The harm of sport to health. Do we have the opportunity to choose coaches? Professional sports: what is important for parents to know

The very word “sport” evokes positive emotions in us. Every parent wants to send their child to a sports school so that he or she develops properly physically. This is all true. But parents need to know that There are both benefits and harms in sports.

Negative aspects of sports

People who play sports professionally and from early childhood are often not distinguished by high intelligence. They do not have time to read books, study, or go to theaters or museums.

Frequent and intense training causes stress. Sometimes, having achieved the highest sports awards, a person, due to the constant nervous tension that accompanies a long climb to the victory podium, is a neurasthenic in everyday life. Professional sports are considered the most harmful, because at the end of a sports career a person has a bunch of unenviable diagnoses and problems with the body.

According to statistics, boxers and football players, where blows from a fist or ball land on the head, causing a concussion, rank first in terms of the lowest level of intelligence.
It is worth noting that intense training lowers testosterone levels, which does not affect better side on a man's sex life.

Amateur sports gives fewer negative consequences, but only if the training takes place under the supervision of a trainer. Without proper supervision, an athlete may put much more strain on the body than it can handle.

Positive aspects (if the sport is amateur)

During sports, the heart rate increases, brain function and circulation increase blood is flowing intensively, enriching the body with oxygen. Sport helps with various disorders by replacing negative thoughts with more positive ones.

People who exercise regularly, but without fanaticism, are practically not susceptible to most diseases. Adrenaline, which is released into the blood during physical activity, promotes memory development. Athletes make decisions faster Everyday life, and also have excellent spatial orientation.

The sex life of athletes is more active than that of people leading a sedentary lifestyle. And the constant production of endorphins allows you to forget what depression is.

What sport to choose will be up to everyone to decide for themselves. Playing sports professionally is very hard work with unpleasant consequences, but there is undoubtedly more reward and glory in it. Amateur – a sport for pleasure, when your figure, health and mood improve.

Today we will talk about the benefits of sports. IN modern world Where the power of information technology prevails, it is difficult to keep fit constantly.

Everyone needs sport

It entails dangers such as obesity, atherosclerosis, strokes, migraines and other ailments. There is a way out - start. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to visit the pool or gym; you can do physical exercises at home.

The health benefits of sports are invaluable only with a competent approach to exercise. Each person should choose for himself exactly the type of physical activity that suits him for health reasons and based on personal preferences. By exercising with pleasure and without unnecessary stress that exhausts the body, you can not only keep your body in good shape, but also change your life for the better.

Playing sports. Benefits for health and the human body

A lot of words have already been said about sports. So what effect does physical activity have on the body? What are the benefits of sports for the body?

After classes:

Improves endurance and strength;
. immunity increases (as a result of which a person gets sick less);
. the musculoskeletal system is strengthened;
. weight is normalized;
. blood circulation improves.

Sports also have a positive effect on the functioning of the visual organs and respiratory system. Such activities reduce the risk of early strokes, heart attacks and much more.

Sport fosters discipline, fortitude and responsibility, and also strengthens psychological health.

Agree that such a beneficial effect is worth looking up from the TV screen and playing sports!

Does everyone choose the type of activity for themselves?

When choosing a sport, you should listen to your body. Don't be afraid to try yourself different directions- activities should bring pleasure and satisfaction, and not drag down your mood and well-being. Each sport brings different benefits:

1. Running. For some reason, this one often remains aside as not bringing quick effect. But in vain, if you want to have it without the risk of stopping after 40 years, running is a faithful assistant for this. Once you achieve certain results, you are own experience Experience increased muscle tone, weight loss and a significant increase in energy.
2. brings great benefits. It improves blood circulation, the functioning of the heart, lungs and organs of vision, trains the vestibular apparatus, and also prevents the appearance of varicose veins veins
3. Skiing can replace cycling in the cold season. The benefits of this activity are not inferior to the options described above.
4. For those who are contraindicated for strong physical activity, there is also a sport - swimming. It will bring the body into the desired shape, help the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Swimming has no age restrictions. Orthopedic doctors often prescribe this sport for the treatment and prevention of spinal curvature and other diseases in children.

5. Similar beneficial effects can be felt during dance or yoga classes. In addition to general strengthening of the body, they will make the body flexible and elastic.
6. Classes in gym. This choice is for those who want not only to improve muscle elasticity, but also to build muscle mass. This option, like group fitness classes, is suitable only for those people who have no medical contraindications.
7. If desired, you can stop at sports games. This could be badminton, tennis or squash. All such activities perfectly train all muscle groups and charge you with energy. By playing, you can improve your health and at the same time achieve great victories.

8. Everyone's favorite football is a game that trains strength and endurance. Contrary to the belief that these are activities for men, there are even teams for girls. Football perfectly develops and supports both a growing organism and an already formed one.

Add sports to your life!

