Why do indoor hibiscus turn yellow and fall leaves? Recommendations for solving possible problems. What to do when hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall

Chinese rose, aka hibiscus, the plant is quite hardy. She stoically endures care errors, but if they are not permanent. If the plant is constantly flooded or not watered at all, then the plant will begin to die. Leaves will begin to turn yellow and fall off, then buds and flowers. And if you do not pay attention to it, he will die.

This is not about natural aging, but about the causes that cause yellowing in young plant. When a plant loses its beauty for other reasons. Therefore, the yellowing of the leaves is a signal that not everything is in order with the Chinese rose.

Why does this happen to a houseplant?

The yellowing of the leaves is partial, with spots caused by various reasons. Let's consider them in more detail.

Important! For any flower, it is important to choose the right pot. It depends on how its root system will develop.

Whether the pot is correct is easy to check. Water the flower in the morning, and in the evening check the condition of the earthy coma in the middle of the pot. If the earth is dry, the vessel is small for him, we urgently transplant. Otherwise, his leaves will begin to turn yellow, as the flower will try to reduce the evaporation of moisture, dropping excess leaves.

The new pot should be 1-2 cm larger than the previous one. Transplantation is done by transshipment so as not to injure the roots. The pot must have good drainage. The transplant is done in wet ground, start watering on the third day.

If water constantly accumulates in the pan, the roots will begin to rot, the leaves will turn yellow and fall off.. This indicates that the capacity is large. As in the previous case, a transplant is needed. The plant, together with an earthen clod, is removed from the pot and checked for rot. If rot has appeared, remove it, and powder the places of cuts with crushed charcoal. We transplant into a smaller pot, and adjust the watering.

Care errors

  • Chinese rose is a tropical plant and does not like drafts.. It can not be placed in the reach of fans and air conditioners. And during the ventilation of the room, it is recommended to cover it with a screen.
  • Wrong lighting. This factor leads to the following consequences:
    1. With a lack of lighting, the rose drops its leaves, guided by the principle: less leaves, less light needed.
    2. With a lack of sunlight, the leaves turn yellow on the shaded side.
    3. The bright sun also harms - the leaves can get sunburned.

    The best option is scattered sunlight. With a lack of natural light, fluorescent lamps will help.

  • Yellowing of the upper leaves of flowers indicates a deficiency nutrients . You can fix it by increasing the dosage of fertilizers or the frequency of feeding. But this must be done carefully so as not to overfeed. Too much fertilizer also causes problems.
  • Low temperature environment . Since hibiscus comes from the tropics, it means heat-loving. The temperature in the room where the rose is kept should be in the range of 18-300 C. Otherwise, the plant begins to shed its leaves. During the dormant period, the temperature should not be below 15 degrees.

Diseases and pests

When infected Chinese rose viruses, the leaves not only turn yellow, but also become stained. One of the common viruses is chlorosis. In a plant infected with chlorosis, the leaves turn yellow, and the veins retain their natural color.

Chlorosis indicates the wrong acidity of the soil. Sometimes the leaves of an infected plant turn yellow only where the source of the disease has appeared. And sometimes the leaves turn yellow and fall off, the tops of plants and underdeveloped roots die off.

You can fix it with a complex mineral fertilizer type "Uniflor-Micro", as well as transplanting into another soil. Spraying with iron chelate will also help. To avoid chlorosis, it is not recommended to water the flower with a hard tap water because it oxidizes the soil.

spider mite

Another reason for yellowing leaves is a spider mite.. You can detect it only if you examine the leaves with a magnifying glass. Without a magnifying glass, you can see a weightless web on the leaves and buds.

Save a diseased plant will help insecticides, which are sold in flower shops or washing the leaves soapy water. After washing, the flower is sent under the shower. The soil in the pot is covered with a film.

Even with the help of insecticides, the plant recovers for a very long time.. To prevent the spread of the tick, it is necessary to treat it prophylactically twice a year. The treatment is carried out with drugs Agravertiv, Fufan or Aktlik. Processed three times at intervals of four days.

