Proper citation formatting is anti-plagiarism. Proper quotation. How to format quotes in text

Interviews, movies, series, even from computer games- users are happy to post them on their walls, repost and like. In this regard, it would be nice to remember how to format quotes correctly. Of course, there are quite a lot of rules for quoting and formatting quotations, however, for an ordinary user, it is enough to know the basic

Selecting a quote in a text

There are three ways to indicate that given text is a quote. The first is quotation marks.

"It is much easier to die than to endure a martyr's life" (Johann Wolfgang Goethe. Suffering of young Werther).

The second is highlighting in course or smaller font (for example, regular text is typed 14th, and quotation 12th).

"A person is afraid of death the more, the less he truly lives his life and the greater his unrealized potential"(Irvin Yalom).

And the third way is the so-called "retractable set". That is, the quote is typed with indents in relation to the main text.

In this case, quotes are not required.

Attribution of the author and source of citation

Let's not talk about how to draw up a bibliographic footnote - we don't really need it. But it is often required to correctly indicate the name of the author and the cited work. So, if an indication of the author or source comes immediately after the quotation, then it is enclosed in brackets. The period after the quotes is not put, but is put after the closing bracket.

"Seeing the battle from the outside, everyone fancies himself a strategist" (Kozma Prutkov).

In this case, if the first word indicating the source or author is not a proper name, then it is written with a small letter.

"Words are the least effective remedy communication. They are the most open to misinterpretation and the most misunderstood" (from Conversations with God by Neil Donald Walsh).

If the name of the author and the source are indicated below the quote, on the next line, then they are written without brackets and any other punctuation marks. After the quotation, in this case, a period (or another sign, as in the original) is put.

Who has deceived you so often as you yourself?

Benjamin Franklin

The same rule applies to epigraphs.

Emphasis within a quote

Author's selections, as a rule, are kept in the form as they are in the source. If for some reason this is not possible, then they are replaced with another type of selection. Usually they do not specifically stipulate that this is a selection of the author. But if the selection belongs to the quoted one, then this must be indicated. To do this, write in brackets "highlighted by me" or "my italics" and put their initials.

Punctuation when quoting

Here I will be extremely brief, since these rules citation design can be found in the textbook. If the citation is preceded by the words of the quoting person, warning that there will be a quotation, then a colon is put.

E. Hemingway rightly remarked: "We become stronger where we break."

However, if after the quotation (or inside) there are words of the quoting person that introduce the quotation into the text, then a full stop is put.

Maria von Ebner-Eschenbach said exactly this. "The inimitable just causes the majority of imitators," he wrote.

If the quote is an addition or part of subordinate clause, then do not put any signs.

Bruce Lee once said that "the truth is alive, therefore, changeable."

If there is an ellipsis, exclamation point, or question mark, then they are placed before quotation marks. The point is not set.

Stanisław Jerzy Lec wittily remarked: "So you broke through the wall with your head. What are you going to do in the next cell?"

If there are no signs before the quotation marks, then put a period. But already after quotes (or after indicating the author / source).

George Bernard Shaw said: Man of sense adapts to the world; unreasonable - stubbornly trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, progress depends on unintelligent people."

If the quotation is not an independent sentence, but part of a subordinate clause, then a dot is placed after the quotation marks even if there is an ellipsis, question mark or exclamation mark before the quotation marks.

B. L. Pasternak emphasized that "the most clear, memorable and important thing in art is its emergence ...".

What letter do you start with?

If a sentence is cited from the very beginning, then the quotation naturally begins with a capital letter. If the beginning of a sentence is omitted, then the quotation begins with a small letter.

Dale Carnegie notes: "... a man who is happily married is much happier than a genius who lives alone."

However, if we start a new sentence with a quote, then it is capitalized, regardless of whether we quote the sentence in full or cut out a part.

"... A man who is happily married is much happier than a genius living alone," notes Dale Carnegie.

Welcome to the blog! The main topic for today is quotes and anti-plagiarism. He sees borrowed words, which may not be very good for uniqueness. If the text is completely author's, then usually everything is fine.