The benefits of sport for the body are invaluable. And in order to be slim, fit and energetic, you only need to do physical exercise at home a few times a week or go to a fitness center. Beginners should definitely consult with a trainer so that he can correctly draw up a training program. After all, systematic and optimal exercise stress prevents the body from aging prematurely and fills you with vigor for every day!

A little conclusion

Now you know the benefits of sports. As you can see, physical activity is necessary for a person’s normal life! So add sports to your daily or weekly routine. Then you will be active, beautiful and healthy!

Measure – useful property things that people often simply forget about. Excessive consumption leads to various disorders in the body, diseases and other troubles. As much as moderate physical activity is beneficial, it can be just as harmful if you do not pay attention to the body's needs. After all, many conditions are important for proper physical exercise.

Load to load - discord

It is believed that for building muscle mass the athlete needs to overcome extreme loads. Perform several approaches until exhaustion, and then beyond your capabilities.

In some cases, such practice is acceptable, but only under medical supervision. However, there is a high probability that such an approach will only harm your health. It’s hard to say for sure, it could be due to excessive loads.

These include damage to muscle tissue, irreversible damage to bones, sprained ligaments, and disturbances in the biochemical processes of the body. It is impossible to predict exactly how this or that incorrect load will respond, but in any case, gradualness is important.

An untrained person simply cannot immediately “take on weight” beyond his capabilities. His body is not ready for such stress, which will inevitably lead to temporary or permanent problems.

But a prepared person also needs a warm-up before classes. A short warm-up with mandatory pull-ups, jumping, stretching, light weights will make the body more prepared for subsequent exercises. But that's not all.

Rest, food, sleep

Without proper rest, no physical activity will be useful. The mistake of beginners is that they try to exercise every day, not allowing the body to recover and strengthen, and get used to new loads.

It is known that during physical impact, muscle fibers are destroyed at the micro level and then grow in excess, which leads to an increase in mass. However, this takes time, so professionals practice only 2 or 3 times a week.

Nutrition is also extremely important, and it is nutritious and in sufficient quantity. This question It is best to discuss with a sports doctor or nutritionist, since such things are strictly individual.

Dream - best vacation for all body systems. It is not worth neglecting it due to study or work, especially if a person is exposed to systematic serious physical activity in gym. On average, 8 hours of sleep is required, and in some cases more.

And also do not forget to consult with doctors before, during and after classes, so as not to lose what you already have, instead of gaining something new.

Intense physical activity leads to early atherosclerosis and calcium deposition in blood vessels. This news came from American scientists (publication in the scientific journal Mayo Clinic Proceedings, which is published by the famous Mayo Clinic). The results of the study are shocking. Not only very intense loads turned out to be harmful, but also ordinary ones, which we are strongly recommended to do.

If you carefully study the table from the article (we adapted it for the reader), it turns out that those who intensively and regularly loaded themselves in the gym, jogging, cycling, etc., had atherosclerosis 2 times more often than those who did not lead a very active lifestyle. The latter benefited even those who acted in accordance with the advice of doctors: they devoted 150 minutes a week to physical activity (in the USA this is the official recommendation).

Vascular condition depending on the level of physical activity
Physical activity level
(less than 150 minutes
in Week)
(at least 150 minutes per week)
(450 minutes
per week or more)
Total information 0* +11%** +80%
Men 0 +10% +86%
Women 0 +17% +71%
* The risk of atherosclerotic changes in this group is taken as the initial one. This indicator was calculated in relation to it in other groups.
** Increase in the risk of developing atherosclerosis as a percentage relative to the level of the first group.

25 years of observations

Observation of volunteers lasted 25 years. Their health status was first assessed at the ages of 18 to 30 years. According to adherence to an active lifestyle, everyone was divided into three groups. The first included the most passive ones; they did not run, did not jump, and did not even walk at a brisk pace for 20-25 minutes a day. The latter performed the recommended level of physical activity. The third group included the most active ones, who tortured themselves with physical activity for at least 450 minutes a week, that is, they spent more than an hour a day on it. And these enthusiasts, who were involved in a serious race for health, were 80% more likely to have poorer blood vessels than those who were lazy to do the sports minimum.

Scientists were amazed: they expected the opposite results. After all, there is an established opinion that when playing sports, cholesterol is reduced, glucose in the blood and fat under the skin are burned, the heart and blood vessels are trained, and all this delays the development of atherosclerosis.

What to do?

“There have already been studies in which similar vascular changes were detected in athletes,” explains cardiologist, doctor of medical sciences, head of department and scientific secretary of Moscow State Medical University named after. Evdokimova Yuri Vasyuk. — And in principle it’s clear why this happens. Heavy loads not only train the heart muscle, but also stress the blood vessels: high blood pressure during long and intense exercise it has the same effect as arterial hypertension. Because of this, mechanisms are triggered that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis and calcium deposition in blood vessels. It seems that in in this case It was exactly these mechanisms that worked, because people who were intensely involved in physical exercise experienced the same stress as athletes. But, of course, additional research is needed here to find out all the details.

