Sun in synastry. Synastric aspects of the Sun. Aspects in the Synastry Sun - Sun conjunction, square, opposition, trine, sextile in astrology. Trine ☉ Sun and ♅ Uranus in the natal chart Conjunction Sun - Saturn


You are popular, calm and happy, moderately vain, but achieve success without much effort. There is a harmonious balance between your ego and emotions. You can expect an easy life, a comfortable home, and the help of friends. Your biggest problem is your tendency to become apathetic at a time when you should be confident in your abilities.

Notable People: Comedian Willie Rogers, baseball player Willie Mays.


Since Mercury never moves more than 28 degrees from the Sun, and Venus never moves more than 46 degrees, they do not create any of the major aspects other than conjunction.


You are brave and adventurous. You have a strong, robust body and a lot of energy. You achieve everything you can think of. You have a highly developed sense of honor, and you have the ability to make quick and drastic decisions. You are attracted to law, management, politics and sports.

Notable People: Sports car racer Al Unser, baseball player Willie Mays.


Usually you are successful and satisfied, people love you. However, you tend to be lazy and apathetic unless Jupiter or the Sun is in aspect to Saturn. You enjoy life and rarely get into trouble. If you work hard, you can get big money. You are intelligent, sensible, and open-minded.

Notable People: Burt Reynolds, television commentator Bill Moers.


You achieve success in life by your own efforts, thanks to the ability to concentrate and the talent of the organizer. You are a responsible person, living a moral and orderly life. This aspect promises long life and good health. In a woman's horoscope, this aspect indicates a successful father or husband, or both.

Famous people: P. Renier, golfer Harry Player.


You attract others through leadership, popularity, and talent. Although you are not always tactful, your enthusiasm, optimism and laughter are very contagious. It would be good if you dedicate yourself to some social and political activity or movement, if you do this, then the devotion to this cause will be complete. You have a highly developed intuition, imagination and the ability to accurately anticipate. In a woman's horoscope, this aspect often indicates a happy marriage with an authoritative person.

Famous people: astronaut Neil Armstrong, blind writer Helen Keller.


You have developed a creative imagination. This aspect is often found in the horoscopes of writers and artists. You are good at stock trading, but you may also be interested in some scientific field. You are a romantic and gentle person, usually devoted to family, partner and home.

Famous people: artist Norman Rockwell, journalist Walter Winchel.


You are a born leader. You are reasonable, able to take advantage of opportunities and positively use your creative energy. You have a pronounced ability to recover and concentrate, and a strong will. You can make a profit as a result of the fact that someone suffers losses, it is possible to receive a large inheritance.

Famous people: musician Al Hurt, athlete John Nemeth.

(Marion March and J. McEvers)

Check if this aspect is in your horoscope.

The trine of the Sun with the Moon is a strong harmonious aspect in the natal chart, indicating the unity of will and emotions, heredity and habits, the balance of male and female traits in character. He notes high vitality, good health, strong immunity and recoverability from ailments.

The person is self-confident, loves children and is attractive to the opposite sex. In life, the aspect brings the favor of influential people and superiors, creates favorable conditions for a career, indicates success in social activities. A person treats his profession with love.

If other factors of the natal chart do not contradict, this aspect promises benefits from travel and trade, popularity in society. This trine testifies to good nature, decency, peacefulness. The listed properties are clearly manifested in the trine converging under the growing Moon and are greatly weakened in the divergent under the waning Moon.

If in the latter case the Sun or Moon (or both) are dissonant, the trine completely loses the positive qualities mentioned above; there remains only a general weak favor in life.

In the absence of dissonances in the Moon and the Sun, as well as tense aspects in the IV and X houses or to their trine rulers, regardless of the phase of the Moon, indicates good mutual understanding in the family and a common language with children. Interaction with parents contributes to internal development. If conflicts arise in the family, they are easily overcome.

