Teaching aid (middle, senior, preparatory group) on the topic: Facilitation technologies at parent meetings in preschool educational institutions. Seminar for novice deputy heads and teachers - psychologists of the preschool educational institution of the city "Using facilita technology

Is it easy for you to lead the process of discussing work issues? Plenary sessions, conferences, meetings - any type of meeting at which people express themselves in a strictly certain order, are inevitably excluded from the discussion process while waiting for their turn. As a result, many ideas are not voiced, not all possibilities are considered. At best, people begin to get bored, and at worst, irritation and dissatisfaction with the result appear. Method will come to the rescue facilitation .

This is a tool that can be used during meetings, sessions strategic planning, seminars and workshops. We understand the intricacies of the tool below.

What is facilitation

Facilitation (from the English facilitate - to help, guide, facilitate) is at the same time a process, a group of skills and a set of tools that allow you to effectively organize a group discussion.

The goal of facilitation is to find the right method that will allow the group to work creatively and effectively. In other words, these are special actions aimed at organizing group work.

Discussion of work issues usually takes place in one or more groups. Group facilitation is a process in which the leader of the group takes a neutral position and does not assume decision making, but only helps participants identify problems and make a decision through constructive discussion. This leader will be the facilitator.

Who is a facilitator

The personality of the facilitator is already a powerful tool of influence in itself. This is a trainer who is trained in technology effective communication. According to Tony Mann (author of several books on facilitation), a facilitator should be able to:

    • direct and structure the discussion in the right direction;
    • select really good decisions groups;
    • take risks, go out yourself and take facilitation participants out of their comfort zone;
    • work with different kinds of groups;
    • navigate in all formats of conversations and meetings;
    • combine different tools and techniques in the process of working with a group;
    • quickly respond to changes in the situation, the difficulties of the participants - and, accordingly, quickly overcome them;
    • resist stress;
    • open up to people, motivate them for personal change.

A professional puts the interests of the group above all, refusing his own expertise, does not allow the participants to get stuck in the discussion, but at the same time does not force events and does not put pressure on the participants. He is responsible for organizing the discussion, allowing the participants to fully focus on the content of the object of discussion.

Important! The facilitator maintains a constructive dialogue and gives equal attention to all participants in the discussion, effectively managing the discussion, but not joining it. The result of such a meeting is that the group makes the best possible decision.

The difference between facilitation and moderation

There are different views on what facilitation and moderation are. Some experts recognize them as the same processes, and the difference in terms is explained by different linguistic origins (moderation - German, facilitation - English). Other specialists find these processes related, but having differences:

    1. Facilitation literally means "facilitate", moderation - "curb". Moderation is a tougher technology. It has a defined format - a conversation, during which there is no opportunity to be distracted by another topic.
    2. Facilitation - flexible technology. In the process, many different techniques and tools are used: sketches, collages, even Lego constructors. Participants are not limited to one topic.
    3. Moderation is used in the format of a meeting: “discussion of the problem”, a meeting with the head.
    4. Facilitation fits the solution conflict situations, upon acceptance difficult decisions and introduction of new technologies.
Five rules of facilitation

Facilitation involves the use of principles that come from the goals and objectives set. There are 5 rules of facilitation:

    • study of the process as opposed to omniscience;
    • openness and sincerity to people;
    • all participants in the process are equal;
    • every opinion is important;
    • all people are smart and can solve problems effectively.
Facilitation Techniques

There are many facilitation tools, but there are several basic techniques:

    1. Future Search("Search for the Future"). Technology is used when a company's various stakeholders need a common framework to collaborate and create the future of the entire organization.
    2. work out("Going beyond"). The method is used to develop innovative ways of interacting, overcoming the bureaucratization of the company, improving business processes and the ability to achieve the results that the company needs.
    3. Brainstorming(""). The method is used when it is necessary to summarize the available information and find new, fresh ideas.
    4. Polarization of opinion(“Polarization of Opinions”). The method is used when it is necessary to reduce / “pour out” a negative attitude towards a topic that will be discussed further; it is necessary to determine the pessimistic and optimistic forecast of the development of the situation.
    5. open space("Open space"). The method is used when big group employees need to answer many specific questions or find solutions to problems within the same topic. The steps of the technique follow one from the other, as in the diagram below:

Facilitation in business

Facilitation is actively used during meetings, round tables in companies and corporations. What does facilitation give in this case?

    1. Improving the efficiency of employees.
    2. Increasing staff motivation.
    3. Development of the intellectual potential of the employee.
    4. Creating a safe psychological space.
    5. Implementation of new technologies in business.

Successful facilitation is a collaborative quality work both participants discussing issues that are truly important to them, and a facilitator who accepts the pace and level at which the group is and uses carefully selected tools. This is what allows you to get the maximum result.

Group work and facilitation opportunities

A large number of works are devoted to the phenomenon of group work. The most obvious benefits of group work are:

