What after death? Where does the soul go after the death of a person? Is there life after death? Is there life after death: proof of the existence of the afterlife

Nobody wants to think what will be beyond a certain "limit", but the problem is that no one else in the world has escaped death. So for general development it is worth knowing what a person feels when he dies and says goodbye to life. Perhaps such knowledge will help facilitate someone's care.

Awareness of mortality

People are aware of their mortality even in childhood, for many this fact becomes a real shock:

  • Each of us is mortal, without any exceptions.
  • The finiteness of the life path equalizes, in a sense, representatives of all social groups.
  • A person has only a not very long period of time to realize his ambitions.
  • Real talents leave behind a memory that lives for centuries, and sometimes for millennia.

But no one can say with 100% certainty what awaits a person after the death of the physical body. Is there an afterlife, is the transmigration of souls possible? There are a lot of beliefs in the world, each of which defends its own point of view. But everyone cannot be right at the same time, someone is definitely wrong.

Awareness of one's own mortality can lead to panic attacks any age. An unstable psyche, combined with a huge psychological load, will not give the most pleasant result.

Fortunately, with the help of therapy, including medication, such disorders have been successfully treated for more than a decade.

What if a person dies at home?

Full spectrum at home emergency care It will not work for a person, but it is still worth trying. If a person is on the verge of life and death:

  1. Get rid of the threatening factor if present. This should be clear enough, but still - during a fire, you should first remove a person from the affected area, and only then provide medical assistance.
  2. Remove all strangers from the premises, ensure that the room is well ventilated, and remove clothing that may make it difficult to breathe.
  3. try perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Cross your palms and place them on the sternum, perform intense pressure without bending your arms at the elbow joints. After every 3 compressions, inhale air into his lungs through your mouth or nose. Must be cleaned first Airways and make sure they are passable. It is better to put a pillow under the neck.
  4. If there is bleeding, it should be done as soon as possible. stop. If a limb is damaged, pull it with a tourniquet above the damage. If the wound is on the body - clamp it with your hand, cloth or napkins.

No more than 19% of people who have been on the verge of death come back to life. So don't blame yourself for something that didn't work out for you.

From the point of view of the law, no problems should arise if the death was not violent. The called ambulance team will arrive and record the fact of death, and they will also take the body.

What does a person feel before death?

In many ways, the last sensations depend on what caused death:

  • When drowning in the last seconds, a person feels a bursting pain in the lungs and an irresistible desire to take a breath. This is due to a lack of oxygen and excitation of the respiratory center in the brain. That's just the breath will not bring relief, but only fill the lungs with water and cause agony. However, many drowned people die from shock and cardiac arrest even before they hit the water.
  • In case of fires victims most often die from the action carbon monoxide. Gradually, with each breath, consciousness becomes more and more confused and the person simply loses consciousness. Further, breathing slows down, becomes superficial, and then completely disappears.
  • Somewhat similar mechanism with bleeding. The victim quickly loses orientation in space, feels an insurmountable weakness and loses consciousness. Death occurs due to insufficiency of the cardiovascular system.
  • For injuries sensations vary depending on their number, severity and localization. In not the most successful cases, extreme pain leads to the development of shock and cardiac arrest. But most often, the lungs gradually fail, it becomes harder to breathe, the heart slows down its work.

At what temperature does a person die?

The world knows cases when, even at extremely low or high temperatures the bodies of the people survived. But this is a rarity, not all are so hardy lucky ones. More often than not, the story ends a little sadder:

  • High fever is usually associated with poisoning and infections. However, it can also be caused by injuries or burns.
  • The danger to humans lies in the fact that after exceeding a certain temperature threshold, the destruction of proteins in the body occurs. Blood proteins are the first to suffer.
  • If the temperature exceeded 42.5°C, This sure sign what without medical care the person may die in the next few hours. Death in this case does not occur instantly and there is still a small margin of time to provide assistance.
  • Low temperatures are no less dangerous for the body. But a sharp drop in temperature is less common. It mainly develops due to hypothermia.
  • Cannot function properly at certain temperatures the cardiovascular system, blood flow slows down, peripheral tissues die, due to a lack of blood and oxygen, the brain simply “turns off”.
  • All this happens when body temperature drops. below 26.5°С.
  • In such a small range of 16 degrees, a person can live and feel relatively comfortable.

