The technology of digging a well from concrete rings. How to dig a well with your own hands in the country or near the house. What tools are needed

Even if the house is equipped with a centralized water supply, the well will not become an excess, since it is quite expensive to water flower beds or a garden with tap water, and even in the event of a shutdown it will be a good help. In the country, it is generally the only source of water. Digging wells is not easy, but doable. Even if you decide to involve a special team in this case, you still have to control them. You need to know how to dig a well with your own hands in a suburban area.

The most reliable way is to apply for a hydrogeological study. You will be shown the exact place where it is best to dig a well from concrete rings, plus an analysis of the water that will be in the future well. But this service is not cheap and can only pay for itself if the water in the well is used as drinking water, that is, near a house with people permanently living in it. In the summer cottage, its need is intended mainly for technical needs, and for drinking it can only be cleaned going into the house.

If you are going to do without research, then you need to focus on some signs:

  • be guided by the position of the wells in the neighborhood - rock layers usually lie unevenly, the situation is also with aquifers. If the water in a neighboring well is at a depth of 6 meters, this does not mean that your water will be at the same level. It can turn out to be both higher and lower, or even go sharply somewhere to the side. So this is only an approximate "markup" of the project, where well water can be located;
  • observation of the behavior of animals and insects. The most accurate guide can serve as a small midge. In a warm period, with calm in the evening before sunset, inspect the site. If there are places on it where midges “hang” in columns, this indicates that aquifers are located quite close in this place. In order to make sure of this, observe the marked area in the morning. If in the morning fog swirls over it, then the water is really close enough;
  • folk way. We take earthenware. Best not glazed. You can use an ordinary pan, the main thing is that it is wide. Silica gel dried in the oven is poured into the selected dishes. If it is not there and it is not known where it can be obtained, then you need to take ceramic bricks, break them until only small crumbs remain from them, and dry them for several hours in the oven. After that, it is necessary to fill it in a bowl to the top and tie it with a dry cotton cloth. Only in such a way that it does not unravel. Weigh and record the resulting value. Then, at the site of the proposed well, you dig a hole 1-1.5 meters deep, after which you need to put a vessel in the dug layer and sprinkle it with earth. Wait a day. Then dig and weigh again. The more the mass has changed, the greater the concentration of water in this place;
  • analyze the grass growing on the site - this method is well applicable only when the site has not yet been plowed. When examining the vegetation, try to identify the most overgrown islets. It is not necessary to pay special attention to single plants, since they can be brought here at random; for this method, it is clearings, islands of vegetation that are needed.

These methods are only an approximate determination of the location of aquifer deposits where it is possible to dig wells from concrete rings. None of them gives a 100% guarantee, but in the case of using several methods, you can determine a more or less exact location and it is worth trying to dig a well in this place.

It is most favorable to dig a well twice a year: either in the second half of August, or in the middle of winter - after two weeks of frost. During these two periods, the lowest level of groundwater and perched water practically does not occur. This will greatly facilitate the work, in addition, it will be much easier to determine the flow rate - during these periods it is at a minimum and in the future you will not experience a lack of water.

If you decide to dig a well or dig a well with your own hands, there may not be enough time in August, as this is the “border zone” before the rainy season. In this case, you need to start work early. Maybe even at the beginning of the month. In general, you need to calculate the time of work in such a way that the access to the aquifer falls on the most “waterless” period. Ideally, it is also desirable to deal with the waterproofing of the walls.

Two ways to dig a well from concrete rings

The most popular is the construction of a well made of concrete rings. Its popularity is due to its simplicity. But at the same time, it has quite serious drawbacks: its joints with concrete rings are characterized by rather weak tightness and through them rain and melt water can enter the well, and together with them, what is dissolved in it, and what drowned.

You can try to seal the joints of the rings, but you cannot apply the most effective methods: the water must be at least suitable for irrigation. And the putty of the joints with a solution is rather inefficient and short-lived. Over time, the cracks expand and through them not only melt or rain water can already enter, but also insects, worms, animals, and so on.

There are special rings with a lock. Between them, you can install rubber gaskets that will ensure tightness. Rings with locks are on sale. Although their price is much higher, it is almost impossible to find gaskets for them, as well as wells equipped with them.

How to dig a well in the country with your own hands? There are two methods of digging a well from concrete rings: placing the rings one by one and installing them after the aquifer has been reached. Both methods are applied, just at different depths, and both have their drawbacks.

Alternate installation of rings. In this case, the first ring is installed on the ground, which is slowly removed from the inside and under the side. The ring is gradually lowered. A very important point: you need to be very careful to ensure that it falls straight down, without distortions. Otherwise, the shaft will come out inclined and, over time, the sedimentation of the rings will stop. To avoid distortion, you need to monitor the verticality of the walls. To do this, you just need to tie a plumb line to the bar, after which the bar is placed on the ring. For additional control, use the building level.

