Choosing the right career is the key to the future. Interview with a psychologist. The right choice of Life Goal is the key to Success

Wise people They say: "Be careful what you wish for." This folk wisdom can be expanded to “be afraid of your goals”, since your choice of life goals largely depends on your future success. There's nothing worse than spending years climbing a ladder set against the wrong building of success. You can repeat someone else's success, but if you set false goals for yourself, then this external success will not bring joy. Choosing the right life goals largely determines your future.

Goals are divided into:

- short-term;

— Medium-term;

— Long-term.

The life goals of a person are long-term and highest priority tasks, which are largely related to what is really important for this particular person. If any of the life goals is imposed, then a person may not have enough enusiasm to bring it to life. And if it is still possible to achieve it, then the result will not bring any joy.


I can give my own example. Once upon a time I entered graduate school and was enthusiastic to write and defend PhD thesis. But the supervisor imposed on me a topic that was not interesting to me. As a result, the dissertation continued to choke more and more and it became more and more obvious that I clearly did not have enough fuse to defend my Ph.D. thesis. I did not drop out of graduate school simply because it was a legal way not to join the army. But defending a dissertation was clearly not included in the list of life goals. The real goal has turned into a false one.

In pursuit of a false goal, you risk wasting time and effort, which happened to me when writing a dissertation.

We are all very different, so the choice of life goals will be different for everyone. It is important for someone to travel and visit as much as possible more countries. Other people are interested in settling somewhere in one place and arranging their life here as much as possible. When choosing life goals, you need to do conscious choice regardless of the opinions of others.

You must clearly answer for yourself the question of what you want from life. Right choice a life goal is already half the success. And your brain, like the most advanced GPS navigator, will look for ways to achieve your goals. Goals can be achieved if there is a will. But the main thing is that these goals should be “yours”.

Success in life has many components. See the wheel life balance. These are health, family, career, money, self-development, friends, career growth and so on. In each of these areas of life you need to set specific goals. For example, work, it would seem, does not pretend to set any long-term life goals here, and yet we spend most of our active time at work and we need to set goals here. If only because if you find a job you like, you will not experience stress, but rather you will enjoy this work. And career growth will go uphill. Over time, money will follow.

Just like setting goals for your health. People who don't watch their diet, give up on their health, and don't exercise tend to give up their skates prematurely. But that's not the only negative. Bad condition health (eg. excess weight) has a significant impact on quality of life. Last summer, I personally had such an uncomfortable problem as hemorrhoids. I think one of the reasons is being overweight. As a result, I visited the proctologist's table. I want to say that I would not even wish this worst enemy. Even a minor ailment radically breaks the quality of life and, if not crosses out interest in life goals, then at least greatly spoils the mood.

To find suitable life goals, you need to be able to listen to your own feelings. Sometimes we understand that this or that goal is ours on an intuitive level. The problem of many people is that in the daily bustle they have forgotten how to listen to their own feelings and quickly run after false goals and they don’t even have time to think about what they want from life.

Buying an apartment is a crucial step in the life of every person. After all, even a small living space will cost a decent amount of money. It's good if the buyer already knows which one he wants to see new apartment. However, this is rare, and the decision is often made spontaneously. How to buy a dream apartment?

Realtors have provided a few tips for our site that will help the buyer not only make the right choice, but also make a list of requirements for the place of their dreams. So, what are the main points you need to pay attention to when buying an apartment?

First step. Where to start choosing?

In order not to be disappointed in the purchase, you need to determine in advance the purpose of the acquisition and the amount of money that you are willing to invest in real estate. From the answer to this question will depend on which area you need to look for an apartment, its size and floor, the class of the house. The greatest difficulty arises when choosing a region. A person tries to find an apartment in a place where he is well oriented, if the purchase is not tied to the work or study of the client. If he nevertheless decides to settle in an unfamiliar area, then the main criterion for choosing will be the infrastructure of the place.

Second step. Old or new?

Unfortunately, this question leads many buyers to a standstill. What to choose - a new building in which no one lived, and the price for it is cheaper, or secondary housing, but with which unforeseen problems may arise? The choice depends on the financial capabilities of the buyer. If there is a shortage of money, but there is time to wait, then the best option- This is a new building. Get a home modern building with new communications and a contingent of neighbors about your social status. However, there are some nuances - you will have to additionally invest in repairs.

