Management of organizational behavior of people and processes. Yu. RassypnovaManagement of organizational behavior in the agro-industrial complex

Modern changes in technological processes, the internationalization of the economy, the development of information technology, customer-oriented quality management, the recognition of the existing diversity of workers and their management have led to a change in the management paradigm. The new approach is to recognize the primacy of the individual in the organization, its knowledge and skills for effective operation.

An individual who comes to work in an organization assumes a number of restrictions on his behavior, dictated by the regulations, the norms of this organization, the corporate code of conduct. In the XX century. the employer entered into a moral contract with the employee, according to which, in exchange for loyalty to the organization and the willingness to follow instructions
the employee received guarantees of employment, career growth, material remuneration.

Today employers need knowledge much more than simple performing discipline. The ability to learn begins to be valued above devotion. As a result, there appears new type an organizational contract that has the character of a commercial partnership: the parties undertake to cooperate as long as it is beneficial to each of them, but to cooperate
with maximum return in the form of creativity on the part of the employee and the creation of conditions for this creativity on the part of the organization.

As a result, relations within the organization are changing, the market component (component) is increasing in them, which is a more rigid form of relationship that requires adequate behavior of both the employee and the employer. This provision makes it particularly relevant to develop modern approaches teaching organizational behavior in preparing specialists for work in changing conditions.

Organizational behavior as an academic discipline is a complex field of knowledge that explores various phenomena and processes, covering a large amount of specific terms and concepts associated with many social and natural science disciplines. To study them, you need a certain system that facilitates the process of mastering the discipline.

The behavior of individuals is essentially determined by the purpose and objectives that the organization sets for itself, by the restrictions that it imposes on the individual.

The purpose of organizational behavior is to study the patterns of organizational behavior of an individual, modern forms and methods of influencing its behavior, the principles of forming groups united by common goals and identifying the features of substantiating methods of influencing organizational behavior, which helps to increase the efficiency of the entire organization.

Despite the complication of problems at all levels of analysis - personal, group and organizational - the orientation of organizational behavior towards its practical use in company management remains and will develop in the future. This means developing accessible, understandable and applicable methods, the use of which in the management of people will allow the organization to achieve its goals with maximum benefit.

The realization that people are the most valuable resource of an organization leads to a change in behavioral paradigms, to a humanistic orientation of organizational behavior, its social orientation. The behavior of the organization is becoming more and more directed towards social justice for employees, balancing the interests of employees and the company, social responsiveness and responsibility to society.

The essence of organizational behavior lies in the systematic, scientific analysis of the behavior of individuals, groups, organizations in order to understand
predict and improve the individual performance and functioning of the organization, taking into account the impact of the external environment. Organizational behavior involves the study and formation of the behavior of individuals, groups to achieve the organization's goals and improve the efficiency of its activities. Organizational behavior is a multidiscipline (cross-discipline) because it uses principles and methods borrowed from other disciplines: organization theory, psychology, social psychology, management, personnel management. In turn, organizational behavior is the basis for the study
a whole range of management disciplines. Organizational behavior has a clear cash orientation within the group, its behavior: people
within the group, their feelings, sensations, susceptibility to the new, reaction to the environment.

So, organizational: multidiscipline; focused on the individual in the organization: focused on performance; takes into account the impact of the external environment.

The subject of organizational behavior is the relationship of the management system at all levels with a focus on the development of effective
management methods in a competitive environment of functioning.

Organizational behavior studies the relationships in the management system at all levels with a development orientation effective methods management, in a competitive environment: cooperation; power and control; property; non-production.

Methods for researching organizational behavior:

- surveys - interviews, questionnaires, testing, measuring the level of satisfaction with work, the organizational climate of the team;

- collection of fixed information - the study of documents that exist in the organization and regulate the activities of employees and groups (charter of the organization, corporate code of conduct, contracts, job descriptions, regulations on divisions);

- observations - the study of the situation, the state of the workplace, the appearance of employees in accordance with the requirements of organizational culture;

– experiments - carrying out laboratory or natural experiments;

- Internet using.

stages of development of organizational behavior

Organizational behavior (OB) as a new scientific discipline began to develop in the 50s. 20th century The term "organizational
Behavior” arose when several areas of scientific disciplines that study the processes occurring in an organization, between organizations, between the internal and external environment have been combined. Thus, organizational behavior has absorbed such disciplines as industrial engineering, sociology of work, social psychology, business research, management theory and law.

The science of organizational behavior is subdivided on the basis of a number of criteria into more specialized subjects. The main criteria are:

– level of aggregation (generalization) and analysis;

– specific aspects of organizational life;

- features related to the goals of companies, products or services;

- criteria for dividing the organization into parts, etc.

Organizational behavior is a combination of at least two traditional sciences in business schools:

1) schools of management (management);

2) schools of "human relations".

classical school. Scientific management is based on the work of a number of managers, consultants and researchers (F. Taylor, A. Fayol, G. Ford, etc.), who, despite the fact that they approached the study of the organization from different points of view, developed a number of concepts and ideas that have many general. These ideas were very popular in the first decades.
the last century.

Scientific management focuses on the productivity of the individual worker. As the society of the twentieth century
became more and more industrial, it became increasingly difficult for firms to increase their productivity.

Frederick W. Taylor (1856-1915), an American mechanical engineer, suggested that the problem was primarily
lack of management practices. The subject of his research is the position of workers in the system of machine production (finally formed by late XIX V.). Taylor wrote that "the principle object of management should be the maximum guarantee of the prosperity of the employer (the development of each industry) combined with the maximum prosperity of each employee."

The philosophy of F. Taylor was based on the position that managerial decisions are made on the basis of scientific analysis and facts, and not guesswork. The ideas of F. Taylor became widespread in industrial economies in the 1920s-1930s.

Administrative management focuses on leaders and the functions they perform. This approach to management was most fully developed by Henri Fayol (1841-1925), a French mining engineer whose main point of view was formed at the beginning of the 20th century. Fayol rose to prominence when he revived a mining company that was on the verge of collapse and turned it into a financial success. He later attributed his success to the method he applied rather than to his own personal ability. Fayol was the first to recognize that successful managers need to know the basic functions of management. He defined these functions as planning, organization, command (leadership), coordination and control. He also argued that successful managers need to apply certain management principles to these functions.

Bureaucratic management © focuses on the organizational system as a whole and is based on the following provisions:

– the firm's rules, policies and procedures;

– established hierarchy;

- A clear division of labor.

Max Weber (1864-1920), German social historian, most closely associated with bureaucratic management. Weber
noted that management in many European organizations in the XIX century. had a personal basis. Employees often showed more loyalty to individual managers than to the mission of the organization. And, as a result, resources were often used at the will of individual managers, and not in accordance with the goals of the organization. To prevent these dysfunctional consequences, Weber introduced a management system that would be based on impersonal and rational behavior. This type of management is called bureaucracy.

The school of "human relations" - a school that puts the individual and the group factor in the center of attention, arose in the 1920s and 1930s. in the United States as a result of research and experimentation at an enterprise in Hawthorne, near Chicago, and then appeared in other countries. In the USA, its representatives are E. Mayo, F. Roethlisberger, W. Mury. in France - J. Friedman.

Professor Elton Mayo (1880-1949), together with a group of colleagues, conducted experiments in Hawthorne at the factories of the Westinghouse Electric Company. The experiments were carried out as part of the study of life in the United States in the section "Labor in America" ​​at the factories of large firms.

Emigrant girls worked day by day in the workshop, the work went on at a silent, dull pace, since everyone was weighed down by material problems. The goal of the program was to clarify the impact of the workplace atmosphere on work. These conditions gradually began to change, labor productivity increased sharply, and after a while it stabilized.

The workers felt the attention to themselves and began to discuss these issues among themselves. Ultimately, informal groups and norms of behavior in them were formed, and, accordingly, control over the observance of these norms, carried out by the leader. Social norms have arisen that regulate labor activity (in this group, no more and no more
less than a certain number of items). Thus, social norms began to perform the functions of production control.

Conclusions on the Hawthorne experiments: the influence of social norms of behavior on labor productivity was determined; revealed the significant role of social incentives in the behavior of members of the organization, in some cases blocking the effect of economic incentives; the priority of group factors of behavior over personal ones was revealed; the importance of informal leadership in the activities of the group is shown.

E. Mayo summarized his views, which go far beyond the scope of his research, in a book called "Social Problems of Industrial Culture". The main idea is that you can create an organization that achieves its goals through the satisfaction of the needs of its employees.

In a very short period of time, Mayo managed to turn an "economic", "rational" person into a "social" one. Later generations of behavioral scientists © made this person a "self-actualizing" person, knowing himself and his abilities and realizing his possibilities.

It must be said that the experiments of E. Mayo lay in the general direction of the development of the methodology of science and were based on a systematic view of the world and management.

The systematic approach originates from the work of Alexander Aleksandrovich Bogdanov. (1873-1928) “Tectology. General Organizational Science, published in 1920.

The term "behavior", with the help of which it became possible to reflect the sphere of relations of an individual integral interacting organism with the environment, was introduced by Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936). By the way, behaviorism is translated from Latin as behavior. Thus, one of the main provisions of behaviorism - the possibility of changing human behavior - is based on the phenomenon of a conditioned reflex.

The OP discipline originates from the report of the American management specialists R. Gordon £, and D. Howelom &, who in
1959 published the results of their research, which included a survey of students and teachers of business schools.

Their conclusions showed that the teaching of disciplines such as management, business psychology does not fully reflect the needs of managers.

In the United States, in 1973, the first textbook on organizational behavior appeared, authored by Fred Lutens. In 1999, for the first time in Russia,
translated into Russian the seventh edition of this textbook, which became the first academic textbook on organizational behavior in
Russian language. F. Lutens defines organizational behavior as the science of describing, explaining, predicting and managing human behavior in an organization.

New in the development of organizational behavior is today the direction of studying the behavior of an individual in virtual organizations, the concepts of "behavior" and "organization" are combined in the virtual space, which involves further research. At present, organizational behavior has really turned into a specific area of ​​scientific knowledge related to practice. effective management modern complex organizations. This trend should further strengthen in the future.

Changes taking place in the external and internal environment of the organization, the emergence of new types of organizations, new paradigms and
knowledge about human behavior necessitates the development and implementation in practice of new models of organizational behavior that meet the requirements of the time. The new models embody the ideas of partnership, teamwork, involvement, self-control, focus on meeting the needs of more high order, self-realization, High Quality working life, etc.

Thus, schools and approaches of scientific thought can be grouped into three main models - authoritarian, guardianship and supportive.

Let us briefly formulate again the main characteristic features of these schools or models.

authoritarian model. The authoritarian, power-based model of organizational behavior dominated the era
industrial revolution. In an autocracy, managers are oriented towards formal, official powers delegated through the right to give orders to subordinates. It is assumed that workers should be directed, forced to work, which is the main task of management. This approach leads to tight management control over
labor process.

In the conditions of autocracy, employees are oriented towards subordination to the leader, due to which there is a psychological dependence on the leader. The level of wages in the organization is at a low level due to the fact that the results of the work of employees are minimal. This circumstance is due to the fact that employees strive to satisfy, first of all, their basic needs and the basic needs of their families.

The authoritarian model was assessed as acceptable in the absence of alternative approaches and is still adequate to certain conditions (for example, for an organization in crisis). New knowledge about the needs of workers and the changing system of social values ​​predetermined the further search for methods of managing organizational systems.

guardianship model. The study of labor relations has shown that although authoritarian leadership does not involve verbal feedback from the subordinate to the boss, "mental feedback" certainly exists.

The success of the guardianship model depends on economic resources. The efforts of the management of the organization are aimed at providing the funds necessary for the payment of salaries and the provision of benefits. Since the physical needs of employees are properly met, the employer considers the need for employees to be safe as the main motivating factor.

Guardianship leads to increased dependence of the employee on the organization, company employees are constantly instilled with thoughts of economic incentives and benefits, and as a result of this kind of psychological processing, they feel quite satisfied with life. However, the feeling of satisfaction is by no means a strong stimulus, it causes passive cooperation, so the effectiveness of the guardianship model only slightly exceeds the performance indicators achieved with an authoritarian approach.

The main advantage of the model is that it gives workers a sense of security and satisfaction. The most obvious drawback of the model is that the level of labor efforts of most employees is on the verge of their potential, employees lack motivation to develop their abilities to a higher level.

supporting model. The supportive model of organizational behavior is based on the "principle of supportive relationships"
Rensis Likert. Likert's principle has much in common with the human resource-oriented approach, with the "human relations" school, which has already been discussed in detail above.

It is now recognized that the organization is a social system, essential element which the employee is.

Modern research focuses on the human, social factor in the organization. In the management of the organization and personnel, a new approach is currently needed, which should have summarized the research in the field of the behavior of individuals and groups in the organization. As a result, organizational behavior today has combined separate areas of psychology, sociology, pedagogy and other sciences.

There is a certain specificity of management in the broad sense of the word and organizational behavior in particular in different countries and cultures. Allocate specific features of American, European, Japanese management. Speaking about Russian management, it can be noted that it bears the features of different models, is mixed. This implies the great importance of studying both the practice of one's own management and organizational behavior, and foreign ones.

3 Duality of organizational behavior

Organizational behavior is a dual process: on the one hand, the organization itself has an impact on employees, changing their aspirations, desires, imposing certain norms of behavior. The employee needs to reckon with the rules existing in the organization, change completely or partially correct his own behavior if it does not correspond to the required one. On the other hand, the individual also influences the organization. Performing an action, performing an act, expressing thoughts, he influences the organizational environment.

