Negative phenomena when working with the ajna chakra. The effect of working with chakra. Effect on hormones

Ajna is the sixth chakra, which is associated with an intuitive understanding of the world and the ability to imagine. She acts as an intermediary between the Higher Consciousness and his Ego. In this article I will tell you what the ajna chakra is responsible for, what are its manifestations on the human physical body.

Translated from the ancient Sanskrit language, ajna means "to know" or "to command." It is from here, from the 6th chakra, that intuitive knowledge passes to the lower chakras and becomes available to our mind.

The sixth chakra is associated with indigo, the dark blue color of the night sky. The image is a circle with two petals. They are usually painted in blue or white.

Two petals symbolize the two hemispheres of the brain - left and right, the two lobes of the pituitary gland. This image contains the idea of ​​the unity of opposites, as well as the polarities of our life.

  • The right hemisphere is concerned with psychic powers and intuitive knowledge.
  • The left is the mind or reason, from which we also draw knowledge about the world.

The ajna chakra unites the sun and moon, mind and body. All yogas point to the particular importance of gradually opening this chakra.

Location of ajna and its meaning

Find out where the ajna chakra is located. In the photo below you will see that it is located between the eyebrows in the middle of the forehead. Hence its second name is the third eye chakra.

What are we living for? What is the purpose of our life? What is "I"? What is truth? We are looking for these answers, walking along the difficult path of spiritual self-improvement.

From the moment the sixth ajna chakra opens, all these questions dissolve in the silence of the human soul, peace and great Love. All universal knowledge immediately becomes apparent, and everything falls into place.

The magnificent two-petaled flower of wisdom, indigo, ajna, delights with its perfection. One of its petals is subject to the moon, and the other to the sun.

Day and night, light and darkness, good and evil - the personification of the human nature of the mind, which is used to dividing everything into good and bad.

We experience duality human consciousness: awareness and unconsciousness, left and right hemispheres of the brain.

Rising higher and higher above your consciousness, above the mountains and the celestial sphere, you find yourself among other worlds, beautiful and perfect, merging into the beat of the Universe, dissolving in everything, your own “I” is erased.

Everything mundane leaves, the veil of illusions slips away, and only pure consciousness remains, the Spirit, free and floating in the infinite, incomparable Light of Divine Love, of which EVERYTHING consists. The element of the ajna chakra is this Light that leads to the truth and illuminates our path in the darkness.

What is the ajna chakra responsible for? The sixth chakra is responsible for everything related to the brain and memory, as well as for:

  • perception of the surrounding world;
  • awareness of the power of thought and imagination;
  • flexibility of thinking;
  • the ability to create mental images;
  • understanding (comprehension) of the world;
  • development of creative imagination;
  • intuitive awareness;
  • the ability to see the situation from the outside.

The 6th chakra, or, as it is also called, the third eye chakra, is also responsible for the balance between the left and right hemispheres of the brain, for the balance of intuition and emotions with logic and reason.

In her power is the physical harmony of man, peace of mind and wisdom.

IN spiritual aspect Ajna is responsible for extrasensory perception the surrounding world. There is an ability to see human auras, to feel what is happening on the subtle plane.

A channel with Divine spheres opens, all feelings and sensations become sharper. Knowledge comes that is not subject to the laws of logic. Life becomes a miracle thanks to the magnificent blue lotus called ajna.

How does a healthy chakra work?

Man with healthy chakra the third eye seeks to achieve harmony with the world around it, the same as in the entire universe. He gains peace and self-confidence. All universal wisdom becomes subject to him.

A person with a balanced ajna has nowhere else to rush and nothing to look for - he is an observer who does not dwell on the past and does not think about the future - the moment "here and now" completely absorbs him.

Such people “savor” life: slowly, without haste, they enjoy every moment of it. They are pleased with every little thing - the light of a star, the swaying of a blade of grass, the morning sunrise.

They understood the meaning of life, acquired the knowledge that they need for their further existence in harmony with the Universe and themselves.

Those people whose 6th chakra works correctly are able to control their thoughts and emotions, directing them in the direction they need. The ability to analyze them gives the ability to discard everything alien, get rid of the unnecessary and superfluous - attitudes towards people, certain situations and circumstances.

