Fresh tarot spreads. Tarot spreads for beginners. The simplest layouts: one and three cards

One of my clients asked me an unexpected question about the types of Tarot layouts.

How does a tarot reader know exactly how to lay out the cards, in what place, in what order, etc. This question seemed curious to me, since I use either, where the astrological layout for the 12 houses of the horoscope is appropriate in almost all matters; or I work in, where the matrix of any situation is analyzed. In both cases, there is no need for numerous types of layouts. These two types of layout work for all questions.

I conducted a small study of the layouts available in tarot practice and, without pretending to be final, I offer my classification of Tarot layouts. First of all, it is worth defining the Tarot layout.

What is a Tarot spread?

Tarot spread in the narrow sense- this is a way of laying out cards in in a certain order and by a certain scheme, in which each position has a specific meaning.

Tarot spread in a broad sense- this is a method of analyzing a client’s issue, allowing you to help him in a difficult situation. life situation.

In Tarot practice, there are a huge number of different layouts - there are simple and complex layouts; for love, for work or for money; for the future or past; in the form of a fan, star or cross, etc. Their diversity can be explained by the attempt of tarot readers to one way or another systematize clients’ questions and find the most comfortable view Tarot layout.

If you analyze the types of Tarot layouts, you will notice that they differ in the number of cards, the structure of the layout, the degree of complexity, the style and form of the layout, and the type of deck. Also, the layouts are devoted to various topics and differ in the focus of the question. Let's try to identify the types of Tarot layouts according to various criteria.

Types of Tarot layouts according to form:

By number of cards

There may be a different number of cards in a layout. Even from one card you can make a layout. Theoretically, you can lay out all 78 cards in a layout, if the layout allows.

By completeness/incompleteness of the deck

Full deck spread

This approach uses all 78 cards. The deck is not divided into parts; cards are taken from a full deck.

Layout on an incomplete deck

Some part of the deck stands out - most often the Major Arcana. The layout is done using only the selected part. This is due, among other things, to the content of the question. As a rule, these are questions about the choice of life path or abilities. The Major Arcana are used to emphasize the fundamental nature of the issue, its significance for the querent. And the Minor Arcana are left for questions where clarification of details is required.

According to the structure of the layout: positional and “on stream”

Positional layouts

Layouts “on stream”

These are intuitive improvisational layouts that do not have a clear structure and specified positions. The tarot reader “gives birth” to the alignment during the session depending on the querent’s question, emotional state, associations. The tarot reader can simply remove cards from the deck one by one until the need arises to stop.

By degree of difficulty

Simple layout

May consist of one to three cards with clear connections between positions

Complex layout

As a rule, it consists of a large number of cards. Requires the ability to relate positions to each other, even if the connections are not obvious. This is, for example, the astrological alignment for the 12 houses of the horoscope.

Style: classic and modern

Classic layouts

These are traditional, long-known layouts, “prayed” by many years of practice and used by many tarot readers. For example, “Celtic Cross”, “12 Houses”, “ANKH”, etc.

Modern layouts

These are “new time” layouts that are created by practicing tarot readers and become popular over time. They usually have fancy names - “Rabbit Hole”, “Axial Log”, “The Road Can Be Overcome by Those Who Walk”

According to the layout

Layouts may have different shape layouts - cross, circle, square, star, fan, cross + circle, etc.

Types of Tarot layouts by content:

On the topic of the question: universal and thematic

Universal layouts

The structure of such layouts is such that it allows them to be used to answer any questions or when there are many questions, but there is only one layout. Such layouts analyze the querent’s life as a whole due to the fact that the meanings of the card positions are formulated in such a way that they allow one to obtain information about general trend life without asking a specific question. For example, such layouts include Celtic Cross layout and layout "Life Situation Matrix" Such layouts are classified as complex.

Examples of universal layouts:

Used to answer questions on all areas of life at the same time.

Used when it is necessary to clarify the relationships and interactions between the participants in the situation and various areas life

1, 2, 3 - elements of a life situation

4, 5, 6, 7, 8 - relationships between elements

Thematic layouts

The structure of such layouts includes specially designed positions for exploring the querent’s question on a specific topic. Position values ​​reflect life circumstances or psychological aspects querent. For example, the relationship between a man and a woman, relationships in marriage, family, with children or at work; layouts for financial situation and career growth; schedule for a trip or solving everyday issues. This type of Tarot layout is convenient for a detailed analysis of a specific topic.

