Nightlife in Athens. Athens

Oliva is a sacred tree for the Greeks, the tree of life. Without it, one cannot imagine the Greek valleys, sandwiched between mountains and the sea, and even the rocky slopes of the mountains themselves, where olive groves alternate with vineyards. Olives rise almost to the very peaks, they also dominate the plains, brightening up the yellowish soil with their juicy greenery. They surround the villages in a dense ring and line up along the city streets.

Place of birth sacred tree it is considered - a hill around which the Greek capital is spread. The cities of the ancient world, as a rule, appeared near a high rock, and a citadel (acropolis) was also erected on it, so that the inhabitants could take refuge there when the enemy attacked.

Initially, the whole city consisted only of a fortress, only later people began to settle around the Acropolis, flocking here from all over Greece as a place safe from invasions of nomadic tribes. Over time, groups of houses were formed here, which were then united together with the fortress into a single city. Tradition, followed by Greek historians, indicates that this happened in 1350 BC. e., and attributes the unification of the city to the folk hero Fezey. Athens then lay in a small valley, surrounded by a chain of rocky hills.

He was the first to turn the Acropolis from a fortress into a sanctuary. But he was clever man: having come to power, he ordered all idlers to be brought to his palace and asked them why they did not work. If it turned out that this was a poor man who did not have an ox or seeds to plow and sow the field, then Pisistratus gave him everything. He believed that idleness was fraught with the threat of a conspiracy against his power.

In an effort to provide the population of Ancient Athens with work, Peisistratus launched a large construction project in the city. Under him, on the site of the royal palace of Kekrop, Hekatompedon, dedicated to the goddess Athena, was erected. The Greeks highly revered their patroness to such an extent that they released all the slaves who took part in the construction of this temple.

The center of Athens was the Agora - the market square, where there were not only trading shops; it was the heart public life Athens, there were halls for public, military and judicial meetings, temples, altars and theaters. During the time of Peisistratus, the temples of Apollo and Zeus Agorai, the nine-jet Enneakrunos fountain and the altar of the Twelve Gods, which served as a refuge for wanderers, were erected on the Agora.

The construction of the temple of Olympian Zeus, begun under Peisistratus, was then suspended for a variety of reasons (military, economic, political). According to legend, since ancient times this place has been the center where they worshiped Olympian Zeus and the Earth. The first temple there was built by Deucalion - the Greek Noah, later they pointed out the tomb of Deucalion and the crack into which water flowed after the flood. Every year, on the February new moon, the inhabitants of Athens threw wheat flour mixed with honey there as an offering to the dead.

The temple of Olympian Zeus began to be built in the Doric order, but neither Peisistratus nor his sons had time to finish it. Prepared for the temple Construction Materials in the 5th century BC e. began to be used for the construction of the city wall. The construction of the temple was resumed (already in the Corinthian order) under the Syrian king Antiochus IV Epiphanes in 175 BC. e.

Then they built a sanctuary and a colonnade, but because of the death of the king, this time the construction of the temple was not completed. The destruction of the unfinished temple was started by the Roman conqueror, who in 86 BC. e. captured and sacked Athens. He took several columns to Rome, where they decorated the Capitol. Only during the reign of Emperor Hadrian did the construction of this temple, one of the largest structures of ancient Greece, was completed, the size of which was equal to a football field.

In the open sanctuary of the temple stood a colossal statue of Zeus, which was made of gold and ivory. Behind the temple were 4 statues of Emperor Hadrian, in addition, many statues of the emperor stood in the fence of the temple. During the earthquake of 1852, one of the columns of the temple of Olympian Zeus collapsed, and now it lies, disintegrated into its constituent drums. By our time, from 104 columns, which were the largest in Europe, only 15 remained.

Scientists have suggested that Peisistratus (or under Peisistratus) founded the famous Parthenon, later destroyed by the Persians. In the time of Pericles, this temple was rebuilt on a foundation twice as large as before. The Parthenon was erected in 447-432 BC. e. architects Iktin and Kallikrat.

From 4 sides it was surrounded by slender colonnades, and between their white marble trunks one could see gaps of the blue sky. All permeated with light, the Parthenon seems light and airy. On its white columns there are no bright designs that can be found in Egyptian temples. Only longitudinal grooves (flutes) cover them from top to bottom, which makes the temple seem taller and more slender.

The most famous Greek masters took part in the sculptural decoration of the Parthenon, and Phidias, one of the greatest sculptors of all time, was the artistic inspiration. He owns the overall composition and development of the entire sculptural decoration, part of which he personally performed. And in the depths of the temple, surrounded on three sides by 2-tiered columns, proudly stood the famous statue of the virgin Athena, created by the famous Phidias. Her clothes, helmet and shield were made of pure gold, and her face and hands shone with the whiteness of ivory.