What happens to the soul when a person dies?

All religious teachings they say that:

  1. Death affects only the physical shell.
  2. The human soul is immortal and is no longer connected with the earthly body.
  3. at the "court" all the deeds of the deceased are weighed, and his future fate is determined.
  4. Paradise is prepared for the righteous, in the Garden of Eden their souls sing in the most beautiful choir and glorify life itself and God.
  5. Hell is the end point of the path for sinners, where they are subjected to eternal torment.
  6. The subsequent incarnation of the soul, according to Buddhists, also depends on the actions committed during life.
  7. According to atheists, death is a “terminus”, there is no soul, and after a person only oblivion awaits.

Whom to believe and whose side to take is everyone's business. In this regard, it is better to come to some answers on your own, without outside help.

How do people die?

In most cases, death occurs due to acute heart or lung failure. The mechanism of dying itself is not very different, despite the many reasons that can lead to the final result.

More often:

  1. The person experiences overwhelming fear. Panic at the realization that the end is near.
  2. There are pains behind the sternum, chest some kind of heaviness.
  3. The heartbeat becomes more frequent, you can already feel it without even putting your hand on it.
  4. Every second it becomes harder to breathe, you need to make an effort to take another breath.
  5. Consciousness becomes confused, the whole world starts to float.
  6. Oblivion comes.

Thanks to reanimated people, we can know exactly how a person feels when they die. But we still do not know what awaits there after death.

Video about the feelings of the dying of hunger

In this video, Dr. Petrenko will tell you what a person feels in last minutes life, dying of hunger:

Contrary to popular belief, not all people experience the same near-death experience.

It seems to many that a person after clinical death enters the tunnel leading to the light, where he is greeted by relatives or luminous beings who tell him whether he is ready to go further or send him back to awaken in this life.

Such specific near-death scenarios have been reported many times, but this by no means means that this happens to every dying person. However, there is a general feeling that most or at least a large percentage of the people who were able to report it experience.

The famous researcher F. M. H. Atwater in his book “ General analysis aspects” compiled a catalog of near-death experiences, and Kevin Williams analyzed them based on a study of the experience of 50 people who experienced clinical death. Williams acknowledges that his study is not scientific and exhaustive, but it may be of interest to evaluate this phenomenon. Kevin Williams Presents top 10 sensations that a person experiences after death:

In 69% of cases, people experienced a feeling of all-consuming love. Some thought that the very atmosphere of this "place" was the source of the amazing feeling. Others believed that it arose from an encounter with "God", luminous beings, or previously deceased relatives.


The ability to communicate with people or creatures using telepathy was reported by 65% ​​of people. In other words, they used non-verbal communication at the level of consciousness.

All life before my eyes

In 62% of people, their whole life flashed before their eyes. Some reported that they saw her from beginning to end, but others - in the reverse order, from the present moment to the very birth. At the same time, some saw the most best moments while others felt they had witnessed every event in their lives.


A meeting with a certain deity, whom they called "God", was reported by 56% of people. Interestingly, 75% of people who consider themselves atheists reported a divine being.

Huge Delight

This feeling is very similar to the "feeling of all-consuming love." But if all-consuming love came from some external source, then my own feeling of delight was like a great joy from being in this place, liberation from my body and earthly problems, and from meeting creatures that love them. This feeling was experienced by 56% of people.

Unlimited Knowledge

46% of people reported that they felt a sense of unlimited knowledge, and sometimes even received knowledge, it seemed to them that they knew all the wisdom and secrets of the universe. Unfortunately, after their return to the real world, they could not retain this unlimited knowledge, and yet the feeling remained in their memory that knowledge really existed.

Afterlife levels

In 46% of cases, people reported traveling through different levels or realms. Some even reported that there is a Hell in which people experience great suffering.

