The largest consumers of fiberglass concrete. Production of fiberglass concrete and products from it. Foundation for fiberglass fence

Construction technologies are actively developing, offering materials with improved qualities. Quite simple, but already quite in demand in private construction is one of these new products - based on glass fiber. The material is obtained by combining ordinary concrete and cut glass monofilament. The article will talk about this in more detail, and you will also learn how to create fiberglass concrete with your own hands.

General information

For ordinary concrete, which is made from sand and gravel, low tensile and compressive strength is characteristic. The reason for this is the compactness of the filler grains, and the bursting of concrete occurs just along their boundaries ().

Scientists came to the conclusion that glass fibers of small cross section, but rather large length, if they are randomly arranged in the mass of the block and mixed homogeneously, help to increase the strength characteristics by dozens of times. Ordinary reinforced concrete can also be strengthened by the use of iron reinforcement, which takes on tensile stresses.

But, this solution has "side" effects:

  • the own weight of the reinforcement is large, so the concrete becomes heavier;
  • the dimensions of the reinforced blocks increase, since it is necessary to ensure the protection of the reinforcement from moisture and corrosion.

Speaking about fiberglass, a dispersed reinforcing block, the following properties can be noted:

  • greater value of the total section in comparison with bars steel reinforcement;
  • its weight is less than that of steel;
  • higher values ​​of compressive / tensile strength than steel;
  • resistance to corrosion, which allows you to make a block of exactly the size required by the results of a real load calculation, without increasing it to protect the reinforcement.

These qualities contribute to the production of a lighter and more compact glass fiber reinforced concrete block, which will have strength characteristics similar to reinforced concrete and lower cost in comparison with it.

Some material properties:

  1. The surface of the blocks is polished, which, in combination with such indicators as the thickness of the concrete layer, the nature of the location of the fibers and the properties of the fiber itself, can endow it with original effects and even the translucency of the material.
  2. The material perfectly tolerates staining, which is carried out both in bulk and on the surface of finished blocks. For this, directly concrete mix a dye is introduced or a colored fiber is introduced.

Advantages and disadvantages

The negative points include:

  • low resistance to alkali, which is why alkali-resistant glass fiber is used for foundations;
  • due to the fact that hardening occurs faster than conventional concrete, paving must be carried out at a faster pace.

The advantages over conventional concrete are as follows:

  • light weight;
  • high tensile strength, bending and compression;
  • higher (5 times) tensile strength value;
  • the impact strength is 15 times higher;
  • frost resistance index reaches 300 cycles.

In the photo - what are the products of glass fiber reinforced concrete


Due to the ability of the material to quickly harden and high density and mechanical strength, it is possible to produce plates from glass fiber reinforced concrete, the thickness of which is less than 10 mm. This makes it possible to mold thin-walled very strong products with smooth surface ().

Due to the plasticity of the material, the basis of which is a fine-grained concrete matrix, in some cases not containing sand at all, it is possible to create:

  • textures of any given properties and parameters;
  • achieve imitation of different materials;
  • get quite complex shapes.

Tip: the use of fiberglass concrete for decorating facades is an excellent replacement for gypsum, concrete or plaster stucco molding.

Plates of different thicknesses:

  • serve as hinged and ventilated facades;
  • able to replace tiles, for example, fiberglass roofing will be lighter;
  • used instead of wall and facing material.

It is also more promising than conventional reinforced concrete when we are talking about the construction of floors. Fiberglass concrete has a low weight, and this leads to a decrease in the load on the foundation and bearing walls, increasing the number of storeys of the building under construction due to this.


Its basis is Portland cement M500-700 white or gray, to which quartz is added. fine sand and alkali-resistant fiber (roving), it is also possible to use aluminous cements.

Improvement of aesthetic, molding, technological and operational properties material is achieved by the introduction of additives. Water or liquid glass is used to seal glass fiber reinforced concrete.

The binder has a significant effect on the result. If the base is aluminous cement reinforced with fiberglass, a more intensive course of crystallization of neoplasms is noted. In this case, there is a smaller decrease in strength under equal conditions in comparison with composites, where Portland cement acts as the basis.

Use of Portland cement

Its hydration is accompanied by the formation of a highly alkaline medium. For steel reinforcement, this is good, because it provides protection against corrosion, but such an environment is detrimental to fiberglass.

Calcium hydroxide acts as the main component of the liquid phase of Portland cement, which is in a state of solidification. This compound provokes corrosion processes in the glass, causing the destruction of the silicon-oxygen framework.

To avoid corrosion of glass reinforcement, only alkali-resistant fibers are added to such glass fiber reinforced concrete. This helps to avoid the manufacture of a block that is only impregnated with "liquid glass", but completely unreinforced.

Application of aluminous cements

If this material acts as the basis of concrete, the result is a product resistant to aggressive environments, waterproof and having a higher density. But the price of such cement is high and it is difficult to buy it.

The advantages of the solution are:

  • fast hardening, accompanied by an intensive increase in strength, provides a short maturation time (design strength is achieved in 3 days);
  • inertness to fiberglass, which allows you to maintain the integrity of the glass monofilament due to less chemical exposure;
  • increasing the speed of construction several times.

The disadvantages include the fact that these concretes change their strength over time. Be sure to take this into account when designing.

Tip: due to the fact that when working with alumina (unlike portland cement), the mistakes made become more noticeable, the technological process must be strictly observed.

High-strength gypsum

If it is planned to manufacture sprayed and dispersed-reinforced products, and even more so when they are intended for internal or finishing works, enjoy high strength building plaster or plasters based on it. The stone hardening environment is almost completely neutral.

And if, in relation to steel reinforcement, the material necessarily causes corrosion, because it is quite hygroscopic, the hydration environment does not affect fiberglass. Distinctive features of such products are the rapid acquisition of strength, fire resistance and low thermal conductivity.

The selection of glass fiber for a particular type of product is based on chemical composition and strength.

When choosing a roving, take into account:

  • chemical resistance;
  • adhesion;
  • deformability;
  • monofilament linear expansion coefficient;
  • strength.