Third step. Inspection of the acquired property.

It is better to inspect the apartments during the day. You should take your camera with you. Taking pictures, it is possible to evaluate the apartments the next day or show them to loved ones. When inspecting the property, pay attention to its layout: if there are two rooms, then it is better to be isolated; the room itself should be well lit; the presence of a dressing room, a hall. Looking around the apartment, you should collect information about the neighbors with whom you have to live.

What should you pay attention to when choosing a profession in the first place?

- Choosing a profession is a very difficult and responsible issue in life. Your financial well-being, personal life, circle of friends, level of self-esteem, values ​​and interests, place of residence will depend on his decision.

Some professions cannot be mastered with certain shortcomings, which are called contraindications to the profession. These are, for example, allergies to food, smells, poor health, fatigue, fear of blood, irascibility, lack of endurance, conflict and more. If, for example, you are allergic to food, you will not be able to work as a cook.

When choosing a profession, you need to decide on the requirements for it: the absence of excessive workload or a large exercise stress, career growth, the possibility of creativity, high salary, communication with interesting people, high social significance, free time. If you are, for example, in poor health, you will not be able to perform work with great physical exertion.

How does the choice of a career depend on the financial capabilities of the family in which the child was born?

− When choosing a career, one should also take into account the fact that it is possible to move to study in another city or even a country. In this regard, it is easier and better for those whose children continue the path chosen by their parents. For example, there are entire dynasties of scientists, musicians, doctors, teachers, artists, journalists, actors, etc.

Very often, children of parents who are successful in something do not want to engage in their profession, wanting to master a completely different type of activity. Then they need to master the "unplowed field". In any case, you should not be upset, because a university graduate diploma in itself is not a guarantee of a successful career.

What should a child do if the parents insist on continuing the family dynasty?

- The child should listen to the opinion of the parents, and parents should prove why this particular profession is suitable for their child, and not another. If the child still does not like the choice of the parents, then he should explain the reason, and give weighty arguments in favor of future profession. The child also needs to enlist the support of a significant person for him, for example, grandparents, a class teacher.

What influences the choice of profession, career?

- The choice of profession can be influenced by significant people: parents, neighbor, teacher. And an authoritative acquaintance (idol), whom you want to be equal to, from whom you want to take an example.

How to choose the right profession so that it is interesting for the child, corresponds to his abilities and the capabilities of his parents?

When choosing a profession, first of all, evaluate your abilities. To do this, remember your successes and failures. Which subjects were easy for you, and which were difficult? When did you feel the best, and when - among the lagging behind? What sciences are you inclined to: humanitarian, exact, natural, requiring physical or mental activity? Of course, one must not forget about the likelihood of misleading such a way of assessing one's own abilities. As you know, Einstein was considered a lagging student at school. We may also be unaware of true abilities, since our perception of them is more influenced by the teacher's assessments (not always objective), the approval or disapproval of the group. Although the opinion of others is still worth listening to. After all, if others constantly express similar judgments about the merits and demerits of a person, then perhaps they are right.

Is it worth considering the school where the child is studying when choosing a profession?

– Of course, it is worth it. If, for example, you study at a school with a linguistic bias, you should think about linking your future profession with languages. But are you ready to dedicate your life to languages? If you have been studying piano at a music school for 5 years, do you ever think about connecting your life with music?

What factors should be considered when choosing a profession?

− Today, a significant proportion of women work in low-paid jobs. They move up the corporate ladder more slowly than men. Many of them forced to combine work with family responsibilities. In most families, the responsibility for maintaining household and the upbringing of children is a woman's responsibility. Therefore, it is not surprising that women who have made a career and achieved leadership position, are often lonely. All this should be taken into account when choosing a career.

A successful career comes at the cost of a lot of effort. It is necessary to determine from the very beginning whether her burden will not be too heavy? In addition, one should not forget about the influence of cultural stereotypes. For example, if in the USA mostly men work as doctors and dentists, then in Russia the majority of doctors are women. culture modern society decisively determines to what extent to try to find out whether there is a future for a particular profession, the degree of its demand in a particular region of the country.

Should you think about future employment when choosing a career?

