Reasons for the victory of the Soviet people in the Battle of Stalingrad. Battle of Stalingrad - meaning

Battle of Stalingrad - 20th century Cannes

IN Russian history there are events that burn with gold on the tablets of her military glory. And one of them - (July 17, 1942–February 2, 1943), which became Cannes of the 20th century.
The gigantic scale battle of the Second World War unfolded in the second half of 1942 on the banks of the Volga. At certain stages, more than 2 million people, about 30 thousand guns, more than 2 thousand aircraft and the same number of tanks took part in it from both sides.
During Battle of Stalingrad The Wehrmacht lost a quarter of its forces concentrated on the Eastern Front. His losses in killed, missing and wounded amounted to about one and a half million soldiers and officers.

Battle of Stalingrad on the map

Stages of the Battle of Stalingrad, its prerequisites

By the nature of the fighting Battle of Stalingrad briefly divided into two periods. This defensive operations(July 17 - November 18, 1942) and offensive operations(November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943).
After the failure of the Barbarossa plan and the defeat near Moscow, the Nazis were preparing for a new offensive on the Eastern Front. On April 5, Hitler issued a directive that spelled out the goal of the 1942 summer campaign. This is the mastery of the oil-bearing regions of the Caucasus and access to the Volga in the region of Stalingrad. On June 28, the Wehrmacht launched a decisive offensive, taking the Donbass, Rostov, Voronezh ...
Stalingrad was a major communications hub connecting the central regions of the country with the Caucasus and Central Asia. And the Volga is an important transport artery for the delivery of Caucasian oil. The capture of Stalingrad could have catastrophic consequences for the USSR. The 6th Army under the command of General F. Paulus was actively operating in this direction.

Photos of the Battle of Stalingrad

Battle of Stalingrad - fighting on the outskirts

To protect the city, the Soviet command formed the Stalingrad Front, headed by Marshal S. K. Timoshenko. began on July 17, when units of the 62nd Army entered the battle with the vanguard of the 6th Army of the Wehrmacht in the bend of the Don. Defensive battles on the outskirts of Stalingrad lasted 57 days and nights. On July 28, People's Commissar of Defense I.V. Stalin issued Order No. 227, better known as "Not a step back!"
By the beginning of the decisive offensive, the German command significantly strengthened Paulus's 6th Army. The superiority in tanks was twofold, in aircraft - almost fourfold. And at the end of July, the 4th Panzer Army was also transferred here from the Caucasian direction. And, nevertheless, the advance of the Nazis to the Volga could not be called fast. For a month im under desperate blows Soviet troops managed to cover only 60 kilometers. To strengthen the southwestern approaches to Stalingrad, the Southeastern Front was created under the command of General A.I. Eremenko. Meanwhile, the Nazis began active operations in the Caucasian direction. But thanks to the dedication of the Soviet soldiers, the German offensive deep into the Caucasus was stopped.

Photo: Battle of Stalingrad - fighting for every piece of Russian land!

Battle of Stalingrad: every house is a fortress

August 19 became black date of the Battle of Stalingrad- the tank grouping of the Paulus army broke through to the Volga. Moreover, cutting off the 62nd Army defending the city from the north from the main forces of the front. Attempts to destroy the 8-kilometer corridor formed by the enemy troops were unsuccessful. Although Soviet soldiers were examples of amazing heroism. 33 fighters of the 87th Infantry Division, defending the heights in the area of ​​​​Malye Rossoshki, became an insurmountable stronghold in the path of superior enemy forces. During the day, they desperately repulsed the attacks of 70 tanks and a Nazi battalion, leaving 150 dead soldiers and 27 wrecked vehicles on the battlefield.
On August 23, Stalingrad was subjected to the most severe bombardment by German aircraft. Several hundred aircraft struck industrial and residential areas, turning them into ruins. And the German command continued to build up forces in the Stalingrad direction. By the end of September, Army Group B had more than 80 divisions.
The 66th and 24th armies were sent to help Stalingrad from the reserve of the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command. On September 13, the assault on the central part of the city began with two powerful groups supported by 350 tanks. A struggle for the city, unparalleled in courage and intensity, began - the most terrible stage of the battle of Stalingrad.
For every building, for every inch of land, the fighters fought to the death, staining them with blood. General Rodimtsev called the battle in the building the most difficult battle. After all, there are no familiar concepts of flanks, rear, an enemy can lurk around every corner. The city was constantly subjected to shelling and bombing, the earth was burning, the Volga was burning. From oil tanks pierced by shells, oil rushed in fiery streams into dugouts and trenches. An example of the selfless valor of the Soviet soldiers was the almost two-month defense of Pavlov's house. Having knocked out the enemy from a four-story building on Penzenskaya Street, a group of scouts led by Sergeant Ya. F. Pavlov turned the house into an impregnable fortress.
The enemy sent another 200 thousand trained reinforcements, 90 artillery battalions, 40 engineer battalions to storm the city ... Hitler hysterically demanded to take the Volga "citadel" at any cost.
The battalion commander of the Paulus army, G. Welz, later wrote that he recalls this as horrible dream. “In the morning, five German battalions go on the attack and almost no one returns. The next morning, everything repeats again ... "
The approaches to Stalingrad were indeed littered with the corpses of soldiers and the skeletons of burnt tanks. No wonder the Germans called the path to the city "the road of death."

