Where are medical universities. Passing points in medical

Medicine consistently leads the list of “dream professions”. The most responsible high school graduates strive to spend most of their lives in a white coat. sociological research show that a consistently high demand for medical specialties is not manifested in all subjects of the country. Among the graduates of Moscow and St. Petersburg, for example, there are fewer people willing to make a career in the doctoral field, while stability is observed within the professional community of doctors in these cities.

The regions are another matter: provincial youth still have a great desire to get one of the doctoral professions. And if there is a sufficient amount of knowledge for this or a bet is made on paid education, then one question remains on the agenda - which university or Academy to apply to.

Perhaps, initially thinking about entering a medical university, boys and girls are more obsessed with the idea of ​​being enrolled in the 1st year. Nevertheless, the quality of education should be a fundamental factor in evaluating an educational institution. People who understand this try to enter prestigious universities - of course, Moscow and St. Petersburg. The winners of the All-Russian, International Olympiads and other "golden" contingent, who have the right to enter out of competition, also strive here.

Reference: health care is the only area of ​​non-humanitarian education where the average USE score exceeds 70. In Russia, more than 75 universities of the Ministry of Health impose excessive quality requirements basic knowledge at the applicants. This speaks of the continuing prestige of the medical profession.

In the field of paid education, places were distributed as follows:

  • 32 thousand applicants in 2016 preferred economic specialties;
  • 20 thousand people leaned towards management;
  • 15.5 thousand are future doctors.

Composition of the Higher Medical School of Russia

In 2019, in the Russian Federation, 89 higher educational institutions and faculties of the Ministry of Health are accepting applicants - of which:

  • 48 head state institutions;
  • 4 branches of state universities;
  • 7 non-state accredited educational institutions;
  • 2 branches of non-state universities.

Among them, 23 leading medical universities in 2015 underwent a full accreditation procedure.

How medical universities look against the background of the overall rating from Expert RA

The application of the fundamental principles of methodological research and impartiality in the assessment are two good reasons to consider the ratings of medical universities RAEX (Expert RA) as one of the most reliable. Opinion about educational institutions health care sector consisted of 3 characteristics:

  • the quality of education;
  • research work;
  • demand by employers.

The group of respondents among whom the survey was conducted included graduates, students, teachers representing the scientific and academic board, and employers.

In the top hundred in 2016, there were 16 best medical universities. As a result, the ranking of medical universities in Russia 2019 in terms of the quality of education and other criteria is as follows:

No. p / p No. in the rating university
1 22 First Moscow State Medical University. I. M. Sechenov (I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University)
2 23 St. Petersburg State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlova (St. Petersburg State Medical University named after academician I.P. Pavlov)
3 27 Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogova (Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov)
4 32 Kazan State Medical University (KSMU).
5 34 Siberian State Medical University (SibGMU, Tomsk)
6 46 Northwestern State Medical

university. I. I. Mechnikova (North-Western State Medical University, St. Petersburg)

7 49 Voronezh State Medical

academy. N. N. Burdenko (VSMA).

8 51 Samara State Medical University (SamSMU).
9 62 Ural State Medical Academy
10 70 Omsk State Medical Academy
11 73 Volgograd State Medical

University (VolgGMU).

12 79 Ryazan State Medical University

them. Academician I.P. Pavlov (RyazGMU).

13 81 Kursk State Medical University
14 83 Altai State Medical University
15 87 Saratov State Medical

Razumovsky University

16 95 Tyumen State Medical Academy

Judging by the results of the ratings compiled by the Expert RA agency over the past 4 years, the quality of education in medical universities has improved slightly, but has improved. In 2014, for example, in the TOP-100 there were 11 institutions graduating certified doctors, and 2 years later, the list of leaders was replenished with four new names.

What specialties are taught in the best medical universities of the state and what is the cost of education received on a commercial basis - we present information on the top five leaders:

No. 1: I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University

No. 2: PSPbGMU im. acad. I.P. Pavlova

No. 3: RNIMU them. N.I. Pirogov

No. 4: KSMU (Kazan)

No. 5: Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk)

Budget or commerce - will determine the USE scores

Points earned by USE results, are still a criterion that determines the quality of an applicant's knowledge. The cherished figures are taken as the very threshold value, to step over which means on September 1 to officially step beyond the threshold of the chosen university. Candidates who do not get the necessary “points” will have to choose between paid education at the same institution, enrollment in another university with a more loyal scoring policy, or make another attempt to enter the “dream university”, but in a year.