– Of course, it is worth it. Not everyone can become President, just as the ambitious dream of the first flight to Jupiter will probably remain a dream for the time being. Even those professions that are currently in demand may be unnecessary in the future. Technology is advancing, displacing the routine work of a person, but at the same time eliminating jobs.

What do you need to know about your future profession?

- First, you need to find out what skills and practical skills are needed for your job. For example, the speed of reaction communication habits, good memory, 100% vision, acute hearing, or special training.

Secondly, you need to find out what the working conditions are: work indoors or outdoors, in a separate office or in a common room, with or without a uniform, with or without a standard, etc.

In the event that, after comparing the psychological, pedagogical and medical examination with its professional orientation, contraindications are found, the psychologist (professional consultant) must tactfully and convincingly explain to the adolescent (subject) the impossibility of his choice and recommend another profession. At the same time, it is desirable that the recommended profession does not run counter to the inclinations and abilities of the students.

What should parents do if the child began to study, but realized that he had chosen the wrong profession?

- It is worth talking to parents or the child himself with class teacher groups, teachers, dean. If gets higher education, it is worth talking with the dean, with the deputy dean, or with the teachers. In this situation, there are two options: either try to graduate from an educational institution, or pick up documents and look for a more suitable profession. There was a case in my practice when a girl entered the Pedagogical University on a budget, but realized that the profession of a teacher was not hers. And yet, the girl decided to finish her studies, because she realized that this was the only chance in her life to get a free higher education.

What tests will help determine the profession?

Psychological tests- not absolutely exact units of measurement like physical measures. Testing by itself does not bring any relief or benefit to the person. A test can only be useful if it allows you to draw the right conclusions. It is necessary only to determine the "strong" or "weak" side of the professional orientation of the person being tested, which will help him make the right choice in the future.

In the study of aptitudes and professional interests, the DDO-30 questionnaire, a professional horoscope, the questionnaire "contraindications to the profession", the questionnaire "requirements for the future profession", the questionnaire "expectations from the future profession" can be used. Once you have decided on a profession, you should decide on the choice of an educational institution.

Answer sheet, where answers are entered, on the basis of which the analysis is then done. Instructions for the questionnaire are available on the site

How to choose the right educational institution where you can get an education?

It is necessary to withstand the algorithm for choosing an educational institution:

  1. Decide on a professional choice. In schools, career guidance classes are held from the 9th grade.
  2. Find educational institutions that would produce such specialists and suit them by location and payment.

I want to wish good luck to the guys, to study with pleasure, not to make a mistake with the choice of profession, to become a professional in their field, because the whole future life depends on the choice of a career.

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Life goals are vectors that determine your future, are indicators of your actions.

This is what you are striving for, this is the direction in which you are moving forward, this is the result of your actions.
Basically, goals are divided into short-term, medium-term and long-term. Goals are practical if they are aimed at the implementation of plans in professional or social activities. Psychological goals are aimed at developing certain qualities, character traits, various installations. But still, the main, main goal is the life goal of a person, the so-called extra-long-term plan. In other words, this is your meaning of life, which in a difficult period makes you rise and move on. WITH life purpose it is necessary to decide even before the formulation and setting of goals that are more tangible.

  • Choice of life goals

Choosing life goals is not so easy.
The main difficulty is that people are very preoccupied with the outer side of existence, which makes them ignore their feelings. Feelings occupy a key place in a person's life; with their help, you can understand a lot in a person. Ignoring feelings creates a conflict within a person, a conflict with oneself, which can lead to negative and lasting consequences.

This dependence can be demonstrated with an example. If a person spends a huge amount of energy, efforts to achieve a specific goal, he physically exhausts himself, while he has a deep psychological depression, inexplicable illnesses, then this is definitely a false, wrong goal. Pursuing a false goal, you will either not achieve it, or, having achieved it, you will be disappointed, make sure that this is not at all what you really need. Remember, life is short. We don't have as much time as it seems. Don't waste time on false targets, unnecessary bug fixes. Wasted time cannot be returned. That is why you need to initially be able to choose the goal that will make you happy.
Each person is an individuality, therefore life goals should select the individuality of each. Analyze your values, strengths, passions, lifestyle, and only after that think about a life goal that will lead you to success, will allow you to find long-awaited happiness. Your goals must be in harmony with you, and only then can you achieve success in creativity, in work, in material well-being, in your personal life.