Mainly applied:

  • quartz;
  • silicate;
  • sodium-calcium-silicate;
  • aluminoborosilicate;
  • zirconium silicate fibers.

Of all these, only the last type of fiberglass is resistant to alkalis.


Glass fiber reinforced concrete is produced in several ways:

  1. Pneumatic spray, which is done with a special pneumatic gun. Chopped fiberglass is applied to the mold or work surface simultaneously with the cement-sand mortar. The mixing of the mixture components occurs at the outlet of the gun nozzle, while the fiber is introduced into the solution evenly. The result is a uniform, homogeneous layer of glass fiber cement.


  • there is the possibility of a separate preparation of the solution;
  • fiber grinding occurs in the gun just before kneading;
  • the material is dosed accurately, mixes quickly, is homogeneous.

There is only one drawback: the high cost of equipment.

  1. Mixing by hand or in a concrete mixer is only suitable for working with small batches. It can be made by hand, therefore it is widely used in private housing construction.

First, a solution of cement and sand is prepared in the mixer. Having received concrete of the required grade, pre-chopped roving fiber (10%) is added, mixing is continued for at least another 5 minutes.

The finished mixture must be molded immediately, since its solidification proceeds faster than the one in which there is no glass. Additionally, it must be compacted by punctures or vibration. The material in this case should be prepared in small portions.

  1. Vibroforming, but to be precise, this is not a separate option for the production of a mixture, but a method of additional homogenization. It is applied when it is necessary to make products and plates of the small size.

It consists in vibrocompaction of concrete placed in molds on the stand. Needed for a more even distribution of the fiber in the mass.

You can independently make a stand for vibroforming. It is only required to attach a movable table top to a mechanism that will create a vibration of the required force.

It's hard to imagine something as well suited to wide application like fiberglass. This lightweight and durable material makes it possible to turn any artistic idea of ​​the architect into reality, and no weather can destroy such magnificence. So what is good about fiberglass concrete, products from which are so highly valued by most professional builders.

Glass fiber reinforced concrete (GFRC) is an absolutely environmentally friendly building material that is harmless to humans. In fact, this is a multicomponent composite substance based on simple concrete, with the addition of reinforcing materials, primarily polymeric alkali-resistant fiberglass and additional components: sand, water and Portland cement (a synthetic substance based on calcium silicates, which has excellent binding properties).

The technological process of manufacturing glass fiber reinforced concrete cannot be called unnecessarily complicated. In fact, the action is a combination of all components in the required ratio and further mixing in a concrete mixer. The manufacturing process consists of several stages:

  • mixture is prepared from cement-sand mortar in the following proportions: for 48 kg of cement (grade PC 500) and 6 kg of a chemical additive, consisting in a percentage of 88% silicon oxide (SiO2), 10% plasticizer grade S-3 and 2% water), 22 kg of purified sand are poured,
  • then water is added to the mixture, at the rate of 17 cubic meters per ready mix(such a large amount of water is required in order for the solution to have the necessary degree of liquid medium for the process of applying to the surface of the form through an air gun),
  • then the resulting material is subjected to cyclic mixing for five minutes in a concrete mixer (or in a special mixer with a frequency of 500 rpm),
  • after these steps, reinforcing fibers of the polymer material are added to the finished mixture and subsequent kneading is carried out to evenly distribute the fibers throughout the mixture. It should be noted that mixing is carried out at low speed, no more than 70 rpm,
  • then, using a pneumatic gun, the finished solution is applied layer by layer to the bottom of the mold, first preliminary, with a thickness of 2 mm, after which the main 6 mm is applied, and then with the help of a simple roller produce a seal.

As can be seen from the above methodology, it is quite possible to prepare such a mixture yourself, if you have the necessary components and tools for work. Despite the fact that the preparation of glass fiber reinforced concrete does not require special conditions and is quite low-cost, this versatile material In addition, it has a number of characteristics that provide it with a leading position among competitors:

  • dry density averages two tons per cubic meter,
  • the impact strength of the resulting material is from 1 to 2.5 kilograms per millimeter square,
  • fire resistance of SFB is higher than that of concrete,
  • thermal conductivity is only 0.6 W per square centimeter,
  • the ultimate strength at the moment of tension in bending is on average 260 kg per square meter. cm.

To put it simply, fiberglass concrete exceeds ordinary concrete in impact strength by 10 times, corrosion resistance is twice as high. On average, the bending, tensile and compressive strength indicators are two times higher than those of concrete, the viscosity when the strength is reached is up to 30 times higher. The frost resistance of SFB is 7 times higher than that of reinforced concrete. In fact, all this is achieved by introducing reinforcing fibers from fibers with a fiber length of 20 to 40 millimeters into the material. The rest of the technological process of manufacturing the mixture does not have significant differences compared to the preparation of conventional concrete.

Advantages of fiberglass concrete

Fiberglass concrete has a number of advantages that make its use economically feasible:

  • SFB quite easily takes any architectural form, it is possible to create from the simplest to multi-level composite design elements. Recreate a really beautiful decor element with the help of the desired shape,
  • the ratio of weight and strength of the material is quite confidently called optimal, which has a positive effect on the transportation and storage of the material,
  • technologically, SFRC is a perfect building material: with a simple addition of glass fibers to the structure of the mixture, its qualities in terms of strength, resistance to external sources and a decrease in the number of shrinkage microcracks allowed glass fiber reinforced concrete to quickly gain popularity in the construction industry,
  • the material is chemically resistant to acids and alkalis,
  • good performance in providing heat and sound insulation properties compared to conventional concrete,
  • an important advantage when used in architectural decoration: aesthetic appeal.

SFB allows you to recreate almost any surface, so this property will be another plus towards its aesthetic appearance. The decision to use the specified material for facing various structures will be correct. For example, fiberglass fences are distinguished not only by their strength, but also by their ease of erection. But what is required first of all for the installation of such a fence?

