Sanitary condition of the entrance. Who should clean the entrance

Cleanliness is the key to health. Every reasonable person knows this. Everyone is responsible for the order within the walls of their own apartment - the one who wants to live comfortably is cleaned almost daily. Housekeeping is another matter. By Article 36 of the Housing Code this territory is a common house, which means that the responsibility (including maintenance in due order) for it lies with the management company (MC) of the housing and communal services that services the apartment building.

Therefore, residents of MKD should not and are not obliged to clean their entrance. But what to do if in practice it turns out differently - the housing and communal services management company is in no hurry to service the entrance, and the tenants take turns putting things in order in it? We'll have to figure it out, write complaints, defend our legal rights in every possible way. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

Cleaning legislation

There is no law that each front door should have its own cleaning lady. The same entrance cleaner can serve 3, 5 or even 10 sites at the same time. But if there is no such specialist at all, then there is a direct violation of the law.

The fact that cleaning staircases should be carried out by the employees of the management company or the contractor with which the agreement has been concluded, is reflected in the legal provisions. Namely:

  • "Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock" No. 170, approved by the Decree State system countries on September 27, 2003;
  • Decree of the Government of Russia No. 290 dated April 3, 2013;
  • GOST of Russia 51617-2000 “Housing and communal duties and services. General terms."

These documents clearly spell out: who, where and how should be cleaned, if we are talking about maintaining cleanliness in the entrances. In fact, the cleaner of the entrances should be guided by precisely these requirements in the exercise of their professional duties.

If residents in residential buildings are sure that the stairwell cleaner does not cope with the tasks assigned to her, grossly violates the laws on the maintenance of stairwells or does not appear at her workplace at all, they have the right to complain about her to their immediate supervisor - the head of a particular housing and communal services management company. Measures will be taken against the negligent employee. If the stairwell cleaner continues to treat her profession with the same negligence, she will simply be fired.

cleaning schedule

Naturally, the cleaning lady at the entrance cannot wash the floors around the clock several times a day. There are strictly defined standards that she must comply with. In particular, the cleaning schedule is as follows:

  • sweep the floors with a wet broom every day apartment building on the first and second floors, including the elevator room and the garbage chute area;
  • 2 times a week to sweep the floors on all flights of stairs with a wet broom along with the elevator and the garbage chute area;
  • every day to wipe the area in front of the garbage bin;
  • 2 times a month to wash the entire front door with a wet rag;
  • 2 times a month to wipe the walls, ceiling and plafonds in the elevator room;
  • every day to wash the floor in the elevator cabin;
  • wash windows once a year;
  • Once a week, clean at the entrance to the entrance, clean the grate, etc.;
  • Once a year, clean the entrance doors to the entrance, ceiling lamps, electrical panels;
  • 2 times a year to wash batteries, railings.

It turns out that the cleaning in the entrance takes place according to the standards, even if the floors in the front door are not washed every day. IN this case the porch cleaner does not violate the law, but acts strictly according to the instructions.

Before sounding the alarm and starting a trial, it is best to familiarize yourself with the cleaning schedule. If the above rules are followed, then the cleaning standards are met, which means that there are no violations. But it is important not only how often in apartment building bring gloss, but also the quality of cleaning the entrance.

Cleaning quality

Everyone has their own definition of purity. The model for cleaning entrances cannot be the same, if only because all the front doors are in various condition: new apartment buildings "boast" of fresh repairs, old "stalinkas" are tired of the "dust of the times".

How to make sure that the procedure was carried out at the proper level? After the cleaning lady has finished her work, pay attention to the condition of the landings and floors:

  • are there any traces of garbage, cigarette butts, packs of chips, cans of beer (according to statistics, such garbage is most often found in front doors);
  • whether there are large clots of dust, puddles on the floor, lumps of dirt;
  • Is there a smell of spoiled garbage?

Drawings on the walls

Homegrown artists who choose the walls as an easel are found in many homes. As stated in the law, the frequency of cleaning entrances and stairwells, which includes washing the walls, is once every 15 days. It is not difficult to calculate how many times a month the walls should be scrubbed - only two.

But sometimes a utility services specialist is simply unable to cope with such inscriptions. Often they are not removed. standard means household chemicals, which the employee has with him for cleaning stairwells. Residents can only wait for scheduled repairs and drive pests themselves.

