How to switch Russian on a computer. How to change the language on the keyboard in various ways

Any user has to switch the keyboard layout from Russian to English language and vice versa. There may be others, but these are the main ones. You have to change them both when typing texts and when generating queries for search engines, and when commenting on posts.

An experienced user performs such a shift without thinking. There are no tricks here. But if a person is just starting to master a computer, then the following tips will help him switch to another language. On laptops and computers, there are several options for how to change it.

The letter designation that displays the system language is located at the bottom of the screen, in the right corner next to the clock. Changing the layout of the computer is carried out using the manipulator: just click the left button on the panel to go to the pop-up window in which to tick the desired one.

The language bar is displayed when more than one language is used on the system. For example, if only English is specified, it will not be visible. It takes at least two to turn it on.

Using the keyboard

This method is most often used as the most convenient. Therefore, we will consider it in detail.

Switching from Russian to English and vice versa is done with the help of "hot keys". These are combinations of buttons, pressing which activates the sequential change of system languages, makes it possible to switch from one to another.
The required keys must be pressed simultaneously. "Hot" buttons are selected during the installation of Windows.

Combinations are used:

  • Ctrl+Shift;
  • Alt + Shift (Alt, which is located on the left);

If you don’t know which option is set for your computer or laptop, go through the combination options, so you will understand which one you can use to switch from Russian to English or to another.

With a custom keyboard

If for some reason you are not comfortable making a switch, it is easy to make a convenient combination of buttons yourself. For this you need:

The described algorithm is suitable for all versions of the operating system, the names of the panels may vary slightly. But in terms of meaning, finding the right menu is quite simple.

If for some reason the required language is not available, it is not difficult to add it. English is usually the default. If you need to add, for example, Russian, you need to go to the same menu as for changing the layout. But in the "General" tab.

After selecting the "Add" button, a list of possible languages ​​for use will become available. After confirming the choice of the desired one, it will be displayed in the panel and will be available for switching from the keyboard.


Sometimes they use to change the layout special programs, which determine which language is typed in and automatically switch to it. This is handy if you often forget to switch layouts, only to find out when you've already typed some text. The best programs recognized Punto Switcher, Key Switcher, Anetto Layout, Keyboard Ninja.

If you need to use foreign words in the text, use the special option by selecting it on the keyboard or working panel of your laptop. At the same time, each user can use the most convenient keyboard shortcuts for him, customizing them for himself.

You will need

  • - laptop.


  • Keyboard keys Ctrl, Alt and Shift are the main assistants when working on a computer. In particular, it is their use that helps the user to configure and save the necessary language bar settings.
  • To do this, you need to visit go to the "Start" menu, located in the lower left corner on the desktop. It is from this button that all the basic operations performed with the laptop begin, and the settings of all the main parameters.
  • To change the properties of the language bar from the Start menu, go to the "Control Panel" section and select the "Regional and Language Options" line from the list in the window that opens. Click on this inscription and make the settings you need.
  • This section contains several special subsections. Among them are "Languages ​​and keyboards", "Location", "Formats", "Advanced". From the "Formats" menu, select the language that will be used as the default language. Here you can also define other properties of your computer, in particular, specify in what format it is necessary to make short and full records of dates, times, etc.
  • The "Languages ​​and keyboards" section helps you configure the properties of the language bar, its placement on the desktop, and, if necessary, hide it or pin it to the toolbar.
  • In the Text input languages ​​and services section, in the General submenu, specify the language that you want to use as the primary language when typing. The "Language bar" sub-item is required for the settings of the language bar. By selecting one of the items in this section, the language bar can be placed anywhere on the desktop, pinned to the toolbar, hidden, made transparent, displayed additional icons, etc.
  • The third paragraph of the section "Languages ​​and text input services" allows you to set the most preferred combination of keyboard buttons for changing the language. To do this, open the "Keyboard Switching" sub-item and see which of the layout options is currently in use. If the available button layout does not suit you, set the option that is most preferable for you. Click the button labeled "Change keyboard shortcut" and check the box for one of the suggested use cases to change the input language of the buttons and keyboard layout. IN this case Alt+Shift or Ctrl+Shift combinations are used. Select the desired item and save the changes by clicking OK. After entering these parameters when typing and switching to another language, it will be enough to press the buttons indicated during the setup.
  • You can change the language without resorting to keyboard keys. To do this, left-click on the inscription RU or EN on the toolbar and select the language you need to enter.
  • The age of globalization is a century international communication. We all have to communicate with our relatives living abroad. Or with business partners from abroad. And someone is just interested in practicing their knowledge of the language.

