Management of sexual energy. How to manage your energy? How to direct energy in the right direction

We have repeatedly spoken about what is necessary in order for our desires, dreams and goals to come true. But letters with questions, clarifications, and what is especially pleasant, with successful examples, continue to come, and I understand that this topic is not only not disclosed at least half, but not even disclosed to its third part.

We also talked about self-hypnosis and visualization of desires.

There are several articles on the topic that the fulfillment of desires largely depends on whether you consider yourself worthy inside or unworthy of your goal being realized. But as I understood from the letters, these articles are negligible.

And quite a bit, literally in passing, they touched on the topic of human energy, changing beliefs and working out parental programs.

So today let's look at the topic of energy and changing beliefs so that almost all of your goals and desires come true. Why "practically all", well, again, because it is impossible that all your dreams are yours, sincere, and not inspired from outside. After all, we live in a society, surrounded by people and a huge amount of information, advertising, etc. of things. And when dreams or desires do not coincide with the needs of your soul, I think you yourself have already noticed that they are rarely fulfilled.

But in order for your goals, dreams and desires to be fulfilled relatively easily, you need not only their truth, but also a sufficient amount of energy.

Let's say you realized that the dream of becoming a fashion designer, designer, or lawyer is your truest dream. Or travel around the world by taking a trip around the world. Or invent something that will make life easier for a certain number of people. Etc. But at This left you with energy only for the minimum level of existence. In this case, what kind of fulfillment of even your most true desire can we talk about?

First of all, after you have decided on what you want to achieve, you need to take care of your energy level.

Sometimes and vice versa. If at the moment you have apathy, the so-called depression or a midlife crisis, and you want nothing, absolutely nothing, nothing pleases you and you have nothing more to strive for, then again, first of all, you need to take care of your energy level .

I think I am not opening America for anyone, saying that for the fulfillment of desires, and indeed in order to want something, a certain amount of human energy is needed.

Indeed, in fact, what is a breakdown, depression, or disappointment from the fact that desires and dreams do not come true? All this originates from the lack of energy in a person. The less energy a person has, the less joy, vitality, desire to set goals, accomplish and achieve remains in him.

And vice versa. The more energy, the more faith a person has that he will achieve everything. More thirst for life, desire to set new goals, master new subjects, professions, achieve the unattainable, conquer the Himalayas, invent the impossible, etc.

Let's look at where you can get the energy from so that you again have a thirst for life, a desire to accomplish and conquer, or at least a desire to go to the nearest park and enjoy the sparkling spring sun? Or a desire to learn a new program? Or the very desire to think about your new desires!

So, where does a person's energy go and what needs to be done in order to return it, then not to squander it again incomprehensibly where, but to direct it in the right, constructive direction?

The first, it is the main thing, these are thoughts. But not just thoughts, but fixation either on their own problems, or on the affairs and lives of other people. Accordingly, the lack of thoughts on the topic “How grateful I am for this, for this, and also for me this has come true, and life helps me in this, etc.” As well as the lack of thoughts in the morning, during the day and in the evening on the topic of their goals and desires. And most importantly - not hundreds of goals and desires, but two or three, so that it does not seem that you want a lot of things, but it is impossible to accomplish because of this huge number.

But let's take a look at this point in order.

Focus on your problems. Life is such a thing that you like it or not, but there are periods of "problems". And then there is nothing left but to relax and get these problems in the proper quantity and volume. Doing anything during these periods is useless, and sometimes even harmful. Especially during such periods, no active external actions should be taken, and in no case should new projects be started.

During these periods, it is worth stopping and thinking about ... for example, how good it is that you are still breathing at all. A joke, of course, but there is some truth in it. But the main thing that should never be done is to fall into thoughts about “how bad things are for you”, “how unfair life is”, “why you need all this suffering and trouble”, etc.

This is the first danger that awaits you in such life periods. The more you think about how hard and bad it is for you right now, the more you feel sorry for yourself, the more energy you will spend on supporting you in this state of apathy and disappointment.

Such periods, whatever you say, tend to end. And no matter how hard it is for a person, but if he can control his thoughts and his attitude to life during these months, then after the onset of a new period called “the streak is bright and very good, just put your hands in time”, he will be able to quickly recover and not feel a special energy decline.