Examples of thematic layouts:


1 — main reason financial difficulties in the present
2 - situation or circumstances that will help you improve your financial situation
3 - what personal qualities are necessary to increase your material wealth?
4 - what needs to be done to improve well-being


1 - professional situation of the questioner at the moment
2 - potential career opportunities
3 - what should I do to achieve success?
4 - this should be avoided
5 - future future in the professional field


1 — Current sales situation
2 - obstacle
3 - chances
4 - concerns of the questioner
5 - how the situation will develop if the questioner does nothing
6 - what needs to be done to influence the outcome of the situation
7 - sales result


1 – what 1 partner is thinking about
2 – what partner 2 is thinking about
3 – how 1 partner feels
4 – how partner 2 feels
5 – actions of 1 partner
6 – actions of 2 partners
7 – what is between partners, what unites or separates them


1 - will the operation change the condition for the better?
2 - how the body will react to surgery.
3 - what are the capabilities of doctors?
4 - is the timing of the operation optimally chosen?
5 - how the operation will go
6 - prognosis of the disease for the future

By time

Depending on the questions, layouts can be focused on the past (what happened?), present (what is?) or future (what will happen?)

Focus: predictive, advisory, psychological, karmic, correctional


This type of layout is aimed at predicting the future. Such layouts respond especially FAQ tarot reader's clients - "What will happen?"

And analytic (diagnostic)

Analytical layouts place the analysis of a situation or condition in the focus of their attention and answer the question "What's happening?"

These layouts answer the question "What to do? How to proceed?" A tarot reader, based on the result of an analysis of the alignment, can give one or another recommendation to the client not in the form of advice, but in the form of information that he can use at his own discretion.


This type of layout is aimed at studying queries addressed to a person’s personality and actions. “What is he/she’s character like? Why does he behave this way? What feelings does he have for me? Does he/she love me? etc. Situations for such questions often include recommendations - for example, how best to behave in a situation with an existing partner or to find a new partner.
Psychological layouts include layouts on the problem of choice, decision-making, as well as the problem of self-knowledge and finding your own path.

An example of a psychological layout:

1 - character traits, personality traits, interests

2 - strong point man, his dignity

3 - weak side man, his shortcomings

4 - purpose in life


We often encounter clients who think in karmic categories and want to understand cause-and-effect relationships not so much in real life, how many in the past. Such clients ask questions like “ Why do I need this? For them, tarot readers have specially developed layouts in which positions reflect similar cause-and-effect relationships.

Example of a karmic alignment:

1 - a problem in this life that you are facing

2 - a problem in a past life that has not yet been resolved

3 - how past life affects you now

4 - a lesson that is meant for your soul

5 - repetition connecting your lives

6 – what you need to learn this lesson

7 - what awaits you when the lesson is learned

Definition of "magical influence"

This type of alignment has a specific purpose - to determine whether there is a so-called negative, damage or evil eye. Since this request is often heard in the client’s mouth, each tarot reader has certain signifiers that indicate a possible impact, which may fall in certain positions of the layout.

An example of a layout for magical effects:


1 - does the querent have any manifestations of negative magical influence?
2 - what life sphere most involved
3 - who is the attacker?
4 - goals pursued by the ill-wisher
5 - solutions
6 - final result


These are layouts that are at the intersection of Tarot and magic. Usually, magical specialists undertake to correct the future. What does correction mean? This is just a replacement of cards in the layout - cards that do not satisfy the client, located in the position of the present and/or future, are completely replaced by the necessary cards. In this case, a certain ritual is carried out according to the type of visualization and verbalization of what is desired.

Thus, the types of Tarot layouts are extremely diverse, and most likely this classification is incomplete.

(c) Snezhana Belkina, tarologist, astropsychologist, teacher of Tarot and Astrology

If you have a type of layout in your practice that is not included here, write about it in the comments!

1. We look at the ratio of the Major and Minor Arcana. If the Major Arcana predominates, then the situation is important for the questioner, perhaps this is a turning point in fate, or something that will not go unnoticed on life path person. If more minor arcana appear in the layout, then the situation has everyday significance and will not be reflected in significant changes in the fate of the questioner.

2. We find out which aspect of life the situation affects to a greater extent. To do this, we compare the dropped cards by element. If more cups appear in the layout, then the problem lies in the area of ​​feelings, emotions, experiences, etc. Wands - social realization, work, home, creative activity etc. Swords - the intellectual sphere, pentacles - money, everyday life, material aspect, body (health).

3. Compare the number of straight and inverted cards. If the majority of cards are straight, the forecast is favorable; if it’s the other way around, it’s worth warning the questioner about possible troubles.

4. We find out the number of actors involved in the situation; for this we pay attention to the number of figure cards.

6. If the question “when?” arises, and it was not initially agreed upon, we use one of the proposed methods for determining the timing.

7. The question "where?" We look at the surrounding Major Arcana; their particular meanings indicate the location of the action. The minor arcana can also answer the question “where?” Thus, the wands speak of public and social places, places of work, cultural and entertainment institutions, public transport, etc. Cups are the most comfortable places for the questioner’s moral stay, such as home, close familiar places, churches, places of spiritual practice, etc. Swords - official organizations, military registration and enlistment offices, police stations, educational institutions, libraries, etc. Pentacles are places associated with material and everyday activities, money, property, as well as health and vital energy. Banks, hospitals, property, including a house, if you treat it according to the principle “my home is my fortress,” possibly a car.

