How to calculate the amount of utilities for heating. We independently calculate payments for heating in conditions with and without individual meters

Heating costs are increasing every year, and many consumers are interested in what they pay for and why the numbers on their bills are getting larger. The cost of heating is calculated according to the heat consumption standard, and in apartment buildings it depends on the heated area and on general house expenses.

Every consumer should know how heating charges are calculated according to the standard in order to be able to control the fairness of charges in management company.

The size of the heating fee depends on various factors

In Russia, there are two main documents by which heating fees are calculated. The first of them is government decree No. 354 of 05/06/11. It regulates the rules for providing utilities residents apartment buildings. This document became an alternative to government decree No. 307 of May 23, 2006, but in practice the old decree is still in effect.

The decision on the rules by which payments are calculated is made at the local level; the region chooses for itself best option. There is a very important difference between them: according to the Rules established in Resolution No. 354, heating fees are charged only during the heating season, and are not distributed over the entire year. On the one hand, this simplified the calculation methodology, on the other, it led to an increase in the financial burden on the consumer.

According to the new rules, in the period from October to May it rises sharply, as the cost of heating begins to be included in it. Many consumers are finding it difficult to pay increased bills, leading to more debt. According to the traditional method established in the rules. Resolution No. 307, consumers pay approximately the same amount for an apartment throughout the year, and it is adjusted taking into account the general increase in tariffs.

The amount of payment for heat depends on the installed general building meter, the presence of heat meters in apartments, as well as the presence of distribution sensors in residential and non-residential premises.

Calculation of fees for an uninstalled communal meter

A common house meter allows you to save

If an apartment building is not equipped with a common building, the heating fee is calculated based on three main factors:

  • Heating standard. This is the number of gigacalories required to heat up to required temperatures one sq. meters of area. Each region sets its own standard depending on climatic conditions.
  • Heating tariff. This is the cost of one gigacalorie of heat established for a given region.
  • The size of the heated area. IN apartment building it does not include the area of ​​the loggia or balcony.

Thus, the calculation of the heating fee in this case is carried out using a relatively simple formula:
The amount of the fee = standard * tariff *, standard and tariff are set by regional authorities.

The final cost of heat does not depend on the number of calories of thermal energy actually consumed, so this method of calculation is used less and less. Currently, a campaign is underway throughout Russia to improve the energy efficiency of heat supply, so heat meters are being actively installed.

Calculation of fees when a communal meter is installed

A more common situation today is that a common building has been installed in an apartment building, while the apartments do not have individual heat consumption meters. The design of utilities in many houses is such that individual meters simply cannot be included in the heating system, and each consumer does not have the opportunity to independently increase or decrease the heating . In this case, the calculation is based on four main parameters:

  • The total amount of thermal energy consumed by the house is determined by the readings of the general house meter. Its installation allows you to avoid paying for heat lost along the way due to uninsulated heating mains and other problems of heating networks.
  • Heated area of ​​a consumer's apartment or non-residential premises.
  • Total heated area of ​​the building. All residential premises are taken into account, as well as entrances, attached shops connected to the general heating system, etc.
  • The statutory tariff for thermal energy. Tariffs are determined by local authorities.

The calculation formula is as follows: Heat payment = total volume * apartment area/house area * established tariff. In this way, the distribution of fees becomes more equitable, since each house actually pays only for itself.

However, even in this case, the calculation system is not ideal: since consumers do not have the ability to control heat consumption, they often have to simply “heat the street”, releasing heat outside due to its excess. However, you will still have to pay for it in full. Because of this, it is becoming more and more popular modern version calculations with individual meters.

Calculation of fees for installed individual meters

An individual meter allows you to pay for the heat actually consumed

If all apartments have individual heat consumption meters installed, the calculation will become more complex, but in the end the consumer pays for the energy actually used, and this option turns out to be the most profitable. The following parameters are taken into account when calculating:

  • The amount of heat consumed by one residential or non-residential premises is determined by the readings of an individual meter. At least 95% of the premises in the building must be equipped with metering devices.
  • The amount of heat consumed by the entire house is taken into account based on the readings of the common house meter.
  • The area of ​​the apartment for which the heating fee is calculated.
  • Total heated area of ​​the house. Residential and non-residential premises are taken into account.
  • The tariff set by the government for thermal energy.

All these parameters are taken into account when calculating using the following formula: Fee amount = (individual heat + total heat * apartment area / total area) * tariff.

