Maintenance and overhaul - what's the difference. Capital repairs: definition and implementation

Repair is a set of measures aimed at restoring the good condition or performance of an object. New buildings and structures sooner or later deteriorate, cars, appliances and furniture break down. Repair of an object or product can be current (cosmetic) or capital. There is also such a thing as reconstruction.

Major overhaul: definition

In any building, sooner or later, walls begin to crumble, electrical wiring fails, floors sag and creak. If this happens, therefore, it is time to take a set of measures necessary to correct the situation.

To begin with, let's figure out what definition of major and current repairs exists. These two concepts differ primarily in scale. The amount of work during the overhaul is much higher than that of the cosmetic. IN last case only minor adjustments are made, not too much money is spent. Overhaul usually requires a large investment. It is carried out using latest materials often with innovative technologies.

Any building must meet sanitary and technical requirements defined by law. In the event that the required result cannot be achieved through the current one, a major overhaul is carried out. Its definition is as follows: "A set of works aimed at improving the quality of an object, in which its main, most significant units or structural elements are replaced."

Buildings and constructions

The need for capital repairs of facilities is thus regulated by law. It should be performed in case of wear of 30-70% of a stone building or 65% of a wooden one. There is a concept of complete and selective overhaul. In the latter case, work is carried out to update only part of the engineering equipment and individual house designs that really require it. Capital is carried out by the tenants themselves. The exception is the tenants of municipal apartments.

The term for a complete overhaul usually occurs after 30 years of operation of the building, selective - 20 years. The duration of the house structures until the need for replacement or reconstruction, depending on the materials used in the construction, is:

  • for foundations, ceilings and walls - 30-80 years;
  • balconies, stairs, porches, verandas - 30-80 years;
  • roofing, doors, windows - 10-30 years;
  • rafter system, wall frames - 30-80 years;
  • interior decoration - 3-30 years.

How to accurately determine the need for a major overhaul of a building

A technical passport is issued for any apartment building already at the stage of its construction. This document fully displays the state of its structural elements, engineering communications, etc. It is used to judge the possibility of carrying out such a procedure as a major overhaul. Determination of its necessity is the responsibility of the commission created with the involvement of specialists from various services and organizations. That is, a pre-inspection of the building is carried out on the spot.

Particular attention should be paid to the basement of the house. It is mandatory to inspect the foundation and load-bearing floors, heating and plumbing systems. Also rated sanitary condition basement. The presence of its inhabitants, such as rats, mice, cockroaches, may be an additional reason for making a decision on a major overhaul. Inspection is also carried out for the presence of fungus and mold. The final decision is made by the general meeting of tenants, initiated by the HOA. The apartment owners agree on the very need for such an event, determine the objects and means of major repairs, the timing of its implementation, etc. After the decision of the tenants is documented, the HOA can begin to search and hire the specialists necessary for the work.

What activities can be carried out

So, what is the definition of a major overhaul of a building at the moment and what it is, we have found out. Now let's see how, in fact, this event is performed. During a major overhaul usually:

  • dilapidated walls and partitions are being replaced;
  • new doors are being installed;
  • floors are leveled or changed;
  • installing new or repairing old plumbing equipment;
  • if necessary, structural elements of the building are insulated and waterproofed;
  • in some cases, landscaping adjoining territory.

Thus, the overhaul is aimed at the complete or partial elimination of wear and tear of utilities and house structures. All work is paid for by the residents of the house themselves (except for tenants of municipal apartments).

Capital repairs of the apartment

A complex and expensive set of measures aimed at eliminating worn-out structural elements of a building can be partially carried out by the residents themselves. For example, apartment owners often change worn floors, level walls and ceilings, replace gas, plumbing and heating equipment. In some cases, such a major overhaul of the premises is carried out only after obtaining permits for certain changes in the relevant authorities. If we talk about the transfer of doors, the construction of new partitions, then such actions are already equated with reconstruction.

Urban planning code

So, we have found out repair (definition). its holding for multi-storey buildings regulates quite well. The implementation of reconstruction and overhaul is regulated by Article 52. The norms of this document provide for the following:

  • Capital repairs are carried out by the developer himself or by individuals or legal entities. In the last two cases, a contract is mandatory. Only persons with a certificate of admission can be involved in the overhaul of structural elements that affect the safety of the building. It is possible to hire any individuals and legal entities to perform ordinary work.
  • During the repair process, the requirements project documentation and safety technology.
  • In the event that an object is discovered during a major overhaul or reconstruction cultural heritage all work must be stopped immediately. Responsible persons are obliged to report the find to the relevant authorities, etc.