> In the calm nature of a person, complaisance and poise are noticeable. He is easily involved in close communication. Easily establishes mutual understanding with the youth, his caring and attentive attitude towards the young is accepted with gratitude. A person is able to measure his desires with the reaction of the environment to them. He has the power of persuasion backed up by sincerity, without being aggressive or intrusive. He knows how to maintain good relations with both sexes, gaining influence over time. Of the shortcomings, it should be noted an overestimated self-esteem and overestimation of one's capabilities. Sometimes this aspect gives rise to apathy when a person takes on a task in which he has nowhere to wait for help.

> With a strong Sun, a person succeeds in society and profession. With a strong Moon, a person's personality emotionally manifests itself without tension, easily and freely, in a constructive way. A trine with a strong Moon in a man's horoscope is an indication of a profitable marriage. The trine with a strong Sun in the horoscope of a woman has the same meaning.

> If the signs of Fire are connected by a trine, the will and emotions are expressed actively, enthusiastically, fearlessly and cordially. The trigon in the signs of the Earth gives the ability to practically solve life problems; a person is purposeful, does not waste time, builds his life reliably, thoroughly, steadily, loves order in everything. The signs of Air give this aspect an intellectual character, a person is drawn to knowledge and to useful, productive relationships, intelligently approaches emerging problems and solves them in an optimal way. Water signs harmoniously direct emotions to strengthen relationships, including with family members and loved ones.

> Trine of the Sun with the Moon lays a high creative potential helps a person develop independence, dignity, self-control and concentration.

> The trigon of the Sun at the conjunction of the Moon with Neptune forms a hypersensitive, imaginative, balanced nature. Similarly, predictions are made for conjunctions of the Moon with other planets.

The Sun indicates the presence of men in a person's life, and its aspects give an idea of ​​the nature of the relationship with them. The aspects of the planets with the Sun in the horoscope affect a person's self-image, since it symbolizes the main life goal, self-identification.

What do the harmonious aspects of the Sun mean in a horoscope

Aspects of the Sun in the natal chart are associated with conceit, internal energy, individuality, they affect the manifestation of the masculine principle in both a man and a woman.

In the child's horoscope, this is his perception of the father and the masculine in himself.

Girls with strong solar aspects may be closer to their father than their mother, exhibit more boyish qualities, or choose boys as their friends.

Sun conjunctions with other planets

They act like a magnifying glass that amplifies and focuses the solar energy of the conjunction of the Sun in the natal chart.

The essence of the planets in conjunction does not simply mix with the energy of the Sun; it unites with it, sharpening and strengthening the solar energy.

If a planet is within half to four degrees of the Sun, it is said to be on fire.

This word exactly corresponds to the essence: the energy of the planet breaks down and is absorbed by the solar energy. If a planet is less than half a degree from the Sun, it is said to be cazimi.

There are at least two schools of thought about this type of conjunction.

The first believes that the energy of the planet is burned by the Sun; the second theory says that solar energy becomes an ideal means of transportation for the manifestation of the energy of the planet.

Both theories are applicable; it depends on the natal chart as a whole.

Conjunction Sun - Moon

You get what you want through the perfect combination of will and ego. Your creative impulses are based on deep instincts.

Your self-motivation can be impulsive, which can create problems. You have strong ties to your family, spouse, and home.

The person is very emotional, the favorite of his family (mother) and gives her a lot of joy. The head of the family in the future. If the Sun is stronger - more father.

If the Moon is more of a mother. But, generally speaking, he is a true parent.

Sun conjunct Mercury

A person is loved for his mind, resourcefulness and dexterity. He is resourceful and loves to play pranks. Loneliness for him is an unreal state.

He talks to those he loves. Maybe he keeps some small animals at home. He loves little ones and tends to protect them from other people's commands in order to give them his own.

Your will is focused by the intellect. You are not the type to sit around and rant about ideas; you act according to your ideas, bring them to life.

Mercury never moves more than twenty-eight degrees from the Sun, so conjunction is the only major aspect that can occur between these two planets.

Sun conjunct Venus

Polite and knows how to tactfully insist on his own. A good boss, and only a very stupid person will find him soft. He loves pleasures and is ready for a lot for them. It is unlikely to become a janitor.