Barrier of no return

Only 46% of people who experienced clinical death spoke about a kind of barrier, where they were told about decision: Whether they stay in the afterlife or return to Earth. In some cases, the decision was made by the creatures living there, who informed people about unfinished business. Some people, however, were given a choice and very often many did not want to return, even if they were told about an unfinished mission.

Future Events

In 44% of cases, people were shown future events. It could be global or personal events. Such knowledge, perhaps, could help them decide something when returning to earthly existence.


Although the "tunnel to the light" became a near-hit among afterlife stories, only 42% of people reported it as a result of Williams's study. Some felt the feeling of a rapid flight to the source bright light, while others are about moving along the aisle or stairs.

Uncertainty about what's going on

Most people who have had a near-death experience are not convinced that this actually happened to them, and at the same time, it served as proof for them that there is life after death.

In contrast, materialistic science claims that these experiences are mere hallucinations caused by lack of oxygen in the brain and other neurobiological effects. And while researchers have been able to replicate or mimic some aspects of near-death experiences in the lab, they aren't sure these experiences are real.

The bottom line is that we can't be 100% sure what's going on there. At least until we die... and stay there. Then the question arises: “Can we somehow tell people on Earth about this?”

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The light at the end of the tunnel is a popular representation of how we feel when we enter another world. But as BBC Future correspondent Rachel Nieuwer says, the experiences of near-death survivors are much more varied.

The experience of people who have survived clinical death refutes the popular notion of our feelings on the verge of life and death.

In 2011, a 57-year-old social worker from England - let's call him Mr A - was taken to Southampton Central Hospital after he collapsed on the job. While doctors were trying to insert a catheter into the patient, his heart stopped. Without access to oxygen, the brain instantly ceased to function. Mr A. has died.

Despite this, he remembers what happened next. Medics took an automated external defibrillator (AED), a machine that activates the heart with an electric shock. Mr. A. heard a mechanical voice repeat twice: "Discharge." Between these two commands, he opened his eyes and saw a strange woman in the corner under the ceiling, who beckoned him with her hand.

Image copyright Thinkstock Image caption The light at the end of the tunnel is just one of many scenarios for the feeling of death.

“She seemed to know me, I felt trust in her, I thought she was here for a reason, but I didn’t know for what,” Mr. A later recalled. “The next second I was upstairs, looking down at himself, a nurse, and some bald man."

Researchers believe that to collect objective scientific data on the potential last moments life is quite possible. Over the course of four years, they analyzed more than 2,000 patients who survived cardiac arrest, that is, official clinical death.

Image copyright Thinkstock Image caption It felt like I was being pulled deep underwater

Of this group of patients, doctors were able to bring 16% back to life. Dr. Parnia and his colleagues interviewed a third of these patients - 101 people. “Our goal is to understand first of all what people feel at the time of death,” says Dr. Parnia. “And then to prove that what patients say they see and hear at the time of death is indeed an awareness of reality.”

Seven Shades of Death

Mr. A is not the only patient who had memories of his death. Nearly 50% of study participants could remember something. But unlike Mr. A and another woman whose account of being out of her own body cannot be objectively proven, the experiences of the other patients did not appear to be tied to real events that took place at the time of their death.

Their stories were more like dreams or hallucinations, which Dr. Parnia and his colleagues divided into seven main scenarios. "Most of them didn't fit with what used to be called 'near-death' experiences," says Parnia. "It appears that the psychological experience of death is much broader than we imagined in the past."

These seven scenarios include:

  • Fear
  • Images of animals or plants
  • Bright light
  • Violence and persecution
  • Deja vu or the feeling of "already seen"
  • The faces of family members
  • Memories of events after cardiac arrest

Mental experiences of patients range from eerie to blissful. Some patients report feelings of overwhelming terror or persecution. For example, like this. “I had to go through a burning ceremony,” recalls one participant in the study. “There were four people with me, and if one of them lied, he had to die ... I saw people in coffins who were buried in an upright position.”

Another person recalls being "dragged deep under the water" and another patient recounts that "I was told I was going to die and the most fast way to do this is to say the last short word that I don't remember."

