Southern border of the white nights. Why white nights occur

Probably, every tourist who comes to St. Petersburg is concerned about the question of when the white nights begin and end. According to many sources, in 2019 this spectacle will "cover" the northern capital from June 11 to July 2. That is, it is worth coming to this segment.

But, as many believe (erroneously), that the white nights strictly last in this period of time. In reality, this is absolutely not the case. Therefore, let's look at this topic from a scientific and practical point of view.

  • How long is daylight
  • Let's summarize

What does the term "white nights" mean?

Strange, but many people confuse them with the polar day, during which the sun does not set below the horizon at all, but, in fact, “floats” along it. If you want to look at this phenomenon, then you should visit cities such as Usinsk, Naryan-Mar, Salekhard or Norilsk.

On white nights, the sun sets below the horizon. But, not far away - it falls only behind the line at a small angle. Therefore, it is not a day on the street, but constant twilight. Moreover, the closer you are to the horizon line, the brighter they are.

There is even a so-called division of twilight into “civilian” - the brightest, when no stars are visible in the sky, and “sea” - navigational, when you can see the main stars and you can navigate by them. In the first case, the sun goes below the horizon at an angle of 6 degrees, in the second - up to 12. Also, in the Capital, "civil" twilight lasts only 60 minutes.

So, it turns out that ordinary white nights are when "civil" twilight does not turn into "marine" twilight, but immediately becomes morning. At the same time, each object can be viewed at any time of the day or night without street lighting.

An important nuance! Twilight "from dusk to dawn" can only be observed at latitudes above 60°60′00″, and St. Petersburg is located at a latitude of 59°57′00″. That is, if we take this issue formally, then there are no “white nights” as such. Even at the brightest midnight of June 20-21.

But it's hard to notice, and here's why.

How long is daylight

Let's take the officer's reference table of the average length of daylight hours:

Attention should be paid to the fact that the period from May 21 to the end of July at a latitude of 64 degrees differs in that the day exceeds 19 hours, and only 5 hours remain for the whole night, including twilight.

St. Petersburg is located south of this latitude, and the period in which the day length is almost 19 hours will begin from last week May, and end in mid-July.

And if considering short night(together with twilight time)? And remember that the city is always more well lit than natural places due to the work of lanterns and any other lighting devices?

Of course, a brief "real" darkness still occurs, but it is simply impossible to notice with the naked eye. You won’t be able to see the stars either, and fall asleep with open curtains Same.

In reality, in the Northern capital it is most light at night starting from the end of May and ending in mid-July.

What will the city authorities and tour operators tell us?

With regards to the city government, they are closer to the "practical" point of view. For example, State Unitary Enterprise "LenSvet" is a company that annually approves the schedule for switching on lights in the city.

If you go to their official website and look at the lighting map for the current year, it becomes immediately clear when the white nights begin and end according to the "version" of LenSvet. These are the time periods when the streets are lit only until 3 am - from the end of May to the second week of July.

The federal authorities also agree that it is during this period that the city will be the most presentable for tourists and citizens. For example, the St. Petersburg Economic Forum was previously held in the second half of July (last time it was held from 01.06 to 03.06), and in 2019 the event is scheduled for May 24-26.

Well, with travel companies And operators and at all all understandable. Almost all packages for the "White Nights of St. Petersburg" for the end of May and mid-July have already been sold out. It is at this time that the city is visited largest number tourists.

Let's summarize

So how long will the white nights of St. Petersburg last this year?

In the formal sense, they do not exist at all;
- As astronomers say, from 11.06 to 02.07;
- As practice shows, from about 25.05 to 15.07.

The city of St. Petersburg has always been able to delight with its beauty all the tourists who came here from different countries peace. Most of all, this place is loved by romantics and not without reason, because only in St. Petersburg you can see the white nights, which are calling card cities.

The best time for a holiday in St. Petersburg is the beginning of July. Because at this time you can see the white nights. At this time, a special energy reigns in the city, which can be felt even by the inhabitants of the city. It's incredible when you look at the clock, and it's midnight, and it's light outside.

As you know, on May 20, white nights begin in St. Petersburg. Ever since then, the sun has not descended to the horizon, and evening twilight turns smoothly into morning. It is worth saying that such a phenomenon can also be seen in other cities of Russia, namely: Perm, Vorkuta, Vologda, Magadan and others. But, the classics of Russian literature, it was Peter who was nicknamed the "City of White Nights."

For a moment it may seem that nature is changing the background, thus making it possible to enjoy the contemplation of the beauties of the city, but only from a different angle. Parks, fountains and palaces, as if shrouded in a star web. The city is immediately filled with romance.

