Stash for money at home - there are interesting ideas! How to make a hiding place in the house for valuables Do-it-yourself money hiding place at home

In Russia, there was probably no such period of time when, to put it, or rather, to paraphrase Sholokhov's words a little, "the enemies of the working people were dozing." Therefore, in fact, the cache is useful to anyone who keeps in the house an amount greater than a thousand rubles.

Of course, a safe or even a safe deposit box in a bank is much more reliable, but most of us, ordinary Russians, will not go there because we don’t have millions, somehow it didn’t work out.

Therefore, we will make a modest cache, but our own.

All the ideas below are simple, and these caches in the apartment are easy to do with your own hands, yourself.

Shelf with stash inside

The first idea is to use a shelf for the hiding place.

The bottom line is that the hidden drawer is made in such a way that if it is carefully varnished, it will be indistinguishable from other ordinary shelves. Of course, our drawer can also be used separately.

In order to make such a cache with your own hands, you will need the following tools and materials.

The shelf will be 26 centimeters deep (see drawing), which is quite enough. You can do more, for example 30 centimeters, but the design of the cache is such that the smaller it is, the less noticeable.

1. The first step is to make a case, for which MDF will need to be connected with clamps and glue, preferably with quick drying, we recommend fixing the structure with very small screws, having prepared holes for them in advance.

2. In order for the case itself to hold firmly, place the dowels sawn in half in the blind holes inside.

3. The shelf itself is made from the same MDF board and hard fiber board with a white finish (coated). For its manufacture, any mounting or varnish glue () is recommended. After assembling the shelf, fix it to the wall.

4. Now you need to cover the case with varnish, put it on the shelf, and then attach the rail from below with screws so that the case and shelf do not turn over and tip over.

Do-it-yourself cache behind the mirror - option 2

To make this version of the cache, you will need to do the following.

1. Glue the rails together with the original dimensions of 2.7 x 0.9 centimeters - for this you will need the same clamps and the same glue as from the first version of the homemade cache.

2. Then connect the transverse supports to the frame parts with glue and screws.

3. The mirror is attached using the same mounting adhesive, and it is applied directly to the frame.

After applying the glue and applying the mirror, press it down, then carefully remove any excess glue with a rag. If there is too much excess, wait until they dry and carefully cut them off with a sharpened chisel.

4. To “complete the image”, it is necessary to install the piano hinge so that it is “flush”, and therefore the frame from the front can go on the one located at the back.

Now it will seem that the frame is one and our do-it-yourself cache will not be visible.

DIY cache: Under the chair seat

The old tricks no longer work: in the era of communications hidden behind the partition, it has become much more difficult to hide valuables in the toilet bowl.

Our ideas clearly demonstrate that it is not at all necessary to be an experienced craftsman in order to acquire hiding places. All you need is a hacksaw and perhaps a drill - and nothing else!

A home-made cache can be made even from the most ordinary chair (for this purpose it is suitable, by the way, just as well as possible).

The work of equipping the chair with a hiding place is as simple as the idea itself - use a drill to make 5 small holes under the seat, screw the hooks into them, through which you pass any elastic cord or even an elastic band, under which you can now put anything, such as documents.

Stash in a picture frame

On the back of the frame, attach a small piece of wood that has been prepared and sawn to the exact dimensions of the frame. You can attach it with a few drops of glue.

This option must be said to be the weakest and you need to do it if there are no more ideas - an experienced thief will always look for a safe under the paintings, so the frame can be made double, for which you can cut a patch pocket out of plywood exactly in size and fix it on the latches, with with the help of which photographs are fixed in wooden frames for photos.

In this case, if the thief simply “bends” the picture from below to see if there is a safe under it, he will not find your hiding place. But all the same, it is risky and we repeat, you need to resort to this option only when there are no other ideas or opportunities at all.

Do-it-yourself box with a double bottom

Saw exactly the size of the drawer in the table two wooden slats, and lay them on the bottom. Put valuables between them, and on top prepare and lay a lid cut from a material of the same color as the real bottom in the boxes. This cover can be lifted with suction cups.

The hiding place is very reliable - I did an experiment, in my daughter I put a gift for her birthday, bought six months before it. She did not find the hiding place, although every day she took out felt-tip pens, paper, and so on.