The leaders of any organization (commercial, state) are constantly forced to solve the same problem: how to debug the management system in order to ensure the cooperation of employees in the organization and overcome their possible confrontations in the organizational environment.

The problem of "confrontation - cooperation" turns out to be the main contradiction of organizational behavior, which is either overcome or aggravated. The degree of its solvability is the main indicator of how successfully organizational management is carried out. The highest professional achievements of leaders are the effects of cooperation, and indicators of their lack of professionalism are multiple confrontations.

Situations in the conditions of "confrontation - cooperation" arise throughout the organization: vertically ("top-down" and "bottom-up") - between managers and subordinates, and horizontally - between the employees themselves, departments, services and corporate links, if it is a holding company. Therefore, a certain management system is formed, reproduced, developed in the organization, which balances organizational behavior.

Rice. 1. Alternative models of organizational behavior

On the graph (Fig. 1), the subject of organizational behavior is depicted as two opposite models: A - confrontation of employees; B - cooperation. These models can mutually transform into each other, determining the direction of either organizational development or degradation.

For a firm dominated by the attached type of worker, a high level of mutual agreement is characteristic: the model of his behavior turns out to be rallying, since “joint” problems are solved. And where the alienated type of worker dominates, a high level of disagreement is manifested, and his behavior model turns out to be divisive. In the first case, the employee has a panoramic vision of the entire scope of work. The result of this is a wide range of interactions, mutual support in solving joint problems. Sociocultural relations are formed according to the type of "common house". In the second case, employees develop a narrowly functional vision of work. Their result is the growth of "inconsistencies", isolation in communications, organizational culture "common home".

With any style of management, labor is evaluated by its result, and the labor process is evaluated by its effectiveness, i.e. degree of goal achievement. The more independent the professional activity, the greater the responsibility of the employee for its result. Modern management at different levels implies independence in decision-making, taking into account internal and external conditions. The higher the qualification of a manager, the more reliable he understands the situation, the more correctly he makes a decision, and predicts the result. The level of manager's competence in assessing economic, political, legal situations in the sphere of his own activity determines the goal setting and the result. If the goal is set correctly, the content (material, intellectual, emotional), methods are selected accordingly, then the goal and result will be adequate.

If functions are clearly distributed in an organization and responsibility is delegated at the level of functions, then the goal, content, methods are set by the same person. In this case, the result of the action is determined by the developed criteria, the effectiveness of the methods of activity. The question "Who is to blame?" does not occur in this situation. It transforms into questions “What to do?” and “Am I ready to do this?”. If failures in activity are repeated, then their introspection arises: whether the tasks are correctly understood, whether the methods are chosen.

When evaluating the effectiveness of organizational behavior, it is important to understand the position of one's own and the partner's (psychological, social, spiritual). It is the position that determines the nature of the actions, behavior in which it manifests itself. Of the many actions that an employee performs, one can see one that will reveal the position taken. If this action is not overlooked and correctly understood, then it is possible to foresee the nature of other actions and behavior, that is, to predict, predict actions.

under the term " organizational behavior» understand the behavior of the main types of employees in the organization in typical work situations. This behavior is due to the learned repertoire of roles that ensure the implementation of functions characteristic of of this type employee.
The effectiveness of the organization, from this point of view, is determined by the presence of all types of employees who ensure the implementation of a business process aimed at achieving the strategic goal of the organization.
We define organizational behavior as a field of scientific knowledge related to the practice of effective management of the actions of individuals, groups and organizations as a whole.
The concept of "organizational behavior" includes: the behavior of employees in the organization; interpersonal relationships; the dynamics of the development of relations in small groups; intergroup relations; organizations as holistic systems.
Human resource management is currently in the focus of attention of various researchers.
John Storey defines human resource management as “a specific approach to managing people in a company, aimed at achieving competitive advantage through the strategic placement of qualified and loyal personnel, using a holistic set of cultural, structural and personnel techniques.
According to X.T. Graham, R. Bennett, human resource management is the "human" aspect of enterprise management and the relationship of employees with their companies. The purpose of this process is to ensure the use of the company's employees, i.e. its human resources, in such a way that the employer can get the maximum possible benefit from their skills, and employees - the maximum possible material and psychological satisfaction from their work.
Human resource management is a complex structure. E.B. Morgunov identifies such elements of the human resource management structure as:
organizational planning; job and job analysis;
assessment of the success of the implementation; selection, evaluation and placement of personnel;
formation and coordination of teams;
staff training and development;
administration of compensation for work;
optimization of working conditions; maintaining relations with trade unions;
resolution of conflicts and labor disputes.
In his book Human Potential Management, X.T. Graham and R. Bennett emphasized that human resource management is based on the achievements of labor psychology and uses technologies and procedures collectively called "personnel management", i.e. concerning the staffing of the enterprise, the identification and satisfaction of the needs of workers, and the rules of thumb and procedures that govern the relationship between an organization and its worker.
In our view, human resource management is a special way of managing people in an organization, the purpose of which is to ensure that the company's employees are used in such a way as to get the maximum possible benefit from the skills and abilities of these employees, and they, in turn, material and psychological satisfaction from of his labor.
It should also be noted that "human resources" in their properties are significantly different from any other resources used in the organization. Without exception, all employees of the organization need special methods of management, during which there is a two-way interaction between the organization and the staff.
Thus, human resource management is a special way management activities, one of the elements of which is the management of organizational behavior.
Comparing " organizational behavior management" And " personnel Management”, we came to the conclusion that the management of organizational behavior is part of human resource management. In addition to organizational behavior, the process of human resource management also includes influencing the behavior of people who are not employees of the organization. This potential candidates, former employees, partners, etc. Thus, organizational behavior management is part of human resource management. In addition to organizational behavior, human resource management also includes influencing the behavior of people who are not employees of the organization. These are potential candidates, former employees, partners, etc.
Personnel management, in our opinion, is a broader concept than organizational behavior.
Organizational behavior management does not include such elements of the personnel management process as, for example, personnel records management as a system-forming basis that determines the effectiveness of personnel management.
Organizational behavior is inextricably linked with the concept of the organizational culture of the organization.
Effective organizational behavior implies a high motivation to achieve a result, which should be related to the strategic goals of the organization.
Evaluation of an employee of an organization - a subject of organizational behavior that implements a certain set of organizational roles, by other employees of the organization (administration and colleagues), as well as customers, counterparties, any other people who encounter him precisely as a representative of this organization, is based on professionalism specific to that organizational role. For example, the main function of a salesperson in various retail organizations is to sell, but the assessment of this function by the direct manager and by the client will be based on different aspects of organizational behavior, since he/she plays different organizational roles when interacting with the manager and the client. In any case, professionalism within the framework of this position (function) will be based on the knowledge of what needs to be done and the ability to do it. Another important factor is the ability to do so.
The implementation of all the conditions for effective organizational behavior can be provided by the coordination of three main, from the point of view of the human factor, subsystems of the organization: optimization of the potential of an individual employee; optimization of interaction within departments within the framework of role-playing relations manager - subordinate, employee-employee, and obtaining at this level the influence of the effect of group interaction; optimization of interaction at the level of division - division, division - organization as a whole.
There are two main factors influencing organizational behavior: personal and organizational.
Personal factors- this is the proximity of personal norms to organizational norms, as well as lability - the rigidity of the employee's cognitive picture of the world. If the personal norms of behavior and values ​​of a person who comes to the organization are close to the norms and values ​​accepted and approved in the organization that are welcomed by the administration and shared by the majority of the organization's employees, then the adaptation process proceeds quickly and painlessly. If the norms and values ​​of the new employee differ significantly from the norms and values ​​adopted in the organization, then two scenarios are possible. First: if a person has a sufficiently flexible cognitive picture of the world, he accepts these norms and values. And the duration of the process of adaptation to the organization and, accordingly, the achievement of effective organizational behavior will largely depend on how quickly this process proceeds. Second: if his norms and values ​​differ significantly from the norms and values ​​of the organization, and he has a rigid cognitive structure, then the best way out for both the person and the organization is to leave this organization.
Organizational factors- corporate culture of the organization.
It is clear that organizational culture has a comprehensive impact on the processes of formation and management of organizational behavior. In this regard, it seems appropriate to consider the concept of organizational culture in the context of the activities of an organization in which various behavioral models are implemented.
The most complete definition of organizational culture seems to us given by M.] Armstrong: “Corporate culture is a pattern of shared ideas, social attitudes and values, which, although they may not be formulated verbally, form the ways of actions and interactions of people and have a strong influence on how work in the organization as a whole. This culture includes the goals of the organization, norms of behavior and dominant ideologies, which can be expressed through the organization's myths, heroes, legends, stories, jargon, ceremonies, rituals. It manifests itself in norms and values ​​that have a strong influence on the behavior of people in an organization.
We rely on the following point of view of V.N. Voronina: organizational culture is an organizational and psychological environment for the life of employees of the organization. It manifests itself at the level of an individual, group and organization in the form of norms, values, in the structure of motivation and standards of behavior, in the style of management, in the structure of the organization and organizational and managerial procedures and, in turn, affects the efficiency of employees and the organization as a whole. , affects the prevailing attitudes of employees to the organization, performance and colleagues, as well as the level of development of group relations and their dynamics.
We can distinguish a number of basic properties (parameters) of organizational culture, which largely reflect the essence of this complex phenomenon: homogeneity; depth; consistency; controllability.
Homogeneity can be viewed as the degree of similarity of subcultures of various social groups, which represent the main system-forming social elements of the organization for the corporate culture. The state of the corporate culture in terms of the homogeneity parameter can be represented in the following model.
Consistency is understood as the degree of consistency of the declared mission of the organization, its basic principles and values, procedures governing the relationship of a member of an organization with an organization and a member of an organization with representatives of other organizations and social groups, as well as a system of internal and external messages embedded in the behavior and results of the activities of members of the organization sent to the respective target groups.
We consider the controllability of the development of corporate culture as an opportunity to purposefully influence both its individual elements and culture as a whole in order to form an initially given, ideal state that corresponds to the mission of the organization and its strategic goals. The controllability of the development of corporate culture presupposes the presence of certain conditions. This is, first of all: a full-fledged complex subject of management; internal corporate communication system.
An effective complex subject of corporate culture management includes top management, interested in and involved in the work on the formation of corporate culture, equally understanding the mission and basic principles of the university; an internal advisory center that develops socio-psychological and organizational mechanisms and procedures that ensure the formation of an effective corporate culture of the university; middle management that implements these procedures in a coordinated manner.
In our opinion, the internal corporate communications system will be effective if it fully implements the following functions: providing basic information about the laws, rules, requirements of the organization, its structure, basic procedures for resolving issues in the organization; prompt informing about changes in laws, rules, requirements of the organization, its structure, basic procedures for resolving issues in the organization; adaptive function; motivational function; coordination function; providing feedback; internal PR.
The homogeneity and depth parameters are the resulting ones, i.e. “dependent variable”, while “systematic” and “controllability” are parameters-factors that affect homogeneity and depth, i.e. "independent variables".
Thus, in this model, corporate culture is represented as a mechanism for indirect management of organizational behavior.
The mechanisms for the formation of organizational behavior are determined by personal and socio-psychological determinants that make it possible to form organizational behavior: imitation, conformity and group pressure; linked roles and reactivity of human behavior, role repertoire, scenarios and scripts.
Patterns of Organizational Behavior are typical patterns and forms of behavior inherent in certain type employees of this organization in typical organizational situations.
The effectiveness of organizational behavior is determined by two factors: efficiency in achieving goals and the proximity of behavior patterns common in the organization to the main vector aimed at achieving the strategic goals of the organization. Operationally, the effectiveness of organizational behavior can be viewed as a product of four indicators: The first indicator is the orientation of behavior towards goals related to the strategic goal of the organization.
The second indicator is the effectiveness of achieving these goals.
The third indicator is the degree of employee satisfaction with the fact of working in this particular organization (identification with the organization, belonging to the organization). The fourth indicator is satisfaction from the achievement of goals.
Organizational behavior management mechanisms are a system of factors that are necessary and sufficient to create a situation where, with a high degree of probability, members of an organization implement certain patterns (models, scenarios) of behavior that are effective from the point of view of the organization's goals. These mechanisms are based on the specifics of the human psyche, including: the reactivity of human behavior; entanglement (inseparable connection and mutual expectations) of roles in social situations; the sequence or presence of a person's clear scenarios of behavior that are triggered by a specific social situation.
The presence of an effective corporate culture ensures the formation of such common values ​​and norms that are significant for the organization, significant and effective for employees, which determine the behavior of employees in typical situations, performing the functions of "other (imaginary) from the targeted role".
A strong homogeneous corporate culture creates a situation that ensures the selection of new employees with core values ​​close to this corporate culture, or the effective adaptation of new employees who are able to easily internalize these basic norms and values. People with different basic norms and values ​​and unable to internalize the norms and values ​​of the organization tend to leave the organization quickly.
Corporate culture includes all the rules and procedures that exist in the organization, and can be considered as a system of mechanisms for indirect management of organizational behavior.
Having analyzed the basic concepts related to organizational behavior, we understand that corporate culture can be reasonably considered as the main mechanism for indirect management of organizational behavior.

Lecture, abstract. The concept of management of organizational behavior - the concept and types. Classification, essence and features.