For the first time I thought about how to make a citation for anti-plagiarism in accordance with the current rules when I studied at a university. At that time I found a lot interesting information on this occasion, but in practice it was not particularly useful to me at that time. Why? The matter is that not unique fragments all the same were. I thought for a long time why this is happening and came to a seemingly obvious conclusion.

Anti-plagiarism simply sees whether a piece of text is borrowed or not. That's all.

However, there are methods of textual analysis, which are carried out taking into account the exclusion of primary sources. I'll tell you about this too.

A similar situation.

As you can see, citation sources can be excluded during the review. However, it should be understood that the reproduction of someone else's thought or text will one way or another be a borrowing and must be properly executed.


You need to understand that each uniqueness analysis service has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is advisable to familiarize yourself with the capabilities of each in the official help.

Some universal way to make quoting for anti-plagiarism so that they do not see the copied text fragments at all, I have not met. Although I once long and hard searched for the answer to this question.

If you think about it, the main goal of anti-plagiarism is to find borrowed text sections. How could he not see them? This will be contrary to its main function. The exclusion of primary sources is, of course, great, but anti-plagiarism sees them anyway, as noted in the examples above.

This article comes to an end. You have helpful information, which will be able to supplement it and find other readers answers to their questions? It would be great if you share your knowledge in the comments.

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How to INCREASE the ORIGINALITY of the text? 9 practical tips for "anti-plagiarism"

9 practical (legitimate and proven) tips for “anti-plagiarism”

TIP #1. Arrange as citation all fragments of borrowing


4. Arrange all fragments as quotes.
CLUE. The Anti-Plagiarism system recognizes a fragment as a quote if it is marked on both sides with quotation marks (Russian !!) and after the quotation marks there is a link to the source of literature in square brackets:
"...FRAGMENT..." [
A COMMENT. As experience shows, if the borrowing comes from a textbook or a well-known monograph, then the Antiplagiarism system will most likely recognize this fragment as a “white” citation and thereby increase the final score of originality.
If the borrowing comes from someone else's dissertation, then this technique does not help much.

TIP #2. Convert interlinear bibliographic references to references to the References

A COMMENT. This technique "kills" two birds with one stone in pursuit of increasing originality.
1) The list of references is not included in the main text of the dissertation, which, in fact, is checked for "anti-plagiarism", and the entire text of the footnotes is included.

And a bibliographic reference, especially to well-known articles or books, is defined as borrowing. By removing these links from the text of the notes, we increase the originality.
2) A link to a source of literature using a footnote, as experience shows, is not recognized by the Anti-Plagiarism system as a quote. The citation must be:
"...FRAGMENT..." [
That is, refer to the number in the "Literature List"

TIP #3. Convert large borrowings into dissertation appendices

REFERENCE. "Anti-plagiarism" checks the main text of the dissertation, which begins with the first words of the Introduction and ends with the last words of the Conclusion.

References and Appendixes are not included in the main text.
COMMENT: If we move a large fragment of borrowing into the Appendix (and there can be as many Appendixes to the Dissertation), then we remove the borrowing from the main text of the dissertation, and, accordingly, increase originality.

TIP #4 Give all illustration material as pictures

A COMMENT. Only the main text of the dissertation is checked for “anti-plagiarism”, which does not include illustrative material.
The illustrative material of the dissertation includes: tables, formulas, figures, diagrams.
Therefore, if the text from tables/diagrams/figures is perceived by the Anti-plagiarism system as borrowing, then it makes sense to give them as an image.
At the same time, it is undesirable to turn text in tables into figures in an obvious way.
We recommend editing so that the text in the table differs from the usual text of the dissertation:
(1) reduce the font size (instead of 14 pt take 12 pt)
(2) change the font (instead of Times New Roman, take Georgia or Courier New or Calibri),
(3) reduce line spacing (from 1.5 to single)

WARNING: Figure/table captions MUST NOT be included in the image. They refer to the dissertation text!

