and the bottom layer in the other. A long peg must be driven into the center of the pit, the minimum length above the ground should be half a meter.

Soil mixed with peat and humus is poured into the pit with a mound.

Scheme of planting a fruit plant

Proper planting of plums is very important. First of all, you need to prepare a pit for planting and apply fertilizer. From above, cover it all with a layer of earth. The root system and fertilizers should not touch. You need to drive a peg for a garter into the hole. After that, the plum seedling should be placed so that the root collar rises 6-7 cm above the ground. Next, you need to dig a seedling, while very carefully trampling the soil with your foot. Tie the plant to a stake and water.

How to properly care for homemade plum

Plum is far from the most whimsical fruit tree, planting and caring for it does not require much effort if you know when and what needs to be done.

Important!With the advent of spring, you need to hang birdhouses on trees. This is necessary in order to attract birds that will help fight pests.

In mid-March, you can safely start trimming home plums. In April, the soil around the tree trunk must be dug up with nitrogen fertilizers. For trees that are more than one year old, you need to take 150-200 g of urea or calcium nitrate, and for plums that have come into fruition - 350-400 g.

It is necessary to dig the soil around the trunk very carefully, no deeper than 10 cm, so as not to damage the root system. In spring, it is necessary to carry out preventive work against diseases and pests that may be in the bark of a tree or in the soil around the trunk.

In the summer, after the plums have blossomed, they need mineral and organic fertilizing with fertilizers. The proportions for summer top dressing are the same as in spring. In hot, dry weather, house plums need to be watered.

At the end of August, the tree begins to bear fruit, and you can already harvest. To prepare the plum for the winter period, water-charging watering of the tree is carried out. Next, we consider in detail the conditions for the proper cultivation of plums.

How often to water homemade plum

It is necessary to water the home plum so that the depth of the soil is moistened by 40 cm. Watering plums during the growing season depends on the amount of precipitation, usually moisten the soil up to 5 times. Up to 6 buckets of water are poured under young trees at a time, and up to 10 buckets under a fertile plum. Autumn watering of the plum is mandatory, it charges the soil with moisture until the very spring and at the same time increases the resistance of trees to frost.

Feeding homemade plums

Feeding home plums is usually combined with loosening the ground around the tree. It is customary to apply organic top dressing once every 4 years at the rate of 11-13 kg per m², and mineral fertilizers - once every 3 years.

Potash and phosphate fertilizers are applied in the fall, and nitrogen fertilizers in the spring. In the first and fourth years from the moment of planting a home plum, along with digging, 70-90 g of ammonium nitrate, 150-180 g of superphosphate and 45-50 g of potassium salt are added.

For the 7th-8th year of the tree's life, the rate of feeding is doubled.

Features of pruning a fruit tree

Home plum pruning most often takes place in the spring, when sap flow has not yet begun.

Did you know?Since domestic plums grow vigorously in their first years of life, pruning is best done in the second year.

The crown of a tree is usually formed over 5 years. In the year when the plum was planted, it should not be cut, but on the second spring, up to 7 skeletal branches appear on the tree below, located at the same distance from each other with an angle of departure from the trunk of 45º.

At this time, you can begin to form a tier, while you need to retreat 50 cm along the stem from the surface of the site, and the branches that grow below must be removed. Branches that are above the stem at an angle of 40º are also best removed, otherwise they may break off during the fruiting period. Skeletal branches need to be cut by ⅓, and the remaining ones are cut into a ring, without leaving stumps.

The conductor must be shortened so that a one-year-old tree is up to 1.8 m high. In the third year of the tree's life, the conductor should be shortened 40 cm above the highest branch, thanks to which the conductor will grow straight.

Pruning the conductor in the fourth year should be done so that it is longer than the skeletal branches by about 6 buds. It is necessary to cut the conductor until its height is 2.5 m. After the formation of the crown, pruning is used to stimulate the growth of new fruit branches, which give the main crop.

Important!Pruning home plums is carried out with sharp tools, all cuts must be treated with garden pitch.

Prevention of diseases and pests

Home plum after planting requires not only watering and pruning, it also needs protection from pests. Preventive treatment of home plums is carried out in the spring, usually by the end of March, when the sap flow of the plant has not begun. For the solution, it is necessary to add 700 g of urea to 10 liters of water.

During processing, pathogens and pests that survived after the winter period die, but the plant receives nitrogen fertilization. If the buds on the tree have blossomed, and you did not have time to treat them with urea, then you need to use drugs such as Agravertin, Iskra-bio, Fitoverm.

Or Medovka

Prunus domestika L.

Family - Pink - Rosaceae

The parts used are flowers, young leaves and young shoots, bark and roots, fruits.

The popular name is eel, Hungarian, renklod, honeydew.

Botanical description

Medovka or House plum is a tree up to 15 m high, with slightly prickly branches and with a broad or narrow ovoid crown.