Necessary equipment for the installation of a fiberglass fence

Of course, you cannot build any fence on enthusiasm alone. the following components must be available:

  • metal reinforcement with a diameter of 10 mm, which will be inserted into the foundation and serve as a shrinkable base for SFRC blocks,
  • cement mortar (the ratio of two parts of cement to six sand is quite suitable when mixing the mixture),
  • building level (preferably two, one of a small length of 50 cm, the second building, 2 meters long),
  • perforator for making holes for reinforcement in concrete blocks,
  • perforator nozzle for mixing the solution,
  • a rope for setting a horizontal level when laying blocks,
  • paint for finishing decoration mounted panels.

The final appearance of the fence will be monumental and aesthetic appeal. In fact, it will be quite easy to achieve even flashy high cost and pomposity, which will appeal to lovers of this style. However, it is important to remember that finished goods from fiberglass concrete are characterized by a high final cost, which is a significant disadvantage. The main difficulty lies in the acquisition of fiberglass. To prepare the solution, use bulk material with separated fibers ranging in size from 20 to 40 mm.

Foundation for fiberglass fence

Before considering how to make a fence from SFB, a quality foundation should be prepared. Despite the fact that the finished blocks have a relatively small weight in relation to concrete, the technology for creating a foundation for the base of the fence does not have significant differences. First of all, this is due to the fact that the foundation must keep the fence in a level position for a long time, despite the influence of climate and the quality of the soil.

When creating a foundation that will stand for decades, the following points should be considered:

  • all components for work must be prepared in advance: tools and components for preparing the mixture,
  • it is necessary to observe the proportions when mixing the components of the solution,
  • it is necessary to moisten the earth in the trench with water, since the soil tends to draw out moisture, such an action is necessary in order to maintain the ratio of water in the solution under the foundation.

The first step is markup:

  1. To begin with, it is worth carefully marking the boundaries of the future fence. In the corners (if the fence will have a rectangular shape), it is necessary to drive in stakes on which a rope is attached to visually mark and align the boundaries.
  2. After that, it is necessary to carry out calculations according to the project on how many fencing posts will be dug between the spans of wall blocks.
  3. Further, a trench is dug along the fence lines, with a depth corresponding to the type of soil on which the work is carried out:
  • continental soils the best way suitable for the foundation, because they consist of rocks of gravel or sand with a coarse-grained structure. For such soil, a digging depth of 40 cm is quite suitable;
  • sedimentary soils in places where water bodies (rivers, lakes) were previously located are poorly suited for laying the foundation. If silty or clay masses predominate in the soil, it is not advisable to build a foundation, since the silt is washed away, and the clay absorbs moisture and swells, as a result of which the foundation will inevitably be destroyed,
  • a completely sandy base is also a problem. In this case, it is often necessary to deepen the foundation by a meter into the ground, and reinforce the bottom of the trench with pillows of coarse gravel (from 20 mm),
  • bulk soils are convenient enough for building a foundation on them, since they do not require preliminary preparation.

In this case, it is enough to dig a trench 40-50 centimeters deep and strengthen it with formwork.
For the construction of a fiberglass fence, the most preferred option would be the construction strip foundation 50 cm deep and wider than the fence. Such a foundation is constructed with the help of gravel, when the bottom of the excavated trench is covered with a gravel cushion, and formwork from boards is installed along the edges of the trench. Following this, with the help of reinforcement welded together with a diameter of 10 mm, the base is laid, which is poured concrete mortar. When the foundation is ready, it is worth proceeding with the direct construction of the fence on the site.

Glass fiber reinforced concrete fence installation technology

Making a fence with your own hands from hollow fiberglass blocks is not so difficult if you follow all aspects of the work and carefully install the blocks.

  • the first stage is the installation of hollow slabs (pedestals) of the base, on which the mortar will subsequently be poured,
  • in the base blocks, it is necessary to pre-drill inlets for reinforcement with a puncher or a powerful drill,
  • next, the remaining elements are assembled: first, the vertical pillars of the base, then the horizontal elements of the fence (each of which is filled cement mortar any brand and reinforced).

It is important to carry out constant control all mounted elements of glass fiber reinforced concrete blocks on the same level, without tolerances for deviations. After the construction is completed, the work ends with the stage of carrying out finishing. The assembled blocks are painted in the desired color with paint for concrete surfaces, and the fence is ready.

As mentioned earlier, due to the excellent ability of the SWF to imitate other natural materials, from blocks of the same composition, it is possible to create integral compositions that will be bizarre relief surfaces with the appearance of wood or marble. With the help of fiberglass concrete, there will be no question of how to make the fence aesthetically attractive. It is quite simple to create a finished mixture, and if you have artistic taste and skills in creating molds for outdoor panels, then for short term a fence will be erected, which is a real top of the architectural design.

The new time dictates the rules for the use and implementation of new construction materials in conjunction with new technologies. The creation of "new materials from the old" is possible through the possible reinforcement of widely known materials. So, reinforced concrete in terms of economic indicators and strength characteristics superior to ordinary branded concrete. One of the most progressive types of concrete reinforcement is fiber reinforcement, thus, fiber reinforcement of concrete gives rise to a material - fiber-reinforced concrete. Accordingly, according to the type of fiber segments used, fiber-reinforced concrete classes are distinguished.

The most common types of fibers for concrete are as follows:

  • steel;
  • from alkali-resistant fiberglass;
  • from ordinary fiberglass;
  • from synthetic fibers.

Of these, fiberglass reinforcement is economically viable and at the same time technologically simple, which gives rise to unique material- fiberglass concrete.

Basic definitions

Glass fiber reinforced concrete is a type of fiber reinforced concrete and is made of fine-grained concrete (matrix concrete) and fiberglass segments (fibers) reinforcing it, evenly distributed over the volume of concrete of the product or its individual parts (zones). The joint work of concrete and fibers is ensured by adhesion along their surface; thus, a huge area of ​​overlapping concrete and fibers works (from 10,000 to 50,000 m2, depending on the purpose of the material obtained), forming qualitatively new properties of a new material - fiberglass concrete.