A COMMENT. Literature review, links to the results of other researchers, etc. is often perceived by the Anti-Plagiarism system as a borrowing.
If you give this information in a tabular form, and arrange the table as a picture, then you can increase the originality.
WARNING: just don't use this technique for plain text! ALGORITHM:
1. Send us your text.
2. We will check the "Anti-plagiarism" system.
3. We will send you a "colored" text, where all fragments of borrowings are highlighted.
4. Replace all large borrowing fragments 1-2 with your own sentences.
Such a technique will not only increase originality, but also make the text itself clearer and more understandable.
Do not be afraid to shorten your dissertation, especially other people's paragraphs.
The HAC only gives recommendations on the upper limit of the dissertation (150 pages for a Ph.D., 300 pages for a doctoral thesis), but does not say anything about the minimum length.
Brevity is the soul of wit!
And if you “climbed out” of the limits recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission, then the more “truncation” of the text is useful and beneficial! A COMMENT. The Anti-Plagiarism system operates quite formally - it looks only for LITERAL matches of texts.
By rewriting the borrowing fragment in your own words, you can easily increase originality.
It's hard work, of course.
However, this skill later, as experience shows, is a good help in life:
1) when you write reviews on your dissertation (few people now write reviews on other people's dissertations), you will have to write the same thing several times different words;
2) when writing website content, the process of rewriting texts in your own words is called rewriting, and there are always orders for it.

TIP #8 Replace all relatively stable expressions with abbreviations

At the first appearance of a term with words (hereinafter - ...), we introduce an abbreviation.
Example. ... Breaking the rules fire safety(hereinafter - NPPB)...
And everywhere in the text we use the introduced abbreviation (except for the headings of chapters / paragraphs!)
All entered abbreviations are summarized in a list, which, according to GOST, is called LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS
and is located in the text of the dissertation before the REFERENCES
NPPB - violation of fire safety rules
NTPB - violation of fire safety requirements
UPLiIN - destruction or damage to forest and other plantations

TIP #9 Enter your own abbreviations for long titles of official documents

On first appearance full name document with the words (hereinafter - ...) we introduce our own abbreviation.
For example: ... resolutions of the Plenum Supreme Court RF dated July 5, 2002 “On judicial practice on cases of violation of fire safety rules, destruction or damage to property by arson or as a result of careless handling of fire"
(hereinafter referred to as the Decree of the RF PVS of 05.07.2002)

(hereinafter referred to as the Decree of the RF PVS on the NPPB)
And everywhere in the text we use the introduced abbreviation
This abbreviation adds to the LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS


If you do not have the strength or desire to engage in increasing the originality of the text yourself,

then we can help you.

Prices, based on the complexity, are for the text PhD thesis:
a) promotion by 1-5% costs 3 tr;
b) increase by 5-10% costs 7 tr;
c) an increase in 10-15% costs 12 tr;
d) increase by 15-20% costs 18 tr.
e) increase by 20-25% costs 25 tr.
e) increase by 25-30% costs 33 tr.
Then, as experience shows, the complexity increases dramatically.
An increase in originality by more than 30% already requires a much deeper (semantic) processing of the text.

Average volume of texts doctoral dissertations more than 2 times the average length of the PhD dissertation text, so prices for increasing originality for doctoral dissertations 2 times higher.

In Russian, there are certain rules for quoting and its design, the use of which will help you correctly insert a quotation into any text. Citation is an integral part of writing essays, term papers and theses, articles and texts. Citations give the article completeness, conciseness and a certain status, as the credibility of the author increases through citation famous people. However, many are wondering how to format quotes correctly, as well as where in the text and how to insert a quote.

Let's look at the basic rules for quoting in Russian.

Quotation rules in Russian

  1. The most important rule for quoting is as follows: the quotation must reproduce the quoted text with 100% accuracy! Deviations from the text, insertion or exclusion of any parts of the text are not allowed.
  2. The same applies to punctuation marks - they must correspond to those in the text. When the quoted text is not at hand (for example, when taking an exam), it is necessary to place the appropriate punctuation marks in accordance with the punctuation rules of the Russian language.
  3. The quotation should be appropriate, justified by the specific goals of the author.
  4. When you skip some words from passages, put an ellipsis in place of this gap. At the same time, one should not forget that the ellipsis should not distort the meaning of the phrase, since such a violation is a gross citation error as such. If there are no first words in the quote, then it is necessary to put an ellipsis after the quotes and start the quote with a small letter.
  5. The original meaning is the main criterion of the quoting person. When a quotation refers to one subject, and it is used to describe another, the meaning that the author gave to the quotation is distorted.
  6. If a quote is added to the text of the essay, then it is possible to use indirect speech, which will allow you to convey exact phrase quoted (for example, the hero of the book). For example: “I know only two real misfortunes in life: remorse and illness,” Prince Andrei says to Pierre. Prince Andrei tells Pierre that he knows in life "only two real misfortunes: remorse and illness."
  7. It is unacceptable to retell the poetic text in your own words.