Spider mites start up where the air is dry. Therefore, in rooms where the air is dry, you need to use humidifiers or place a container of water near the flowers. Regular spraying is beneficial to hibiscus.

Attention! When pesticides are used in hot weather or overdosed, Chinese rose leaves turn yellow and fall off. Do not apply pesticides too often.

Chinese rose buds turn yellow and fall off for several reasons.:

After finding out the cause of the yellowing of the leaves of the Chinese rose, and after eliminating it, the flower will quickly recover. At this time, you can prune long shoots.

You can also learn more about why hibiscus buds and leaves fall, and we also talked about why the plant does not bloom.

rest period

In order for the hibiscus to grow beautiful, bloom magnificently and not get sick, it is necessary that during the dormant period it should be properly cared for.

First he needs to trim. This must be done not only to form a bush, but also in order to remove weak, poorly formed shoots. They still won't have flowers.

Reference! During the dormant period, the flower prepares for a beautiful lush bloom. Accordingly, the conditions of detention should be optimal: the air temperature should not be lower than 150 C.

When is the process natural and when is it not?

Leaves naturally turn yellow in old specimens preparing to die. Although in this case, you can try to revive it. This can be done by removing yellowed leaves and by pruning. And when caring for such a bush, you must follow all the rules of care


We have considered all possible reasons yellowing of hibiscus leaves. We also talked about ways to eliminate these causes. We hope that our article will help you grow your favorite lush and blooming profusely.

Most beginner gardeners make one of common mistakes beginner: they are either trying too hard to create tropical conditions for the plant, or they are trying to harden and accustom the plant to a new climate. It is not surprising that it turns yellow and sheds leaves, because it is important to find a middle ground here.

Why does the Chinese rose shed its leaves?

There are few sources of this problem and, as practice shows, this is a consequence of improper care. Consider the classic cases and answers to the question of why the leaves of the Chinese rose turn yellow:

  1. At high temperatures, the plant needs more moisture. But here, too, measure is important. One of the reasons why the leaves turn yellow is the swamp at the bottom of the Chinese rose pot. You try to pour as much water as possible, it settles at the bottom and the roots are in a cold swamp. This is a very typical picture for winter.
  2. An equally common reason why the Chinese rose sheds leaves is a reaction to a decrease in temperature. This is typical for all kinds of institutions where the heating is turned on later, and the flower is located near the window.
  3. With the advent of a short day, the Chinese rose leaves turn yellow and fall due to lack of light. Everything is natural here: the plant gets rid of the excess, so as not to waste strength and adapt to less light.
  4. When the Chinese rose leaves turn yellow and fall in a crowded state, you are dealing with a spider mite. The nature of the yellowing itself is different: sometimes it is almost completely green leaf with barely noticeable yellowness, sometimes the foliage turns completely yellow.
  5. Everyone knows that nitrogen is necessary for active growth. However, its excess will cause the tips of the leaves of the Chinese rose to darken and fall off.

It turns out that to look for a place for a flowerpot, to determine right amount top dressing in the process of growing has to be experienced. Just enough to stick with general recommendations for plants in winter period and don't overdo it.

Many plants that came to us from other countries are firmly entrenched in apartments and on household plots amateur gardeners. And one of these fairly common crops is Hibiscus. Its homeland is considered to be the tropics - India, China and Asia, but now such a variety of this plant as the Chinese rose is grown at home throughout Russia. Most often, this culture does not require any special attention to itself, differing in sufficient unpretentiousness. However, in certain cases The leaves of the flower begin to turn yellow and fall off. What can cause such trouble? Why do hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall off? What to do about it? What is the best way to deal with adversity?

Of course, without sufficient information about the growing conditions of hibiscus, it is impossible to unambiguously and accurately determine the causes of yellowing of its leaves. However, there are certain factors that most often provoke a similar problem.