Microapproach as a way to manage organizational production

Organizational behavior is traditionally thought to answer the following questions: what exactly influences human behavior in the workplace? Characteristics of the organization, features of its structure, environmental factors, characteristics (features) of the person himself or all these factors together? Why is it assumed that a person in an organization behaves differently than, for example, in a family? Given that a modern person spends more than half of his life at work, then perhaps his behavior in an organization does not differ from his behavior in Everyday life? The list of such questions is endless, and most of them do not have unambiguous answers.
In management theory, there is a special area of ​​knowledge that, it would seem, is designed to answer these complex questions - this is organizational behavior. But a single point of view on this area of ​​​​knowledge (and discipline in educational process) is still missing. Thus, Fred Luthans, the author of the first textbook on organizational behavior, believes that it has now become a solid scientific discipline. In Russian reality, interest in organizational behavior as a scientific discipline arose only in the last twenty years. Many textbooks on organizational behavior have appeared, all with different content and different emphasis. According to E.V. Sidorenko, "even the best books on organizational behavior and human resource management are nothing more than a systematization of management experience combined with superficial social psychology."
Indeed, after analyzing a number of textbooks on organizational behavior and the requirements of the state standard, we can agree with this point of view. In many textbooks and monographs, for example, by such authors as B.Z. Zeldovich, L.G. Zaitsev and M.M. Sokolova, G.R. Latfullin and O.N. Gromova, K.E. Oksinoid, S. D. Reznik, most of the sections are devoted to the study of group behavior, the specifics of team formation, conflict resolution issues, etc. - these are the issues that are the subject of interest of social psychology. Almost all the data in these sources are based on a study of the characteristics of the work behavior of a European employee, and there are almost no textbooks that would consider the characteristics of the behavior of employees in Russia. The psychological portrait of a modern Russian employee is analyzed by A.I. Kochetkov, but the author himself notes that these are the touches to the portrait, they are not final, and that a more thorough analysis of this problem is required. Sometimes organizational behavior is understood as the psychology of management - which also reflects a large proportion of the psychological component of this field of knowledge.
The already mentioned "ancestor" of organizational behavior as an academic discipline, Fred Luthans, proposes to distinguish between two approaches to organizational behavior - this is a micro-approach and a macro-approach (by analogy with the micro-approach and macro-approach in economics). The micro approach involves the analysis and study internal environment organization, internal relations between elements of the organization. The macro approach, in turn, involves the study of the interaction of the organization with the external environment, the behavior of the organization itself. Stephen Covey shares the same point of view: “My life experience and teaching activity led me to the conclusion that the secret of understanding organizational behavior lies not in the study of organizational behavior in itself, but in the study and comprehension of human nature. Once you begin to understand the fundamental components of human nature, you will have the key to unlocking the potential that lies within people and organizations. That is why the paradigm of the whole person, which is symbolized by the body, mind, heart and spirit, is of paramount importance for understanding the essence of individual organizations, as well as individuals. In the most concrete sense, there is no such thing as "organizational behavior". There is only individual behavior that becomes collective in organizations.”
From an analysis of the literature on organizational behavior, one gets the impression that human behavior can be controlled using Skinner's "stimulus response" formula, and that most authors adhere to a behaviorist point of view on human behavior. I would like to move away from such a simplistic view of human behavior, primarily because the use of simplified schemes and the reduction of important and often complex theories regarding employee behavior is detrimental to the work of human resource managers who use these theories and schemes.
Understanding the complexity and ambiguity of human behavior is necessary not only for psychiatrists, psychotherapists and psychologists, but also for managers, personnel managers, teachers, teachers, and parents. It seems that the micro-approach to organizational behavior just demonstrates an understanding of the complexity and familiarity with different points of view on human behavior in general and at the same time gives the manager quite simple and at the same time effective tools for managing human behavior in the organization.
Issues of human behavior, the role of the individual in the organization, power and leadership, issues of motivation and stimulation, management of organizational conflicts, stress, management of group behavior in the managerial aspect are of interest to various sciences: sociology, management theory, social psychology, pedagogy, and ethology, and linguistics - the list could go on. Michel Auden has a wonderful comparison natural sciences with a mirror: a person peers into this mirror in order to see his reflection and understand himself; once this mirror was dim, the image was blurry; today this mirror is polished to a shine, but broken into thousands of fragments, and experts from different fields of scientific knowledge know everything about a small fragment, but are not able to see the picture (mirror) as a whole. The same metaphor can be used in relation to organizational behavior: a variety of sciences have accumulated knowledge about the characteristics of people's behavior, but each one sees and knows “its own” fragment. Perhaps organizational behavior is precisely the area of ​​​​knowledge that is designed to combine many fragments into one whole.
What issues are traditionally considered by organizational behavior from the point of view of the micro-approach? Usually these are the laws and effects of perception, the formation of impressions and the control of impressions; theories of personality behavior, values ​​and attitudes; motivation, leadership, career management, conflict management. The micro-approach in organizational behavior puts human nature (individual characteristics, personality integrity, motivated behavior, etc.) at the center of its interest, while the macro-approach focuses on the nature of the organization. An analysis of textbooks and monographs on organizational behavior showed that these issues are usually considered in an overview and based on studies that relate to the behavior of a European employee. At the same time, there are a number of rather topical issues and tasks in the field of human resource management, which can (and should) also become the subject of interest of organizational behavior in both scientific and educational disciplines. Let's consider these tasks in more detail.
Man is not only a social being. There are a number of biological behavioral mechanisms in a person, which any manager also needs to know about. This is knowledge about daily rhythms, this is also knowledge about territorial claims - usually this issue in organizations is solved on an intuitive symbolic level. We are aware of cases where an employee “changed his mind” about leaving after his desk was rearranged, and the severity of the conflict situation decreased after the employees were given the opportunity for privacy. And although there is a lot of research on the ergonomics of the workspace, for some reason this issue is practically not addressed in manuals on organizational behavior.
In any organization, both men and women work, and the gender issue is usually not addressed, or there is tacit and sometimes explicit discrimination based on gender. The denial of corporality leads to various consequences - employees are trained in stress management training, but at the same time they are given only 15 minutes for a lunch break and are obliged to stay, for example, in the trading floor, even if the employee needs to go to the toilet. Almost none of the textbooks touches gender differences organizational behavior. The reality is that there are now large numbers of women in organizations; in many organizations, it is women who make up the majority of the staff (for example, educational institutions such as kindergartens and schools). Basically, all career models are built according to the “male” type. The peculiarities of combining different roles and building a career specifically for women is an important issue that needs to be discussed. Despite the denial of physicality, there is a paradoxical situation in management - the bodily features of a person are used to further strengthen control over personnel - for example, the use of a lie detector or biometric indicators in companies to ensure the security of the organization.
The age characteristics of personnel are also not the subject of close study in organizational behavior: “Unfortunately, both managers and employees of HR departments often do not take into account age characteristics and do not understand that with age the same employee can change significantly.” Usually, in connection with age, one speaks of professional crises of employees. Meanwhile, if we trace the important tasks that an adult needs to solve at various stages of development, we can see that professional crises often coincide with age-related crises. It seems that knowledge from the field of developmental psychology can help with career planning or employee motivation.
The problem of staff motivation is a problem that is affected in large numbers. teaching aids and research. At the same time, one can note the often simplified approach to the concept of motivation. The term “motivation” itself came to management theory from psychological science. In psychology, motivation is understood as the whole complex of factors - both conscious and unconscious, that guide human behavior. At the same time, it is important that in the same way - consciously or unconsciously - not only a person organizes his behavior, but also a leader (manager) tries to control a person's behavior, relying, among other things, on his unconscious attitudes. About it important aspect almost never mentioned. In addition, manipulative and other harsh psychological methods of influencing employees are still common as the main tools for influencing the behavior of personnel.
Organizational alexithymia is another important problem of modern organizations. The motivational and emotional systems are inextricably linked in human behavior. Nevertheless, there is no talk about the management of emotions, and more broadly, about the possibilities of using emotional manifestations in organizations. Emotions are our innate, natural mechanism that guides human behavior, and yet most organizations ignore this valuable resource or use it not for the good, but to the detriment of the organization. According to Ian Donald, "what lies at the very heart of an organization is how its people feel." It seems that emotional management is an important component of the micro-approach to organizational behavior.
The commitment and loyalty of the staff is something that is talked about a lot in modern organizations; Loyalty is often a condition for further career advancement. Meanwhile, loyalty and commitment are not as unambiguously positive phenomena as is commonly believed. Loyalty and competence often turn out to be two opposite phenomena. A competent employee may not always be loyal, just as a loyal employee may not always be competent. In addition, loyalty can be heterogeneous: one can single out loyalty to the organization, loyalty to the company's management, or loyalty to the immediate supervisor - and all this will be different types of loyalty.
It was noted earlier that there are still no studies devoted to the psychological professional portrait of a Russian employee. So, A.I. Kochetkova notes that in Russia, when speaking about organizational behavior, it is necessary to take into account the specific features of the mentality (and our country has many national features, and refusing to understand them means refusing to understand the psychology of a Russian employee), the polarity and pairing of the main characteristics of a psychological portrait - for example , the flexibility of a Russian worker can be understood both as a positive and as a negative trait: if we are talking about flexibility as a willingness to transcend various kinds of norms in order to achieve personal or organizational goals, then flexibility is understood in a negative aspect. If we are talking about flexibility as the ability to adapt quickly enough to the conditions environment, then flexibility is understood as a positive feature. It is also necessary to pay attention to such important fact as a vast territory of our country;
M. Vishnyakova notes that there are pronounced local features that distinguish the behavior of employees who are located in different parts of the country: these are parameters such as the "satiation threshold", the format of leisure activities and self-esteem. It is impossible not to agree with the conclusion made by A.I. Kochetkova: it is quite difficult, and most likely impossible, to draw up a typical general portrait of the “average Russian”, and, consequently, in Russia it will be ineffective to use management models designed for “average” norms of behavior. Therefore, management in Russia should be based not on a functional Western approach, but on a holistic one, which means taking into account the impact on an employee of a variety of factors - physical, mental, social.
The description of behavioral indicators for various competency models is also a large research and practical field for applying the micro-approach to organizational behavior. It is the micro-approach that takes into account such important components of competencies as the motives of behavior, the psychophysiological characteristics of a person, the “I-concept”.
Thus, the micro-approach to organizational behavior takes into account the following topical issues in the field of human resource management:

Accounting for the biological, psychophysiological characteristics of a person that affect his behavior; knowledge of the general laws of behavior control, "human nature". Gender Issues in Organizational Behavior and Career Development. Relationship of organizational behavior with age-related features of development; knowledge of developmental psychology, psychology of personal and professional crises. The problem of staff motivation, which in the context of the micro-approach is understood quite broadly. Problems of emotional management, overcoming organizational alexithymia. The relationship of organizational commitment (loyalty) and staff competence. Accounting for national characteristics of organizational behavior. Description of "deep competencies" for various categories of personnel.

Subject "Personnel Management"

Topic: "Managing the behavior of personnel in the organization"

On the materials: OJSC "Sanatorium" Jinal "

Kropotkin, 2008


1. The theory of personality behavior. Personal behavior in groups

2. Ethics business relations

3. Organizational economic characteristic OJSC "Sanatorium Jinal"

4. Ways to improve the management of personnel behavior in the organization



Subject term paper"Personnel behavior management in the organization" is relevant and significant, because analysis of relations in a team and study of the processes of interaction between a leader and subordinates can be carried out on the basis of sociometric measurements, which allow us to give quantitative and qualitative assessments of human relations that take place in a group based on mutual likes and dislikes.

The formation of a market economy in Russia creates conditions under which the importance of the human factor in production and business increases: the knowledge, experience, skills of employees become the main source of efficiency and competitiveness of business organizations.

Until recently, the very concept of "personnel management" was absent in domestic economic practice. Under the conditions of the command-administrative management system, personnel departments at Soviet enterprises were considered as auxiliary or intermediary services that dealt with instructions and orders, with the maintenance and storage of employees' personal files.

Today, personnel management is one of the strategic directions for the development of enterprises, aimed at providing all areas of the life of organizations with highly qualified and motivated employees, at creating a creative workforce capable of change, development, and renewal.

The results obtained can be used by the leader to analyze the socio-psychological climate in the group, conduct a business assessment of management personnel and resolve socio-psychological conflicts in the group.

Personnel management is a complex applied science about effective forms and methods of influencing the human factor of an organization (employee, group, team).

Objectives of the course work:

1. Expand the content and concepts of "human behavior in an organization"

2. Determination of the problem and trends in the development of labor relations in the field of resort services.

3. To reveal ways to improve the management of the behavior of personnel in the organization.

The task of an entrepreneur is not so much control over subordinate people as the formation of a team of like-minded people. The complete lack of regulation of the initiative, intensive informal communication, which becomes the form, as well as the basis of control, are the hallmarks of enterprise management. Core his job on mutual trust and understanding. The employees of the enterprise are determined by the common desire to succeed, to avoid bankruptcy. The head of the company needs people with whom he could consult, discuss all the main decisions, on whom he could rely completely. Therefore, business representatives seek to attract people capable of innovative ideas to entrepreneurship. Now the opinion has formed that new technologies, new technical ideas, inventions are being introduced to commercial implementation faster in small enterprises than in large corporations and concerns. This is mainly due to the simplicity of the form of management, the small number of staff. The owner of the company, as a rule, carries out all the management himself, takes all the risk and focuses only on the new.

1. The theory of personality behavior. Personal behavior in groups

Human behavior is a set of conscious, socially significant actions due to the position taken, i.e. understanding of their own functions. The behavior of its employees that is effective for the organization is manifested in the fact that they reliably and conscientiously fulfill their duties, are ready, in the name of the interests of the case in a changing situation, to go beyond their immediate duties, making additional efforts, being active, and find opportunities for cooperation.