With a healthy ajna chakra, we understand which thoughts and emotions are comfortable for us, and which ones can bring us out of peace of mind. The intuition of such people is so developed that they know what to do in a given situation.

Inner peace and confidence that everything is happening as it should allow them to live without worrying about the material aspect of life.

An open third eye chakra helps to feel subtle emotional condition other people even at a distance.

Material values ​​​​of people with developed ajna are no longer interested, as such. They see money only as a means of existence in the earthly world. In an effort to achieve material prosperity, they open up endless opportunities for self-improvement and spiritual growth.

When the 6th chakra is open, a person realizes his destiny in this world, the laws by which the Universe exists are revealed to him.

Your own life becomes so clear that you can build it according to your desires and universal laws. A state of happiness, love and harmony comes.

The craving for creation, creation in creativity, inspiration, receiving tremendous inner strength and energy of creation, your own world of Light and Love - all this is work. open chakra third eye.

Imbalance in the third eye chakra

If there is an imbalance in the work of the 6th chakra, then a person feels the meaninglessness of his existence, a misunderstanding of his destiny. He feels like a failure, he is haunted by fears, anxiety, mental discomfort, illusions, pride, confusion in the head, insomnia.

Signs of a closed Ajna chakra are as follows:

  • rejection of oneself, one's "I";
  • endless stream negative emotions and thoughts;
  • inability to distinguish truth from lies;
  • constant stress and prolonged depression;
  • fear of revealing oneself to the world and people;
  • sick imagination;
  • conflict with oneself.

If a person is unable to accept himself and the world around him as it is, his negative emotions rage like the ocean during a storm. And obsessive and bad thoughts take power over him - this indicates that ajna is blocked.

It seems to people with a closed third eye chakra that all negativity comes to them from outside, while they themselves are the source of all negative emotions and negative thoughts.

If the chakra is unhealthy, then the person does not want and cannot trust his higher "I" - he perceives everything only through logic and intelligence. Building a chain of actions in some business, he immediately abandons it if that chain fails.

Such a person does not take anything for granted, demanding evidence for everything - he does not have enough of his own sensations and intuition prompts, which he considers illogical.

To believe, he must see and touch. Spirituality is completely denied by such people.

It happens that an individual with an unbalanced ajna still understands spiritual truths, but this knowledge is extremely superficial.

Often, such people, flaunting their so-called spiritual skills, engage in narcissism, trying to artificially arouse admiration in other people. Or they use these skills for selfish purposes, manipulating others, causing awe in them with their actions.

This type of people includes a variety of charlatans and false magicians.

A closed chakra often leads to insecurity in the universe. Then people cease to understand the meaning of what is happening to them, which causes them fear and anxiety before tomorrow. Hiding this fear, they put on a mask of cynicism, which they eventually get used to.

Ajna chakra is the sixth energy center, its name in Sanskrit means "control area". This one is represented by a circle of the color of the sky, which is framed by 2 lotus leaves, on which 2 feet are depicted. The 2 central petals are the personification of the Sun and the Moon, forty-nine and fifty letters from the Sanskrit alphabet Ham and Ksham are inscribed on them. In the center of the lotus is an inverted triangle, which is a symbol of the yoni, and in its inner part is the itaralingam.

The sixth energy center is located in the area between the eyebrows, in other sources you can stumble upon its second name - “bhrumadhya”. The energy center, unlike the previous chakras, has a very - so you can find yellow, blue and purple shades in it, from time to time the chakra becomes white (the color is a symbol of creativity and spiritual aspirations).

The Buddha statue very well conveys the material embodiment of ajna: a precious mineral is traditionally inserted in the area between the eyebrows, indicating wisdom and an elevated level of consciousness.

In Indian religious doctrine often different deities and mythological heroes are depicted with a third eye.

How chakra affects the body

The sixth energy center is responsible for the spiritual personal growth, and also controls all physiological processes that occur inside the body. The chakra restores the state of the vegetative system, ensures the health of the liver, organs of vision, smell, improves the condition of the ridge, and the endocrine system is also in its control (this includes the pituitary gland with the pineal gland).