He loves peace, and this creates certain difficulties for him when he needs to dispose of others, because this means that he will have to cause them anxiety.

Always pays for what he orders you to do. And he himself will not carry out orders that are not paid.

You absolutely love it. Lover of life, beauty, music and art; love lover. You benefit from reflection, unless there is an adverse effect on the fifth and second houses.

In the natal chart of a man, this conjunction can mean a feminine character; in a woman's natal chart, this means that she is a social butterfly.

You are great with children and have a gift for bringing joy to people. On the other hand, you may be prone to laziness and self-pity.

This is the only aspect that Venus can be in relation to the Sun, because it never moves more than forty-eight degrees from the sun.

Sun-Mars Conjunction

A nice person and extremely independent. It's impossible to deal with him. He decides what to do, and likes to be self-willed. Not prone to meanness and achieves fame in an honest way.

Straightforward and will never listen to someone who is weak. A person with such a conjunction of the Sun in the natal chart will find a commander who is capable of anything - and will be happy to serve him in order to become the same over time.

You blast through obstacles and meet challenges with T-Rex subtlety. You are aggressive, self-confident and courageous.

You are also direct and sharp, which is sometimes an advantage but often gets you into trouble.

You need to work on self-control so that your abundant energy can be directed in a more beneficial direction.

Sun conjunct Jupiter

The person is very understanding, and everyone around sees it perfectly. It is difficult to join him - he is inaccessible, possessing all conceivable virtues. He will gladly give valuable advice.

Spends little time with people if there is nothing in them that he would like to understand. Magnanimous, kind, generous and loves to laugh. Every decision he makes is correct.

Sun conjunct Saturn

Strict to himself and to others. Disciplined and follows his own plan because he loves it.

He constantly fights with the commanders for the accuracy of their orders and for the instructions that they violate with their orders. This creates a lot of problems for him.

This aspect of the natal chart works like a magnet that attracts what you need, exactly when you need it.

Even in hostile times you are lucky. You are prone to spendthrift, but generous and generous to people who are dear to you.

Your self-confidence and habit of relying on yourself always bring you more than you need. You get a lot through your father.

This aspect either provides the structure and discipline you need to achieve prominence, or it overwhelms you so much that you are constantly in a mild melancholy.

Responsibility falls on you at a young age, which can make you dive into yourself. You can be a famous lone wolf, independent but often lonely.

The best option for you is to turn your intellect away from your own concerns and pursue what you desire most.

Sun Conjunction Uranus

Man loves the unknown. He is strange because he fights his own and your dullness in very unusual ways.

He can put on a detail that is completely unsuitable for his outfit, which will catch the eye, annoying others to fury.

Always arguing with superiors, protecting the future from the present. He loves very smart people and suffers if he does not see signs of genius in his leader.

Genius. Through flashes of insight and instinctive understanding of divine laws, you gain the ability to go into unknown spaces and influence the world with what you find.

You are always tense and probably trying to get by with a little sleep, which only burns you out. You have the ability to build success from scratch if you want to.

Sun conjunct Neptune

A person with such a conjunction of the Sun in the natal chart is very mysterious. Everything he orders is extremely inaccurate, indistinct, vague.

He loves chaos, because he sees perfectly when everyone else is blind.

Fog is his favorite state of the atmosphere. He is compassionate and dislikes harshness, which will make him more of a subordinate than a commander-in-chief. He likes ambiguities - where is the command here.

People find you somewhat mysterious. Your strong penchant for mysticism, when used constructively, can bring about incredible creativity.

If the conjunction occurs in Taurus, your mystical side is anchored and you make the unreal real.

The downside of this aspect is the dissipation of emotional energy, interest in or abuse of drugs and alcohol, and a tendency to daydream.

Sun conjunct Pluto

Strong man. Everyone sees it. He knows how to stand his ground and is ready to go to great lengths to disobey orders. Practically for everything.

They prefer to leave him alone, leaving him to his own fate, because he is not afraid of the hardships that rejection from others will entail.

He is inclined to use force against those whom he himself controls, and to find the same commanders for himself.