How to highlight a quote graphically?

  1. The most basic way is quotes.
  2. Italics or a smaller font size for the quotation compared to the body text.
  3. A separate place for a quote on the page (in the middle, on the side).

Emphasis within a quote

Regardless of whether the highlights belong to the author of the cited text or they are the initiative of the citing, strict requirements are also imposed on them.

If the selections belong to the citing person, then they are negotiated. The comment is enclosed in brackets.


Separately, it is worth considering an epigraph - a quote that is placed at the beginning of an essay or a separate part to give some image, meaning, spirit to the work or to express the author's thoughts. A witty saying used as an epigraph is called "motto".

The requirements for the design of the epigraph are slightly different from the rules for the design of ordinary quotations:

  • located on right side sheet;
  • formatted without quotation marks;
  • The author's surname and initials are not enclosed in brackets;
  • dot after last name is not put.

For example:

Who did it wrong

the first button

won't close properly anymore.

(Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

About copyright

The law of the Russian Federation does not prohibit quoting both in the original and in translation, without the consent of the author or payment of remuneration, but requires the name of the author, the work from which the quotation was taken, and also the source of borrowing.

So we have looked at the most important rules quotation formatting. To remember them faster, read more of the literature in which quotes are given, then you will definitely know how to write quotes so that they complement your own text favorably. Good luck!

The use of citations must be accurate and appropriate. This means that the quotation itself must be properly formatted, inextricably linked with the text, and with a mandatory reference to the source.

Direct borrowing of the text is permissible, but only in cases where it is impossible to convey the meaning in other words. For example, definitions, theorems, formulas. In other cases, it is undesirable.

When using citation, you can discuss with the authors of other works on this topic, you can agree, refute the information, give your own examples, and consider the prospects for the development of the topic.

The main thing is to accompany the citation in the text with your own thoughts. Then the text will be more readable and interesting.

Thus, citation in the work indicates an extensive and complete, versatile consideration of the topic, which positively affects the originality of the text.

What anti-plagiarism "does not like"

Anti-plagiarists are critical of direct quoting (direct speech). If you suddenly decide to deceive him and do not put a link to the source, the program will immediately give you a link from where you "plagiarized" the text and reduce the percentage of uniqueness of the work.

Some programs have so-called exclusion lists. If your link is included in this list, anti-plagiarism checks the text without taking into account the quote. But this will affect the number of characters.

Other programs will consider that you borrowed someone else's text and pass it off as your own, thereby lowering the percentage of uniqueness for you.

We conclude that anti-plagiarism “does not like” direct (exact) quoting, so if possible, try to avoid it in your work.

What anti-plagiarism "loves"

Interestingly, indirect quoting, on the contrary, can add originality to your text. In other words, you convey the content of the borrowed text in the words of the author.

At the same time, it is necessary to use such phrases as: “according to”, “as he said”, “according to”, “as he thought”, “as he wrote”, “as he suggests”, “how he argues his point of view”, “as he put it” , “as it shows”, “as it explains” and other introductory phrases.

Do not overuse quoting, use it to emphasize the thought of its author or your own.

Anti-plgaites “love” everything new, if you can beat the quote in your own words, indicate the author, attach your opinion, therefore, to the occasion, and argue your point of view - and the program will consider your text as unique.

Exceptions to the rules

If, due to the specifics of your work, the absence of citation is impossible, do not be surprised if your work is not will be tested for uniqueness. Just try not to pile up the text with solid quotes.

As a rule, it is very difficult for lawyers, doctors, cooks to write unique texts. For example, it is almost impossible to replace the citation of laws, or specific terminology.

Of course, you can try to give your own definition of a particular term, but here you need to be confident in your abilities.

Use quotes in your work wisely. If you belong to the “exceptions to the rules” group, try not to get hung up on the uniqueness of the text, but to do a decent and high-quality work.

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