Where and how to file a complaint

If citizens know exactly how often they must polish their entrance by law, but in practice these requirements are not met, SANPIN not observed, tenants of an apartment building have the right. You should proceed as follows:

  • first, a claim is drawn up in the name of the head of the Criminal Code of the ZhKK, in which they describe in an arbitrary form the essence of the complaint and ask to understand the situation;
  • if the letter remains unanswered, then the next authority is Rospotrebnadzor;
  • in case of ignoring, you need to contact the Housing Inspectorate of the city or district;
  • if this did not help, the direct road to the Prosecutor's Office.

In the complaint (it can be made in any form), it is important to indicate that the residents of the house do not like the way the MC employee cleans them. Describe what is included in the concept of "dislike".

All citizens should understand that the utility fee already includes expenses and a tariff for polishing. This is the work of professionals already paid for by the tenants of the apartment building. And, like any job, this one must be done, if not perfectly, then at least well.

You can also draw up a kind of contract with the Criminal Code. It prescribes how flights of stairs should be cleaned with the participation of residents. In this case, the Management Company may reduce or even remove the fee for cleaning flights of stairs. But this fact is written on paper, otherwise it is considered insignificant.

But when washing dirty entrances becomes the duty of the inhabitants of the ZhNM, then this is a direct violation of the law. Residential cleaning apartment buildings by the forces of apartment owners in them is not the norm. It is important to understand that cleaning the dirty entrances of apartment buildings lies on the shoulders of the Criminal Code, for failure to comply with such an obligation, the company can be punished.


Today in the country there are strict standards for cleaning the entrances of the house. They are described in legislative acts: "Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock" No. 170; Decree of the Russian Parliament No. 290; State GOST 51617-2000.

It clearly states who should clean up the dirty entrance, how often and in what form this happens. Separately, you should touch the garbage chute in an apartment building - cleaning it is required. It is held every day.

How well a multi-storey building is cleaned can be appreciated by its residents. They have the right to choose their own access inspector for sanitary and hygienic control of stairs and other areas of the front door.

But it is not necessary to shift all responsibility for the entrance to the cleaners. If the residents do not maintain order, make a mess in the garbage bins, deliberately spoil appearance entrance, then you should not expect a miracle.

In any high-rise building the entrance is a kind of hallway for all available apartments. In some houses, such rooms are comfortable, spacious, and, most importantly, clean. Other residential buildings cannot boast of this. In practice, cleaning of entrances belongs to the services of LCD services. Therefore, such a task should be solved by the management company, whose employees know how to put things in order at the entrance. As a result dirty entrance can become exemplary, and residents are satisfied with how it is cleaned and cleaned.

The existing law clearly regulates the frequency, deadlines, as well as requirements for how places should be cleaned common use and stairs. Special documents contain information on the operational and technical conditions for the maintenance of such premises. Therefore, each employee of such services, knowing the adopted law on maintaining order in public places, knows how many times a month he should clean the entrance.

According to existing documentation, which is determined by the relevant law, residents are not required to clean and wash common areas, as well as hire a cleaner to restore order. Such work must be carried out by employees of specialized organizations with which an appropriate contract has been concluded, a sample of which can be taken from the department.

This agreement contains information that is fully justified by the living conditions of people in residential buildings, as well as who is responsible for the implementation of all provisions. The document contains several important points, which detail the features of how to clean common areas, namely:

  • the timing and frequency of work to restore order in such a room;
  • frequency of cleaning stairs;
  • frequency of cleaning the area near the garbage wire;
  • the frequency of cleaning in the elevator room;
  • frequency of cleaning window sills, windows and lamps in the entrance;
  • works on deratization and disinfection.

This contract clearly states how often the floors of common areas in such homes should be cleaned and mopped. It also indicates the responsible person who is responsible for the quality of work on cleaning such premises. A sample document can be found in the administration of the service company.

Features of maintenance and washing of premises

The basis for the proper maintenance of common areas in residential funds is the observance of the frequency
cleaning in such areas. The regulatory part of the work on sanitation, where it is used special remedy, also clearly defines the relevant law. Depending on the special equipment available at the entrances, cleaning schedules for such areas are drawn up. As installed equipment, which should also be washed, means an elevator and a garbage chute.

The presence of elevator equipment in the entrance increases the degree of load on the person responsible for cleaning, since he often has to wash the floor in this room and wipe the walls.

In the entrances with an elevator on the middle floors, it is enough to clean and wash the floors once a week. The presence in the household of a garbage chute system implies its regular maintenance. In practice, the cleaner has to clean the floors every day in front of the hatches where the garbage is unloaded. It also provides for a contract for cleaning entrances.