Your mighty will regenerates and transforms everything it touches. Sexual and mental energy usually become tools for transformation.

In self-aware people, this conjunction can manifest as a clear channel for spiritual energy; less developed people may develop dictatorial tendencies.

Sun conjunct North lunar node

With this aspect, the South Node of the Moon is in opposition and must be taken into account in the interpretation.

Your possibilities for self-expression are greatly expanded and can manifest themselves in leadership abilities and power.

The luck inherent in this aspect is what you have earned in past lives in which your efforts were directed to the world outside of yourself.

A solar or lunar eclipse usually occurs close to the time of birth.

Sun conjunct South lunar node

The circumstances of your life either repel or limit your chances of self-expression. The location of the house tells which area is affected.

This aspect usually means past lives in which you achieved your goals at the expense of other people.

Sun Conjunction Ascendant

Power. Imagine vitality at its peak, when disease is as rare as water in a salt desert. Even if you get sick, you recover quickly and completely.

You have an intuitive understanding of divine laws and have an amazing ability to positively influence the masses.

Conjunction Sun - Midheaven

You strive for fame, recognition and realization of your professional abilities. This may include politics and social life. No matter how your glory manifests itself, it will influence the masses.

Conjunction Sun - IC

Your life is dominated by family and home. You greatly appreciate your early life, family roots and values. You can have a lot of fun in your house and be on friendly terms with celebrities.

Conjunction Sun - Point of Fortune

Your luck and success comes from personal efforts, in the area provided by the house that Fortune Point occupies.

Sun sextiles with other planets

Sextiles to the Sun indicate areas in which your abilities can be expressed positively; they often signify opportunities.

Sectile of the Sun and Moon

You get along well with people, try to help them whenever you can, and they in turn do the same for you. You successfully work with the public, and for this you have the ability to communicate.

Sextile of the Sun and Mars

You are one of those people who seem to have an endless supply of energy. Your creative ideas usually find expression in some form because you are passionate about making them come true.

But you do not step on anyone's toes in an effort to achieve what you want. You respect other people for their talents and abilities.

Sextile of the Sun and Jupiter

If we still lived in villages, you would be a village philosopher.

You have high ideas, lofty aspirations and many opportunities throughout your life to realize what you want. Your self-expression usually comes through the house that Jupiter occupies.

Sextile of the Sun and Saturn

Your ambitions never get in the way of other areas of your life. You plan carefully, take your work seriously, and structure your life so that everything is reasonably balanced.

You achieve everything by your own efforts.

Sextile of the Sun and Uranus

You have a charismatic, magnetic and often strong personality. You are deeply intuitive, which gives you valuable insight into other people. You don't pay much attention to traditions.

You prefer to go your own way, even if others consider it eccentric. This aspect is often found in the natal charts of people who are interested in or practice astrology.

Sun Sextile Neptune

Much of your imagination rises from the deep levels of the soul and flows easily into your conscious thoughts.

It is as if there is a communication system between the psychic activity in your unconscious and you, who participate daily in the affairs of the world.

You have considerable creativity that, with little effort on your part, can blossom and blossom.

Sextile of the Sun and Pluto

Deep within you are the answers and information.

When you learn how to reach this deep level, you will understand why you have such a powerful will and how you can use it to achieve what you want.

You need to discuss what you know and feel. You develop through creative self-expression.

Trines of the Sun with other planets

Trines to the Sun in the natal chart enhance self-expression and generally indicate harmony in matters related to planets that form sextiles and trines.

Venus and Mercury are too close to the Sun to form sextiles and trines.

Trine Sun and Moon

You are trying to create in your home the same harmony that you remember from your childhood.

The smooth flow between your subconscious and conscious desires helps you achieve what you want and need.

If these aspects have any drawbacks, it is that at times your life becomes so pleasant and generally happy that you are apathetic and do not try to do anything when you need to fend for yourself.

Trine Sun and Mars

Your physical vitality keeps you going for long periods of time even after others have gone to bed.

Your magnetic personality and determination draw people to you. You can do some exercises to maintain tone and strengthen your already significant physical strength.