It was also tested in "combat operations" by my godfather, in whom the thieves did not find it along with the contents (including passports).

1 PC. A3-A5 LED luminous drawing graffiti drawing board ...

What would a thief do if he got into an apartment or house? Where would he start looking for the most valuable? Here's a question to ask yourself before you start thinking about where to hide money, gold, diamonds and other valuables! A hiding place for money at home, in an apartment or in a country house, of course, is not a good idea. Of course, he will not act as a reliable guarantor of safety, unlike a bank cell, but as they say, you won’t have to pay money for their safety.

Another question is what is the value of what you are going to hide and how far are you willing to go with it. It is one thing to store a couple of tens of thousands of rubles, keys, weapons, etc., and another thing is a couple of million worth of jewelry that you are not going to use for the next few years. If for some reason you are still not satisfied with the bank cache. In the second case, it is better to immure everything at once into the wall and preferably without cavities. The main thing is only then not to forget the place of this cache at home and to transfer the information to a trusted person in time, and then the heirs will ask the question: “Where did grandfather hide the money?”

But in the first case, such coordinated efforts and trusted persons are not needed. It is quite enough if the hiding place of the house is located in a non-standard and at the same time accessible place, in which even the thought does not arise that there is a hiding place for money there. Not a standard solution is perhaps one of the factors for the successful preservation of valuables.

A hiding place for money at home where it is difficult to find something

No matter how well-wishers would like, there is not much time at their disposal after they got into the house. The fear of getting caught by such people is quite strong and they are unlikely to conduct a thorough search. Therefore, it is advisable to hide money where it is not easy to find it. For example, in one of the cosmetic tubes. Such a tube, among dozens of others, is unlikely to attract the attention of uninvited guests, and they are unlikely to burn with the desire to open all of them. Such a hiding place at home is a great opportunity to save a small amount of money.

Stash for money at home - photo

In the same way, you can organize a cache in the apartment in the children's room. If the child has a lot of toys, you can hide the money in one of them. Most likely they will be saved if there are really a lot of them ... It is only worth warning the child earlier.

Cache in toys

A hiding place in sports accessories is a great idea for sports fans, because, as a rule, such people have enough of all kinds of sports stuff in their apartment. For example, if one of a couple of dozen tennis balls is cut and something valuable is hidden in it, it will most likely go unnoticed in the general pile. The main thing in such a hiding place is an incision in the right place.

Stash for money in the ball

A hiding place for money where it is not customary to look

A hiding place in an apartment can be made in places where a thief will look extremely unpleasant.

In places of not the first freshness - a basket with dirty linen: socks, underwear, etc. Rummaging through it is not pleasant and not interesting, this is the last place where thieves, of course, can also look if they do not find anything valuable in the house.

A hiding place in a book, but not in a simple one, but in the criminal code. It will work if it stands among many other and preferably similar books. The subconscious fear of the ill-wisher will quite possibly work and he will not touch the “terrible” book.

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Many experienced people advise that in order to save a larger amount, a second distraction cache should be made. More affordable. Having found it, the thieves will quite possibly calm down and leave the crime scene. Unless, of course, they know about the presence of more valuable things in the house.

home electronics

Money is sometimes hidden in sockets, or rather in false sockets. But everyone has known about this for a long time, so it's better not to do it. But hiding money in a smartphone charger is a new idea. But in such a cache there will not be many of them.

But a couple of packs of banknotes will fit into the free slot of the system block of a stationary computer. But you should make such a cache for money at home only if the device is old. After all, otherwise you can lose both money and a computer.

No matter how sophisticated a hiding place for money in your home is, this does not guarantee their safety. Therefore, it is better to carry the valuables to a special place for them - to the bank.

Big and warm hello to all! Although it is believed that the house should be a fortress, cases of burglaries are not uncommon. Worried owners think about where to hide the valuables, but attackers foresee all the obvious options. To secure your savings, you need to know how to make a cache at home with your own hands.

Main Rules

When getting down to business, consider the following subtleties:

  • do not put everything in one place;
  • make a cache in a cache, because thieves, delighted with their prey, will not notice the double bottom of the opened safe;
  • do not hide savings in the TV or speakers - the robbers will take them away;
  • avoid standard solutions.