The creation of Phidias was so perfect that the rulers of Athens and foreign rulers did not dare to build other structures on the Acropolis, so as not to disturb the general harmony. Even today, the Parthenon amazes with the amazing perfection of its lines and proportions: it looks like a ship sailing through millennia, and you can endlessly look at its colonnade pierced by light and air.

The Erechtheion temple ensemble was also located on the Acropolis with the world-famous portico of caryatids: on south side temple, at the edge of the wall, six girls carved from marble supported the ceiling. Portico figures are, in fact, supports that replace a pillar or column, but they perfectly convey the lightness and flexibility of girlish figures. The Turks, having captured Athens in their time and did not allow images of a person according to their Islamic laws, did not destroy the caryatids, however. They limited themselves only to cutting the faces of the girls.

The only entrance to the Acropolis is the famous Propylaea - a monumental gate with Doric columns and a wide staircase. According to legend, however, there is also a secret entrance to the Acropolis - underground. It starts in one of the old grottoes, and 2500 years ago, the sacred snake crawled along it from the Acropolis when the Persian army attacked Greece.

IN ancient Greece Propylaea (literal translation - "standing in front of the gate") was called the solemnly decorated entrance to the square, to the sanctuary or fortress. Propylaea of ​​the Athenian Acropolis, built by the architect Mnesicles in 437-432 BC. e., are considered the most perfect, most original and at the same time the most typical building of this kind of architecture. In ancient times, in everyday speech, the Propylaea was called the "Palace of Themistocles", later - the "Arsenal of Lycurgus". After the conquest of Athens by the Turks, an arsenal with a powder magazine was actually arranged in the Propylaea.

On the high pedestal of the bastion, which once guarded the entrance to the Acropolis, rises a small graceful temple of the goddess of victory, Nike Apteros, decorated with low bas-reliefs with images on themes. Inside the temple, a gilded statue of the goddess was installed, which the Greeks liked so much that they innocently begged the sculptor not to make wings for her so that she could not leave beautiful Athens. Victory is fickle and flies from one opponent to another, which is why the Athenians portrayed her wingless so that the goddess would not leave the city that won great victory over the Persians.

After the Propylaea, the Athenians went to the main square of the Acropolis, where they were met by a 9-meter statue of Athena Promachos (Warrior), also created by the sculptor Phidias. It was cast from captured Persian weapons captured in . The pedestal was high, and the gilded spearhead of the goddess, sparkling in the sun and visible far from the sea, served as a kind of beacon for sailors.

When in 395 Byzantine Empire separated from the Roman, Greece was part of it, and until 1453 Athens was part of Byzantium. The great temples of the Parthenon, the Erechtheion and others were turned into Christian churches. At first, the Athenians, newly converted Christians, liked it and even helped, as it gave them the opportunity to perform new religious rituals in a familiar and familiar environment.

But by the 10th century, the greatly reduced population of the city began to feel uncomfortable in the huge majestic buildings of the past, and the Christian religion required a different artistic and aesthetic design of temples. Therefore, much smaller Christian churches began to be built in Athens, and besides, they were completely different in terms of artistic principles. The most old church Byzantine style in Athens is the Church of St. Nicodemus, built on the ruins of Roman baths.

In Athens, the proximity of the East is constantly felt, although it is difficult to say right away what exactly gives the city an oriental flavor. Perhaps these are mules and donkeys harnessed to carts, such as can be found on the streets of Istanbul, Baghdad and Cairo? Or the minarets of mosques that have been preserved in some places - mute witnesses of the former dominion of the Great Porte?

Or perhaps the outfit of the guardsmen who stand guard at the royal residence - bright red fezzes, skirts above the knees and felt shoes with turned up toes? And of course, this is the oldest part of modern Athens - the Plaka area, dating back to the days of Turkish domination. This area has been preserved in the form in which it existed before 1833: narrow, different streets with small houses old architecture; stairs connecting the streets, churches ... And above them rise the majestic gray rocks of the Acropolis, crowned with a powerful fortress wall and overgrown with rare trees.

Behind the small houses are the Roman Agora and the so-called Tower of the Winds, which was destroyed in the 1st century BC. e. gifted to Athens by the wealthy Syrian merchant Andronicus. The Tower of the Winds is an octagonal structure a little over 12 meters high, its faces are strictly oriented to the cardinal points. The sculptural frieze of the Tower depicts winds blowing each from its own side.

The tower was built of white marble, and on top of it stood a copper den with a rod in his hands: turning in the direction of the wind, he pointed with a rod to one of the eight sides of the Tower, where 8 winds were depicted in bas-reliefs. For example, Boreas (the north wind) was depicted as an old man in warm clothes and half boots: he holds a shell in his hands, which serves him instead of a pipe. Zephyr (western spring wind) appears as a barefoot young man who scatters flowers from the hem of his fluttering mantle...