Stalingrad battle. Photo of killed Germans (far right - killed by a Russian sniper)

Battle of Stalingrad - "Thunderstorm" and "Thunder" against "Uranus"

The Soviet command developed the Uranus plan for defeat of the Nazis at Stalingrad. It consisted in cutting off the enemy's strike force from the main forces with powerful flank strikes and, having surrounded it, destroyed it. Army Group B, led by Field Marshal Bock, included 1011.5 thousand soldiers and officers, more than 10 thousand guns, 1200 aircraft, etc. The structure of the three Soviet fronts that defended the city included 1103 thousand personnel, 15501 guns, 1350 aircraft. That is, the advantage of the Soviet side was insignificant. Therefore, a decisive victory could only be achieved through the art of war.
On November 19, units of the South-Western and Don Fronts, and on November 20 of the Stalingrad Front, from two sides, brought down tons of fiery metal on Bock's locations. After breaking through the enemy defenses, the troops began to develop an offensive in the operational depth. The meeting of the Soviet fronts took place on the fifth day of the offensive, November 23, in the Kalach, Sovetsky area.
Unwilling to accept defeat Battle of Stalingrad, the Nazi command made an attempt to unblock the encircled army of Paulus. But the operations "Winter Thunderstorm" and "Thunderbolt" initiated by them in mid-December ended in failure. Now the conditions were created for the complete defeat of the encircled troops.
The operation to eliminate them received the code name "Ring". Of the 330 thousand who were surrounded by the Nazis, by January 1943 no more than 250 thousand remained. But the group was not going to capitulate. She was armed with more than 4,000 guns, 300 tanks, 100 aircraft. Paulus later wrote in his memoirs: “On the one hand, there were unconditional orders to hold on, promises of help, references to the general situation. On the other hand, there are internal humane motives - to stop the fight, caused by the plight of the soldiers.
On January 10, 1943, Soviet troops launched Operation Koltso. has entered its final phase. Pressed against the Volga and cut into two parts, the enemy grouping was forced to surrender.

Battle of Stalingrad (column of captured Germans)

Stalingrad battle. Captured F. Paulus (he hoped that he would be exchanged, and only at the end of the war did he find out that they offered to exchange him for Stalin's son, Yakov Dzhugashvili). Stalin then said: “I don’t change a soldier for a field marshal!”

Battle of Stalingrad, photo of the captured F. Paulus

victory in Battle of Stalingrad was of great international and military-political importance for the USSR. She marked a turning point in the course of the Second World War. After Stalingrad, the period of expulsion of the German occupiers from the territory of the USSR began. Becoming a triumph of Soviet military art, fortified the camp anti-Hitler coalition and caused discord in the countries fascist bloc.
Some Western historians, trying to belittle the significance of the battle of Stalingrad, put it on a par with the battle of Tunisia (1943), near El Alamein (1942), etc. But they were refuted by Hitler himself, who declared on February 1, 1943 in his headquarters: “The possibility of ending the war in the East by means of an offensive is no longer exists…"

Then, near Stalingrad, our fathers and grandfathers again "gave a light" Photo: captured Germans after the Battle of Stalingrad

The Battle of Stalingrad is the largest land battle in world history that unfolded between the forces of the USSR and Nazi Germany in the city of Stalingrad (USSR) and its environs during World War II. The bloody battle began on July 17, 1942 and continued until February 2, 1943.

Causes and background of the Battle of Stalingrad

As everyone is well aware, the forces Nazi Germany On June 22, 1941, they launched a massive offensive against the USSR and their troops advanced rapidly, breaking up units regular army Union one after another.
After the defeat in the attempt to capture Moscow, Adolf Hitler wished to strike where the Soviet leadership did not expect, this target was the city of Stalingrad. This city was an important strategic point that opened the way to oil deposits, as well as the Volga River, the main water artery of the USSR. Hitler understood that the capture of Stalingrad would be a strong blow to industry for the Union.
After the defeat of the Red Army offensive near Kharkov in May 1942, the road to Stalingrad was completely open to the Germans. Hitler hoped, by capturing this city, to undermine morale Soviet army and most importantly, to motivate your regular units, because the city bore the name of the leader Soviet Union.