Leaves are alternate, simple, short-petiolate, elliptical or obovate, serrated along the edge, pubescent below, 4-10 cm long, 2-6 cm wide. Flower buds are simple, produce 1-3 flowers. The flowers are white, pink, 1.5-2.5 cm in diameter, solitary or in bunches, consist of five green sepals, 25-30 stamens, one pistil with an upper ovary, blooms in April - May. The fruit is a drupe of various shapes, sizes and colors. The stone is flattened, pointed at both ends, the fruits ripen in June - August.

Domestic plum - the life of a tree depends on the variety and can reach 25 years, the productive period is 10-15 years. Plum is not found in the wild. It happened by hybridization of cherry plum with blackthorn.

Collection and preparation

Flowers are harvested during the budding period. Dry in the shade or under a canopy. The leaves are harvested after the plant has faded, aired in the sun and dried under a canopy or in a well-ventilated attic. Fruits after they have ripened. Roots and bark are harvested from bushes to be cut down, cleaned from the ground, washed with cold water, dried in the sun and dried in a dryer at 60 - 70 ° C. Store raw materials in bags or closed containers, leaves, flowers and fruits for 1 year, roots and bark - 3 years.

Active ingredients

Sugar, acids, mainly malic and citric, tannins, pectin, fiber, carotene, vitamins C, 81, P, mineral salts, dyes.

Healing action and application

Medovka or Plum homemade has choleretic and diuretic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, laxative and antimicrobial, analgesic, diuretic, anti-atherosclerotic effects.

Medovka or Plum homemade in folk medicine is used to treat diseases of the gallbladder, indigestion and intestines, constipation, heartburn, kidney disease, rheumatism and gout, and hypertension. hypovitaminosis, anemia, inflammatory processes in the urinary tract. Plum enhances appetite, removes radionuclides from the body.

Plum fruits are used fresh or dried for prolonged constipation, heartburn, to soothe gastrointestinal pain, help to eliminate cholesterol from the body, they are useful for atherosclerosis, kidney disease, gallstones and urolithiasis, rheumatism and gout.

A non-drying oil is obtained from the seeds of the domestic plum for the medical industry and cosmetic purposes.

The juice improves appetite and digestion and can serve as a source of vitamins for the body in winter, and also has antibacterial activity against giardia and other protozoa.

A decoction of plum leaves in vinegar lubricates old and festering wounds, achieving faster healing. As a wound healing agent, fresh or steamed dry plum leaves are used.

Flowers, in contrast to fruits, have a mild laxative effect, regulate intestinal motility and contractions of the hepatic ducts, and positively affect the body's metabolism. Flower preparations help with constipation, skin diseases, gastric colic, bloating, nausea, shortness of breath and neuralgia.

An infusion of plum leaves and flowers is used for inflammation of the kidneys and bladder and for dermatoses.

A decoction of the bark is used for diarrhea and malaria, externally for erysipelas of the skin and for douching with whites.

Plum fruits are widely used in the food, confectionery and alcoholic beverage industries.


- Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of crushed plum leaves, boil in a water bath at low heat for 20 minutes and let it brew for 30-40 minutes. Strain and apply to wipe the damaged areas in the treatment of acne several times a day. ( ).

- 25g chopped pour 1 cup boiling water and let it brew like tea. Strain and take 3/4 cup 3 times a day before meals. (Constipation).

- Boil prunes in milk, remove the bones from it. Apply hot to the calluses, and when the berry cools down, replace it with hot. Do this procedure without interrupting as long as possible. (corns).

- Pour 1 teaspoon of crushed bark with 1 cup of hot water and boil in a covered enamel bowl in a water bath for 30 minutes. Strain, bring the volume of the resulting broth with boiled water to the original and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals. (, malaria).

- Pour 1 tablespoon of crushed leaves with 1 cup of hot water, boil over low heat for 15 minutes, cool and strain. Bring the volume of the received infusion to the original and take 0.5 cup 3 times a day before meals. (Inflammation of the kidneys and bladder).

Plum home (lat. Prunus domestica)- fruit culture; member of the genus Plum in the Rosaceae family. In nature, the species in question does not occur; it is a natural hybrid of cherry plum and blackthorn. Valuable and of interest in horticulture, varieties of house plum were bred in the Mediterranean, after which they spread throughout Europe and North America, and were also brought to Asian countries. Plum house is considered one of the most popular species of the genus. Today, a huge number of varieties are presented on the garden market, differing in taste and quality characteristics of fruits, winter hardiness, resistance to diseases and pests, and other features.

Characteristics of culture

House plum is a deciduous shrub or tree up to 15 m high with a narrow-ovate or wide crown and a tap root system, the bulk of the roots of which are located at a depth of 30-40 cm. The leaves are simple, green, obovate or elliptical, alternate, serrate or crenate in edge, up to 10 cm long. The flowers are white, up to 2 cm in diameter, solitary or collected in bunch-shaped inflorescences.

The fruit is a rounded or ovoid single stone fruit that may be yellow, pale green, red, purple, lilac, pinkish, or black-blue in color, usually with a waxy coating. The pulp is sweet or sweet and sour, greenish, yellowish, brownish or reddish (depending on the variety). The stone is light brown, elliptical, slightly flattened, pointed at both ends.