  1. The group provides a more diverse social environment in which individual knowledge and skills can be learned, improved and integrated. If one type of relationship arises between two people, then a whole set of different relationships between members, including rejection and exclusion, is maintained and developed in the group. In a couple, an individual can count on the support of only one person, and in a group, on the support of a larger number of people. Various people evoke different feelings and reactions. In a couple, a person is limited by the ability to compare himself, his behavior patterns and results with only one person. While in a group these possibilities are immeasurably greater. Individual differences among group members in terms of personal qualities, competence, efficiency, ambition, innovation and other criteria provide a versatility of comparison, self-assessment and mutual assessment of group members. Thus, the variety of relationships in the group provides members with significant opportunities for learning and development, which are unrealistic in the absence of a group.
  2. The group creates an atmosphere of community, communion, help and support, which is an important factor in individual readiness for additional efforts and risk in fulfilling the assigned tasks. A certain level of support is provided to each member on the basis of group membership and due to the special climate of mutual assistance. Members of the group show public respect and approval of behavior towards each other, which serves as the basis for the development of self-esteem and self-confidence of people. Team members can also count on support and encouragement in their efforts to develop competence and change in line with new goals.
  3. The group influences the behaviors and attitudes of its members. In the group, the manifestation of social pressure on individuals is more noticeable, as well as social approval, which stimulate individual efforts. As a general rule, the rewards and punishments of individual behavior in a group have a greater effect on individuals than the rewards and punishments of management.
  4. The group can control the emotional manifestations of its members by stimulating and weakening the power of emotional experiences. In the group there is an unconscious mutual exchange, "infection" and multiple amplification of emotional experiences. At the same time, the group exercises clear control over the manifestation of emotional experiences that are encouraged by the group and those that are condemned by the group. Thus, the group can correct the emotional manifestations of its members.
  5. The group requires its members to be competent in interpersonal interaction and the use of communication skills. In individual reflection on the problem and its resolution, interpersonal skills are not used. Discussing a problem with one person requires some communication skills, while discussing a problem in a group requires more competence and the use of a wide range of skills. interpersonal communication. The ability to listen and hear others, to understand what is behind the words, to jointly search for the most optimal solution to the problem is necessary for working in a group.
  6. The group provides an opportunity to find understanding and help each other in correcting destructive behaviors and attitudes. By imitating each other, group members contribute to the development of more constructive models behavior and ways of thinking. Helping and trying to understand other members of the group, a person gradually abandons selfish habits and learns to be altruistic.
  7. The group provides ample opportunities for self-knowledge and understanding of personal problems. Assessing thoughts, behaviors and emotional manifestations individual, the group helps him adequately express himself and find understanding for his actions. In a group, it is easier to develop insight and the ability to search for and achieve consensus.
  8. The group provides ample opportunities for implementation feedback. Within the group, there is a constant process of exchange of opinions regarding the behavior of members, their contribution to the common cause, personal manifestations, and so on, based on communication and observation. Each member of the group shares his thoughts on the other members and receives relevant information from them.
  9. The group allows you to establish and maintain relationships of equal status people. This equality of status can only be recognized by the members of the group; outside the group, its members may have different social status. Such practice has a beneficial effect on the development of individual experience and emotional state of people. The presence of relationships based on the recognition of the equality of group members characterizes a healthy organization and contributes to more effective problem solving.
  10. The group creates favorable conditions for solving problems. Group discussion of the problem allows for a wider range of alternatives, including innovative solutions, and to find the most optimal solution.
According to McLaish, Matherson and Vand Park, the interaction of group members in group work includes the following elements:
  • affective or emotional components behavior;
  • cognitive or intellectual components;
  • non-verbal or multilingual components;
  • components of the content of communication;
  • sociological or segments of behavior determined by personal connections.
In the context of innovation management, the importance of involving more employees in the development and decision-making process, as well as attracting their experience, knowledge and ideas to find improvements and solve problems, which entails an increase in the number of group forms of work in organizations, is increasing. In this regard, the application of innovative methods of organizing group work will determine the effectiveness of meetings, meetings and other group forms of work in organizations and affect group and organizational productivity.

IN management activities meetings, planning meetings, meetings of working and project groups and other forms of group discussions take a lot of time, and for top management it takes more than 50% of the working time. How are things going with group forms of work and discussions in Russian organizations currently?

Our research showed that the majority of employees and managers of various companies, when answering the question “How do you rate the effectiveness of meetings and other group forms of discussion in which you participate?”, Evaluated the effectiveness as low or below average. And to the question “What difficulties do participants in group discussions and meetings in the organization face?” received very similar lists of responses, including the following items:

  • time is wasted (we repeat ourselves, we talk a lot, we are not prepared, all these questions do not concern me, time is dragging out ...)
  • the program chatters, the participants switch to related or abstract issues
  • some people dominate both discussion and decision making
  • some people sit back, keep silent
  • relationship between the participants
  • decisions are not made
  • it is not clear why we were called, if all the solutions are already known
  • the meeting and the participants are not prepared…

After such meetings and discussions, people often felt ineffective and dissatisfied.

Try to imagine a different picture: at the meeting, everyone is included and actively participates in the discussion, the agenda moves quickly, the participants actively move around the room and fix decisions on the board or flipchart, almost no delay from the scheduled end time. When leaving the meeting, people walk energetically, actively communicating with each other, smiling ... How to achieve such an effect? What needs to be done in order for the meetings to be effective: achieve their goals and the participants would be satisfied with both the result and the process and would be happy to implement the decisions?

Today, in meetings and group discussions, the main focus is on goals and objectives, and too little attention is paid to the process of meetings and discussions. Everyone talks about tasks, what needs to be solved, what issues to consider, but practically no one offers forms, a process - how we will investigate problems, how we will create, select and make decisions.

And here I want to compare the meeting process with the production process at the factory. In production, raw materials are taken to obtain products, and in the course of a certain production process, we receive products. First of all, production managers control the process, which, if debugged, gives stable results. In product manufacturing, the focus is on process efficiency. In the production of decisions at meetings, the situation is very similar. We take raw materials - ideas, opinions - and process them into solutions. And the production of decisions is the same process, and in order to get solutions, proposals, plans, you need to create different processes to receive them. And managers leading meetings and discussions also need to focus on the process to get good results.

And as in the production of products, in production and decision-making, we have source material (raw materials) - ideas, opinions, which then lead to decisions, and also there are waste (waste of resources). Waste is when people are sitting, they have nothing to say, and they know that they are not needed at this meeting, but on duty they are obliged to be here. And they are present and don't contribute anything, thus we waste our resources (thrown ideas, time and energy). People allow a lot of waste in the production of decisions and do not fully realize how much they lose.

The difference between product manufacturing and solution manufacturing is that each time there are different issues and challenges facing meetings and meetings, different sets of people are involved, and accordingly we need to use different processes, methods and formats of group work.

Ideally, when producing solutions, we take raw materials (ideas and thoughts) and process them into a finished product with a minimum waste of effort (waste) and with the maximum efficiency of available human and time resources. Questions arise, how to debug the process of creating solutions, make it efficient and waste-free? And what forms and methods of the process to use in order to receive best solutions different types of tasks?

To create effective processes for group discussions and decision-making, apply modern technology facilitation.

