Beautiful places of Kabardino-Balkaria. Section i. brief geographical and socio-economic characteristics of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

2. Status Information environment

Kabardino-Balkaria (Kabardino-Balkarian Republic) is located in the North Caucasus, its area is 12.5 thousand km; population - 896.9 thousand people (2005), urban - 58.9%; Kabardians, Balkars, Russians. 8 districts, 7 cities, 7 urban-type settlements.

The capital is Nalchik, big cities Tyrnyauz, Cool, Baksan. The republic was founded on September 1, 1921. It is part of the Southern Federal District.

The Republic is located on the northern slopes and in the foothills of the central part of the Greater Caucasus. In the south it borders on Georgia, in the north - on the Stavropol Territory, in the west - on Karachay-Cherkessia, in the east and southeast - on North Ossetia. In the south, 4 ridges of the Greater Caucasus stretch in parallel: Cretaceous, Rocky, Lateral (height up to 5642 m, Mount Elbrus) and Main (or Watershed).

coat of arms of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic flag Kabardino-Balkarian Republic


A significant part of the territory in the south of the republic is occupied by mountains (the northern slopes of the Greater Caucasus) - this area is of little use for permanent residence and economic activities. The highest point is Mount Elbrus (5642 m).

In the northern part of the republic there are foothills and the Kabardian Plain, crossed by river valleys. The main river is the Terek with its left tributaries: Malka, Baksan, Chegem, Cherek, Urukh, which have large energy resources.


In Kabardino-Balkaria, 9 main types of soils were formed: dark chestnut, meadow-chernozem and meadow soils of the steppes, Ciscaucasian chernozems, mountain-forest, mountain-meadow, alluvial, mountain chernozems, mountain-tundra soils.

In the northeastern part (Prokhladnensky and Tersky districts), dark chestnut soils with a content of 3-4% humus are common. They contain enough nutrients with good structure. With irrigation and proper agricultural technology on dark chestnut soils, high yields grain, technical, gourds and grapes.

On the coast of the Malka River in the Prokhladnensky District with the villages of Karagach, Altud, Novo-Poltavka and others, in the Urvansky, Maisky Districts and settlements Planovskoye, Deyskoye, Arik of the Tersky district formed meadow-chernozem and meadow soils of the steppes. In some places in these areas, salts that are harmful to plants are found, so limited watering is required for growing corn and horticultural crops.

Chernozems are common in Kabardino-Balkaria on the lands of Upper Kurp, Lower Kurp, Upper Akbash, Old Lesken, Second Lesken, Lower Cherek, Old Cherek, Nalchik, Chegem First, Chegem Second, Second Kyzburun, Kishpek, Baksanyonok, Old Fortress, Psynadaho, Zalukokoazhe .

On chernozem soils grow high yields of wheat, corn and other crops. Since the relief, climate and parent rocks are diverse in the republic, chernozems are represented by the following prototypes:

Ciscaucasian carbonate chernozems, the humus horizon has a dark gray color, its thickness is from 80 to 100 cm;

Ciscaucasian chernozems are weakly leached, prevail south of carbonate chernozems, the amount of humus in these soils varies from 5 to 8%;

Ciscaucasian leached chernozems cover a strip of foothills, they contain up to 10% humus, the thickness reaches 100-150 cm.

On treeless areas of the Pasture and Rocky Ranges, mountain chernozems are formed. The humus horizon of these soils is up to 50 cm. It contains a lot of humus - 12-14%, while the soil has a dark color.

In the mountains covered with broad-leaved forests, the soils are brown mountain-forest, sometimes they have a brown-gray color, a lumpy structure, and a small thickness of the fertile layer. These are relatively young soils. They are suitable not only for growing high-quality wood, but also for the development of vegetable growing and horticulture.

Above 2000 m, in the zone of subalpine and alpine vegetation, the soils are mountain-meadow. They have a different thickness of the dark layer - from 20 to 60 cm, contains 12-13% humus. Pastures and hayfields of the republic are located on these soils. The largest arrays of them are located in the northwest, where the Zolsky and Upland pastures are located.

The mountain-tundra soils of the KBR are found on the Main and Side Ranges, near glaciers and snowfields. The soil cover up to 5 cm thick is represented mainly by weakly decomposed peat.

In river valleys, a special type of soil is distinguished - alluvial or floodplain. These are rich and fertile soils .