8. In addition, we look at combinations of cards that are not related to the question posed, which can give additional tips or recommendations to the questioner in general.

9. You can touch upon the health situation; we advise you to pay attention to certain possible ailments. Health is read from the inverted major arcana and face cards. (see description of cards)

From this article you will learn:

    What are the rules for layouts on Tarot cards?

    What tarot card layouts are suitable for beginners?

    What are the Tarot layouts for love, relationships, money, business?

    How to find out the future using a Tarot spread

When you are looking for a way out of a difficult life situation or are thinking about solving a problem, layouts on Tarot cards will help you. Understand love relationships, understand the reasons for loneliness and lack of money, find Good work– they will give comprehensive answers to any questions that arise. If you are interested in accurate predictions using Tarot layouts, read our article carefully.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards involves layouts according to special patterns, in which the arrangement of the arcana is subject to a strict order. Therefore, it is not enough to learn the symbols; the main thing is to correctly interpret their combinations.

There are different versions of fortune telling using Tarot cards: ancient and modern, well-known and original. In simple layouts, no more than 10-11 cards are used, and in complex layouts, more than 11.

The day of the week affects the chosen fortune telling option.

Each day has a specific focus:

    for Monday it's all about love and relationships;

    the second day of the week is associated with victory and defense;

    processes of learning and healing are associated with the environment;

    on Thursday, money arrangements are made, the day is associated with material well-being and prosperity;

    on Friday it is better to have a session to understand romantic relationships, this also includes motherhood;

    Saturday's layout shows fate and fortunate circumstances;

Before conducting fortune telling using Tarot cards, as before any serious esoteric practice, the correct psychological attitude is very important. Think about the question you will ask during the session. Select the layout type. Try not to think about other topics, focus on one. Visualize a picture of the situation that needs to be viewed during the session. Hold the deck in your hands for a few minutes, concentrating on it.

At the same time as mentally speaking the question, mix the Tarot cards. Pull them out from above one by one in accordance with the chosen pattern. Another option is to fan out without stirring, that is, using the “washing” method. Draw the cards without thinking, intuitively.

At first you should only see the shirt. Once the diagram is laid out, you can turn the cards over. It is believed that without looking at the images, you will not be able to influence the result. The tarot reader sometimes chooses a card from the court Arcana, which will represent the person who comes to the reading. It can be in the deck and lie in the center. Given great importance each such card drawn.

During a reading, they often use a significator or the main Arcana, next to which the others are placed. For example, the meaning of a significator relating to marriage union. It does not need to be placed in the deck with the rest of the cards. When reading Tarot, upright and inverted positions are used. For some cards, only the direct position is applicable. The rotation technique is used when it is necessary to carry out work in reverse position. In this case, the cards are shuffled and moved on the table or in the hands around their axis. During rotation, some of them may turn over, and then you need to pull out the Arcana, acting on intuition.

Various issues are resolved using different options layout. They can be simple or complex. Some are used only by experienced tarot readers, but the main types of tarot readings can be done by beginners. They can answer the question that worries you at the moment:

    What decision do you need to make to avoid making mistakes?

    What can you expect in the distant or near future?

    How will the love story develop and should you count on your partner’s loyalty?

    What awaits you in the workforce: what education should you choose and where is the best place to work?

Fortune telling with Tarot cards involves contact with the entire deck, but sometimes you can only take the major Arcana. This arrangement is carried out for important and significant events.

The success of fortune telling with Tarot cards will depend on your psychological mood, understanding of the meaning of the symbols and other important reasons.

At the end of the session, when each card is in its place, begin to interpret the meanings. The answers should come to you from your inner voice. At first, if in doubt, you can refer to special reference books.

The simplest layouts on Tarot cards

Answers to popular questions can be obtained using simple layouts. Beginners can also try their hand at them.

    First describes the past.

    Second characterizes the present.

    Third gives a prediction for the future.

A three-card Tarot spread can be used to identify positive and negative aspects the situation. When choosing an option from two possible ones, you can view the correct and erroneous paths. Then the first card shows a certain situation, and the second and third show its advantages and disadvantages. Fortune telling is carried out on a specific issue. Most often it concerns personal relationships, clarifying feelings for each other or one of the couple. This layout helps with determining a profession or making a choice best option out of two.

For example, a woman comes who needs to know about the development of relationships in a couple for the next three months. Her question is: “What will happen in the relationship over the next three months?” The diagram of this layout: the first card describes the relationships of the first month, the second shows the events of the second, the third is used to judge the development of the situation in the third and summarize the results. Let's assume the Tarot is laid out as follows:

    "Ten of Swords"– in the first month, the couple may separate and stop previous communication.

    Reversed "Mage" indicates that the relationship will not continue, most likely it is completed in the first month.

    Reversed Six of Pentacles– about the third month we can say that one partner has lost interest, he no longer wants to continue contact.