    But you can't write in Russian letters English words- no one will understand you. Yes, and it often happens that it is necessary to insert foreign words into the text of an article or story, and therefore you need to know how to switch the language on the keyboard in order to write this very word. There are several ways, and we will consider the three most basic.

    Switching with hotkeys

    Perhaps this is the fastest and reliable way. In order to change the layout on the keyboard, you need to hold down only two keys at the same time: Shift + Alt or Shift + Ctrl. These are standard operating room combinations. Windows systems. But they can be changed - we will talk about this a little later.

    Working with the language bar

    On the taskbar, which is located at the bottom of the desktop, among the icons on the right, the language bar is always displayed. She looks like two letters: RU - if you have Russian or EN - if English.

    If you don't have these icons, you can add them. For this you need:

    1. Right click on the taskbar.
    2. Go to the "Panels" menu.
    3. Check the box next to "Language bar".

    Using the language bar, you can also learn how to change the keyboard layout. To do this, left-click on the RU or EN icon and check the box next to the language that we need.

    How to add a language

    But what if the required language is not available? Don't worry, it's easy to add! For this:

    1. Right-click on the language bar.
    2. Select "Settings".
    3. In the "General" tab, click on the "Add" button.
    4. Among the huge list of languages, select the one that we need.
    5. Click on it and select the usual keyboard layout.
    6. Click on the "OK" button.

    That's it, now you have not two icons in the language bar, but three.

    Using the same "Options" menu, you can set hotkeys for changing languages ​​and for each language separately. You can do this in the Keyboard Switching tab.

    Special programs

    But pressing hotkeys or clicking on the language bar every time is inconvenient. That is why there is such a convenient program as Punto Switcher. This program automatically guesses what language you are typing in and switches it by replacing the word.

    It would seem that a completely trivial problem is how to change the language on the keyboard. But sometimes this simple question baffles not only novice users. Let's figure it out in order, based on which operating system your computer is running.

    How to change the language on the Microsoft Windows keyboard

    IN Microsoft Windows the standard keyboard shortcuts for changing the language are either left Alt+Shift or Ctrl+Shift.

    Experienced users, sitting down at an unfamiliar car for a short time, simply press both combinations in a row and do not rack their brains on how to change the language on the keyboard in each case.

    You can, of course, change the language layout each time by clicking on the language bar icon in the tray (in the right corner of the taskbar, next to the clock) - but using keyboard shortcuts is easier and faster.

    Another question is how to switch keyboard layouts if more than two languages ​​are required - for example, Russian, Ukrainian and English.

    To solve this problem, as well as many other difficulties, you need to use the control panel:

    How to change language on Linux keyboard

    In Linux of relatively new assemblies, the process of switching and setting languages ​​is not fundamentally different.

    How to change the language on the keyboard in Ubuntu: the same keyboard shortcuts Alt + Shift or Ctrl + Shift.

    How to set keyboard language settings:

    How to change language on Mac keyboard

    With a Mac, things are a bit more complicated. Usually, the language layout of the keyboard here is changed by the key combination CMD (a kind of Mas’ lattice) + Space (Space).

    But in Mac OS X, for example, there is no shortcut for changing the Mac layout by default. Instead of changing the language, the CMD+Space keyboard shortcut brings up the Spotlight search bar.

    To disable this, you need to go to "System Preferences" - "Keyboard" - "Keyboard Shortcut".

    Here in the Spotlight tab you need to uncheck both items.

    Then here you need to go to the "Keyboards and Input" tab and check the boxes next to the CMD + Space keyboard shortcut to switch layouts. Now you know how to change the language on the Mac keyboard.

    And in order to change the set of languages ​​used, just go to "System Settings" - "Language and Text" - "Input Sources".

    Here you can check the boxes to select the languages ​​​​that you plan to use, as well as disable those that you do not need.

    By the way, a very common problem is that the language keyboard layout simply refuses to change.

    There can be many reasons for this: from tricks of insidious viruses to bugs in the system itself. But more often than not, the keyboard layout does not change due to incorrect user actions.

    If this happens, first try restarting the machine. If the reboot does not help, or helps, but only for short term Then check your computer for viruses.

    Most likely, no pests will be found - but what if?

    The third step is to reset the language settings to "default" and check the operability of the switching keyboard shortcuts: you may have made a mistake somewhere while configuring this setting for yourself.

    And finally, there are utilities for automatic switching keyboard layouts, such as the popular Punto Switcher.