The hydrographic network of the republic consists of 5470 km of rivers and their tributaries of the Terek and Kuma river basins, the catchment area of ​​which, respectively, is 11.9 thousand square meters. km and 0.6 thousand sq. km. The territory of the republic is characterized by a wide variety and richness of hydro-mineral resources, represented by fresh, mineral and thermal waters. There are more than 100 lakes in the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, a significant part of them belong to small lakes, the water surface area is not more than 0.01 sq. km. Most of the lakes are located in the highlands, their formation is associated with glaciers by karst processes, and lowland lakes are residual reservoirs - oxbow lakes.
The unique lake Chirikkel (blue lake) is located on the right-bank river terrace of the river. Cherek - Balkar. Square water surface 26 thousand sq. m, depth 368 m, length 235 m, width 180 m. There is a significant content of hydrogen sulfide in the water and its concentration increases with depth. The level and temperature of the water in the lake remain unchanged throughout the year, taking into account the peculiarity that not a single river flows into it, but the only nameless river flows out.
In general, the lakes of the republic do not affect the hydrological regime water bodies and are places of mass visits and recreation for tourists, or are used for medicinal purposes (Tambukan Lake, the mud of which is widely used in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system, digestive organs at the resorts of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody and the city of Nalchik).
Surface water bodies Kabardino-Balkaria is represented by a river network that enters the Terek river basin, except for two small tributaries of the Kuma river. The largest watercourses are: Terek, Malka, Baksan, Cherek, Chegem, Nalchik, Urukh, Lesken, Zolka, Urvan, Shalushka, Psygansu, Demenyuk.
In the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, more than a hundred manifestations of therapeutic mineral underground waters have been identified. The Vostochno-Baksanskoye, Nizhne-Baksanskoye and Aushigerskoye deposits of thermal power groundwater have been explored. Zolskaya, Kurkuzhin-Baksanskaya and Maysko-Prishibomalkinskaya stable areas of nitrate contamination of groundwater have been identified on the territory of the Republic.


The Kabardino-Balkarian Republic has a variety of resources various kinds mineral raw materials. Numerous deposits have been discovered and explored on its territory, including fuel and energy raw materials, metal and non-metal minerals. The area of ​​land promising for oil on the territory of the KBR is about 6 thousand square meters. km. Potential oil resources on the territory of the republic are estimated at 96 million tons.
Deposits of industrial importance hard coal in Kabardino-Balkaria are concentrated in the basins of the Baksan and Malka rivers. On the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, ore occurrences with gold-polymetallic, gold-arsenic and gold-rare metal specialization, as well as an ore field where up to 200 isolated thin gold-bearing veins with industrial gold content are known, have been identified.
The Tyrnyauz tungsten-molybdenum deposit, unique in terms of reserves, is located on the territory of the KBR. The Malkinskoye iron ore deposit containing chromium, nickel, and vanadium is located in the Zolsky district. The republic has huge potential reserves of cement raw materials - limestones and marls, as well as bentonite clays.
At present, deposits of decorative, ornamental and facing stones, such as obsidian, marble onyx, jaspers, serpentinites, septaria, aplites, have been discovered on the territory of the KBR. CBD facing stones are represented by rocks of different hardness and color range. Malka pink granites, Lechinkay and Kazganchi tuffs have been studied in detail and are being developed. Eldzhurta gray granites, Bezengi diabase porphyrites, Khulam keratophyres received a qualitative assessment as a promising facing raw material, etc.
The Republic has a large reserve of natural ameliorants, the use of which in combination with traditional mineral fertilizers affects the increase in crop yields and the efficiency of agricultural production. In addition, the use of natural zeolites in agriculture as a lightweight component in the production of fertilizers, for soil conditioning, as a dietary supplement for food for farm animals is widely used in world practice. In Kabardino-Balkaria, zeolite-bearing rocks are represented by volcanic tuffs, ashes, flasks, and bentonite clays.

Nature protection and ecological state

Also, from 1964 to 1978, eight nature reserves were created - Karasu, Chegemsky, Ozreksky, Tersko-Aleksandrovsky, Ekaterinogradsky, Verkhne-Kurpsky, Nizhne-Malkinsky and Verkhne-Malkinsky, the total area of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is more than 160,000 hectares. Their profile was defined as biological, that is, aimed at the conservation and restoration of rare and endangered animal species. On the territory of the republic there are 22 natural monuments - Blue Lakes, Kendelen alder grove, Chegem waterfalls, Narzanov Valley, Khaznidon, Sukan, Cherek-Balkar, Cherek-Bezengi, Baksan, Tyzyl and Chegem gorges, Chernorechenskaya, Molokanovskaya and Ekaterinograd depressions, tracts - Tarkan , Horseshoe, Kurtimas, Eroko, floodplain of the river Malka, Oak of A.S. Pushkin and the source of "Dzhyly-Su".
The natural monument "Lake Tambukan" will soon move into the category of state nature reserves of republican significance. The Ministry is currently preparations. This will allow more careful and more rational use of the Tambukan therapeutic mud deposit.

In March 2006, in order to ensure the functioning and observance of the regime of special protection of wildlife sanctuaries, the conservation and reproduction of objects of animal and flora in the structure of the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Nature Management of the KBR, a state institution "Directorate of State Natural Reserves of the KBR" was created.

Among environmental issues, the solution of which is relevant for the region - the problem of production and use alternative sources energy. A set of measures has been developed to develop alternative energy in the republic, which will make it possible to build 50 small power plants.

The state of the environment can be adversely affected by the implementation of the tourism cluster project in the North Caucasus. Greenpeace Russia says that four of the five planned resorts will be located on the territory of state nature reserves.

The Prosecutor's Office of Kabardino-Balkaria reports on violations of environmental and environmental legislation in the field of consumption and production waste management, protection of water bodies; mass violations of requirements were revealed federal laws"On Environmental Protection", "On Production and Consumption Wastes", "On Ecological Expertise". The audit found that in Kabardino-Balkaria there are 309 landfills (landfills) for solid industrial and domestic waste, none of which meets environmental and sanitary requirements and does not have title documents (last data for 2008)

Numerous violations have also been identified:

In the activities of local governments, enterprises and organizations associated with the collection, use, disposal, transportation, disposal of production and consumption waste;

In the field of protection of water bodies.