The expansion of production and the use of glass fiber reinforced concrete structures is an important reserve for reducing the cost of construction, saving labor costs, increasing the operational reliability and durability of building structures.

Dispersed reinforcement not only increases the strength properties of concrete, but, most importantly, improves performance characteristics structures, for example, resistance to dynamic, temperature and humidity influences, wear, etc., which makes it possible to obtain a significant effect in the production and operation of glass fiber reinforced concrete structures.

According to their purpose, fiberglass concretes are divided into structural, waterproofing, decorative and special. Based on the purpose, they are given the appropriate properties through a combination of short-fiber and long-fiber elements of fiberglass reinforcement and manufacturing technology.

This material has exceptionally high technological properties when forming products of almost any desired shape, has high bending strength, high impact strength, elasticity, crack resistance, water resistance, and, in necessary cases, a decorative surface.

Decorative surfaces of fiberglass products

This material provides the architect with a means of embodying his idea, with which no other material can compete in terms of plasticity, ability to convey surface relief, as well as lightness. It features light weight, easy handling, low installation and transportation costs; creates a decrease in the load on the supporting structure of buildings, which gives a significant reduction in the cost of building the foundation and frame of the building, which is important during restoration and reconstruction; has low water permeability; fire resistant.

Technologies for the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete

Building codes for the production of SFRC structures provide for 2 main technological areas:

  • Spraying (spraying, "spray") of components on a form - a matrix for obtaining flat or curved thin-walled slabs and protective structural shirts. This requires the equipment for the SFB in its entirety;
  • Pre-mixing ("premixing") followed by shaping the mixture by vibrocompaction, radial roller molding, roller pressing or other methods. To do this, it is enough to have a “truncated” set of the STs-45 complex at the production site.

If it is necessary to manufacture products by premixing, then the set of required equipment is reduced and simplified. At the same time, it should be remembered that the percentage of fiber introduced into the solution with this method is less, the quality of products obtained using this technology is lower, and the possibilities of using the resulting structures are narrower. However, for a number of problems this technique is justified. Elements obtained by this method should be subjected to vibration treatment.

  • A device for chopping and dosing fibers (this task can be performed by a sprayer with a detached unit for mixing solution and fiberglass);
  • Oiler and oil separator;
  • Compressor K-25M or similar (500 liters of air per minute at a pressure of 5-6 atm is enough). The air is only used to operate the drive and push the fiber out of the cutting chamber.
  • Mortar mixer series PM.
As special cases, two more areas of SFB technologies can be noted:
  • contact method, representing the layer-by-layer laying of fiberglass reinforcement and the impregnation of each layer with a cement binder;
  • shaping of products by bending an unhardened flat glass fiber reinforced concrete sheet, as well as secondary shaping of products due to the elastic properties of hardened reinforced concrete.

Structure classification

SFRC structures, depending on their reinforcement, are divided into the following types of structures:

  • With fiber reinforcement - when they are reinforced only with fiberglass fibers, evenly distributed over the volume of concrete of the entire element or part of it;
  • With combined reinforcement - when they are reinforced with fiberglass fibers, evenly distributed over the volume (section) of the element, in combination with rod, wire steel reinforcement.


SFRC is used in thin-walled elements and structures of buildings and structures, for which it is essential: reducing its own weight, increasing crack resistance, ensuring concrete water resistance and durability (including in aggressive environments), increasing impact strength and abrasion resistance, the presence of radio transparency, and also increasing architectural expressiveness and environmental cleanliness.

GRP wall cladding panels are used in custom-made elements for special purpose buildings; as modular elements in serial unified construction; in the form of facing panels in the reconstruction of old buildings.

GRP panels for end protection monolithic floors during the construction of residential buildings.

With the help of special glass fiber reinforced concrete panels, the problem of finishing the ends of monolithic ceilings of multi-storey buildings is solved.

Advantages of SFB panels:

Thickness from 1.5 cm;
- low weight;
- ease of installation;
- various options surfaces (imitation of brick, stone, etc.); color and texture are selected individually;

The height of the panels varies depending on the height of the ceiling, and the length reaches 2 linear meters. The panels are attached to metal anchors, the joint is sealed.

Use in Russia

Already today there are enterprises operating in Russia that are distinguished by high professionalism and accumulated rich experience and knowledge. These are firms that have completed a significant amount of work on decorating facades with glass fiber reinforced concrete products. Among others, it should be noted the company Antika, Kazan. calling card enterprises are a residential complex in the center of Kazan, villas in Kazan and the suburbs, the museum-reserve "Kazan Kremlin".

For a detailed acquaintance with the work and projects of the company, visit the site

Firm "Antika" uses the equipment of the firm NST. The largest production of fiberglass concrete in the entire post-Soviet space is organized in Kazan. The peculiarity of this company is that all stages of production (from the manufacture of molds to installation on the facade) are carried out independently. Thanks to this, a rich and unique experience has been accumulated. The latest work of the Antika company is the building of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan "Palace of Farmers". The facade of this palace (it’s really difficult to call it a building) is completely made of glass fiber reinforced concrete.

The decision for each specific case can be made through the following options:

  • single-layer panels with stiffeners;
  • fixed formwork with filling.

Properly made molds made of metal, wood, plastic or polyurethane make it possible to have a relief surface finish of products from a strict pattern to free forms, elements of heraldry and ornaments. Using a base of white or gray cements with a slight admixture of inorganic dyes, as well as sand and other aggregates, a wide range of colors and finishes can be created.

The applied finishing layer, not exceeding 5 - 6 mm in thickness, makes the cost of materials minimal. A thin layer of natural stone, slate or ceramic tiles is carried out on a glass fiber cement panel, which is part of the structure with a supporting frame.

The structural flexibility of fiberglass concrete provides an opportunity to avoid the monotony of painted steel structures, plastics, the massiveness and limited forms of concrete.