Equipment in enterprises

As in all other cases, the repair of machines and mechanisms on industrial enterprises classified into current and capital. The differences between these two concepts are primarily also in scale. Each overhaul object is fully disassembled beforehand. Further work is carried out in the following order:

  • worn components and parts are changed;
  • repairs of frames, frames, main shafts and foundations are carried out;
  • the unit is adjusted and aligned;
  • if necessary, parts are replaced with more modern ones.

That is, the definition of equipment overhaul is approximately the following: "Bringing the state of this particular used unit to the requirements for new machines." Overhaul of mechanisms is carried out by persons who have access to the production of this kind of work.

Regulatory procedure

Next, we will consider how major repairs are carried out at enterprises. The determination of its order, or rather the approval of the plan, is usually entrusted to the chief engineer of a plant or combine. He also appoints the person responsible for the overhaul.

A set of measures to upgrade equipment can be carried out according to two schemes:

  • Disposable. At the same time, the work of the workshop is completely stopped until the end of the repair work.
  • Distributed schedule. IN this case the total volume of all necessary activities is divided into several smaller ones. That is, the workshop continues to work, and major repairs are carried out during the periods allotted for the current one, on the days of planned stops.

The first method is used more often at most enterprises, since the overhaul of equipment usually does not take too much time. Average terms of its carrying out - 5-25 days. In rolling shops in metallurgical production, for example, such repairs are usually carried out once a year, in blast furnaces - once every 2-3 years. Recently, however, enterprises are increasingly using the second method of performing such work. The fact is that the organization of a major overhaul according to a dispersed schedule in much more answers modern requirements conducting production. The main advantage of this option is, of course, that it allows you not to reduce the rate of output of finished products.

Cars and other equipment

Now let's see what a car overhaul is. The definition of this procedure is similar to the previous ones. That is, the overhaul of the machine is a complex of rather expensive, labor-intensive and time-consuming measures aimed at bringing it to the state of a new one (if possible). In its course, it is usually performed complete replacement most worn parts and assemblies.

The decision on the need for a major overhaul in this case is usually taken by professionals after a complete diagnosis of all machine systems. Of course, the owner of the car himself can become the initiator of its implementation. Most often, the overhaul of the car is carried out after an accident.

Order of execution

Carrying out a major overhaul of the car is usually carried out according to the following scheme:

  • Preliminary diagnostics of components and parts is performed. This determines, in fact, the systems that need to be replaced or restored.
  • The machine is dismantled, the components are dismantled.
  • Where possible, parts are restored. Those that are completely worn out are replaced.
  • In some cases, the basic elements of the car change - the body, engine, etc.
  • Next, the machine is tested in conditions close to real.

In the event that on final stage no problems will be identified, the car is returned to the owner.


In conclusion, one more very important definition should be given. Reconstruction and overhaul are actually different concepts. In the latter case, as we have already found out, a large-scale update of the main elements and nodes of the object is carried out. Reconstruction is an even broader concept. When it is carried out, the very technical purpose of the object changes. An example is the redevelopment of an apartment, the addition of an additional floor of a house, the addition of new nodes to an old car that improve it. performance characteristics, etc.

So we gave precise definition concept of "overhaul". This is the name of a large-scale set of measures, as a result of which an object becomes fully operational again.

Overhaul has always been the subject of controversy and questions. Therefore, we decided to talk a little on this topic.

About overhaul

The overhaul itself is a complex work on significant changes in the design of the object. This is a rather complicated and costly event, which is carried out exclusively by qualified specialists, since the work performed during the overhaul ideally ensures not only aesthetics, but also the safety of the operation of the building.

What is included in the overhaul? It may be completely various works, the composition and order of which is determined after the analysis of the technical report on the state of engineering systems and building structures, design and estimate documentation and wishes of the owners.