Facilitation- this is a professional organization of the process of group work, aimed at clarifying and achieving the group's goals. The facilitation process leads to an increase in the effectiveness of group work, the involvement and interest of participants, and the disclosure of their potential. Facilitation is necessary where people strive to achieve a common goal in teamwork, a project group, during a meeting. Another definition of facilitation was given by Roger Schwartz, in his opinion “Group facilitation is a process in which a person whose choice is acceptable to all members of the group, who is sufficiently neutral and who does not have sufficient decision-making power, diagnoses the need and intervenes to help the group in identifying and resolving problems and making decisions to increase the effectiveness of the group"

So to come to constructive solutions, the process of discussion and group work must be managed and coordinated by the participants of the meeting, meeting. Such a process is carried out by a facilitator who manages the process, involves participants and structures the work of the group. A facilitator (from the English facilitate - to make an action or process simpler) is often called a leader, whose main task is to stimulate and direct the process of searching and analyzing information, making decisions by participants in group work. A facilitator is not someone who performs a certain task himself, but someone who uses certain skills in the process of interacting with people and owns special techniques which allow the group to make decisions, set goals, learn new skills.

The facilitator is responsible for the process, the group for the content. Content - the actual ideas, suggestions and solutions that come up during the group discussion. This is what the participants work on in order to achieve the goal. Process is the way a group works together; it is how a group solves a problem.

There are different types of facilitation:

  1. Facilitation during workshops (meeting facilitation).
  2. Facilitation of working groups and teams (team facilitation).
  3. Facilitation of organizational change (organizational facilitation).
  4. Facilitation of changes at the level of macroeconomic, political and social systems and networks (system/network facilitation).
IN this chapter we consider to a greater extent the process, methods and techniques related to the first and second types of facilitation.

Organization of an effective discussion and decision-making process

To create an effective decision-making process, we need a facilitator who will manage the entire process. Its area of ​​influence includes the following aspects:

  • accounting for the stages of the meeting;
  • focusing the group on the topic and purpose;
  • collecting information and opinions;
  • fixing the results of the group discussion and visualization for understanding;
  • reaching consensus and making decisions;
  • management of group dynamics (creation of a working atmosphere, involvement of each participant, management of non-constructive behavior, maintaining energy in the group).

Let's take a closer look at the above aspects.

The main steps of the meeting and group discussion process are simple, as in any work of art the meeting has stages: Preparation, Opening, Main working part, Completion. We will not talk here about preparation, opening and completion, although these are all very important and necessary parts for the process. Let's talk about the working part, where the main facilitation techniques unfold, the discussion and the formation of a solution take place.

Group Focus

The task of the facilitator is to establish at the beginning the course the group will take and avoid deviating from it. Throughout the discussion, remind about the goal and indicate how this activity and technique brings us closer to achieving the result; carry out intermediate results; clearly give instructions on how the group will now discuss, work and control time and tasks. When a group deviates from a given topic, it is important to return it back to the goal, and redirect and fix the arising side issues for a separate discussion.

Fixing the results of discussions, work

Record the discussion and make the thoughts and statements available to all groups, this will help the general understanding and advancement of the group on the issues under discussion. There are different ways of recording - the facilitator or one of the participants writes on cards or a flipchart, the participants themselves record their thoughts on the cards and then they are posted on the moderation boards. There is a rule here that it is important to write closer to the statement - what the person said, and if you clarify, then ask the person to do it himself. Use visualization (pictures, images), one of the modern developing methods is visual graphic templates, which are prepared in advance, and during the meeting the results of discussions are entered into them.

Visualization of the discussion and its results contribute to a better overall understanding, focusing the attention of the participants, the ability to refer to what was written at any time, and the created visual pictures are anchors and allow for better memorization.

Collection of information and opinions

At the stage of collecting information and opinions, we identify individual opinions on the topic under discussion, collect all aspects that are significant for the participants on the issue. And at this stage it is very important to involve each participant in action and discussions to receive from each contribution. Indeed, according to a study conducted at the University of Hamburg, it turned out that the higher the quality of the individual contribution, regarding the topic under consideration at the beginning of the group interaction, and the more versatile and independent the individual contribution, the higher the group productivity will be. Thus, high-quality individual input influences the final decision of the group.

There are many different techniques for gathering information: using different type questions, brainstorming different techniques brainstorming), collecting individual opinions using moderation maps and grouping them into categories, ranking them to determine their importance. It is important for managers and facilitators leading meetings and group discussions to know the various facilitation methods and techniques and when and how to use them.

Consensus Building

The task of the facilitator is to create a process that will focus on reaching consensus. Consensus is not when everyone agrees, but when the participants agree to agree ("I can live with it and support it").

Many people come to the discussion with different views on the issue under discussion. It is necessary to create such a process and conditions so that people hear each other, realize what is behind different opinions and positions, understood each other's arguments, analyzed alternatives and other possible solutions. The facilitator controls the process of reaching a consensus, and if during the discussion there is an argument, the discussion becomes emotional, too much time is lost, then intervention techniques should be used and the group should be helped.

To help the group reach consensus, the facilitator will:

  • Reveal points of agreement
  • Reframe statements to emphasize commonality of ideas
  • Explore the goals of individual participants
  • Encourage people to come from the ideas of others
  • Check the truth of the consensus, whether it is conformism (really and everyone agrees)
  • Check if the consensus matches the task

Group dynamics management

Since we are dealing with a group of individuals, we are faced with and work with two realities: individuals (with their own personal characteristics, motivation, interests) and intra-group processes and effects (positioning, leadership, communication, grouping, conformism, conflicts, etc.) .

The facilitator will work with non-constructive behavior of individual participants and the group. Non-constructive behavior is any action by a participant that consciously or unconsciously shows dissatisfaction with the process used, the content of the meeting, or an external factor that is not related to the session. And here is the action of the facilitator: conscious prevention, early detection, clear resolution! After all, the task of the facilitator is to create a constructive discussion process, and any non-constructive behavior destroys it, distracts the group and makes it impossible to move towards resolving issues. The facilitator's arsenal should include techniques for intervening and bringing the group and individual participants back to work, and the height of skill is when you turn a non-constructive participant into an involved and active one.

Another aspect of managing group dynamics is keeping the energy high in the meeting. High energy energizes the theme and engages participants in active work. Therefore, you, as a facilitator, set the pace and rhythm of the discussion, take breaks in work, and also take into account the natural dips of energy in time (mid-morning, afternoon, mid-evening). During periods of energy decline in the group, conduct interactive activities - team building exercises, work in small groups, in pairs, highly dynamic facilitation methods with movements. Avoid monologues, presentations, creative exercises.