The sum of the individual meter readings is subtracted from the readings of the common house meter, and the remainder is divided among all consumers. Thus, the residents of the house independently pay for heating the entrance and other premises general purpose, however, the main calculation is carried out precisely on the basis of individual meters.

This allows you to significantly reduce heating costs, since you don’t have to pay for worn-out networks and endless utility breakdowns. And yet, the option with individual meters is not always possible to implement: most often a common house meter is installed in the house, and as a result, residents still have to partially pay for each other. This also causes difficulties in the fight against debtors: it is impossible to disconnect them from a single heating system, and as a result they continue to use the heat paid for by other people.

The procedure for calculating payment for heat according to the rules of 2006

According to the rules, recalculation must be carried out every year

If payment for heat is calculated according to the old rules, and a common building meter is installed in the house, then the final figures in consumer receipts will depend on how much heat the apartment building consumed during the past year.

This value is divided by total area buildings, taking into account both residential apartments and non-residential premises, such as offices and shops. The result is the amount of heat per 1 sq. meter of area, it is divided into 12 months.

After this, the resulting average monthly energy consumption is multiplied by the tariff approved by the local government. The resulting value must be multiplied by the area of ​​the apartment. An example of a calculation based on 2011 tariffs for Izhevsk. According to the general house meter, the total amount of thermal energy consumed in one year was 990 gigacalories.

The total area of ​​all apartments in the house and premises common use is 5500 meters. After calculation, it turns out that during the year per 1 sq. meter spent 0.015 gigacalories per month. The resulting average monthly volume is multiplied by the cost of 1 gigacalorie of heat at the established tariff. 943.60 (tariff) * 0.015 * 1.18 (VAT) = 16.70 rubles per 1 sq. meter of heated area.

The resulting value must be multiplied by the area of ​​each specific apartment. If, for example, it is 45 sq. meters, then the final monthly heating cost will be 751.5 rubles per month. It is this figure that residents will see on their bills throughout the year, since it is not the amount of heat spent per month that is taken into account, but the average monthly consumption obtained based on the results of last year.

How is the heating fee calculated according to these rules if a common house meter is not installed in the house? In this case, a standard is used - the amount of thermal energy required for heating. For each house it is determined separately; this information should be in open access. When contacting the management company, the tenant apartment building must receive all the information about how the payment for heat is calculated.

According to the rules of Resolution No. 307, a recalculation must be carried out in the house every year. It takes into account the amount of heat consumed in the past year, and a new fee is calculated based on it.

If the figures in the payment raise doubts and seem to be inflated, he has the right to demand a recalculation. To do this, a statement is written and sent to the management company; it must indicate the time frame for which the recalculation must be carried out. Utilities do not have the right to refuse requests; a response is provided within 4 days. If, after re-calculation, an overpayment is revealed, it must be deducted from the amount of debt for the next month.

Knowledge of the laws allows you to fight for your rights and seek justice. Regular tariff increases create a serious burden on, so it is necessary to achieve fair accounting of heat losses.

How to calculate heating fees can be found in the video:

Utility tariffs are rising in our country from year to year, and many families have to carefully plan their budget in order to make the necessary payments on time and in full.

This load becomes especially high during the heating season, when payments for heat, which contain considerable numbers, are added to other receipts for services.

How is payment for heating calculated?

Calculation required fee for heating directly depends on whether the house and apartment are equipped with meters that monitor heat consumption.

In the absence of a common house meter

If there is no meter common to the entire house that records heat consumption, then accounting for its consumption is calculated using the following indicators.

  • The prescribed heat norm for heating one “square”. This standard is set by local authorities for a specific territory and directly depends on the prevailing climate there.
  • Heating tariff. It is understood as the cost of one gigacalorie, which is an accounting unit of thermal energy, and is established by a decision of the relevant executive body of local government.
  • Apartment area. This includes only the square footage of housing that is heated. For example, the “squares” of loggias and balconies cannot be included in this figure.

The amount to be paid for heating is obtained by multiplying the three above indicators. However, this method has a significant drawback: with this calculation, the amount of payments does not depend in any way on the actual amount of heat consumed, so its use is gradually being abandoned by equipping apartment buildings with communal meters.

If a common meter is installed

The presence of a common meter is the most common option for metering heat consumption by apartments in a building. This is due to the fact that it will be difficult to install individual heating meters in previously built apartments - long-established communications do not allow this to be done - but it is quite possible to install a common meter at the coolant inlet to the heating system of the house.