However, other respondents report rather opposite feelings. 22% recall "feeling of peace and tranquility." Some saw living creatures: "Everything and everything around, in plants, but not flowers" or "lions and tigers." Others bathed in "bright light" or reunited with family. Some had a strong sense of déjà vu: "I felt like I knew exactly what people were going to do and they really did." Heightened senses, a distorted sense of time, and a feeling of separation from one's own body are common memories of near-death patients.

Image copyright Thinkstock Image caption Some patients felt that they were separated from their own body.

While "certainly people felt something at the time of death," Prof. Parnia says, how they would interpret those experiences depended entirely on their life experiences and beliefs. Hindus may have said they saw Krishna, while a Midwesterner in the United States claimed to have seen God. “If a person who is brought up in Western society is told that when you die, you will see Jesus Christ, and he will be full of love and compassion, then he will certainly see him,” says the professor. “She will return and say:“ Father, you are right, I really saw Jesus!" But how can any of us recognize Jesus or another God? You do not know what God is. I do not know what he is. Except for the images of a man with a white beard, although everyone understands that it's a fabulous show."

“All this talk about the soul, heaven and hell - I have no idea what they mean. There are probably thousands of interpretations, depending on where you were born and how you were raised,” the scientist says. “It is important to move these memories from the realm of religion into reality."

Common cases

So far, the team of scientists has not established what will determine the ability of patients to remember their feelings at the time of death. Explanations are also lacking as to why some people experience scary scenarios while others talk about euphoria. Dr. Parnia also notes that it is obvious more people have memories of clinical death, as evidenced by statistics. Most people lose these memories due to massive cerebral edema caused by cardiac arrest or heavy sedatives given to them in intensive care.

Even if people cannot remember their thoughts and feelings at the time of death, this experience will undoubtedly influence them. subconscious level. The scientist suggests that this explains the very opposite reaction of patients who came back to life after cardiac arrest. Some no longer fear death at all and begin to relate to life more altruistically, others develop post-traumatic stress disorder.

Image copyright Thinkstock Image caption Some patients find themselves in terrible places, others see God

Professor Parnia and his colleagues are planning further research to find answers to these questions. They also hope that their work will help shed new light on ideas about death and free it from stereotypes associated with religion or skepticism.

Death may well be an object scientific research. "Any person with an objective mindset will agree that research should be continued," the scientist says. "We have the capabilities and technologies. Right now is the time to do it."

From the moment the heart stops, the bodies become surprisingly active. And let the dead not be able to tell what decomposition is and how this whole process goes, but biologists can do it.

Life after death

The irony is that in order to rot, our body must be teeming with life.

1. Cardiac arrest

The heart stops and the blood thickens. The very moment that doctors call "the time of death." As soon as this happens, all other parts of the body begin to die at different rates.

2. Two-color coloring

The blood that the “motor” has stopped dispersing through the vessels accumulates in the veins and arteries. Since it no longer flows, the body takes on a complex coloration. Its lower part turns purple-blue, like a juicy black eye after a glorious brawl. The laws of physics are to blame: liquid settles in the lower part of the body due to the effects of gravity. All the rest of the skin above will have a deathly pale color, because the blood has accumulated elsewhere. The circulatory system no longer works, red blood cells lose the hemoglobin that is responsible for the red color, and discoloration gradually occurs, giving a pale color to the tissues.

3. Deadly cold

Algor mortis is the Latin word for "deadly cold". Bodies lose their lifetime temperature of 36.6°C and slowly adapt to room temperature. The cooling rate is about 0.8°C per hour.

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4. Rigor mortis

Hardening and stiffness of the muscles of the limbs occurs a few hours after death, when the whole body begins to stiffen due to a decrease in ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Rigor mortis begins with the eyelids and neck muscles. The process of stiffness itself is not endless - it stops later, when the enzymatic decomposition of muscle tissue starts.

5. Chaotic movements

Yes, the blood has drained and congealed, but bodies are still capable of twitching and bending for hours after death. Muscle tissue contracts when a person dies, and depending on how many and which muscles contracted during the agony, it may even appear that the body of the deceased is moving.