Map of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

The Red Book of Kabardino-Balkaria was last published in 1999, a decision was made to republish it in the near future.

3. Regional environmental state and non-state organizations Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

The Ministry, within its competence, exercises the following powers in the established field of activity:

Ensures the implementation of the state policy in the field of environmental development of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, carries out public administration and control in the field of environmental protection and nature management, as well as ensuring the safety of hydraulic structures and environmental safety;

The Committee's terms of reference include: (in particular)

1) state regulation, use and reproduction of natural resources, protection of natural resources and the environment, ensuring environmental safety;

2) budget, taxes, payments, off-budget funds, credit activities and environmental regulation in the field of nature management and environmental protection (together with relevant committees);

3) implementation of republican programs of socio-economic development in the field of nature management, environmental protection and environmental safety;

PAs in Kabardino-Balkaria

created to protect the highland landscapes of the Central Caucasus, their flora and fauna, primarily the Caucasian tur and leopard. The areas and boundaries of the reserve have changed many times. It became more and more "alpine" and increased in size, as the cutting off of the lower meadow areas was compensated by the generous addition of nival-alpine ones. Now its area is 358.4 thousand hectares. The reserve occupies the highest part of the Caucasus and all of Russia.
Here are all the "five-thousanders" North Caucasus in addition to Elbrus and Kazbek, the highest point of the reserve is Dykh-tau (5204 m), the lowest is located at 1800 m above sea level. There are 256 glaciers in the reserve, the total area of ​​glaciation, including neighboring rocky outcrops of the lifeless nival belt, is about 61% of the reserve. The territory is covered with a dense network of rivers originating from numerous glaciers. The largest rivers - Chegem, Cherek Bezengi and Cherek Balkar - start from the glaciers of the Main Range. Climatically, the reserve is included in the highland zone of the Greater Caucasus.

To preserve this unique natural complex and develop sustainable tourism in 1986, the Elbrus National Park was established with an area of ​​101,000 hectares.

Territory national park located in the region of the Central Caucasus, includes part of the Main Caucasian and Lateral ridges. The most famous object of the national park is Mount Elbrus (6542 and 5621 meters). This is an extinct volcano, on the eastern peak of which there are emissions sour gas, - signs of volcanic activity that has not yet died out. In the area of ​​the mountain, lava flows are widely developed, flowing down from it along the valleys of the main rivers. In the valley of the Malka River, the length of the lava flow is 23 km. About 15% of the entire territory of the park is occupied by glaciers and snow. More than 100 springs are concentrated in the park mineral waters, many picturesque lakes. One of the most interesting is Syltran-Kol, located in the upper reaches of the Syltran River.

4. Russian State Public Library for Science and Technology resources for this region

1. AR99-3641 book.

Sokhrokov, A. Kh.

Ecological foundations for the protection of land and water resources under conditions of high anthropogenic loads (on the example of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic). - St. Petersburg:, 1998. - 38 p. : ill.

Bibliography: p. 37-38(26 titles)

87.15.03 504.5(043)

2. Ar03-9311 book.

Rakhaev, R. Yu.

Assessment of the environmental consequences of possible accidents at fire-explosive objects of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. - Vladikavkaz:, 2002. - 26 p. : ill.

Bibliography: p. 26 (6 titles)

87.15.03 504.5(043)

3. D8-97/36239 book.

Actual problems chemistry, biology and ecology in Kabardino-Balkaria (Central Caucasus). - Nalchik: [b. and.], 1997. - 119 p. - 150 copies. - ISBN 5-7558-0235-1: B. c.

Administrative center: Nalchik

Federal District: North Caucasian

Date of formation: September 1, 1921

Territory (thousand sq.m.): 12 470

Population (thousand people): 860709

Geographical position

Kabardino-Balkaria is located in the central part of the North Caucasus. It borders with the Republic of North OssetiaAlania, the Stavropol Territory, the Karachay-Cherkess Republic and in the south along the Main Caucasian Range (its border coincides with the state border Russian Federation) with Georgia. As for the relief, it is complex and diverse. More than 65% of the territory of the KBR is occupied by a mountainous zone, which makes the republic a center of mountaineering and skiing. Here are all the five-thousanders of the Greater Caucasus (except for Kazbek). Mount Elbrus (5642 m) is the highest point in Europe, Shkhara (5203), Dykhtau (5198), Koshtantau (5152), Dzhangitau (5058), Pushkin Peak (5033), Mizhirgi (5025). At the foot of these peaks, most of the rivers of Kabardino-Balkaria originate, including such full-flowing ones as Baksan, Malka, Cherek, Chegem, etc. The republic became famous for its healing waters (carbonic, radon, sulfide, silicic). Its subsoil is rich in minerals. Here, deposits of non-ferrous metal ores (tungsten, molybdenum, tin, gold, and many others), oil, building materials are bred.