Traditionally, the chakra is divided into 3 main levels, in which the mental shells of the personality are located:

  • upper level - provides awareness of social processes;
  • medium - contributes to the disclosure of the personality's ability to understand oneself and conscious control over the formulation of personal intentions with aspirations;
  • lower - provides the ability to understand the psyche of the people around them with their worldview and aspirations.

When a person works with all three aspects of the chakra at once, there is an active development of his physical and mental activity, complete connection with nature occurs, harmonization of all nerve endings in the body occurs, due to which a kind of nirvana is achieved.

The geniuses of science who are engaged in the study of human energy centers have come to the conclusion that a developed third eye gives the ability to predict the future. But this will largely depend on the purity of the energy channel that passes through the sixth chakra, connecting it with all the previous ones. The higher the purity of a person’s spiritual and energy channel, the less time he will need to reveal his hidden mental abilities, which in the future will take full control of the state of the body and mind.

Therefore, in the case strong development sixth chakra (for example, in psychics) a person is able to see certain energy formations or entities that are inaccessible to the eyes of ordinary people.

How does the wrong work of ajna affect the body

If the third eye does not work well enough, the functioning of the nervous and autonomic systems of the body deteriorates significantly. The chakra is closed by negative mental thoughts, increased concentration on the negative (the so-called pessimism), a vision of life with all its events from a negative perspective.

When a person does not think about the good, concentrating only on the negative, these data enter his consciousness with the help of active centers. As a result, wrong thinking begins to form, which in turn causes mental dissatisfaction.

It's no secret that thoughts are also energy that can attract both positive and negative into our lives. When a person constantly suffers from negative thoughts, his endocrine system goes wrong, which in turn provokes disorders of the psyche and physical body.

To avoid such negative consequences, it is important to strengthen the work of the sixth chakra. In this case, various meditation practices, as well as binja mantras, will come to your aid. Having managed to achieve full immersion in meditation, you will abstract from negative energy, you will be able to exercise complete control over your consciousness and feel only positive emotions. A good effect is also brought by watching special videos that offer innovative developments energy centers.

The sixth chakra is an integral element in the construction of the human body. It has a phenomenal power, affects the mental and physiological processes that occur with the individual. When the center is developed to a sufficient degree, a person has an immanent spiritual potential, and also looks at the world from a different angle.

What are the characteristics of a chakra

  1. Ajna carries the energy of inspiration, spirituality, awareness, possession and improvement.
  2. Its sacred sound is the word "AUM".
  3. Corresponds to the musical note LA.
  4. The overriding principle is to realize the true essence of being.
  5. The inner aspect is psychic abilities.
  6. Carries the energy of intuitive abilities.
  7. This chakra does not belong to any of the elements.
  8. She is ruled by the planet Luna.
  9. Of the sensations, ajna corresponds to cold.
  10. The chakra has no match in smell or taste.
  11. It controls the work of the central nervous system, as well as the hormonal glands - the pineal and pituitary glands.
  12. Of the organs that fall under the influence of ajna, one can name the brain with all its components, the central nervous system, face, ears, sinuses, organs of vision.
  13. If the energy center does not work properly, such pathologies begin to appear: diseases of the eyes, ears, respiratory tract, also the pathology of the nose and its sinuses, the facial nerve suffers, the appearance of headaches and nightmares is characteristic.
  14. From aromatic oils this chakra corresponds to geranium oil, lavender, rosemary, peppermint oil.
  15. To enhance the energy of ajna, one should wear such stones: blue aventurines, amethysts, indicolites, labradors, hawk eyes and.

Ways to open the "third eye"

Not everyone is born with a well-developed sixth chakra. But thanks to the activation of the center, people begin to better perceive the information that comes from the other world.

Eat great way aromatherapy to open the third eye. To do this, you need to take eucalyptus oil and rub a small amount of it around the forehead. This is done from the central part of the forehead to the bridge of the nose. Meditation can be done either in a sitting or lying position.

When you take a comfortable position, begin to concentrate on the area where the chakra is located. It is important at the physical level to feel the increase in pressure in this area. As the pressure increases, visualize the energy penetrating deep into the head. From there, a counter flow of energy begins to come out. Pay close attention to how the two energy flows meet each other and merge, becoming one.