  1. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University
  2. RNIMU them. N.I. Pirogov.
  3. SpbGPMU.
  4. SPbGMU im. Academician I.P. Pavlova
  5. NSMU, Novosibirsk.
  6. RyazGMU.
  7. VolgGMU.
  8. Siberian State Medical University (Tomsk).
  9. KrasSMU, Krasnoyarsk.
  10. Rostov State Medical University, Rostov-on-Don.

Best Among Paid Medical Universities

Most high level education show educational institutions of health care in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Kazan, Voronezh, Samara, Nizhny Novgorod, Tver. In these cities, the profession of a doctor is taught for a fee, and even applicants with the highest USE scores get into “commerce”. The information was obtained as a result of monitoring carried out on the initiative of the Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency and the National Research University Higher School of Economics.

We present the top ten universities, whose paid departments are difficult to get into due to inflated competitive scores:

  1. PSPbGMU im. acad. I.P. Pavlova
  2. VSMA them. Burdenko.
  3. MGMSU them. A.I. Evdokimov.
  4. KSMU.
  5. SpbGPMU.
  6. KubGMU, Krasnodar.
  7. I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University.
  8. SamGMU.
  9. TSMU, Tver.
  10. Nizhny State Medical Academy, Nizhny Novgorod.

By tradition, the most popular specialties with the corresponding competition are:

  • dentistry
  • medical business
  • pediatrics
  • pharmacy.

It is impossible to get the profession of a doctor in absentia. There are a number of faculties in Russian universities where this form of education is acceptable, but, firstly, their number is gradually reduced to zero, and secondly, they train here not future therapists and dentists, but specialists with a conditional medical profile - for example, nursing with a focus on management.

How highly valued is a diploma of a Russian medical university abroad

Today, no body in the world has the authority to award international qualifications in the field of medicine. Given this fact, the low status of a Russian university diploma and its inconvertibility should be taken as a false and unsubstantiated judgment. With a similar myth earlier, in Soviet times, government officials and interested structures tried to block the road to the west for qualified specialists.

It is not entirely correct to judge the quality of education in institutions of higher education, as well as the prestige of the institution itself, by the awards and regalia awarded. The most objective evaluation factor is practicing graduates - their work, career and achievements. It is possible to maintain a high status only with a constant presence in the market and progress in all areas, including research work and cooperation with “abroad”.

US law, for example, allows the employment of doctors with university degrees registered with the WHO and with the IMED-FAIMER agency (a body authorized by the state). Employers should not care what institution the applicant graduated from - Harvard or State Medical University in Krasnodar. The focus is not on the place of obtaining a diploma, but on professionalism and personal abilities. If the name of the institution is not on the WHO list, the vacancy should not be considered. Specifically, the name of the medical university should be mentioned in the Avicenna catalog (contains an extensive list of educational institutions of the world working for healthcare and other areas of activity) and in the WHO WorldDirectory of Medical-Schools.

On the same basis, one should choose an institution for education: if its name is not listed in the WHO catalogs, it loses its attractiveness among applicants and cannot claim prestige.

Registration of medical universities in WHO is carried out on the basis of an application submitted by government agency competent in such matters. In Russia, this authority is the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The registration procedure itself is carried out automatically, but this process is sometimes artificially delayed for reasons known to the representatives of the international organization themselves. An example of this is the medical faculty of St. Petersburg State University: the year of its foundation is 1995, and officially it appeared on the WHO lists only in 2003, and in 2006, after a request from the administration, it was included in the IMED list.

An enviable constancy - just like last year, the leading positions in terms of the level of preparation of first-year students who have chosen medicine for themselves are occupied by regional universities. The first place in the ranking with an average score of 85.3 belongs to the Bashkir State Medical University. It is followed by: Voronezh State Medical Academy. N.N. Burdenko (85.2) and Kuban State Medical University (84.6) from Krasnodar.

As for the three Moscow medical universities, only one of them entered the top five - the Moscow State Medical and Dental University (MGMSU), whose applicants scored an average of 84.3 points per subject. The other two universities, namely, the First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov (First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov - the average score for the Unified State Examination is 83.3) and the former Russian State Medical University, and now the Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogov (Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov - 74.8) took the seventh and ..... thirty-second place in the ranking, respectively.