One of the main directions in the overhaul is the repair of walls and facades, which includes the following types of work:

· warming of socles, facades;

replacement of balcony and window fillings with PVC windows;

glazing of loggias and balconies;

repair of socles, facades;

· repair of loggias and balconies with the subsequent restoration of tile covering, waterproofing, repair of screens, protections;

repair of fire escapes;

· the device of peaks over loggias, balconies of the top floors, entrances to entrances and cellars;

· repair of a blind area;

· repair of external walls of lift shafts;

· repair and replacement of an external drain.

Another direction is the repair of basements and foundations of the house, which includes:

repair of foundations;

repair of basement entrances;

antiseptic treatment of structural elements of the building;

· sealing of intersections of engineering systems with foundations.

In addition, repair of attics and roofs can be carried out:

replacement, repair, fire treatment, antiseptic wooden structures;

repair or replacement of pallets;

Restoration of temperature and humidity conditions;

replacement, repair of pallets;

sealing, repair of air ducts, gas ducts and other similar systems;

repair, replacement of parapet gratings;

repair and replacement of internal drainage elements, etc.

During a major overhaul, stairs can also be repaired with the replacement of steps, stairwell fences, etc. In addition, a significant part of the work in the field of overhaul is devoted to entrance areas and door fillings. This category includes the following activities:

replacement, repair of lighting;

repair, replacement entrance doors entrances;

· repair, replacement of doors in garbage chambers;

· repair, strengthening, partial replacement of stairs, entrance platform, etc.

Intra-house engineering systems apartment building

Repair central heating:

replacement and repair of risers, pipelines, connections to heating systems;

· installation heating appliances with attached and built-in automatic thermostats;

replacement or repair of thermal curtains;

Reconstruction of the panel control system;

adjustment of the heating system;

installation of automatic balancing valves on branches, risers, rings heating systems etc.

Arrangement of ventilation (replacement of grilles, cleaning of the ventilation system)

Organization of hot and cold water supply:

replacement and repair of pipelines and heated towel rails, if they belong to common house systems;

· installation stop valves;

Replacing piping;

installation of meters, etc.

Of course, the work in the field of overhaul does not end there, and it is very important to understand that only professionals should be involved in their work.

The problems associated with the implementation of major repairs and the maintenance of real estate objects are urgent for the government apparatus and managing organizations. The seriousness of the task is due to an increase in the level of responsibility of citizens for the maintenance of houses and the deterioration of the housing stock. However, first you need to find out what is included in the overhaul of an apartment building.

The concept of overhaul

Overhaul is the performance of work aimed at eliminating the design flaws in the common property of the owners in an apartment building. Such activities also include the reconstruction or replacement of components in order to improve the overall properties.

It is worth knowing that the capital repair fund and other resources are sources of costs for restoration work.

In addition to capital, the latter is also a set of measures taken to prevent wear and tear of real estate and eliminate minor damage.

Most often, current repairs are planned. Such work is carried out quite often and does not require significant financial costs.

Capital Repair Fund

The overhaul fund consists of several elements. That is, it includes a contribution for major repairs, interest calculated for the use of finance from a specialized account and paid by the owners for failure to fulfill their obligations to transfer payments.

The funds received can be used to solve several problems. For example, to pay for the repair of common property. In addition, money can be used to repay loans for services already provided or to develop project documentation.

If the building is in disrepair, then the fund's funds are used to demolish or reconstruct the building. At the same time, the owners of real estate deal with this issue.

Contributions for overhaul

Contribution for the overhaul of common property must be paid by the owners every month. The amount of such payment is specified in the relevant legal document. It should be remembered that such a payment must be made after seven calendar days. It can also be started after the publication of a regional program for the implementation of restoration activities. Contribution for major repairs is not paid in the event of the building being in an emergency condition.

The amount of such a contribution depends on the number of floors, the period of operation, the volume necessary work and belonging to a particular municipal organization. Also, the owners, based on the results of the general meeting, can increase the entry fee for the overhaul of common property.

In addition, the authorities should regularly review the level of the minimum payment. This study depends on the income level of the population and the prices for restoration work. Calculating the amount of the contribution is quite simple. To do this, multiply the total area by the rate, which is indicated in the legal act.