As soon as the upper edge of the ring is level with the ground, set the following. It is installed strictly from above. Work continues. If on the first ring the earth can be thrown over the side with a short-handled shovel, then on the next ring the soil will have to be removed using a gate or a block and a tripod. Based on this, we can conclude that the work should be carried out with at least two people, and in order to turn the rings, at least 3-4 people will be required. Thus, independent digging (one person) is impossible. Is that for this case you need to adapt the winch.

With this method, the depth of the well is gradually increased. As soon as the ring reaches the same level with the ground, a new one is installed on it. For descent, hammered brackets or ladders are used (the safest and most correct way is to use brackets).

The advantages of this method of digging a well:

  1. It is possible to control how evenly and how tightly the ring sat down.
  2. It is possible to install rubber gaskets to ensure tightness or put them on the solution.
  3. The walls do not crumble.

Those were the benefits. Let's talk about the disadvantages. Working inside the ring is rather inconvenient and physically difficult. This method is used, as a rule, for a small depth - 7-8 meters. Work in the mine must be done in turn.

Another point: when digging a well with rings, you can use a knife to speed up the process of subsidence and facilitate the passage of soil. It is made of concrete, it is poured into the ground at the very beginning. In order to make it in a circle, a groove is dug, which has a triangular shape in cross section (see figure). Its inner diameter should match the inner diameter of the rings that will be used in the process, the outer one is slightly larger. After the concrete hardens, a standard ring is installed on this ring and work begins.

The structure of the knife

Installation of rings after reaching the aquifer. First you need to dig a shaft without rings. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the walls. As soon as the first signs of shedding begin to appear, rings are immediately installed inside and continue to work according to the first method. With the help of a crane or a manipulator, rings are placed in the shaft. After that, they deepen for several more rings according to the first method, increasing the flow rate.

The soil is taken out of the mine in the same way: as long as the depth is not very large, it is simply thrown out with a shovel. After that, a tripod and a collar are installed and raised with buckets. As soon as the rings are installed, the gap between them and the walls of the shaft is filled and compacted. At the same time, several upper rings can be sealed from the outside (for this, bituminous impregnation or other coating waterproofing can be used).

The advantages of this method:

  1. The shaft is wider, which means that it is much more convenient to work in it, which makes it possible to dig deeper wells.
  2. Several top rings can be sealed, which will reduce the chance of contaminated water entering the well.

There are many more cons:

  1. It is difficult to control the tightness of the joint of the rings: it is strictly prohibited in the shaft during installation. It is not possible to turn the already installed ring in the shaft due to the large mass.
  2. You can gape and the mine will crumble.
  3. The backfill density of the gap between the walls of the shaft and the rings is less than the "native" soil. Because of this, it becomes possible to seep deep into the melt and rainwater, where through the cracks they can get directly into the well. To prevent this, a protective circle of waterproof material (waterproofing membrane) is made around the well with a slope from the walls of the well.

During work, you need to monitor the verticality of the walls, but up to a certain limit it can be corrected. The control method is the same - a beam with a plumb line attached to it and lowered into the mine.

How do you know when to stop digging?

According to the technology, the soil is removed inside the ring and under it. Because of what he settles under his own weight. The soil that is taken out and will be a guide. Usually water is located between two water-resistant layers. Often it is clay or limestone.

The aquifer is usually sand. It can be either small, like the sea, or large interspersed with small pebbles. Most often there are several such layers. As soon as the sand goes, it means that you need to expect water soon. As soon as it appears at the bottom, you need to dig for some more time, taking out the already wet soil.

In the event that there is a strong influx of water, you can stop. The aquifer is not very large, as there is a chance to pass through it. In this case, you will have to dig until the next one. The deeper, the cleaner the water will be, but how much deeper, no one can say for sure.

After that, the well is pumped - they throw in a submersible pump and pump out water. Thus, it is cleaned, deepening a little, and besides this, its debit is determined. If you are satisfied with the speed at which the water arrives, you can stop there. If not, you need to quickly go through this layer. The soil continues to be washed out with a running pump until this layer is passed. Then they dig to the next aquifer.

If you are satisfied with the incoming water and its quality, you can build a bottom filter. It consists of three layers of stones of different fractions, which are laid on the bottom. This is necessary so that as little silt and sand as possible enter the water. For such a filter to work, you need to correctly lay out the stones:

  1. The largest stones are placed at the very bottom. These are fairly large boulders. But in order not to select the height of the water column too much, it is better to use the flattest stones. They need to be laid out in two layers, while it is not necessary to lay them close, but with small gaps.
  2. The middle fraction is poured in a layer of 10-20 cm. Their dimensions should be such that pebbles or stones do not fall into the gaps of the lower layer.
  3. The topmost, smallest layer. Pebbles and small stones in a layer of 10-15 cm. They are necessary for sand to settle.

With such an embankment of fractions, the water will be cleaner: at first, the largest inclusions settle on large stones, as they move up, smaller and smaller.