The first approach to solving this problem is the selection of people with certain qualities that can guarantee the behavior of its members that is desired for the organization. However, this approach is of limited use, since, firstly, it is not always possible to find people with the necessary characteristics, secondly, there is no absolute guarantee that they will necessarily behave in the way the organization expects them to, and, thirdly, the requirements for the behavior of members of the organization from the organizational environment may change over time, entering into conflict with the criteria by which people were selected into the organization.

The second approach, which in principle does not exclude the first one, is that the organization influences a person, forcing him to modify his behavior in the direction necessary for her. This approach is possible and based on the fact that a person has the ability to be taught behavior, to change his behavior based on the awareness of his previous behavioral experience and the requirements placed on his behavior by the organizational environment.

In interaction with the organization, a person acts not as a mechanism that performs certain actions, but as a rational and conscious being with aspirations, desires, emotions, mood, having imagination, sharing certain beliefs and following a certain morality.

The behavior of most people hardly fits into the standard framework. In order to remove the contradictions between standardization and diversity of human behavior, as well as between human behavior and the norms of the organizational environment, it is necessary to know what determines human behavior, how he defines himself and others, how he reacts to certain stimulating effects, from what depends on his preferences, what is acceptable to him and what is not. Naturally, a person's behavior is greatly influenced by the goals that he pursues, the conditions in which actions unfold, his real opportunities, the dynamics of ongoing processes, mood and a number of other factors. However, with all the variety of factors, the behavior of each individual person has some stability and predictability, its inherent features.

The behavior of a person in an organization is determined by his own (personal) traits, the influence of the conditions of formation individual activities- the characteristics of the group in which he is included, the conditions for joint activities, the originality of the organization and the country in which he works. Accordingly, the opportunities to successfully include a person in the organizational environment, to teach behavior depend equally on the characteristics of both this environment and the characteristics of his personality.

Personality traits are formed under the influence of natural properties (the physiological state of the body, features of higher nervous activity, memory, emotions, feelings, perception), as well as social factors (education, experience, habits, social circle, etc.).

Any personality is characterized by:

General qualities (intelligence, mind, observation, efficiency, organization, sociability, etc.);

Specific properties (ability to a particular type of activity); abilities can be common, inherent to one degree or another to all people (perceive, think, learn, work); elementary private (decisiveness, perseverance, ear for music, critical thinking, etc.); complex private, including professional (to certain types activities), special (intersocial, i.e. focused on organizing the interaction of people, managing them, and constructive, i.e. aimed at creating specific objects in certain areas of activity);

Preparedness for a certain type of activity (in the form of a set of knowledge, skills, abilities);

Orientation (orientation of social activity arising under the influence of social moments - interests, aspirations, ideals, beliefs);

A certain warehouse of character;

Biologically determined features (for example, temperament);

Psychological characteristics: the range of activities (breadth, depth), which can be general, specific, special; work style (a form of influence based on knowledge, experience, emotions) and mental dynamics (characterized by strength, mobility, excitability);

In addition to the social foundations, the behavior of a person in a work team is also controlled by the psychological foundations laid down by heredity and upbringing. Since the psyche is infinitely individual, the author considers the main task of this section to be the development of the theoretical foundations of a differentiated, careful and scrupulous approach not only to management to personnel, but also to management, as well as systematization of methods of psychological influence on personnel in order to increase the efficiency of its work and disclosure internal reserves of the organization. Psychological, direct or indirect, impact on employees is one of the most powerful non-material means of stimulation and management, however, in our opinion, it requires the manager to mandatory measures precaution for several reasons.

1. Psychological influence rarely gives guaranteed results. Most psychological research is based on averages, and deviations are due to the individuality of the psyche of each person. However, this influence bears fruit when all others are powerless.

2. Psychological methods require a careful and scrupulous approach to the psyche of each person, since mistakes and miscalculations in this area can lead to unforeseen and relationship-destroying consequences. A person using psychotechnical techniques must be prepared for a high degree of responsibility for their actions.

3. Impact in the field of psychology involves constant training and processing of the skills referred to in paragraph 2.

Consider the problems posed with questions related to individual psychology and the behavior of workers. The most popular in our time in personnel management theory of the psychological construction of the human personality (the theory of psychoanalysis) was developed by Z. Freud and developed by C. Jung, A. Adler, K. Horney, H. Sullivan and E. Fromm. Let us dwell on those of its provisions that can bring practical benefits to employees of an organization of small and medium-sized businesses. This concept is based on two interrelated basic principles:

1) on the doctrine of mental determinism, according to which every mental phenomenon, which at first glance seems to be random, has a certain cause, which is the result of the influence of acting unconscious thoughts;

2) on the role of unconscious processes in the formation of thinking and behavior, which are much more significant than conscious ones. That is, a person is not aware of some of his true aspirations and desires, and his actions may contradict them. When, as a result of contradictions, a threat to the mental state of a person appears, his psyche tries to mitigate the danger either with the help of a real, conscious solution to the problem, or by distorting the situation for the purpose of self-defense.

There are 4 main protective mechanisms of the psyche: repression - the "forbidden feeling" of the individual is repressed, which contradicts his system of values; transference - feelings and thoughts are transferred to other individuals; rationalization - mitigation or replacement of reasons, thoughts or actions that are too unpleasant for consciousness with others that are more acceptable; substitution - the replacement of desires or thoughts unacceptable for the psyche with opposite ones.

Although the theory of psychoanalysis does not offer specific methods for solving the practical problems that the manager of the team faces, it can be noted that on the basis of its study, he can basically understand the actions of other people, learn that behavior is not always logical and reasonable, dictated by conscious processes. This is very important for solving the problem of personnel in Russia, since decades of a dependent approach to work and discrediting moral values ​​have led not only to a permanent deformation of the psyche of workers, but also to the formation of complex psychological complexes in them, which often determine behavior at work and seem to others ( especially young) causeless and ridiculous fears and whims.

Sign systems include language, writing, a system of traditions, an image adopted in an organization. labor activity and other types of activity where the higher mental functions of a person are manifested. Of considerable interest is the conclusion about the nature of complex sign activity: it is not determined by the total experience, intuition and logical thinking, but is a product of the evolution of higher mental functions formed under the influence of education and training.

To establish good relations in the company, it is necessary to own all the states freely, first of all, to the most influencing one. It is also important to determine which ego state is habitual for the influencer in a conflict situation, and to try in a calm state to find an alternative ego state that is more desirable for resolving the conflict. You can mentally substitute the solution found in the conflict and the correctly modeled situation will be remembered.

Let's move on to theory transactional analysis. It studies at least the communication of two people and consists of a stimulus called a stimulus and a reaction between two ego states. By transaction is meant not only verbal, but also non-verbal communication, including gestures, looks, facial expressions and other components of behavior. There are three types of transaction.

2. Business ethics

The professional role of any employee of the organization is inseparably connected with the implementation of ethical norms, rules of conduct and relationships with his external environment (colleagues, subordinates, clients and partners). Compliance with the ethics of business relations is one of the main criteria for assessing the professionalism of both an individual employee and the organization as a whole.

Ethics is understood as a system of universal and specific moral requirements and norms of behavior implemented in the process public life. Accordingly, the ethics of business relations is allocated to one of the spheres of public life. It is clear that the ethical norms of service relations are based on universal norms and rules of behavior, but they have some distinctive features.

In the process of professional activity, one should take into account the patterns that determine the features of interpersonal relationships.

Patterns of interpersonal relations are objectively existing, important connections of phenomena that arise in interpersonal communication and leave a significant imprint on its character.

One of the main ones is the pattern of response uncertainty or, in other words, the dependence of people's perception of external influences on differences in their personal characteristics, the specific situation in which the impact occurs, and the characteristics of the transfer of impact.

Unlike external, internal reward is a state of value to a person, brought by the person himself as a result of any actions. Internal reward is a feeling of satisfaction with any action, a sense of self-esteem. Along with extrinsic rewards, it can also serve as an incentive to certain actions.

In addition to the above pattern of interpersonal relationships, we should mention the pattern of inadequacy of the reflection of a person by a person and the inadequacy of self-esteem. Its meaning is that no person can comprehend another person, as well as himself, with such a degree of certainty that would be sufficient for making serious decisions about this person and about himself.

Of great importance in interpersonal relationships is the pattern of distortion of the meaning of information. It acts objectively and the stronger, the more people use any array of information at the input and output of any process.

The service environment puts forward certain requirements for the appearance of a business person. In the world of fashion, a certain concept has long been formed - “ business suit". He, of course, takes into account the latest trends and trends in clothing modeling, but at the same time remains strict and conservative to a certain extent. When selecting a suit in the broad sense of the word (i.e., taking into account all related components), a business person should be guided by the following general rules:

Unity of style;

Appropriate style for a specific situation;

Reasonable minimization of the color gamut (the so-called "rule of three colors");

Comparability of colors in the color scheme;

Comparability of the nature of the pattern in various components of clothing.

The appearance of a business person is the first step to success, since his suit for a potential partner serves as a code indicating the degree of reliability, respectability and success in business. At the same time, there is no need to boast of your material wealth. In the West, businessmen consider it highly unethical to advertise their wealth

The basic rules of rhetoric described below are universal, i.e. they are applicable in most situations in which there is a need for public speaking.

Preliminary training in rhetoric skills may include several artificial techniques to maintain a general readiness to work with the audience. They can be, for example, a performance in front of an imaginary audience with a predetermined topic and composition of listeners; development of definitions of any terms and concepts used in professional activities; use of audio or video recordings of one's own performances, etc.

Direct preparation for a speech is a very important stage in developing the skills and rules of rhetoric. Often this stage is ignored due to lack of time or excessive self-confidence in one's own abilities. In this regard, it should be remembered that often the professional qualities of a specialist are judged by his speech, and it, in turn, serves as a means of self-realization, is an opportunity to express oneself.

Behavior during a speech should contribute to the achievement of its goals, the implementation of a prepared speech plan (if necessary, its operational adjustment), and the use of the advantages of oral speech thought out in advance. At the same time, the speaker's demeanor should not distract the listeners from the holistic perception of the message. The behavior of the speaker should be natural, appropriate to the topic of the speech and the composition of the audience.

It should be remembered that if the regulations and the situation do not define specific conditions for the speech, a short and vivid speech.

3. Organizational and economic characteristics of OJSC

Sanatorium "Jinal"

OJSC “Sanatorium “Jinal” is a medical and preventive institution whose activities are aimed at timely and qualified comprehensive provision of medical care in inpatient and outpatient conditions aimed at preventing diseases, maintaining and restoring the health of employees of enterprises and organizations of the Ministry of Atomic Energy of the Russian Federation and other industries whose activities are associated with the impact of adverse professional specific factors.

The Company is the assignee of all rights and obligations of the Sanatorium "Jinal" of the Russian Trade Union of Nuclear Power and Industry Workers.

The location of the Company is Russia, Stavropol Territory, the city of Kislovodsk. The date of its foundation is December 15, 1986.

The purpose of the company is to make profit. It has civil rights and bears the obligations necessary for the implementation of any activities not prohibited by law.

The Company carries out the following activities:

– diagnostic medical care;

– complex rehabilitation treatment;

- Spa treatment;

- organization of medical nutrition;

– holding cultural events;

In order to increase competitiveness, the main goal of JSC "Sanatorium "Jinal" is to constantly improve the quality of services provided and meet the established and expected needs of vacationers to such an extent that will guarantee a steady increase in demand for the services of the sanatorium and its sustainable operation.

In addition to the main goal, the Society solves a number of other tasks:

– increasing competitiveness;

– improvement of management (company structure, personnel training, budgeting);

– introduction of new technologies and equipment;

- reducing the cost of economic maintenance and the use of these funds to improve the quality of services provided;

– search for investors to commission the entire complex in order to expand the list and improve the quality of services;

– bringing accommodation services in line with four-star requirements.

To achieve the main goal, the management of JSC "Sanatorium" Jinal ":

1. provides overall management of the quality of products and services of the sanatorium;

2. clearly defines the responsibility, powers and interaction of departments in the implementation of the functions of managing the quality of products and services of the sanatorium;

3. communicates the quality policy to all personnel of the sanatorium;

4. promotes the involvement and interest of staff in activities to improve the quality of services provided.

The enterprise has a linear-functional management structure. With such a management system, the line manager who heads a certain team assumes full power. In developing specific issues and preparing appropriate decisions, programs, plans, he is assisted by a special apparatus, consisting of functional units.

Deputy gene. director of nutrition

Figure 1 - Organizational structure of management of OJSC "Sanatorium" Jinal "

The organizational structure of the management of OJSC "Sanatorium" Jinal "is shown in Figure 1.

The management bodies of the Company are:

General Meeting of Shareholders;

Board of Directors;


The Company independently plans its production and economic activities, as well as the social development of the team.

The plans are based on contracts concluded with consumers of services, as well as suppliers of material, technical and other resources.

The main sales channels for the products of OJSC "Sanatorium" Jinal "are:

Social insurance funds;

Enterprises of nuclear energy and defense industry;

Large oil and gas companies of the Russian Federation;

Travel agencies, joint-stock companies, banks;

Businessmen and entrepreneurs from all regions of Russia.

The level of quality of the offered sanatorium and resort services, including the latest methods, which have no analogues among competitors in the CMS, are one of the main reasons for the preferential cooperation of consumers with the Company.

The main suppliers of the company's resources are: bakery plant, trout farm, narzan plant, pharmacy, enterprises supplying food and other food products.

An integral part of the functioning of JSC "Sanatorium" Dzhinal "are labor resources. Usage labor resources, the level of labor productivity are considered in close relationship with wages. With the growth of labor productivity, prerequisites are created for raising the level of its payment.

Indicators for labor and its payment in OJSC "Sanatorium" Jinal "are presented in table 1.