No. p / p The name of the university USE scores among those enrolled in the competition Total accepted for budget places, people
Average USE score USE score of the weakest by competition for olympiads on benefits by target set
1 Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa 85,3 71,7 179 1 46 251
2 Voronezh State Medical Academy named after V.I. N.N. Burdenko 85,2 73,7 166 0 47 179
3 Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar 84,6 65,3 171 0 62 166
4 St. Petersburg State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlov 84,4 59 373 0 77 142
5 Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry 84,3 55 284 0 66 0
6 Stavropol State Medical Academy 84,1 74,7 175 1 46 167
7 First State Moscow Medical University. I.M. Sechenov (Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov) 83,3 50,7 578 1 129 282
8 Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy 82,8 71,7 192 0 35 100
9 Dagestan State Medical Academy, Makhachkala 81,9 65,3 344 0 81 59
10 Izhevsk State Medical Academy 81,5 74,7 185 0 15 122
11 Krasnoyarsk State Medical University. Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky 80,7 73,7 162 0 47 129
12 Samara State Medical University 80,4 51,3 261 0 24 235
13 Ryazan State Medical University. Academician I.P. Pavlov 80,2 64,7 121 0 28 191
14 St. Petersburg State Pediatric Medical Academy 80 46 346 0 0 93
15 Astrakhan State Medical Academy 79,9 65,3 121 0 36 145
16 Rostov State Medical University 79,8 67 235 0 36 284
17 Tver State Medical Academy 79,1 67,3 162 0 29 151
18 Kazan State Medical University 79 53 200 3 21 174
19 Smolensk State Medical Academy 78,3 51,7 149 0 20 138
20 Yaroslavl State Medical Academy 78,2 68,3 170 16 17 160
21 Saratov State Medical University 78,1 56,7 318 0 25 239
22 Chelyabinsk State Medical Academy 77,8 55,7 303 0 16 116
23 Pyatigorsk State Pharmaceutical Academy 77,7 69,7 191 0 6 73
24 North Ossetian State Medical Academy, Vladikavkaz 77,5 52,7 135 0 0 136
25 Orenburg State Medical Academy 77,1 61,3 179 0 25 0
26 Kursk State Medical University 76,3 45 246 2 32 137
27 Novosibirsk State Medical University 75,3 61 279 0 54 102
28 St. Petersburg State Chemical Pharmaceutical Academy 75,3 51 244 0 10 18
29 St. Petersburg State Medical Academy. I.I. Mechnikova 75,1 62 322 0 10 216
30 Siberian State Medical University, Tomsk 75 53,7 363 0 47 131
31 Volgograd State Medical University 74,8 54,3 405 1 43 158
32 Russian National Research Medical University. N.I. Pirogova (Russian State Medical University), Moscow 74,8 41,3 846 15 82 141
33 Ivanovo State Medical Academy 74,5 65,7 136 1 21 122
34 Ural State Medical Academy, Yekaterinburg 74,5 60 281 1 22 57
35 Altai State Medical University, Barnaul 74,4 66,3 182 6 29 215
36 Omsk State Medical Academy 74,3 63 179 0 23 168
37 Kirov State Medical Academy 74,2 64,3 179 0 8 150
38 Tyumen State Medical Academy 73,9 62 194 0 11 146
39 Perm State Pharmaceutical Academy 73,4 63,3 169 0 2 0
40 Kemerovo State Medical Academy 70,8 61,3 299 0 27 125
41 Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk 70,8 44,3 240 0 20 138
42 Irkutsk State Medical University 70,7 59,3 246 0 21 151
43 Chita State Medical Academy 69,9 36 161 0 0 159
44 Khanty-Mansiysk State Medical Institute 69,5 64 83 0 2 15
45 Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk 68,9 53 180 0 17 108
46 Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. K.I.Skryabina 68,4 45,7 134 0 26 134
47 Perm State Medical Academy 65,2 38,7 277 0 8 167
48 Amur State Medical Academy, Blagoveshchensk 64,8 55,7 240 0 15 31
49 St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine 64,8 40 290 0 22 16
50 Vladivostok State Medical University 63,9 46,7 233 0 9 73
51 Ural State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Troitsk 52,6 35,7 194 0 0 15

In the capital of our country, the choice of universities where you can get a high-class specialization within the most humane profession is very extensive. Let's get acquainted with Moscow higher educational institutions, where both native Muscovites and guests of the city, Russians and foreign citizens are welcome.

List of Moscow Medical Universities and Institutes

We list medical universities in Moscow that open their doors to applicants in 2017:

  • 1st Moscow state. medical university. Sechenov;
  • Russian national research honey. university. Pirogov;
  • Moscow state. university. Lomonosov (Fundamental Medical Faculty);
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Faculty of Medicine);
  • Moscow state. University of Medicine and Dentistry Evdokimova;
  • Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology;
  • State. classical academy. Maimonides;
  • Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology Scriabin.

Now let's take a closer look at the most significant Moscow medical universities and institutes from the list that we have announced.