List of works

The legislation approved a register of services that are provided at the expense of the existing fund. What is included in the renovation of an apartment building? In accordance with the resolution, house maintenance work includes a technical inspection of the premises and its elements, preparation for the operation of the building in various periods of the year and provision additional services. The overhaul works cover the replacement internal communications such as plumbing, heating, etc. In addition, this includes checking elevator equipment, roofs, basements and facades.

However, there are some additions. In particular, measures are being taken to insulate the walls, equip the ventilation system and install meters.

Roof repair

Is it possible to save?

The funds to form the fund may come from other sources. Moreover, the money received is spent both on paying existing debts and on financing additional work.

Other sources include cash received for the provision of non-residential premises for rent and the placement of advertising structures. At the same time, the intermediary has the right to make discounts on payments, for example, to pensioners, veterans.

Quality of work

The organization that carries out restoration work is obliged to ensure their quality in accordance with established requirements and rules.

The relevant agreement defines the norms for the implementation of major repairs and safety indicators that construction floors must meet.

Monitoring the progress of the work falls on the shoulders of the regional operator or the partnership of owners. Also, state bodies can be participants in this process. Such a service undertakes to maintain a list of notifications and special accounts, provide the necessary information and report on the progress of events.


Having learned what is included in the overhaul of an apartment building, we can draw some conclusions. For example, the overhaul fund is formed at the expense of finances received from the owners. The frequency of such work depends on the period of operation of the materials. In particular, the service life of a slate roof is thirty years, and a cast-iron pipeline is forty. Contributions to the respective fund are obligatory. Whether to pay for major repairs is decided directly by the owner of the property. However, it should be remembered that non-payment of contributions leads to the calculation of interest and litigation.

IN last years before government bodies, managing organizations and homeowners are acutely concerned with the maintenance of residential real estate and the implementation of major repairs.

The significance of the problem is due to the increase in the financial burden of citizens for the maintenance of common property and significant deterioration of the housing stock.

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Building maintenance - what is it?

The concept of overhaul is disclosed in the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. These are the replacement (restoration) works:

  • Building structures (except load-bearing) and their components;
  • Engineering and technical communications;
  • Parts of load-bearing building structures.

During a major overhaul, malfunctions of worn-out parts of common house property are eliminated by restoring repairs, they are replaced with similar ones or with better performance characteristics.

If they allow technical capabilities, then the residential building is being modernized taking into account modern requirements in the field of efficient use various kinds resources (equipment with heat, electricity, water, gas meters) and improve living comfort.

Based on the scope of work performed, there are:

  1. Comprehensive repairs carried out in order to restore all damaged parts of common property. After completion of such repairs, the technical condition of the building must fully comply with all building codes and operational requirements.
  2. Selective overhaul involves the replacement or repair of individual components of the building, certain elements of engineering communications.

Selective repairs are performed when a comprehensive repair is impossible or involves significant difficulties.

These may be situations where:

  • Significant damage to some structures threatens the safety of other parts of buildings;
  • There is no economic feasibility of carrying out a comprehensive repair of the building or there are peculiarities of its financing;
  • It may be necessary to limit or temporarily stop the use of the house.

Also, in addition to the planned overhaul, an unscheduled (emergency) one is distinguished, which is carried out to restore the damage caused building structures at home as a result of any emergency.

Maintenance and overhaul of the house: what is the difference?

It is fundamentally important to distinguish between major repairs and ongoing repairs, since the rights and obligations of the parties and other participants in relations in the housing sector directly depend on the correct qualification of the work being carried out.

For example, in contracts for the provision of real estate for compensation (lease, rent), current repairs are the responsibility of the tenant, and capital repairs are the responsibility of the lessor. Besides Funding for these types of repairs comes from a variety of sources..

The features of each type of repair are based on the difference in goals, frequency and volume of repair work.

Current (preventive) repairs are measures systematically carried out in order to prevent premature wear structures, decoration, communications of the building and work to eliminate minor damage and breakdowns.

An approximate set of measures implemented as part of the current repair is contained in Methodological guide for the maintenance and repair of the housing stock (MDK 2-04.2004), approved by the Federal Agency for Construction and Housing and Utilities (currently - the Ministry of Construction).

The current repair has a planned and preventive character. Preventive repair work does not require interruptions in the full use of the premises of the building by residents, is carried out periodically and quite often, in addition, such work is less expensive than overhaul.

Often the line between major and current repairs is conditional, since the objects of repair work are the same structures and their elements.