Then start saying (or singing) the KSHAM mantra. Feel the mantra harmonize with the pressure inside your head. Give heightened attention to your inner feelings. With the help of such meditation, you will be able to open the ajna chakra and clear it of unnecessary energy blocks.

At the same time, you can pronounce the words of the mantra yourself or use the ready-made audio recording. In any case, the action of the mantra will be effective.

What causes a closed chakra

Insufficient work of the 6th energy center causes the development of pathologies of the brain, the condition of the eyes also worsens, the frontal and maxillary sinuses, and the upper jaw suffer.

A person in this case will regularly complain about headache, loss of coordination of movements, fainting spells, inability to concentrate on certain points.

In addition, ajna has control over the pineal gland and pituitary gland. The pituitary gland acts as a separate center that controls various functions. It produces hormones that affect the entire sphere of human life.

The superpowers of this chakra

A well-functioning ajna gives a person excellent vision, the ability to concentrate, good memory, thinking, helps to easily find a solution for any problems. The energy center is responsible for the conscious perception of the entire surrounding reality. This is the center for everything. mental capacity, the process of assimilation of knowledge, memory and willpower.

Another ability that a developed "third eye" gives a person is the ability to hear one's intuition and follow its voice. Also, people with a balanced ajna are inherent in wisdom. They are able to tell the development of future events, and also perceive various messages from above and interpret them correctly.

How does the opening of the chakra physically manifest itself

As you begin to open the ajna chakra, you may experience a sensation of tinnitus. This happens for the reason that you begin to perceive messages from the Universe. The main thing is not to interfere with this process.

Many people call this phenomenon clairaudience. In addition, the sensation of tinnitus indicates that your inner self is trying to send you an important message. In no case do not ignore it, listen to your heart!

It is also not uncommon for cases when, in the process of opening the 6th energy center, physical pathologies of the ears begin. Unfortunately, the opening of the "third eye" is not always associated only with positive sensations. Of the latter, there is also a feeling of strong pressure in the area where the chakra is located. You may also feel as if the chakra is being erupted on a physical level.

After studying the reviews of people who managed to open the “third eye” in themselves, you will be impressed and will definitely want to perform such a manipulation with yourself. After all, then you will be able to master the gift of clairvoyance, begin to hear your intuition, and also be able to predict future events or tell what happened in the past.

Chakra image

The image of a chakra is known as a yantra. Yantra for the sixth energy center is a lotus flower of blue color framed by two lotus petals.

If you consider this yantra for a long time, you will be able to harmonize the energy flows of the ajna chakra. It also helps clear the entire energy system of the body from various blockages. A person begins active spiritual growth.

It is important for each person to improve the work of the ajna chakra, because it plays a huge role in the overall energy state of a person. The sixth chakra has a very strong influence on both the mental and physical abilities of the human body. By opening the ajna chakra, you will learn to understand yourself better, you will clearly hear the voice of your intuition, which will help you make the right decisions in the labyrinth of life.

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Ajna Chakra is located in the center of the forehead and is responsible for all kinds of thinking, for the mind, the ability to concentrate. Under its influence is the work of the brain and such abilities as reasoning, memorization, extracting value from experience and information, patience, asceticism.

Levers of control

In the Ajna Chakra, all channels are connected and all levers of control over our body, energy and mind are concentrated. It is noteworthy that there are many other centers from Vishuddhi to Ajna, and it is possible to purify and fully balance the Ajna chakra only by purifying all the previous centers of consciousness.

So, for example, in the region of the bridge of the nose there is a strong-willed center, which is controlled by Mars, and therefore, until we direct the will inward, that is, until we understand that the cause of all problems is not outside, but inside, and also until we acquire true humility and if we do not learn to accept the will of God, we will not be able to harmonize the Ajna Chakra.

As already mentioned, in the Ajna Chakra there is a merging of flows. And one of the most important influences is the connection of the male - Pingala (Sun) and female - Ida (Moon) channels with the central channel Sushumna (Saturn). And in order to achieve balance in the Ajna Chakra, it is necessary to balance the feminine and masculine in oneself. The energy of the Ajna Chakra operates in the mind.

And the Vedas say that at first our mind is best friend and helps with everything. But at a certain stage it can become worst enemy and start interfering. This stage comes when it comes to harmonizing the Ajna Chakra. By balancing the energies, clearing will power and strong concentration, we can clear and calm the mind so that it no longer prevents us from moving on.