Compliance with safety regulations at work

Digging a well, whether with your own hands or with a team, is quite dangerous and hard work, especially after the first three rings have been dug in. Buckets need to be hauled out with a winch, gate or block, and they are quite heavy. There is a risk that the rope may break or the handle may not withstand. Because of this, you must follow the safety rules:

  1. Anyone working downstairs must wear a helmet.
  2. Buckets should have a sufficiently powerful handle, for insurance it is better to weld it, making it from thick wire in several layers.
  3. Buckets should be tied to a strong rope, at the end of which a powerful carabiner with secure fixation should be attached.
  4. From time to time check the condition of the bucket handle, rope and carabiner.
  5. When lifting buckets, the one who works below should be on the opposite side.
  6. Downstairs work in turn.

Precautions are not superfluous. Better to be safe.

After the earthworks are completed, the installation of the pump and the buildup, which lasts at least 2 weeks, you can start finishing work, namely the decorative design of the head. Many leave the top concrete ring unchanged. In order to decorate the upper part, you can use a natural stone brick or ceramic tile. Folk craftsmen build small wooden log cabins, install “cranes” as decorative elements, and construct carved sheds.

Based on the article, in order to independently build a well, first of all, you will need to make sure of the aquifers, choose the right place, decide on the design and follow safety precautions. The rest depends on your free time and your skills.

The question of how to dig a well with your own hands will remain relevant at all times, because this is a great opportunity to solve the problem of water supply for areas that do not have a central water supply. At first glance, this process may seem too complicated and time-consuming, but if you follow a certain sequence of actions, you can cope with the task on your own.

Wells were built back in those distant times when there was no heavy construction equipment, which means that you can build a well on your own site.

In the photo - the digging process

Where to dig a well

Of course, the first step is to decide on the place where your well will be dug, and in choosing this very place, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • In no case should construction be started near large sources of pollution, since the water that passes through the upper layers of the soil will absorb harmful substances. Such sources of pollution may include compost, manure or rubbish heaps, or wastewater outlets;

Note! If digging a well with your own hands is planned on a slope, then it should be located above the sources of pollution.

  • Thinking about the construction of a well, it should be understood that its construction is not always appropriate. It is necessary to take into account the hydrogeology of the area, for example, in swampy areas it is impossible to use water from wells for drinking, since perched water with various harmful impurities gets into it;

  • The availability of water at an accessible level directly depends on the terrain where you plan to dig a well with your own hands, and on the type of soil. For example, on a slope you may not find water at all, or it will be possible to get to it only with the help of specialized construction equipment;
  • The well should be located as close as possible to the place of water consumption. This arrangement will reduce shipping costs. But it is also impossible to build a well too close. To provide the house with water from the well, the shaft must be at least five meters from the building.

Many superstitious people entrust the choice of a place for digging a well to shamans. Previously, they used wicker twigs, but today they use wire frames to find water. To trust shamans or not, everyone decides for himself.

If your neighbors already have a well, then you can safely dig and be sure that you will find water. But if the neighbors do not have a well, then you should drill an exploratory well, which will tell you everything about the presence of water in the soil.

When and how to dig

The issue of choosing the time to dig a well with your own hands is as important as choosing a place, so you should pay due attention to this moment:

  • Spring is the time when the snow melts, so it is undesirable to start the digging process during this period, as you can make a mistake in choosing the depth of the mine. This mistake can be made due to the fact that during this period of time the groundwater is at a very high level. So a well dug in April may be completely dry by December. The level of groundwater occurrence can vary in the range of 1-2 m;
  • The best time for construction is winter, its very end, or the very end of summer. It is at this time that the level of the water horizon is at its lowest. Of course, digging wells with your own hands in the winter is difficult, but there are situations when another time of the year is completely unsuitable for the production of such work, we are talking about well shafts passing through floaters;

  • The process of digging rather deep mines takes a huge amount of time, and it is necessary to dig continuously. Therefore, you should plan everything so that you have a lot of free time.

Now let's try to figure out how to properly dig a well with our own hands.

Basically, for such a construction, at least three people are required:

  • One man works with a crowbar and a shovel in the mine, filling buckets with soil;
  • The second person lifts these buckets to the surface and takes the soil to the dump;
  • And the third at this time is resting, preparing to replace one of his comrades.

In the photo - a visual demonstration of the digging process

Work is carried out at a fairly dynamic pace, so workers often replace each other. If large stones are found in the ground, they are turned out with a short crowbar, then tied with ropes and removed from the recess.

Note! If you work in a mine, you should listen to your own well-being, and if you suddenly feel unwell, you should leave the mine. Your condition indicates the accumulation of harmful gases that must be pumped out to continue construction.

Related articles:

Well made of reinforced concrete rings

If a place for construction is chosen, materials, the price of which is relatively low, are prepared, you should proceed to the digging process itself. It should be noted that the work ahead is difficult and time-consuming, because the weight of concrete rings is quite high.