Table 1 - Level dynamics wages and productivity of the personnel of OJSC "Sanatorium" Jinal "

From the data in Table 1, it can be concluded that average number of employees for the reporting period increased by 8.1%.

Labor costs in 2006 amounted to 3,774 thousand rubles, which by 2008 increased by 113.0% or 4,264 thousand rubles. This is due to an increase in the average number of employees and an increase in the average monthly wage by 115.4% or 1,500 rubles.

Labor productivity increased over the reporting period by 62.2%.

Employees are paid according to official salaries. Official salaries developed on the basis normative documents, the most important of which is qualification guide positions of managers, specialists and employees.

Given the large staff of JSC "Sanatorium" Jinal "needs managers of different levels of management, so the composition and structure of the staff will be considered in table 2.

Table 2 - The composition and structure of the personnel of OJSC "Sanatorium" Jinal ", pers.

The data in Table 2 show that production personnel in 2007 accounted for 86% of the total number. In 2006, it was 190 people, which increased during the reporting period by 13.2% or 25 people. Key personnel and support personnel for 2006-2008 increased by 13.1% and 6.1% respectively.

During the reporting period, the management personnel increased by 4.9%, although in the group "managers" there was a decrease by 1 person or 10%.

The level of professional training of the personnel of OJSC “Sanatorium “Jinal” will be considered in Table 3.

Table 3 - The level of professional training of the personnel of OJSC "Sanatorium" Jinal "for 2008

Analysis of Table 3 showed that among doctors, 11 people have the highest qualification category, which make up 25.6%. Consequently, 19 people received the first qualification category and 13 - the second. Doctors did not need advanced training courses. But the middle and junior staff were sent to refresher courses and amounted to 5 people among the staff without a category.

The use of labor resources in JSC "Sanatorium "Jinal" and the level of labor productivity are considered in close relationship with wages. With the growth of labor productivity, real prerequisites are being created for raising the level of its payment.

Ways to improve the work of staff include both material and non-material incentives:

Salary, which should be comparable and competitive with wages in similar organizations;

The system of intra-company benefits for an employee of an organization: subsidizing and providing interest-free loans;

Intangible benefits and privileges for staff: granting the right to a sliding, flexible work schedule, the provision of time off, an increase in the duration of paid vacations for certain achievements and success in work;

Creation of a favorable social atmosphere, elimination of status, administrative barriers between ordinary employees and employees of the management apparatus, moral encouragement of employees.

These measures make it possible to use the labor potential of the enterprise more efficiently and increase its competitiveness in the market.

Table 4 - Efficiency of use of labor resources of OJSC "Sanatorium" Jinal "

The name of indicators 2006 2007 2008

Absol. changed.

Productivity of a unit of personnel, thousand rubles. 106 165 172 +66
Turnover ratio for hiring workers 6,9 6,4 6,8 -0,1
Turnover ratio for employee retirement 3,0 4,2 4,8 +1,8
Staff turnover rate 3,0 4,2 4,8 +1,8
Percentage of staff consistency, % 95,6 96,7 97,2 +1,4

From the data in Table 4, we can conclude that the productivity of a unit of personnel increased by 65,895 rubles. or by 62.2%. The turnover ratio for the reception of workers at the beginning of the reporting period amounted to 6.9, which decreased by 0.1 during the reporting period. The retirement turnover ratio in 2006 was 3.0, which increased by 1.8 compared to 2008. The staff turnover rate also increased by 1.8. The personnel stability ratio in 2008 was 97.2%, which increased by 1.4% over the analyzed period.

Consider the structure and dynamics of non-current assets of OJSC "Sanatorium" Jinal "in table 5

Table 5- Dynamics and structure of non-current assets of JSC "Sanatorium" Dzhinal "thousand rubles.

The name of indicators 2006 2007 2008

change 2008 to

Thousand rub. beats weight. % thousand roubles. beats weight, % thousand roubles. beats weight, %
Intangible assets 51 0,1 48 0,08 25 0,04 49,0
fixed assets 48060 79,8 49203 80,22 50552 81,85 105,2
Construction in progress 10254 17,1 10926 17,81 10029 16,23 85,9
Long-term financial investments 1818 3,0 1161 1,87 1153 1,86 63,3
Total 60208 100 61338 100 61759 100 102,6

From the data in Table 5 it follows that the main share in the structure of non-current assets is occupied by fixed assets, which increased by 2492 thousand rubles during the reporting period. or 5.2%. This is due to the purchase of new equipment in the amount of 1276 thousand rubles. and the transfer of construction in progress to the group of fixed assets in the amount of 1216 thousand rubles.

Consequently, the amount of construction in progress decreased by 14.1%, as well as long-term financial investments increased by 3.7 times. Including decreased and intangible assets by 51.0%, and in relation to 2008 to 2007, the amount of intangible assets decreased by 47.9%. In total, non-current assets increased by 2.6% over the reporting period.

Consider the structure and dynamics of current assets of OJSC "Sanatorium" Jinal "in table 6.

Table 6 - Structure and dynamics of current assets of OJSC "Sanatorium" Jinal "thousand rubles.

The name of indicators 2006 2007 2008 Relative changed. 2008 to 2006, %
Thousand rub. beats weight, % thousand roubles. beats weight, % thousand roubles.

1. Stocks, including:

Raw materials

Finished products and goods for resale

Future expenses

2. Accounts receivable,

Buyers and customers

Other debtors

3. Short-term financial investments 5540 39,7 35,5 1247 12,3 22,5

4. Cash, including:

Settlement accounts

Total 13956 100 11676 100 10135 100 72,6

According to Table 6, we can conclude that during the reporting period the structure of current assets has changed somewhat: the share of stocks of raw materials and other similar assets increased by 28.1%, while finished products and goods for resale decreased by 15.0%.

Accounts receivable, which at the beginning of the reporting period amounted to 2012 thousand rubles, decreased by 19.9%. Accordingly, accounts receivable to suppliers and contractors decreased by 69.6%, while debt to other debtors increased by 13.9%.

This included an increase in cash on hand by 3.4 times%, and in the current account, respectively, decreased by 8.7%.

Consider the structure and dynamics of the capital (liabilities) of the enterprise for the reporting period in table 7.

Table 7 - Structure and dynamics of liability items of OJSC “Sanatorium “Jinal”

The name of indicators 2006 2007 2008 Relates changed. 2008 to 2006, %
thousand roubles. beats weight, % thousand roubles. beats weight, % thousand roubles. beats weight, %
Authorized capital 38148 62,5 38148 60,7 38148 59,2 100
Extra capital 21140 34,6 22521 35,9 22504 34,9 106,5
Reserve capital 321 0,5 455 0,7 455 0,7 141,7
Social Sphere, Savings, Consumption Fund 202 0,3 10 0,02 522 0,8 258,4
Retained earnings of previous years 790 1,3 1682 2,68 310 0,5 39,2
Retained earnings of the reporting year 474 0,8 - - 2527 3,9 533,1
Total: capital and reserves 61075 100 62816 100 64466 100 105,6

Accounts payable,

Suppliers and contractors

Indebtedness to the staff of the organization

Debt to state off-budget funds

debt to the budget

Other creditors

revenue of the future periods - 83 0,8 83 1,1 -
Total: current liabilities 13089 100 10198 100 7429 100 56,7
Total 74164 100 73014 100 71894 100 96,9

It follows from the data in Table 7 that the analyzed enterprise experienced changes in the amount of capital and reserves during the reporting period: the share of reserve capital increased significantly - by 41.7%. The share of additional capital increased by 6.5%. This was due to the use of retained earnings and the accumulation fund. In turn, the accumulation fund increased by 2.6 times or by 320 thousand rubles.

Retained earnings of previous years decreased by 60.8%. Retained earnings of the reporting year in 2008 amounted to 2,527 thousand rubles, which increased by 5.3 times over the reporting period.

The total amount of capital and reserves increased by 5.6%.

Changes also took place in the structure of short-term liabilities: the share of accounts payable decreased by 43.9%. The largest share in the structure of short-term liabilities during the reporting period is owed to creditors for settlements for vouchers, which in 2006 - 89.8%, 2007 - 81.6%, 2008 - 61.9%.

In total, the amount of liabilities decreased by 43.3%.

The capital of the enterprise is formed both at the expense of its own and at the expense of borrowed (external) sources. The ratio of equity and borrowed funds of OJSC "Sanatorium" Jinal "will be considered in Table 8.

Table 8 - The ratio of equity and borrowed funds of OJSC "Sanatorium" Jinal "

The name of indicators 2006 2007 2008 Absolute change in 2008 by 2006, %
Own capital, thousand rubles 61075 62899 64531 105,7
Borrowed funds, thousand rubles 13089 10115 7346 56,1
Total sources of funds, thousand rubles 74164 73014 71894 96,9
Autonomy coefficient 0,82 0,86 0,89 -
Debt to equity ratio 0,18 0,14 0,11 -

The data in Table 8 show that at the beginning of the reporting period, current assets were formed by 17.6% at the expense of borrowed funds, and at the end of the reporting period, the share of borrowed funds in the formation of current assets was 9.9%, and own - 91.1 %. This indicates a decrease in the financial dependence of the enterprise on external investors.

The values ​​of the autonomy coefficient remained practically unchanged. During the reporting period, it grew by only 8.5%, which indicates that the company is financially stable and stable.

The decrease in the ratio of borrowed funds and equity from 0.18 in 2006 to 0.11 in 2008 indicates that for every ruble of equity invested in assets, 11 kopecks of borrowed funds began to fall, i.e. 3 kopecks less than in 2007 and 10 kopecks less than in 2006. This has a positive effect on the increased financial stability of the Company.

Table 9 - Indicators of financial stability of OJSC “Sanatorium “Jinal”

The name of indicators Standard value 2006 2007 2008 Absol. change 2008 by 2006, +; -
Autonomy coefficient > 0,6 0,82 0,86 0,89 0,07
Financial dependency ratio < 2,0 0,17 0,14 0,10 -0,07
The coefficient of security of current assets with own working capital > 0,1 0,13 0,27 0,19 0,06
Coefficient of "maneuverability" < 0,5 0,51 0,52 0,53 0,2
Financial stability ratio > 0,5 0,9 0,8 0,9 -

The data in Table 9 show that the increase in the autonomy coefficient for the reporting period by 0.07 and the decrease in the financial dependence coefficient by 0.07 indicates that the Company has become financially stable, stable and less dependent on external creditors.

The ratio of current assets with own funds increased in 2006 to 0.13 and reached the norm in 2008 due to an increase in additional capital (financing the construction of a boiler house at the expense of own profit), as well as a decrease in cash on the current account and short-term financial investments .

An increase in the financial stability ratio also indicates that this organization is financially stable and is able to make payments on time and finance its activities.

The increase in the coefficient of maneuverability in 2006 above the norm shows an increase in own funds, which are in a mobile form, allowing them to freely maneuver. By 2008 it reached 0.53. This suggests that the company can maneuver its funds by 53%.

Fixed assets occupy, as a rule, the main share in the total amount of fixed capital of the organization. For a generalizing characteristic of the efficiency of the use of fixed assets, indicators of capital productivity, capital intensity and capital profitability are used. We reflect these indicators in table 10.

Table 10– Efficiency of use of fixed assets of OJSC “Sanatorium “Jinal”

The data in Table 10 show that the increase in the rate of return on assets was achieved not due to the depreciation of fixed assets, but due to an increase in revenue from the sale of services amounted to 0.85 thousand rubles. The capital intensity indicator decreased by 0.78 thousand rubles.

One of the indicators characterizing the financial stability of an organization is its solvency or liquidity, i.e. the ability to repay payment obligations in cash in a timely manner.

The size and structure of costs of sanatorium and resort services of JSC "Sanatorium" Jinal "will be considered in Table 11.

Table 11 - Structure and dynamics of costs of sanatorium and resort services, thousand rubles

The name of indicators 2006 2007 2008 2008 change by 2006
Absol., +; - Relative, %
thousand roubles. beats weight, % thousand roubles. beats weight, % thousand roubles. beats weight, %
Labor costs 5341 9,4 8038 22,6 12016 29,4 6675 224,9
Deductions for social needs 2221 3,9 3411 9,6 4809 11,8 2588 216,5
Food 4027 7,1 5995 16,9 6042 14,8 2015 150,0
Healing procedures 1098 1,9 1268 3,6 1359 3,3 261 123,8
cultural events 73 0,1 213 0,6 172 0,4 99 235,6
Household expenses 5250 9,3 7789 22 7858 19,2 2608 149,7
Depreciation of fixed assets 2047 3,6 2278 6,4 2476 6,1 500 125,3
General running costs 1132 2,0 1686 4,8 1718 4,2 586 151,8
Payment for travel services 560 2,3 1695 4,7 1472 3,6 912 262,9
Advertising expenses 254 1,3 1440 4,5 1677 4,1 1423 660,2
Taxes and fees 465 1,9 1181 4,3 1309 3,1 844 281,5
Total 24394 100 35484 100 40908 100 5312 167,7

Table 11 shows that the first place in the cost structure is occupied by labor costs, which increased by 124.9% over the reporting period, and compared to 2007. by 49.5%.

Household expenses take the second place and increased during the reporting period by 49.7% or 2608 thousand rubles, which were spent on current repairs, as well as on electricity, water supply, sewerage, and heat supply. Heat supply costs have decreased due to the transition to heat supply from the company's own boiler house.

Food costs take the third place in the cost structure, which in 2006 amounted to 4027 thousand rubles, and by 2008. they increased by 50% or by 2015 thousand rubles.