6. Youthful face

As the muscles eventually stop contracting, wrinkles disappear. Death is a bit like Botox. The only trouble is that you are already dead and cannot rejoice at this circumstance.

7. The intestines are emptied

Although rigor mortis causes the body to freeze, not all organs do so. Our sphincter at the moment of death finally gains freedom, getting rid of total control. When the brain ceases to regulate involuntary functions, the sphincter begins to do what it wants: it opens, and all the “remnants” leave the body.

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8. Corpses smell famously

Corpses are known to stink. Putrid odors- the result of a surge of enzymes that fungi and bacteria, imprisoned for decomposition processes, perceive as a signal to attack. In the tissues of a corpse there is a mass of everything that allows them to actively multiply. The "feast" of bacteria and fungi is accompanied by the generation of putrefactive gases with corresponding odors.

9 Animal Invasion

Literally on the heels of bacteria and fungi come meat flies. They hasten to lay their eggs in the dead body, which then turn into larvae. The larvae cheerfully bite into dead flesh. Later they are joined by mites, ants, spiders, and then larger scavengers.

10. Farewell sounds

Wild trash of all doctors and nurses! The bodies will emit gases, creak and moan! All this is the result of a combination of rigor mortis and vigorous activity of the intestines, which continue to release gas.

11. The intestines are digested

The intestines are filled with a variety of bacteria, which, after death, do not have to go far - they instantly pounce on the intestines. Getting rid of control immune system, bacteria arrange a wild feast.

12. Eyes pop out of their sockets

As the organs decompose and the intestines produce gases, these gases cause the eyes to bulge out of their sockets and the tongues to swell and protrude from the mouths.

"Universal Pictures Rus"

13. Puffy skin

Gases tend upward, gradually separating the skin from the bones and muscles.

14. Rotting

Following the "sliding down" blood, all the cells of the body tend to go down under the influence of gravity. The tissues of the body have already lost their density due to decomposed proteins. As soon as putrefaction reaches its apotheosis, the corpses become "sugary" and spongy. In the end, only bones remain.

15. Bones go last

Decades after bacteria, fungi, and other organisms have done away with flesh, the protein in bones breaks down, leaving behind hydroxyapatite, a bone mineral. But over time, it turns to dust.

The dead hear everything

Everything that happens to us beyond the line separating life from death was, is and will remain a mystery for a long time. Hence - a lot of fantasies, sometimes quite scary. Especially if they are somewhat realistic.

The dead woman giving birth is one of such horrors. A number of centuries ago, when mortality in Europe was prohibitively high, the number of women who died pregnant was also high. All the same gases that are described above led to the expulsion of an already non-viable fetus from the body. All this is casuistry, but the few cases that have occurred are documented, writes the Bigpicture portal.


A relative sitting in a coffin is a quite probable phenomenon, but, to put it mildly, exciting. People in past centuries felt about the same as we do today. It was the fear of witnessing something like this, combined with the hope that the dead might suddenly come to life, that led to the appearance of “houses of the dead” at one time. When loved ones doubted that a person had died, they left him in a room of such a house, tying a rope to his finger, says Naked-Science. The other end of the rope led to a bell placed in the next room. If the deceased "came to life", the bell rang, and the guard serving in the chair next to the bell immediately rushed to the deceased. Most often, the alarm was false - the cause of the ringing was the movement of bones caused by gases or the sudden relaxation of muscles. The deceased left the “house of the dead” when there was no longer any doubt about the processes of decay.

The development of medicine, oddly enough, only exacerbates the confusion around the processes of death. So, doctors have found that some parts of the body continue to live after death for a long time, writes InoSMI. These "long-livers" include heart valves: they have connective tissue cells that retain a "good shape" for some time after death. Thus, the heart valves of the deceased can be used for transplantation within 36 hours of cardiac arrest.

The cornea lives twice as long. Its usefulness lasts three days after you die. This is explained by the fact that the cornea is in direct contact with the air and receives oxygen from it.