By adhering to these principles, you will increase the chances of protecting your property. After all, even a reliable door can be cracked, so the further development of events depends on your ingenuity!

Where not to make a hiding place in the house

It is easier to look at the option if you immediately reject the platitudes. Do not hide money in the following hiding places:

  • behind mirrors and pictures;
  • in the drawers of the table or chest of drawers;
  • among dirty linen or other objects that cause disgust (violators of the law do not differ in disgust);
  • in the pages of a book or in a box disguised as one;
  • on the mezzanine;
  • behind the wallpaper;
  • in mattresses;
  • under the parquet

When an idea comes to your mind, think about how obvious it is. If you have heard from others at least three times about the storage option, then the attacker will surely find it. It is better to leave a valuable item in plain sight to be mistaken for a trinket than to put it in!

How to start making a cache in the house with your own hands

To equip a secluded place, decide from whom you are hiding finances or jewelry. If you want to protect yourself from thieves, keep in mind that time becomes the main factor for them: if they don’t find a makeshift “safe” in a matter of minutes, they will hide with prey in plain sight. The factor will do you good, because you can wrap gold in food foil, put it in a plastic container for breakfast and put it on the refrigerator shelf - it is unlikely that robbers will want to check how well you eat. But they will not need to leave their housing in a presentable form, so false sockets or ventilation grilles will be ruthlessly torn out.

Otherwise, you should approach the issue when you equip a shelter for a "stash" from your family. They have the time and know your habits, so don't hide your finances in a cut tennis ball if you don't come to the court. Better take advantage of the fact that a curious relative, who decides to delve into things, tries not to leave traces! For example, a container buried in a flower pot will become the prey of intruders who drop flowerpots on the floor. But such a method will serve as a solution to protect the thing from annoying household members. Having decided on the goal, it will be easier to cope with the task!


Do not miss the opportunity to turn household appliances into a safe:

  • If a computer or TV becomes a prey for the kidnappers, then the refrigerator is unlikely to interest them. With the right approach, you can hide several bundles of banknotes, and this will not affect the functioning.
  • An air conditioner is less suitable for your purposes, because there is almost no free space in the block, but a small amount can still be placed.
  • Money is easy to hide in the washing machine, after wrapping it in a plastic bag.
  • It will be possible to cope with the task with the help of an old vacuum cleaner, whose container will please you with spaciousness. Place the device at the far wall of the pantry or take it to the attic, where it will not arouse suspicion.

Important: most electrical engineering is suitable only for storing banknotes, because gold chains or pendants will become current conductors. As a result, you will ruin things and cause damage to appliances!


If burglars break into the house, they will certainly inspect the countertops from the back, so do not stick a bag of valuables there. But the nests in the legs will become successful shelters, and they are equipped in the upper part: the loads on the lower point are already high, and with a decrease in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe support, the table will break over time.

The option with a hidden drawer bottom is too banal, but it will be replaced by a double bookcase top. The kidnappers will not have time to take measurements, and you will easily hide important papers. Banknotes can be hidden in books, but not between the pages, but under the spine.

The result can also be achieved with the help of shortened drawers: although the difference should not be noticeable, you can easily win a couple of centimeters. It is good to hide large objects in a “pear” chair, for which you will need to dissolve the zipper, slightly incise the cover and carefully sew it up. Such a trick will deceive even the introscope, which is used during a legal search, because the filler absorbs radiation.

With a non-standard approach, you will turn a sofa into a shelter. Although the space under the seat and armrests is habitually used for storage, the removable backrest has not yet become an obvious solution. The home master will remove the pillows, attach the frame to them and attach it to the back with the help of loops.

You will also need cabinets with a double back wall, which can deceive even an experienced thief. The drawers are not shortened as the movable section is attached to the back of the furniture. Thanks to the grooves, it falls, freeing up a small space.

It is impossible to equip such “safes” secretly from the household, since the preparation will require carpentry work. But you will mislead the villains, and you will be able to save the values!