It is quite difficult to manually install them, so you should probably use a manual type hoist suspended on a tripod, which you can easily assemble from wooden beams. Of course, the acquisition of such a mechanism can significantly increase the cost of digging a well manually, but on the other hand, it will reduce the complexity of this process.

The technology of digging wells by hand consists of the following steps:

  • At the initial stage, we dig a recess, which would be equal in diameter to the dimensions of the concrete ring. The bottom of the well should be horizontal and as flat as possible so that the first ring lies without tilting.

Initial stage - deepening

  • Next, we dig a well with our own hands, dropping right into this ring, sending the developed soil to the surface. Under its own weight, as it is dug up, the ring will lower. At the moment when the first ring deepens, the next one should be installed on top of it;

In the photo - installation of the second concrete ring

Advice. If at some point the rings stopped falling under their own weight, then a deviation has occurred. In order to level the structure, it is necessary to install a shield on top of the rings, which is weighted with bags of soil and heavy stones, and leave for a while. Under the weight of the shield, the rings should drop.

  • When water begins to flow into the mine, the digging process should not be stopped. Water must be pumped out and dig further;

  • Digging stops when there is too much water and aquifers are visible;
  • The bottom of the well is lined with carefully washed large stones. A layer of washed gravel or crushed stone is poured on top. Such a filter at the bottom of the well will protect the water from sand.

  • The seams of the well are treated with a solution of cement and liquid glass so that the top water does not fall into the well.
  • After enough water has accumulated in the well to submerge the pump, it should be pumped out. This procedure must be repeated several times.

The construction of a well is a great opportunity to solve the problem of water supply. If the construction procedure is taken seriously and responsibly, then the whole process will not become overwork. Well, the very fact that the well was built with your own hands will certainly warm the soul of a good owner.

The video in this article will allow you to learn even more about the intricacies of the construction process.

If your new suburban area is located away from the water supply network, then you will immediately face the issue of water supply. There are several options. One of them can be an independent digging of a well with your own hands. This is guaranteed to provide you with a constant source of drinking water. Such digging of wells with your own hands is not an easy task that requires certain knowledge.

To properly perform work on digging and equipping a well with your own hands, it is necessary to solve a number of problems: where to place it, how to look for water, when to dig it, what technology to use when digging, and many others.

To find water for installing a well, you need to have an idea of ​​what groundwater is. Depending on their depth, they are divided into the following types:

  • superficial;
  • ground;
  • artesian.

Surface waters are close to the earth's surface and are not purified. Such water cannot be used for drinking.

Ground - lie shallow, and are present in the nearest aquifer of the earth. These waters will be our goal when building a well with our own hands.

Artesian - waters that lie at a considerable depth than groundwater. Such waters contain the most delicious and pure water. It is extracted by drilling wells to a fairly large depth.

Choice of time of year and place of construction of the well

The seasons greatly influence the construction of a well. The best times of the year for this - autumn or winter. IN this period the aquifer is low. This will ensure that you can find groundwater at the proper depth and have water available at all times. It is impossible to carry out such work in the spring. During this period, snow melts actively, and the level of groundwater rises. Therefore, you may make a mistake in choosing the depth of the well, or it may happen that in the summer you will not have water.

Before you start digging a well with your own hands, you should make sure the depth of groundwater in your area. If your neighbors have a well next to you, then the easiest way is to ask them about it. If you do not have such an opportunity to determine the depth of groundwater, then to detect an aquifer you have to drill a well. This requires additional equipment.

In order to dig a well yourself, you need to know the composition of the soil in your area. If you have sandy soil on your site, then you will have to expend less effort, and when it is clay, it will be more difficult to dig a well. If there are many large stones in the ground, then it is best to look for another place.

The choice of the type and design of the well

Well devices are divided into shaft wells and tubular wells. To dig a well yourself with your own hands, you should stop at a mine device. The mine can be dug even with a shovel.

The well is usually consists of the following components:

  • the above-ground part, which serves to protect against the ingress of water and debris, as well as from freezing in winter;
  • trunk - the underground part of the well, which does not allow soil to enter the well, and also protects from groundwater;
  • water intake - part of the well, which serves to collect clean water;
  • additional devices for the operation of the well.

Well construction

Always do the work of digging a well with your own hands with a partner. One of the workers who will work inside the mine and the other will be on the surface lift a bucket of soil. To lift the container with the earth, it is necessary to install a tripod with a hoist or a winch. This will make it easier to do all kinds of work. It is advisable to adhere to the following safety requirements:

  1. The worker who will be in the middle of the mine must be protected by a helmet.
  2. All ropes and ropes must be reliable and checked for strength.
  3. If an employee who is in the mine at a great depth feels unwell, then it is necessary to determine the gas content with a candle. If the candle goes out, then you need to eliminate the gas content. This is best done with a fan.

Due to the fact that all work will be carried out by you manually, you must have the following tool:

During the work, it is necessary to test the strength of the ropes every day. Be sure to check daily the strength of all fasteners and parts that provide lifting of the soil. It is damp and cold in the middle of the mine, so you need to have appropriate warm and comfortable clothing, as well as periodically go to the surface to rest. The dimensions of the digging mine with your own hands will depend on what diameter of the ring is chosen. It is advisable to choose the dimensions of concrete rings with an inner diameter of 1 m.