There are many different methods and techniques that can be used in meetings and discussions to organize the right decision-making process and produce quality results. These methods need to be known and selected in accordance with the purpose of the upcoming meeting, conditions (time, place, specifics), participants.

There are different classifications of methods, here are some examples:

  • Methods and techniques for solving specific problems (Information gathering, Problem analysis, Idea generation, Development and evaluation of solutions, Consensus building and decision making, Action planning)
  • Methods for working with small groups (from 3-15 people) and large groups (from 15 people to 1000)
  • Methods with a clearly structured process (activities in the method and the results obtained are written step by step) or methods with an unstructured self-organizing process (for example, Open Space or Dynamic Facilitation).
  • Methods by type of performing techniques and facilitation methods (how people are applied to the process) (ALL; GROUP; ALL TO ONE; ONE TO ALL)
The last classification requires more explanation, let's dwell on it. Classification proposed by Tony Mann:

« All» – each person works independently, performs the task and uses the given technique/method

« Group» – the group works together doing the task and using the given technique/method

« All to one» - all address their contribution to one person who uses a given technique / method

« One for all"- one performs the task for or on behalf of all the others (tab. 17.1).

Tab. 17.1. Comparison of types of facilitation by the type of execution of techniques

Facilitation types



All Everyone has the opportunity to put their ideas, thoughts, perceptions It takes more time to gather input from everyone and group or analyze it
Group A different, or "common" opinion can be developed, mixed groups can produce a mixture of ideas, perceptions, views The group format still needs another format to be effective - for example - everything (for negotiation)
All to one There is an opportunity to select the thoughts of others and it takes less time to express ideas, thoughts The opinions of individuals can get lost and the opinions of one or two people can prevail
One for all It is possible to save effort by getting expert opinion If the expert does not behave correctly, everything can turn into a solo self-oriented presentation.

To date, there is a wide variety of facilitation methods and techniques; experts from the International Association of Facilitators IAF have counted more than five hundred different facilitation methods.

At the same time, in the practice of organizing group work and increasing the effectiveness of group decisions, the most popular methods and techniques for collecting information in order to study problems or generate ideas, and techniques related to the creation and adoption of decisions. Here are examples of such methods and techniques:

  • Gathering opinions/ideas using moderation cards
  • mental maps
  • Ranking with labels
  • "Same Time Next Year"
  • 2D matrix chart
  • "Important and Desirable"
  • Kurt Lewin Force Field Analysis
  • world cafe

Let's describe some of the indicated methods in more detail:

Gathering opinions/ideas using moderation cards

Target: collection of opinions and ideas. This method allows the group members' opinions/ideas to be put on the table for review and use later in the process.

When used: It can be used in those areas where you need to investigate the problem, taking into account a large number of factors and tasks, some of which may not be manifested. The method is well suited for gathering opinions, brainstorming, analyzing a problem or finding a solution.

How to apply:

1 phase. Gather ideas with cards. Bring up the issue or problem being discussed (for example: What demotivates you at work?) and post the clearly written question on the board. Then ask each participant to silently and individually answer the question, there may be several answers. In addition, each idea should be written on a separate card, with a marker and large. Distribute moderation cards and markers to the participants of the session, ask them to write in block letters. Collect cards and shuffle.

2 phase. Grouping ideas (Figure 17.1). The facilitator introduces the rules for this phase. He announces and shows cards in turn. If the group does not understand the content of the map, then we ask the author for an explanation, if everything is clear, then we immediately post it. Time for explanations is limited to 30 seconds. Cards that are close in meaning are placed in one group. If the group's opinion is divided about the map, then we write a copy of the map and place it in two groups. The last word belongs to the author. All conflicts are visualized.

3 phase. Assign names to groups. The facilitator reads the group cards and asks to come up with common name this group, and the group must come to a common decision. Avoid semantics, if everyone understands what is meant by the name, then do not argue about words. If it's hard to come up with a group name, then break the content into two or more parts and come up with names for them. The name is written on a round or oval-shaped card and is attached to the top of the group of cards. As a result, you will have several factors - key answers to the question posed at the beginning of the meeting. Then you can conduct a ranking in order to identify the importance of the identified factors, problems, solutions.

Mental maps (Mind-map)

Target: collecting information, generating and structuring ideas

When used: the Mind-map method (mental maps) is used for in-depth study of a specific topic, to identify connections and relationships. Can be used at the beginning of a project to get a first idea of ​​what needs to be considered during project preparation and implementation.

How to apply:
  1. Drawn in the center of the board big circle or another form with a key topic of discussion.
  2. On command, the group begins to complete the scheme. The facilitator captures the ideas on the board, or the participants do it on maps, and then they are placed on the board, it is important to find first the main sub-themes, the main lines emanating from main theme. The map develops from the general to the particular.
  3. To each of the main subtopics found, particular aspects and questions are connected. Thus, branches with shoots develop.
In another version of the method, you can first ask each participant to independently create their own map on the issue of discussion, and then create General Map(fig.17.2).

Another way to work: use a laptop, a projector and special program to help create mental maps. The participants discuss, and one person immediately reflects the entire course of the discussion in the computer, drawing a map.


Target: This technique represents a visually perceived form of consensus. Used to allow the group to visually identify those ideas or issues that some of the group members think are important, and is also used in decision making.

When used: Label voting is best used when a view of consensus is required. This can be when there are a number of issues of varying importance to different members of the group. In such a case, you need a simple method to detect agreement on general areas. Voting is used to make a decision by a group or to obtain express statistics on the issue under study (Fig. 17.3).

How to apply:
  1. Place on the board the names of the factors for which you will vote, in a list or in the form of a matrix.
  2. Distribute sticky voting tags to participants. The number of tags may vary, depending on the form and purpose of voting. If we vote for the most important issues/ factors that were identified at the previous stage of the discussion, then often this rule is: the number of factors divided by 2.
  3. Voice the question and ask each participant to make a decision. When everyone answered that they have already chosen, start voting.
  4. Calculate the voting results and fix the places/ranking. You can put the results on a separate board and arrange them in descending order, or simply mark them with meta rating numbers.
  5. Ask the participants to analyze the received statistics.