Composition of forces

Before the Battle of Stalingrad itself, the German army had 270 thousand soldiers, more than three thousand guns and almost a thousand tanks. air support german army had in the form of 1200 aircraft of the latest models of fighters.
The number of soldiers of the Red Army before the start of the battle became almost 600 thousand soldiers, but a small amount of equipment, guns and aircraft. The number of aircraft was more than two less, tanks, by about a third.

The course of the Battle of Stalingrad

The Soviet leadership, realizing that the German army would hit Stalingrad, began preparing for the defense of the city. Most Union soldiers are recruits who have not yet seen combat. In addition, some parts suffered from the absence or small amount of weapons and ammunition.
The Battle of Stalingrad began on July 17, when the advanced units of the Red Army clashed with the German vanguard. The forward detachments of Soviet soldiers held the defense tightly and the Germans had to use 5 out of 13 divisions in this area in order to break their defense. The Germans managed to break the forward detachments only five days later. Then the German army advanced to the main defensive lines of Stalingrad. Seeing that the Soviet army was desperately defending, Hitler reinforced the Sixth Army even more. big amount tanks and aircraft.
On July 23 and 25, the forces of the northern and southern groups of the Germans launched a large-scale offensive. The Nazi army, thanks to technology and aviation, successfully pushed through the direction and took up positions in the Golubinsky area, reaching the Don River. As a result of a massive enemy attack, three divisions of the Red Army were surrounded, a catastrophic situation developed. A few days later, the Germans managed to push the Red Army even further - now the defense of the Red Army was located behind the Don. Now the Germans needed to break through the defenses along the river.
More and more German forces were converging near Stalingrad, at the end of July there were already desperate battles for the outskirts of the city. At the same time, an order came from Stalin, which said that Soviet soldiers should stand to death and not give the enemy not a centimeter of land without a fight, and anyone who refuses to fight and runs should be shot without delay in the same place.
Despite the onslaught of the Germans, the soldiers of the Red Army firmly held their positions and the Germans' plan - a swift, massive blow to immediately break into the city, did not work out for them. In connection with such resistance, the German command somewhat reworked the offensive plan, and already on August 19 the offensive began again and this time successfully. The Germans managed to cross the Don and fortify themselves on its right bank. On August 23, a powerful air strike was carried out on Stalingrad, total number the departure of German bombers was about 2 thousand, entire neighborhoods were badly destroyed or completely wiped off the face of the earth.
A massive attack on Stalingrad began on September 13, and as a result, the Germans managed to enter the city for the first time, the Soviet soldiers did not expect such an onslaught and could not resist it, fierce battles ensued for every street and house in the city. In August-September, the Red Army made several attempts to organize a counterattack, but only a few kilometers were able to break through and with very heavy losses.
Before the Germans managed to break into the city, they managed to evacuate only a quarter of the entire population of the city (100 thousand out of 400 thousand). Many women and children remained on the right bank and were forced to help organize the defense of the city. On the day of August 23, the German bombardment claimed the lives of more than 90,000 civilians, a terrible figure paid by a mistake in the evacuation of the city. Terrible fires raged in the city, especially in the central regions, caused by incendiary shells.
A fierce battle was fought for the tractor factory, where tanks were now being built. Right during the battle, the defense and work of the plant did not stop, and the tanks released from the assembly line immediately went into battle. Often even these tanks went into battle without a crew (having only a driver) and without ammunition. And the Germans moved deeper and deeper through the city, but suffered heavy losses from Soviet snipers in assault groups.
From September 13, the Germans continue to advance mercilessly and by the end of the month they completely push back the 62nd Army and capture the river, now it is in full German troops, and the Soviet army lost the ability to transport its forces without huge losses.
In the city, the Germans could not fully use their ability to interact with different types of troops, so the German infantry was on a par with the Soviet and she had to fight for every room of a residential building without the cover of her powerful tanks, artillery and aircraft. In the fire of Stalingrad, sniper Vasily Zaitsev was born - one of the most productive snipers in history, he has more than 225 soldiers and officers, 11 of them snipers.
While the fighting in the city continued, the Soviet command developed a counteroffensive plan, which was called "Uranus". And when it was ready, the Red Army went on the offensive on November 19. As a result of this attack, the Soviet army managed to surround the 6th army of the Wehrmacht, which interrupted its supply of supplies.
In December, the German army went on a new offensive, but was stopped on December 19 by fresh Soviet forces. Then the offensive of the Red Army resumed with renewed vigor, and a few days later, fresh tank troops were able to break through to a depth of 200 km, the German defense began to burst at the seams. By January 31, the Soviet army during the operation "Ring" managed to divide the 6th army of the Wehrmacht and capture parts of Paulus. It was soon defeated, and the rest of the 6th Army and about 90 thousand soldiers were taken prisoner.
After the surrender of Paulus, almost all parts of the Wehrmacht began to capitulate, and the Soviet army liberated the city and its environs inexorably, although some parts of the Germans were still firmly on the defensive.