Good leadership skills are also included in this trine.

Trine Sun and Jupiter

This trine is usually associated with luck, optimism and financial prosperity.

You have amazing creativity, but you may not be able to do much with it if the squares and oppositions of your natal chart don't create the necessary friction and tension.

Your personal integrity is probably unparalleled.

The astrologer Grant Levy made the classic remark about this aspect: "No poet with this aspect has ever starved or huddled in garrets."

Trine Sun and Saturn

You are very confident in yourself, you have many talents and great luck. Your parents or people in charge of you are probably older than usual and protected you from hardship.

Opportunities often come to you. Combined with the conjunction of Mars and the Moon, these opportunities either fall from the sky or you create them.

Trine Sun and Uranus

You are too original and progressive thinker, and other people want to know you just because you are so different from them.

Strange things are happening around you. Your perception of reality is wide and unusual; you never lose sight of the big picture.

Trine Sun and Neptune

If you are not yet self-employed, then you should take steps in that direction, because you cannot work well under someone else.

You need to create and express yourself in some artistic fields, you have outstanding creative abilities that need to be expressed.

If your talent does not find expression, the resulting block can cause health problems.

You are very receptive. In fact, a lot of knowledge comes to you this way, even if you don't understand it.

Your sleeping mind is psychically active, with vivid, colorful dreams rising from the deepest levels of your soul.

Work with your dreams and strive to understand them. They will provide you with an endless supply of answers and guidance.

Trine Sun and Pluto

You are the kind of person who takes friends and loved ones away from the brink of chaos. You help restore order in their lives.

You will succeed in any profession in which you can do it for people. You have considerable willpower; you are a born leader. Always listen to your intuition before acting.

Sextiles or Trines of the Sun

Sextiles or Trines of the Sun and Nodes

You excel in almost all situations and get along with almost all people. The conditions of your life in general help you. With very little effort, you overcome everything that is holding you back.

Sextile or Trine of Sun and Ascendant

It is not a serious problem for you to express what you are. You are honest in your dealings with other people and will not tolerate dishonest behavior from others.

You are an optimist by nature, which helps opportunities to come into your life. Your personal relationships are harmonious and, as you cooperate with others, you are able to achieve what you want.

Sextile or Trine of the Sun with Midheaven and IC

Your family helps your professional aspirations and success.

They fully support your efforts, which is part of why your professional and home life is in harmony.

Sextile or Trine of the Sun and Point of Fortune

These aspects are felt so well that you are sure that you have been blessed in the areas indicated by the houses.

This aspect grants good luck of the kind in which you win the lottery or suddenly inherit a large sum of money. Great luck.

Harmony of consciousness and potential of forces. Good health, resilience, resilience. Attract the opposite sex. If there are no contradictions - good relationships with others, confidence, optimism. If the Sun, Moon, IV and X houses are not affected - a good understanding in the family, with children. (Kolesov)

Harmony of the creation and potential of forces, with heredity and habits, good vitality, health, resistance, resilience. The balance of male and female components. Attract the opposite sex. If there is no defeat of the Sun, Moon, IV and X houses - a good understanding in the family and with children. Courage. (Sakoyan)

It indicates, as a rule, psychological balance and excellent adaptability. Aspiring to the search for harmony, such a person knows how to feel and reason by analogy, looking for similarities and similarities, but is inclined to reject everything that is not consistent with his ideas about the ideal.
He combines sensitivity and imagination with a sense of reality. He manages to achieve harmony in union with another person, if the rest of the details of the horoscope do not contradict this; this union is preferable for him to loneliness and better than a large society. He sincerely believes that there are no such differences between people of different sexes that could prevent them from finding a common language and living in harmony. He wants to achieve success in both social and family life, without sacrificing anything in either one or the other.
Astrological tradition says that this aspect in a person's horoscope is an indicator of agreement between parents. It seems that this is not true - at least in our time, when divorces are so frequent, distorting the whole picture so much. In fact, it should rather be considered that for someone who has a harmonious aspect of the Sun and Moon in the chart, even the quarrels between the parents that he witnesses are only an additional incentive to seek harmony and believe in it. (volume)