"Same Time Next Year"

Target: create solution options

When to use: It is useful to use this technique when barriers to change seem insurmountable or when the group has low confidence.

How to apply:
  1. We ask the participants to imagine that now is the same time, only a year later. And all our wishes came true. Each of business plans realized and the mission became a reality. Let's take a look back and describe how we achieved this. What happened at that time that allowed our plans to come true. Use the past tense.
  2. Divide into small groups and lead a discussion of these questions.
  3. Ask each group to present their story as we did to the others.
  4. Record the solution options that sounded in each story and evaluate them.

2D matrix chart

Target: evaluating options and making decisions

When to use: the method serves to visualize situations that are determined by two decisive factors. Great for comparing, prioritizing or evaluating options for ideas, solutions. Axes examples:
  1. Possibility of application / importance for the organization - in the analysis of proposals, developments.
  2. Price / quality - at comparative analysis competitors
  3. Feasibility/Effectiveness - evaluating ideas
  4. Range of effects/quality of effects (positive/negative) - prediction of secondary effects (consequence matrix).
  5. Risk analysis - reward level / risk level and others.
How to apply:
  1. A diagram is presented to the group, the meaning of its axes is explained.
  2. The task is set for the group to evaluate according to the proposed factors and place all previously identified problems or proposed solutions on this diagram.
  3. The result is reviewed and analyzed, factors, problems or solutions are selected for further work.

"Important and Desirable"

Target: evaluation of options and decision making. Help the group evaluate the applicability of potential solutions, scenarios.

When to use: usually the technique is used when the most important problems have already been identified or solutions have been formed.

How to apply:
  1. Ask the group to list the criteria they would like the ideal scenario/option to meet. Here it is important to ensure that the participants do not search for solutions, but write out criteria.
  2. Ask the group to classify the written criteria into important (must be met) and desirable (it would be nice if they were met).
  3. Create a table of criteria (Table 17.2) and enter possible suggestions/options in it.
  4. Ask the group to evaluate each proposal according to all criteria and mark in the table "+" - if the proposal meets the criterion, "x" - if the proposal does not meet the criterion.
  5. Remove those options for proposals/solutions where there is a cross for some important criterion.
  6. Ask the group to sum up the ticks and crosses for each sentence and come up with a final decision.
Tab. 17.2. Evaluation of proposals according to important and desirable criteria.

Kurt Lewin Force Field Analysis

Force field analysis is a control technique developed by Kurt Lewin to diagnose a situation.

K. Levin believed that in each situation, driving and restraining forces act simultaneously, which affect any change (Fig. 17.4). Driving forces seek to initiate change, support it. Restraining forces are forces that tend to limit the impact of driving forces.

Target: identifying the forces that help and hinder a change, problem, situation, or solution.

When to use: when assessing changes, decisions made, when planning the implementation of decisions, change programs. Useful in assessing the ease or difficulty of performing specific actions, assists in planning to overcome implementation barriers.

How to apply:
  1. Designate a question for analysis (a specific change taking place in your organization or a solution that is planned to be implemented. For example: “Implementation of electronic document management in a company”)
  2. Review the changes by answering the following questions:
    1. What drives change?
    2. What hinders change?
    3. How to reduce resistance forces?
    4. How to increase the power to promote change?
  3. Choose what you will implement. You can use the ranking method.
  4. Create an action plan.
World Cafe (The World Café)

Target: collection of information, exchange of opinions of a large number of people.

When to use: The World Café is a way to create a lively discussion around the main topic of a meeting or conference. The method is used for large groups to discuss a complex issue relevant to the organization (for example, the adoption of corporate values ​​or the development of a Talent Management program).

How to apply:
  1. The main topic of discussion and sub-themes/questions for discussion on the tables (3-5 sub-themes) are predetermined and agreed upon.
  2. Participants are divided into groups, the main topic of discussions and issues that will be discussed on the tables are presented.
  3. It is proposed to individual participants to take on the role of the “master” of the round table, to which the group will come to visit (who is interested in the topic and is ready to work on it all the time).
  4. Participants disperse into round tables and discuss the issue indicated there. "Owner" - fixes all voiced ideas on a flipchart sheet. Then the participants get up and go to another table, and the "hosts" remain at their table all the time.
  5. When the next group arrives round table, the host briefly tells what was and what ideas were voiced by the previous group (s). Then the participants talk on the stated topic, and the owner fixes everything.
  6. There are several rounds of work with changing tables in groups (3-5 rounds).
  7. Summing up - the "hosts" of the round tables summarize the discussions at their tables for all participants. An additional stage with the selection and evaluation of ideas is possible.
So the dynamics modern market requires organizations to be highly flexible and internal changes, readiness for self-development, which entails the involvement of an increasing number of employees to solve problems and create new ideas. Group forms of work, such as meetings, rallies, strategic sessions, working and project groups, take up more and more working time for employees and managers of organizations. And so today's leaders and managers simply need to be able to create decision-making processes in the course of group work in order to obtain quality results and develop innovative products. The study of facilitation technology and innovative methods of group work will allow today's leaders and leaders to create effective processes for researching problems, creating and making decisions, getting maximum performance from their groups, as well as using a wide arsenal of methods and techniques for facilitating group work to solve various types of problems, and not get hung up on familiar or “favorite” group discussion methods.

With the introduction of facilitation technology and the institution of facilitators in organizations, meetings and group forms of discussions and work become better: fast, efficient, creative and enjoyable for participants, both from the process and from the result. This greatly affects group productivity and the quality of group decisions, and as a result, the effectiveness of the organization as a whole. At the same time, the organization is undergoing a change in corporate culture, from a vertical and hierarchical transition to a more horizontal one, since facilitation is a democratic approach that allows employees to be involved in researching problems and developing solutions. Organizations that use group work facilitation actively develop a culture of participation and dialogue, which is an essential prerequisite for creating an innovative environment in the organization and future profits.