In this scenario, you can consider the existing relationship differently, having the same Tarot cards drawn, where the first one judges the present, the second speaks about the past, and the third gives information about the future:

    First comes "Ten of Swords" This means that it will no longer be possible to change anything in the situation. It's not your fault. This fact must be taken for granted, courageously and consciously. Probably, that person is simply not yours, and you could not have any relationship with him.

    Reversed "Mage" says that due to your selfishness and self-confidence you do not see the right decisions. Most likely, you have made some mistakes. Now the situation is out of control and is interfering with in this case your lack of self-confidence. It is necessary to find peace and come to a harmonious state.

    Reversed Six of Pentacles. During this difficult period, your only choice is to wait it out. In the future, you will face unnecessary material expenses, and, moreover, not too well-thought-out ones. You need to monitor your finances and learn to handle them wisely. Beware of money scams.

If in this Tarot layout there was a question regarding finances, then the conclusion is this: the person has experienced some kind of loss or is having difficulties with money when he had to part with a large sum. The card with the “Magician” reversed shows that previously the fortuneteller was also in an unstable financial situation. Therefore, he needs to learn how to properly handle money in order to get out of this situation with minimal losses.

This scheme involves four cards. Using this layout, they receive information about relationships, health, finances, and professional success. For fortune telling, you can use only the major Arcana or work with the minor ones. Sometimes a full deck of 78 cards is used:

    First describes the present time, the current situation, or deciphers the question.

    Second talks about steps that should not be taken.

    Role third card is to determine ways out of the problem.

    Fourth predicts the situation if a person uses the information received.

Let us dwell in more detail on how the “Cross” layout can be interpreted for different requests. The first option is relationships. A woman is interested in how a man treats her and what awaits them ahead. The fortune teller works with the major Arcana. The cards fell out: the first was “Justice”, the second was “Hanged Man”, the third was “Emperor”, the fourth was “Judgment”. How does a specialist interpret it:

    First card describes relationships. The couple is in a registered marriage or is preparing for a wedding. The relationship is definite and serious. However, not everything is so simple and we must not forget that something carefully hidden may appear.

    Second card indicates actions that should be avoided. In this case, you should not sacrifice yourself. A girl should be internally free.

    Third position in the scenario speaks about the situation that has developed in the couple. The man has a leading role, he has influence over his partner and is ready to patronize. Relationships are quite stable, they should be developed and be together.

    Fourth card indicates the future of the relationship and its continuation.

As a conclusion, we can say that although there is one negative Arcana(“The Hanged Man”), the union as a whole is developing positively and steadily, everything is going well for both parties.

Let's look at an example with professional activity. How are things going with work? Alignment with the Major Arcana. The same cards came out:

    "Justice" describes the current situation. Things need to be put in order, take care of your documents. You have the necessary professional knowledge, are responsible and are able to negotiate and establish contacts - thanks to these qualities you can be promoted. For an employer, you are a valuable employee.

    "Hanged" shows that water does not flow under the lying stone. You need to not just wait for a promotion, but also take active action.

    "Emperor" talks about what needs to be done. If you want a promotion, act firmly and decisively.

    "Court". You will be able to find a way out of a difficult situation and achieve what you want. The key to success is your decisive actions.

Tarot cards in this layout help to consider any problem in detail. They will give comprehensive answers to the question that concerns you:

    Card number 1- designation of a tormenting problem.

    Number 2– a description of the opportunities you currently have.

    Third cardthe world with his current circumstances. Together they directly affect your condition. The interpretation of this Tarot card helps you understand what you should pay attention to.

    Number 4- obstacles encountered in life. Learn about the barriers, often psychological, that you need to overcome.

    Fifth card gives information about the details in your life picture that slow you down in your development. We need to get rid of them. Perhaps it's high time to break a habit or stop wasting energy on work that doesn't bring any satisfaction.

    Card number 6– the advantages of your current state. Saving them will help in the future.

    Seventh position is the key to resolving the current situation.

    Number 8– it is possible that certain circumstances may arise that you could not foresee.

    Ninth card talks about alternative paths. A person is free in his choice, and it can be used to judge other possibilities.

    Tenth position in the scenario will predict the final position.

Tarot card spreads for the future

Of course, layouts with a forecast for the upcoming period of life are popular.

    Card number 1 gives an idea of ​​the situation in the present or for a certain period of time.

    Second– describes one or more areas of life where changes can be expected. Sometimes a card may come with information that everything is calm ahead, global changes you won't have to.

    Third position describes changes and their impact on future life in general.

    Fourth- a list of actions that need to be taken in order for changes to enter your life. Of course, provided that you want it. Otherwise, if you do not feel a response in your soul, you should not perform these actions.

    At number 5– demonstrates the changes that will occur after following the instructions from the previous paragraph. If you want such changes, there is the opportunity to open another card that will answer what will happen if you do nothing or go a different way. She is the sixth in a row.