Homemade plum blossoms in May (before the leaves bloom), the duration of flowering is 10-12 days. The flowers of the considered plum species are pollinated by insects, however, the presence of 2-3 varieties on the site contributes to an increase in yield. The average life expectancy is 25 years. The culture enters fruiting for 2-7 years (depending on the early maturity of the variety). Plants are productive for 10-15 years, then the quantity and quality of the crop is significantly reduced.


Homemade plum fruits are a storehouse of vitamins and nutrients, it is used both in its natural form and for making jams, jams, compotes, juices, marshmallows, marmalade, sauces, liqueurs, wine, etc. Fruits are well stored frozen. Plum seeds are used for the production of special medicinal oil. The species in question is also valued as an ornamental crop, shrubs during flowering are especially noteworthy.

Growing conditions

Homemade plum is a supporter of loose, moist, water and breathable, rich in mineral and organic substances, slightly acidic or neutral substrates. Cultivation on strongly acidic soils is permissible, subject to prior liming. It is undesirable to cultivate a crop on compacted, heavy clay and waterlogged soils. The location is welcome sunny or with a light openwork shadow. Plants need protection from gusts of cold northern winds. Buildings (a fence, a wall of a house, tall trees) located on the north side and not blocking access to the sun can act as a windbreak.

Common varieties and their description

*Akimovskaya- the variety is represented by low trees with a spreading drooping crown with medium foliage. The fruits are oval, with a prominent abdominal seam, weighing up to 30 g. The skin is thin, tender, purple, dark red, marble-like, with a wax coating, is removed from the fruit with a slight movement. The flesh is yellowish, often with a pink tint, sweet, with a slight aroma. Flowering occurs in the first decade of May, the fruits ripen - in early August. The yield from one adult tree is 23-25 ​​kg. Relatively winter-hardy and pest-resistant variety.

* Hungarian Moscow- fast-growing variety; It is represented by medium-sized trees with a sprawling spherical densely leafy crown. The fruits are round-oval or ovoid, with a pronounced ventral suture. The skin is rough, dense, dark purple or purple-red, with a bluish waxy coating. The pulp is juicy, harsh, amber-yellow, sweet and sour, easily separated from the stone. The variety cannot boast of winter hardiness and resistance to pests and diseases. The average yield is 25-35 kg per mature tree.

*Kazan- self-infertile variety; represented by trees with a wide oval medium leafy crown. The fruits are round, with an inconspicuous side seam, weighing up to 35 g. The skin is dark red, thin. The pulp is yellow or light yellow, granular, fibrous, juicy, aromatic, sweet and sour, with an easily separated wide oval bone. Blossoms in the second decade of May, the fruits ripen - at the end of August. The yield is low - up to 18-20 kg per tree. The variety is winter-hardy and large-fruited. Gives a fruit crop only if there are other varieties of domestic cherries on the site, otherwise the fruits are not tied.

*Tatar yellow- self-infertile variety; It is represented by medium-sized trees with a wide, densely leafy crown. The fruits are small, unequal, weighing up to 15 g, with a weakly pronounced lateral seam. The peel is yellow, with a wax coating, of medium thickness. The pulp is yellow, juicy, sweet and sour, fibrous-granular, with an ovoid light brown stone. Blossoms in mid-May, fruits ripen in early September. Differs in drought resistance and average winter hardiness. It is pollinated by the following varieties: Rakitovaya, Sineglazka, Tenkovskaya blue, etc.

Photo of a medicinal plant - the fruits of a homemade plum on a tree

Plum - useful properties and contraindications

Plum- has found wide application, due to its useful properties, valuable taste, nutritional qualities and low calorie content in home and industrial recipes for making jams, preserves, juice, tinctures, liquor; homemade (garden) plum fruits are eaten fresh, canned and dried () form. The benefits of plums for human health, its medicinal properties are confirmed by the use in folk medicine since ancient times.

Latin name: Prunus domestica.

English title: Plum, French plum.

Family: Pink - Rosaceae.

Synonyms: plum.

Used parts: fruits, leaves, flowers, bark.

Botanical description: a tree reaching 15 m in height, the crown is broadly or narrowly ovate. Life expectancy depends on the variety, on average lives up to 25 years, of which the productive period is 10-15 years.

The root system of the rod type, the main part of the roots lies at a depth of 20-40 cm.

The leaves are alternate, short-petiolate, simple, elliptical or obovate, with a serrated or crenate margin, pubescent below. They reach 4-10 cm in length, 2-5 cm in width.

The flowers are white, 1.5-2 cm in diameter, collected in 1-3 pieces. Fruitfulness of plum depends on the variety. Productivity increases when there are plantings of several varieties. Fruiting in early-fruiting varieties begins 2-3 years after planting, late-fruiting - 6-7 years. It bears fruit for 10-15 years or more.

The fruits are fleshy odnokostyanki, purple, pale green, red, black and blue with a bluish wax coating. The stone is oval-elongated, flattened, pointed on both sides.