P natural and climatic conditions

The climate is temperate continental. The average temperature in January is from -4 °С (on the plains) to -12 °С (in the mountains), in July, respectively+23...+4 °С. The amount of precipitation is 500 -2000 mm per year. Chernozems and dark chestnut soils are common on the plains, and mountain meadow soils are common on the slopes of the mountains. Forests occupy 1/10 of the territory. In the floodplains of the rivers - deciduous forests. At an altitude of 800 - 1,600 m - broad-leaved forests (mainly beech), up to 2200 m - coniferous (mainly pine). At an altitude of 2000 - 2400 m, subalpine meadows are common. Above 2400 m - alpine meadows. The Prielbrusye National Park and the Kabardino-Balkarian Alpine Reserve are located on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria.


The economy of the KBR is basically an established diversified economic complex, corresponding to the natural, climatic and demographic conditions of the republic. The branches of the agro-industrial complex play a leading role in the development of the republic's economy. Agriculture and the food industry perform an important socio-economic function in the KBR. The share of agriculture in the structure of GRP is about 21%, the food industry - about 6%. Meat and dairy cattle breeding, grain farming and the cultivation of sunflower and vegetables remain the main areas of specialization of the republic's agriculture.
The republic produces oil-producing equipment, various types of electrical cables, diamond tools, products made of artificial leather and film materials. These products are in great demand both in the domestic and foreign markets. main feature industry - a high concentration of production in a few industrial centers - Nalchik, Tyrnyauz, Prokhladny, Terek, Baksan, Maisky.

Kabardino-Balkaria is an all-Russian and international region of tourism, mountaineering and skiing.Tourist bases operate heres, alpine camps and comforthotels. The ski slopes of the republic are not inferior, and in many respects even surpass the world-famous slopes of the resorts Western Europe. Important integral part The economic potential of the republic is a recreational complex created on the basis of the use of healing mineral springs and unique natural conditions.

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic within the Russian Federation. The name of the republic is formed Russian the names of the two most numerous peoples living in it: Kabardians (self-name Adyghe) , in the XI - XIII centuries. - settled in the steppe and foothill territories, and the Balkars, self-name taulu - "highlanders" (from Turk. may "mountain") , inhabitants of the highlands.

Geographical names of the world: Toponymic dictionary. - M: AST. Pospelov E.M. 2001 .


republic in the south of European part of Russia, in Sev. Caucasus. Pl. 12.5 thousand km², capital city Nalchik . September 1, 1921 was formed Kabardian (since 1922 Kabardino-Balkarian ) ed. region ; in 1936–91 ed. republic . Since 1992 - the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic. Four ridges run parallel to the south Bol. Caucasus: Chalk, Rocky, Side(with the highest point of Elbrus, 5642 m) and Main; in the north, the Kabardian Plain. Deposits of polymetallic and rare earth ores, volcanic tuff, bleaching clays, coal; miner. sources. The climate is continental. Avg. temperatures in January from -4 °С in the plains to -12 °С in the mountains, in July, respectively, from 23 to 4 °С. Precipitation from 500 to 2000 mm per year. Main rivers: Terek with tributaries Malka , Baksan (and its tributary Chegem), Cherek . The plain is almost completely plowed up. Forests cover approx. 10% of the territory: at an altitude of 800–1600 m, broad-leaved (mainly beech) forests, up to 2200 m coniferous, predominantly. pine. Higher subalpine (up to 2400 m), alpine meadows, snowfields and glaciers near the mountain ridges. National Elbrus park, Kabardino-Balkar Reserve . Population 901 thousand people. (2002), including Kabardians (49.2%), Balkars (9.6%), Russians (30.7%), Ukrainians, Ossetians, Germans. Machinery and metalworking, mining and processing of tungsten and molybdenum (Tyrnyauz Combine), light, food. and furniture prom-st, production of building materials. Artistic crafts: wood carving, jewelry, gold embroidery, carpet making, knitting of wool products. Crops of wheat, corn, millet, sunflower and hemp; they say - meat livestock, breeding horse breeding (Kabardian breed), beekeeping and silk. vineyards, orchards. In Nalchik there is a balneological and climatic resort.

Dictionary of modern geographical names. - Yekaterinburg: U-Factoria. Under the general editorship of Acad. V. M. Kotlyakova. 2006 .

Kabardino-Balkaria (Kabardino-Balkarian Republic) - a republic within the Russian Federation (cm. Russia), located on the northern slopes of the central part of the Caucasus Mountains. The area of ​​the republic is 12.5 thousand square meters. km, population - 790 thousand people. Kabardians, Balkars, Russians predominate among nationalities. The republic includes 8 districts, 7 cities, 7 urban-type settlements. The capital is Nalchik, significant cities: Tyrnyauz, Prokhladny, Baksan. Kabardino-Balkaria was founded in 1992 and is part of the Southern Federal District.
Leading industries of Kabardino-Balkaria: mechanical engineering and metalworking, as well as non-ferrous metallurgy: extraction and processing of tungsten-molybdenum ores. Light industry specializes in the production of artificial leather, clothing, knitwear and footwear. The main types of food industry: fruit and vegetable preservation, winemaking, butter and cheese making. developed traditional views folk art: wood carving, jewelry, gold embroidery, carpet weaving. Agriculture specializes in the production of grain (wheat, corn, millet) and industrial (sunflower, hemp) crops. Animal husbandry of the dairy and meat direction is developed, as well as breeding horse breeding (Kabardian breed). There are many natural monuments on the territory of the republic: cascade complexes of waterfalls in the Chegem Gorge, Blue Lakes, one of which - Nizhnee - is one of the ten deepest lakes in Russia, karst failures and caves of the Malkinsky Gorge.