In the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the foundational source of classical yoga, the mind is described as a lake, and emotions as waves on the surface of water that radiate from a thrown stone. If the lake is restless, there are ripples on its surface, and silt rises from the bottom, then it is impossible to see what is hidden at the bottom. If the water calms down, clears, and water surface becomes even, then everything hidden under the water column will become visible. This lake is enclosed in the Ajna Chakra.

If this chakra is in harmony, then such a person has the gift of clairvoyance, because he can clearly see the souls of other people and the will of God. This is a genius in which the intellect is in harmony with intuition, the creative impulse is unleashed and enriched. great strength imagination. Such people can make great discoveries and receive inner insights.

The moon is responsible for the flow of energy in the Ajna Chakra

The Moon governs the mind, emotions and all the accumulated experience of all previous lives. The time comes and past experience gives rise to a certain emotion in us, which, ideally, must be consciously experienced. Instead, we often suppress our emotions. As a result, emotional blocks are created that lead to severe interruptions in the work of our mind. After all, emotions do not disappear and continue to disturb the lake.

If the Moon is pure and strong, then the mind also has purity and strength. Such a person is always peaceful, regardless of external circumstances. He draws the strength of his peace of mind from within. Therefore, such a person is always internally satisfied and satisfied with life. If something unpleasant happens, then it is perceived as the Higher will, based on love. Such a person is distinguished by the fact that he calmly experiences both positive emotions and negative ones.

If the energy of the Moon is upset, a person loses peace and emotional stability.. Emotions are weakening. The weakness of emotions can manifest itself as apathy and depression, as well as hypersensitivity, fears, and so on. After all, if there are too many unexperienced negative emotions, then sooner or later they begin to break out in uncontrolled streams. Often even positive emotions are difficult to experience, let alone negative ones. And Saturn helps us to cope with this problem.

Saturn is responsible for the outflow of energy in the Ajna Chakra

This planet helps us experience negative emotions: shame, fear, grief and guilt. Refusal to experience these emotions leads to serious malfunctions in the work of our body and mind, but it is also impossible to experience them all at once. And here the merciful and slow Saturn comes to the rescue, which slowly, but firmly, makes us face our negative emotions face to face.

After such an experience, we can completely get rid of the cause of negative emotions - pride and selfishness.. After all, negative emotions come to us according to the law of karma, as a result of the fact that we, out of a sense of selfishness, forced other souls to experience the same emotions.

And if we work through all these tasks, then we acquire the harmonious energy of Saturn, which gives inner humility and acceptance of the higher Will, non-attachment to the material, the ability to concentrate, understanding of philosophy and higher values. All this can even give the power of foresight and the ability to make discoveries.

If we refuse to experience negative emotions, we thereby do not take responsibility for our past actions and try to avoid lessons and do not want to change our attitude. In this case, we do not have any gift of foresight. And the lessons of fate will only become tougher in order to prevent an even greater deterioration in the state of the mind and body of a person.

Thus, a person, like a tennis ball, receives more and more blows of fate and at the same time does not understand why this happens and how to fix it. His life is ruled by fear, anger and despondency. The mind becomes ossified, inflexible, inhibited.

Ajna chakra - the sixth in a row, located in the center of the forehead, where, according to philosophical ideas, the third eye should be located. In Sanskrit, its name means "control center". It corresponds to two colors: purple and indigo. Such a chakra is symbolized by a special pattern: a sky-colored circle, decorated with two large lotus petals, inside of which is an image of two human feet. The stalk of the chakra moves away from this circle. The 6th ajna chakra is associated with such deep concepts as possession, awareness, spirituality, and perfection.

Ajna chakra: where is it located?

The sixth chakra is the penultimate chakra and is one of the higher levels. The principle of this chakra is awareness of the essence of life. It corresponds to the energy of intuition and extrasensory communication. It is related to the higher mental body, and on the physical level it corresponds nervous system, pituitary gland, pineal gland, brain, face and all its parts. The sound of such a chakra: “ham-ksham”.