Habitat: the domestic plum has a hybrid origin, as is believed by crossing and. These plums are the most commonly grown, at least in Europe, and most dried plums (prunes) are made from the fruit of this species. Turkey, the Caucasus and northern Iran are considered the birthplace of plums. Currently, plum is cultivated in most countries of the world with a temperate and cold climate.

Photo of plum fruits with a stone

Nutritional table for 100 grams of plums

100 grams of fresh plums contain 0.70 grams of protein, 11.42 grams of carbohydrates, 9.92 grams of sugars, 0.28 grams of fat, 1.4 grams, calories = 46 kcal.


  • - 345 IU
  • - 0.028 mg
  • - 0.026 mg
  • - 0.417 mg
  • - 0.135 mg
  • - 0.029 mg
  • - 0 mcg
  • - 9.5 mg
  • - 0.26 mg
  • - 6.4 mcg
  • Other vitamins in plums are absent or contained in the smallest amount.

Macro- and microelements:

  • - 0.17 mg
  • - 157 mg
  • - 6 mg
  • - 7 mg
  • - 0.052 mg
  • - 0.057 mg
  • - 0 mg
  • - 0.0 mcg
  • - 16 mg
  • - 2.0 mcg
  • - 0.10 mg
  • Other macro- and microelements are absent in plums or are contained in the smallest amount.

During heat treatment, the plum retains most of its beneficial substances.

In canned form, the calorie content of products from plums (compotes, jams, prunes) increases dramatically.

Useful properties and application

In addition to excellent taste, plum is known for its medicinal properties, and is also rich in vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. In folk medicine, the medicinal properties of plums are widely used in the treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, constipation, kidney and liver diseases, rheumatism, fever, gout, and many other diseases.

Benefits of Plum and Plum Juice
  • useful for the prevention and treatment of anemia;
  • homemade plum fruits and plum juice increase appetite and mood;
  • fruits and juice disinfect the oral cavity and gastrointestinal tract (especially plums of dark varieties);
  • due to the high content of potassium, it has diuretic properties;
  • remove bad cholesterol from the body;
  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • improve vision;
  • improve skin condition: make the skin smooth and supple;
  • useful as a remedy for fatigue and insomnia.

Photo of plum juice

Application in traditional medicine

leaf decoction recipe

Lotions from decoctions of leaves are effective as an external remedy for purulent wounds, various rashes.

  • 1 tablespoon of crushed plum leaves is poured into 100 ml of boiled water and infused, wrapped well, for 2 hours, after which the "gruel" is applied to the wound 2-3 times a day. The presence of anthocyanins and leukoanthocyanins helps to strengthen blood vessels and capillaries; in practice, a positive effect on the cardiovascular system has been proven.


Self-treatment is dangerous! Before treatment at home, consult with your doctor.

Plum treatment

  1. Inflammation of the kidneys and bladder. Pour 1 tablespoon of plum leaves with 1 cup of hot water, simmer for 15 minutes, cool, strain and take 0.5 cup 3 times a day before meals.
  2. Inflammation of the oral mucosa and gum disease. 3 tablespoons of fresh plum leaves pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Rinse your mouth with a warm solution 3-4 times a day after meals.
  3. Hypertension. Soak 3-4 berries of dried plums (prunes) for 10 minutes in hot water, then eat with the water in which they were infused.
  4. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Eat 5-6 berries a day.
  5. Radiculitis. 25 g of powdered plum kernels contained in the seeds, pour a glass of vodka, leave for 7 days, shaking occasionally, strain and rub the tincture overnight into the lower back.
  6. Erysipelatous inflammation of the skin. Pour 1 teaspoon of chopped plum bark with 1 cup of hot water, boil in a closed enamel bowl in a water bath for 30 minutes, then strain, add boiled water to the original volume and take 1/3 cup 3 times a day before meals.

Contraindications. , plum juice for obesity and diabetes. Individual intolerance.

Home plum (varieties and descriptions of the characteristics of trees and fruits are presented in the table) is now grown almost everywhere. Did you know that the familiar and beloved plum for us was grown back in the 5th century BC. e.? The first trees appeared in Egypt. After a while, breeders became interested in culture, and now, once a true southerner, domestic plum is grown almost all over the world. Choosing the right seedling for your site is a rather difficult task, it is important to take into account several points, and in the ECOGarden for All project we will tell you about the main characteristics and introduce you to the most popular varieties.

Homemade plum varieties: description and photos of popular varieties

To facilitate the search for the desired varieties, we adhere to the following classification of plums (its varieties):

To begin with, we note several similarities between species, subspecies, varieties and hybrids of plums:

  1. precociousness - the tree gives the first crops no later than 6 years after planting;
  2. almost all species and varieties are self-infertile - for summer residents this means that several different sorts of plums should be planted in the garden at the same time;
  3. relatively weak frost resistance - without shelter, the culture tolerates winters well only in a temperate climate (without significant thaws and return frosts).