A great memory of this incredible event is always associated with the opening of the Blagoveshchensky and Palace bridges.

Events for white nights in St. Petersburg

During the white nights in St. Petersburg, various festivals, holidays, celebrations and concerts are held. Fans of the classics can plunge into the incredible atmosphere of the Mariinsky Theatre, where the Stars of the White Nights festival will be presented.

But, the most favorite holiday of all graduates and residents of the city is the Scarlet Sails festival. At this time, you can see the beauty of fireworks, light shows that delight all tourists, according to Therussiantimes portal. This event began to be celebrated in 2005 and to this day it is very popular.

Among all the interesting events, concerts on the Spit of Vasilyevsky Island, as well as performances on Palace Square, have become mandatory, and you can’t do without a pyrotechnic show that takes place over the Neva.

Slowly floating down the river big ship with scarlet sails, which serves as a symbol of joy and awakens the city from winter. This event attracts more than 4 million people.

The longest night in St. Petersburg is observed from June 21 to 22, and the day lasts 19 hours. After that, the duration of twilight begins to gradually decrease, and the real night begins in the city. From June 17 on the streets of the city it will be possible to see the first lights at night, this indicates that the season has already ended.

Many people say that if you were in St. Petersburg and did not get to the white nights, then you were not there. After all, many people try to come to this city at this particular period of time in order to see all the beauty with their own eyes.

What is the essence of white nights in St. Petersburg?

There is an opinion that the time of the white nights is the period when the sun does not set below the horizon. In fact, white nights are nights when the illumination does not change, and the night consists only of twilight. The peak of the white nights itself falls on June 22, and officially they last from June 11 and end on July 2. Throughout almost the entire summer, the duration of the day in St. Petersburg is longer than in Moscow.

In cities located north of St. Petersburg, white nights are brighter and longer, for example: in Murmansk and Arkhangelsk. Since Murmansk is located beyond the Arctic Circle, in winter you can see a completely different celestial phenomenon there - this is the polar night. It turns out that there are days when the sun does not rise at all.

White nights exist in most of Russia February 2nd, 2018

I have now read quite authoritative information that white nights are typical for most of the territory of Russia. Another thing is where they pay attention. St. Petersburg (59.9°N) is the northernmost city in the world with a population of over a million people. The combination of special lighting conditions with the architecture of the city gives rise to a unique spectacle, thanks to which the white nights are always closely associated with St. Petersburg.

And what exactly are these "white nights" from a scientific point of view? And here's to you...

White nights are twilight that stretches all night. In astronomy, twilight is the period of time when the sun is at a shallow depth below the horizon.

Twilight has three gradations. Civilian starts just after sunset and continues until it drops 6 degrees below the horizon. During this period, it is still quite light, and the stars in the sky are almost invisible. Civil twilight is followed by nautical twilight when bright stars are already clearly visible and can be used to determine the coordinates of the vessel. When the Sun plunges below the horizon by 12 degrees, astronomical twilight sets in. At this time, all the stars are already perfectly visible, but there is still a backlight in the sky, which can interfere with the observation of faint foggy objects.

It is believed that a full-fledged astronomical night begins only when the Sun drops 18 degrees below the horizon. Before sunrise, twilight replaces each other in the reverse order: astronomical, navigational, civil.

In the southern (more precisely, in low) latitudes, the Sun descends under the horizon along a steep trajectory during the day and quickly passes through all three thresholds of twilight. From sunset to astronomical night, only an hour and a half passes, or even less. At high latitudes, the Sun approaches the horizon along a gentle trajectory and sinks slowly under it. Moreover, in summer, even by midnight, it does not have time to overcome the twilight zone and immediately begins to rise. That is, a full-fledged astronomical night does not have time to come. This phenomenon is called white nights.

At low latitudes, the Sun quickly sinks below the horizon and night falls.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the Sun is at its highest (both at noon and midnight) per day summer solstice 21st of June. Its midnight height is 90° - (φ + ε), where φ is the geographic latitude and ε = 23.5° is the tilt of the earth's axis. On this day, at latitudes north of 66.5 °, the Sun does not set at all - a polar day is observed here. At latitudes from 60.5° to 66.5° civil twilight continues all night. At latitudes from 54.5° to 60.5° - nautical, and up to 48.5° there are days when astronomical twilight lasts all night.