During the overhaul, an element that has become unusable is replaced or subject to restoration, and the scope of current repairs is to maintain structures in good condition for due date operation. For example, fixing a roof leak is a current repair, while replacing the entire roof of a house is a major one.

Ongoing works are carried out and financed by housing maintenance companies from rents and rents.

Overhaul in apartment building paid for by targeted payments from the owners.

It is also necessary to distinguish between overhaul and reconstruction of the building. During reconstruction, unlike repair, measures are taken to change key parameters MKD (number of floors, area) or complete replacement load-bearing structures.

Minimum contribution

The owners of apartments and non-residential areas located in an MKD (apartment building) are legally obligated to fully finance the overhaul of common property.

Paid monthly contributions are accumulated in a specialized overhaul trust fund, which is formed in two ways:

  • On a separate bank account MKD(the accumulated money is spent on a specific house);
  • Accumulation of funds in a collective account, managed by a regional operator, which carries out all organizational measures for the overhaul of the housing stock in a single subject in accordance with the overhaul program approved by the regional authorities.

The minimum mandatory contribution is approved by law in each region of the country.

The calculation of the amount of the contribution for a particular owner is made in rubles by multiplying the established tariff by the total area of ​​​​the premises owned by a citizen or legal entity.

Contributions may vary depending on:

  1. From belonging to the territory of a particular municipality;
  2. Type MKD;
  3. Number of floors;
  4. Actual service life;
  5. Cost and volume of repair work;
  6. Service life of common property elements.

Other works, except those established by the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, can only be carried out at the expense of the excess of the capital repair contribution.

Types of work that are paid at the expense of the minimum contribution

At the national level, legislation provides for a set of overhaul services funded by the overhaul fund.

What is included in the renovation of an apartment building? This is the repair, and, if necessary, the replacement of the following elements of the MKD:

  • Intra-house communications related to common house property(systems of water supply, heating, sewerage, power supply, gasification, replacement of stove heating with central heating);
  • Lift equipment(normative service life is about 25 years);
  • roofs(the frequency of repairs depends on the roofing material);
  • Foundation and basement areas classified as common property of the owners(taking into account the load-bearing floors of the first floor, walls and passing sections of engineering communications);
  • facade(including restoration of joint sealing, restoration of plaster, facing tiles, replacement of ebbs, downpipes and other works).

At the regional level, this list is allowed to be supplemented with services for:

  1. Insulation of the walls of the building;
  2. Arrangement of a ventilated roof and exits to it;
  3. Equipping MKD with common building meters of resource consumption, other devices that increase energy efficiency.
  • Inspection of MKD and preparation of estimates for future repairs;
  • Carrying out designer and technical supervision of the work performed;
  • Energy audit of an apartment building;
  • Technical inventory and certification of an apartment building.

The general meeting of owners has the right to agree to increase the minimum contribution rate established by the region in order to finance any additional work on the overhaul of the common property of the house.

Apartment owners are now required to pay for overhaul. The Russians are offered to choose a method of accumulating funds for this item of expenditure. We invite you to watch the video.

Repair work is mandatory measure maintenance of any home. Maintaining the basic structure, communications and finishes in good condition allows you to use the house for a long time in accordance with its operational purpose. At the same time, the formats of repair work can be different. They determine the timing, lists of work activities, costs, safety standards, etc. The fundamental difference between current repairs and major repairs, which is expressed both in approaches to organizing processes, and in the complexity of the operations performed.

Current repair definition

In accordance with the regulatory definition, current repairs are recognized as measures that are aimed at timely and systematic protection of the serviced object from damage and malfunctions. In this case, the object means industrial buildings, communication networks, facilities and residential buildings. In other words, the current repair of the house is a list preventive measures, focused on the repair of certain structures in the form of elements that form building objects.

In modern editions of the standards, it is emphasized that technical measures are aimed precisely at eliminating existing malfunctions. But when developing a project for an event, work may well be added that aims to strengthen workable elements. For example, preventive maintenance work may include reinforcing roof trusses, installing patches, installing protective frames on foundations and walls. Such solutions in the future eliminate the formation of new damage and destructive processes.