A worker who maintains such equipment must remove all garbage from the waste bin, as well as mop the floors in the waste bin daily. In practice, he should wash the change containers. Once a week, the cleaner is obliged, as stipulated by the contract, to clean and clean the garbage loading hatches. Once a month, it is necessary to wash and disinfect, using a special agent, all elements of the garbage chute system, as well as the waste receiver chamber.

How is the maintenance and washing of entrances

Putting things in order at the entrances determines the corresponding contract, which clearly states how many times these common areas should be cleaned. This agreement allows you to find out how often the person responsible for order is obliged to clean the floors and walls of places that residents consider communal property general purpose. The procedure is based on the quantity and quality of work on the maintenance of those places where the cleaning lady performs her duties. If the work is not done as defined by the contract, then the residents of the entrance have the right to file a complaint, having an appropriate sample of writing. This clearly defines the law, the contract, as well as the instruction.

As the adopted law defines, servicing such public places implies daily wet cleaning on the lower floors. For this, a wet broom is used, which processes the floor and the lower part of the walls. Stair flights and floors of the two lower floors, including the entrance platform, are subjected to similar cleaning. Sweeping with a wet broom of the upper floors should be done twice a week. If there is an elevator car, its base must be cleaned in this way at least once a week. Cleaning such places is a very important undertaking.

Processing of the territory in front of the garbage chute, as regulated by the relevant law, using a wet broom is recommended to be done daily. Cleaning the base on the landings and flights of the upper floors, if the elevator is in operation, is usually done once a week. Wet treatment of the walls of the elevator cabin is recommended to be carried out at the same frequency. Once a week, it is necessary to clean the gratings installed on the ground in front of the entrance to the entrance.

As the law defines, an important measure is the local general cleaning of surfaces, architectural elements and equipment at the entrance. Such work is usually carried out once a year. A responsible employee must clean windows, lamps from dirt, and also remove dust from ceilings using suitable tool and rigging. It also includes cleaning mailboxes and boxes where electric meters are located.

Smolensk, April 23 - AiF-Smolensk. Finally, the spring that came to Smolensk exposed not only the city sidewalks and courtyards hitherto hidden under the snow, but also, perhaps, the eternal communal problems of the Smolensk people.

For example, such as leaking roofs and poorly cleaned stairwells. However, in the communal sphere of Smolensk there are many, the relevance of which does not at all depend on the natural seasons. True, no one calls for passively accepting the blows of communal fate: it is not only possible, but necessary, to fight for your “housing rights”. Well, how to do it correctly in order to achieve the maximum effect, explains Oleg Rabushenko, head of the NP Association of Independent Lawyers of Smolensk.

Scheduled cleaning

How many times a week should they clean the porch? Which normative act can you refer to, complaining to the housing department about insufficiently good cleaning?

Poor cleaning at the entrance is a violation of the rights of tenants of apartment buildings, who monthly pay the management company for the maintenance and repair of common property. The frequency and volume of cleaning are prescribed in the contract with the management company, but they must comply government regulations and norms technical operation housing stock(Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 No. 170).

So, let's figure out what yours are required to do? Every day, the cleaning lady of the management company must sweep the platforms and stairs of the first two floors, do wet cleaning in front of the garbage chute valves on all floors of the house, and wash the floor in the elevator cabin. At least once a week - clean the area in front of the entrance to the entrance, sweep all flights of stairs and landings with a wet broom, if the house is equipped with elevators. If the residential building is not equipped with a garbage chute and elevators, then the cleaner must sweep the platforms and stairs located above the second floor twice a week. Twice a month in houses where there are garbage chutes and elevators, wet cleaning of elevator cabins (walls, ceiling and doors should be wiped) and washing of landings and marches in the house.

Once a month, the cleaning lady needs to wash all landings and marches in the entrances where there are elevators and. Just twice a year, a cleaner should wipe window sills and radiators in the entrance with a damp cloth and once a year wash windows, wipe walls, ceiling lamps, doors and mailboxes.

All this constitutes the general standards for cleaning entrances. Unfortunately, sometimes management companies, DEZs and ZhEKs save on the salaries of cleaners, reducing their cleaning standards. Which, of course, affects the cleanliness in our entrances. Of course, there are also simply unscrupulous cleaners, because their work is rarely checked by higher bosses. So, if dirt constantly reigns in your entrance, you need to act. And first, try contacting your management company, because if the cleaning was done improperly, the tenants have the right to demand a recalculation of the maintenance fee. In order to substantiate your claims, draw up an act in any form (with the signatures of several neighbors) and indicate the period when the entrance was not cleaned.