So, the main thing is to control your thoughts. A gratitude and success diary will help with this. Often, when we begin to list all the good things that life has given us and concentrate our thoughts on this, the difficult period ends immediately. To learn how to keep such a diary, read the article. "Your Diary of Success".

No one says that you need to get away from reality and say “how everything is fine, even though everything is so bad,” but you should not go into a feeling of self-pity. Otherwise, you will miss the completion of a period that is not very bright. And then, even though everything starts to change, you will no longer be able to adjust to the new reality and miss the moment when you should sit down, set new goals, understand what you want from life further and start actively moving towards it.

Your own thoughts, which are easily amenable to your control (only yours, but not external control in any way), can become a trap for you. Or vice versa, if you didn’t lose your spirit during the recession, and if not every day, then at least every other day, waking up in the morning, thanking life for what you have, then these thoughts will help you save your energy and not slide into apathy.

I want to pay special attention to this point and repeat it again. Your energy largely depends on the quality of your thoughts.

The darker the thoughts, the more you think about “how unfair everything is”, the lower and worse your energy level is. What kind of fulfillment of desires, secrets and recipes of how to fulfill a desire can we talk about if all your energy is spent on maintaining negative thoughts.

And if you think that negative or positive thoughts do not affect your energy level, and, accordingly, your desire and thirst to live, dream and act, then do a little exercise right now.

Sit down and remember the last troubles from your life, think a little about them .... Well, after these thoughts, do you still have at least some desires? Or at least the belief that these desires will come true?

And now, urgently, right urgently, urgently, lean back in your chair and begin to remember what has come true in your life and what good do you have. I do the second exercise almost every day. It is not as difficult and long as it might seem at first glance. Since this exercise does not require any specific place, conditions, etc.

You can remember your fulfilled wishes when you go or drive to work.

You can think about them when you get back from work to relax and unwind from the stress of the day.

You can remember your successes and achievements when you are almost asleep, and half asleep thank life for everything. Or you can, on the contrary, think about fulfilled desires in the morning.

In order not to go far, I will say that this morning I was just remembering all the goals that have been achieved over the past six years. And not just remembered, but thanked life and received great pleasure from this process. I remembered that 6 years ago I decided to grow my hair. Those women who have grown their hair from a boyish haircut will perfectly understand that this is quite an achievement.

I thought about how I decided to learn to write with both hands. Since I am left-handed, but like many people of my age, retrained left-handed, at some point it became important for me to learn to write with my left hand. And today I remembered what kind of squiggles I got at first, but now I write perfectly not with one, but with two hands! For some reason this is very important to me.

I thought about how I had learned to draw over the last few years. And not just draw, but graduated from art school with honors. But before that, I almost never held brushes in my hands. Since I studied and lived in a small village, there was neither drawing nor drawing in our school. So for me this success is a real success.

So here is the first secret for you to increase your energy level and fulfill your desires - control your thoughts, direct them to where it comes from. energy and not where it disappears.

Second. Thoughts about other people, events, etc.

You can say that it seems like thoughts too, but why then did we single them out in a separate paragraph. In principle, you are right, these are also thoughts. But if in the first case, when we concentrate on negative events, we immediately feel a loss of energy, then in the second case, we may not even understand that the energy was spent on these thoughts.

It seems like what's wrong with that, if after meeting with relatives you and your husband discuss this event for a couple of days? But where there are discussions, there are constant thoughts about that relative and about that one, and also about that, who else said what, who did what, and so on. It seems like these thoughts are not negative, but the question is - do they add energy to you?

You don't even have to convince yourself and me that such thoughts are useful. Of course, they, just like in the first case, eat up your vitality, take human energy.

So you thought for a day or two about the life and fate of other people, and God forbid, you envied, gossiped, as they say, “the bones were washed” for several times, and now your goals and desires are somehow so distant, covered with a veil of fog, and after a few days you have completely forgotten about yourself. You are all thinking about why your distant relative from Prostokvashino was unlucky, or vice versa, lucky, with this and that. But your thoughts smoothly switched to a distant relative of your not very close friend, whom you saw briefly, but about whom she told you SUCH, SUCH told you ... But these are not just thoughts, but in the evening you are discussing these events with might and main with your husband , girlfriend, sister, etc. And here….

Hey, wake up, get back to yourself, to your goals, to your desires!