You are popular, calm and happy, moderately vain, but achieve success without much effort. There is a harmonious balance between your ego and emotions. You can expect an easy life, a comfortable home, and the help of friends. Your biggest problem is your tendency to become apathetic at a time when you should be confident in your abilities. (M.March and D.McEvers)

They testify, as a rule, to psychological balance and excellent adaptability. Aspiring to the search for harmony, such a person knows how to feel and reason by analogy, looking for similarities and similarities, but is inclined to reject everything that is not consistent with his ideas about the ideal.
He combines sensitivity and imagination with a sense of reality. He manages to achieve harmony in union with another person, if the rest of the details of the horoscope do not contradict this; this union is preferable for him to loneliness and better than a large society. He sincerely believes that there are no such differences between people of different sexes that could prevent them from finding a common language and living in harmony. He wants to achieve success in both social and family life, without sacrificing anything in either one or the other.
Astrological tradition says that these aspects in a person's horoscope are an indicator of agreement between parents. It seems that this is not true - at least in our time, when divorces are so frequent, distorting the whole picture so much. In fact, it should rather be considered that for someone who has a harmonious aspect of the Sun and Moon in the chart, even the quarrels between the parents that he witnesses are only an additional incentive to seek harmony and believe in it. (K. Obye)

The aspects formed by the Sun in one horoscope and the planets in another indicate how the second partner supports and respects the personality of the first, and how he (or it) relates to his goals and temperament. Both Suns in harmonious signs are a good indicator of compatibility, but being in signs that are not uniquely compatible with each other may not be an obstacle to their relationship. There is a strong attraction between opposite signs of the same quality - and although misunderstanding is sometimes possible, favorable aspects can always somehow compensate for this. However, if there are too many unfavorable aspects, discordant signs of the Suns will worsen the situation even more.

When the Suns are in a square or are located in signs, the distance between which is 90, partners, as a rule, will strive for different things, however, subject to the harmonious aspects formed by their Sun and Moon, this may not be a serious obstacle. When the two Suns are in opposition, this indicates a strong attraction or dislike of the partners for each other, while their sextile and trine speak of a harmonious and balanced relationship.

Sun conjunct the Sun

This aspect creates a natural warmth and attraction to a similar perspective in life. There is a strong competitive tendency here, which can bring out the best in both individuals. Because two birthdays fall on the same day or within the same day of each other, there is some difficulty in balancing the relationship. The subjective experiences of both people may be so similar that one may be depressed or elated at the same time as the other. Other planets in the charts should be considered to see if the subjective energy will be balanced elsewhere.

Both personalities are the same in their desire for self-expression. And although they perfectly understand each other in this regard, instead of fruitful coexistence, they have an insurmountable antagonism to each other in their relationship due to the fact that everyone claims to play leading roles in the formation of relationships. And here, as they say, the further - the worse. Much depends on the sign in which this aspect of the connection is located. Personalities related to the cooperation-oriented signs such as Aquarius or Libra can resolve the emerging conflict much easier and faster than personalities related to the signs Leo or Aries. The houses of the horoscopes, in which the natal Sun is located, also play a role in the formation of relationships and under certain conditions, people can find common ground, while balancing between their enormous ambitions. In particular, this is most likely when these Houses are in opposition.

Individuals with the same solar signs in the course of their relationship can bring each other to such a state that all the character traits inherent in this sign can manifest themselves with incredible power in all their glory.

People will have a noticeable influence on each other only when there are situations of an ultimatum nature (constructive - destructive), the unfavorable solution of which will certainly affect their personal ambitions and social status, and also when aspects of the Sun with other planets in their horoscopes.