Interior doors will serve as a place where you can hide expensive things:

  • To hide small objects from prying eyes, place them in an oblong metal container and drill a suitable hole in the end of the canvas. Place it in the upper part, and it will be impossible to find a cache without knowing about it in advance.
  • To store securities, they resort to a similar method, choosing an inexpensive door model. Such structures are a plywood frame, pasted over with cardboard, and it is not difficult to cut a cavity from above. It is necessary to make sure that the level of the cover coincides with the surface of the door, for which it is fixed on magnetic strips.

It is better to hide banknotes in a niche designed for a castle. When choosing a mechanism, give preference to narrow models, slightly deepen the hole made in the canvas, and you will be able to hide valuables even during a professional search. To prevent translucent devices from “seeing” voids, put a steel bracket of a suitable size on the body before installing the lock.

Windows and walls

Windows will become potential storage, because there are a lot of voids in plastic window sills. Those are found when tapped, but it is impossible to determine that a treasure is hidden under the outer covering. It is also worth using a mosquito net, having disassembled the plastic frame and put everything important there: the increase in weight will be imperceptible, and with a large number of windows, you will have a lot of space at your disposal.

Owners of metal cornices use their hollow tubes. Remove the cap at the end and hide rolled up bills or small items.

Niches in the walls have become a commonplace option, but a private house will provide an opportunity for variations. The owners erect partitions, leaving behind them a space of up to 1 m - in a country residence, the reception will go unnoticed. It is only important to make sure that the disguised door opens inwards, otherwise the scratches on the floor will give out the secret.

How to make a cache at home with your own hands in the rooms

Outsmarting experienced thieves can be difficult, but you can do it if you take into account the specifics of each room.


The variant with shelter in the children's room has helped more than one homeowner: thieves are not eager to inspect the numerous toys. They can feel a teddy bear in plain sight, but they won't look into every box of construction toys. Hide the rolled up money inside a plastic toy and it will be lost to prying eyes in the general mess of the nursery.


Practice shows that lawbreakers inspect the bedroom immediately after the hall. After all, the owners often hide valuables in the linen closet, hoping for a simple trick! You should not resort to this method, because the original options are at your disposal:

  • A hidden shelf in the high head of the bed is suitable for storing weapons. This method was chosen by Americans who want to protect themselves in the event of a robbery. But if there are children in the house, it is necessary to store weapons only in a secure safe with a combination lock.
  • You can keep sex toys in the bedroom, which will actually become a container for valuables. There is a chance that the robbers will not want to take them in hand, and the trick will go unnoticed.

Important: despite the tricks, there is a chance that thieves will carefully inspect the room. Be guided by the principle "it is better to sacrifice a little than to lose everything" and hide a small share of valuables in the bedroom. Having found the desired prey, the intruders will hide without finding the main part!


The room will please with a variety of possible caches:

  • Put the bills in a shampoo or lotion container.
  • The laundry detergent box will be a safe hiding place. To achieve complete security, pour out the contents, carefully cut the cardboard along the fold lines, paste the divider under which you will hide the valuables. Assemble the box, pour the powder back.
  • The bathroom is conveniently equipped with a wall safe. Its surface will be masked by tiles, and the secret niche can be overall or hidden under just one component of the wall covering. To implement the idea, you will need to carefully remove the tile and make a smaller hole in the wall. Use a plastic box as a drawer. Glue tiles to it, and there will be no reason to complain about the result.
  • A first aid kit in the bathroom will provide a variety of potential caches. She will not become a refuge for a large amount, but a few bills can be put in an empty medicine bottle.

If you keep pads in your first aid kit, take advantage of the fact that men are uncomfortable with feminine hygiene products. There is a chance that uninvited guests will not perform a thorough inspection! Carefully cut one gasket, put the bills and solder along the edge with an iron, ironing through thick paper. A similar option is also used in cases where a lady, going on a trip, is afraid of being robbed on the road.

  • Empty jars of cream can store gold rings and chains.
  • The hollow handle of a mop is easy to turn into a hiding place for jewelry.

When looking for a method, try to be original. By discarding the idea of ​​keeping money in the vent, you will keep at least some of your savings.