Even in childhood, we were taught that only hard work will lead us to success, that it is necessary to persevere and persevere towards the goal, to overcome obstacles and hardships. But it's not! The biggest misconception is that we constantly need to fight for our happiness, always overcome obstacles, fight for our place in the sun.
A person who thinks that having overcome an obstacle, happiness awaits him further, is simply mistaken. It's just an illusion, a mirage. Further, there will be no happiness ahead! Don't you know when you overcame obstacles, reached your goal, and instead of happiness, you experience devastation and oppression? Where is happiness? Where did it go? Remember that happiness appears while moving towards your cherished goal. If a person correctly identified it, then he is already happy, despite the fact that the goal has not yet been achieved. Every day becomes a holiday. Any movement towards the goal will bring a lot of joy. And when you reach your goal, you will know happiness. By choosing someone else's goal, you are immersed in the illusion of a holiday. Achieving such a goal will only bring disappointment and devastation.

The life goal of a person cannot be determined by any time frame, needs. Ask yourself: what do you want from life? what will make you happy and joyful? Only this matters to you, the rest is just unnecessary tinsel.
Try to find the one main goal life. If you achieve it, then all your other desires will come true by themselves. Analysis and reflection are the activities of the mind, they are not able to correctly determine the goal. This is only possible for the soul, which is deprived of the ability to think. The soul feels and sees. The mind, in turn, seeks the method of analysis, setting logical chains, which are based on generally accepted stereotypes and clichés. If the mind could determine the true purpose of life, then all people on earth would be happy.
The main task of the mind is to pass all external information through itself, while paying attention to mental balance. Your mind must learn to make the following mindset: looking for what will make my life happy. And only then just let in external information and follow how the soul reacts to this flow, what feelings are born inside you.

An active search will not return any results. No need to panic! Relax, calm down and just wait, create. The main thing is to set up a search, the necessary information will come by itself. It is very important to be able to control your mind so that it does not confuse you with its thoughts. In a certain period, the necessary information will arouse your interest. It is important to pay attention to your state of mind, feelings, and, in no case, not to analyze or reflect.
By expanding your circle of interests, hobbies, you will help speed up the arrival of the necessary information. Visit new places, go to the library, go to the theatre, go to the cinema, just walk the streets, go somewhere you have never been. Don't actively search, just expand your range of external information and observe.
There is no need to drive yourself into a time frame, put pressure on yourself, force you to search, turn the search for a goal for life into a duty. It won't lead to anything. It is enough to always keep in mind the installation: I am looking for my place in life, looking for myself, looking for the source of my happiness.

Become more attentive to your feelings. Make sure that the installation runs automatically in the background. So that when new information arrives, you pass it through a filter: do I like it, what feelings do I experience?
The time will come, and one day you will receive a signal that will make you cheer up, wake up. You will feel that you have begun to like something. Carefully consider new information, do not forget to monitor your state of mind.
In the end, you will be able to get rid of the temptation to reflect, and you will be able to determine your life purpose. Fantastic transformations await you in your life after you dare to act in the name of achieving your goal. You will finally get rid of the burden of false goals that you followed before, it will become easier for you to breathe. You no longer need to do what you don't have a heart for. No need to force yourself anymore! The fight for illusion is over, you give up the fight for false happiness, and get it here and now. Stop trying to fill the inner void with various surrogates. After finding the right goal, your soul will wake up from a long hibernation, you will feel lightness in everything, you are free.

Negative emotions, oppression, depression - everything is in the past. It is much easier to go to your personal life goal, feeling peace of mind, realize that you have found something that will bring happiness to you, that the unsuccessful search for happiness in the outside world is over. Finally, your mind has freed itself from the rubbish of the outside world, useless thoughts and reflections, self-flagellation and digging in itself, and simply let the necessary task inside. soul like Small child, who received the long-awaited toy, has fun and rejoices. You have broken false stereotypes and stereotypes, allowed yourself to believe in yourself, in your goal. Having gained all this, the doors that were closed before will swing open for you. And the mind realizes that the goal is indeed achievable.
You will become happier, life will turn into a holiday, the mind and soul will achieve harmony in order to reach the life goal together.
If you cannot decide on your life goal, the most important thing is not to panic, do not put pressure on yourself, think less, create more and just listen carefully to your feelings. Sooner or later, you will find your purpose, and with it, happiness.

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