This is the best option, which can be easily handled without additional special lifting equipment. Choose the height of the rings based on your physical capabilities and additional helpers.

Before proceeding with the direct digging of the well with their own hands, they first mark the site and then proceed to dig the mine.

When the depth of the excavated shaft is 0.5 - 1 m, then the first concrete ring must be installed inside. After that, you need to dig the soil at the bottom of the shaft, installing rings on top, which themselves will fall due to their own weight.

Rings must be installed exactly in diameter, securing them with metal brackets. This must be done before the opening of the aquifer. This option is the safest. Sometimes they do it differently: dig a mine first, and after that they install the rings inside.

With this technology, the soil can collapse inward on the worker who is inside the mine. This is dangerous for his life.

When water appears at the bottom of the mine, it will be muddy and dirty. You shouldn't be afraid of this. After the filter is installed, the water will gradually begin to clear and become drinkable.

Before installing the filter, all the water that will be at the bottom of the shaft must be removed. Then they dig another layer of soil, deepening no more than 20 cm, remove all the dirt and level the bottom. At the bottom of the dug well, a layer of coarse-grained river sand of at least 30 cm should be poured, then a layer of gravel or fine gravel should be placed on top. The layer thickness should be about 20–25 cm.

The final step will be to fall asleep on top of coarse gravel with a layer of no more than 20 cm. Before using the gravel, it is washed in a weak solution of bleach and in water. If there is a large influx of water at the bottom of the shaft, then first you need to build a floor with holes from the boards, and lay a filter on it.

Further, the water from the well must be pumped out several times within two weeks. This water is suitable for use in various technical purposes. After carrying out these works, the water will gradually become clean and transparent. It is advisable to take this water to the laboratory for analysis in order to be completely sure of its safety. If your neighbors have a well nearby, then you can not take the water for analysis.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about how to build a well with your own hands. The video below shows the entire well digging process with your own hands. The video also demonstrates the whole technology of installing large rings with locks.

Clay castle device

To prevent surface water from entering the well, which may contain debris and dirt, a clay lock must be made around it. For this purpose, the well shaft is dug in from the outside along the perimeter of the ring to a depth of at least one meter, and clay is placed and well compacted in the pit. A clay tubercle is poured and tamped on top, which will facilitate the outflow of various waters from the well log house. On top of such a castle, an additional blind area is made of concrete.

The device of the ground part of the well

The ground part, which rises above the surface, is called the head. The height of this part is done no more than 0.8 m. Most often, the head is made of concrete rings.

In some cases, the ring is covered with wooden logs or beams for a more attractive look and imitation of a wooden frame. The roof is made of wood with large overhangs to prevent debris, leaves and rainfall from entering the well. Sometimes the roof is covered with metal tiles to better protect against precipitation.

The well must have a strong lid with a lock. It must ensure the protection of water from dust and dirt, as well as ensure safety during operation. The lid must be tightly closed and have a lock so that children cannot open it.

The gate with which the bucket of water is lifted can be made of logs with a diameter of 0.2 cm. A hole is made in the central part of each end of the gate, into which the axis and the handle of the gate are then inserted.

The metal components of the gate are usually made separately by order or from improvised means. From the side of the gate handle, you need to put 2 washers, and one on the other side.

Washers serve to prevent movement of the gate and contribute to its durability. For a better idea of ​​what design options for the upper part of the well can be, you can watch the video below.

Now you have all the necessary knowledge on how to do the work of digging a well at no additional cost and with your own hands.

For any person, the words "house in the country" or "cottage" are associated with clean air, fruits and vegetables from their own garden. Almost everyone imagines themselves lying in a hammock or deck chair away from the bustle of the city in the shade of trees with a glass of ice-cold well water. Unfortunately, in a village or town it happens that almost the only source of drinking water is a column or the same central water supply. What is the way out of this situation? To the question: "How to dig a well and do it right?" this article will help answer.

A bit of theory

At the mention of a well, thoughts immediately come to mind about how water appears under the layers of soil. It falls into the earth from the sky, that is, in the form of various precipitation: rain, hail and snow. Rain and melt water only partially drains into streams, and then into other water bodies: rivers, streams and lakes. The main mass seeps into the soil through the porous layers of the earth and, under the influence of a certain gravitational force, descends down to a certain place - an impervious layer. A layer from the upper layers of soil: clay, loam and rocks, pressed to almost complete impermeability, becomes a barrier to water. A water "pocket" is formed on this site, if you dig a well (the Moscow region is a great place for this) correctly, the water will flow into it.

Although the impervious layer is considered an insurmountable resistance to water, some of the liquid seeps through it, because it is not a continuous monolith. The natural "barrier" has micropores through which water passes to the next layer and so on. Therefore, several aquifers can lie in one area and at different depths. But for those who are interested in the question of how to dig a well with their own hands, this should not be a problem.