Ajna chakra: properties

This chakra is responsible for the most important systems and organs. Due to the imbalance in it, a variety of diseases arise, among which diseases of the ear, nose and sinuses, eye diseases, respiratory diseases, headaches, diseases of the facial nerve, nightmares can be noted.

The work of this chakra affects conscious perception and controls memory, willpower and knowledge, allows you to connect to the subconscious, intuition. It gives balance to the hemispheres of the brain, harmonizing the emotions and mind.

The development of the ajna chakra makes a person wish to be harmonious, not to seek struggle, but to accept the world as multilateral and joyful. A person becomes creative, wants to become perfect, and he no longer cares usual life with accumulation

Ajna chakra: discovery

If you are thinking about how to open the ajna chakra, first do a little test. You will need a second person. The process is simple: the examiner places his thumbs above the subject's eyebrows in such a way that they form the second row of eyebrows. The remaining fingers are spread apart on the sides so that the little fingers lie behind the openings of the ears. The forehead is stroked along the eyebrows from the middle. If the subject has visions, he is ready to activate the ajna chakra. If not, you will need to work long and hard on the techniques.

Start opening the chakra better at night or in the evening - morning is not suitable for this. Every day, 20 minutes should be allotted for classes. So your actions are:

Third eye area

Take a comfortable position, preferably a lotus. Your face should be facing north or east. Rub the area of ​​the third eye with the bone of the second joint thumb right hand simple up and down motions.

Breathing technique

All 20 minutes you need to control your breathing. First, learn it, and notice already proceed with everything else. You need to breathe in and out for the same amount of time. For convenience, imagine a pendulum moving uniformly in both directions. Time is not important, but the inhalation should be deep and comfortable for you, as well as the exhalation.

When you have mastered this the simplest technique, study and more challenging. The task is to obtain a continuous way of breathing, smoothing out the transitions from inhalation to exhalation and vice versa. It is important to have the highest degree of concentration.


Relax the face, eyes and all parts of the body in sequence. This will cause blood flow to the head and make you feel a pulsation in the third eye area.

Eye position

The eyes should be closed and directed upwards, as if you were looking from the inside at a massaged and pulsating point. Soon you should be seeing visions - don't look for meaning in them. If you want to get out of this state, change the position of the body.

Opening the third eye is quite dangerous. Together with clairaudience and clairvoyance, you will begin to feel all the pain and injustice. modern world, and not everyone is able to bear this cross.

Ajna is the palace of knowledge. This is the sixth chakra, located in the head, in the area between the eyebrows, it is the center of superintuition, universal, deep ideas about the universe. In Ajna, the development of wisdom and humanity is completed; it is a bridge to the Divine Consciousness.

What is the Ajna Chakra?

The Ajna Chakra is the sixth energy center¹ in energy structure a person responsible for the unconscious, also for mental abilities, memory, self-development, willpower, knowledge.

Activation of the Ajna chakra allows the individual to develop his intuitive beginning, opens up the ability to understand all the signs of the Universe and receive various non-verbal messages.

How is the Ajna Chakra depicted?

The Ajna chakra is depicted as a light yellow circle surrounded by a blue ring and two light blue petals. A white triangle is placed inside the circle.

What does the activation of Ajna give?

The awakened Ajna chakra is considered the highest of the yogis. He gains complete peace, bliss and gets rid of all kinds of desires. As soon as he ceases to need everything, all superpowers immediately come to him accessible to man, and his brain becomes like a super-powerful computer.

Ajna Chakra has long been considered the third eye. A person who has opened the third eye becomes clairvoyant and omniscient. It is truly impossible to enumerate all the advantages of working with Ajna ...

Strong Ajna is the knowledge of absolutely everything, to the smallest detail, knowledge without reflection and without emotional experiences. Ajna is not so much knowledge itself as a repository for it.