Tell yourself: “So, stop, you are my thoughts and I control you. Well how fast, what's on our agenda? Where are my desires? So, what was the last thing there, it seems, the conquest of the Milky Way galaxy? So go ahead, boarding! And how will thoughts about Vasya Pupochkin and his Galya Tverdopupkina help me in this conquest? No way! And there is nothing to say about the increase in energy, one expense. So goodbye, darlings!”

The same applies to thoughts about some world events, events in your city, country, house, porch, etc. things. What do these thoughts and discussions give you? Are they closer to the realization of your goals and desires. Do they make you and those around you at least a little happier? Do they fill you with energy, a thirst for life and a desire to move and develop further, set new goals and realize them?

Third. Watching TV, reading the media, "hanging out" on various social networks and forums.

That's where the energy goes, so it goes. At one time, as soon as my husband and I got married, the first thing we did was get rid of the TV. And for almost 15 years now, as this destroyer and devourer of energy, happiness and joy of life in our family there is no. Therefore, it is already difficult for me to remember how much time we spent watching TV before. The only thing I can say is that if somewhere in a rest home or at a party we watch TV even a little, then there is a sharp emptiness, loss of energy and absolute and perfect, one might say “ideal” apathy for life. Everything seems useless, life becomes scary and unpredictable, and in the soul there is a feeling “why live at all, since everything is SO bad.” But what exactly is "bad" and how exactly, cannot be formulated.

After a couple of days, the energy returns, what is seen and heard is gradually weathered and praise to all heaven that such moments in our lives are extremely and extremely rare.

Naturally, watching TV is not only a loss of energy and faith in life, but also a waste of time. The time that many of you just “do not have enough” to realize your desires, to learn something new. Or just spend time with your family.

All of the above also apply to the media.

The most interesting thing is that many do not even realize how much they depend on the TV. And although many say, “yes, we almost don’t watch it,” but if this box fails, like everyone else, people get stressed, their mood deteriorates, etc., in general, all signs of addiction.

What can I say. It is difficult for an ordinary person who thinks and lives in a stereotyped way to give up this addiction. But since you are reading such articles, since you are striving for something more, since you are thinking about how to fulfill desires, where to get energy, etc., then you are no longer an ordinary, average person who thinks in patterns. You are a thinking, thinking and actually living person. In general, you are alive, alive. So draw your own conclusion.

At the same time, you don’t need to think that someone is calling you to shut yourself off from the world and not participate in life. On the contrary, the more free time you have, and it will appear if you remove the viewing of series, news and talk shows, the more opportunities will open up in front of you. Including reading books, if necessary, a second education, a new job, time to attend courses, study new discoveries, etc.

In the end, you will have the time and strength to notice other people, not somewhere far away. And the people around you, your loved ones, relatives and friends, who just most of all sometimes need your help, sympathy and support.

Fourth. Education.

It doesn’t matter if you are getting a second degree or taking courses in fashion design, cutting and sewing, design, etc. While we are learning, even in those periods when something is not clear or it seems that we will never master it, in any case, energy comes to us. Education, mastering new skills, professions, learning a language - all this increases the internal level of human energy.

While a person is studying, while his brains are busy mastering new information, while it is difficult for him to master a new subject, to absorb new information, in general, energy is generated at this time. Often it is the development of something new that brings many people out of depression and apathy to life. It is study, not antidepressants.

And, of course, learning and mastering new skills goes hand in hand with the fulfillment of your goals and desires. Well, what kind of realization of desires can we talk about if, for example, your desire is from the field of singing, and you have never sung before, except for related feasts? Of course, first of all, you should start studying, find either a vocal teacher or enroll in courses.

And do not tell me that this is obvious and understandable to everyone. I receive so many letters with the question of how to realize this or that desire, and when I clarify what a person has done for this, it turns out - nothing. Well, not really, of course, nothing ... for example, a girl dreams of becoming a photographer, she was given a camera and now she considers herself a professional. The only thing left is to open a studio, post an ad and go! But why is she in a bad mood, why is there no self-confidence? Yes, because her subconscious mind perfectly understands that in order to become a professional and realize her dream, it is necessary to study. And to the question of whether she is studying, she knows at least what aperture, shutter speed, photosensitivity and the like are, she replies that she does not know. And why, because now the camera takes pictures almost by itself, everything is on the machine.