To determine the amount of money that the owner of the apartment will have to pay for heating, the following parameters are used.

  • Total heat consumption for the entire house. This indicator is taken from the meter, which records the flow of heat into the house as a whole. The main convenience here is that now the heating payers do not have to bear the losses that were incurred during the movement of the coolant along the heating main, where they always occur.
  • Heated living space.
  • Common non-residential premises of the building, which are also heated.
  • Heating tariff set by local authorities.
Based on the above indicators, the monthly amount that the apartment owner should pay for heating is determined. This tariff is convenient for users, since if the temperature outside increases, the heat supply to the apartment will be reduced and heating charges will be lower.

If there are individual meters

If the apartment is equipped with individual metering devices, then the owner will pay for heating exactly as much as he consumes. This option for metering heat consumption in houses with big amount apartments work fully if they are fully equipped with individual heating metering devices. The absence of meters is allowed in no more than 5% of apartments.

In this case, the calculation of the amounts to be paid for heating is carried out as follows. The basis is the consumed heat, which was shown by the meter installed in the apartment. The resulting figure is multiplied by the heating tariff set by local authorities and periodically changed. In addition, the amount of money that is paid for heating common areas (entrances, staircases, etc.) is added here. To do this, from the total amount of heat - it will be shown by the common meter - the readings of individual devices installed in the apartments are subtracted, and the remainder is evenly distributed among the residents for subsequent payment.

However, today, heat meters installed directly in apartments are not yet very common, although they are already installed in most new buildings.

Is it necessary to use heating for heating in summer?

In practice, there are two options for paying for home heating services, and any citizen can use the one that suits him best. Most residents pay for heating all year round, and this has one advantage: the amount of money for the heat consumed per year is divided into twelve equal parts, and the owner of the apartment pays them monthly.

However, you can take a different route and pay the required fee only when it is actually turned on and the radiators in the apartment are hot. In order to make payments in this way, you should individually conclude an agreement with the heat supplier, which should spell out all the nuances of this process. In addition, you should prepare for significant additional loads on family budget, since in heating season with this form of payment they will increase by about two-thirds of the amounts that have to be paid in the summer.

Thus, each citizen can independently choose the method of paying for the heating of their home. At the same time, it is not difficult to calculate that no matter how a citizen pays the required funds for heating, the total amount for the year will still be the same. In some cases, unscrupulous citizens, trying to underestimate the heat consumed, resort to various tricks such as tightening the meters. This will not bring any benefit, since sooner or later such an offense will be revealed, and those who committed it will face substantial fines, many times greater than the “savings” of this kind.

In reality, you can reduce heating costs in the following way.

  • Install plastic windows, excellent heat retention.
  • Insulate the walls.
  • Place reflectors behind the batteries.

Thanks to such simple measures, you can significantly save heat and, accordingly, reduce heating costs.

Recalculation of heating payments: in what cases is it carried out?

In some cases, residents who use centralized heating services can apply for its recalculation. This right is assigned to them by Government Decree No. 354 of 05/06/2011, which regulates the supply of utilities to houses with a large number of apartments.

According to the specified normative act, residents of such houses have the right to apply for a recalculation of heating payments in the following cases.

  • When the quality of service is not provided at the proper level, that is, the heating does not work at full capacity, and the temperature in the rooms is below the prescribed standards.
  • When the owner of the apartment has applied for a subsidy to pay for utilities, but continues to receive payments in which full price payment.
  • When in the apartment long time One or more radiators are not working.

In each of the listed cases, the person applying for a revision of the heating fee must have supporting documents, otherwise this issue will not even be considered by the management company or other authority.

You should take care of such documents in advance, and in the event of heating interruptions during the autumn-winter season, immediately call a specialist from the housing office, who, if it is impossible to eliminate the damage and establish heat supply to the apartment, would draw up an appropriate report on this issue.

If the called specialist does not show up for some reason, then you can do it on your own. It is enough to invite two neighbors and the person in charge of the building, and together with them, in any form, draw up an act documenting the problems with the heating of the apartment. This document, together with others, will serve as the basis for recalculating payment.