Scarce watering

In the event that hibiscus grows at enough high temperature, it needs systematic watering with a significant amount of water. If the plant is hot, then watering can be carried out twice a day. Those plants that are in the open air respond well to the use of special devices for automatic drip irrigation.

Over watering

In the event that the leaves began to turn yellow and fall off during the cold season, it may well be that such a nuisance was the result of excess moisture in the soil. As we have already said, the Chinese rose loves water very much, but it cannot feel normal in a cold swamp in the root system.

Excessive air temperature

If it is very hot outside or in the house, hibiscus can actively shed foliage, which turns yellow before that. You can cope with such a nuisance with the help of active watering, which will provide the culture with a sufficient amount of liquid.


Do not forget that the Chinese rose came to us from the tropics, respectively, she loves warmth very much. In order for the flower to feel comfortable, the ambient temperature should fluctuate between eighteen and thirty degrees. Otherwise, it will suffer appearance and various diseases may develop. For example, if you place a flower pot next to winter window, he can respond to such a cold snap by quickly dropping leaves.

Lack of lighting

Normal access sun rays is a true source of life for the Sudanese rose. With a lack of light, the plant can actively shed its leaves, thus trying to reduce its need for lighting. This process can continue until there are literally a couple of leaves left on the hibiscus.

spider mite

The infected bush has a diseased appearance and in some cases can be completely bare. Therefore, when signs are found spider mite measures must be taken to save the plant as soon as possible. Therapy in this case is carried out using special formulations- insecticides, which you can easily buy at a flower shop. But in fact, getting rid of the spider mite is quite difficult. Experts recommend carrying out preventive spraying of plants once a year to prevent such a problem from occurring.


Even slight movements of the air may not please the hibiscus and cause it to shed its foliage. Therefore, try to protect your plant from windy weather in the house.


There are several variants of chlorosis. Yellowing of the leaves can develop in different ways, depending on the severity of the disease. So if the leaf itself is green, and turns yellow only in a limited place, we can conclude that the Chinese rose needs certain nutrients. It may well be that your pet suffers from soil acidity disorders or simply lacks nutrients. Now the acidity of the soil is often disturbed due to irrigation with tap water, which is characterized by increased rigidity.

Overuse pesticides

This reason for the yellowing of hibiscus leaves is the most rare, but, nevertheless, probable. If you've been using pesticides during a particularly hot time, or if you've accidentally overdosed, your hibiscus leaves may turn yellow and fall off. In addition, such a problem can be provoked by too frequent use of pesticides.

If you have identified the cause of the yellowing of the leaves of the hibiscus and promptly eliminated it, the foliage will stop falling off. The Chinese rose is able to build up a new green mass in fairly short rocks. You can help your pet a little to form a beautiful bush - cut too long or damaged branches. Pruning activates the processes of the emergence of lateral shoots, which will help the hibiscus become green and lush even faster.

Hibiscus is a generic name for a large genus flowering plants suitable for growing in greenhouses. At home, one of the varieties, the so-called Chinese rose, is often cultivated. Despite unpretentiousness, flowers can react sharply to some errors in care. Usually, novice flower growers face problems, not understanding why the leaves of the hibiscus fall and turn yellow. To fix the problem, you should understand the possible causes of this behavior.

About the plant

The genus Hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae family. There are more than 200 species. IN natural environment flowers grow in countries with a tropical climate: India, China, Asia. For indoor cultivation, only Chinese hibiscus or Chinese rose is suitable..

In addition to decorative purpose, flowers are used in medicinal purposes and for the manufacture of fabric dyes. As a flavoring added to various drinks.

Hibiscus is not particularly capricious. The growth of the rose is quite intense - 6 months after planting the cuttings, budding is already observed. It blooms with bell-shaped inflorescences, of different colors: white, red, yellow, pink. IN natural environment much more colors.