This can also explain the "long life path» auditory nerve. The deceased, according to doctors, loses his hearing as the last of all his five senses. For another three days, the dead hear everything - hence the famous: "About the dead - everything or nothing but the truth."

When a person dies, what happens to him?

    Reader, find and read the book: A.I. Klizovsky Fundamentals of the worldview of the New era. There you will find the answer to this question, as well as many other issues of concern to all living.

    Only the body dies. A body that can no longer support life. The soul tries to fight and at that moment there is an agony. This is the process of separating the soul. Then the person is out of the body, but consciousness and all feelings remain. If he was blind or deaf in the body, then, having separated from the body, he acquires these feelings. He sees his relatives and gets used to his condition. When he gets used to it, his further fate depends on how he lived. If a sinner, then evil comes after him, if a true Christian, then angels. Further, if he is a Christian and has a chance of salvation, then two angels pick him up and carry him to the air ordeals. If his good deeds outweigh his evil ones, then he enters the Kingdom of Heaven to await the final judgment. I advise you to read the book of the soul after death. Everything is explained there. If you are on VKontakte, that is the ordeal application. With the help of it, you can check yourself how you lived and what you deserve.

    The tunnel and the rest, which is usually seen when dying, are just hallucinations, oxygen does not enter the brain well, and all sorts of pictures appear, it's like drug addicts.

    I recently watched a movie and was shocked at how they could depict death, it was so perfectly similar to mine, all that flight representation, you fly up, as if inside a tornado, everything is white on the sides, and at the end, what is bright .. But I didn’t have time to fly a little, they pumped me out .. So I live ..))

    When a person dies, the heart stops, he stops breathing, and in a few minutes his brain dies. When all these signs appear, the person is considered dead.

    As for the soul, I think it still exists. Once I watched at night, sitting at the coffin with the dead, how a cloud flew out of him with some kind of noise and immediately disappeared. Maybe it's the air, or maybe the soul. A man died in an accident and his soul lingered in nm. I talked to him half the night and I was not afraid.

    When physical pain reaches its maximum, it becomes so strong that the human body is no longer able to survive, death occurs. Or death can come imperceptibly to a person who is in a coma, and then he probably will not feel physical torment. But one thing is certain: sooner or later death will come to everyone. And what after? Perhaps there will be nothing further and consciousness will go into oblivion. Or there will be life after death, the transition of the soul to another reality. Everyone will find out for themselves at some point.

    The answer to this question is unknown to anyone. Since no one has returned from the next world. There are many hypotheses, fictional stories, assumptions, but no one knows for sure about this. This is a riddle, the answer to which we will all receive at the end of our lives.

    death is a thing that stirs the minds of all living people. Unfortunately, we do not know what awaits us when we die. and we are not even afraid of the very fact of death, but of the unknown what awaits us on the other side. everyone and everyone is destined to die, so you can’t be afraid of it. we must proudly accept the inevitable, and that's when we'll know.

    At the moment of death of a person in his body, all processes of life and activity stop. stop working internal organs- brain, lungs, heart, etc. The body temperature drops.

    Well, as for the soul, if it exists, then the soul separates from the body and flies away. According to some studies, at the time of death, a person becomes 5 grams lighter, most likely this is the weight of the soul.

    When a person dies, then all the processes of his life activity stop in him, his vital activity stops, he disappears as a person, his natural death occurs.

    A person dies when his body is no longer able to support life, and this can be both for artificial reasons and for natural processes. As soon as oxygen stops flowing into the body and blood circulation stops, one by one, the organs begin to die, stop their processes, after the necrosis of the brain and nerve endings, the process of decomposition and decay of the flesh will begin, and the hair and nail follicles will be the last to die. Perhaps you were interested in a philosophical and global question - something like the soul and transmigration and reincarnation - there is no proof or proof!- so it turns out nothing further! Came from nothing and went to nothing!

    I think the question is a little different. Does our consciousness and morphological field still live and continue to exist as energy!

    I doubt that anyone alive can answer this question.

    The time will come and we will find out for ourselves!

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