Well, what can I say, myself - so myself. Just don’t make such mistakes, study, master those areas that will be useful to you in realizing your goals and desires. Take action. And then desires will not make you wait long.

Sincerely, Anastasia Guy.

The dream of any leader is an ideal team united around a single corporate goal. An experienced leader knows that this dream will forever remain a dream, that there is no ideally cohesive team, the members of which are affected by one factor of motivation.

People are different, everyone has their own personal goals and tasks of coming to work. One dreams of building a dizzying career, but now the third year "works out the duty" in the position of assistant manager; he tries to show himself to the management, but dreams of "hooking up" the manager and climbing the first rung of the career ladder - he does not have enough determination to openly apply for a promotion. And this young woman expects a planned addition to her family and understands that it will be easier for her to go on maternity leave from this hated job, so she goes to her every day from 9 to 18. competencies are not enough to occupy a position in an open competition for a good vacancy. And a bright and talented specialist is looking for a new place of work, as he has sat too long on this and sees no prospects for himself. And so on… How many people in a team, so many motives to work in it.

The task of the leader is to find and establish the resultant of the target priorities of the employees of the team. If a manager manages to shape the goals of the organization in such a way that the achievement of a corporate goal helps individual members achieve their individual priorities, then such a leader is doing everything right.

4 steps to form a corporate value system

Step 1. Identify existing employee priorities

It is necessary by observing the actions of employees to put forward the motivating factors for these actions. After that, each hypothesis is tested in practice.

For example, the secretary is responsible for paper consumption in the printer. The first hypothesis of the observer is a thrifty attitude to corporate values. When checking the assumption, it turned out that this worker took the saved sheets of paper home.

Step 2. Formation of the value system required by the company

This stage involves the creation of such a system of values ​​that will unite the resource capabilities of the business, its traditions and the competencies of employees. The experience of global corporations proves that such values ​​are the basis of business (and not only large, but also small family companies). Everyone knows about the lifetime employment of Japanese employees, for whom work becomes a second family. But this would not be possible without a competent system of values.

Example. The sales manager, in terms of company values, must be a good listener who understands the client. If the manager is focused only on quick money, then solvency assessment will be included in his work with the client, the manager will begin to impose expensive services, thereby risking losing contact.

Step 3. Implementing a value system

The corporate values ​​formed by the manager must be presented to the company's staff. According to them, work is carried out by each line manager: whether the employee corresponds to the new value system. This is a long process. Assessing the activities of each employee, the manager is obliged to pose a question to the employee: “What were you guided by when making a decision? What values ​​influenced the formation of the decision?

Work example. The accountant submitted a report with an error. During a conversation with him, the manager finds out that the mistake was made due to the fact that the accountant was in a hurry to take the child to kindergarten and left 15 minutes earlier. When completing the report, the accountant was guided by the personal priority of "turning in on time and leaving work early", instead of the accepted corporate value of "bearing responsibility for the result of one's activities". In her case, it was possible either not to postpone the work on the report until the critical deadline, or to come the next day a little earlier and make a quality report, or to find someone who could pick up the child. And as a result, the accountant received a reprimand from the management (which undoubtedly demotivated the accountant), and the company received a fine from the tax office.

Step 4. Constant control over the implemented value system

One of the functions of management is control at the stage of introducing new corporate values. Especially if the value system introduced is very different from the previous one. Work on implementation and control should be carried out throughout the management vertical. This is the only way to form a team of like-minded people who act as a united front for the benefit of the company.

You need to effectively determine what kind of person you have taken on the team. As monitoring of working hours shows, what employees say at the interview and how they work in reality do not always coincide.

Bitcop Security is a software assistant for doing business and monitoring the work of office employees

Many enterprises at the control stage begin to use various technical means. The Russian company Bitcop offers a new proprietary software package for system time tracking - Bitcop Security. This complex is easy to install and provides objective measurable performance indicators for office workers.

With its help, managers of all levels can optimize the workflow by identifying and promptly eliminating the inefficient use of working time by employees. For example, if a working time control system were installed in the accounting department of the enterprise where the accountant postponed the report to the last moment, then the manager could know about the problem in advance. Fines and reprimands could have been avoided.