Growing problems

Although the beauty of the hibiscus deserves attention, it is worth dwelling on the often encountered troubles when growing it. Chinese rose is not unique and periodically gets sick. If even with proper care it dries, turns yellow and leaves fall off it, it is important to understand the cause and take appropriate measures.

Leaf fall can occur in connection with the preparation of the plant for a dormant period, which is quite acceptable. After flowering, rest is required to restore strength for the next bookmark of flower buds and dissolution. If the flower does not stop shedding leaves, and this happens regularly, most likely the matter is in the conditions of detention. Yellowing is also alarm signal, indicating the stress state of the rose.

The most common causes of yellowing and leaf shedding are:

Cause Solutions
Excess sun exposure. Can cause burns. Hibiscus should be kept in a place where diffused light is present, without its direct rays. Variegated varieties are especially dependent on this condition.

Move the pot to another place or shade the plant

Lack of moisture. Leads to dry land. Sometimes hibiscus is thirsty even with systematic watering in the morning and evening. This problem is especially relevant in the summer. Perhaps this is due to the too small size of the pot: for an adult plant, the container is selected in accordance with the root system. To understand whether the hibiscus feels comfortable, the soil in which the plant is located is moistened in the morning, and in the evening the degree of drying of the soil is checked. If it is too dry in the center, then there is not enough space. In such a situation, the hibiscus will try to reduce evaporation by shedding its leaves.Requires transplanting into a larger pot using the transfer method. Water only after 3 days
Too much moisture. Yellowing occurs if watered frequently and abundantly. This often happens, as the plant is moisture-loving and greedily absorbs water, especially on hot days. Damage is caused by water accumulating in the pan. In both cases, the roots begin to rot, which negatively affects the ground part.

You need to adjust the humidification mode. The plant is completely removed from the soil, the roots are examined for rot and removed, if any. Then they are transplanted into a new container, of a smaller volume. There must be a drainage layer at the bottom

Spider mite. This pest is always on the plant, but is activated only in a favorable microclimate for it, i.e. when the air in the room is too dry. In addition to yellowness, cobwebs and a whitish coating are observed on the plant.The flower is rinsed under warm shower if it's winter. IN summer period systematically sprayed with soapy water and taken out to Fresh air. After that, they are treated with systemic insecticides - 3-4 days in a row. Of the drugs suitable: Actellik, Fufan, Agravertin
Lack of nutrients. During the period of active growth (spring and summer), fertilizing is done regularly. Liquid complex formulations are used for non-flowering representatives. Those that contain phosphorus in large quantities are not suitable: it is detrimental to flowers. It is recommended to fertilize in cloudy weather and after the next watering.The optimal ratio of mineral components in the composition (phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium) is 3:9:12 or 3:11:12. According to these indicators, a suitable fertilizer is selected

Chlorosis. If the leaves turn yellow, but the veins remain the same green color, then this is evidence of this disease. It occurs due to the inability of the plant to produce chlorophyll. This happens when using tap water for irrigation,

The lack of trace elements is eliminated by the introduction of complex additives. Irrigation water is pre-defended
The lower leaves crumble, and new ones grow yellow - irrigation water is oversaturated with chlorine and calcium. This is possible with a lack of nitrogen or iron.They act as in the previous case: additionally add special prophylactic from chlorosis

The plant needs to be in comfortable conditions, otherwise the reaction will be one - dropping leaves and subsequent death. Mandatory conditions For healthy growth and development are as follows:

  • Location in a bright place, but not in direct sunlight.
  • No drafts.
  • Take out to fresh air in the summer.
  • Moderate watering: 1 time in 4-5 days. Water must not remain in the pan.
  • Systematic spraying and moistening of the surrounding area all summer and until late autumn.
  • Quite far from heating appliances location.
  • Application liquid fertilizer during the summer season.
  • At the end of winter, pruning is required for abundant branching.