Brown J., Isaacs D., "The World Café", San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers Inc., 2005

Burgoon M., Heston J.K., McCroskey J. “Small Group Communication. A Functional Approach. Holt, Rinehart & Winson, Inc., 1974

Buzan T., "Mind Maps for Business: Revolutionize Your Business Thinking and Practice", Prentice Hall, 2010

Girdham M. Interpersonal Skills at Work. 2ded". London: Prentice Hall, 1990

Jaques D. (1996) "Learning In Groups", London, Kogan Page, 1996

McLeish J. Matherson, Wand Park J. "The Psychology of the Learning Group", Hutchinson, London, 1973.

Mann T. "Facilitation - a Manual of Models, Tools and Techniques for effective group working", Resource Productions, 2007

Schwarz R. "The Skilled Facilitator: A Comprehensive Resource for Consultants, Facilitators, Managers, Trainers, and Coaches", Jossey-Bass, 2002

Townsend J., Donovan P. "The facilitator's pocketbook", Management Pocketbooks Ltd, 2009

Wilkinson M. “The Secrets of Facilitation: The S.M.A.R.T. Guide to Getting Results With Groups, Jossey-Bass, 2004

Edmuller A., ​​Wilhelm T., "Moderation: the art of holding meetings, conferences, seminars", Omega-L, Moscow, 2007

Dudorova L.Yu., article "Facilitation of corporate events" in the journal "Corporate Culture" 05/2009

Author: Elena Yuryevna Yarkina, senior teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 7 "Fairy meadow" of a general developmental type in the city of Zarinsk.
Description of work: this material will be useful for teachers kindergarten to build constructive interaction with the subjects of preschool educational institutions through the use of innovative techniques. Based on the facilitation method, teachers can organize parent-teacher meetings, build speeches on pedagogical councils, methodological associations.

Methodical development workshop for teachers "Facilitation - as an effective form of joint activities of subjects of preschool educational institutions"

"If you always do that,
what you always did.
You will receive what
what you always get"
A. Einstein

At the beginning of the workshop, it is necessary to divide the teachers into 3 subgroups, the leader - facilitator distributes to the participants pedagogical council emblems, according to which teachers take their places at the tables.
Equipment: a multimedia projector, a computer for recording group members' comments during the discussion (or a blackboard with chalk), 3 tables, chairs according to the number of participants, paper, pens, booklets, a bell.
Target: increasing the professional competence of teachers in organizing events based on the facilitation method.
Tasks: quality improvement work of preschool educational institution in cooperation with parents, the development of communicative, facilitative skills of teachers.

Event progress:

Presenter: Dear colleagues, I am glad to see you at the workshop "Facilitation - as an effective form of conducting joint activities of subjects of preschool educational institutions." I wish you and the people around you to look at the world lightly and joyfully, and always be ready for cooperation.
GEF preschool education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155, defines modern guidelines for building relationships between preschool educational organization with families of pupils. Among the basic principles of preschool education, the Federal State Educational Standard of DO highlights the cooperation of the preschool with the family. The most important tasks solved by the Federal State Educational Standards for Education include providing psychological and pedagogical support to the family and increasing the competence of parents in matters of development and education, protection and strengthening of the development of children.
A modern teacher should have the competencies necessary to establish cooperation with parents on the education of the child, directly involve them in the educational process based on identifying the needs and supporting the educational initiatives of families.
The teacher should strive for constructive interaction with the parents of pupils, overcome the negative attitudes of individual families and communication barriers. Educators need to learn new ways to maintain partnerships that meet current trends strengthening cooperation with parents of preschool children.

Parents' meeting is an effective form of activating the educational opportunities of parents. It is at the meeting that the teacher has the opportunity to acquaint parents with the tasks, content, methods of raising preschool children in a family and kindergarten. But even the most interested in improving their competence, parents are most often not ready to listen to messages and reports, long lectures on topics chosen for them by kindergarten teachers.
The desire of parents to actively participate in learning, to bring into learning situations own experience and life values, to correlate the learning situation with their goals and objectives, facilitation methods correspond. Their main purpose is to develop the ability to independently analyze various problems, find ways to solve them, as well as the ability to work with information.
Tell me, how can you determine the theme of a joint event with parents, taking into account their needs?
You have taken places according to your emblems. And our work will be carried out in subgroups.

It is no coincidence that the emblems of our meeting today are symbolic:
- White color means peace, purity, purity, perfection;
- blue - the color of faith and fidelity, constancy;
- red color symbolizes energy, strength.
Now, take one piece of paper from the “Question Tree”, on which write down the question that interests you on the topic of our workshop (3-4 minutes).

The facilitator conducts work according to the "Tree of Questions" method, identifying the questions of interest to teachers on the topic of the event. Next, the finished leaves are hung on the "tree". The facilitator takes into account the request of the teachers, structures the questions, organizes the workshop based on the planned activities.
Presenter: These are the issues we will be working on today.

Dear colleagues, today you took places at three different tables. And our form of work today is unusual, it is called the “World Cafe”, this is one of the facilitation methods that teachers can use to organize parent-teacher meetings and methodological events. And on the example of our work today we will try to understand the organization of such events. All of you are now in your "cafe". Now you need to choose a “table owner”, this is the person who will remain at the “table” all the time and record the results of the discussion of issues, as well as acquaint the next group with your decisions. Time is given for 2-3 minutes to discuss the issue, then the group, except for the owner of the table, moves to the next “table”. At the end of the discussion, the “table owner” introduces the results on this issue.

Let's get acquainted with the rules of our cafe:
1. Don't get distracted - focus on what matters most.
2. Do not sit back - express your thoughts, opinions, reflections.
3. Speak openly and from your heart.
4. Listen to understand.
5. Link and connect ideas.
6. Enjoy communication!

Work principles:
1. Whoever comes, these are the people who are needed.
2. Whatever happens is the only thing that can happen.
3. Whenever it starts, it's the right time.
4. When it ends, then it will end.
Law: If you find yourself in situations where you cannot learn anything or make any contribution, you are responsible for moving to another place, such as another cafe!
The facilitator brings to the attention of the participants of the meeting the questions formulated by them as problematic at the stage of preparation for the event.
Question number 1. What forms of work with parents are applicable in preschool educational institutions and why?