Spending on cultural events in 2006 amounted to 73 thousand rubles. Compared to 2008, they increased by 191.8%, and compared to 2008. increased by 99 thousand rubles. or 135.6%. Although compared to 2008 by 2007 they decreased by 19.2%.

4. Ways to improve the management of personnel behavior in


Consider the organizational recommendations related to the construction of the Organization (firm) and the establishment of its work. They are conventionally divided into: structural; related to staff incentives; communication. Structural recommendations.

Job titles should give cause for pride to the employees who hold them. At the same time, it must be remembered that in Russia complex foreign names can make an unfavorable impression on suppliers, customers and employees.

If the manager is preparing his potential successor, then several people can be chosen to create healthy competition. But there should be no favorites. To test the abilities of each, you should leave, leaving them, in turn, at the post of leader, giving the word upon their return to support and approve everything that they do. In this case, it is best to return suddenly.

With a conscientious and devoted attitude to work and the company, no one will allow himself to linger for a long time. It is imperative to make exceptions for holidays for good reasons.

Strive to eliminate part-time employment if it harms the company. It can only be an inconvenient mode of work or low wages.

Avoid nepotism - it reduces the quality of work of employees and undermines the authority of the head if his relatives are unwilling or unable to work as expected. But even when they work well, the very first mistake will serve as a signal of negligence for the rest of the employees. In addition, not working with relatives, it is easier to avoid gossip and excessive coverage of the manager's personal life in the team. The council is excluded if only relatives work in the firm.

With regard to privileges, it is advisable to follow the orientation towards all employees of the organization: reduction of special expensive office equipment for superiors; the prohibition of music in the workplace, except for those places where mental effort is not required; reducing the number of audible signals in the office, including telephones; the prohibition of hiring full-time psychologists or conducting psychological research for superiors; honesty in any relationship, the rejection of friendly and familiar relations within the company between the boss and the subordinate (in order to avoid injustice to good, but unsympathetic to the head of the workers); refusal to constantly attract new employees; rejection of conventions in all areas of activity, aggravating it and intercompany communication in the organization.

Creating and maintaining an optimal feedback system in the team will allow you to overcome any negative aspects in the life of the company through information from employees.


In this course work, a study was made of the management of personnel behavior in the organization. Here, the theory of personality behavior, ethics of business relations, ways to improve the management of personnel behavior and, of course, the organizational and economic characteristics of the object of study were considered.

The experience of business development, both in Russia and abroad, has shown that the effectiveness of the system of human relationships in the labor process is a powerful reserve for increasing productivity and increasing the overall efficiency of production and marketing.

Most of the enterprises are privately owned, as a result of which there is a transformation of the industrial relations between the employer and the employee. Hence, the introduction of an optimal system of intra-company relations, as well as non-material labor incentives, which in many situations can be more effective than material ones, is of paramount importance for effective personnel management. Therefore, the main problem of modern personnel management is the formation effective system non-material stimulation of labor and the basics of psychological humane management of employees.

An analysis of the theories of psychoanalysis and the behavioral approach allows us to draw several important conclusions for the practice of management:

Based on the parallel flow of conscious and unconscious mental processes, human behavior is not always conscious, logical and predictable. In addition, the dependent approach to work and the discrediting of moral values ​​in Russia led not only to a permanent deformation of the psyche of the Russian worker, but also to the formation of complex psychological complexes in him.

Much deeper than the Western approach to reactive psychology, one should recognize the approach of the Russian school, which consists in the fact that in the behavioral scheme "stimulus-reaction" there is also a central link - a set of complex psychotechnical techniques, sign systems and systems of auxiliary and artificial incentives. .

The main meaning of any labor activity sooner or later becomes the self-development of a person and enrichment for this purpose of the activity itself. ultimate goal In order to increase the effectiveness of any activity, a leader should become creative activity in any position and at any place.

The external environment, through activity, influences the development of needs, motivation, and changes in the behavior of an employee faster and more efficiently than changes through the psyche, due to the conservatism of the latter.

The main problem is to overcome the manipulative nature of the psychological impact on the worker in the labor process. The methods of exiting games in order to eliminate conflicts and hidden transactions in communication also have practical value.

A huge role in improving the efficiency of the organization has a correct solution to the problem of managing informal groups in it. Here we should highlight: features of informal groups; the reasons for the adjoining of workers to them; social characteristics of informal groups; the necessary sequence of actions of the leader when managing an informal group.

Based on current problems in the practice of personnel management in Russia, the following should be distinguished: a crisis of motivation; negative transformation of managers' ideas about modern labor activity and the emergence of "imitation activity"; the need to develop new groups of abilities among modern workers, first of all, among managers; the use of manipulation and other harsh methods of psychological influence on the employee.

List of sources used

1) Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 03/05/2001 No. 645 "On the establishment of a committee to solve personnel problems"

2) "American Management" / Ed. Shamkalov, F.I., - M .: Nauka, 2006-p.54

3) “Out of the Crisis” / Ed. Deming, V., - Tver: Alba, 2003 p.646.

4) "Me and others: communication in the workforce" / Ed. Grishina, I.V., - St. Petersburg: Lenizdat, 2005s-67.

5) "The right path to success: 1600 tips for managers" / Ed. Dip, S., Sesmen, - M .: Veche, 2003 p.534.

6) "Conflicts in labor collectives" Under the editorship of Shalenko, V.N., - M .: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 2004.32.

7) "Labor organizations: structure, functions, behavior" / Ed. Kravchenko, A.I., - M.: Nauka, 2003p.200.

8) "Head and team: interaction" / Ed. Kuliev, T.A., Mamedov, V.B., - M .: Knowledge, 2003p.78.

9) Borodkin, F.M., Koryak, N.M., Dictionary of Economics, 1st ed. "Attention: conflict!" - Novosibirsk: Science, 2002.

10) M.Kh. Mescon, M. Albert, F. Hedouri. "Fundamentals of Management", M.: Delo, 2005.76.

11) Grayson J.K. Jr., O'Dell K. "American Management on the Threshold of the 21st Century". Moscow: Economics, 2004.64.


The course work contains 40 pages of an explanatory note, including 3 applications of A4 format, 27 references.


The object of the study is organizations providing advertising services in the market of Khabarovsk.

The aim of the work is to improve the management of the behavior of the personnel of the Pro-X advertising agency.

The course work contains 3 chapters. The first chapter highlights the theoretical foundations of personnel behavior management in the enterprise. The second, main chapter characterizes directly the management activities of the enterprise on the example of Pro-X LLC. This chapter analyzes the practice of managing the behavior of employees in the enterprise. The third and final chapter suggests ways to improve the management of personnel behavior in the advertising agency OOO Pro-X.

This course work can be used to develop a system for managing the behavior of personnel at the enterprise Pro-X LLC.

Introduction 6

1 Theoretical foundations of behavior management of the organization's personnel

1.1 Factors affecting the behavior of personnel in an organization 8

1.2 Motivation of labor activity of personnel 13

2 The practice of managing the behavior of personnel on the example of the enterprise LLC "Pro-X"

2.1 Brief description of OOO Pro-X 21

2.2 Analysis of personnel behavior management on the example of Pro-X LLC 24

3 Improving the management of personnel behavior on the example of the enterprise Pro-X LLC

3.1 Action to improve the management of personnel behavior 30

3.2 Calculation of the social effect of the proposed activity 31

Conclusion 33

List of sources used 36

Appendix B - Preventive management: what to do before work starts 39

Annex B - Preventive management: after the start of work 40


Personnel management is recognized as one of the most important areas of the life of an enterprise, capable of multiplying its efficiency, and the very concept of "management

personnel” is considered in a fairly wide range: from economic and statistical to philosophical and psychological.

The personnel behavior management system ensures continuous improvement of methods of work with personnel and the use of achievements of domestic and foreign science and the best production experience.

The essence of managing the behavior of personnel, including employees, employers and other owners of the enterprise, is to establish organizational, economic, socio-psychological and legal relations between the subject and the object of management. These relations are based on the principles, methods and forms of influence on the interests, behavior and activities of employees in order to maximize their use.

Personnel management occupies a leading place in the enterprise management system. Methodologically, this area of ​​management has a specific conceptual apparatus, has distinctive characteristics and performance indicators, special procedures and methods - certification, experiment, and others; methods of study and direction of analysis of the content of labor of various categories of personnel.

The purpose of this course work is to study and analyze the problems of personnel behavior management, as well as develop recommendations for improving the personnel behavior management system in the Pro-X advertising agency.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks were defined:

1) Consider the factors influencing the behavior of personnel;

2) Analyze the existing system for managing the behavior of personnel in the enterprise;

3) To study the specifics of the motivation of the behavior of staff in the advertising agency "Pro-X";

4) Develop a proposal to improve the personnel behavior management system in the Pro-X advertising agency.


1.1 Factors affecting the behavior of personnel in the organization

The behavior of employees is set by the development strategy of the organization and is an integral part of the reputation of the organization and the competence of the staff. This direction involves the formation and maintenance of the required standards of behavior among employees in accordance with behavior patterns.

The study of employee behavior options is determined by the goals and development strategy of the organization and is carried out by its leaders to form units with the required standards of behavior.

The main factors influencing the behavior of staff include:

The potential of the organization, its social infrastructure;

Working conditions and labor protection;

Social security of employees;

Socio-psychological climate of the team;

Financial remuneration of labor and family budgets;

Out-of-hours and use of leisure.

The potential reflects the material, technical and organizational and economic capabilities of the organization, i.e. its size and location, the number of personnel and the nature of the leading professions, the profile of production and the volume of products (goods and services), the form of ownership, the state of fixed assets, and the financial situation. Social infrastructure is usually a complex of objects intended for the life support of employees of the organization and their families, meeting social, cultural and intellectual needs.

Conditions and labor protection include factors that are related to the content of joint work, the technical level of production, organizational forms labor process and the quality of the workforce employed in this organization, as well as factors that in one way or another affect the psychophysiological well-being of workers, to ensure safe work, prevent industrial injuries and occupational diseases. They cover:

Equipping the organization with modern technology, the degree of mechanization and automation of work, the use of effective technologies and materials;

Organization of labor, taking into account the introduction of modern scientific and technological achievements in production, support for the autonomy of working groups, strengthening labor, production and technological discipline, strengthening independence, entrepreneurship, personal and group responsibility of workers;

Reduction of heavy and unhealthy work, issuance, if necessary, of special clothing and other personal protective equipment;

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, including the state of production premises and equipment, air purity, illumination of workplaces, noise and vibration levels;

Availability (and conveniences) of household premises (cloakrooms, showers), first-aid post, canteens, toilets, etc.

The experience of foreign and domestic organizations confirms that attention to people, concern for improving the conditions and protection of their work bring a noticeable return, increase business spirit. The funds spent on industrial aesthetics, the improvement of working life, the creation of comfortable conditions for rest during breaks during the working day, pay off with more than an increase in labor productivity and quality of work.

The social protection of the employees of the organization consists of measures for social insurance and compliance with other social guarantees established by the current legislation, the collective agreement, labor agreements and other legal acts. In the Russian Federation, these measures, in particular, provide for:

Security minimum size remuneration and tariff rate (salary);

Normal working hours (40 hours a week), compensation for work on weekends and holidays, annual paid leave of at least 24 working days;

Compensation for harm to health in connection with the performance of labor duties;

Contributions to pension and other off-budget social insurance funds;

Payment of benefits for temporary disability, monthly allowances for mothers during their parental leave, stipends to employees for the period of vocational training or advanced training.

These guarantees are implemented with the direct participation of the organization. Cash payments, as a rule, are made from the funds of the organization, their sizes are focused on the average salary or a share of the minimum wage. The social protection system should insure workers against the risk of being in a difficult financial situation due to illness, disability or unemployment, give them confidence in the reliable protection of their labor rights and privileges.

Socio-psychological climate is the cumulative effect of many factors affecting the personnel of the organization. It manifests itself in labor motivation, communication of employees, their interpersonal and group relationships. The normal atmosphere of these relations enables each employee to feel like a part of the team, ensures his interest in work and the necessary psychological attitude, encourages a fair assessment of the achievements and failures of both his own and colleagues, the organization as a whole.

Three main components interact in the structure of the socio-psychological climate of the team: psychological compatibility workers, their social optimism, moral education. These components relate to the subtle strings of human communication, intellect, will and emotions of the personality, which largely determine its desire for useful activity, creative work, cooperation and solidarity with others. Expressing the attitude of workers to the joint work and to each other, the socio-psychological atmosphere brings to the fore such motives that are no less effective than material rewards and economic benefits, stimulate the worker, cause him to strain or lose energy, labor enthusiasm or apathy, interest in the case or indifference.

Material remuneration of labor is the main factor influencing the behavior of staff. Remuneration for labor should be based on the social minimum - on what is necessary to maintain a decent standard of living and reproduce the working capacity of a person, to obtain a means of subsistence not only for himself, but also for his family.

Leisure occupies a special place in the harmonious development of a working person. The size, structure, content, culture of using free time affect the humanistic fullness of the lifestyle, the worker's worldview, his civic position and moral values.

Along with the conditions of the immediate social environment, the social development of the organization and the behavior of employees are also influenced by more general factors, on which the working mood of the staff and the effectiveness of joint work largely and often decisively depend. We mean, first of all, the factors that affect certain sectors of the economy or regions, the state of affairs in the country - whether it is currently on the rise, in the prime of life, or, on the contrary, is experiencing a recession, crisis, experiencing a sharp increase in social tension.

1.2 Motivation of labor activity of personnel

The need to improve the efficiency of the enterprise is forcing HR managers to pay more and more attention to the need to increase the return on staff. Reasonably and consistently built motivation plays an important role in this. However, HR managers need clear tools to realize such an impact.