natural conditions
Kabardino-Balkaria in the south borders on Georgia (cm. Georgia), in the north - with the Stavropol Territory (cm. Stavropol region), in the west - with Karachay-Cherkessia (cm. Karachay-Cherkessia), in the east and southeast - with North Ossetia (cm. North Ossetia). The republic is located on the northern slopes and in the foothills of the central part of the Greater Caucasus, on the adjoining Kabardian Plain. In the south of the republic, four ridges of the Greater Caucasus are located in parallel: Cretaceous, Rocky, Lateral and Main (or Watershed). In the north lies the Kabardian Plain. The highest mountain of the Caucasus - Elbrus (5642 m) is located on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria. The relief is predominantly mountainous.
Deposits of molybdenum, tungsten, antimony-lead, aluminum, bismuth-tin and lead-zinc ores, volcanic tuff, bleaching clays, coal, mineral springs. Rivers of the Terek basin (Malka, Baksan). The climate is continental. The average temperature in January is from -4 °С (in the plains) to -12 °С (in the mountains), in July, respectively, from +23 °С to +4 °С. Precipitation falls 500-2000 mm per year.
The Kabardian Plain is located in the steppe and forest-steppe zones and is almost completely plowed up. A tenth of the republic is occupied by forests. In floodplains, deciduous forests grow, in the mountains at an altitude of 800-1600 m - broad-leaved, mainly beech, up to 2200 m - coniferous, usually pine. At an altitude of 2000-2400 m there are subalpine meadows, higher - alpine meadows. Snow leopards, jackals, wolves, brown bears, martens, roe deer, chamois, Dagestan turs and wild boars are found in protected areas. On the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria there are the national park "Prielbrusye", the Kabardino-Balkarian reserve.

In the 13th-15th centuries, the territory of the republic was inhabited by Kabardians and Balkars. Kabardians (self-name "Adyge"), speaking the language of the Abkhaz-Adyghe group, traditionally inhabited the plain and foothills. The auls of the Turkic-speaking Balkars (the self-name "taulu", "mallkarly") were located high in the mountains. From the middle of the 15th century, the Kabardian state was subjected to raids by the Crimean khans. In 1557, the Kabardian Supreme Prince Temryuk Idarov asked for protection from the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible. In 1561, Temryuk's daughter, Guashcheni (baptized Maria) became the wife of Ivan IV the Terrible, and the descendants of her brothers, who went to the service of the tsar, founded the family of the Cherkassky princes. These events are considered as a voluntary entry of Kabardinia into Russia. Balkaria was annexed to Russia in 1827.
In 1921, the Kabardian Autonomous Region was formed as part of the RSFSR, and in 1922, the united Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Region. In 1936, the autonomous region was transformed into the Kabardino-Balkarian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. In 1944, the autonomy of the Balkars was liquidated, and the population was forcibly evicted. In 1957, the Kabardino-Balkarian ASSR was restored. After the collapse of the USSR in February 1992, the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic was formed as part of Russia.

Kabardino-Balkar Reserve
The Kabardino-Balkarsky Reserve is located southwest of Nalchik, on the northern slopes of the Main Caucasian Range and the Lateral Caucasian Range, in the upper reaches of the Balkarsky Cherek, Bizengiysky Cherek and Chegem rivers. The reserve was founded in 1976, its area is 74081 hectares. From the north and northeast, the reserve is surrounded by a protective zone with an area of ​​26,000 hectares. The Kabardino-Balkarsky high-mountain reserve was created to preserve and study the natural complexes of the highlands of the northern part of the Central Caucasus from the forest belt to the zone of eternal snow.
The southwestern part of the reserve is occupied by a chain of peaks of the Main Range, from Bashiltau in the west to Gezetau in the east. Particularly stands out is the 15-kilometer section, bounded by the Lyalver peak (4337 m) and the high mountain The main ridge is Shkhara (5201 m). The northern part of the massif at an altitude of 1000–2000 m is cut off by the hanging glaciers of the Bezengi wall. For 17 km down the gorge stretches the longest glacier in the Caucasus - Ulluchiran (Bezengi). In total, there are 256 glaciers in the reserve, they occupy 32.8% of its territory. The food of all the rivers of the reserve is glacial. The largest rivers originate from the glaciers of the Main Range, these are Chegem, Cherek Bezengi and Cherek Balkar. There are several moraine and glacial lakes in the reserve.
The vegetation is diverse, which is associated with differences in heights and the complexity of the relief. The belt of forests (groves of birch and pine; broad-leaved forests) and forest meadows is located at altitudes from 1000 to 2400 m above sea level, broad-leaved forests rise to 1600 m, and coniferous forests up to 2400 and even up to 3000 m (rocky pine forests). Tall-grass subalpine meadows (1400-2700 m) are replaced by alpine low-grass meadows (2300-3000 m). There are many valuable and rare plants in the reserve: Bieberstein currant, mountain raspberry, meadow strawberry, Caucasian mountain ash. Animal world rich; mountain goats, Caucasian and Dagestan turs, roe deer, chamois are numerous, there are hare, wild boar, lynx. Of the birds, the most interesting are the Caucasian snowcock, Caucasian black grouse, Caucasian keklik, golden eagle.
In the place where the Bezengi gorge rests against the rocky wall of the same name, at an altitude of 2200 m there is a mountaineering training center "Bezengi". Climbers of various qualifications come here, who are offered a huge number of routes - from the simplest to the most difficult ascents to peaks exceeding 5000 m. On the territory of the reserve on the Kargashil Range and some other areas, the ruins of "koshes" (shepherds' camps) have been preserved.