It should be borne in mind that the companies responsible for heating multi-apartment housing are extremely reluctant to recalculate, and strive to do everything to avoid this. In particular, they may refer to the fact that the apartment has poor thermal insulation and is therefore cold, that to eliminate heating problems, specialists involved in this matter were not given access to the apartment in a timely manner, and also look for other loopholes. Therefore, those who want to achieve a recalculation of heating payments should prepare themselves for a long struggle for it.

Calculation of tariffs for utility services for the apartment is carried out in accordance with Government Decree No. 354 of 2011. The cost of utilities in apartments is calculated monthly. The amount of payment depends on the tariffs of the resource supply company. They are set depending on the level of price regulation by the state. Any premises and utilities are inseparable.

Important Factors

When figuring out how to calculate utility bills, keep in mind that the final payment amount will depend on many indicators. The amount of payments that are charged in apartments different areas, varies . The formation of the total without counters is affected by:

  • room area;
  • type of premises (non-residential and residential);
  • the number of registered citizens in the living space;
  • terms of contracts;
  • utility consumption standards for heating, water, gas without a meter, electricity.

If meters are installed, then the calculation is carried out using an individual meter. The total amount depends on the tariff:

  • water according to the meter;
  • for heating according to a common house meter or heating tariff according to the norm;
  • payment for gas (1 m3);
  • for electricity.

Payment tariffs are set in regions at different levels. Local administrations calculate tariffs and alert the population by placing relevant notices in periodicals. The utility bill also contains information about tariffs.

Payment for heat

Residents pay for heating their apartment depending on standards or meter readings. In 2015, they wanted to change the procedure for calculating payment for heating in an apartment. Previously, local authorities could choose how to calculate heating payments:

  • monthly 1/12 of the annual payment amount;
  • in the volume of thermal energy actually consumed during the heating season.

In 2017, they decided to leave the option to pay for heat as 1/12 of the total amount. How to calculate heating in an apartment is decided by local authorities.

In 2017, consumers have the right to demand recalculation of heating on the following grounds:

  • room temperature less than 18 0C, in corners - 20 0C;
  • emergency interruption of heat supply during the heating period exceeded a period of 16 hours in a row, 24 hours in total for the month (if the apartment was more than 12 0C, heating is not recalculated on this basis)
  • Apartment heating standards may deviate by ±4 0С (at night 3 0С).

Calculation of the cost of heating in an apartment building depends on the established cost of heating according to the norm, if communal heating meters are not installed. If there is a common meter, heating fees are charged depending on its readings. Many people say that metered heating is cheaper. To compare, you need to calculate the heating in an apartment according to the norm and compare it with a similar apartment, where heating payments are calculated using a common meter.

Methods for calculating the cost of heat

The calculations take into account the consumption rate, heating fees according to the standard and the area. According to the new rules, charges for heating non-residential premises are carried out together with charges for apartments. The standard takes into account the cost of communal heat. On its basis, payment is calculated for each apartment and for non-residential premises.

P = S * T * N, where

P - cost of heating in the apartment;

S is the area of ​​the heated room;

T - the established tariff for heating the apartment, at which payment is made;

N - consumption rate.

Based on the calculated results, a heating bill is issued.

How is heating calculated in an apartment with installed device accounting? The procedure for calculating heating fees depends on the availability of apartment meters and meters in non-residential premises.

If there is a communal heating meter, payment is made as follows. Calculation of payment for heating a house:

the consumed amount of thermal energy, which is shown by the heating meter, is multiplied by the total area of ​​the house.

How is heating in an apartment calculated if a common building meter for heating and individual metering devices have been installed? Calculation of charges for heating in premises takes into account:

  • square;
  • readings given by the communal heating meter;
  • readings of apartment meters;
  • meter readings for payment for heating of non-residential premises;
  • heating tariff according to a common house meter.

The heating bill, which the owner of each apartment and the user of the rented premises receives monthly during the heating season, takes into account the personally consumed energy and heat allocated for general house needs. How is the heating fee calculated in this case? Payment for heating is made according to an individual meter, taking into account the readings of the general building meter for heating. Heating in an apartment building in non-residential premises is calculated by analogy with apartments.

How is the heating fee calculated in an apartment building? The heat used for general house needs is distributed in proportion to the heated area occupied by each non-residential premises and apartments.

How to calculate the cost of heating if meters are not installed in all rooms? In this case, the calculation of the heating fee is carried out using communal meters. Heating according to the meter installed in the apartment will be calculated when all premises are equipped with metering devices. Separately, it is necessary to find out how heating is calculated in a multi-storey building. Heating of the main area is divided proportionally among all residents.