Under the bas-reliefs depicting the winds, on each side of the Tower are placed sundial, showing not only the time of day, but also both rotations of the sun and the equinox. And so that you can find out the time in cloudy weather, a clepsydra is placed inside the Tower - a water clock.

During the Turkish occupation, for some reason, it was believed that the philosopher Socrates was buried in the Tower of the Winds. Where Socrates died and where exactly the tomb of the ancient Greek thinker is located is impossible to read about this in the ancient writers. But a legend has been preserved among the people, which points to one of the caves, consisting of three chambers - partly natural, partly specially carved into the rock. One of the extreme chambers also has a special internal compartment - like a low round casemate with a hole at the top, which is closed with a stone slab ...

It is impossible to tell about all the sights of ancient Athens in one article, because every stone here breathes history, every centimeter of the land of the ancient city, which is impossible to enter without awe, is sacred ... No wonder the Greeks said: “If you have not seen Athens, then you are a mule ; and if you saw and were not admired, then you are a stump!


Among the capitals of the ancient civilizations of the world there is no city that, like Athens, existed for 15 centuries. And it still exists as the capital of Greece, as Cultural Center country, like a city in which the past is inextricably linked with the present.

The influence of Athens on European and world culture cannot be overestimated. Literature, religion, philosophy, poetry, theater, architecture, sculpture, first of the Roman Empire, and then of Europe are the direct heirs of Greek culture. Such global concepts of humanity as democracy, the constitution, too Greek origin. Like modern sport, which "originates" from the Greek Olympic Games.

Of course, without Greek culture and its capital, Athens, modern world would be different.

antique period

In the history of Athens, the myths of ancient Greece are intertwined with reality. No wonder.
The city, named after the beloved daughter of Zeus, already in the era of Mycenaean culture, in the 13th century BC, was a large and famous in the ancient world, the cultural and political center of Greece.

Theseus is considered the founder of Athens. It is he who is credited with the liberation of the Athenians from the tribute that the city paid to Minos, the ruler of Crete. Theseus united the disparate cities - policies around Athens into a single city - the state. But Theseus did not have worthy successors, and after his death, power in Athens passed to several wealthy aristocratic families.

In 594 BC. a significant event took place not only in the history of Athens, but also in the history of all mankind. Athens received a constitution, Supreme Court And People's Assembly.
Three branches of government have survived to our time!

A hundred years later, wars with the Persians began. Athens supported the uprising of numerous Greek cities in Asia Minor. The Persian army landed in small forces in the city of Marathon, not far from Athens.

Running a marathon distance is equal to the distance between the city of Marathon and Athens. The messenger ran through it to warn the city of impending danger, and died, announcing the Persian invasion.

To this day, in memory of this event, a marathon race is held, this discipline is included in the program of the Olympic Games. Thanks to the feat of the Greek who warned the Athenians, and the leadership of the commander Miltiades, the Athenians won this battle.

Ten years later, the great Persian king Xerxes won the Battle of Thermopylae with a huge army. The story of 300 Spartans is one of the episodes of this legendary battle. The brave Spartans held back the army of Xerxes while the Greeks gathered forces. But it did not help.

The Persian army entered Athens, all the beautiful temples of the city were destroyed.

But after the victory in the naval battle, in which the Greeks, under the leadership of the Athenian strategist Themistocles, destroyed the Persian fleet, the war ended in a complete victory for the Greeks.

Themistocles was not only an outstanding commander, but also an excellent politician. On his initiative, Athens was surrounded by defensive walls, the port of Piraeus was built (to this day the most important port in Greece), the city became a strong maritime power.

Golden age

The magnificent monuments of Athens, especially the Parthenon, belong to the period of the highest heyday of the city - the state, the so-called Golden Age. This period refers to the 5th century BC, the reign of Pericles.

The greatest monument of architecture, the Parthenon, was built under Pericles, which made his name legendary.
The golden age of Athens is the time of the great philosophers Anaxagoras and Socrates, historians whose works are still quoted today, after so many centuries, Herodotus and Thucydides.

The poets - playwrights Sophocles, Euripides and Aeschylus are not only not forgotten, but performances based on their plays are staged even today. Time has no power over the achievements of the great Greeks. Their names are popular and known in the world, along with the names of contemporaries.

Athens after the Golden Age

Unfortunately, the Golden Age of Athens was not long, it was interrupted by two wars with Sparta from 431 to 404 BC. These wars were for supremacy over the Greek states.

With the defeat in these wars, Athens lost its political influence, but remained the cultural capital of the ancient world. The names of Praxiteles, Demosthenes, Plato and Xenophon are associated precisely with this period.

In the 3rd century BC. A new disaster befell Athens. The invasion of the army, which became powerful Macedonia, led by Philip II, and then his son Alexander the Great, led to the decline of Athens.