The principles of creative, creative energy are combined together, combined. Personalities born in the same sign will either be unusually compatible or will annoy each other. It all depends on other aspects in the cards. If they have many common traits of character, this will either lead to understanding and agreement, or cause the strongest antagonism, contradiction or rivalry. If there are many common interests, this mutual aspect can work very well for most unions. Perhaps it would be better if there is a difference in age of several years between people. This combination can be favorable for friendships, parent-child relationships, and other family relationships. Whether it will be favorable for marriage depends on the relative positions of the Sun and Moon, the mutual positions of the Moons and the position in signs of other planets and aspects. I knew some spouses born on the same day in the same year, but at different times and in different places. They seemed very well adapted to each other. I met them after more than 5 years of marriage and they had two children. This is the only case that I have met when the husband and wife were born on the same day and in the same year.

Sun in a trine (trine) to the Sun

This is undoubtedly an excellent comparative combination for relationships based on the complete compatibility of personalities. The mass of common interests and the same views on being allow them to establish strong friendships. This aspect is very favorable for the creation of romantic relationships and the formation of family unions between individuals, as well as for parent-child couples and those whose field of activity includes the arts, especially the performing arts. In such relationships, individuals in every possible way stimulate each other's creative self-expression and volitional potential. For these people, the possibilities of compatibility are many orders of magnitude higher than the likelihood of rivalry.

The sphere of common interests and cooperation is to a large extent determined by which element (Fire, Air, Earth or Water) individuals belong to in accordance with the natal Sun of their horoscopes. For example, if in one person the Sun forms a trine in Taurus, and in another - in Capricorn, then their relationship can successfully develop in the field of practical business (a characteristic of the signs of the Earth).

Sun in opposition to the Sun

This comparative combination is very common in cases of family relationships or other close relationships, due to the fact that the opposition, as an aspect, belongs to the category of relationship aspects. People constantly maintain balance in relationships, complementing each other in every possible way, so there is nothing surprising in the fact that they strive for each other, feeling the need for constant communication. To avoid undesirable negative consequences of possible clashes of energy volitional potentials and personal ambitions, strong mutual respect is necessary. Since the Sun is the natural ruler of the Fifth House, we can talk about the emergence of romantic feelings and a strong physical attraction of partners to each other. This aspect is also very favorable for the relationship between parents and children.

Creative and energy principles either contradict each other or balance, balance each other. People born in opposite signs are sometimes attracted to each other, and sometimes repelled. As with conjunction, it depends on other aspects between horoscopes. If one of the Suns is in opposition to Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, or Mars, it will most likely be difficult to achieve harmony, since Saturn, or any of the other planets listed, is in conjunction with the Sun of another person. However, no definitive conclusions can be drawn from this conclusion alone. Usually, with the opposition of the Suns, harmony is better between people of the same sex. In marriage, significant rivalry is possible when the Suns are in opposition. Many compromises are likely to be necessary here, and usually the wife will make many concessions to her husband. Thus, in the case of the opposition of the Suns, the relationship depends on other aspects of the horoscopes.

Sun sextile the Sun

This combination is characterized by relationships based on friendship, communication and cooperation based on creative self-expression, when both individuals strive in every possible way to support and encourage the positive expression of the will and energy potential of each other. Any of their joint undertakings will certainly give them great pleasure.

Creative and energetic principles easily come to harmony. Temperatures are readily adjustable. There is mutual sympathy and mutual understanding of ideals and goals. Favorable for any relationship, showing a small number of conflicts in comparisons. Usually favorable for marriage, especially sextile.

Sun in square to the Sun

Conflicts based on the manifestation of personal ambitions in relation to each other - this is the main characteristic of the relationship of people in this comparative aspect. The desire of everyone to take a dominant position encounters the most stubborn resistance and objection from the opposite side. Serious disagreements arise all the time. It is especially difficult for individuals engaged in cultural and educational activities. Huge problems and in terms of personal life. The issue of raising children in the family is also the subject of endless debate.

Creative and energetic principles, as well as individual temperaments, can lead to conflict. This aspect speaks of the opposite intentions of people, especially if the Suns are in fixed signs. Ambition and personality traits are consistent with labor. This aspect is less conflicting in friendship than in any other relationship. In love and marriage, this can be an obstacle to living together. One of the partners will be forced to make many compromises and seek reconciliation, usually feeling that his hopes have been deceived.

Various sources of synastric astrology.

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