A fee is also charged for heating non-residential premises. If the house does not have a meter, heating in non-residential premises is paid according to the standard depending on its area. The calculation of heating prices based on the area of ​​the room and heating without meters is used. The amount depends on how the heating of the apartment in the house is calculated. You must pay your heating bill in the month you receive it. Otherwise, debts will form.

Gas payment

When installing an individual gas heating device or using gas appliances, you should find out the procedure for paying for gas without meters. Payment for gas is carried out according to established standards. How are utility bills for gas supply calculated? The price is set based on the tariff, standard consumption volume and the number of registered citizens.

Payment for utilities for gas supply in households is made according to metering devices, if they have installed not only gas stove, and other gas equipment.

How are heating charges calculated in an apartment equipped with gas boiler, if the meter is not installed or is out of order? Payment for heating in a household is calculated based on:

  • average monthly consumption standard;
  • area of ​​heated premises;
  • number of registered persons;
  • degree of improvement (availability of centralized supply hot water).

Payment for heating in non-residential premises is made based on meter readings.

How to calculate heating in houses with gas boilers? Heating payments in households are calculated based on meter readings. Owners do not receive receipts for centralized heating, but a bill for gas heating.

Water use

Consumers know that it is more profitable to pay for water by meter. Payment for cold and hot water supply is charged separately.

It is easy to calculate water consumption using a meter: the consumed volume is multiplied by the established tariff. In this case, separate meters must be installed for cold and hot water. They are used to calculate utility bills for water consumption.

Payment for utility services for sewerage must also be calculated according to meters. Any online calculator will be able to give you the required amount if you enter current and previous water meter readings (the consumption of cold, hot water, and sewerage is recorded separately).

If a common house meter is installed, then residents also have to pay for expenses for common house needs. That is, payment for utilities for such a metering device increases due to:

  • various leaks;
  • underestimation of meter readings by neighbors;
  • unregistered resident citizens.

In the absence of metering devices, the amount of water consumption without meters will be calculated according to the norm for 1 person. The calculation rules are as follows. To find out how much you should pay, you need to multiply the norm for water consumption per person in cubic meters by the corresponding tariff. total amount will depend on the number of residents.

Moscow has introduced increasing coefficients to stimulate the installation of metering devices. If you have the opportunity to install a meter, but you do not do it, then you must pay 1.5 times the estimated amount. Since 2017 - 1.6 times. And given the high consumption standards, paying for water supply utilities hits the budget quite well. We must pay the amounts calculated taking into account the increasing coefficients, because otherwise debts will accumulate.


When figuring out how to calculate utilities, you should remember the need to figure out how to count consumed electricity. A utility payment calculator will help simplify the task.

Payment is made according to the readings of electricity meters. It should be included in the overall calculation of utility fees. Calculation of utility services regarding the supply of electricity is done as follows: the consumed volume is multiplied by the established tariff.

In the absence of a meter or its malfunction, the calculation of utility services for electricity supply is carried out as follows:

the established standard for 1 person is multiplied by the tariff and the number of living citizens.

It will not be possible not to pay for electricity, because the premises and the utilities that are provided are connected. The electricity supplier will simply disconnect the house or apartment from the network.

Calculation of utilities

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the premises and utilities are the same when figuring out the specifics of how to calculate utilities.

The total amount of payment for utilities will consist of payment:

  • heating by room area or by meter;
  • electricity;
  • water;
  • gas;
  • cost of maintaining residential premises.

Calculation of the amount of payment for utilities includes the calculation of rent. To find out how to calculate the rent, you should contact the management company or the HOA. They will tell you what is included in the payments and name the amount that residents must transfer monthly.

Each citizen has the right to independently check housing and communal services tariffs by raising the appropriate regulations. If he does not agree with how the heating in the apartment is calculated, then he can write a statement to the management company, the heat supplier, or resolve controversial issues in court.

When figuring out how to calculate utilities, keep in mind that the rent includes the cost of maintaining residential premises, management, current repairs and security. Calculation of utility bills is carried out according to the square footage of the occupied premises.

When payments for housing and communal services arrive, the question often arises as to why heat supply is so expensive. In reality, figuring out how to calculate heating in an apartment is quite difficult. To do this, you need to find out the tariffs from the management company, which different regions various. After this, it will become clear whether the accruals were made correctly or not.