If your appeal remains unanswered, now complain about your management company to the State Housing Inspectorate. Most likely, the Criminal Code will be attracted to, and henceforth it will be much more responsible in complying with its obligations for the maintenance of common house property.

Whom to pay?

Since the beginning of the year, we have received two receipts for payment of housing and communal services: one - from LLC "UK" Warm house”, the second - from ZhEO Prigorskoye LLC (Prigorskoye Utility Systems). Moreover, the numbers in these receipts do not match. And recently an announcement appeared stating that for January, February and March 2013, we have to pay for maintenance and repairs to Teply Dom, and for water and heating - to ZhEO Prigorskoye. And then follows a postscript signed by the head of the administration of the Prigorsky rural settlement O.A. Goncharova: “According to the results of an open tender for the right to lease heating and water supply networks in the village, LLC Management Company Teply Dom was declared the winner. In the following months, payment for the services "heating", "hot water supply", "cold water supply", "sewerage" shall be made at LLC "MC "Teply Dom".

I don’t understand what is happening and who needs to pay?

According to information on the Internet, municipality"Prigorsk rural settlement" of the Smolensk region Smolensk region in accordance with the order of the head of the Prigorsky rural settlement Goncharov Oleg Anatolyevich dated February 8, 2013 No. 17, an open tender was announced for the right to conclude a lease agreement for municipal property owned by the Prigorsky rural settlement.

On March 15, 2013, the results of this competition were announced: Teply Dom Management Company LLC was declared the winner, the protocol for evaluating and comparing applications for participation in an open tender No. 708 dated March 15, 2013 is posted on the official website Based on the results, a contract for the lease of all communications intended to provide the residents of the settlement with communal services was concluded between OOO MC Tepliy Dom and the Prigorsky rural settlement.

Thus, it can be assumed that LLC "UK" Teply Dom "from now on is the executor utilities in full and is responsible not only for maintenance and repair, but also for providing consumers with all utilities. In this case, payment for services must be made by this management company. If double receipts continue to come, then you should contact the prosecutor's office, which will check this fact.

And without water...

Today they called me and said that I have to pay 800 rubles for a new water meter, which costs 56,000 rubles (the amount is divided among all residents). But we already have a counter in our house, and a relatively new one, it stood for only three years. In addition, as far as I know, under the energy saving program, funds should be allocated from the budget for the replacement of metering devices, and almost all cities. Smolensk that, does not fall under the scope of this program? And do we need to change ours in three years?

Indeed, your situation is rather ambiguous. According to the requirements of the State Standard, the minimum service life of water meters is 12 years. But at the same time, for the specified period, such devices must undergo two mandatory verifications with an interval of 5-6 years, and metering devices hot water- three, that is, every four years.

The question of why it was necessary to change the metering device after three years and why this moment was not agreed with the owners of the house should be asked to those who are responsible for the operation and safety of common house metering devices. Such responsibility lies with the organization that maintains this house (for example, your management company). At the same time, the utility service provider is obliged to annually check the presence and safety of control seals on metering devices with the preparation of an appropriate act. For information on this issue You need to apply in writing to the management company or HOA. If there is no answer, you can apply with an application to. If the tenants themselves manage the house, then they should contact the resource supply organization directly with a similar question.

According to the current legislation, the costs associated with the installation of common house meters are borne by the owners of premises in an apartment building. It is they who should initiate a meeting of homeowners and decide on the installation of common house meters. From July 1, 2012, resource supplying organizations are forced to install common metering devices in those houses where they were not installed voluntarily before the specified period. The costs, again, are borne by the owners.

But in your particular case, there was no such need. Therefore, if in the end it turns out that the meter was replaced without an objective reason (for example, someone decided to earn extra money on it), there will be a real reason to go to the prosecutor's office or court.

Dirt in the apartment is always unpleasant, and therefore we try to clean up the house at least once a week. The entrance of the “high-rise building” is also a place where we often visit, and all those impurities that accumulate in the room for many days get into the apartment along with shoes. This state of affairs not only causes negative emotions, but it can also become a real threat to the health of residents.