The conscious use of various variants of scientific or practically substantiated theories of motivation or other similar concepts gives high efficiency to organizational personnel activities.

Any organization can be thought of as a group of people united by a common goal. These people create a system consisting of various functions and roles that serve the prosperity of the company and determine its success.

The structure of an effective organization is designed so that the work of everyone is a contribution to the common cause. If employees understand this, then they are clearly aware of their place and role in this system, they are able to determine the area of ​​responsibility within which they have the right to make an independent decision. Autonomous systems are built on the principles of self-organization and strive for an optimal state of equilibrium, so any changes in the system are difficult and with delayed feedback.

But it is not enough to choose an effective team - it is no less important task to interest and retain employees in the company, objectively evaluating their work. Conservative assessments of an employee's performance as "bad" or "wrong" lead to tougher negative incentives (reprimands, deductions from wages, etc.), which does not encourage staff to be loyal. A different approach is more productive: even if the employee made the wrong decision, they will explain to him that it will not lead the organization to the desired goal, and will be asked to independently find another option that will be beneficial both for him and for the whole company. In this case, the employee develops behavioral flexibility. Effective learning employees to make the right decisions should become an ongoing and focused process.

Managers and employees interpret the concept of loyalty differently. According to employees, this is simply a positive or neutral attitude towards the company. Managers, on the other hand, believe that loyalty is devotion to the organization, expressed in the conscientious fulfillment of all instructions, as well as in the existing in the team friendly relations and the presence of team spirit. At the same time, only that employee is called a devotee who cannot be lured away even by promises of “golden mountains”.

A loyal employee stays with the company for as long as possible and sees its advantages when compared to other companies.

Loyalty is always based on the satisfaction of employees with the aspects of work that are important for them in the company. Particularly important are such factors as the social security of employees, the transparency of the management system, humanity (the absence of unreasonable rigidity towards employees on the part of management) and the corporate culture of the company, expressed in the motivation system, whether it is holding corporate parties or developing a policy on compensation and benefits. And, of course, the corporate culture is reflected in the culture of relations between employees and management.

The loyalty of the staff in one way or another affects all the processes occurring within the organization. One of the few clear indicators of low loyalty is high employee turnover.

To control loyalty, it is important to study the motivation of staff, because identifying and satisfying the main motives of employees is the best way to maintain a high level of loyalty.

An increase in employee loyalty is facilitated by convincing him that not only he is trying for the company, but also the company for him. He must be sure that:

He gets the salary he deserves;

His merits will be appreciated and not only financially;

The management takes care of his career growth, advanced training, as well as to create the necessary conditions for comfortable work.

It is also important that the company strictly comply with all the terms of the contract with the employee, that is, be extremely honest with him.

Any leader knows that it is much easier to manage a loyal employee than a disloyal one. Employee loyalty limits the leakage of valuable personnel and, therefore, the leakage of information from the organization. And finally, in an organization where the leader enjoys the trust of the workers, it is easier to make major changes. The success and dynamic development of such a company are guaranteed.

The corporate climate also plays an important role in the behavior of personnel. At the heart of everything are the goals and objectives of the company, its mission. Further, the climate is formed on the basis of the mentality of the team, which is the core of the company, as well as the mentality of its founders. Then the main personnel of the company adjusts it, as a rule, by no more than 20 - 30% per year. It should be borne in mind that the corporate climate is a derivative of the strategic goals and motivation system adopted by the company, the dynamics of the market, its history. Therefore, it cannot be changed without affecting the financial foundations of the relationship between the company and the staff. Another contribution to creating a favorable corporate climate is the optimization of work within the company. Each employee must know what, in what time frame and for what he is doing. A process of constant optimization of the structure, optimization of functional responsibilities under the influence of the market situation is necessary.

A favorable climate has a positive effect on the efficiency of employees. According to Western studies, only 15% of a person's motivation depends on his salary and 85% - on the stability of the company, the employee's place in the organization, the degree of his appreciation by others, growth opportunities, etc. According to some statements, already after a year of work, the salary ceases to stimulate employees to “shock” work, and they begin to work just enough so as not to be fired.

This is actually the case if the salary is not directly tied to the work of the employee and methods for its sensitive response to most of the employee's actions have not been developed. The development of such a system is a rather difficult task, since it is first necessary to identify what types of work are priority for the company, what image it wants to create and where it sees itself in the future. Most employees will not do something positive for the company if it is:

Not reflected in his salary or any other material income received from the company (for example, an employee has shares in the company, and even if he does not receive an increase in salary, he can receive additional income through an increase in the value of shares or dividends) ;

Not reflected in the evaluation of others;

Does not increase his professional level;

Doesn't improve his self-esteem.

Therefore, it is so important to develop flexible motivational schemes that would contribute to the growth and success of the company, stimulating staff to search for new solutions, open new markets, etc.

Motivation is a subtle tool, and the backlash from a poorly implemented system can be a hundred times greater than the possible positive effect. Staff incentive schemes should be reviewed at least every six months, even if the company is not very dynamic.

It should be noted that interesting changes are taking place in modern management. Naturally, different companies undergo different changes, but two business management models stand out and they depend on the market in which the company operates. Some companies operate in a very cyclical market where products and technology do not change much for many years or even decades - these are mainly organizations in the raw materials industries - mining, oil and gas, etc. Other companies operate in a rapidly changing (turbulent) environment, such as companies like Microsoft - they have a new product every few months and everything is constantly changing.

Cyclical companies are characterized by a classic vertical management structure. The main issue of management in these companies, its main problem is how to make the new year a little better than last year. In this company, the leader is the one who knows best. This is a stable system - in such organizations, authoritarian management is very effective - "I tell you - you do." Procedures have long been known and regulated. Everything is based on three Cs: structure, system, strategy. Accordingly, motivation can include only standard sets - a social package, supplements for work in excess of the standard, and so on. In such a management system, the human factor is not so decisive, the main thing is the coordinated work of employees and clearly described rules.

In the second case, management is completely different. In companies where strategy changes almost every day, the question is always asked: Well, what should we do now? Their old knowledge may even interfere with management. If in a vertical structure it is possible to manage personnel like “dolls”, then here people think more on their own - a top manager only sets directions, he explains and creates favorable conditions. Such an organization rests on three "pillars": people, purpose, process. Accordingly, the question of motivation arises - since employees of dynamically developing companies of a new type do not want a standardized approach, then in order to maximize the result, it is necessary to develop individual schemes, in which the key principle is: "I want this to be a solution specifically for me."

It should be noted that delegation of authority strongly motivates people. Moreover, people today evaluate their company themselves: who we are, what we are - and then, depending on what they discover, the company organizes itself. People want to have a leader who speaks his mind quite directly and at the same time gives them the opportunity to take the initiative. For example, at Microsoft, B. Gates encourages sales leaders to think and act as if they run independent businesses. The psychological method of motivating employees of B. Gates is based on setting goals that are unattainable and instilling a sense of defeat in employees, which makes them make more efforts next time.

Motivation of labor activity largely affects the behavior of staff, gives incentives to employees to achieve the goals of both the company and their own, is a kind of regulator of the norms of behavior of people in the organization, which allows you to effectively manage the company.


The history of the Pro-X agency began in 1994.

Until 2002, the Pro-X advertising group was known more as an audio and video production studio. For 8 years, from 1994 to 2002, they had a permanent clientele and there was an objective need to acquire a legal status. In 2002, with the appearance of the third founder Vera Petrovna Timashchuk in their team, the Pro-X limited liability company was created.

The executive body is director V.P. Timashchuk. She is personally responsible for the activities of the agency. It is entrusted with: legal, commercial and financial activities of the enterprise.

Creative Director - VG Poplevin, responsible for the creative component of the work.

Technical director - Yu.M.Volkov is responsible for the state of electronic equipment: video and photo cameras, audio studios, computers.

Marketer - E.V. Zhdanova develops strategic and detailed marketing plans for the company in all areas of marketing activities:

Increasing sales volumes in existing markets;

Expanding consumption segments and conquering new markets;

Bringing new goods (services) to the market.

Controls the implementation of the marketing plan and determines the need for marketing research.

The duties of designers A.V. Penksik and A.P. Voronovich include design development, video production.

Project coordinator E.A. Tkachenko works on orders in printing, souvenirs, orders outdoor advertising.

The organizational structure of this enterprise is shown in Figure A.1 /Appendix A/.

Audio production, which includes the development and placement of an advertisement, an informational video with a script and original music, a game video with a script, music, actors, announcers, the development of an advertising image with or without vocals, writing an advertising song, a corporate anthem and much more .

Video production includes the following types of work: video editing from the customer's materials, production of a staged video, informational video without computer graphics or with special effects, at the request of the customer, computer video, animation, slide films, video screensavers without sound, adaptation of the address plan.

Creative work: development of an advertising idea, trademark, character, mascot, slogan, advertising campaign, presentation, contest, concert, directing an advertising campaign, developing an audio script, video clip, drafting an advertising text and much more.

Development of corporate identity - this is the development of a logo (layout + creative) up to three options, and the main elements of corporate identity (company color, font, corporate business card, business card for a representative, letterhead, envelope, seal, stamp, etc.), as well as development of additional corporate identity elements (slogan, advertising symbol or character, folder, booklet, discount card, postcard, packaging, napkins and much more).

Production of printed products.

Tracking the timely and high-quality output of advertising - monitoring.

Organization and holding of special events.

2.2 Analysis of personnel behavior management on the example of Pro-X LLC

Currently, in the Russian advertising business, there is a situation of lack of professional personnel and their poaching. Therefore, human resource management in the agency is very important. The management of the Pro-X advertising agency is trying to create favorable conditions for working in the company, so that employees have the opportunity to work hard, but with pleasure, to prove themselves in a serious project. The head of the agency makes every effort to provide freedom to each employee within the agency. Personnel behavior management at the Pro-X enterprise is based not only on the motivation of labor activity, but also on the creation of a friendly close-knit team.

The values ​​of the advertising agency "Pro-X" - honesty, respect, diversity. The company believes that it is very important to maintain the agency's reputation for fair play, so they prefer to tell the truth, while respecting the dignity of each individual.

The agency also has some characteristics of a market culture: results orientation, rivalry between employees, success is determined by market leadership, outperforming competitors, and increasing market share. All this is reflected in the corporate culture and motivation of the work of the staff.

Social protection of employees is based on social insurance measures and compliance with other social guarantees established by the current legislation, collective agreement, labor agreements and other legal acts.

The following social guarantees are observed at the Pro-X enterprise:

Establishing a tariff rate (salary) for an employee in accordance with the position held;

Establishment of normal working hours (40 hours per week);

The employee is granted annual basic paid leave of 28 calendar days and additional leave of 8 calendar days;

In addition to wages, the employee is paid other types of remuneration in accordance with the regulations of the organization;

From the amounts of the employee's wages, the amount of personal income tax is withheld, as well as other contributions to pension and other off-budget social insurance funds;

Payment of benefits for temporary disability, monthly benefits to mothers for the period of their parental leave.

An important factor affecting the performance of the organization's employees is working conditions - this is a set of those conditions under which the normal labor activity of the organization's staff is possible, namely:

Equipping workplaces with modern technology, the use of efficient technologies and materials;

Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, cleanliness of premises, illumination of workplaces, noise level;

The presence of household premises (cloakrooms), toilets, etc.

The Pro-X advertising agency has comfortable working conditions, which consist in equipping the enterprise with good modern equipment: computers, office equipment; comfortable working areas (tables, chairs, armchairs, bedside tables, etc.), the presence of air conditioners, recreation areas (amenity premises for employees, bathroom). A cleaning lady who washes the floors and dusts the workplaces is responsible for maintaining sanitary and hygienic standards and cleanliness of the working space.

An important motivational element is wages. The Pro-X enterprise has developed a system of bonuses paid monthly:

Bonus for the quality of work: the decision on its payment is made by the head of the department (company) in accordance with the assessment of the behavior of employees for a certain period on the basis of selected criteria and protocols that record formal behavioral errors (for example, failure to fulfill instructions, use of working time to solve personal problems, etc.), as well as positive actions (initiativity, quick problem solving, etc.). Point for leadership not described in the job description - allows you to stimulate initiative. The accountant gives his assessment according to such criteria as the availability of all documents and reports in the prescribed form;

Seniority bonus: allows you to pay for the loyalty of employees in relation to the company and index the monetary reward upwards;

Bonus for no sick days and no smoking, which encourages a healthy lifestyle.

As part of the analysis of personnel behavior management and considering motivation as the basis of employee behavior in the workplace, it is important to pay attention to the corporate culture of the company, since it is she who is responsible for team cohesion and plays an important role in the effectiveness of personnel behavior management.

Coherence, interaction, what is called teamspirit (team spirit);

Satisfaction with work and pride in its results;

Commitment to the organization and willingness to meet high standards;

High demands on the quality of work;

Readiness for changes caused by the demands of progress and competition.

Assessing the corporate culture of the Pro-X agency, we can draw the following conclusions:

The agency has a fairly high level of employee cohesion;

Interpersonal relationships are characterized by warmth and participation;

The management pays great attention to the formation and maintenance of the team spirit of the team;

Team cohesion is especially important for an advertising agency, since not one person, but a group of people is working on the creation of advertising products or ideas.

There is a well-established system for communicating general information about the state of affairs in the company and general development plans to the staff.

Thus, we can conclude that the corporate culture in the Pro-X advertising agency is effective and is characterized by the fact that key corporate values ​​are actively supported and shared by almost all members of the organization. And consequently influence the behavior of employees.