Now let's dwell on the varieties of homemade plums.

Plum house

The branches often have thorns. Trees of this variety live up to 25 years. From the age of 13 or 15, the fruits begin to shrink, so it is advisable to start updating the plantings. Varieties of homemade plums are characterized by high frost resistance and productivity. This includes such subspecies as Hungarian, renklod, thorn plum, mirabelle, egg and Italian plums, conditionally dividing them according to fruit ripening periods:

Variety Description Peculiarities
Early home plum varieties (until the second half of July)
Volga beauty

Tall, spherical tree, crown medium dense, raised;

Plums up to 40 g are rounded (slightly elongated), slightly narrowed towards the base, red-violet, sweet with a pleasant acidity, juicy. The stone is free, the pulp is tender

Central, Lower Volga and Middle Volga regions;

The variety is not afraid of drought and frost, resistance to diseases and pests is average;

Pollinators - Mirnaya, Zhiguli and Red early ripening

Eurasia 21

Massive, spreading tree;

Plums are round (not larger than 30 g), burgundy, sour-sweet, juicy, the stone does not separate well

The variety is not afraid of frost, diseases and pests are not affected. In rainy and cool May weather, the amount of the crop is reduced;

Pollinators - Lighthouse, Renklody productive and collective farm, as well as Record

Zarechnaya early

The tree is medium in height, the crown is compact, spherical;

Plums up to 60 g are rounded, slightly elongated, sweet with a slight acidity, juicy, dark purple. The pulp is dense, tender, the bone is free

Central Black Earth region;

Winter hardiness and productivity are high, the variety rarely gets sick and is practically not affected by pests;

Pollinators - Etude, Renklod Tambovsky, etc.

Kabardian early (Kabardinka)

Medium-sized tree with a wide-rounded or pyramidal crown;

Plums are oval, juicy, dark, bluish-red, sweet with a slight acidity. The fruits are not larger than 60 g. The pulp is tender, the skin is tough, sour. The stone is free

Resistance to all negative factors is average;

self fertile

Kyrgyz Superb

Trees are medium or tall with an oval crown, dense or medium leafy;

Plums up to 70 g are ovoid with an elongated top, juicy, purple, sweet with a barely noticeable acid. The pulp is tender, the skin is thick, medium dense, the stone is most often free.

Harvest variety. Immunity to frost, pests and diseases is high;

self fertile


A short tree with a neat, oval crown;

Plums up to 40 g, elongated, burgundy red, very sweet. The pulp is jelly-like, tender, the skin is thin. The bone separates freely

Southern regions;

Frost-resistant, high-yielding variety, resistance to diseases and pests is average;

Pollinators - Kolkhozny renklod and Zarechnaya early

The Sultan's Favorite (Favorito del Sultano)

Medium height tree with a compact, thinned crown;

Plums up to 70 g, and sometimes up to 110 g, are elongated oval, bluish-pink, sweet with a slight acid, juicy. The pulp is dense, usually the stone is free, rarely - does not separate

Immunity to diseases, drought, heat, frost and pests is good. Productivity is very high (branches require supports);

Partial self-fertility

Honey white or yellow

Tall tree with an oval, sparse crown;

Plums up to 50 g are yellow with an orange-pink side, rounded, very sweet with a slight sourness, juicy. The skin and pulp are dense, the stone is separated by half

The Central Black Earth region, as well as the variety is developing well in the Moscow region;

Immunity to various negative factors is an excellent, unpretentious, high-yielding variety;

Pollinators - Hungarian early Donetsk and Donetsk, Renklod Karbysheva


Srednerosloe, rounded, medium dense tree;

Plums up to 60 g are sour-sweet, juicy, barrel-shaped, dark, red-violet. The skin is medium dense, the pulp is sinewy, medium dense. The stone is free

Productive and unpretentious variety, resistant to frost, does not get sick and is not affected by pests;

Partial self-fertility


Medium in height, rounded, thickened, compact tree;

Plums up to 60 g are rounded, slightly elongated, sour-sweet, juicy. The color is orange-red, the skin is thin, the flesh is dense, the stone is free

Southern areas;

Frost resistance is weak, the harvest is unstable. The variety is rarely affected by diseases and pests;

Partially self-fertile


Medium-sized tree with a rounded, medium leafy, sparse crown;

Plums up to 45 g, sometimes up to 70 g are rounded, sweet with a slight acidity, juicy. The color is yellow-green with a red side. The pulp is dense, the bone is free

All regions;

A high-yielding variety, moderately resistant to low temperatures, does not get sick and is not affected by pests. In cold regions requires shelter;

Pollinators - Renklody green and Altana, Hungarian azhanskaya and domestic, as well as Anna Shpet and Mirabel Nancy

Renklod collective farm

Srednerosloe, rounded, medium dense, sprawling tree;

Plums are not larger than 30 g, sour-sweet, yellow, juicy, rounded in shape. The skin is a little bitter. The pulp is medium-dense, very tender, the stone is separated by half

Central Black Earth, Central and Northwestern regions;