When the interpretation is completed, you need to calculate the dropped positions according to the suits and Arcana. Those that fell in more, will influence your immediate future. If both suits and Arcana are present without one being significantly dominant over the other, your life appears harmonious and balanced. If the layout contains cards that fell upside down, it means that there are some missed points.

    First describes the past and provides an analysis of its impact on the present. The map characterizes life before the “now”. At the same time, information about events or situations from the recent past may come. In this case, you need to be attentive to these moments in life, since something in them prevents you from moving forward along your path. Here is a hint that you need to work with the situation that has arisen - forgive yourself and other participants, thank you for the lesson.

    Second Tarot card drawn shows the present, the essence of the problem, gives detailed description the current moment.

    Third position shows an intermediate forecast and talks about what will happen if you follow the advice of the cards.

    Number 4– a description of the near future, what events may happen. A card in this position can give a recommendation on whether to act in accordance with the layout. The interpretation may talk about the development of events if the advice of the Tarot is followed.

This option uses 14 Tarot cards. Three months are counted from the current day. Let's assume that the session was held on May 1st. Then the fortune telling covers the period from May 1 to August 1. Interpretation of Tarot card layout:

    Number 1 gives a forecast of upcoming important events without judging whether they are good or bad.

    Second position indicates details that deserve your attention. From this card you can get a recommendation to solve an existing problem.

    Third identifies negative events in the first month. Provides data on various threats.

    Fourth card speaks about the positive moments of the first month, gives a forecast of good events, opportunities and chances.

    Number 5– emerging obstacles. The map gives a description of events and situations, and also points to specific persons who create these difficulties.

    Sixth position in the layout talks about help in your affairs and where to expect it. The tarot reader should be more attentive to the last two cards, since the fallen major Arcana indicate the appearance of difficult obstacles and support higher powers, and images of figures, for example, “King” and “Queen” indicate specific individuals.

    Number 7– presumably negative events of the second month.

    Eighth cardgood situations second month.

    Ninth position- you have to work out indoor units that prevent you from moving forward.

    Tenth- what you need to do for yourself.

    Number 11– negative events in the third month.

    Twelfth– positive forecast for the third month.

    Card number 13- obstacles in your path, shows that it will help correct erroneous actions.

    Fourteenth– assistance in realizing your ideas.

It is necessary to understand that cards in positions describing negative or positive components do not always indicate bad or good events if they are not foreseen and do not exist today. The goal here is to warn and provide information about those parties that require your close attention and elaboration. In the absence of a real threat or danger, you can devote time to solving those problems that have long been awaiting consideration. Also during this period, you can start creating additional protection for your health, property and plans for the future.

Predicting the future and the meaning of Tarot cards in layouts should be written down in detail, noting the date of fortune telling. Such foresight will help you keep track of life events and ongoing changes. In addition, if necessary, you will be able to re-read the interpretation more than once later in order to understand the information received during fortune telling.

Tarot card spreads for love

As for relationships, the layout on Tarot cards in this case is simply irreplaceable. With their help, you can understand the situation very accurately.

The session is carried out with seven cards according to the following scheme:

    First position gives information about your thoughts about your partner.

    Second– how you feel about him or her.

    Card number 3– your actions in relation to the object of the layout.

    Fourth– what your partner thinks about you.

    Fifth position- interpretation of his feelings and emotions associated with you.

    Sixth talks about your partner's actions towards you.

    Number 7 informs about your relationship.

Let's analyze the horizontal plane of the layout:

    First and fourth cards characterize beliefs that lie deep in the subconscious. They communicate plans, preferences, and general thoughts. These two positions are used to judge the upcoming situation.

    Second and fifth Tarot cards drawn are responsible for feelings and talk about how you both express and show emotions towards each other. How these positions are interconnected can be traced by the seventh number.

    Third and sixth cards called the alignment niche. This is your present, the events taking place today and the real picture of the day. What your eyes see, your ears hear, your heart feels. And all this reflects your actions.

    Seventh card gives an idea of ​​the relationship between you and your partner. Whether we are talking about harmony and understanding, whether your relationship is comfortable or whether you are in a quarrel. You also need to pay attention to the vertical plane of the Tarot layout.

    First, second and third cards talk about the relationship between your thoughts and feelings, about their influence on each other.

    Fourth, fifth and sixth positions provide information about a partner's thoughts and feelings. Interpretation of the verticals of the alignment allows you to better understand why a person acts this way and not otherwise.

In this case, the tarot reader uses only the major Arcana. The scheme is made up of three positions. Before fortune telling, concentrate, determine the question and lay out the cards:

    First gives a description of the past that influenced Current state. It points to the interconnectedness of experience and the present situation.

    Second card talks about today's time, real events during these days.

    Third predicts the future in the next three months, how events will develop, and sums up some results.

There are four cards involved in this layout:

    First– characterizes you as a person in the process of interaction with a partner. The card gives a description of your strengths and weaknesses, the complex traits of your nature and your attitude towards a man. It helps to analyze the current situation and address your thoughts and feelings. This will give you a better understanding of your relationship with your partner.