In 146 BC. Greece was conquered by the Romans. Consul Sulla in 86 BC exported from Athens a huge number of great works of art. But almost 5 centuries after that, philosophical schools existed in Athens, which made it possible, after all the predatory invasions, to be the center of the ancient world.

Only after the schools were closed in 529 AD. Athens fell into final decline. On for a long time the great city became small provincial town Byzantine Empire.

Under the Turkish yoke

Ottoman Empire came to replace the Byzantine. The Muslim Turks had little interest in the values ​​of ancient culture. In 1458 they captured Athens. Many ancient buildings, architectural monuments and entire districts were destroyed from the 17th to the 19th century.

The wars between the Ottoman Empire and the Venetian Republic influenced the fate of the city in the most negative way. In the 17th century, during the storming of Athens, the Parthenon was destroyed by the Venetians.

By the end of the 19th century, the Ottoman Empire lost its power, all the countries that were part of it by that time began to fight for independence. Greece was no exception.

In 1833, Athens again became the capital of a country resurgent after the yoke. It was hard to imagine that the ruined and small village was once a great city-state. The time of the monarchy began in the country, which was soon replaced by a constitutional monarchy.

Scientists fought over the mystery of this temple for a long time, and after many years of research, the secret was found in a special arrangement of the columns. The main decoration of the temple - the statue of Athena - in the 5th century BC. taken to Constantinople, and there she died in a fire.

The history of the Acropolis is legends and myths Ancient Greece. Here Aegeus, in a fit of despair, in anticipation of the son of Theseus, threw himself into the sea. Where Poseidon argued with Athena, it was built, with the sanctuary of Pandora, magnificent sculptures of Caryatids, which are the columns of the temple.

The favorite food of the Greeks is various meat, fish and seafood.

During the day, tourists usually spend time on excursions. In the evening you can relax in one of the countless restaurants, cafes, bars and taverns.

In the Vari area, where several popular taverns are located, you can taste the lamb on a spit. Superb and cocrezzi are served in all taverns in the area. No wonder these taverns are called "glutton rows." The average bill for four will be about 100 euros.

For lovers of antiquity, the Archeon Gevsis restaurant offers antique cuisine recreated from sources.
The interior of the restaurant, the dining room create the illusion of the ancient world. Tourists dress in tunics, wash their feet with rose water, and at the end a laurel wreath is placed on their heads.
Restaurant address: Kodratou, Athens, Greece.
Telephone: +30 210 5239661.

Seafood and seafood dishes can be tasted in taverns near Piraeus. It's not cheap, but very tasty. The average bill, depending on the chosen delicacies, is from 30 euros per person.

The meat restaurant Strofi is located on the roof of an old mansion nearby. Dinner overlooking the Parthenon, delicious meat, local wine - what else can a tired tourist dream of on a hot evening?

Restaurant address: Rovertou Galli 25 P.C. 11742 Athens.
Telephone: +210 92141130.

Athens is a tourist city. Therefore, on routes and in restaurants frequented by tourists, prices are high. But if you deviate a little from the tourist path and find it, then the prices are several times lower.

So the budget prices for breakfast, lunch and dinner are: 162 - 243 rubles, 162 - 324 rubles, 325 - 500 rubles, respectively. A liter of local wine 205 - 285 rubles, 0.33 beer 41 - 164 rubles. Cheap, tasty and satisfying.

Cultural life in Athens

Athens, like antiquity, today is not only the capital of the country, but also the cultural center of Greece.
Here it is National Opera of Greece, concert halls, theaters.

The opera received state status only in 1939. Today it is the largest theater in the country, whose repertoire includes operas, ballets, operettas, symphony opera concerts, classical music concerts, and children's performances.

Theater address: Greece, Athens, 59 Akadimias st.
Telephone: 30 210 3643725

Lycabettus Theater- unusual. It is located on top of a hill above the city. The theater is not a repertory theater, it does not have its own troupe, but is rented out for concerts of world rock and pop music stars.

Palace of Music built in Athens in 1961.
The appearance of such a modern hall became possible thanks to the participation of many organizations, the Greek government, the National Bank, and individuals.
The Palace has several concert halls, music and multimedia libraries.
During the construction of the Palace of Music were used Hi-tech. Concerts, which are regularly held here, are a notable event in the cultural life of the capital.

Address: Vassilissis Sofias and Kokkali Avenue, Athens.
Web site:

Athens nightlife

The nightlife of Athens is vibrant, varied and interesting. Bars, discos, clubs offer programs for every taste: national Greek music, jazz, rock, soul - whatever your heart desires.

One of the most popular and beloved clubs in Athens "Villa Mercedes", which is located in the city center, offers dance music of various styles.

The club has a good dance floor and a well-equipped stage, where famous DJs Armin Van Buuren, ERIC PRYDZ and David Guetta perform. Themed parties are often held here.