Key Features of Ajna Chakra

  • Localization on the physical plane: the center of the head, at the level of the center of the forehead between the eyebrows.
  • Anatomical correlate: spongy plexus.
  • Controlled sense organ: intuition.
  • Controlled area and functions: sensual control and will.
  • Properties of manifestation in psychophysiological terms: clairvoyance.
  • Impact: on the whole body, mind, perception and transmission of information to the three parts of consciousness - spirit, mind, matter.
  • Desires and Obstacles: awareness, asceticism, intuition.
  • Feeling: knowledge.
  • Number of petals: 2.
  • Energy color: blue.
  • Formula: AUM.
  • Octave sound: la.
  • Taste sensation: absent.
  • Smell: absent.
  • Symbol: Symbol: a circle with an inscribed vertex down triangle.
  • Feeling in the palms: Cold.
  • Ruling planet: Saturn (Moon - according to other sources).
  • Paranormal abilities: the ability to get in touch with the Superconscious. The center represents the ability to have inner vision, introspection, clairvoyance, perceive visions and understand them. In this chakra, contact is made with the "Universal Teacher" (the highest being). The same center sends and receives telepathic messages in the form of mental forms. Center presents maternal strength (feminine energy), material force and their manifestation.
  • Peculiarities: spiritually expressed by the fact that inside the head behind the eyes there is a place where the Lunar and Solar channels meet, expressing the lunar, or female intuitive energy and solar, or male rational energy. This is a combination of intuition with rationalism, allowing the individual to perceive events and sensations and react consciously instead of simply automatically responding through emotions.
  • Physical sensations: No.
  • Influence of Kundalini: this system represents the "third psychic knot", which must be passable for Kundalini² when ascending to the seventh energy center. It is connected through a central energy channel to the first energy center, and any change in one energy center affects the other. This is the zone where the Higher state of consciousness takes place.
  • Is: omniscience derived from the purity of the Superconscious Plane.
  • expresses: wisdom, sensuality, inspiration and inner vision, organization and direction.
  • Mentally: connection with the autonomic nervous system.
  • Plexus: these centers are associated with the nerve cavitary plexus (skull), affect the hypothalamus and pituitary region.
  • Aspects of: the union of these energies ethereally means the synthesis of the functions of the left and right hemispheres - the centers, which also include the seventh energy center. The achievement of the Superconscious and the ability to live according to its laws is one of the indicators of the final spiritual perfection. This is the state where the personal Ego is completely absorbed by the higher aspects of Consciousness. The individual lives in time and space as a servant of the spirit, he no longer needs to take care of the basic needs.
  • Response: this chakra has the ability to draw in creative archetypal concepts and process them, making them possible to use in time and space.
  • Function expression: is the command center. The expression of this center will be mysticism. If this center expresses the "Higher Self" as directed knowledge and the state of Samadhi³, then it is "Omniscience". And yet there will remain a certain transparent, like glass, partition separating from the “Higher Essence”. The Higher Essence is so close that it seems that you are about to dissolve, merge with it. But how much more to go. This center is the place where we gain the ability to create visions consciously and understand the meaning of our possibilities. The functions of the Third Eye Chakra endow us with an understanding of the concepts, or messages of the Mind of the Universe.
  • Dysfunctions of emotional expressions: selfishness, arrogance, dogmatism. Unexpected blinding flashes of altered consciousness, disturbing the norm, as a result of an excess of Kundalini or drug poisoning: mental illness.
  • Energy perturbations: refer to blocks in the head, such as chronic migraine. Hearing and vision impairment, Oral disease, toothache, chills. Chills are caused by mental forms in the form of gray clouds in the forehead and nose.
  • Physical dysfunction: diseases of the eyes, nose, ear, brain (seizures, tumors), forgetfulness.
  • The effect of working with the center: getting rid of all kinds of vice; the aura of such a person allows everyone who is nearby to find peace and feel the vibration of AUM, which comes from the very body of a person. Such a person is freed from various qualities, desires and motives that push him to various activities; the ability to know the past, present and future, the ability to penetrate into any body at will is acquired; old karmic loads, the burden of past births - all this is burned in the process of working with the sixth energy center.

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Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Chakra in the spiritual practices of Hinduism is a psycho-energetic center in the subtle human body, which is the intersection of the nadi channels through which prana (life energy) flows, as well as an object for concentration in the practices of tantra and yoga (Wikipedia).

² Kundalini - in yoga and esotericism, the name of the energy concentrated at the base of the human spine (Wikipedia).

³ Samadhi - in Hindu and Buddhist meditative practices - a state in which the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bone's own individuality (but not consciousness) disappears and the unity of the perceiver and the perceived arises (

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