Cache in the apartment from the household

The examples discussed are good when you are trying to protect yourself from the consequences of the visit of uninvited guests. But if you want to hide a couple of bills from the household, then you are unlikely to start drilling walls and doors! Here are some easy ways to help you:

  • If the room has a wall clock, then a folded bill will fit in the recess for the batteries. The main thing is that no one at home decides to replace the power source!
  • Refurbishing an old keyboard by removing the “stuffing” is easy, and as a result, the case will turn into a reliable storage. When you spend the "stash", you can use the little thing as an organizer.
  • Vintage candlesticks and cast-iron lamps inherited from grandmothers will surprise you - it turns out that in order to save money they were made hollow inside, and the base was sealed with felt. Carefully fold back the soft cover, and then fasten it with Velcro so that you can get into the piggy bank at any time.
  • Women hide the money saved "for pins" by hiding it in a box of cereal. When the method became too familiar, inventive ladies began to make decorative salt jars with their own hands. It is enough to pour the contents to the bottom, then put a cardboard container in the center, whose height reaches the edge, and fill the gap between it and the glass with a multi-colored material. Removing the cover, you will, if necessary, get finances.
  • An ordinary cactus will serve as a hiding place, since the plant is distinguished by endurance. Most of the core is spongy tissue, in which a groove can be made: carefully dig out the plant, shake off the earth and cut off part of the rhizome with a sharp knife. After returning the cactus to the pot, do not be afraid of wilting, as it will quickly recover and even bloom. But do not forget that the banknotes will need to be placed in an airtight container, otherwise the caustic juice will ruin them.
  • Old shoes will turn into a safe, it’s worth putting savings under the insole. The main thing is that relatives, having started cleaning, do not send it to the trash! For this reason, you should not choose frank junk for storage.

Try some simple tricks and you will be satisfied with the result.

How to protect the office from the household

If you have allocated a separate room for your classes, then you use it not only for work. Your own office becomes a territory where you equip your personal space. Alas, family members do not always respect privacy, so you have to go for tricks:

  • Do not throw away a marker that has become unusable! After removing the core, you will get a convenient container. You can even carry it with you, because it would never occur to anyone that the plastic walls hide banknotes.
  • Carefully cut out a section in the hollow globe so that the lines line up with the latitude and meridian markings so they are less visible.
  • Naughty offspring like to look into the office? It is unlikely that they will be interested in folders with boring documents. You will need some binders from which you will cut off the front pieces. Glue the pieces together to fit the shelf, and place a bottle of your favorite whiskey behind them or hide a supply of cigars.
  • Vintage fans keep a collection of records in their office, not wanting to part with it in favor of newfangled trends. Children are not interested in such a retro, so use shelves for equipment of a secret place: make a box of a suitable size, and glue 2 envelopes from records on the sides. It will be possible to disguise the front part by sacrificing a large number of packages. In order not to spoil your pride, go to a flea market and buy cheap records. It is worth putting this box on the shelf with your music collection, and you will not notice the difference, so the contents will be safe.

Whatever idea you use, keep in mind that the best way to avoid loss is to increase the security of your home. Set up an alarm, take care of a solid door with reliable locks, and use hiding places as an aid!

Now you know how to make a cache at home with your own hands. Where do you store your valuables?

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

Valuables and money are important to properly store and securely protect against theft. The first thing that comes to mind in such a situation is to purchase ready-made hiding places and safes built into the wall and stylized as a picture, for example. But the fact is that it is precisely such objects that immediately fall under the threat. Therefore, we offer you some tricky and simple ideas on how to make a cache at home with your own hands. To do this, we will use ordinary everyday things that will certainly not arouse the suspicion of robbers.

Caches for houses and apartments.

First of all, it is worthwhile to understand where you should not store valuables, documents and money.

Important! The main rule - do not store all funds, papers and expensive things in one place.

Refuse to use classic hiding places: mattresses, mirrors, paintings - they will be the first to be inspected in the event of a robbery. Also, traditional caches, in which most thieves find valuables, are: drawers of chests of drawers, bedside tables and lockers, including double bottoms, mezzanines, kitchen jars, books, musical instruments, such as pianos. Do not make caches in household appliances, especially video and audio, as with a high degree of probability they will also be carried away during a robbery.

In the photo below, you can take a look at the fascinating statistics of where people usually prefer to hide things:

Popular hiding places in the house.