Automation of control over disciplinary values ​​allows you to take them beyond the scope of subjective assessment. However, the time tracking system is not for tight control. The main task is the self-organization of the work process for the employee. But in disputable situations, the manager will have a complete analysis of the workflow to make the right decisions.

A company formed around common values ​​can give an employee not only wages and emotions, but also fill his work with deep meaning. Do not be afraid of change, keep up with the times.

What questions will you find answered in this article:

  • How do employees go about making decisions?
  • Why does a manager need to know the priorities of his employees
  • What you need to do to create a team of like-minded people

I'll tell you a few stories. I am sure that each of them is more or less familiar to you.

History 2. The new waiter started to work. He completed a brief training course, successfully passed the work standards test and the skills test. However, having started work, he began to do everything differently - as he considered right. When the restaurant manager asked the waiter why he did not comply with the standards, the employee replied that he did not like them. There were no complaints about the waiter from the customers, and he received tips more than others and did not give them to the common cauldron, as was customary; sometimes he only shared with the cooks at his own discretion.

History 3. The head of the company noticed that the employees were not proactive and indifferent, so he began to apply different methods of motivation. To no avail. He hired a "secret employee" who was supposed to find out the reasons for decadent moods and understand what prevents people from showing themselves at least a C grade. A month and a half later, the management learned about the traditions that somehow developed in the team and were never openly discussed. These traditions turned out to be stronger than a reasonable desire to get pleasure and money from work. The initiator was also found. The management considered him a clown and a holy fool, but it turned out that a significant share of the real power in the company belonged to him and his supporters.

How do employees go about making decisions?

Any company faces many challenges, but all of them have a common problem - it's staff. The company has been looking for the right employee for a long time, trains, motivates, nurtures and cherishes, but when the time comes and he has to make decisions on his own, it turns out that the employee is not guided by the instructions that you gave him, but by his own value system. We call this way of making decisions MKTL ("I Feel It's Better"). The employee's values ​​(and not the standards, regulations and rules of the company) determine what decision he will make, how he will act, whether he will do it one way or another.

What is value? This is an idea, emotion, object or phenomenon that a person always remembers and by which he is guided in his achievements, victories and triumph.

For example, he values ​​honesty above all else, the triumph of which is more important to him than other values, including money and health. Values ​​have different specific gravity.

For example, when a person gets behind the wheel, then from the total amount of values ​​he singles out those that will guide him on the road. For one, the priority will be "give way to the fool", for the other - "how to bypass these suckers in a traffic jam", and for the third - "the main thing is to meet 7 liters per 100 km." It is different priorities, not different experiences, that determine our behavior both on the road and at work. Therefore, you need to know the priorities that guide your employees. Otherwise, you won't know what decisions they will make when you leave them out of control.

Four steps to reprioritize employees

Your task is to figure out the priorities of your deputies and build these priorities so that the leaders themselves make the right decisions. And they, having learned the proper order of priorities, should teach it to subordinates at their level of management (see figure). By the way, family and school play a significant role in setting priorities, therefore, at an interview with a candidate, you need to ask him in detail about his childhood, no matter how strange it may sound.

Step 1. Find out the existing priorities of employees

The true priorities of a person are manifested not in words, but in deeds. Therefore, watch the actions of employees. But remember that the same action can be performed under the influence of different priorities. Do not rush to conclusions - build hypotheses and test them. Let me give you an example: You are watching a waiter in your favorite restaurant. You notice that whenever he has the opportunity, he goes to his tables and does something useful for the visitors: clears the dishes, pours wine into a glass or replaces the ashtray. He understands what needs to be done for the guests to make the evening unforgettable. What is he guided by? What is the priority behind these actions? Someone will think: "He wants to get a tip." This is a hypothesis, possibly dictated by our value system. How to check it? Don't leave a tip, come tomorrow and sit at his table again, and so on for several days. If the waiter's desire to be helpful has not disappeared, then a new hypothesis is needed; if it has disappeared, then the guess was probably correct.

As you can see, understanding priorities is not easy. I'm sure most of you do it intuitively. You acquired this ability over many years of working with people by trial and error. The proposed approach differs only in that it provides technology instead of a similar method.

Once you can predict the behavior of your environment and explain it in terms of priorities, you have already taken the first step.