An important addition to cladding panels can serve decorative elements semi-antique during the restoration and reconstruction of buildings. Also fiberglass is indispensable for framing window openings, production of porticos, cornices, sun screens, etc.

SFRC is an excellent material for various kinds roofs. They can imitate traditional roofing materials such as slate, ceramic tiles. But unlike them, it is not fragile and not heavy. For roofs with slopes, you can imitate natural slate as appearance, and by invoice. For its fastening, ordinary slate nails are used without pre-drilling holes, as it is durable and does not split when fastened.

This material plays an important role in the design of urban recreation areas from the aesthetic side of construction projects and small architectural forms. It can be used for arranging picturesque ornamental ponds, fountains, benches, flower girls, balustrades, stalls, etc. Small architectural forms from fiberglass concrete have a more attractive appearance, because. it allows you to convey any shape, relief and surface finish to blend with the surrounding landscape. Plaster coatings have high strength, as well as high resistance to cracking and peeling.

The material has a high resistance to chemicals, including urban pollution and salt solutions. It also has high acoustic properties, does not rust, rot, corrode or burn. Therefore, various products of complex configuration can be molded from fiberglass concrete, which are used in civil engineering in the construction of highways, water pipelines and water storage tanks, mines and tunnels.

It can also be used to make large diameter pipes. It is reinforced with both chopped fiber and alkali-resistant fiberglass meshes.

The thin wall thickness of the pipes and the absence of sleeve connections allow for a reduction in the size of the ditch and the amount of backfill. Pipelines can be laid under roads with a large traffic load, tk. fiberglass concrete is durable and has high strength properties when alkali-resistant fiberglass is used as a reinforcing component.

It is an ideal material for bridges, where it is used for the manufacture of elements of parapets, noise barriers. These elements can be quite large in length with a small weight. In addition, glass fiber reinforced concrete provides more high level protection of steel reinforcement and higher resistance to chloride penetration than concrete of the same thickness.

The low weight of the products and the thinness of the walls make it possible to use fiberglass concrete for the manufacture of elements of channels and water pipes, which replace short and heavy elements cast from concrete. Reducing the weight of the product by 3 times makes it easier to work in the construction of drainage and irrigation systems on rough terrain. In addition, during the construction of underground water or cable channels, construction costs as a result of reducing the number of required supports.

Elements of cable, drainage and irrigation channels made of glass fiber reinforced concrete can also be used as fixed formwork. In this case, the fiberglass elements are installed in place and then poured with concrete, while the material forms an internal channel profile with a smooth surface and eliminates the use of complex temporary formwork.

Technical advantages of SFRC compared to concrete and reinforced concrete

SFB, in its essence, has no analogues in many technical and economic indicators in construction compared to traditionally used materials, so it distinctive features:

  • Increased crack resistance, impact strength, wear resistance, frost resistance and weather resistance;
  • Possibility of using more efficient constructive solutions than with conventional reinforcement, for example, the use of thin-walled structures, structures without rod and or mesh distribution and transverse reinforcement, etc .;
  • The possibility of reducing or completely eliminating the consumption of steel reinforcement, for example, in structures with economic responsibility;
  • Reducing labor and energy costs for reinforcing work, increasing the degree of mechanization and automation in the production of fiber-reinforced concrete structures, for example, prefabricated thin-walled shells, folds, ribbed roof slabs, monolithic and prefabricated industrial and public buildings, fixed formwork structures, etc.

Note #1. SFRC elements with fiber reinforcement are recommended for use in structures operating:

  • Mainly for shock loads, abrasion, punching and weathering;
  • On compression at eccentricities of application of longitudinal force, for example, in elements of spatial overlaps;
  • For bending under conditions that exclude their brittle fracture.

Note #2. Bearing SFRC elements are made with combined reinforcement.

Departmental building codes "Design and basic provisions of the production technology of fiber-reinforced concrete structures VSN 56-97" Moscow 1997

Recently, the demand for fiberglass concrete, products from which are now widely used in construction as various architectural elements buildings (for example, facade decoration) is constantly growing. In addition, it has proven to be an excellent material for fencing around country house. Since ordering such a fence in construction company quite expensive, let's talk about how to make a fiberglass fence yourself.

Features of fiberglass concrete

The difference between fiberglass concrete and ordinary fiber-reinforced concrete is that in the process of its manufacture, fiberglass fibers are added to the concrete matrix (fine-grained concrete), which perform a reinforcing function. The fibers are evenly distributed throughout the volume of concrete in the product or are concentrated in certain areas of it. This provides material properties such as:

  • High reliability. Due to the presence of fiberglass in it, fiberglass concrete is not afraid of compression and even strong impacts (impact strength is 5 times higher than that of ordinary concrete). It is characterized by resistance to bending and stretching, which exceeds the same indicator for concrete products by 15 times. This material is not characterized by the appearance of shrinkage microcracks in large quantities. Its advantages also include high wear resistance and corrosion resistance.
  • Waterproof. The moisture resistance of the material allows it to be used outside the home, for example, for the production of cladding panels intended for the reconstruction of old buildings, fences and even roofs.

  • Resistance to chemically aggressive environments, as well as to exposure low temperatures and underground vibrations.
  • Good fire protection and sound insulation properties, which make fiberglass concrete one of the safest building materials. Therefore, its scope is not only private construction, but also drainage systems located on expressways, car tunnels and overpasses.
  • Optimal strength to weight ratio. The thickness of glass fiber reinforced concrete is from 6 to 30 mm, so their mass is not so significant. This makes it possible to reduce the cost of transportation and installation of glass fiber reinforced concrete products, as well as to use this material in the construction of the frame and foundation of the building, since it does not create additional load on floors and supporting structures.
  • Plastic. A distinctive feature of fiberglass concrete is the ability to take almost any desired shape, so the material can be safely called an architect's dream.
  • Environmental friendliness. The composition of the material includes only such substances that are absolutely safe for human health, such as cement, sand, fiberglass and water. The content of chemical additives here will be minimal.
  • Aesthetic appeal, which allows the use of glass fiber reinforced concrete products for decorative purposes.