Many tourists spend the evening under the Acropolis. The performance called "Sound and Light" is a beautiful and unforgettable sight. You can see it from the cafe on Plaka. In the taverns of the old city, you can listen to a folklore program.

The club - Berlin Club - is an ordinary cafe during the day. In the evening, this place turns into a wonderful rock and roll club.
The dance floor is always crowded. Often famous DJs work in the club.
There is a bar with a wide range of drinks and snacks.
The club is open until 4 am.
Address: Agias Paraskevis 72, Bournazi Square.
Prices: cocktails in nightclubs in Athens cost from 7 to 12 euros, a bottle of wine from 50-80 to 100 euros, a bottle of whiskey costs from 80 to 200 euros. In most clubs, the entrance ticket entitles you to a free drink.

There are several dozen nightclubs in Athens and the immediate vicinity of the capital, not counting taverns with folklore dance programs.
It is impossible to describe them all. But the perfect end to the evening is a visit to a nightclub where you can dance, listen to music and drink a good cocktail.

Where to stay

There are more than 200 hotels in Athens, designed for all tastes and financial possibilities of tourists. The choice is not easy, but we will try to help you make it.
We offer you to get acquainted with some popular hotels of the Greek capital, located in its very center.

Crowne Plaza Athens City Center Hotel

This five-star hotel is for lovers of luxury.
It is located almost 3 kilometers from the center, in a quiet place. Metro station nearby.

The set of services is typical for a high-star hotel: a fitness room, a sauna, and a rooftop pool.
Accommodation price depends on the type of room, and starts from 6715 rubles.
Reservations can be made directly through the hotel's website.

Address: Michalacopoulou Street 50, Athens, 11528 Greece.

Novus City Hotel

Located just a kilometer from the center, not far from the National Archaeological Museum of Athens, the Parthenon, the Acropolis. Has a 4 star rating.

Prices for one night in a double room start from 4751 rubles and increase depending on the category of the room up to 7206 rubles. Breakfast is included in the price.
The hotel has a swimming pool, spa services, restaurant, free parking.

Address: 23, Karolou.Str., Athens

Athens Center Square Hotel

A small three-star hotel 400 meters from the city center near the central market is perfect for shoppers.
The market starts right at the door.

The advantage is the magnificent view of the Acropolis, which opens from some rooms - they, of course, are more expensive.
Minimum price for the number 5924 rubles.

Hotel address: 15 Aristogitonos Street & corner of Athinas 7 Kapnikareas, 10552.

Economy Hotel

The 2-star hotel for budget travelers is located just half a kilometer from the most popular sights of the capital - the Parthenon, the Kotzia Museum, the Agora.

Price for a double room per night is 3363 rubles, breakfast is included in the price.

Hotel address: 5, Kleisthenous str, Athens

Alma Hotel

This 2-star hotel is located 900 meters from the very center of Athens and is probably the most economical of all hotel companies operating in the heart of the Greek capital.

Double room price is 2810 rubles. Tourists in their reviews note the cleanliness of the rooms and the compliance of the price / quality ratio.
Most tourists go to Athens not at all to spend time in rooms, but for an overnight stay the hotel is quite comfortable.

Address: 5 Dorou Str Gr, 10432, Athens.

Where to go in an emergency

Unfortunately, travel is not always uneventful. You can lose documents, get sick, get into a situation that requires the intervention of the police.
In emergency cases, it is necessary to have telephones to contact the relevant services.

In case of loss of documents, you need to contact the Consular Section of the Russian Embassy in Greece:
Athens, 152 32 Chalandri, st. Tzawella 5, tel.: 210 671-19-45, tel.: 210 671-19-06, 210 672-88-49, 210 671-19-35, 210 674-97-08.

For health problems:

You must contact the phone numbers that are indicated in the health insurance policy, which is mandatory for obtaining a Schengen visa.
Only doctors called by these phones provide medical care free of charge! Any other medical services for Russian tourists- paid.

Police phone 100, fire department 199, roadside assistance 104. However, do not forget that not everyone in Greece knows English.

Athens is one of the most interesting tourist cities in the world. richest history, architectural monuments, museums, restaurants and taverns, beaches and nightclubs - everything in the capital is conducive to a varied, interesting vacation.