Today, the organization of cleaning of entrances in an apartment building is regulated by the standards of 2019 and is the direct responsibility of the responsible authority that maintains the residential complex. This provision is fixed in Art. 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and has not changed recently. In our article, we will talk about what standards are established regarding the maintenance of flights of stairs in the MKD and how often the common house area should be cleaned.

According to the law, a cleaner for each entrance of the "high-rise building" should not be hired. The responsible person can service several objects at once - from 3 to 10. If the management company or other authorized body does not provide such a service, then it violates the provisions of the current legislation, as well as established standards. According to the provisions of the Decree of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation No. 17 dated September 27, 2003, stairwells are required to be cleaned by employees of the Criminal Code. It is allowed to conclude agreements with specialized firms.

A new document regulating the organization and conduct of such a procedure was PP No. 290 dated April 3, 2013, which stated that cleaning should be carried out by designated persons on the basis of official documentation and with the formation of a work schedule.

What are the rules for performing the necessary work today?

Section 36 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation indicates which property is common house and is in use by residents of MKD. Based on this, the management company is obliged to organize all the necessary actions to maintain the property in normal condition. If we talk specifically about the types of cleaning, then wet cleaning is mandatory for areas of the residential complex:

  • corridors and vestibules;
  • window sills, window bars;
  • elevators;
  • electrical cabinet doors;
  • cells for postal correspondence;
  • stairs and platforms.

According to these provisions, the money transferred by citizens for the maintenance of the premises should be partially spent on ensuring cleanliness in the house.

How often should rooms be cleaned according to GOSTs?

It should be noted that according to the technical conditions of GOST 51617-2000 on housing and communal services, a cleaner must carry out not only all compulsory work, but also to do it with a certain frequency. In this case, we are talking about the following regulation:

Types of cleaning workFrequency of holding
Sweep flights of stairs and landings on the first floors of the MKD.Every day except Sundays and public holidays.
Performing similar actions, starting from the third floor, if the building does not have a garbage chute and an elevator, and if such equipment is available.At least 2 times a week, if there is only a garbage chute and if there is no equipment. Enough 1 time per week, when there is an elevator.
Wet cleaning near the garbage loading valve.Daily.
Washing stairs and platformsUp to 2 times in 30 days, and in the presence of an elevator and a garbage chute - 1 time per month.
Elevator floor cleaning.6 times a week, except Sundays and holidays.
Wet cleaning in the elevator.2 times a month.
Wet processing of windows, gratings, stairs to the attic, electricity meter cabinets, mailboxes, as well as sweeping dust from ceiling. Washing batteries and risers.At least 2 times a year.
Cleaning the grate, pit and area in front of the entranceRuns once a week.

The listed standards and requirements must be strictly observed by responsible persons, otherwise this will lead to a violation of the rights of citizens, and possibly to litigation.

Who is responsible for keeping the common property clean?

At the beginning of the article, it was already noted that all responsibility for organizing the cleaning of entrances in accordance with current regulations lies with the company that maintains the premises. However, there are some subtleties here. There are a number of engineering and communication nodes that are forbidden to be touched, much less washed by people who do not have a certain level of clearance. In particular, we are talking about power grids or other systems.

The management company is obliged to organize dry and wet cleaning of those premises that are not related to the supply of certain energy resources. Based on this, cleaning should only concern the organization and conduct of the above activities.

How to resolve possible conflicts?

Today, many residents of MKD complain about the poor quality of cleaning in the entrances, as well as its complete absence. The condition of the entrances in most residential complexes extremely negative, ranging from constant garbage on the floor to dirt and dust on the walls.

Not everyone agrees to endure this state of affairs and often turn to the leadership of the Criminal Code to resolve the situation. In addition to an oral appeal, the residents of the house have the right to draw up and submit a written claim of a collective nature for permanent dirt in the entrances of the house. In turn, representatives of the Criminal Code must take action and correct the situation.

Sometimes difficulties arise with the cleaner who was hired to do the job. It happens that an employee works carelessly or performs her duties with a violation of the schedule. Here you should also file a complaint with the Criminal Code.

If no action has been taken by the organization, then it is necessary to submit an application to the Prosecutor's Office and to Rospotrebnadzor. Such appeals are considered within a month, after which the citizen receives a written response.


Cleaning at the entrance is a very important event that is often ignored by the management company. Each tenant has the right to file a complaint with the regulatory authorities and hold the Criminal Code accountable. To do this, you need to have a general understanding of the regulations in force in 2019.

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