One of the notable results of Pro-X's corporate culture is low employee turnover, unanimous opinion among employees about what the organization's purpose is and what it stands for. This, in turn, gives rise to the cohesion of employees, loyalty and devotion to the organization, and, consequently, the desire to leave such an organization among employees disappears.

The corporate culture of Pro-X can be defined as strong by the following characteristics:

The mission, strategy and basic values ​​are clearly formed and shared by all members of the team;

Programs of indirect material interest of employees, incentive systems are being implemented;

A system of collective events is being implemented that contributes to the formation of a favorable organizational climate in the agency, the establishment of warm relationships in the team;

Pro-X Agency, like all successful companies with a strong corporate culture, it is important to constantly maintain and develop their cultural values. This is due to the fact that environmental factors, the selection of new employees, entering new industry or regional markets, and many other parameters contribute to a change in corporate culture.

After analyzing the management of personnel behavior in the Pro-X advertising agency, we can conclude that, in general, personnel behavior management based on a combination of a strong corporate culture and employee motivation has an effective impact on the level of efficiency, increases team cohesion, and secures employees to the firm. And although their application is effective, it is necessary to look for new ways of management in order to constantly improve the performance of the organization. In the third chapter, an event will be proposed to improve the personnel behavior management system in the Pro-X advertising agency.


3.1 Measure to improve the management of personnel behavior

The method of improving the management of personnel behavior is a new management system, as "preventive management", based on the manipulation of individual elements in a specific work environment to obtain a predictable result that would not have been possible without this intervention. It supports people doing the right thing by eliminating opportunities for doing things wrong.

The preventive management strategy is to eliminate the causes of non-performance. Therefore, managerial interventions undertaken by a leader or manager in order to solve problems can be divided into two categories as shown in Figure B.2 /Appendix B/ and Figure B.3 /Appendix C/. The “Before” category includes everything that the manager needs to discuss before the employees start working on the project. This is called work planning.

The importance of the result of the assignment determines the value of the discussion held before the start of the work.

Performance control is a system for the implementation of preventive management after the start of work. If the manager does not control the work of employees, then he does not perform the most important managerial function.

The main objectives of performance control:

1. performance support (rewarding good work);

2. performance improvement (if it does not meet the specified requirements):

Providing feedback informing about the results of work;

Removing obstacles;

Communication to employees about priorities;

Elimination of the negative consequences of good performance;

Eliminate the positive consequences of poor performance;

Creation of negative consequences in case of poor performance;

Help in solving personal problems.

3.2 Calculation of the social effect of the proposed event

Currently, managers tend to exercise control only when they receive a signal that a problem has occurred. But performance monitoring should be applied regularly as a means of reinforcing performance, even if the work appears to be going well. If a manager controls the actions of his employees, provides them with assistance and creates positive or negative consequences for them in order to maintain the proper performance of work, then he uses preventive management to prevent mistakes made by employees. The social effect of preventive management will be based on the responsibility of employees for the work performed, here the manager will act as a coordinator of activities. Since the work is creative and performed collectively, here the manager will act as a "senior mentor" or adviser. That is, the control of the activities of employees not only disciplines, but also is a kind of incentive to perform work quickly and efficiently, since this enterprise has established material bonuses for the quality of work.


After a detailed analysis of the chosen topic, it is necessary to summarize briefly, concluding this work. In the course of the work, all the goals formulated in the introduction part were achieved.

The purpose of this course work was to study and analyze the problems of personnel behavior management, as well as to develop recommendations for improving the personnel behavior management system, using the Pro-X advertising agency as an example. The work required to find out what measures to manage the behavior of the staff are necessary for the positive functioning of the advertising agency as a whole.

In the course of solving this goal, the following tasks were solved:

1) The factors influencing the behavior of personnel are considered;

2) The existing system of managing the behavior of personnel in the enterprise was analyzed;

3) Studied the specific motivation of the behavior of staff in the advertising agency "Pro-X";

4) A proposal has been developed to improve the personnel behavior management system in the Pro-X advertising agency.

So, analyzing the theory of course work, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. Personnel behavior management is a systemic, systematically organized impact with the help of interrelated organizational, economic and social measures on the process of formation, distribution, redistribution of labor at the enterprise level, on creating conditions for using the labor qualities of an employee (labor force) in order to ensure effective the functioning of the enterprise and the comprehensive development of the employees employed in it.

2. The staff of the organization is a set of individuals who are with the organization as a legal entity in relations regulated by the contract of employment. As for the situation in the Pro-X advertising agency, in order for the employee to gain a foothold in the workplace, it is necessary to pay the attention of the manager to some of the nuances of this issue:

1. Economic aspect. One of the main ways to secure a specialist in the workplace is financial incentives.

2. Psychological aspect. The way a person feels internally in the workplace.

3. Social aspect. An important factor affecting the stability of an employee is his social position in the team. With social lack of demand, a specialist will naturally look for a more comfortable environment, a more loyal leader.

In the work of the advertising agency, the following factors of influence on the behavior of staff were identified. Firstly, it is the provision of social guarantees to employees, secondly, comfortable working conditions, and thirdly, material rewards, such as bonuses for the quality of work, for length of service: it allows you to pay for employee loyalty to the company and index the monetary reward upwards; allowance for the absence of sick days and non-smoking, which encourages a healthy lifestyle.

The work proposed the following measure aimed at improving the personnel behavior management system in the Pro-X advertising agency: the use of preventive management.

The advantages of implementing this system for an advertising agency are as follows:

Increasing the quality of fulfillment of customer orders;

Possibility of exclusion of abuse by the personnel;

The participation of the manager not only in management activities, but also in close cooperation with employees in the execution of orders.

The proposed measure will improve the quality of work, and this will have a positive impact on the financial condition of the Pro-X advertising agency.


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Annex A




Table B.2 - Preventive management: what to do before work begins

D-1 Let employees know what they need to do
D 2 Find out if employees know how to do it
D-3 Let employees know why they should do it
D-4 Convince employees that your way of doing work is real
D-5 If the way the work is done is not better than yours, convincingly prove it to employees
D-6 Make employees understand work priorities
D 7 Reassure employees that the expected negative consequences of attempting to perform work will never occur
D-8 Deal with personal problems or delegate the work to someone else
D-9 Make sure that individual restrictions do not interfere with the work
D-10 Make sure there are no obstacles that workers cannot handle on their own
D-11 Make sure the task is really doable



Table B.3 - Preventive management: what to do after the start of work

P-1 Give them specific and frequent feedback in the form of information about the results of their work.
P-2 Make sure verbal praise for good work is specific and frequent.
P-3 Remove obstacles or provide employees with a strategy to overcome them
P-4 Make sure they understand the priorities for getting work done
P-5 Eliminate the negative consequences of doing a good job or balance them with positive incentives
P-6 Eliminate the positive consequences of poor performance
P-7 Create negative consequences according to the degree of task failure
P-8 Eliminate personal problems or delegate the work to someone else
  • 14.1. Managing the behavior of individuals
  • 14.2. Group management
  • 14.3. Organization management
  • 14.4. International Human Resource Management

Managing the behavior of individuals

In order to effectively manage people, it is necessary to understand what are the driving forces influencing how people behave at work. This means that you need to take into account the fundamental characteristics of people, namely:

  • - individual differences - people's abilities, intelligence, personal qualities, education and culture, gender and race;
  • - installations - causes and manifestations;
  • - impact on behavior - personality and attitudes;
  • - attribution theory - how we form an opinion about people;
  • - orientation - people's approaches to work;
  • - roles - those roles that people play in the performance of their job responsibilities.

It would be much easier to manage people if everyone were the same, but people certainly differ from each other in their abilities, intelligence, personal qualities, connections, training and culture. Gender, race and disability are additional factors to be taken into account. It is also important that the needs and desires of people will also differ, often fundamentally, and this must be taken into account when a manager tries to motivate them.

Personal features are classified as follows:

  • - competence - abilities and skills;
  • - concept - the conceptual base on which depends how people perceive the environment;
  • - expectations - what people expect from their own behavior and the behavior of others;
  • - values ​​- what people consider important;
  • - plans for self-development - the goals that people set for themselves, and the plans that they make to achieve these goals.

Environment or situation variables are:

  • - the type of work that a person performs;
  • - culture, climate and leadership style in the organization and social group in which he works;
  • - "reference" group - a group that people use as a model for comparison.

Abilities are qualities that allow you to perform some action. There are two main groups:

  • - verbal, numerical, logical abilities, the ability to memorize;
  • - spatial and mechanical abilities, as well as memory and motor skills necessary for physical operations, such as hand-eye coordination, and mental abilities.

Above all these abilities, there is an intellectual factor that explains most of the changes in performance.

General mental faculties consist of a range of abilities that enable a person to excel in a wide range of mental tasks that require cognitive and logical reasoning skills. Factor analysis was used to identify the components of intelligence. But psychologists have not agreed on what these factors are, or whether general intelligence actually exists.

Character can be defined as the relatively stable and enduring aspects of people's personality that distinguish them from other people. This is the concept of “character traits”, where these traits are seen as a predisposition to behave in a certain way in many different situations. The basis for predicting the behavior of people in the future is thus the proposition that the ways of expressing oneself are constant in a particular person. We all attribute some character traits to people, trying to understand why they behave in a certain way. This cognitive process brings order to what might otherwise seem like meaningless, inconsistent actions. Traits, therefore, can be thought of as classification systems used by people to understand behavior, their own or others.

People do not always show the same traits in different situations, or even similar traits in a similar situation. Different people may show consistency in some traits and significant divergence in others.

The classical trait-based theory suggests that the behavior associated with a particular trait occurs regardless of the situation and the people with whom the individual interacts. This assumption is questionable when one considers that specific actions are usually performed in response to specific situations.

Character traits are a product of language, a way of talking about people, and in terms of behavior they cannot be described.

This concept identifies a set of character types, with each of which it is possible to correlate the character of a particular person, thereby classifying him into a category. Using these types, you can create character tests.

Individual differences depend on the connections and training of people, including the environment and culture in which they grew up and live.

Behavior at work depends both on the personal qualities of the individual, character and attitudes, and on the situation in which he works. Because these factors interact, this theory of behavior is sometimes called interaction theory. It is because of the process of interaction and because there are a large number of variables in personality characteristics and situations that behavior is difficult to predict and analyze. It is generally accepted that attitudes determine behavior.

The behavior of people is determined by how the individual perceives the situation in which he is. The psychological climate shows how the perception of the situation gives it psychological meaning and importance. The key variables associated with the environment are:

  • - role characteristics, such as role ambiguity or role conflict;
  • - characteristics of the job, such as independence or difficult tasks;
  • - the behavior of the manager, including his main goals and assistance in the work he provides;
  • - characteristics of the working group, including cooperation and friendliness;
  • — the policies of the organization that directly affect people, such as the reward system.

When correlating people's actions with possible causes, we distinguish between what a person can influence and what is the influence of the environment. For example, a personal motive could be the intensity of the effort, while a situational reason would be the difficulty of the task at hand. There are four criteria that we apply to decide whether an action is due to personal rather than external causes:

  • - distinctiveness - the behavior of a particular person may differ from the behavior of other people in similar situations;
  • - unanimity - if other people agree that such behavior is caused by some personal qualities;
  • - constancy in time - whether actions are repeated;
  • - constancy of ways, in other words - whether such behavior is repeated in different situations.

At work, the term "role" or "job responsibilities" describes how people should act in fulfilling the requirements of their job. Roles thus define specific forms of behavior that are necessary to perform a particular task or groups of tasks related to a given position or job. Worker roles mostly put requirements in terms of how tasks are performed, rather than in terms of the tasks themselves. They can refer to various aspects of behavior, especially those related to work, with other people, and with leadership styles. Therefore, a distinction can be made between a job description, which simply lists all the main tasks that a person should perform, and a role profile, which is more related to the role aspects of work and the results that a person in this role should receive. The concept of role emphasizes the fact that people at work always play a role in some sense; they do not just repeat something, but interpret it, guided by their own sense of how they should behave in the environment in which they work; especially when it comes to their relationships with other people.

The most important factors that influence a person's behavior at work are the following:

  • 1. Individual Differences - When planning jobs, preparing training programs, appraising and advising staff, developing a system of financial incentives, and when dealing with complaints and disciplinary problems, it must be remembered that all people are different. What works for one person may not work for another. Ability, inclination, and intelligence vary widely, and great care must be taken in selecting suitable men for certain kinds of work, and in properly retraining them. Personalities and attitudes also differ. It is important to pay attention to managing this diversity. In addition, all aspects related to the employment of women, people of different ethnic groups, people with disabilities and the elderly should be taken into account.
  • 2.0 characters should not be judged simplistically based on stereotypical character traits. People are complex and they change, this should be taken into account. The challenge for HR professionals and managers in general is to accept and understand these differences, and to fully consider them, in the end to ensure that people meet the requirements of the situation. There is always a limit to which an organization that relies on collective efforts to achieve its goals can adapt to the individual needs of people. But an organization must understand that the pressure it puts on employees can lead to stress and lower performance.
  • 3. Judgments about people. We all attribute certain motives to other people and try to understand the reasons for their behavior. We must, however, be careful not to make simplistic opinions about the reasons for other people's actions, especially when we evaluate performance.
  • 4. Orientation theory - the significance of orientation theory lies in the fact that it emphasizes the importance of the influence of environmental factors on motivation at work.
  • 5. Role Theory - Role theory helps us understand the need to explain to people what behavior is expected of them and, when planning work, to ensure that roles do not contain inappropriate elements. You should also be aware of potential role conflict so that steps can be taken to reduce stress.
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