The gymnasnones and palestras were places not only for physical training, but simply for Athenians to meet. Especially in gymnasiums, where both adults and young people gathered, political and philosophical disputes arose, Socrates and sophists conducted conversations. The atmosphere of democratic Athens is vividly presented to us by the already mentioned speech of Pericles in the “History” of Thucydides: “In our state we live freely and in everyday life we ​​avoid mutual suspicions: we do not harbor hostility towards a neighbor if he follows personal inclinations in his behavior, and we do not express to him, although harmless, but painfully perceived annoyance. A similar atmosphere of a large free city reigned, probably, in Miletus of the archaic era, allowing Thales or Anaximander to calmly do what no one was doing: reflections on the nature of the universe. Athens, 5th century BC who created the best conditions for free creativity at that time, scientists and artists from other Greek cities aspired. On the streets of Athens, in addition to the local native Socrates, one could meet the sophist philosophers Protagoras from Abdera and Gorgias from the Sicilian Leontines, the poet Prodik from Keos, the painter Polygnot from Thassos. All of them, and especially the sophists - teachers of wisdom, had a great influence on the minds of Athenian youth. A huge spiritual, cultural upsurge of Athenian society, starting from about the middle of the 5th century BC. BC e. we call "Attic Enlightenment". Its fruits were felt quickly: the generation of the Athenians of the era of the Peloponnesian War was no longer reminiscent of the generation of warlike and harsh "marathonomahs" - the winners of the Persians in the battle of Marathon.

“Our city is the school of all Hellas, and I believe that each of us, on his own, can manifest his personality with ease and grace in a variety of life conditions,” Pericles continues his speech in Thucydides. Nevertheless, life in this rich and enlightened city of great opportunities was simple and did not have any of the luxury that surrounded themselves with the upper strata of the urban population of the East or, later, ancient rome. The ordinary Athenian was unpretentious, doing only the bare necessities in terms of food, clothing and housing. In the 5th century BC e., in contrast to the century preceding, on the streets it was no longer possible to see men dressed up in the Ionian or Eastern fashion in purple, with smartly trimmed long beards, with golden hairpins in their hair. Local woolen yarn replaced fine fabrics brought from afar. The long Ionian chiton was replaced by a short Doric chiton in men, and the women's chiton became similar to the old peplum. The aristocracy in democratic Athens also tried to stand out with its outfits: for example, supporters of aristocratic Sparta put on short Spartan cloaks, tribones, and aristocratic youth who served in the cavalry willingly decorated their mantles with gold and purple. Ordinary Athenians dressed modestly, so that on the street, as they said then, it was difficult to distinguish the free from the slave.

Modest, unpretentious was the table of the Athenians. The heroes of Homer could not do without meat, while the inhabitants of Athens of the archaic era and the 5th century. BC e. ate primarily vegetables: onions, garlic, lettuce. Favorite food is fish. A lot of fish, especially pickled and salted, was delivered from the shores of the Black Sea. Olives, figs and the invariable barley cake completed the simple Athenian's menu. The Greeks enlivened the monotony and scarcity of everyday life with symposia - feasts. In the hall where the Greeks feasted, craters with wine and snacks were brought in: cheese, olives, dates, figs, melons. Wine was mixed with water, most often in a ratio of 1:3. Drinking pure, undiluted wine was considered a barbaric custom.

How exactly the feast would take place was decided by the symposiarch, who determined from which vessels to drink and in what proportion to mix wine with water. During the symposium, songs were sung; especially popular was the song about Harmodius and Aristogeiton, the murderers of the tyrant Hipparchus, the son of Pisistratus. Already in the era of the archaic, the Greek symposium often became a poetic tournament. Athens in the second half of the 5th c. BC e., where Socrates and sophists taught young people, fought philosophical disputes at feasts, competed in rhetoric. Obviously, not all feasts had the atmosphere as intensely intellectual as the one described by Platoy (dialogue "Feast"). The participants of the symposia usually did not shy away from simple games and amusements like the then most popular cottaba, which required the players to be able to pour the rest of the wine from the bowl in a certain way, or to play dice. The presence of hetairas, or at least flutists or conjurers, made the feasts even more attractive.

Only men took part in the symposia, who highly valued this opportunity for friendly communication. In Athens, as well as in the Ionian regions in general, a woman enjoyed much less freedom than among the Dorians. Like Oriental women, the Athenians spent their time at home doing household chores. Of course, women in wealthy families did not live so boringly and monotonously. The vase paintings represent Greek women engaged not only in spinning wool and embroidering, but also in such pastimes as playing ball. An Athenian from a wealthy family devoted a lot of time to personal care, bathing and makeup, creating exquisite hairstyles - all this is also depicted on vases with all frankness. Although the fashions in Pericles Athens were very simple, the paintings on ceramics show us a wide variety of hairstyles, jewelry, headdresses and ribbons, chitons and himations.

Marriages were concluded most often for property reasons, and the bride herself could not influence her fate in any way. However, this does not mean that a bitter fate always awaited the newlywed. Numerous tombstones, covered with the most sentimental inscriptions, indicate that it was not uncommon for family life to be built on sincere love and affection. But in public, especially in political life, women did not take any part in Athens. Only getters, who had more freedom and better education, could influence public affairs to some extent. Let's not forget that the friend of the great Pericles, Aspasia, whose opinion he listened to, was not from Athens, but from Miletus, where women felt freer. Athens, on the other hand, did not give the world either public figures or poetesses, while Lesbos was proud of his Sappho, Argos Telesilla, Boeotia Corinna.