Optimal temperature regime from spring to early autumn - 17–23 ° C. In October, the degree is lowered to 15–18 ° С, and in winter - 13–15 ° С in the presence of artificial lighting. When the temperature drops to 10 ° C, there is a high risk of yellowing and leaf fall.

When fertilizing, you should be careful, find the optimal middle ground. Both deficiency and excess cause a negative reaction in the plant. With nitrogen starvation, only the veins turn yellow, with potassium - the entire plate is completely. Too much of these elements causes darkening of the tips of the leaves, which is a consequence of the burn. Even with abundant flowering it is not recommended to relax and leave the leaves unattended. At this time, the plant gives all its strength to the buds and their dissolution to the detriment of the leaf part.

Any top dressing is immediately stopped as soon as the first alarming symptoms begin to appear.

Further steps for resuscitation of the flower:

  1. 1. Hibiscus is moistened with exceptionally clean and settled water.
  2. 2. The plant is left alone for at least two weeks. This time is enough for rest and recovery.
  3. 3. At the next application of fertilizers, the concentration is reduced, determining the acceptable dosage by testing. With each successive time, the reaction of the hibiscus is observed. They stop at the one when the burns stop showing through.

If the cause of failures in the health of the hibiscus is established and eliminated, the leaf fall immediately stops and the growth of green mass occurs in an enhanced mode. It is recommended during this period to make a rejuvenating pruning of strongly regrown branches. Then the bush will grow thicker and even more beautiful.

Hibiscus leaves turn yellow and fall: reasons for what to do

Chinese hibiscus, or Chinese rose, is a plant from the Malvaceae family that has long been known in room culture. The Chinese rose is decorative with bright red inflorescences, juicy green foliage, which, if not properly cared for, turns yellow and falls off.

Why hibiscus leaves turn yellow: the main reasons

Hibiscus leaves may turn yellow singly, but this is not dangerous, the flower goes through all stages of development and seeks to rejuvenate. The massive yellowing and fall of the leaves of the indoor flower signals problems that urgently need to be addressed.

Source: Depositphotos

Hibiscus leaves are rich in color

The yellowing of the leaves of the Chinese rose occurs for the following reasons:

  • Lack or excess of light. Direct sunlight hitting the leaf plates burns the surface of the leaf. Exposure to intense light destroys the green pigment in the plant's leaves, causing them to turn yellow and then turn brown. Its deficiency also harms the culture, as the process of synthesizing nutrients is inhibited.
  • Too much or too little water. Hibiscus prefers moderate soil moisture. In winter, water the culture once every 2 weeks. Intensive watering will provoke rotting of the root system and general wilting of the flower. Disadvantage - Causes leaf fall and wilting.
  • Air humidity. The rose loves moist air, dry indoor air will cause the leaves to turn yellow.
  • Lack of space. A small pot provokes excessive compaction of the root system, which prevents the culture from developing and causes the leaves to fall and turn yellow. Transplant mature hibiscus large pots as needed.
  • Temperature. Hibiscus - tropical view, so keep the room temperature +18...+30 °С. Cold window sills and drafts are not suitable for this species. Temperatures above 30 ° C lead to overdrying of the soil, so water the flower more often during this period.
  • A change of scenery. The plant prefers to be in a pot in one place. The constant rearrangement of hibiscus from place to place causes it to lose its decorative qualities.
  • Nutrients. The lack of nutrients leads to chlorosis, which is expressed in yellowing of the leaves. The change in leaf color from green to yellow occurs gradually. Fertilize the Chinese rose from spring to autumn with complex fertilizers once a week, in cold weather - once a month. It is important not to overdo it with top dressing - hibiscus reacts poorly to an excess of phosphorus and turns yellow.
  • Pests. Yellowing and curling of leaves can cause aphids. The problem is solved by treating the plant with Fitoverm.

If you take care of indoor flower and in time to fight diseases, the plant will bloom brightly.

The Chinese rose, with the right content, will please with its decorative effect and will decorate the windowsill.

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