national park Elbrus region
The Elbrus National Park is located 90 km west of Nalchik, along the highland part of the Baksan River basin and its tributaries, from the southern slopes of Elbrus to the Main Caucasian Range, and on the northern slopes of Elbrus, in the upper reaches of the Malka River. The park was founded in 1986, its area is 100400 hectares. Glaciers and snow cover 15.3% of the entire territory. The area of ​​the national park is prone to avalanches.
The Elbrus region is the center of mountain sports tourism and skiing. On its territory there are various landscape and climatic zones. In the valleys of the Elbrus region, the sun reigns for more than 300 days a year. Snow cover is established in November and is kept in the valley until mid-April, and in the alpine zone - until May-June. In general, the Elbrus region is distinguished by relatively high daily air temperatures, although the average daily fluctuations can be 19-22 °C.
The Elbrus region is a favorite vacation spot for skiers and snowboarders. For lovers of extreme sports, there are 12 km of cable cars and 35 km of ski slopes. Ski areas are located on the slopes of the Cheget and Elbrus mountains. There are 4 lifts on Elbrus: 1 exhaust yoke, 2 stages of the pendulum road (Stary Krugozor station, height 3000 m; Mir station, height 3500 m), single chairlift (from Mir station to Gara-Bashi, height 3780 m). The total elevation difference in this skiing area is 1700 m. The longest track of the Stary Krugozor resort - Azau stretches for 2.5 km (altitude difference is 650 m).
On Cheget there are the most difficult ski slopes with elevation changes from 3050 m to 2100 m; there is an exhaust ski lift, one steam room and two single chair lifts. Tracks on Cheget are not processed. Steady snow cover lasts from December to March. On Elbrus there is the possibility of year-round skiing. For climbers, two high-mountain hotels are equipped, the so-called "Barrels" (height 3780 m) and "Shelter-11" (height 4200 m).
Near the village of Terskol there is a mineral spring Achi-Su. In the Elbrus region, vacationers are offered a lot of tourist routes. Fans of mountain panoramas will be attracted by the Small Azau and Big Kogutai glaciers. Hiking trails have been laid to Lake Donguz-Orun, to Itkol, to Tegenekli, to the gorges of Terskol, Shkhelda, Adyl-Su. You can visit the climbing and hunting museum named after Vladimir Vysotsky in Tegenekli or go on an excursion to the Narzanov Glade and taste the healing water from 18 springs there.

Encyclopedia of Tourism Cyril and Methodius. 2008 .


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    Kabardino Balkaria. The numbers indicate: 1. National Park "Prielbrusye" 2. Kabardino Balkarian Reserve Kabardino Balkaria, Kabardino Balkar Republic, in the south of the European part of Russia, borders on Georgia. Included in the North Caucasian ... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

    KABARDINO BALKARIA, Kabardino Balkar Republic, subject of the Russian Federation; in the south of the European part of Russia, borders on Georgia. Included in the North Caucasian economic region. Pl. 12.5 thousand km2. Population 791.9 thousand people (1998). The capital of the city ... Russian history

    - (Kabardino Balkar Republic) in the Russian Federation. 12.5 thousand km². population 786 thousand people (1993), urban 67%; Kabardians (363 thousand people; 1989, census), Balkars (71 thousand people), Russians. 8 districts, 7 cities, 7 villages ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Exist., number of synonyms: 1 republic (21) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

    Coordinates: 43°35′ s. sh. 43°24′ E  / 43.583333° N sh. 43.4° E etc. ... Wikipedia

Geographic Encyclopedia

Kabardino-Balkaria- Kabardino Balkaria. The numbers indicate: 1. National Park "Prielbrusye" 2. Kabardino Balkarian Reserve Kabardino Balkaria, Kabardino Balkar Republic, in the south of the European part of Russia, borders on Georgia. Included in the North Caucasian ... ... Dictionary "Geography of Russia"

KABARDINO-BALKARIA- KABARDINO BALKARIA, Kabardino Balkar Republic, a subject of the Russian Federation; in the south of the European part of Russia, borders on Georgia. Included in the North Caucasian economic region. Pl. 12.5 thousand km2. Population 791.9 thousand people (1998). The capital of the city ... Russian history

KABARDINO-BALKARIA- (Kabardino Balkar Republic) in the Russian Federation. 12.5 thousand km². population 786 thousand people (1993), urban 67%; Kabardians (363 thousand people; 1989, census), Balkars (71 thousand people), Russians. 8 districts, 7 cities, 7 villages ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Kabardino-Balkaria- noun, number of synonyms: 1 republic (21) ASIS synonym dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