Step 2. Determine the right priority system for your company

At this stage, you should be guided by the goals of employees, based on available resources and business traditions. Again, sit down and think. An effective value system should facilitate the adoption of correct decisions from a corporate point of view. Take, for example, a salesperson. What are his right priorities? For him, the priority of continuing the conversation should be important. The seller should not miss any opportunity to continue the conversation with a potential client. When faced with a choice - hang up or talk, he must choose the latter.

Or another example. Let's take the restaurant business, consider what guides the bartender in his work. The ability to understand the client must be included in his list of priorities. A bartender who is guided by this interest will certainly be a good listener. Thanks to this, customers will go to the bar, they will leave money here, the company will make a profit. If you put profit as a priority, then the bartender will evaluate the client in terms of contribution to this profit, will impose more expensive drinks on him, customers will grumble and go to the bar to someone who understands them.

So, you know what guides your employee (step 1), determined what he should be guided by (step 2). Now it remains to put the latter into practice. Talk to him, discuss new priorities, results, exciting prospects for the employee (if the prospects are so-so, then it was not worth changing the priorities). And if during the conversation you realize that the employee does not correspond to new priorities (for example, the bartender does not know how to listen), then he takes someone else's place.

Step 3. Implement the right priorities

At first, for three weeks or more, the employee, when making decisions and taking actions, should ask himself: “What priorities am I guided by? Can I make a better decision based on the right priority?

The introduction of new priorities is a difficult task, it cannot be solved without your interaction with the employee. You have a lot to discuss in order for him to accept the new value system. Be sure to do a flight debrief. Imagine an executive whose personal driver has been involved in an accident. He, of course, can be fired, or you can sort out the situation approximately according to this scheme.

1. You ask what the driver was guided by, find out what led to the accident. It was unlikely that it was accuracy and attentiveness. But “I was in a hurry to the appointed time” and “did not want to swallow the dust from the Zhiguli car ahead” - they could well.

2. Once you've figured out what the driver's real priorities were, invite him to consider alternatives. For example, say: “You were in a hurry and got into an accident, but you could have left a little earlier.

How much earlier did you have to leave so as not to rush? Here it is proposed to replace the priority “just not to be late” with the priority “plan properly”.

3. Now you need to take the word from the driver that he will be guided by the new priority. Taking a word from a person is a very effective method, it includes pronouncing options for action under the influence of a new priority.

Step 4. Take control of the introduction of a new value system

The new hierarchy of priorities will inevitably lead to new decisions and results. The more the correct priorities differ from the original ones, the more striking will be the difference in the results. If the results are achieved, then the employee can be left alone until the goals, internal conditions of the business or external circumstances change. If the results are not encouraging, despite the fact that the employee is diligently guided by the new priorities, then you should return to the second step and - again think a lot.

What gives a change in the value system of employees

The new priorities of your employees will give them a higher level of commitment to the company. It becomes important for them to be useful for business, they take the initiative and are more willing to take responsibility. They are guided by corporate rules and priorities, and you no longer need petty care. Once you have prioritized your environment and taught deputies to change the priorities of employees at the next level of the hierarchy, you can lay the foundation for the formation of a “Monolith of like-minded people” - a team that is guided by consciously built and agreed priorities. Working in a team of like-minded people is seen as a reward and advantage in itself. This leads to the fact that not only material incentives begin to operate in the company, but also non-material ones, such as a sense of belonging to a significant environment (see Circus, theater or temple?). The company is perceived as an ideal place to work.

I think many readers have a question: since everything is complicated with these values, maybe we should leave everything as it is? Yes, you can leave it, but then the stories given at the beginning of the article will be repeated and the employees will be guided by the MKTL principle. A person uses his most valuable resource - time - in three ways: loses, spends and invests. Criticizing a subordinate who has made a bad decision without discussing with him the right priorities for the future is a waste of time. Criticism doesn't change people! It can only make them smarter and more circumspect.

Circus, theater or temple?

The company for the employee is a source of energy. Energy can be transferred to it through three channels. Depending on this, I subdivide companies into several levels.

The company is a circus. For her, the energy transfer channel is “food”. Following this analogy, the leader, like a circus performer forcing an animal to jump from one pedestal to another, will prepare a piece of meat or a whip. The head of such a company is most concerned with the question of how low wages (or a small piece of meat - in our analogy) can be for the employee to still do his job. In the "circus" the only incentive is wages and manipulations with them.