First MGMU them. Sechenov

This is the state oldest medical university in the capital - it was founded in 1758. The institution operates under a perpetual license No. 2356 (dated August 20, 2016), accredited on September 6 of the same year, until 03/23/2022. The main building is located on the street. Trubetskoy, 8, building 2.

First MSMU - Moscow Medical University with a hostel and budget places in all of the areas listed below. On its basis, you can get a full-time/correspondence education:

  • undergraduate;
  • magistracy;
  • specialty;
  • postgraduate studies;
  • additional professional;
  • secondary vocational;
  • pre-university training.

The following areas are open at six faculties of this Moscow Medical University:

  • medical business;
  • nursing education;
  • pediatrics;
  • clinpsych;
  • social work/sociology;
  • biotechnology;
  • medical and preventive education;
  • dentistry;
  • pharmaceutical direction;
  • public health;
  • bioengineering, bioinformatics;
  • economy;
  • management;
  • defectological education;
  • linguistics;
  • medical biochemistry/biophysics.

Russian National Research Medical University named after Pirogov

The main building of the university is located at: st. Ostrovityanova, 1. This Moscow Medical University has been operating since 1906. Today it educational services licensed (perpetual license No. 2418 dated September 29, 2016) and accredited (No. 2314 for the period 10/31/2016 - 07/28/1017).

Full-time undergraduate, specialist, postgraduate and higher professional education are available. The university has nine faculties:

  • medical business;
  • psychological and social;
  • dentistry;
  • pharmaceutical;
  • pediatrics;
  • biomedical;
  • international;
  • for teaching foreign students;
  • receiving additional education.

Both budgetary and commercial training is available in the following areas:

  • medical business;
  • pediatrics;
  • biology;
  • clinical psychology;
  • honey. cybernetics;
  • dentistry;
  • honey. biochemistry;
  • honey. biophysics;
  • pharmacy;
  • social work.

This Moscow Medical University has 4 dormitories with 3657 beds. The campus is located on the street. Academician Volgin, 35-41.

Lomonosov Moscow State University

In the oldest (founded in 1755) and significant university in Russia, which is also included in the list of Moscow medical universities and institutes, the fundamental medical faculty is waiting for future doctors. Location of the institution: Leninskiye Gory, 1 (admission committee - Leninskiye Gory, 1, p. 52, 2nd educational building, room 146). The license of Moscow State University is perpetual (No. 1353 dated April 1, 2015), this accreditation is valid until July 3, 2020 (No. 1308 dated June 1, 2015).

The university provides non-resident students with a hostel; a military department operates on its basis. Students studying in the specialties "General Medicine", "Pharmacy" have the opportunity to be enrolled in state-funded places (35 and 15 places, respectively). However, the passing score here is quite high - 429 for future pharmacologists and 465 for medicine.

Faculty of Medicine of RUDN University

Now, speaking about Moscow medical universities and institutes, let's touch on this university, founded relatively recently - in 1960. It is located at: st. Miklukho-Maklaya, 6 (admission committee in room 218). Operates under perpetual license No. 1204 dated December 23, 2014. Accredited until 03/13/2020 (No. 1190 dated February 9, 2015).

The following specializations are available at the Faculty of Medicine:

  • nursing (bachelor's degree);
  • medical business;
  • pharmacy;
  • dentistry.

In all of these specialties, there is a possibility of enrollment in the budget. Nonresident students are provided with places in the hostel.

MGMSU named after Evdokimov

This Moscow Medical University of Dentistry was opened in 1922. It is located at the address: st. Delegatskaya, 20, building 1, the selection committee can be found on the street. Dolgorukovskoy, 4, building 2, in room 110. The university has a perpetual license No. 2338 dated August 16, 2016. It is accredited until February 4, 2020 (document No. 2390).

Education only full-time: bachelor's / master's, specialist, secondary and additional professional education, graduate school. There are nine faculties at this Moscow Medical University, among them:

  • medical business;
  • dentistry;
  • clinpsych;
  • social work;
  • economic;
  • pedagogy in higher medical school.

There are also faculties of additional and secondary education, a military department. Budget and paid places are open in the following directions:

  • dentistry;
  • clinpsych;
  • social Job;
  • medical business.

The university has three dormitories: st. Onezhskaya, 7a, st. Vuchetich, 10 and 10, building 1.

The Moscow Medical Universities and Institutes, the list of which we have presented, are pleased to accept thousands of new students this year for both state-funded and commercial places. You can find out more detailed information by contacting the admissions office or on the official website of a particular university.

Medical higher educational institutions of Russia announced the passing scores for enrolling in state-funded places.

It should be noted that the passing scores in Russian universities are set at different levels. Of course, more prestigious universities give higher passing scores. In some universities, certain specialties can be passed even if the exams were not successfully passed.