Laws on payment for heat energy

First you need to figure out how to calculate the payment for heating according to the standard in accordance with current legislation. There is a legal act on heating in a late edit – No. 354 dated May 6, 2011. It regulates in detail the calculation of heating fees in high-rise buildings.

Unlike previous editions, the method of charging money for services received, the forms of agreements for contractual obligations and payment samples have changed. In order to calculate payment for heat, tenants need to contact the management company to find out the type of arrangement of the building in which they live:

  • the presence of a general building meter for the consumed heat supply; it happens that there is none in residential premises;
  • together with general building meters, there are meters in the apartments of the owners;
  • There are no heat meters in the residential building.

After finding out these details, you can move on to finding out how the payment for the heating received is calculated. In addition, in accordance with resolution 354 Heating payments are divided into two types:

  1. For a separate apartment.
  2. For general house needs.

The second type includes heat supply to entrances, attics, etc. In order to calculate the heating fee, you need to find out from the HOA the footage of these areas and the tariffs for maintaining the required degree of heat in them.

Similar information must be printed on those sent to management companies so that the consumer pays after the fact. They must contain two points reflecting the final amount of payment. In practice, the rate of contributions for heating services in common areas is higher than in apartments. But when the total amount is divided across the entire residential building, the payment amount is reduced.

Since heating receipts reflect both residential and uninhabited premises, it is necessary that information about them be included in the signed agreement, for which you need to contact the management organization.

Calculation of payment for central heating

Today there are no uniform standards according to which we pay for heating. Instead, there are only advisory price lists for heat supply for management companies that supply it to multi-storey residential buildings. Payment for heating is dependent on the heat meters installed in the apartments.

In addition, the final amount is influenced by the climate conditions in the area where the property owners live, as well as how worn out the utilities are and how the building is insulated to prevent heat loss.

If the efficiency of the heating system is low, fees for heating services will be higher all year round. In accordance with the current guidelines, heating bills in accordance with the law are calculated in the ways that are given below.

Sometimes it happens that in one residential building there can be several heating risers, so it will be very expensive to install metering devices on all of them. In such cases, it is necessary for heating to be calculated using a common house meter.

Household metering device

When a residential building has a common building meter for heat energy, the accounting department must calculate the heat supply using a special formula. Along with this, the payment procedure is carried out according to several points.

First you need to coordinate the heating of the main area and the specific living space for which the indicators are being calculated. Next you need to do the following:

  • check the indicators of the house meter at the beginning and end of the billing period. The resulting difference will show the heat consumption in a residential building. In this way, the amount for heat supply to residential or non-residential premises is correctly calculated;
  • calculate the ratio of the total footage of the apartment to the total footage of the building;
  • Find out what the management organization's tariff consists of.

The formula for calculating the heating fee is as follows:


Where R– amount of payment, V– meter readings, Tk And Td– footage of the residential premises and building where the owner of the property lives, TO- standard for room heating.

In order to show how to calculate charges for heat supply, let’s take a living space with a size of 33 square meters, which is located in a building of 6000 square meters. The reading on the individual meter was 80 Gcal. Let’s say the heating tariff is 1000 rubles per Gcal. In this case, the final payment should be:

P=80x(33/6000)x1000=440 rubles

In addition, in the absence of energy consumption devices in specific apartments, we pay according to other standards for calculating heating in the apartment. The average standard (W) for apartments consists of indicators - 0.022-0.03 gigocalories per square meter per month. In this case, the charge for heat supply is calculated using the following formula:


Let's say the W indicator is 0.025, then the payment is:

Р=33х0.025х6000=4950 rubles

Managing organizations prefer to calculate, naturally, using their own form of calculation. Therefore, when drawing up contractual obligations, it is recommended to check in which cases the management company uses such methods, although this will be difficult to do, these organizations prefer to hide such data.

Charges for heat supply with communal and personal meters

If you have an individual meter, the task of calculating the amount of payment for heating is simplified. In such a situation, you only need to multiply the indicators of the individual meter by the consumption standard for the heating utility service of the management company.

If there are possible discrepancies in the legislative acts on payment for heat supply, you should concentrate on the tariffs. Differences in prices among different companies that provide heat can be as much as thirty percent. And when calculating using metering devices, high tariff figures for housing and communal services heating will not allow you to get any benefits from installing meters.

In reality, homeowners do not choose management organizations, especially in multi-storey buildings. In this regard, when checking charges for heating services, they use current prices from management companies that are available in.