Pollinators - Hungarian Moscow and Pulkovo, Renklod thorny, Eurasia 21, Early maturing red and Volga beauty

Renklod early

Tall tree with a medium dense crown;

Plums no larger than 60 g are rounded, yellow, sometimes with an orange barrel, sweet with a barely noticeable acidity and a strong honey aroma, juicy. The skin is dense, the pulp is medium dense. The bone does not separate

Productivity, resistance to low temperatures and drought is high, good resistance to diseases and pests;

Pollinators - Hungarian Donetsk and Early Donetsk, Renklod Karbysheva

Sinilga or Daughter of Sinilga

Vigorous, pyramidal tree;

Plums are dark, purple-blue, sweet and sour, rounded (not larger than 30 g). The pulp is dense, dryish, the stone is free

The variety is suitable for growing in the middle lane and even in Siberia;

Resistance to various negative factors is above average;

Self-infertile, all simultaneously flowering plums are suitable for pollination


Medium-sized, dense tree with a broad-oval, medium-leaved crown;

Plums, red-violet, sweet and sour, juicy, rounded (up to 60 g). The skin is medium in thickness, the stone is detachable

Central Black Earth region;

The yield is average, immunity to all negative factors is excellent;

Pollinators - varieties simultaneously blooming home plum


Low, dense tree with an oval crown;

Plums up to 30 g are oval, light green-yellow with a pinkish side, sour-sweet. The pulp is slightly fibrous, not particularly dense and juicy, slightly sugary.

Central region;

Plum Morning is moderately resistant to all negative factors;

self fertile


Medium-sized, rounded tree;

Plums up to 30 g are rounded, slightly elongated, dark red-violet, sweet and juicy. The skin is medium-dense, thick, the flesh is dense, the stone does not separate

Central Black Earth region;

Immunity to frost, drought, characteristic diseases and pests is high;

Pollinators - Renklod Tambovsky, Zarechnaya early and Volga beauty

Mid-season varieties (from mid-July to the second half of August)

Srednerosloe, rare tree;

Plums up to 60 g are oval-flattened, burgundy - purple, sweet and sour. The pulp is similar in texture to an apricot, slightly cartilaginous, the stone is free

A sun-loving variety with excellent immunity to all negative factors, except for moniliosis. The yield is consistently high;

Pollinators - Bluefree, Stanley, Niybolia and Empress

Black Amber

Medium height, compact tree;

Plums up to 150 g are rounded, slightly flattened from below and above, sweet (with hints of peach), dark blue, juicy. The pulp is dense, the stone does not separate

Harvest variety, does not get sick and is not afraid of frost;

Pollinators - Santa Rosa, Golden Plumza and Friar

Blue Suite

Columnar plum. The tree is tall, crown up to 90 cm in diameter;

Plums up to 75 g, oval, slightly squeezed, sweet and sour, pink-purple, juicy. Bone detachable

Productive and frost-resistant variety, does not get sick and is not interesting for pests;

Pollinators - Stanley and Blue Free


Medium-sized, branched tree;

Plums up to 50 g are elongated oval, lilac-violet, juicy, sweet with a barely noticeable acid. The pulp is cartilaginous, but tender, the bone is separated by half

Moderately resistant to stone fruit diseases and pests, a variety with high yield and winter hardiness;

self fertile

Victoria (Queen Victoria)

The tree is tall, massive, the crown is raised with hanging flexible branches;

Plums up to 36 g are ovoid, pale golden with wine blush, sweet with a pleasant acidity, juicy. The pulp is moderately dense, the bone does not separate

Medium-resistant variety in all respects;

The variety was awarded the Garden Merit Award in 1993 and 2013;

Pollinators - Anna Shpet, Kirke, Peach, Hungarian azhanskaya, Renklody green and Altana


A vigorous tree with a wide-rounded crown;

Fruits are oval 30 g with a dark blue skin with a wax coating. The pulp is juicy, yellow-green in color, well separated from the stone

North Caucasian region;

Moderately resistant to diseases, average winter hardiness;

self infertile

yellow self fertile

The tree is tall, the crown is massive, sprawling, not thickened;

Plums not larger than 30 g are rounded, yellow, fragrant, juicy, sweet with a slight acidity. The skin is dense, the pulp is medium dense

High-yielding, winter-hardy variety, practically does not get sick and is rarely affected by pests;

The variety is self-fertile, but for a larger harvest, you can plant a couple of simultaneously flowering varieties nearby


Columnar plum. A small, compact tree with little branching and a pyramidal crown;

Plums are round, slightly elongated, pinkish-lilac, sour-sweet, juicy (up to 60 g). The pulp is sugary, the skin is thick. The bone is cut in half

The yield is high. Medium

Pollinators - Bluefri, Renklod Altana and Stanley


Tall, thickened tree with a pyramidal crown;

Plums up to 60 g are obovate, lilac-red, sour-sweet, juicy. The skin and flesh are thick. The stone will be free if you water the plum correctly