The company is theater. The next channel of energy transfer is “emotion”. If we draw an analogy with a business, then the leader does everything so that the company gives an impression that customers are happy to pay for again and again. Employees come to work not only for the salary, but also for the emotions that “playing on stage” gives them. The loyalty of an actor to the theater is many times greater than that of a tiger in a circus. For motivation in the "theatre" impressions are added to the salary. And they begin to play a major role.

The company is a temple. The third channel of energy transmission is the “idea” or “meaning”. Such a company gives the employee a salary, emotions and fills his work with meaning. There cannot be many such companies, and each of them becomes a cult one. These are Apple, Microsoft, Sony, Nokia. In the "theater" only the "director" (director, owner) knows the future, in the "circus" they live for today. In the "temple" there are sacred rules that cannot be violated by anyone, and they are called mission.

Konstantin Kharsky- General Director of the company "Value Management for Business", expert of the magazine "

A woman is able to create the world and change her own reality at her own discretion, simply by mastering the rules for managing the colossal life energy inherent in her. The only thing she needs to know about herself is that the energy of her body is not controlled by the brain, not by feelings, and not even by thoughts, but by her attention. What she pays attention to, what she thinks about most of the time, forms her reality.

What do you think about most of the day?

Now look at your own life from the outside and tell me where do you put your own energy, what do you direct your attention to? TV show about stars, news of the political world, discussion of labor troubles, misbehavior of their own offspring, or tedding a huge pile of moss-covered past?

You think about the ex-boyfriend who made you suffer, and by doing so you send him some of your energy. Do your thoughts frantically hover around the problems of your girlfriends, neighbors, relatives? Precious energy is wasted left and right, not at all for its intended purpose, as if you do not care about your own life. You are ready to deprive yourself of energy, not realizing what stupidity you are doing.

Why focus on yourself?

When you spend your energy on other people, what is left for you? What's going on with your personal life? And the thing is bad, because having become empty, a woman loses her inner attractiveness, ceases to be attractive to the opposite sex, she has nothing to offer a man.

The stronger sex has physical superiority, while the weaker one takes the fortress by the sensual sphere. A woman draws her strength from within, in exchange for protection and care, she is able to offer a man tenderness and consistently pleasant emotions. How can she get inner fullness and stability if she has wasted everything on others?

It is very important for her to learn to manage her own attention for her own good, to direct the energy of thought to herself, and not to others. She should spend as little time as possible fearing her future, worrying about the past, or thinking about the people who betrayed her. The surest tactic for accumulating energy is concentration on yourself, the ability to put yourself on a pedestal, pamper yourself, and finally take care of yourself. Only then will a woman be able to truly radiate the energy of happiness, attracting the necessary events and pleasant male attention into her life.

The practice of "here and now" as the basis of female attractiveness

It is impossible to control your own attention if your thoughts are constantly traveling in time. Think about where you are right now? Are you thinking about opportunities and goals for the future? Or are you bringing up grudges from the past? And now answer for yourself: where does your energy go? Most likely, she does not work for you, but escapes into the past or future, depriving you of the present.

Do you want to attract a man into your life or achieve some significant goals? But how will all this manifest "now" if you are not here all the time! Remember, where you focus your attention is where you direct your energy, this will be your reality. Or you will continue to live in constant expectation of some kind of change, surrounded by events that do not suit you. Or concentrate on the “now” moment, the inner “I”, the events that already exist in your life and fill it with joy.

Only by mastering the practice of proper concentration of attention, you will achieve dizzying changes in your life! You will become many times more attractive and happier, learn to value yourself and bring love to the world around you. Remember, you must take care of yourself first, and only then make others happy. Don't forget to take care of yourself!

Sexual energy has tremendous creative power. However, in the modern world, few people think about it. Conscious work with one's own energy remained the privilege of Eastern traditions and those who were carried away by it. And if the majority knows at least something about the chakras and general energy, then society does not even think about the essence and depth of the sexual aspect. Sexual energy is considered in the narrow context of procreation and enjoyment. However, its essence is much larger. This was discussed in a previous article on this topic. Here we will consider how to manage this energy so that it goes to strengthen our body and increase vitality.