But when recalculating for heat, it is necessary to take into account the supplied heat for the entire building. It is necessary to calculate the amount of heat energy provided by suppliers. To resolve the issue of how the payment for heating in an apartment is calculated, use the following formula. It will allow you to count Gcal:


Where V– the share of the home owner to pay for home heating, N– consumption standards, S– the total footage that is included in this group, Tk And Td– footage of residential premises and buildings.

The N value is 0.016 gigocalories per square meter. For example, for a communal heating supply with non-residential premises measuring 600 square meters, the cost calculation will be as follows:

V=0.016x600(33/6000)=0.05 Gcal for heating

To reduce this calculated figure according to the current rules, you should install a common tariff heating meter. With it, heating costs in an apartment building will be reduced by 15-30%.

How to reduce heating bills

Rent tariffs in public utilities are growing quarterly, so the problem of how to reduce costs for thermal energy is quite pressing. This issue is complicated by the nuances of the operation of centralized communications in multi-story buildings.

It should be taken into account that with a centralized energy supply, it is not enough just to insulate the outer walls of the building, replace the windows with double-glazed windows - the total payment amount will be the same, recalculations will not be necessary. Installing individual energy metering devices will help reduce costs. But with such actions, it is possible to encounter other problematic situations:

  • many heating risers in one living space. Today, the price tag for installing metering devices varies from 18 to 25 thousand rubles, and they must be installed on each structure;
  • It is difficult to obtain consent for the installation of metering devices. To do this, the management company needs to issue technical specifications, and then, according to their indications, select a suitable device;
  • For regular payments for heating, you need to check the metering devices according to the established schedule, for which the device is dismantled, checked, and then put back in place. All this also costs money.

But even all these expenses will lead to a reduction in the cost of payments for energy consumption on the meter. If there are several risers in the apartment, you need to install a common house meter, but with such an installation, the cost reduction will not be so significant.

When calculating payments for heat supply using a general metering device, it is not the indicators of energy receipt that are calculated, but the differences between it and in the return pipeline of the central supply. This is a more transparent way of calculating prices. In addition, when choosing this method, it is possible to improve the heating system according to the following indications:

  • you can regulate energy consumption in the house depending on weather conditions;
  • allows you to achieve the best way calculation of payments. In this case, the indicators are distributed among apartments depending on their square footage, and not the heat received.

In addition, only employees of the management organization can maintain and repair the metering device for the entire house. But the residents legally sought the provision of all necessary reports for such a procedure as adjusting heating charges.

In addition to installing a common house meter, you need to install new mixer, which will regulate the heating temperature of the coolant included in the centralized system.

Payments for the provision of thermal energy in different seasons

The ability to choose payment methods for heating in a certain season is excluded by management companies and heat suppliers. They decide this on their own, without the consent of property owners; a payment frequency coefficient has also been introduced, when they pay for heat supply evenly throughout the year. Sometimes there are exceptions; the payment schedule is agreed upon with the administration of the housing cooperative or HOA.

When choosing a heating fee in summer, there are the following features:

  • It is impossible to verify the correctness of charges for heat energy. When making calculations, the accounting department of the management company uses very complicated and cunning methods;
  • When paying for heating in the summer, owners are charged evenly. At the same time, the price for heating costs has the same indicators in summer and winter. This means that payments for the heating received will be equal in both January and July;
  • you can choose the method of seasonal payments for heat when metering devices are installed, which is why most residents of an apartment building prefer installing communal heat meters.

When comparing price tags for the whole year or seasonally, it is striking that the costs will be lower with the second method.

Gas and electric heating

At the first opportunity, most property owners want to switch out of the centralized heating system in order to avoid paying for heating in the summer. Alternative choice– autonomous connection of gas and electric boilers.

However, in reality, with such methods of obtaining thermal energy in apartments, many problematic situations arise. The main one is the consent of the management company for installation similar units in a residential area. In cases of legal installation, the following situations occur:

  • payments for gas consumption will be collected on general conditions. Before paying for the resources received, you need to install a gas consumption meter;
  • in addition to this, you will have to pay for the heat supply to the common areas in the building; the recalculation of heating in such a case is described above;
  • It is prohibited to connect boiler equipment to centralized system heat supply, turning off the system in advance, as this will cause the house circuit to open.