Aquifers according to their depth are divided into several types:

  • Verkhovodka is a layer of water that forms at the topmost water-resistant layer of the earth. It is located at a shallow depth, and the water that has fallen into it has not yet had time to properly cleanse itself, therefore it is not suitable for consumption. The water level of the upper layer fluctuates, in the heat it can even dry up completely. Often summer residents use it for watering, irrigation and other needs: for this they dig small holes in which perch water accumulates. When the question arises of how to properly dig a well, it must be taken into account that the upper water must be isolated as much as possible, that is, to make sure that it does not fall into the well in any case.
  • Groundwater is the second layer, lying at a depth that perfectly filters the water to the point where it can be eaten. It is groundwater that serves as the basis for filling wells. Water passing through tens of meters of porous soil is perfectly cleaned of contaminants and at the same time saturated with the minerals that it contains. Well liquid is considered the purest, and its unique taste is unique for each locality. To taste, it may differ even in two adjacent wells.
  • Artesian waters are at a very great depth. Those who know how to dig a well in the country understand that in order to get to artesian waters, you need to drill special wells. Deep waters are under strong pressure from the layers of soil, and therefore the liquid can flow through the well on its own even without the use of pumps.

Types of wells

What is a well? This is a wide shaft reaching groundwater suitable for human consumption, that is, in another way it can be called groundwater. Typically, such reservoirs are no more than 10 meters deep, but there are still old wells that go into the ground for 20-30 meters.

Wells are of various types, most often they are mine or key. The type of structure directly depends on the depth of the aquifer, therefore, before digging a well yourself, you need to find out at what specific depth this layer is located in this area.

For the construction of a key well, the main condition is the presence of water springs on the site, which beat out of the ground or fall from the slope. On the territory where the water is released, a descending or ascending type of water structure is equipped.

It is believed that the construction of this method is the fastest, easiest and cheapest method of building a well. Its depth does not exceed 2 meters. If we compare the well with concrete rings, then their height completely coincides.

The depth of shaft wells can reach 15 meters, because they are designed for the extraction of deep-sea deposits. The design of the mine well is different. If the bottom of the reservoir is at the lowest level of the aquifer, then it is called perfect. It turns out that the name of the well depends on how to dig the well, and if its bottom only touches the underwater reservoir with water and the water flows through the walls of the well, then it is called imperfect.

Mine wells differ in volumes of water. Perfect structures are necessary for large-scale extraction and consumption of water. And types such as imperfect wells are used to meet small and standard needs on the farm. You can dig such a reservoir in various shapes. It depends on the material from which the walls of the mine will be built. Square wells are formed from brick and wood, and round shafts are formed from concrete rings, respectively. They are more popular and suitable for beginner builders who do not know how to dig a well in the country with their own hands. However, this can be learned by reading this article.

The process of digging a well with your own hands

You can dig a well with your own hands, although this is a rather laborious process. It consists of two stages:

  • digging a hole to the desired depth;
  • lowering concrete rings into it in turn one after another using an automobile or manual winch.

First, a small pit is dug, about half a meter deep, its diameter is equal to the outer width of the concrete ring. A ring is installed in the pit. Next, the digger needs to climb inside and remove the soil in a circle, while at the same time digging the walls of the ring. The concrete circle under the influence of its gravity will settle lower and lower. As soon as its edge is level with the ground, a second concrete ring must be installed on it, and the digging process must be continued. The second ring is followed by the third and so on. For those who do not know how to dig a well on their own, this algorithm of actions will come in handy.

The standard height of the ring is about a meter, respectively, the construction of a well of such structures will take about 10-15 pieces. To create a more durable unit, it is necessary to fasten all the rings with special brackets, which subsequently need to be painted with oil paint. The preparation of the pit is completed by digging the soil in the aquifer, which is the most time-consuming work. In addition, the digging process is further complicated by the fact that water constantly enters the pit and turns the soil into a liquid mass, which is best pumped out with a mud pump.

Important points when digging a well

The most difficult process is directly digging the earth. This must be done using a shovel with a small handle, and this is not at all easy. Plus, next to the digger there should be a container for soil, in particular a bucket with a rope, since you need to constantly remove the soil. Also nearby should be a device for constantly arriving water.

How to dig a well quickly? This issue must be approached with all seriousness and great responsibility. It is advisable to start the construction of the well in the period from January to March, when the groundwater level is quite low.

When the desired depth of the well is reached, it is necessary to equip a filter pad made of fine crushed stone with a height of about 30 cm. This device prevents the well from being quickly flooded.

It is important to remember that digging a well is a very dirty job. It is necessary to stand knee-deep in damp and cold earth, when pieces of earth and water from a constantly raised bucket fall on you from above. You need to measure your strength and remember about your health. For some, it is easier to immediately hire a team of builders and specialists.