    These programs can both solve the problem with switching layouts and create it. Be careful with them!


    While typing, it is not always convenient to switch the input language with the mouse. It takes extra time to put your hand on the mouse, determine where the cursor is, move it to the "Language bar" icon, click on it, wait for the menu to appear and set the marker opposite the desired language.

    Switching from Russian to English and back is faster. You only need to enter a combination of two keys. Depending on the settings of your particular computer, you need to press either the Alt and Shift keys or the Ctrl and Shift keys at the same time.

    To customize the keys with which it will be more convenient for you to switch, call the Regional and Language Options component. To do this, click the "Start" button and select "Control Panel" from the menu. In the "Region, Date, Time, and Language" category, click on the "Regional and Language Options" icon.

    A new dialog box will open. Go to the "Languages" tab in it and click on the "Details" button in the "Languages ​​and text input services" group. Another window will open. Open the "Settings" tab in it and click on the "Keyboard settings" button.

    In the new window "Advanced keyboard settings" click on the button "Change keyboard shortcuts" - the following window will open. Make sure there is a check mark in the "Switch Input Languages" box.

    The Shift key is the main key when switching the text input language. It cannot be changed to another key. You need to choose which key will be additional - Ctrl or Alt. Set the marker in the field corresponding to the additional key you have chosen and click the OK button.

    Press the OK button in succession until you have closed all called windows. In those windows where the "Apply" button is provided, click it to confirm the new settings. Close the last window by clicking the OK button or the [x] icon.


    • how to toggle key
    • Can't switch languages ​​from Russian to English and disappeared

    On operating systems with a Unix-like architecture, there is usually an account with an identifier zero. By default, its login is root. A user with access to such an account has unlimited privileges in the system. Many administrative tasks can only be solved if it is possible to switch to root.

    You will need

    • - a computer with a Unix-like operating system;
    • - root credentials.


    When working in a text console or a terminal emulator for a graphical environment, in case you need to execute several commands with root privileges, use the su command. Get information about the operation of this program by requesting internal help using the --help option:
    su --help
    You can also read the man or info documentation:
    man su
    info su
    Switch to root by executing the su command and entering the password. When finished, issue the exit command to end the session.

    To switch to root in order to execute a single command, it is advisable to use the sudo command. It's also a good idea to read the man, info documentation, or built-in help before using it, as it accepts quite a few options, and many of them may be useful (eg -H, -S). However, to execute a command as root, it will be enough to execute sudo with a single parameter, which is a string containing the command. For example:
    sudo env | grep SUDO
    This may require you to enter your own password. account. Note that in order to be able to use sudo, your user must be on the permission lists defined in the /etc/sudoers file.

    You can switch to root by simply logging in with that user's credentials in a text console. Switch to a free console by pressing Alt+Fx (or Ctrl+Alt+Fx when working in a graphical environment), where Fx is one of the twelve function keys. Enter root as the username. Then enter the password.

    When working in a graphical environment, it will not be possible to switch to root in the same way that in Windows you can switch to administrator (by changing the user). However, you can unload the X server and restart it as root. Try shutting down the X server by exiting the graphical environment. If it restarts or reboots, select the console login option on the login screen.

    Log in with root credentials in a text console. Run the startx command to start the graphical shell.


    • how to switch to video in 2019

    Almost any PC user at the stage of mastering a computer was worried about the question: how to print English letters or how to switch the font from Russian to English and vice versa? It is very easy to do this, you can use several methods:


    First way. On the taskbar, in the lower right corner there is a . Click on it and in the window that opens, use the mouse to select desired language. If the panel is not displayed on the taskbar, then you can find it by right-clicking on the panel itself, in the window that appears, select the “toolbars” item and then check the “language bar” checkbox.

    The second way. The most common. Press the key combination Ctrl + Shift or Alt + Shift on your keyboard. Usually in Windows language the default is Russian-, so this method should work.

    The third way. Self-configuration buttons to change the language. To do this, go to the start menu - toolbar - language and regional standards (for those who use Windows XP). Select the "Languages" tab, in order to view or change the language, click on the "Details" button. In the window that opens, you can make changes to (enable or disable from the taskbar, change the default languages), as well as change the keyboard settings.

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    Helpful advice

    If none of the above methods helped. It is most likely that some application has crashed due to malware. Use an antivirus program or contact a specialist for help.

    Advice 4: How to switch the keyboard from Russian to English

    OS support multiple languages. In Windows, switching between Russian and English layouts is implemented by default. In the process of working with the system, the input settings may change and to enable the English layout, you may need to edit some options.

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