The passing scores for the budget in the country's higher educational institutions specializing in medicine have become known.

The lowest passing score among medical universities was set by the Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. N.E. Bauman. To enter this university, it is enough to score 123 points. But the highest passing score for the budget this year was set by the St. Petersburg North-Western State Medical University. I. I. Mechnikov. For admission to the budget in this university, you need to score 242 points.

Passing scores for universities in Moscow:
Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. K.I. Scriabin - a passing score of 189. There are 276 budget places in this higher institution. If you can’t get through the budget, you can try to go to paid places. You will have to pay 40,000 rubles a year for studying at this university.

Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry - a passing score of 167. In 2017, 614 state employees are recruited at this university. The minimum cost of training under the contract is 80 thousand rubles.

Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov - passing score - 155. 1212 state employees are recruited in 2017. Contractors will pay a minimum of 97 thousand rubles a year.

First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Sechenov - to get on the budget at this university, you need to score 142 points. For free education As many as 1270 budget places have been allocated. And the annual minimum payment is 67,500 rubles.

Passing points to medical universities of the country:

Bashkir State Medical University in Ufa, the average USE score was 85.3.
Voronezh State Medical Academy named after V.I. N.N. Burdenko with an average score in the Unified State Examination - 85.2.
Ural State Academy veterinary medicine in the city of Troitsk. The average score for the USE is 52.6.

If you failed to pass the exam in mathematics or the Russian language, and there is no way to pay for contract training, you can try to enter the budget next year by retaking the failed exam this year. In this case, it is better not to take mathematics at the USE at the profile level, since this subject is often not needed for admission to a medical university. If you failed the exam in physics, or social science, or other additional subjects, you can apply to a medical university for a specialty where this additional subject is not required.

The medical professions are the most necessary and humane on earth. Some of them can be obtained not only at the university, but also at the college after completing 9 years of study at general education school. How to become a student of a secondary special educational organization, what specialties you can choose from - questions that arise for many applicants who want to enter medical school. college after 9th grade. They are to be dealt with.

Honey. college after grade 9: specialties, choice of future profession

If you have already decided to go to college, then first of all you should decide on a specialty. Applicants who have completed 9 classes in a general education school, secondary special educational organizations offer the following main areas of training:

  • "Sisterhood".
  • "Obstetrics".


Many applicants for admission to medical. college after the 9th grade choose the direction of training "Nursing". During study in the first and second semesters, students study general education subjects that they would have studied in grades 10 and 11. In the second year, professional disciplines begin to be taught (anatomy, physiology, the basics of nursing). In the last courses, nursing is studied in specific areas of medicine (pediatrics, surgery).

Graduates of "Nursing" receive a qualification or a medical brother. After receiving a diploma, young specialists get jobs in polyclinics, hospitals, maternity hospitals, sanatoriums, schools, and private medical centers.


A very noble, important and most beautiful medical profession is the midwife. Thanks to her, new lives are born. Speaking figuratively, we can say that the midwife has all of humanity in her hands. This profession can be obtained by choosing any honey. college after 9th grade. All educational institutions have a direction of training "Obstetrics".

In this specialty in all universities educational process built according to the lecture-seminar type. Several times during the period of study, students undergo practical training. It is held in antenatal clinics. Also, students visit ordinary hospitals, oncological dispensaries.

Other areas of training

Specialties related to nursing and midwifery are available in every medical secondary specialized educational institution. Some applicants are offered other areas of training, but this already depends on the university. Part educational organizations does not have a wide range of specialties, so this should be taken into account. What additional specialties can be offered? Here is the answer to this question:

Entrance tests and passing scores

A few years ago, it was quite difficult to enter any one. I had to take biology, Russian. Now the conditions for admission to educational institutions have changed. Entrance tests in general education subjects are not conducted (since there are no exams, the question of passing scores becomes irrelevant). The only condition that must be met before entering the medical college after the 9th grade is to pass in writing psychological testing. It allows you to find out whether applicants have physical and psychological qualities which are simply necessary in medicine.

What features should be inherent in a person who wants to devote his life to medicine? Here are the main qualities:

  • affection;
  • tenderness;
  • mercy;
  • compassion;
  • politeness;
  • responsibility;
  • limitless patience.

Collection of necessary documents

When the specialty is chosen and all questions regarding admission are clarified, you should start collecting documents. For admission to medical college after grade 9 required:

  • photo cards measuring 3 by 4 cm;
  • an application addressed to the director indicating a specific specialty;
  • original or copy of the passport;
  • original or copy of the certificate;
  • certificate of mandatory medical examination.

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