    Second position characterizes your other half when interacting with you. This map is used to judge the reasons for behavior and personal characteristics.

    Third card describes your relationship at the moment, characterizes the events of the current day and identifies problem areas in the current situation. This is a kind of starting point for predicting relationships for the future.

    Fourth position serves to characterize and determine the perspective in a relationship. This is an option for the development of future events, unless there is a change in conditions or there is no decisive action on the part of one of the partners.

Thanks to this layout of Tarot cards on the situation, you can better understand the relationship with your loved one. They provide information about the reasons that led to the current state and help harmonize relationships in a couple. As a result, you can accept the tips and begin to correct the current situation.

Of course, one of the most popular questions is how to earn more, what investments are the most profitable. With the help of money fortune telling on Tarot cards you can get necessary information, learn about hidden potential opportunities and don’t let the chance slip away.

Most often, tarot readers use the “Money” layout. He reveals general information about the situation in the past and present, gives a prediction for the future. For the layout diagram, take eight cards:

    First– shows the influence of past actions on the current state of the monetary sphere, which could contribute to the deterioration of affairs.

    Second position indicates that some process is ending, the finances available today may run out, or opportunities for receiving money will disappear.

    Card number 3 gives a description of the present situation, the true material state.

    Fourth characterizes processes that can begin. The card provides information about an additional or new source of income.

    Fifth shows what actions can be taken to improve the financial situation.

    Number 6 describes positive and negative impacts. A positive or neutral card that appears in a reading promises stability in the situation, while a negative one warns of corresponding changes.

    Seventh position talking about possible profits and losses depending on its value.

    Eighth card- this is a prediction of the future, the development of your financial sector thanks to your actions.

The correct interpretation of the monetary layout depends on the dropped positions. Be attentive to the meanings of the following Tarot cards, which describe positive development events and can improve your financial situation:

    "Force"– your money affairs are stable and have positive dynamics.

    "Chariot"– you will make a profit and improve your financial situation.

    "Empress" talks about income and income Money thanks to relatives.

    "Star"– you are on the right track to make a profit. This card has positive value, but it does not promise quick profits. This is a matter for the future, but now we need to work.

    "Sun"– your money sphere is developing harmoniously, you are busy doing what you love.

    "Court" indicates a stable financial position.

    "Wheel of Fortune"– predicts the emergence of new opportunities in the material sphere.

    "Jester" promises to come fast money. But there is a tendency that such income disappears as quickly as it came. Therefore, be prepared for unplanned expenses and losses.

    "Ace of Pentacles"- Everything is fine in your affairs. Your work will be rewarded. We can summarize.

    "Nine of Pentacles"– stable financial condition, order in the monetary sphere.

    "Seven of Cups"– you can enjoy the income received.

When the following Tarot cards appear in a layout, you need to be on your guard. The interpretation may be negative or foreshadow monetary losses:

    "Death"- indicates a lack of finances. You need to start taking action: analyze your affairs, undergo training and retraining. A transformational process is required.

    "Devil"– you have an unpaid debt.

    "Hermit"– lack of funds, you have to be content with only the essentials and save.

    "Justice"– the card indicates the influence of karma.

    "Moon"- with your fears, self-doubt and anxiety, you block the path to monetary abundance.

    "Hanged" And "Five of Swords" inform about unnecessary expenses and monetary losses.

    "Seven of Swords"– the meaning of the Tarot card lies in unjustified investments and financial risk.

    "Eight of Swords" talks about losses of money, betrayals and frame-ups.

    "Ten of Swords"− something is blocking the flow of finance. You have lost your source of income. You deliberately avoid receiving money.

    "Four of Pentacles"– the card provides information about limited financial capabilities, tightness of funds and the need to live more economically, taking into account all expenses.

There are various layouts that will help reveal situations with money or in business development. Nowadays, some people use online fortune telling if it is not possible to meet a professional in person. However, a video with a Tarot card layout cannot replace live communication with a tarot reader when he senses your energy.

Other options for Tarot card layouts for business and money:

Where to find everything you need for fortune telling with Tarot cards

Fortune telling may seem like science fiction to you, but thousands of practitioners around the world know that it is a reality and that looking into the future is possible and not difficult.

There are a lot of Tarot card layouts. This site presents the following Tarot layouts - author's Tarot card layouts, layouts for the development of relationships and love, layouts for mental and physical health, for work, layouts for predicting the future, for self-knowledge. There is also online schedule Tarot "One Arcana", this layout will help in any situation and give advice. But before you begin the layouts on Tarot cards, we strongly recommend that you study At the end of this page you can read an article about the layouts of Tarot cards - learn how to interpret layouts, what layouts mean in which there are many Tarot Arcana of a certain suit or Major Arcana, court cards, etc.