Recalculation of heating fees in your favor is also possible when installing electric heating in your apartment. When installing it, preferential tariffs are obtained from companies that supply electricity. But this is only possible when there is no gas supply in the house. If it is present, then the price for electricity is charged on general terms.

It is also possible to achieve a recalculation for heating when applying for benefits and subsidies. But doing this is currently very difficult. Even if you provide the entire package of documentation, refusal is possible, and confirming requests to reduce payment amounts will require a lot of time. At the same time, the question of whether it is necessary to pay during the non-heating season is decided by management organizations only in their own favor.

Individual metering devices

Installing individual metering devices in an apartment does not mean that you have to pay only for the heat energy consumed. Some people install heated floors in their homes, which are mounted with common system heating, while others install multi-section batteries. At the same time, they pay the heating bill on a general basis. In such situations, it is beneficial to install an individual heat meter for energy consumption.

If there is a heat meter in the apartment, then the consumer pays only for the heat energy that entered this particular room. After all, the indicators are taken from the pipes that are installed at the inlet and outlet. The difference in the readings will be the amount of energy received that came to this particular room, for which you will have to pay a fee. There is also another advantageous nuance. When water supply is below standards, heating is not calculated at all.

Unauthorized installation of metering devices in residential premises is prohibited. Such work must be carried out by employees of authorized licensed organizations that are permitted to carry out such activities. For installation, it is necessary to draw up a project and approve it, which can cost much more than a meter.

In addition, there are technical problems. If there is horizontal wiring, questions usually do not arise. Meters are placed on the inlet and outlet pipes. But in reality, in multi-story buildings, the distribution is vertical, that is, risers are present in all rooms. In this case, installing a meter on each pipe is too expensive.

It is possible to install distributors on each battery to calculate energy at the installation site. Then, based on the readings taken, the amount of energy for each unit of indicators is calculated. Then, multiplying this number with the readings of the distributor, the final result will be obtained, according to which payment for heat is made.


However, the presence of distributors will not give the only correct indicator for the heat consumed, because whether it is installed on a small battery, or on many sections, it will determine the same figures. In this case, several sections will provide more heat energy. In addition, to calculate heat supply in this way, it is necessary that the house have a common meter, that 75 percent of the owners have distributors, and that thermostats be installed on the radiators.

When paying for heating with distributors, the question arises - how to check the correctness of the accrual? In order not to calculate the monthly cost, the management company allows preliminary rates at which property owners make payments. The administration of the management company carries out calculations in accordance with meter readings. Heating recalculation and adjustments need to be made twice a year. At the same time, the difference between payments made and actual consumption is calculated, according to which tariffs are reduced or added.

This helps reduce costs for heating services, but only when the water supplied to the apartment is below normal. In other cases it is not beneficial.

The management company told us that this year they are going to install a new house heat meter in our high-rise building. In the meantime, they will change it, we will have to pay for heating at higher rates. Explain whether they can charge us inflated amounts and how they generally calculate the payment for heat?

Denis Potapov. Southwestern district.

As explained in the capital's mayor's office, if a common house heat meter works properly all year, heating fees are calculated based on the average calculated readings of the house meter for the previous year. This is necessary to evenly distribute the amount throughout the year. That is, every month we pay for heat 1/12 of the total heat recorded on the house meter for the previous year. The management company divides the amount of heat that, according to the meter readings, heated the house last year by 12 months. The resulting figure is divided by the total area of ​​the entire house and multiplied by the total area of ​​the specific apartment and the current tariff (see “Specific”).

At the end of the year, the management company checks the resulting figure with the amount of heat actually used and changes the amount depending on whether the house spent more or less heat this year than last year. The payment adjustment is indicated on the receipt in the “Recalculation” column.


If there was a break in the operation of the home heat meter for at least a month (for example, the device broke down or the management company did not transmit the meter readings to the heat supplier), then residents will pay for heating this year according to the meter data for last year. And next year - already according to the standard. The payment for heat in a residential building is affected by the number of floors, wall material, year of construction, and the work of the management company on energy saving in the building. On average, the price for heating one square meter in houses where a house heat meter is installed, it ranges from 23.11 rubles. up to 29.42 rub. And in houses where they pay for heat according to the standard - more than 33 rubles, that is, the amount in receipts may be higher.


If the residents of the house doubt the correctness of the amount in the payment, they can contact the Moscow Housing Inspectorate with a request to check utility payments. You can send a complaint to:

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