Relationship between sexual energy and organs of the body

Negative emotions and experiences deplete our vitality, thereby reducing the creative properties and the sexual aspect. And in the same way, positive qualities and their improvement increase the amount of sexual energy. With a conscious approach to managing this energy, you can send it inside yourself, into your organs and glands. Having a huge potential, the energy of sexuality will fill them with vitality, which, in turn, will have a beneficial effect on increasing the overall tone. According to the Taoists, the higher centers into which the stored energy enters are responsible for emotions and virtues. Organs, filled with vitality, are brought to reference health, and begin to have a beneficial effect on other, diseased organs. Ultimately, the whole organism reaches a good state. And the development of a higher quality life force contributes to the transformation of negative manifestations, such as anger, irritation, sadness, depression.

Pleasure with loss of energy and with gain

Usually, everything happens the other way around. A person during an orgasm releases energy from himself, which simply dissolves in space. Thus, he simply loses his vitality. If you send her in and up, then the energy will reach the higher centers of our body, and the experiences from this will be incomparably greater and richer. They differ significantly from the minimum that a person experiences during a normal orgasm. In addition, it will allow you to keep your energy in yourself, which will result in increased vitality and good health. Where does the energy of pleasure come from during orgasms, in which we lose this very energy? It comes from within ourselves. This is our life force, our health, the energy of the organs and the body as a whole. Letting it out, we lose a piece of ourselves. The pleasure that we get from releasing this energy is like a fire that has been splashed with fuel. It flares up quickly and goes out just as quickly. And if there is no feedback, then relaxation and fatigue sets in. And it takes some time to make up for the losses. The reason is that we are looking for happiness and pleasure outside ourselves, we focus on the desires of the body and forget about the desires of the soul. But only by turning inward, we will learn not to lose energy, but, on the contrary, to accumulate, using it for our own development. Turning the sexual energy and associated orgasm inward is the first step on the path to pleasure with energy and control of your senses. As you have more sexual energy within you, the organs of the body will become stronger and then be able to control, satisfy and balance the emotions.

What does it mean to direct energy inwards? supreme orgasm

orgasmic energy is the energy of all organs of the body, combined with high-frequency sexual energy. With a normal orgasm, we throw it out, lose it, thereby reducing our vitality. However, it can also be directed inward, forcing it to re-circulate through the body, increasing its amount and cleansing. This can be learned through practice. "Microcosmic Orbit". Having learned to feel your own energy, to control it, you will eventually come to new, indescribable experiences and pleasures, which are called "higher orgasm." supreme orgasm- this is a constantly growing pleasure that has no end, does not splash out strength and energy. Each time you will rise higher and higher, comprehending new heights, new experiences, opening a different realm of sexuality and pleasure. This orgasm passes through all organs and glands, through the entire nervous system, through every cell of the body, causing them to tremble and fill them with vitality.

Practice "Microcosmic Orbit"

Description: The Microcosmic Orbit Meditation is based on the Chinese system of meridians, which are channels that conduct energy through the human body. Internal energy circulates along the "orbit" (Small celestial circle), formed by two main meridians: the posterior median (Control channel), which goes from the perineum to the head, and the anteromedian (Conception channel), which goes from the head to the perineum. Benefit: It is the prevention of diseases, promotes healing, leads to a balance of the organs and systems of the body. Practice:
  • 1. Sit on a chair with a straight back, put your feet on the floor for the entire foot. Calm your mind and breath. When your mind is calm, pay attention to the navel. Imagine a cavity filled with energy in the navel area. If possible, try to feel this energy. Use your imagination to direct this energy down to your perineum and then up your back to your tailbone.
  • 2. When you feel the energy flowing along this path, imagine it rising up to the junction of the ribs with the spine, and then as the energy continues its way straight up to the base of the skull.
  • 3. As the energy passes through the base of the skull, press the tongue against the palate. Then visualize the energy reaching your crown. Now focus on the point between the eyebrows and send the energy from the crown down through the point between the eyebrows.
  • 4. Let the energy pass between the eyebrows, then through the palate and tongue to the throat, and then to the heart. Bring the energy down to the solar plexus and then to the navel. Repeat the entire cycle as many times as you like.
  • 5. End the meditation by confirming to yourself that your organs are healthy and full of fresh energy.
A conscious approach to the development of your sexuality will not only allow you to get new pleasures in terms of quality, but will also increase your spiritual and physical level. Sexual energy is truly the creative energy of life! Used material from
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