Transparent Tarot spreads (Emily Carding's The Transparent Tarot):

  • This alignment for relationships and love on transparent Tarot (The Transparent Tarot by Emily Carding) will show the prospects for the development of relationships. Transparent Tarot is interesting because when analyzing the layout, you can consider it in more detail with different sides, combining the Arcana with each other. This layout is on a transparent Tarot with an example of the layout analysis.

Tarot card spreads - Forecast for the future:

  • This tarot card layout is suitable for any situation for the future.

  • This tarot card layout will answer any question, a very simple layout that can be done with both a mixed and full tarot deck.

  • a layout that will help determine at what stage of development a certain area of ​​life is. The layout of the Jester Tarot cards is very simple.

  • This is an astrological Tarot spread, the layout is convenient for beginners.

  • this is a Tarot card layout to determine best opportunity when you are faced with a choice. The layout will help you see the prospects for future opportunities.

  • This Tarot spread is used to determine the most likely time for an expected event to occur.

  • This tarot card spread shows the past, present and future. The layout was invented by Nostradamus.

  • This Tarot layout will help determine the prospects of your endeavors for the future.

  • This is the author's Tarot card layout for the coming year. The layout is based on the symbolism of the Arcana Jester.

  • - this Tarot layout gives an answer to any Yes/No question. The layout uses only one Tarot Arcana. The layout is very simple, easy and suitable for beginners.

  • - This author’s layout on Tarot cards for work is based on symbolism Minor Arcana 3 Denariev. The alignment will tell you whether to accept a new job offer or a new position.

Tarot card layouts - Situation analysis:

  • This Tarot card layout is suitable both for answering a specific question and for a general reading of the future, but best result The layout is given to clarify the existing situation. Tarot layout "Celtic Cross" One of the most popular layouts.

  • This Tarot layout is very interesting, it predicts an event and advises how to behave in a given situation. The “Path” Tarot layout shows a person what opportunities he has to achieve his desired goal.

  • This Tarot card layout is used if a person finds himself in a situation where he feels that fate is throwing a spoke in his wheels. The layout will help you understand what is wrong in your situation.

  • This layout can be done to predict the development of any situation, problem, relationship. The layout reveals the immediate and future prospects of the planned business and gives advice.

  • This Tarot card layout is convenient for analyzing a specific life situation.

Tarot card spreads - Partnerships and love:

  • This tarot spread addresses the most commonly asked question to tarot cards: “Does he/she love me or not?”

  • This tarot card layout reveals relationships between people.

  • This author's layout on Tarot cards is built on the symbolism of the Minor Arcana of the 10 Cups. The alignment can be done if you decide to tie the knot with your partner, before the wedding, or if your relationship with your partner becomes more serious, for example, you are going to start living together with him.

  • - This author’s Tarot card layout is built on the symbolism of the Minor Arcana of the 2 Cups. This Tarot layout for love will help you understand the prospects for the development of relationships if you have recently met your partner.

  • - This author’s tarot card layout for relationships is built on the symbolism of the Minor Arcana of the 5 Cups. The alignment is worth doing if you have a problematic relationship with your partner, and you just can’t decide whether you should break up with your partner or should save the relationship.

Tarot card layouts - for self-knowledge:

  • This Tarot spread analyzes the physical and spiritual state of health.

  • This layout on Tarot cards is to identify conscious and unconscious fears.

  • - this Tarot layout is for identifying health problems. This layout will tell you how to improve the condition of your body.

  • - this author's layout on Tarot cards is built on the symbolism of the Arcana World. The layout will help you find your purpose in this life, it will tell you what abilities and talents you can realize. The layout will answer the question - do you have a high mission in life.

Tarot card spreads online for free:

  • This layout can be used if you need short and clear advice in any situation, or you want to know how to behave at the moment, then the “One Arcana” Tarot layout is best choice. The “One Arcana” Tarot layout is especially well suited for assessing a situation, for “Yes/No” answers, for specific advice in a life situation. This Tarot layout will give you the answer online, without SMS, free of charge and without registration, immediately on the website.

How to interpret layouts on Tarot cards.

When making layouts on Tarot cards, remember, in order to get a clear answer to any question, you must be completely relaxed and your thoughts should be occupied only with the situation that interests you, the question to which you want to get an answer. Before the reading, let go of all thoughts, relax, under no circumstances anticipate the result, do not think about which Tarot Arcana should appear in your reading.

It is best if you write down your question before the reading, take a deck of Tarot cards and shuffle the Arcana on the table, imagine your situation in detail, remember all the nuances of your case, or simply say your question to yourself or out loud. Then you let go of all your thoughts and draw the Tarot Arcana for the reading.