Based on the results of the discussion (3 rounds) at the tables, the facilitator, together with the participants, comes to a consensus that: preschool childhood- a unique period in a person's life. Parents, children, educators are the subjects of preschool education, and the microclimate of the group depends on their interaction.
The use by teachers of methods rooted in the practice of kindergartens, focused on the traditional understanding of the tasks of interaction with the family: education, control of the actions of parents, pointing out their mistakes and shortcomings in education, cause resistance among many parents. In addition, even the most interested in improving their competence, parents are most often not ready to listen to messages and reports from preschool specialists.
In the era of computerization, many modern parents are sufficiently informed in matters of preschool education and have a need to exchange this information, discuss, share their own life experiences. Therefore, teachers need to choose such methods and technologies for organizing group events so that parents become active participants in educational relations and the main actors in making decisions regarding the upbringing and development of the child.
Mass events for teachers and parents
parent meetings
evenings for parents
mugs for parents
school for parents
interest clubs
Joint activities of teachers, parents and children
days open doors
joint creativity
edition of the Newspaper
home visits
execution of individual orders
Visual information
informational and educational (familiarization of parents with a feature of the preschool educational institution)
information and analytical (surveys, profiles, questionnaires).

Question number 2. What active methods contribute to productive interaction with parents?

Three rounds of discussions follow. "The hosts of the tables" sum up.
Based on the results of the discussion (3 rounds) at the tables, the facilitator summarizes the information:
round table (this is a form of organizing the exchange of views);
training (this is a form of education, where there is little theory and conversations and a lot of practice and exercises. Before the training, new knowledge is first given without them to understand a new topic);
creative games (creative games where practical tasks that arise in adults and children are solved);
brainstorming (the topic is selected, set). Each participant offers his own answer. Then, unnecessary answer options are discarded and they come to the final decision, proving why they chose this answer option. Brainstorming, makes it possible to unite in the process of finding solutions in a very different people and find the right solution.
interactive methods “inter is mutual, act is to act”, means to interact, to be in the mode of conversation, dialogue with someone. One of which is the method of facilitation.
Presenter: Facilitation(from English) - facilitate, help, promote. Facilitation is a professional organization of the process of group work aimed at clarifying and achieving the group's goals. The facilitation process leads to an increase in the effectiveness of group work, the involvement and interest of participants, and the disclosure of their potential.
The relevance of the problem of using facilitation technology is justified by the fact that facilitation as a form and method of work has recently become more widespread, including among pedagogical technologies. The teacher in the role of a facilitator flexibly implements the role repertoire that allows him to initiate productive activity groups of parents, maintain the necessary mood, create a friendly atmosphere in the group.
Tasks of facilitation- solution of specific issues, analysis of problems, discussion of joint activities, resolution of complex and conflict situations.
facilitation product- these are organizational decisions and proposals recorded in the protocol of events that will entail certain changes.
Question number 3. Who is a facilitator? What characteristic features does he have?
Three rounds of discussions follow. "The hosts of the tables" sum up.
Based on the results of the discussion (3 rounds) at the tables, the facilitator, together with the participants, determines the characteristic features of the facilitator:
Facilitator- a neutral leader who makes the process easier and more efficient, not interested in the outcome of the discussion, not representing the interests of any of the groups present and not participating in the debate specialist.

Character traits:
knows how to manage the content and dynamics of the event;
knows how to listen and hear;
is able to accurately and completely summarize information;
knows how to ask the right questions;
ready to accept other people's opinions without imposing one's own;
knows how to structure time;
is able to build open, trusting relationships with participants in educational relations.
The facilitator is characterized by several “not”:
not interested in the outcome of the discussion;
does not offer its own schemes of action, its own stereotype of perception, its own view of the problem;
does not participate in debates, but only organizes them, ensures the implementation of the agenda;
does not provide answers to questions, does not offer solutions to problems, but provides the means by which the participants in the interaction themselves find a solution.
Question number 4. What is the role of the facilitator in organizing and conducting events? How to become an effective facilitator, contributing to the improvement of relationships with the parents of pupils?
Three rounds of discussions follow. "The hosts of the tables" sum up.
Based on the results of the discussion (3 rounds) at the tables, the facilitator summarizes the information:

Choose stimulating, indirect methods of control that encourage parents to change themselves

Anticipate close and long-term results of communication and build interaction with parents in this regard

Evaluate and correct the actions and actions of parents, and not their personal characteristics

Self-assessment and correction acts as a guideline for parents' self-assessment

Set a wide range of communication tasks and vary them according to the interests and needs of parents

Willingly support the initiative, create conditions for self-realization of the parent

You take into account the need of parents for communication, skillfully support and direct their emotions, maintain immediacy and empathy in communication

Change the strategy and tactics of interaction depending on the emotional mood, the interests of the parents

Focus on unlocking the potential of parents, creating psychological security

Are capable of empathy, reflection on the experience of their communication, demonstrate openness and interest in parents

slide 1. "Intellect cafe "Erudite"

Design Component

Slide 2. Purpose: Formation of competencies in parents in organizing and conducting joint educational and leisure activities of an adult with children.

Forms of organization of work:

Subgroup - practical.


  • ESM: Presentation: "Business game with elements of facilitation"
  • Satin tape;
  • Song "Inquisitives" N.Gnome;
  • Balls - a garland;
  • Badges: cafe owner - 1 pc., table owner - 5 pcs., waiters - 3 pcs., sponsor - 1 pc.
  • coloring pages "Look and Color" - signs of spring, pencils, felt-tip pens, background music;
  • puzzles "Signs of Spring" ;
  • Changeling verse "Bird cherry" S. Yesenin about spring;
  • Menu with a list of dishes for each table;
  • Material for experiments;
  • Simulation Constructor "First level" ;
  • Trays 2 pcs.;

Equipment: Multimedia projector, screen, tables, chairs, magnetic easels, two scissors.

Slide 3. Business game plan:

1. Introduction to game motivation. Participant introduction:

  • Cafe Sponsor (person interested in conducting)- head of the kindergarten
  • Cafe owner (facilitator)- group tutor
  • Design team (assistant waiters)- teachers;
  • Members (cafe goers)- rollers.

Opening a cafe.

2. Start of the cafe:

  • Dividing into groups - seating at tables;
  • Morning cocktail. Formulation - statement of the search problem. game exercise "Warm-up for the mind" ;
  • Choice "master" table.