The cache should be non-obvious and most often it is placed in a conspicuous place. But the main thing is that this object does not catch the eye and its appearance does not stand out from the overall picture. Then no one will think of checking your homemade safe!

Stash Ideas

The apartment has many unexpected, and therefore reliable places where you can hide money. Below we will look at a few original hiding places, which are very simple to make.


Hanger with a secret.

To make a cache, you will need an ordinary hanger, a small piece of fabric, braid, thread and a needle, a zipper, paper and a pencil.

How to make a cache step by step:

  1. Circle the hanger on paper and cut it out - this will be a pattern.
  2. Fold the fabric in half right side in and trace around the pattern. Indent 0.5 cm for the allowance and cut out.
  3. Sew a zipper along the bottom edge. Sew the sides. The central part under the hook should remain unstitched with a hole.
  4. Finish the center hole with tape. Turn the product inside out and you're done!

Step by step manufacturing process.

This is how a hanger with a secret in a closet with clothes looks like:

Hanger cover.

Flower pot

It is also quite rare that robbers inspect pots and flowerpots. We offer to make a flowerpot with a double bottom on your own. And so that the use of the cache is not traumatic for the plant, we will use an artificial flower.

Vase with double bottom.

So, for the manufacture you will need the following materials:

  • a small artificial plant, preferably very similar to the real one;
  • pot;
  • an empty round plastic container (for example, the bottom of a yogurt package);
  • thermal gun and hot glue;
  • priming;
  • mockup knife.

Necessary materials.

Step-by-step production of a flowerpot with a double bottom:

  1. Try on a plastic container and flowerpot. The container should only go into the pot by 2-3 cm, so that there is room for valuables at the bottom. Try to pick up a commensurate flowerpot and a plastic container.
  2. Cut off the top of the plastic container.
  3. Make a snowflake-shaped slit in the center and insert the base of the artificial flower. Fix the two elements with hot glue.
  4. Place valuables at the bottom, place a container with a glued flower on top.
  5. To disguise the jewelry, sprinkle the top of the container with soil along its top line.

The advantage of such a cache is that you can choose a flowerpot of any size and, if necessary, hide bulky gizmos: watches, jewelry, jewelry, spare keys, and not just banknotes.

Step by step manufacturing.

card deck

Caches in the form of books or caskets are very banal and unreliable storage places. But it is unlikely that robbers decide to look for money in a deck of cards! Of course, it will not be possible to store a lot of things here, but a deck of cards is quite suitable as a small storage for banknotes.

Stash in a deck of cards.

This type of hiding place is very easy to make at home - all you need is a deck of cards, tape, scissors, and a clip.

Step by step production:

  1. Set aside 10-12 cards - they will serve as a cache cover.
  2. From the rest of the cards you need to cut the middle. It is convenient if the cards have a narrow border - you need to cut it straight along it. The middle ones can be thrown away, and from the resulting frames we will make a container. Leave a couple of cards for the bottom.
  3. Collect all the frames from the cards in an even pile, for the convenience of work, fix it on the sides with clips. Cover the inside with tape. For greater strength, you can cover everything with high-quality glue.
  4. Attach the bottom with glue. Ready!

Idea! In such a simple and simple storage, you can safely hide SD memory cards and USB drives.

Making a cache.

Chair with a secret

And in such a cache there will be enough space to hide documents, securities or a fairly large number of banknotes.

Chair with secret compartment.

To make a chair with a secret compartment, you need an ordinary old chair with a soft seat, metal hinges and corners, and a sheet of plywood.

Step by step production:

  1. Unscrew the seat from the base. Then make the fastening with the help of the loops from the front of the seat.
  2. For the bottom of the cache, use a sheet of plywood. Take clear measurements of the opening and cut out the corresponding plank.
  3. Attach the plywood bottom to the chair frame using metal corners and screws.

Chair making.

Boring Options

In general, hiding places are only limited by your imagination and creativity. You can make storage from any item or place in the house. Consider a few original ideas for creating a cache:

False socket with a hiding place.

Sometimes under such connectors there can be real safes with keys.

Safe hidden under sockets.

Now you know how to make a cache at home with your own hands.