When digging a well, it is important to follow basic safety standards, here are some of them:

  • it is desirable to carry out all work in a protective helmet;
  • before descending into the well, it is necessary to check the strength of the rope ladder, as well as all fasteners and devices for raising water and soil from the bottom of the well.

The final stage of the construction of the well

Upon completion of all work, it is necessary to draw up the upper part of the well. Usually, the head is sheathed with wooden boards or logs, this is done to protect water from pollution. A well can be made an attractive decorative element in a summer cottage that can only transform it. For example, you can build a house or a mill over it.

Necessary tools and materials

Having decided how to dig a well, you need to stock up on the necessary tools and fixtures, here are the main ones:

  • standard and sapper shovels;
  • buckets;
  • lifting device and tripod;
  • chain and rope ladder;
  • a special wooden device in the form of a bookcase made of boards and logs for the delivery of concrete rings.

What is a quicksand

Quicksand is a mixture of sand with clay and small river pebbles. It can spread and flow, especially under mechanical action, like ordinary water.

Quicksands are the biggest problem for well diggers. Therefore, before starting work, you need to learn how to dig a well in a quicksand, since it is unlikely that it will be possible to build a good structure in this place.

A quicksand well can supply water for a while, but it needs to be cleaned frequently. When deepening and cleaning such a well, distortion of concrete rings may occur, since the surrounding sandy soil is floating and mobile.

The water on the quicksand is subject to seasonal fluctuations, that is, in summer its level may drop, and in winter it may even freeze, or it may go away altogether, so it is not advisable to deepen the well.

sewer wells

These wells are important elements of the external sewage system. Therefore, such a problem as digging a sewer well is quite simple to solve. This can be done by yourself, without resorting to the help of specialists, whose services are quite expensive.

There are the following types of sewer wells:

  • Inspection wells, which serve to view and control the operation of the entire sewer network and clear blockages. They are built only with a significant length of the pipeline.
  • Rotary wells are installed at the places of turns of the pipeline, they can also serve as manholes.
  • Drop structures are mounted in places where pipes drop due to the difficult topography of the soil.
  • Nodal. The construction of such water units is not possible everywhere. How to understand that the well is dug in the right place? This is quite simple - they are built at the wiring points of the nodal systems.
  • Accumulative and filtration wells used for drains. They are designed for cleaning and accumulation. They are installed at the end of the pipeline system in those places where a convenient entrance for a sewage truck will be equipped.

The material for sewer wells can be concrete or reinforced concrete, brick and rubble stone, plastic or wood. The work process is no different from digging a storage for drinking water, so it’s better to deal with the question of how to dig a well in advance.

Signs that the water source is close to the surface

Before determining the location of the well, it is possible to understand by some signs that the water reservoir is at a shallow depth, here are some signs:

  • in spring, especially during the period of snow melting, basements are flooded with water;
  • very often thick fog forms in this area;
  • not far from the suburban area there are water bodies: rivers or lakes;
  • the surface of the earth may be covered with moss;
  • in a dry, hot summer, dense grass grows near the water.

Its maintenance is of great importance during the period of operation of the well, because it must be constantly kept clean, since various debris can get inside, and this will lead to a deterioration in the quality of well water.

In order to prevent pets from accessing the well, a protective structure can be built around it. If for some reason the animal got into the well, it is necessary to pump out the water and clean it of foreign objects. After that, disinfection must be done. You can use a three percent chlorine solution, which is added to the water and applied to the walls of the well. After these procedures, the well is closed and left for a day. Then the walls are thoroughly washed and the water is pumped out again until the smell of bleach disappears completely.

The above steps will tell you how to dig a well with your own hands, keep it in excellent condition, and also provide everyone with tasty drinking well water.

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For permanent residence in a country house, you will need a source of water. Moreover, its year-round operation is important. A well is one of the most ancient and accessible sources of water supply. Using a minimum of equipment and materials, it is quite possible to dig it out manually.

Of course, the area next to the house will be an ideal place for a well: few people want to walk a long distance for water every day. But, on the other hand, experts do not advise digging a well very close to home. Therefore, you need to determine the ideal distance and for this you will be helped by the following tips:

  • keep the distance between the location of the future well and sources of pollution;
  • make sure that there are no high waters at the work site. Often they appear in marshy places.

Where does the water in the wells come from?

The water collected on the surface of the earth, gradually clearing, seeps down. This happens until the water rests on the clay layer. Waterproof clay layers, depending on the location, can be divided into 4 types.

  1. Riding water (depth no more than five meters).
  2. Soil water is already a little lower (from 5 to 10 meters).
  3. Ground water - up to 40 meters.
  4. Water located at a depth of more than 40 meters is called artesian.

How much water is needed for a household? If we talk about watering a small garden or vegetable garden, then for one day you need about 1-2 cubic meters of water.

When is the best time to start building?

Depending on the season, groundwater can change its height (range of fluctuations - 2 meters). To prevent the troubles associated with the lack of water, work should begin at the end of autumn or winter. At this time, the groundwater level will be at its lowest.