Kabardino-Balkaria- (Kabardino Balkar Republic), in the Russian Federation. 12.5 thousand km2. Population 791.9 thousand people (1998), urban 57.5%; Kabardians (49.2%), Balkars (9.6%), Russians (30.7%). 9 districts, 7 cities, 4 urban-type settlements (1996). Capital … encyclopedic Dictionary

Kabardino-Balkaria- Kabardino Balkaria(Kabardino Balkaria)Kabardino Balkariaofficial name Kabardino Balkar Republic, a republic within the Russian Federation; located in the North Caucasus, on the border with Georgia; sq. 12300 sq. km; 768000 people… … Countries of the world. Dictionary

Kabardino-Balkaria- Sp Kabárda Balkãrija Ap Kabardino Balkaria/Kabardino Balkariya L RF respublika … Pasaulio vietovardziai. Internetinė duomenų bazė

KABARDINO-BALKARIA- Kabardino Balkar Republic, part of Ros. Federation. Pl. 12.5 thousand km2. Us. 760 thousand people (1989), including 48.2% Kabardians, 9.4% Balkars. Capital Nalchik. In 1989, per 1000 people. population aged 15 years and older accounted for 817 people. With… … Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

Kabardino-Balkaria- Kabardino Balkar Republic within the Russian Federation. The name of the republic is formed by Russian. the names of the two most numerous peoples living in it: Kabardians (self-name Adyge), in the XI-XIII centuries. settled the steppe and ... ... Toponymic Dictionary


  • Kabardino-Balkaria, Vorokov Z.. New author's photo album “Kabardino-Balkaria. A New Look". The book consists of 300 pages of high-quality printing with 160 panoramic pictures of Nalchik. Author ... Buy for 4000 rubles
  • Kabardino-Balkaria. Beauty will save the world. Photo album, Vorokov Zaur Vladimirovich. "Beauty will save the world"... It is no coincidence that the words of the great Russian writer were included in the title of a wonderful photo album. On its pages there is living evidence that nature is generous ...


The republic is located on the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus in its central part and on the adjoining Kabardian Plain. The length of the territory from north to south is 100 km, from west to east - 175 km. Kabardino-Balkaria borders: in the south - with the Republic of Georgia, in the north - with the Stavropol Territory, in the west - with the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia, in the east and southeast - with the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania.
On the territory of the republic there is the highest mountain of the Caucasus and the highest point of Russia - Elbrus (5642 m).
The extreme northern point of the republic is located on the right bank of the Kura River in the arid steppes of the Kabardian sloping plain. The southern point lies at an altitude of 3462 m - the Gezevtsek pass of the Main Caucasian Range, 4 km to the west of the place where the borders of Kabardino - Balkaria, North Ossetia - Alania and Georgia meet. The extreme western point is located in the highlands southwest of Mount Elbrus on the Khotutau plateau, connecting the Side Range with the Main Caucasian, and the eastern one is on the western slopes of the Tersky Range at an altitude of 433 m.
The territory of the KBR has a fairly developed river network. total area river basins is 18740 square kilometers. The main sources of food for the rivers of the Kabardino-Balkaria-Republic are snow, glacial, rain and soil (underground). According to the sources of food, two types of rivers are distinguished: mixed with a predominance of glacial: Terek (623 km), Malka (216 km), Cherek (131 km) and their tributaries; - mixed with a predominance of groundwater: Nalchik, Shalushka, Kurkuzhin, Lesken, Argudan, Kurp, Deyka and other small rivers.
By water regime there are rivers with spring-summer and summer floods associated with intensive melting of snow and glaciers in the highlands (all the main rivers of the republic) and flood regime (Nalchik, Urvan, Shalushka, etc.). During short-term heavy rains or prolonged (up to several days) rains, the water level in them rises sharply.
Despite the fact that there are more than 100 lakes in Kabardino-Balkaria, it cannot be called a lake region. A significant part of them, in terms of the area of ​​the water surface, belongs to small lakes. There are no large lakes. The most significant are Tserikkel, Kel-Ketchen, Upper Blue Lake.


Climatic conditions are subject to the laws of altitudinal zonality. On the Kabardian plain in winter the air temperature fluctuates from +1 to -8 degrees, in summer - from +20 to +26 degrees. growing season on the plain - 190 days. In the mountainous regions of the republic, the temperature in winter reaches -20 degrees, in summer it fluctuates from +4 to +15 degrees.

Administrative-territorial structure
Administrative division - 10 districts (Baksansky, Zolsky, Leskensky, Maysky, Prokhladnensky, Tersky, Urvansky, Chegemsky, Chereksky, Elbrussky), cities of republican subordination - 4 (Nalchik, Tyrnyauz, Baksan, Prokhladny), 112 rural administrative units.