2. Beyond the Arctic Circle, the Sun does not sink below the horizon in summer. 3. At the latitude of St. Petersburg, the Sun slowly sinks under the horizon in summer and remains shallow all night - in the twilight zone

White Nights- white nights are observed at the beginning of summer, when the evening dawn converges with the morning dawn and twilight lasts almost all night. The phenomenon of white nights in the atmosphere of both hemispheres is due to the geographical latitude of the area (north of 59.5 ° N and south of ... ...

WHITE NIGHTS, bright nights at the beginning of summer, when the evening dawn converges with the morning dawn and civil twilight lasts all night. They are observed in both hemispheres at latitudes exceeding 60 degrees, when the center of the Sun at midnight falls under the horizon no more than ... ... Modern Encyclopedia

Bright nights at the beginning of summer, when the evening dawn converges with the morning and civil twilight lasts all night. They are observed in both hemispheres at latitudes exceeding 60 ., when the center of the Sun at midnight falls below the horizon by no more than 70 .. In ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

White Nights- WHITE NIGHTS, bright nights at the beginning of summer, when the evening dawn converges with the morning dawn and civil twilight lasts all night. They are observed in both hemispheres at latitudes exceeding 60 °, when the center of the Sun at midnight falls under the horizon no more than ... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

White Nights- Summer nights in subpolar and polar latitudes, during which twilight does not stop. → Fig. 362 ... Geography Dictionary

1. are observed at the beginning of summer, when the evening dawn converges with the morning dawn and twilight lasts almost all night. B.'s phenomenon n. in the atmosphere of both hemispheres is due to the geographical latitude of the area (north of 59.5 ° N and south of 59.5 ° S ... ... St. Petersburg (encyclopedia)

"White Nights"- "White Nights", the All-Union Festival of Arts. It has been held in Leningrad since 1958 (until 1963 the Leningrad Festival of Arts) annually on June 2129. Designed to show best achievements musical choreographic art. Participate... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

"White Nights"- (About those who glorified the city on the Neva), a collection of essays, sketches, documents, memoirs. Produced by Lenizdat since 1971 (in 1989 issue 8th). Permanent headings: on Lenin's addresses; during the days of blockade; portraits of contemporaries; their names in history ... ... Encyclopedic reference book "St. Petersburg"

White Nights- bright nights at the beginning of summer, when the evening dawn converges with the morning dawn and twilight lasts all night. A characteristic sign of the life of St. Petersburg (Leningrad). The motive of B. N. appears in Russian. lit. starting from the 18th century. and develops in line with lit. traditions and trends... Russian humanitarian encyclopedic dictionary

St. Petersburg is one of the most beautiful cities in the world, which strikes with its grace and magnificence at a glance. Every summer, thousands of tourists come to this amazing city, when there are white nights in St. Petersburg, in order to see with their own eyes how beautiful it is. a natural phenomenon.

Formation of St. Petersburg

May 1st, 1703 Russian army won Swedish fortress called Nienschanz. But Russian emperor I did not like the fact that this fortress was located away from the sea.

Peter I carefully examined the surrounding area and found perfect place- Rabbit Island. It was surrounded on all sides by the Neva River, and this made it possible to fire cannons at passing ships. And soon the Peter and Paul Fortress was built on Hare Island.

The Russian emperor personally drew a scheme for the construction of the fortress. The architects built the fortress in as soon as possible before the first frost. The fortress had powerful walls capable of withstanding a huge siege.

For the first ten years, military units, a temple and Gostiny Dvor were located on this site. In 1705, a industrial enterprise. In 1712, the Russian sovereign announced an important decree to make the city of St. Petersburg the capital Tsarist Russia. And two years later, the Mint was moved to St. Petersburg.

By the end of the eighteenth century, more than 200,000 inhabitants lived in St. Petersburg. Many churches were built. In 1785 a duma was formed in St. Petersburg.

Today St. Petersburg continues its active development.

When do white nights start?

In the summer of 2016 in St. Petersburg it will be light at night from the eleventh of June to the tenth of July. At this time, there are a lot of citizens on the streets of St. Petersburg. The time of white nights coincides with a large-scale event for graduates of St. Petersburg educational institutions with a romantic name Scarlet Sails. And thousands of boys and girls have fun until the morning under the bright sky of their native city.

Surprisingly, during the magical period of bright nights in the city on the Neva, athletes from all over the world arrive. Every year a sports marathon starts in St. Petersburg. More than forty kilometers will be run by hardy athletes - from Palace Square and further along the delightful embankments and numerous streets of this amazing city.

During the white nights, millions of tourists from all over our planet strive to get to the city on the Neva and see with their own eyes not only the insanely beautiful city, but also the beautiful white nights.