All this leads to the almost complete absence of serious competitors for fiberglass concrete in the manufacture of fences, facade parts, railings for loggias, fixed formwork. This material is also common in industrial construction, where they are used in the production of drainage trays and sewers, blocks of sanitary cabins, pipes, waterproofing coatings, as well as in the construction of noise barriers and bridges and in landscape architecture.

Characteristics of fiberglass concrete manufacturers

In order for fiberglass fences to serve as long as possible, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of its manufacturer. Today, there are a large number of companies manufacturing and selling this material on the market. We highlight the largest of them:

  • NP "Union of Producers of Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete PROFIBRO" (Russia). It unites several enterprises (PSK-Partner, OrtOst-Facade (Moscow), Ecodeco (Krasnodar), AFB-Aspect (Odessa, Ukraine)) and was founded in 2012. The glass fiber reinforced concrete produced by this association of companies is characterized by a high degree of adhesion to conventional types of concrete, excellent tensile strength both in relation to impact, and bending, stretching and compression. The material is not afraid of frost and is able to withstand 300 cycles of transition from low to high temperatures. He can easily be given the most different shape, turning it into a magnificent element of building decor. Price square meter fiberglass concrete ranges from 25 to 35 dollars.
  • "Rococo" (Russia). The production of fiberglass concrete is the main activity of this company. Here, not only the material itself is obtained, but products are made from it. The enterprise has a workshop for processing fiberglass elements, a sculptural and molding workshop. Used in production innovative technologies, such as premixing and pneumospraying, therefore, for Rococo fiberglass concrete, a large mechanical strength(10-12 times), plasticity (2.5-3 times) and tensile strength compared to traditional reinforced concrete. The company specializes in the sale of facade slabs, plinth cladding slabs, fences, fixed formwork, sanitary elements (drainage systems, gutters). Since the company mainly sells finished products, the price for them varies in a very wide range and depends on the costs of making the mold and model, processing the finished product, its hydrophobization and painting.

  • "Ronson" (Russia). The company has been operating on the market for more than 20 years and includes its own workshop for the production of fiberglass concrete and products from it. The know-how of this enterprise is the complete exclusion of manual labor from the technological process. A significant part of the operations is performed on CNC machines, the accuracy of which reaches 0.05 mm. Therefore, building elements made of glass fiber reinforced concrete "Ronson" have such excellent characteristics as a significant wall thickness of the product (from 15 to 50 mm), good frost resistance (the material can withstand over 150 cycles of changing seasons), water resistance class W20, low thermal conductivity, up to 0, 65 W/cm2. In addition, the material can be used even in aggressive acid environments.
  • Decorclassic (Russia). The product range of the enterprise impresses with its diversity: the consumer is offered cornices, moldings, friezes, 3D panels, rosettes, columns and pilasters made of glass fiber reinforced concrete. All of them are distinguished by almost perfect forms and are able to reproduce the surface with any texture. Products are painted in all shades colors, are lightweight and not prone to cracking. The final cost of the product is determined by its size and the complexity of the modeling and molding work.
  • House Gut (Russia). The main activity of the enterprise is the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete decor by spraying or casting. Therefore, the distinctive features of this product are lightness, strength, geometric accuracy of shapes, and no shrinkage during installation. However, preference is given to the production of products whose size does not exceed one meter.

How to install a fiberglass fence

Even if the owner of a private house is not attracted by a slightly pretentious decoration of the facade with fiberglass products, nevertheless, it is worth thinking about how to make a fence from this material on your own. Such fences are very easy to install, as they consist of separate blocks with a small mass. In addition, their durability is almost not affected by negative natural conditions such as heavy rains and snowfalls.

To mount the fence, we need the fiberglass blocks themselves, metal fittings, a horizontal bowstring, cement mortar, a level, a drill, paint for decoration. Need to be done next sequence operations:

  • Decide on the height of the structure and mark the points where the fence posts will be mounted.
  • Dig a trench and lower metal reinforcement with a diameter of at least 10 mm into the prepared recesses. The distance between future posts should be approximately one meter.
  • Fill the base with concrete, wait for it to harden, and set up a bowstring in the trench, which is usually steel pipe With rectangular section 20x40 mm. It is connected to the fittings either by welding or using bolts, self-tapping screws or special brackets.
  • "String" on the reinforcement the first hollow block of glass fiber reinforced concrete - the base pedestal. Before that, holes should be drilled in it.

  • Completely fill the first block with cement mortar and insert a metal pin with a diameter of at least 10-18 mm into its holes to tie it with other parts of the fence. Its length should exceed the length of the block by at least 15-20 cm. The pins are installed in all blocks that make up the vertical poles. It is recommended to drill holes for them in each structural element.
  • Now align the fiberglass blocks vertically until you reach the desired height of the fence post. Fill each block completely with cement mortar, preferably with reinforcement. The next stage of installation should be accompanied by a thorough check of the verticality and horizontality of the blocks already installed.
  • When all the pillars are assembled, the turn of the horizontal fence sheets comes, which are fixed by means of the pins described above and protruding beyond the vertical pillars.
  • At the end, we finish the fence: paint special paint for concrete surfaces.

Decorative functions of glass concrete fence

Fiberglass concrete is characterized by a high degree of decorativeness, so it opens up unlimited possibilities for expressing the personal preferences of the owner of the house. Such material allows not only to quickly and easily make a fence with your own hands, but also to reflect the individuality separate dwelling. Fiberglass fences are paintable, so they can be repainted every year, changing the finish to suit your mood.

A characteristic feature of fiberglass concrete is that it is often used to imitate other Construction Materials, including brick, wood, marble, granite and many others. The "highlight" of such a fence is the ability to make it two-sided: on the one hand, it imitates the texture of marble, on the other, wood. Or, for the front side of the fence, embossed fiberglass slabs are used, and for the back - flat ones. Caps on fence posts, which are round or square, are very popular.