Video: 7 hiding places for the house.

No matter how many valuables - money, jewelry, securities and documents - you have at home, you don’t want to lose them. And since the invasion of thieves is not uncommon today, you need to take care of their safety. Of course, you can hope that no trouble will happen to you, but still it will not be superfluous to play it safe and hide the most valuable things in a secret vault.

Where to hide money

Often, thieves already know all the "cunning" places where the owners usually hide their treasures, so you should think a hundred times whether your hiding place will not be the place where the scammer will go first.

Do not hide valuables in vases and flower pots.

In no case should you hide money and valuables in kitchen drawers and cabinets, in the refrigerator, in the oven and tray, in the microwave, as well as in the underground of kitchen furniture. Thieves will certainly look for money behind wall clocks, carpets and paintings, behind mirrors, under carpets and rugs, in bedside tables and chests of drawers. As a rule, all cabinets and their contents are carefully inspected: shoe boxes, household appliances and CDs, caskets and drawers, bags, suitcases and even sets. The pockets of hanging clothes are carefully checked, and linen from the shelves falls out onto the floor and is shaken up.

Burglars never ignore sofas, inspect pillows, pallet contents and bedding, and rip open upholstery. Usually they also thoroughly inspect bookcases, especially those where there is no dust on the books. No matter how big the library may seem, a thief can review it in a few minutes. Do not hide valuables in vases and flower pots. In the bathroom, burglars must check the drain barrel, the place under the bathtub and sink, various cabinets, as well as ventilation passages.

Where to store money?

How, then, to hide your hard-earned money, if all the secluded places are already known to intruders? The answer is simple: come up with new, original and non-obvious ones, mask them as best as possible and make access to them as difficult as possible.

The most important precaution is not to store all the savings in one place, but to divide them into three or four stash and hide them in different places in the apartment. It is best to pick up banknotes of different denominations and currencies in each of them, so that a thief, having found one of the caches, might think that these are all available savings. For the same purpose, you can leave a small bundle of money in a more accessible place so that the criminal is satisfied with it and stops looking further.

The most important precaution is not to store all the savings in one place, but to divide them into three or four stash and hide them in different places in the apartment.

Try to store your valuables in places that require time and special tools to access. Housekeepers, as a rule, do not have a lot of time and do everything in a hurry. But be prepared for the fact that you will need some effort and additional preparation to create a reliable cache. The degree of complexity of the cache depends on its purpose: for money intended for daily expenses, you need to choose a design that can be easily opened every day, and for valuables "for a rainy day" you should find a more inaccessible place.

Whatever type of cache you choose for your valuables, try to make it as unusual as possible and at the same time look natural and not arouse suspicion.

Quick Access Caches

A simple and inconspicuous cache can be made in jars of cucumbers or jam. To do this, take a large bolt, wrap banknotes with it, wrap it in several plastic bags, secure with tape and lower it into a jar. Similar storage can be done in a plastic bottle or tin can.

bottle safe

Caches can be built into walls and furniture. For example, arrange a fake electrical outlet in which your valuables will lie instead of wires, or in the bathroom, fixing one of the tiles to magnets.

The hiding place can be equipped in fake plastic heating pipes, in a door leaf, in a drawer with a double bottom, in the legs of a wooden table, in the pipes of a curtain rod, in a thick candle. The video shows other ways to arrange a hiding place in the house.

If you have to store your valuables for several years, then you can take care of more hard-to-reach places. The most optimal place will be where it is impossible to reach without a tool.

The most optimal place will be where it is impossible to reach without a tool.

Hide your valuables inside household appliances by unscrewing the lid and screwing it back on: the thief will not have so much time and patience to methodically open all the appliances. But do not use small and expensive equipment for this, which can be carried away along with the contents.

A more difficult option is to arrange storage under the parquet. To do this, you need to remove several boards, make a recess in the floor with a chisel with a hammer or a puncher, put your valuables packed in polyethylene into it, fill the remaining space with shavings or sand so that it is not detected when tapped, and put the removed boards back on the glue. A similar hiding place can also be arranged under the last board of the laminate, which is protected from opening by a plinth screwed to the wall. Such storage will be almost impossible to detect if medium-sized furniture stands in its place.

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