Why are there white nights in St. Petersburg?

White night is called daylight. White nights are like cloudy days. In order to find out what this natural phenomenon is, it is necessary to understand why it is dark at night. The planet Earth revolves not only around its own axis, but also around the sun. When the sun revolves in the shadowy part of the earth, dark time days.

In St. Petersburg, during the white nights, there is no sunset. At night it is not dark, but only gloomy. Scientists call this natural phenomenon a polar day.

Sometimes the sun does not completely go below the horizon, but later a new day comes and the sun, without having had time to go below the horizon, begins to rise gradually. As a result, the night does not have time to enter into its legal rights, as a new day comes again.

Where are the white nights? List of countries

Beautiful white nights are not only in St. Petersburg, but also in Finland. The inhabitants of Finland have been accustomed to dark nights since childhood, which last in their country for more than six months, and in hot weather, dark nights are replaced by an amazing phenomenon called the “midnight sun”.

Most of the people on planet Earth who have most often seen magical white nights are citizens of cold Finland. In the capital city of Helsinki, the sun does not set below the horizon for at least more than two months. And in the southern regions of the state, white nights come into their legal rights. Therefore, the sun does not hide behind the horizon even late at night. Summer is insanely short in Finland, and therefore at this time tourists and citizens walk in public gardens, as well as performances by popular artists and children's performances are held daily.

IN summer time tourists come to Finland to see with their own eyes and photograph the magnificence and charm of this city, take a walk through the beautiful forests, play golf with their friends, catch fish in a clear pond and swim in a boat.

One of the most beautiful natural phenomena - White Nights can be seen not only in the northern capital, but also in such states as:

  • Estonia;
  • Norway;
  • Great Britain;
  • Sweden;
  • Canada;
  • Greenland;
  • Iceland;
  • Finland;
  • Denmark;
  • Antarctica.

Various events and holidays are organized in the city during the polar nights. Residents of the city believe that during the white nights there is no need to go to bed, but you need to have fun and walk.

For more than one century, St. Petersburg has been rightfully considered the cultural capital. Every year, many tourists come to see this wonderful city, and when there are white nights in St. Petersburg, the city just comes to life.

Northern Lights - what is it?

The Northern Lights are multicolored lights in the sky. Usually the northern lights shimmer with bluish-emerald lights and inserts of light pink and scarlet. These are a kind of colored stripes in the night sky, which simply amaze the imagination with their scales and modulations. The northern lights are caused by numerous processes occurring on the Sun.

Air is a mixture various gases. The sun throws off protons and electrons, and then they interfere with the air and meet with molecules of protons and electrons. In a strong collision, atoms lose their own electrons, and other atoms are excited, taking on an energy charge. After the atom completely calms down, it slowly but surely emits a light photon.

When the nitrogen molecules collide, they completely shed their electrons and begin to emit dark blue and violet light. But when a molecule is excited, but it does not shed a single electron, then it emits a scarlet color. When oxygen and solar wind molecules converge, the number of electrons does not change. The molecule becomes highly electrified, and then emits a scarlet and emerald light.

At the North Pole on any night you can see the northern lights, in Scandinavia - from twenty to two hundred times a year. In France and England, you can see the northern lights seven times a year. And once the northern lights were even in Mexico.

How and where does a rainbow appear? Color order

The rainbow is a truly amazing natural phenomenon. Many peoples have thought about the nature of this phenomenon since ancient times. The rainbow is the mother of the rain. And it appears after heavy rainfall.

Rainbow is multi-colored arc in the sky. This arc can be seen on the other side of the sky to the sun, while the bright sun is not covered by clouds. Most often, a beautiful arc can be seen in a warm summer walking after a warm rain. Rainbows can also be seen near waterfalls or fountains.

The source of a multi-colored arc is the light of a bright sun, decomposed into components. The prism decomposes the beam sunlight into components. In the case of a rainbow, raindrops play the role of a "prism".

The colors of the rainbow are in the following order:

  1. Red;
  2. Orange;
  3. Yellow;
  4. Green;
  5. Blue;
  6. Blue;
  7. Violet.

A rainbow can be seen when it rains heavily and the sun shines at the same time. In order to see a rainbow with your own eyes, you must stand between rain and sun. Provided that the rain will be in front and the sun behind.

There are many more amazing things in nature. Romance is in the air when there are white nights in St. Petersburg, couples in love swear to each other eternal love and fidelity, and school graduates enter into adult life and dream of the future.

Video about white nights in St. Petersburg

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