Overhaul Definition

Overhaul means the restoration or complete replacement of building structures, as well as engineering equipment with communications. In practice, a major overhaul of a house can be expressed in the complete or partial renewal of the appearance of the house, its internal arrangement and carrying out modernization. At the same time, there are restrictions that do not allow the performers to completely eliminate the main structures - at least in cases where such work is contrary to the life of the house. That is, if the structure can be operated for 20-30 years, then it cannot be updated without obvious signs of destruction during repairs.

In essence, during the overhaul, the consequences of the functional or physical deterioration of objects are eliminated. Therefore, large-scale work is often carried out to upgrade engineering equipment and carriers with sections. In this context, the following difference between current repairs and major repairs can be noted: if in the first case we are talking about working with local damage and breakdowns, then in the second, complex operations are performed that affect several interrelated elements.

Differences by type of work

Technical operations during current repairs include repair, replacement, correction of structures, laying of cladding, planning of the local area, etc. The service team can replace individual elements of plumbing, restore a partially destroyed wall or renew flooring. That is, these are works that do not involve radical intervention in the structure and most often manifest themselves in the elimination of obvious external problems. At the same time, the norms of current and overhaul may overlap in the lists of works. For example, water supply, sewerage, and water supply in general, as objects, can be classified as current repair measures in the sense that, in order to restore working capacity, the contractor can update their elements up to risers and pumping units. But overhaul also takes on the same area, since engineering networks and communications are allotted to it - another thing is that in projects we can talk about systemic restoration of the working capacity of channels with a complete replacement of the infrastructure.

Funding difference

Differences in the organization and payment of repair activities are determined by the type of facility. The house can be private and multi-family. In the first case, both capital and current repair measures are fully assigned to the owner. He is responsible for organizing and financing the renovation. However, this does not exclude the possibility of construction company, which, again, for a fee will take over Maintenance houses of any complexity. If the matter concerns common property, then the difference between the current repair and the overhaul will be in the amount of payment. In each case, the amount of contributions is calculated individually - based on the condition of the house, region and other factors. Directly the organization and implementation of repair activities is assigned to the management company.

The difference in timing

The need for current repairs, for obvious reasons, arises much more often than in the organization of major repairs. Therefore, the format of local technical operations is applied once every 3-6 months. But this is a conditional time range, since premature repairs of the building may be required if, for example, an accident occurs. It is important to emphasize that adjustments to the work schedule, as well as their list, can be changed by the residents of the house at a general meeting.

As for the overhaul, it is carried out every 3-5 years. In this case, the meeting of owners may also postpone the deadlines, if there are good reasons for that. The main difference between the current repair and the overhaul in this part is that when performing large-scale operations to update or replace the structures, the residents of the house must be notified in advance. This applies specifically to the overhaul, and current local events may even take place without informing.

Differences between overhaul and reconstruction

Often, the term reconstruction is introduced into the concept of overhaul, and sometimes current repair. From a technical point of view, such mixing may be fair - during reconstruction, work of the same complexity and in the same areas can be carried out. But the tasks of reconstruction are fundamentally different. For the current repair, the goal is to correct specific problems and damages, and the overhaul aims to eliminate systemic violations in the building structure - this is its content. Both current repairs and capital repairs are carried out to ensure that the building at least regains its previous condition with basic reliability and safety. In turn, reconstruction using the same technical tools is carried out in order to change the parameters of the building, even if it is currently in an optimal condition for operation.

Other nuances in the differences

The difficulty in distinguishing between the two formats for performing repairs lies in the fact that between them there are still no clear boundaries. For example, there is the concept of selective overhaul, which is aimed at partial replacement of building structures. But even within the framework of ongoing repair operations, it is possible to carry out such events. In addition, a comprehensive repair of a building in practice can include entire layers of operations, which are directly designated as a list of current repairs. Therefore, a strict demarcation can only take place at the moment when the project has already received the appropriate designation.


For the average layman, knowledge of the features of separation different types repair may have great importance, even if it is not related to formal organizational processes similar events. This is important, for example, for private owners who are planning a major overhaul of the house within a certain time frame with the connection of their own finances. Understanding how the overhaul differs from the current one will help classify the types of technical operations - accordingly, determine the degree of their complexity, as well as the responsibility of the performers. This is also important for residents. apartment buildings who are in legal and economic relations with management company carrying out repairs.

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