4 million people live in the Greek capital, excluding refugees. Since 2008, the country has been in a protracted crisis. The only areas that managed not to go negative are tourism and catering. This year, Greece expects 27.5 million tourists, despite the fact that the population of the entire country is 11 million. The Village found out how much those who can eat souvlaki every day and go to buzukya on weekends spend on housing.

495 EUR



800 euro

average income

1 500 euros

high income

*amount after taxes


300–400 euros per month

Due to high property taxes, some Greeks refuse to inherit because they cannot pay for the upkeep of apartments. Buying a home in Greece today is very profitable, which cannot be said about the sale. Apartments are often rented for nothing: their owners ask for the minimum necessary to pay taxes and bills for maintaining the house.

For 300 euros in Athens, you can find an apartment in a good area with an area of ​​​​about 65 square meters. For 500 euros - rent a four-room apartment, which sometimes takes up an entire floor. Local houses are relatively small, averaging about six floors. This compact design is dictated by security measures: small earthquakes often occur in Greece. Most apartments are rented unfurnished, while proximity to the metro does not greatly affect the price.

The crisis and massive unemployment have affected landlords: many of them are sympathetic to the delay in payment for several months. Greeks working in the tourism industry live from season to season. This means that in winter they have no money for rent, but closer to the summer at the height of work, they can pay for three months at once. It is not so easy to evict an indebted tenant who is not going to pay in principle. In the homeland of democracy, the cult of personal space reigns: it will not work to take and expose the debtor. You can protect your rights only through law enforcement agencies, they will consider your application and decide whether to evict the tenant in court.

The money for rent is transferred to the account of the owner of the apartment. The tax office sees all transactions, so it is almost impossible to avoid paying taxes on renting a home. If the rental income does not exceed 12 thousand euros per year, the state withholds 10% from the owner. Annual rental income from 12 to 60 thousand is subject to a 30% tax.

Bills for electricity and water come every three to four months. Electricity costs the Greeks the most. Local houses are designed to protect residents from the heat, not the cold, so it is easy to freeze in them in winter. Since many tenants in the building do not pay for housing and communal services, Management Company turns on heating for only a couple of hours a day, usually during the day and evening. To keep warm all day long in winter, you have to use air conditioning, which eats up a lot of energy. On average, Greeks pay 50–60 euros per month for water and electricity, and another 10–15 euros are other expenses: garbage collection, major repairs, house maintenance, and so on.


EUR 1.40

ticket for 90 minutes for all modes of transport

4.50 euros

full day pass

30 euro

monthly subscription

10 euro

one way ticket to the airport

Athens has metro, trams, trolleybuses. You can take the metro directly to the airport. There are discounts for students and pensioners: 0.60 euros for a regular ticket and 15 euros for a monthly subscription. The city is absolutely not suitable for cyclists: there are bike paths only on the outskirts and stadiums. Ride a bike on the roads common use just dangerous: traffic lights for Greek drivers are a convention, they can safely drive through a pedestrian crossing at a red light, regardless of people. The local metro consists of only three branches, at the moment the city hall is laying the fourth. Intervals between trains on weekends and in weekdays(off-peak hours) can be up to ten minutes.


250 - private insurance for a year

All citizens and refugees are guaranteed free medical care, whether they are insured or not. Highly qualified specialists work in state clinics, but in order to get an appointment with them, you will have to stand in a huge queue. As a rule, in addition to universal health insurance, the Greeks have insurance from the employer. A visit to a doctor in a private clinic without insurance will cost 50–60 euros.

Most pharmacies in the city are open until 21:00. You can buy medicines at night only in duty pharmacies, in each municipality there are no more than one or two of them.


250 euros for a family of two

Greece has very cheap vegetables and fruits. Once a week, each municipality holds an open market: in addition to fruits and vegetables, farmers sell fish, spices, homemade wine, and olives. It is better to go to the market towards the end of its work, around four o'clock in the afternoon: the choice of products will be smaller, but the prices are much lower than in the morning.

The French supermarket Carrefour left the Greek market due to the crisis, now the largest players are the Greek AB Vassilopoulos, Sklavenitis and the German Lidl. On Sundays in Greece, only small shops are open where you can buy basic necessities, but the prices are higher than in supermarkets, so the Greeks are bought in advance.

Local taverns are decorated primitively: the owners do not pay much attention to the interior and serving. The lack of expensive furniture and appliances is compensated by the size of the portions and their price. Athens has food for every taste and budget. For 15-18 euros you can take a lunch with wine. A seafood lunch will cost more - about 20 euros per person. In most non-tourist taverns, you will be offered free water, bread, olives and other starters, as well as a dessert as a gift from the establishment. Tea connoisseurs will have a hard time in Athens: the Greeks are adepts of coffee and drink it for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so it is not easy to find good tea here.