Population: 896.9 thousand people Population density: 71.8 people / km². Share of urban population: 58.9% (2005). The main population of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic are Kabardians and Balkars. On the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria live: Kabardians about 500 thousand people (55% of the total population of the republic), Balkars - 105 thousand people (12% of the total population of the republic), Russians - 227 thousand (25%). The language of the Balkars belongs to the Turkic family of languages, the Kabardians belong to the Caucasian language family. The Kabardians, together with the Adyghes, Circassians and Abkhazians, are essentially one people (Adyghe), separated by regional and state borders. Believing Balkars and Kabardians are Sunni Muslims. The birth rate in the republic slightly exceeds the death rate, and due to the migration outflow, the population in last years remains constant.

Flora and fauna

In terms of the area occupied by vegetation, herbaceous communities significantly predominate over trees and shrubs. The flora includes about 3 thousand species of flowering, gymnosperms and ferns, which makes up 50% of the flora of the Caucasus, 14.2% of the flora of Russia and 1.2% of the world flora. The area occupied by herbaceous communities significantly exceeds the area of ​​territories occupied by trees and shrubs, and among them 31.5% of the forms are listed in the Red Book of Russia.
The relatively favorable state of the animal world can be traced on the example of the griffon vulture, black vulture, burial eagle, golden eagle, peregrine falcon, red-headed kinglet, listed in the Red Book of Russia and which are common for Kabardino-Balkaria, and the Caucasian black grouse is even numerous in the alpine zone of the mountains. During periods of seasonal migrations and winterings, osprey, pink flamingo, black stork, red-breasted goose, lesser white-fronted goose, carowaika, oystercatcher, stilt and other semi-aquatic, waterfowl and birds of prey listed in the Red Book of Russia of rare and endangered animals are often found.
Some animals, including the Persian leopard, Caucasian otter, European mink, polecat, bustard, little bustard, marbled teal, may disappear without drastic measures to restore them.


Kabardino-Balkaria is a developed industrial and agrarian republic.
In the structure of industrial production in Kabardino-Balkaria, the highest specific gravity have: mechanical engineering and metalworking, including military-industrial production, the food industry and the electric power industry. The building materials industry, non-ferrous metallurgy and light industry are well developed. Machine-building enterprises produce instruments, electrical and drilling equipment, machine tools, automation equipment, cutting (diamond) tools. Available large productions artificial leather and film materials, finished products which are exported to other regions.
The industrial complex of the republic specializes in non-ferrous metallurgy, especially the production of tungsten and molybdenum. The main enterprise is the Tyrnyauz Mining and Metallurgical Combine, the leader in the tungsten-molybdenum industry of the Russian Federation.
In the bowels of the region, deposits of many minerals have been discovered. Of particular value are deposits of ores of rare non-ferrous metals - tungsten-molybdenum, antimony-lead, aluminum, bismuth-tin (all of them are located in the Baksan river basin). The Tyrnyauz tungsten-molybdenum deposit, located in the highlands, 90 km from Nalchik, is unique in its scale and type. The ore mined here, in addition to tungsten and molybdenum, contains small amounts of copper, zinc, tin, cobalt, silver, bismuth, germanium and other valuable metals. In the bowels of Kabardino-Balkaria, volcanic tuff, pumice, bleaching clays, numerous mineral springs (near the village of Belaya Rechka, in the Elbrus region) were found.
Kabardino-Balkaria is also known for its cable products, oilfield, drilling equipment, medical (X-ray) devices, artificial diamonds, diamond tool and abrasive products artificial leather and film materials. These products are in demand both in the domestic and foreign markets.
The food industry is well developed. Starch, cognac, vodka and alcoholic beverages, canned fruits and vegetables are produced in the republic. In the light industry, a significant volume is the production of hosiery. The agrarian complex is represented by all branches of agriculture: crop production, animal husbandry, horticulture, viticulture, sericulture, horse breeding and fur farming.
The main cultivated crops are corn, wheat, sunflower, sugar beet, millet, hemp, vegetables, potatoes. The leading place both in terms of sown area and gross yield belongs to corn.
The structure of animal husbandry is dominated by the cultivation of large cattle meat and dairy direction, sheep breeding, horse breeding and poultry farming. Horse breeding in Kabardino-Balkaria has a long tradition. Important qualities of horses of the Kabardian breed are endurance, adaptability to difficult conditions of mountainous terrain and high racing qualities, thanks to which they have gained popularity not only in our country, but also abroad.
The traditional livestock sector of the republic is the breeding of sheep of various breeds. Sheepskin is little used locally, since there are no own enterprises for the industrial processing of sheepskins and the manufacture of consumer goods in the republic.
The banking network in the republic is poorly developed, which is associated both with the general relatively low level of the region's economy, and, consequently, its opportunities in the financial sector, and with a strong dependence on centralized credit funds. In total, as of January 1, 1999, there were 6 commercial banks and 26 branches, of which 25 were branches of banks from other regions. There are no large banks in the republic.


The origin of various types of minerals on the territory of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic is associated with a long and complex history. geological development Caucasus, the diversity of its structures.
The Kabardino-Balkarian Republic has rich reserves of minerals such as tungsten, molybdenum, oil, sources of medicinal thermal waters and ecologically pure water; industrial reserves of bentonite clays, spars and tuff deposits, valuable rocks (granite, diorite, diabase porphyrites), and much more.
Currently, about 70 mineral deposits are known within the republic. These are ore (metallic), non-metallic (non-metallic), combustible minerals, underground fresh mineral waters.

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