3. The main part.

  • Food tasting: Parents try dishes - perform creative cognitive tasks;
  • "master" table introduces visitors to the tasks and solutions of the previous group, fixes ideas.

4. Return of participants to their table.

  • Generalization of ideas by the hosts of the table;
  • Creation of knowledge gallery;
  • Consolidation of core knowledge.

5. Reflection. Sincwine.

Expected results:

  1. Parents will get acquainted with the way to activate the cognitive activity of children in a family environment;
  2. Parents will replenish the family piggy bank by organizing joint activities with children, taking into account the area of ​​preferred interests.

Organizational Component

The course of the business game:

Moderator: Dear parents and guests of our meeting, we are increasingly using techniques and methods in our practice, called "interactive teaching methods" (a method based on intersubjective interaction and communication of all participants in the training).

Today I want to bring to your attention another simple way that will help us create favorable conditions for the intellectual development of children in accordance with their age characteristics and natural inclinations. We will visit the opening of my intellect cafe "Erudite" for children and their parents. So, I invite you to support us and become participants in the business game.

Introduction to game motivation:

Cafe owner: I invite you to the cafe,

I want to serve everyone

Let the meeting be informative

Let interesting speeches flow.

Welcome to the intellectual cafe "Erudite" !

Allow me to introduce you to the sponsor of our cafe - this is the head of the kindergarten Nadezhda Viktorovna Krylova. And here is the design team - these are my colleagues Natalya Chernova and Svetlana Chugunova. And finally, the clients of the cafe are you - the parents of our pupils.

Slide: 5. The song sounds "Inquisitives" Natalia Gnome. The sponsor and owner of the café cut the symbolic ribbon. Parents pass and take places at tables with plates H-H, Ch-ZS, Ch-P, Ch-T, Ch-XO (section into groups).

Cafe owner: To establish interactive contact, cafe customers need to choose "master" a table that will acquaint visitors with dishes-assignments, fix answers-ideas, consolidate them and evaluate them.

Parents confer and choose "master" table.

Cafe owner: I am glad to welcome you within the walls of our intellectual cafe "Erudite" . I hope you enjoy your time. To make our vacation fruitful with a rich, healthy aftertaste, my assistants will offer you our morning cocktail.

Slide 6. Assistant waiters take out puzzles on trays and distribute them to each table.

Introduction to gaming motivation:

Cafe hostess: Try our morning cocktails - rebuses, unsurpassed in entertainment and curiosity, by solving which, you will find out the name of the main ingredient in our cuisine dishes - games.

The owner of the cafe opens puzzles on the screen by clicking on them. Parents solve puzzles. Background music plays.

Cafe owner: As you have already noticed, the menu contains dishes in accordance with the natural inclinations of children, so today you have to try all the dishes of our cafe, which include ... Addresses the owners of the tables. The owners of the tables give the solution to puzzles: Drops, kidney, stream, flood, snowdrop. The owner of the cafe opens the answers to puzzles by clicking on them.

Cafe owner: Let's combine the pictures and name the main ingredient of our dishes in one word ...

Sdayd7. You are absolutely right, the main ingredient of today's dishes is the season - spring! And now I ask you to taste our dishes. slide 8.

The background music is turned on. Assistant waiters on trays take out dishes-game tasks, explain the rules of execution.


Café patrons - parents "tasting food" - perform game tasks (on the tables of the cafe, assistant waiters lay out "dishes" - game tasks in accordance with areas of preferred interests):

  • 1 table - (Ch-XO)- Salad "Spring assortment" - game exercise "Look and Color" . The players color the picture according to the pattern with signs of spring. / 1 group - 1 sign.
  • 2 table - (H - WS)- Fried eggs "fried eggs" - game exercise "Find differences" Players look for 7 differences in a part of the picture / 1 group - one part.
  • 3 table - (H - P)- Lapshevnik - Experimental activities. / 1 group - one experience: "Looking for Air" , "Why doesn't the pen get wet" , "The soil" .
  • 4 table - (H - T)- Drink "Country luck" . Visitors model one garden tool / 1 group - 1 item.
  • 5 table - (H - H)"Rulyada" – Visitors restore the shifting poem / 1 group – 1 quatrain.

As you complete "tasting" one dish, visitors move on to the next table, the owners of the tables remain to receive the next customers, advertise (describe) dish (exercise), acquaint with the result of previous clients, fix ideas, consolidate for the final verdict. Dishes - tasks in the application.

Slide 9. During the task, the owner of the cafe offers to watch a video about spring and drink a glass of juice.

Cafe owner: I am glad that all the dishes of our menu today have not been left without your attention. As a cafe owner, I'm curious to know if you liked them? I invite "hosts" tables to put in the gallery of flavors (ideas) and present the fruits of your intellectual and creative activity.

slide 10. "Hosts" tables come out with tasting products:

Ch - ZS "- the same spring pictures with differences (show differences);

Slide 11. "H-H" - a poem about spring (reads the restored poem);

Slide 12. H - XO - picture "Spring is coming" (exposes colored pictures, presenting the name of the work of each group).

H - T - garden tools (represent tool models);

P - P - the results of experimental activities;

Reflective Component:

Cafe owner: And now I want to offer you our signature dessert. A cocktail is waiting for you - Sinkwine (a five-line poetic form that arose in the United States at the beginning of the 20th century under the influence of Japanese poetry). Slide 13, the taste of which you will choose for yourself.

The owner of the cafe tells the customers about the main ingredients of the dessert. Slide 13 click on the slide.

  1. line - noun
  2. line - two adjectives;
  3. line - three verbs;
  4. line - a sentence of 4 words;
  5. line - what is the main thing?

Visitors add ingredients to the cocktail in accordance with the recipe:

"Hosts" tables consolidate ideas and announce cinquain for all visitors.

Café Owner: So, Opening an Intellect Café "Erudite" took place. Thank you for your participation and fruitful interactive interaction.

Me: Dear parents, today you had the opportunity to take part in the intellectual cafe "Erudite" according to the area of ​​preferred interests.

The product of our joint activity was the generalization of knowledge about spring events in the nature of performing game tasks that you can apply in a family setting.

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