When Athenians return from bars in the middle of the night, they make sure to stop at a place that sells something unhealthy: burgers, gyros, souvlaki and other varieties of street food. Souvlaki costs 2 euros: in addition to meat, the price includes french fries, tomatoes and local pita bread.

Tap water in Greece is the cleanest in the Balkans and, according to its characteristics, ranks first in the European Union, Athenians calmly drink water from the tap. But water with gas in the Greek capital is not at all popular.


A movie ticket costs about 7.5 euros, on weekdays for this money you can go to a session together. The price of 3D films varies from 10 to 12 euros. Ticket for a concert of a local band - about 10 euros, going to the show famous group- from 30 to 60 euros. Live music is played in many bars and restaurants.

The traditional entertainment for the Greeks is a trip to the buzukya. This is a place that is a mixture of a bar, a nightclub and a tavern. Here they play traditional Greek music, dance on tables, break dishes and throw rose petals at singers. Before going to the buzukya, it is better to book a table in advance.

Cocktails in bars cost about 7-10 euros, entrance to nightclubs - 10-15 euros (a drink is usually included in this price).

Text: Regina Ader

Have you never been to Greece? Oh, then you've lost a lot! It is a must to visit and get the opportunity to touch great history earth. After all, Greece is the cradle of the greatest civilization of antiquity. It was here that the culture of mankind was born.

Greece became the birthplace of priceless monuments of literature of the Ancient World, the greatest discoveries of that time, grandiose monuments of architecture.

The extraordinary, almost fabulous history of Ancient Greece left legends and myths to mankind, which today are the subject of deep study and disputes of historians and literary critics: what is it? Legends and myths, similar to fairy tales, or "historical cuts" of really occurring events reflected in these works?

But if you come to Greece, you will not have to answer this question - you will understand: this country itself is like a fairy tale and tremblingly protects its most ancient pages. Greece is a mysterious country, an open mysterious book in which far from all pages have been read and deciphered.

Great Athens

capital of this ancient state is also well known to everyone who studied at school: the great and powerful, controlled on democratic principles.

True, as far as power is concerned, perhaps today it is already in the past. The current Athens is a relatively small (for the capital) cozy compact city, whose population, together with the suburbs, is about 3.5 million people.

The history of Athens has seen victories and defeats, greatness and oblivion. The tragic events of history were imprinted on the walls of the majestic ancient temples that have survived to this day.

It is worth coming here: here is a great place for those who like to lie in the sun, and those who are interested in history.

It is worth recalling that Greece is almost the most "sunny" country - the number of sunny days a year here exceeds 300. The remaining days can be cloudy and rainy, but is that a lot?

Athens is surrounded by beautiful beaches. At the same time, here you can find not only chic sandy beaches with the purest sand, but also secluded coves among the rocks, where you can retire and enjoy the beautiful Greek landscapes, swimming almost completely alone, the bright sun and the gentle sea.

Hospitality of the Athenians

The same "sunny" hosts here - the Athenians are calm, balanced and hospitable. In addition, they are good hosts and cooks. Confirmation of the first is a myriad of large and small hotels and hotels with different levels of comfort: from 1 * to 5 *, and no less expensive and not so - restaurants, cafes, bars with different price levels and different menus. But those who have been here more than once are advised to take a closer look at those who sit at the cafe tables - as a rule, the best cuisine is where you can meet locals: the Greeks know a lot about food!

Arriving in Athens, you will not be tormented by the question: where to go - history and beauty will surround you from the first steps on the Athenian land.

invites the night

Here you can perfectly relax both day and night. With the onset of darkness, life in Athens does not stop, but seems to become even brighter and more active than during the day.

Tourists are invitingly attracted by the lights of night cafes and restaurants, bars and casinos, music sounds from everywhere, inviting you to dance or enjoy the sounds of traditional Greek melodies.

Despite the fact that in any part of the night city you can have a good rest and have fun, largest number bars, cafes and restaurants located in the central areas of the city. And there is nothing surprising in this - ancient city located right here.

One of the most visited by tourists at night is the area Syntagma.

Bars, restaurants, nightclubs

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    And he keeps his way to the shining splendor of Athens (part 4)

    In the morning, it turns out that the National Archaeological Museum is open on Mondays from midday. Therefore, I decide to go to Piraeus, which has long become just a district of Athens. From the city center by metro they take you there for 0.7 euros and more and more on the surface. In Piraeus, the metro station looks like an ordinary suburban railway station (half-Finlyandsky). Leaving the station, guided by the sun, I come to the port. Fishermen with fishing rods sit on the piers. From a passing jeep, a policeman leans out to the waist and says that filming is not allowed in the port for security reasons. “Okay,” I say, and after removing the pentaprism, I put the camera on the case on my stomach, which allows me to take pictures without anyone noticing. At one of the berths there is something like our river tram, adjusted for sailing on the sea.

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