Fences made of glass fiber reinforced concrete often look monumental if solid and wide canvases of glass fiber reinforced concrete panels were taken for them. But in order for the fence to look more elegant, they should be replaced with narrower horizontal panels or glass fiber reinforced concrete blocks should be purchased that look like brick laying. Under the order, it is quite possible to purchase plates with a variety of patterns or even sculptural compositions that turn the fence into a real work of art.

Since the fences are collapsible structures, their height varies depending on the functional purpose. around the perimeter personal plot it is better to install a high monumental, even a little pompous fence. But if the area around the house is significant, small fences made of such material will give it a special charm, separating, for example, a garden from utility rooms. Sometimes only fence posts are made of glass fiber reinforced concrete, and instead horizontal panels install wrought iron grating. If suddenly the type of fence is tired, its elements in just a couple of hours change to more suitable in type or size, giving absolutely the new kind throughout the country house.

New time dictates the rules for the use and implementation of new structural materials in conjunction with new technologies. The creation of "new materials from the old" is possible through the possible reinforcement of widely known materials. Thus, reinforced concrete in terms of economic indicators and strength characteristics surpasses ordinary branded concrete. One of the most progressive types of concrete reinforcement is fiber reinforcement, thus, fiber reinforcement of concrete gives rise to a material - fiber-reinforced concrete. Accordingly, according to the type of fiber segments used, fiber-reinforced concrete classes are distinguished.

The most common types of fibers for concrete are as follows:

  • steel;
  • from alkali-resistant fiberglass;
  • from ordinary fiberglass;
  • from synthetic fibers.

Of these, fiberglass reinforcement is economically advantageous and at the same time technologically simple, which gives rise to a unique material - fiberglass concrete.

Basic definitions

Glass fiber reinforced concrete is a type of fiber reinforced concrete and is made of fine-grained concrete (matrix concrete) and fiberglass segments (fibers) reinforcing it, evenly distributed over the volume of concrete of the product or its individual parts (zones). The joint work of concrete and fibers is ensured by adhesion along their surface; thus, a huge area of ​​overlapping concrete and fibers works (from 10,000 to 50,000 m2, depending on the purpose of the material obtained), forming qualitatively new properties of a new material - fiberglass concrete.

The expansion of production and the use of glass fiber reinforced concrete structures is an important reserve for reducing the cost of construction, saving labor costs, increasing the operational reliability and durability of building structures.

Dispersed reinforcement not only increases the strength properties of concrete, but, most importantly, improves the performance characteristics of structures, for example, resistance to dynamic, temperature and humidity effects, wear, etc., which makes it possible to obtain a significant effect in the production and operation of glass fiber reinforced concrete structures.

According to their purpose, fiberglass concretes are divided into structural, waterproofing, decorative and special. Based on the purpose, they are given the appropriate properties through a combination of short-fiber and long-fiber elements of fiberglass reinforcement and manufacturing technology.

This material has exceptionally high technological properties when forming products of almost any desired shape, has high bending strength, high impact strength, elasticity, crack resistance, water resistance, and, in necessary cases, a decorative surface.

Decorative surfaces of fiberglass products

This material provides the architect with a means of embodying his idea, with which no other material can compete in terms of plasticity, ability to convey surface relief, as well as lightness. It features light weight, easy handling, low installation and transportation costs; creates a decrease in the load on the supporting structure of buildings, which gives a significant reduction in the cost of building the foundation and frame of the building, which is important during restoration and reconstruction; has low water permeability; fire resistant.

Technologies for the production of glass fiber reinforced concrete

Building codes for the production of SFRC structures provide for 2 main technological areas:

  • Spraying (spraying, "spray") of components on a form - a matrix for obtaining flat or curved thin-walled slabs and protective structural shirts. This requires the equipment for the SFB in its entirety;
  • Pre-mixing ("premixing") followed by shaping the mixture by vibrocompaction, radial roller molding, roller pressing or other methods. To do this, it is enough to have a “truncated” set of the STs-45 complex at the production site.

If it is necessary to manufacture products by premixing, then the set of required equipment is reduced and simplified. At the same time, it should be remembered that the percentage of fiber introduced into the solution with this method is less, the quality of products obtained using this technology is lower, and the possibilities of using the resulting structures are narrower. However, for a number of problems this technique is justified. Elements obtained by this method should be subjected to vibration treatment.

  • A device for chopping and dosing fibers (this task can be performed by a sprayer with a detached unit for mixing solution and fiberglass);
  • Oiler and oil separator;
  • Compressor K-25M or similar (500 liters of air per minute at a pressure of 5-6 atm is enough). The air is only used to operate the drive and push the fiber out of the cutting chamber.
  • Mortar mixer series PM.
As special cases, two more areas of SFB technologies can be noted:
  • contact method, representing the layer-by-layer laying of fiberglass reinforcement and the impregnation of each layer with a cement binder;
  • shaping of products by bending an unhardened flat glass fiber reinforced concrete sheet, as well as secondary shaping of products due to the elastic properties of hardened reinforced concrete.

Structure classification

SFRC structures, depending on their reinforcement, are divided into the following types of structures:

  • With fiber reinforcement - when they are reinforced only with fiberglass fibers, evenly distributed over the volume of concrete of the entire element or part of it;
  • With combined reinforcement - when they are reinforced with fiberglass fibers, evenly distributed over the volume (section) of the element, in combination with rod, wire steel reinforcement.


SFRC is used in thin-walled elements and structures of buildings and structures, for which it is essential: reducing its own weight, increasing crack resistance, ensuring concrete water resistance and durability (including in aggressive environments), increasing impact strength and abrasion resistance, the presence of radio transparency, and also increasing architectural expressiveness and environmental cleanliness.

GRP wall cladding panels are used in custom-made elements for special purpose buildings; as modular elements in serial unified construction; in the form of facing panels in the reconstruction of old buildings.

GRP panels for protecting the ends of monolithic slabs in the construction of residential buildings.

With the help of special glass fiber reinforced concrete panels, the problem of finishing the ends of monolithic ceilings of multi-storey buildings is solved.