Yields are consistently good. Resistance to diseases, drought, pests and frost is average;

self fertile


Medium-sized, densely leafy, wide tree with a rounded crown;

Plums are oval, purple-red, juicy, sweet and sour with a pleasant aroma (not larger than 40 g). The stone is free

Immunity to frost, typical diseases and various pests is high. Unpretentious and productive variety;

Pollinators - varieties of domestic plums of the same flowering period

Hungarian Korneevskaya

Medium tree with a spreading, densely leafy crown;

Plums are oval with a narrowed tip, purple-brown, sweet, juicy, maximum weight is 40 g. The pulp is tender, the stone is free

Productive, resistant to short-term drought variety, has good immunity to diseases, pests and frosts;

self fertile


Low, rare tree with a rounded crown;

Plums are round, red-violet, sweet, not larger than 40 g. The pulp is dense, the stone is free

Central region;

Resistant in all respects, productive variety;

self fertile


Tall, pyramidal tree;

Plums are oval, sweet and sour, brown, juicy (maximum weight 50 g). The pulp is tender, the skin is thin, the stone is free

Central region;

Winter-hardy, high-yielding variety with good immunity to stone fruit diseases and pests;

Pollinators - Early maturing red, Mayak, In memory of Timiryazev and Renklod


Medium dense, actively growing tree with a rounded, slightly elongated crown;

Plums up to 40 g are dark brown-violet, round, uniform, sour-sweet, juicy. The skin is medium dense, the pulp is tender bone free

Lower Volga and Middle Volga regions;

Productive, resistant to all negative factors variety;

Pollinators - Kuibyshev blue, Zhiguli, Ternoslyva Kuibyshev and Red early ripening


Tall, medium dense, spreading tree with a broad oval crown;

Plums are oval, elongated purple-blue, dark, sweet with barely noticeable acidity and astringency, juicy (up to 60 g). The pulp is tender, the bone is free

Central Black Earth region;

Resistant variety in all respects;

Pollinators - Hungarian Donetsk early and Donetsk, as well as Renklod Soviet

In memory of Vavilov

An average tree in all respects with a wide-rounded crown;

Plums are juicy, rounded, equilateral, golden yellow, sweet (not larger than 55 g). The skin is tender, the pulp is jelly-like, the stone is free

Productive, moderately resistant to various negative factors variety;

Pollinators - Rival, President, Kabardian early and Renklod Altana

Memory of Timiryazev

The tree is average in all respects, bushy;

Plums are ovoid, yellow with a red side, sweet and sour, juicy, not larger than 40 g. The pulp is granular, dense.

Middle Volga and Central regions;

Resistance to low temperatures, drought, diseases and pests is average;

self fertile

Renklod Altana

Tall, oval-round, non-thickened tree;

Plums are pinkish-red, round, sour-sweet, juicy (not larger than 45 g). The skin is thin, dense, the flesh is dense, slightly fibrous. The stone is free

High-yielding, stable variety in all respects;

Pollinators - Hungarian home, Azhan and Italian, as well as varieties such as Kirke, Grand Duke, Ekaterina, Victoria and Anna Shpet

Renklod soviet

A low broom-shaped tree with an unthickened, wide-pyramidal crown;

Plums are round, juicy, purple (almost black), sweet with a slight acidity. The maximum weight is 80 g, the pulp is tender, the stone is free

Central Black Earth region;

Resistant to all negative factors, high-yielding variety;

Pollinators - any Renklod


Medium-sized, spreading tree with a raised oval crown;

Plums are broadly oval, pale yellow, sweet and sour, juicy (not larger than 45 g). The skin is medium thick, the stone is free

Central Black Earth region;

Productive variety, does not suffer from low temperatures, diseases, short-term drought and pests;

Pollinators - Lighthouse, Record, Renklody collective farm and productive

blue gift

Average in all respects, oval, slightly raised tree;

Plums are blue-violet, almost black, sour-sweet, juicy, oval (up to 25 g). The pulp is granular, slightly fibrous, dense

Central region;

Immunity to all negative factors is a weak, productive variety;

self fertile

Blue bird

Tall, not thickened tree with a rounded crown;

Plums are large, red-violet, wide-oval, sweet. The pulp is dense, the bone is free

North Caucasian region;

The yield is high, the variety does not get sick and is not damaged by pests;

self fertile


Tall, neat tree with an oval crown;

Plums are purple-blue, sweet, juicy, round, slightly elongated (not larger than 45 g). The skin is medium thick, the pulp is tender, the stone is separated by half

Central region;

Pollinators - Hungarian Moscow, Blue gift, Volga beauty, Egg blue and Super early, as well as Morning and Opal

Prunes Adyghe

Tall, medium branched tree with an oval, rarely leafy crown;

Plums are small, elongated-round, sour-sweet, juicy, purple. The skin is sour with bitterness, thick, dense, the pulp is granular-fibrous. The bone separates well

North Caucasian region;

Good immunity to typical diseases, the variety is not afraid of frost;

self fertile

egg blue

The tree is tall, sparse, sprawling, medium leafy, oval crown;