When you have made the layout, open one Tarot Arcana. The first feeling from Arkan will be the most correct. Then, when all the Arcana of the layout are open, look at the layout in general, are there many Major Arcana of the Tarot, or is there a certain suit that prevails in the layout, or a lot of court cards? If there are many Major Arcana in the layout, then most likely there is little you can change in this situation, it is karmic and you need to learn some specific lesson, which is what each Major Arcana will say. If there are many inverted Arcana in the layout, then the situation will have many difficulties and it will not go the way you want, you will have to make more efforts. If there are many cards of the Swords suit in the layout, then such a layout may indicate a tense situation; here you will need to make decisions logically and not rely on intuition; there will probably be quarrels, a cold atmosphere, and prickly relationships. If there are many cards of the Wands suit in the layout, then the situation will develop faster, the relationship will be passionate, and you will act decisively. If there are more cards of the Denarius suit in the layout, then the situation will develop more slowly, the relationship will be more stable, and there may also be something related to finances. If the layout contains many cards of the Cups suit, then the situation may be related to emotions, emotional problems, romantic relationships, you can behave like a romantic, a dreamer. When there are a lot of court cards in a layout, it means that there will either be many participants in this matter, or someone will help or hinder you, depending on the suit and whether the court cards are upside down or upright. Of course, each Arcana of the Tarot is important in the layout individually, but still, after the layout, you should have a general picture of the situation.

Regarding layouts on Tarot cards, I would also like to say that you can use ready-made Tarot layouts, or you can come up with your own layouts. Only you must clearly formulate your question and understand what is the most important thing that you would like to know. How to do it small plan layout and identify the main aspects of your question.

You can watch video layouts on Tarot cards - a layout of the "Cross" cards for the near future and another video about Tarot cards:

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Each day of the week is associated with a certain direction of prediction. The table below will help you choose the right day to work with the cards.

Tarot card layouts are conventionally divided into simple (no more than 10-11 cards are involved) and complex (more than 11 cards are involved).

How to tell Tarot

Tarot fortune telling is a serious esoteric practice, so you need to tune in to it.

  1. Think about the question you want to ask the cards.
  2. Select the schedule you need. Below are 15 common layouts.
  3. Clear your mind of other questions and extraneous thoughts. Think about what you want to know.
  4. Shuffle the deck thoroughly while mentally asking your question.
  5. Take the top cards one by one and place them in the indicated places. In the diagrams presented below, the numbers indicate the order in which the cards are laid out.
  6. After all the cards are in place, refer to the interpretation of their meanings, which you will find in the table below.

Layout of 4 cards (Layout about the future of events)

Four cards are drawn from the deck in a row. Reversed cards are not counted. If all four cards are turned over, then the layout is done again. To answer the question, you need to take into account the nearest (in meaning) time period, which is reflected among the drawn cards.

From the cards, the one with the lowest serial number is selected.

Explanation of the schedule

Why are there several time indicators in the right column? The required period is selected according to its meaning.

For example, the following four cards are pulled out: XIV Temperance, XX Sun (reversed card), IV Emperor, X Wheel of Fortune (reversed card). Reversed cards are not counted, leaving two cards: XIV Temperance and IV Emperor. Of these, the card IV Emperor has the lowest number. The appropriate time period for this prediction is spring; Monday. We choose according to the meaning.


Questions like “when is the best time for me to go to a certain place/meet with a certain person", And we're talking about about the coming week, then, of course, the period “Monday” is selected. If the questioner means a more extensive period - one of the four seasons, then “spring” is chosen.

5 card spread (Cross)

This layout is used for a preliminary assessment of the situation.

A brief outline to outline the situation

Detailed layout to describe the situation

7 Card Spread (Decision Spread)

This alignment is used to determine the expediency or inexpediency of a particular action.

The top row of cards 3-1-5 indicates the sequence of events that may occur during the commission of the intended act.

The bottom row of cards 4-2-6 indicates the sequence of events that may occur if the intended act is not completed.

7 Card Spread (Relationship Spread)

This layout is used if you need to determine the nature of the relationship with a certain person.

4 Card Spread (Known and Unknown Spread)

This alignment shows the relationship between the perception of yourself and those around you. At the intersection of columns and rows, you can see what is known to you, but unknown to others - card 3, and vice versa, what is unknown to you, but others know - card 4.

8 Card Spread (Seasons)

7 Card Spread (Time Spread)

9 Card Spread (Egyptian Ankh Cross)

10 card spread (Tree of Life)

In this layout, Tarot cards echo the Kabbalistic Tree of Life.

The well-known Kabbalistic symbol of the Tree of Life, or, as it is also called, the Tree of Sephiroth, consists of ten sephiroth (numbers), which, in turn, come from the Incomprehensible Absolute (or Infinite).

13 card spread (Astrological)

In this layout, each card echoes a certain zodiac sign. Cards are laid out in a circle counterclockwise; you need to start from the position that corresponds to the zodiac sign of the questioner (or the one for whom fortune telling is being performed).

The last 13th card is placed in the middle and is the last one to be revealed. The 13th card will be a prediction.

Layout of 17 cards (Russian fortune telling)

Layout of 15 cards (Development of events)

10 Card Spread (Celtic Cross)

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