Advantages of SFB panels:

Thickness from 1.5 cm;
- low weight;
- ease of installation;
- various surface options (imitation of brick, stone, etc.); color and texture are selected individually;

The height of the panels varies depending on the height of the ceiling, and the length reaches 2 linear meters. The panels are attached to metal anchors, the joint is sealed.

Use in Russia

Already today there are enterprises operating in Russia that are distinguished by high professionalism and accumulated rich experience and knowledge. These are firms that have completed a significant amount of work on decorating facades with glass fiber reinforced concrete products. Among others, it should be noted the company Antika, Kazan. The hallmark of the enterprise is a residential complex in the center of Kazan, villas in Kazan and the suburbs, the Kazan Kremlin Museum-Reserve.

For a detailed acquaintance with the work and projects of the company, visit the site

Firm "Antika" uses the equipment of the firm NST. The largest production of fiberglass concrete in the entire post-Soviet space is organized in Kazan. The peculiarity of this company is that all stages of production (from the manufacture of molds to installation on the facade) are carried out independently. Thanks to this, a rich and unique experience has been accumulated. The latest work of the Antika company is the building of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Tatarstan "Palace of Farmers". The facade of this palace (it’s really difficult to call it a building) is completely made of glass fiber reinforced concrete.

The decision for each specific case can be made through the following options:

  • single-layer panels with stiffeners;
  • fixed formwork with filling.

Properly made molds made of metal, wood, plastic or polyurethane make it possible to have a relief surface finish of products from a strict pattern to free forms, elements of heraldry and ornaments. Using a base of white or gray cements with a slight admixture of inorganic dyes, as well as sand and other aggregates, a wide range of colors and finishes can be created.

The applied finishing layer, not exceeding 5 - 6 mm in thickness, makes the cost of materials minimal. A thin layer of natural stone, slate or ceramic tile finish is applied on a glass fiber cement panel, which is part of a structure with a supporting frame.

The structural flexibility of fiberglass concrete provides an opportunity to avoid the monotony of painted steel structures, plastics, the massiveness and limited forms of concrete.

Antique decorative elements can serve as an important addition to facing panels during the restoration and reconstruction of buildings. Also, fiberglass concrete is indispensable for framing window openings, making porticos, cornices, sun screens, etc.

SFRC is an excellent material for various types of roofing. They can imitate traditional roofing materials such as slate, ceramic tiles. But unlike them, it is not fragile and not heavy. For roofs with slopes, natural slate can be imitated both in appearance and in texture. For its fastening, ordinary slate nails are used without pre-drilling holes, as it is durable and does not split when fastened.

This material plays an important role in the design of urban recreation areas from the aesthetic side of construction projects and small architectural forms. It can be used for arranging picturesque decorative ponds, fountains, benches, flower beds, balustrades, kiosks, etc. Small architectural forms made of fiberglass concrete have a more attractive appearance, because it allows you to convey any shape, relief and surface finish to blend with the surrounding landscape. Plaster coatings have high strength, as well as high resistance to cracking and peeling.

The material has a high resistance to chemicals, including urban pollution and salt solutions. It also has high acoustic properties, does not rust, rot, corrode or burn. Therefore, various products of complex configuration can be molded from fiberglass concrete, which are used in civil engineering in the construction of highways, water pipelines and water storage tanks, mines and tunnels.

It can also be used to make large diameter pipes. It is reinforced with both chopped fiber and alkali-resistant fiberglass meshes.

The thin wall thickness of the pipes and the absence of sleeve connections allow for a reduction in the size of the ditch and the amount of backfill. Pipelines can be laid under roads with a large traffic load, tk. fiberglass concrete is durable and has high strength properties when alkali-resistant fiberglass is used as a reinforcing component.

It is an ideal material for bridges, where it is used for the manufacture of elements of parapets, noise barriers. These elements can be quite large in length with a small weight. In addition, glass fiber reinforced concrete provides a higher level of protection for steel reinforcement and a higher resistance to chloride penetration than concrete of the same thickness.

The low weight of the products and the thinness of the walls make it possible to use fiberglass concrete for the manufacture of elements of channels and water pipes, which replace short and heavy elements cast from concrete. Reducing the weight of the product by 3 times makes it easier to work in the construction of drainage and irrigation systems on rough terrain. In addition, when constructing underground water or cable channels, construction costs are reduced as a result of the reduction in the number of required supports.

Elements of cable, drainage and irrigation channels made of glass fiber reinforced concrete can also be used as fixed formwork. In this case, the fiberglass elements are installed in place and then poured with concrete, while the material forms an internal channel profile with a smooth surface and eliminates the use of complex temporary formwork.

Technical advantages of SFRC compared to concrete and reinforced concrete

SFRC, in its essence, has no analogues in many technical and economic indicators in construction compared to traditionally used materials, therefore its distinctive features:

  • Increased crack resistance, impact strength, wear resistance, frost resistance and weather resistance;
  • Possibility of using more effective design solutions than with conventional reinforcement, for example, the use of thin-walled structures, structures without rod and or mesh distribution and transverse reinforcement, etc.;
  • The possibility of reducing or completely eliminating the consumption of steel reinforcement, for example, in structures with economic responsibility;
  • Reducing labor and energy costs for reinforcing work, increasing the degree of mechanization and automation in the production of fiber-reinforced concrete structures, for example, prefabricated thin-walled shells, folds, ribbed roof slabs, monolithic and prefabricated floors of industrial and public buildings, fixed formwork structures, etc.

Note #1. SFRC elements with fiber reinforcement are recommended for use in structures operating:

  • Mainly for shock loads, abrasion, punching and weathering;
  • On compression at eccentricities of application of longitudinal force, for example, in elements of spatial overlaps;
  • For bending under conditions that exclude their brittle fracture.

Note #2. Bearing SFRC elements are made with combined reinforcement.

Departmental building codes "Design and basic provisions of the production technology of fiber-reinforced concrete structures VSN 56-97" Moscow 1997

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