Plums are sweet and sour, juicy, reddish-violet, ovoid (up to 45 g). The skin is thin, elastic, the pulp is fibrous, medium dense. Bone detachable

Central region;

A variety resistant to all negative factors;

self fertile


Tall, sparse, compact tree with a rounded crown;

Plums are round, sometimes slightly elongated, light green-orange with a pinkish side, sour-sweet, juicy. The skin is thin, the pulp is tender, the stone is free. Maximum fruit weight 35 g

The variety is not afraid of frost, does not get sick and is not affected by pests;

Pollinators - Early maturing red, Hungarian Moscow and Pamyat Timiryazev

Late home plum varieties (from the second half of August to mid-October)
Anna Shpet

The tree is tall, strong with a wide pyramidal crown;

Plums are broadly ovoid, sometimes oval, large, purple-red, sweet and sour, juicy. The pulp is fibrous, loose, dense, the skin is thin

Nizhnevolzhsky and North Caucasian regions;

A productive variety, moderately resistant to frost, drought and disease;

Pollinators - Victoria, Kirke, Catherine, early Hungarian, Washington. Renklody Altana and green

Blue Free

Tall, sparse, spreading tree with a rounded crown, actively developing until the first harvest, then grows slowly;

Plums up to 100 g are oval, wide, purple (almost black), sweet with a slight acidity, juicy. The pulp is tender, very dense, the stone does not separate

Productivity, resistance to frost and pests is high, immunity to diseases is average;

Pollinators - President, Stanley and Empress, Anna Shpet, Vision, Opal. Viretu and Rush Gerstetter

Hungarian Moscow or Tsaritsyn

Medium-sized, spreading, dense tree with a rounded crown;

Plums up to 35 g are ovoid, reddish-violet, sweet and sour, juicy. The skin is rough with a slight bitterness, the flesh is dense, the stone is free

Central region;

A variety resistant to all negative factors;

self fertile

Vision or Vision

The tree is tall, the crown is round, dense;

Plums are large, elongated oval, sweet, dark red. The pulp is dense, juicy. The bone separates freely

Productive variety resistant to various negative factors with good immunity to diseases and pests;

There are data on the grafting of a variety on felt cherries to reduce growth;

Pollinators - Stanley and President


Medium-sized tree with a dense, rounded crown;

Plums are obovate, elongated, blue-violet, sweet and sour, juicy (up to 70 g). The skin is dense, the bone is free

The variety does not get sick and is practically not affected by pests, productive and frost-resistant;

Pollinators - Favorito del Sultano and Belarusian Hungarian


Medium-sized, dense, compact tree with a medium spreading crown;

Plums up to 50 g are wide-round, yellow-orange with a pink side, juicy, sour-sweet. The skin is strong, the pulp is dense, the stone is detachable

High-yielding variety with excellent immunity to diseases, sometimes affected by pests, not afraid of frost;

Pollinators - Ural red, etc.


Srednerosloe, medium dense tree with a pyramidal crown;

Plums are round, almost black, sour-sweet, juicy (not larger than 50 g). The skin is thin, medium dense, the pulp is fibrous, tender. The bone is cut in half

Northern regions, suitable for the middle lane;

Productive, resistant to all negative factors variety;

Partially self-fertile

The president

Medium-sized, sparse tree with a round-oval crown;

Plums are round, blue-lilac, sour-sweet, juicy (up to 50 g). The skin is medium dense, the pulp is tender, the stone is free

Harvest variety with good immunity to low temperatures, practically does not get sick, rarely affected by aphids;

Pollinators - Mirnaya, Ternoslyva Kuibyshevskaya and Early ripening red

Renklod Tambov

Medium-sized, spreading, sparse tree with a wide oval crown;

Plums up to 45 g are rounded, elongated, brown-violet (almost black), sweet and sour, juicy. The bone is cut in half

Central and southern regions;

Frost-resistant, productive variety, often sick and affected by pests;

Pollinators - Early ripening red, Greenklody green and collective farm

Stanley or Stanley

Medium-sized tree with a rounded, thinned crown;

Plums are obovate, violet-blue, sweet and sour, juicy (up to 50 g). The skin is medium thick, the pulp is granular-fibrous, dense. The stone is free

North Caucasian region;

The variety is moderately resistant to all negative factors;

Pollinators - President and Express

Top hit

Tall tree with a spreading crown;

Plums are sweet with a pleasant acidity, dark purple, oval, elongated (up to 100 g). The pulp is dense, the bone is free

Resistance to low temperatures and typical diseases is high;

self fertile

Tula black

Compact tree with an oval, thickened crown;

Plums are round-ovoid, blue (almost black), sweet and sour, juicy (up to 35 g). The skin is thin, the pulp is medium dense

Immunity to low temperatures, drought and typical diseases is average;

self fertile

In general, culture requires elementary and extremely simple care. By choosing the “right” plum varieties for your site, you can enjoy abundant harvests of your favorite horticultural crop without spending too much time on exhausting tree care.

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