If speak about practical advice, then it is better to exclude static loads and heavy lifting. During such exercises they become tense large groups muscles, and this contributes to increased blood pressure. Calm running, Nordic walking with poles, swimming and other moderate aerobic exercise are still useful if you follow a number of rules.

The main thing is to focus not on the kilometers of distance, but on the state of the body. This can be determined by heart rate, calculating the optimal load using Shepard's very simple formula (see infographic). With its help you will determine the maximum allowable heart rate during exercise for your age. It’s good if during exercise your heart rate is 50-60% of the maximum. This usually corresponds to a feeling of light sweating. Try to stick to that load.”

Click to enlarge

Sports are not always the best medicine from all diseases. After all, as many articles say, it is easier to find many benefits from physical exercise than harm. It turns out that harmful properties Sports have plenty. There has long been a lot of controversy and rumors about the benefits and harms of sports, often unconfirmed.

We are accustomed to the concept of sport to include simple physical activity, such as exercise in the morning, but let's look at what sport actually is. Sports are exhausting daily workouts which require maximum effort and a colossal load on the body. The amount of load on a certain part of the body depends on the type of sport.

For example, swimmers have developed certain muscle groups, runners have developed others, but the sport itself is painstaking work, tireless work on oneself, consisting of a lot of training and increasing the volume of physical activities. The benefits and harms of sports are not always visible after the first lesson, but if you do everything correctly, then there will be no harm.

Physical activity is a set of exercises aimed at maintaining and developing general group muscles. Physical activity can be regular or intermittent, depending on your preferences. You can choose the order of exercises, control the pace of action, the volume of load, and choose the equipment you train on. The benefits of playing sports in this case are obvious: your body becomes toned, blood circulation is normalized and you feel much better.

After all, physical activity does not necessarily have to be like exercise; it can be done during the day. For example, when you are walking or biking, rollerblading or river rafting. The benefits of playing sports are noticeable to any person who chooses healthy image life.

The benefits of sports training

It’s no secret that you can get enormous benefits from sports for a person, and here are just a few examples:

Formation of character, strengthening of will. Physical exercises not only give you discipline, they give you self-confidence and strength to make serious decisions. You will notice how you transform and become a leader.

Development of beautiful posture, beautiful figure. Have you been dreaming about losing a few kilos for so long? Sport will help you achieve all this, and even bring envious smiles from others. The benefits of sport in a person’s life in this case are extremely obvious.

Maintaining youth. Youth is not only a state of mind, but also a movement. If you move, then you live life to the fullest, keep your body in good shape and perform main task– you don’t grow old at heart.

Feeling good. Sport not only keeps you awake in the morning, but also gives you a good boost of energy, which increases your productivity and makes you more efficient. Good health also depends on the duration of sleep. It shouldn't be short or hectic.

Fatigue that occurs during the process physical exercise helps you fall asleep soundly and healthy sleep, and wake up in the morning like clockwork. If morning jogging becomes a habit, you won't need an alarm clock anymore. And to do this, psychologists around the world advise repeating the action for 21 days, and then it will become your habit.

Finding peace and harmony within. The problem of our time is depression, which comes due to constant stress and a feeling of dissatisfaction with oneself, life situation etc. There are a lot of complaints, but few solutions. Sports will help you achieve success and soon people will be drawn to you. You will notice interest in your personality in their eyes.

The biggest advantage of sport is its diversity. You can choose any activity you like, whatever you want. This is it enormous strength development.

Cons of sports

There is always a fly in the ointment, so the harm of sports is also present. Don't expect quick results. There won't be any. Only your patience and work can change the situation and guide you to happy life. Put in the drive and perseverance, improve yourself, and the sport will reward you.

Not everyone and not always can say “STOP” to sports. Not everyone can stop in time. Therefore, when playing sports, calculate your strength, do not get carried away with it, turning into a fan who listens little to your body. Excessive exercise leads to rapid wear and tear, stress and premature aging. In this case, instead of a surge of strength, you will feel extremely tired. The harm of sport is often purely personal arguments and judgments.

The body experiences great stress when you take energy drinks and stimulants, i.e. sports nutrition. On the one hand, such nutrition fuels the body, forcing it to give its all. On the other hand, the body is deprived of energy reserves that it put aside “for later.”

High demands on yourself. For example, the weight of a ballerina does not exceed 60 kg. For a person with small in stature This may not be a problem, but what should an organism do if it needs to receive more substances than it has to? In this case, a person injures himself through sports. He gets depressed Bad mood due to lack nutrients. Thus, the strict demands of sports can harm the digestive system.

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