Digging in winter is a very difficult job, so it is better to start work in late autumn. Then it will not be so cold, and the earth will be soft.

Where does the water in the well come from?

After the well is formed, water will begin to accumulate at the bottom. It is taken from a certain aquifer, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich can reach up to 4 square kilometers. In most cases, such a layer is located at a depth of no more than twenty meters.

If you dug to a depth of 20 meters, and there is still no layer, then there is no point in continuing to work manually. It will be much easier and cheaper to drill a deep well.

An interesting article for summer residents:

How to dig a well by hand: getting started

You will not be able to find the sequence of working steps when creating a well in any standards or instructions. The process carries thousands of years of experience passed down from generation to generation.

Many years of practice was able to form the device of a classic well. To achieve this goal, you will need the following tools:

  • bayonet shovel;
  • shovel;
  • tripod (durable construction for attaching a winch);
  • winch;
  • ladder;
  • reinforced concrete rings;

Having chosen a suitable place, and having collected the necessary equipment, you can start digging. The work must be carried out by a team (at least two people).

  1. One person starts to dig the earth in the specified place. The diameter of the pit should match the diameter of the concrete rings. Stones and hard ground that will be encountered must be broken with a crowbar.
  2. The other is engaged in the fact that he stands at the top of the formed mine, and lifts up the excavated earth and stones.
  3. If possible, invite a third person to the team - he will periodically replace the first or second. So the work will go much faster, and no one will get very tired.
  4. To create more or less acceptable working conditions in the mine, it is necessary to carry out ventilation. Usually, a special pumping device is used for this. If this is not available, you can use an ordinary umbrella.

Initially, a reinforced concrete ring is placed on the ground (in place of a potential well). As the mine deepens, digs are made under the ring, from which it gradually sinks deeper. After complete immersion, a second ring is placed on top. Further, everything is done by analogy. It is worth noting that the average weight of such a ring can exceed half a ton.

If you didn’t have a crane at your disposal, then two people may be enough to move the rings. But if you still have it, use it. With the help of a crane, you can easily and without problems put this or that ring in a certain seat.

If you are lucky and there is solid soil in the chosen place, you can first dig a more or less deep hole, and then put a few rings there. Of course, this is done with a crane.

After that, the work is done according to the above principle (the lower ring is undermined).

Deepening work should be carried out until you reach the aquifer. On average, 3 reinforced concrete rings can be laid in one working day.

As you approach the water, the temperature in the mine will begin to gradually decrease, and small streams of water may appear from the walls.

How to protect a well from surface water

In order for the water in your well to always be clean, it must be protected from surface water (due to the low degree of purification, such water is of poor quality). Water must enter the well exclusively from below, passing through certain "natural filters".

High-quality water protection is ensured by isolating the walls of the mine from the ground. For this, heavy concrete rings are now used, securely fixed to each other.

You can make connections between rings using several methods.

  1. Using a crowbar, twist the rings together with strong wire. Each ring should have special eyes for transportation: hook on them with a wire.
  2. The method is more complicated, but quite effective. Drill holes in the walls of the rings and, using metal brackets, connect the rings together.

Do not forget also about the waterproofing of the seams between the rings. Use special material (which does not allow water to pass through and does not affect the taste of water).

Strengthen the seams, taking into account the following tips

  1. Fill the gaps between the rings with linen rope.
  2. Apply a special solution on top (liquid glass, cement and sand). This will give a waterproofing effect.
  3. Above the upper ring, dig a meter pit.
  4. Apply a waterproofing layer to the outside of the ring.
  5. Fill this pit with clay.

When springs begin to break through from the walls of the mine, go deeper another 2 meters into the aquifer.

At the very bottom, you need to make a special filter cushion from quartzite sand and river stones.

After the well shaft is fully formed, it is necessary to pump with a drainage pump. This is done so that in the future the well can produce a sufficient amount of water.

Well arrangement

Creating a mine and strengthening the walls will not be enough to get a full source of drinking water. It is also necessary to equip its upper part.

A small platform of concrete is laid out around the upper ring (sometimes crushed stone is used for this). It is necessary to build a blind area after a certain time, when the poured soil is compacted and settles.

In order to avoid getting into the mine of various debris, you need to build a canopy over the well. If a pump will be used to lift the water, then in this case it is recommended to close the shaft altogether, leaving only holes for the hose and wire.

How to protect a well from the cold

When the aquifer is located relatively at a shallow level, there is a possibility of water freezing.

To avoid such situations, you will need to additionally build a "house". It is desirable to use polymer or mineral wool as insulating materials.

In the scheme above, 2 wells are used at once. The first acts as the main one (delivers water from the ground to an additional container), and the second plays the role of an "organizer" of water supply throughout the house.

If you take the work with all seriousness and responsibility, then the question of how to manually dig a well will cease to be so frightening and difficult. In addition, you will have excessive pride and joy from the fact of personal participation in the process of work.

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