Battle results

The Battle of Stalingrad went down in history as the bloodiest battle in the history of mankind. Also, this battle was decisive during the Great Patriotic War, as well as during the Second World War. After this victory, the Soviet army continued to advance inexorably along the entire front, and the Germans could not stop this offensive and retreated to Germany.
The Red Army acquired for itself necessary experience encirclement of enemy forces and their subsequent destruction, which later came in handy during the offensive.
It’s sad to talk about the victims of the Battle of Stalingrad - both the German and the Soviet sides lost many of their best parts, the amount of equipment destroyed went off scale, but besides this, German aviation also weakened forever, which later had an excellent effect on the attack of the Soviet army.
The world highly appreciated the victory of the Soviet army. It was also the first time during the Second World War that the German army had suffered such a crushing defeat, and in fact it had won one victory after another before. The world saw that the ingenious tactics of the Germans could crack. The leaders of many states (Churchill, Roosevelt) wrote to Stalin that this victory was simply brilliant.

Liberation campaign of the Red Army in 1939.

On September 3, 1939, the German ambassador in Moscow F. von Schulenburg found out from V.M. Molotov, the position of the USSR on the possible introduction of the Red Army troops into the zone of influence designated by the German-Soviet non-aggression pact. The government of the Soviet Union during this period acted rather cautiously. But the pressure of the German leadership was constantly increasing. The introduction of Soviet troops into Western Belarus and Western Ukraine was delayed in every possible way. Facilities mass media The USSR, BSSR, Ukrainian SSR launched a wide agitation and propaganda activity. Thus, the population was prepared for the introduction of the Red Army troops into Western Belarus and Western Ukraine. On September 11, the Belarusian and Ukrainian fronts were created, and the mobilization of reservists was announced. On September 16, the armies of the Belorussian (commander - M.P. Kovalev) and Ukrainian (commander - S.K. Timoshenko) fronts were deployed and prepared for liberation campaign. In total, over 466 thousand soldiers and officers of the Red Army were involved. On September 17, 1939, the Red Army troops crossed the border of the Polish state and began a campaign in Western Belarus and Western Ukraine. On September 17, 1939, Baranovichi was liberated, on September 18 - Novogrudok, Lida and Slonim, on September 19 - Vilna and Pruzhany, on September 20 - Grodno, on September 21 - Pinsk, on September 22 - Bialystok and Brest. The campaign of the Red Army lasted 12 days. Soviet troops occupied an area of ​​about 190 thousand km2 with a population of about 12 million people, mostly Ukrainians and Belarusians. The western border of the USSR was pushed to the west by 200-300 km. It almost coincided with the Curzon Line. The territories annexed by Poland in 1920 were ceded to the Soviet Union. They were returned to Ukraine and Belarus. The reunification of the peoples of Ukraine and Belarus was an act of historical justice. On September 28, 1939, the USSR signed the Treaty of Friendship and Border with Germany, according to which a demarcation line was established between the countries along the Narew, Western Bug and San rivers and changes in previous agreements on the division of spheres of influence were fixed. Poland as a state ceased to exist. Germany acquired a common border with the Soviet Union. Immediately after the liberation of the western lands of Belarus, active preparations were made for the elections to the People's Assembly of Western Belarus. Elections were held on October 22, 1939. On October 28, 1939, the National Assembly of Western Belarus began its work in Bialystok. The People's Assembly elected a Plenipotentiary Commission of 66 people. It was supposed to convey to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR and the Supreme Soviet of the BSSR the decision of the meeting on the entry of Western Belarus into the Soviet Union and the BSSR. 2 November 1939 Extraordinary 5th session Supreme Council USSR, after hearing the statement of the Plenipotentiary Commission People's Assembly Western Belarus, decided to satisfy this request and include the western regions of Belarus into the USSR with their reunification with the Byelorussian SSR. The Byelorussian SSR included an area of ​​100 thousand square meters. km with a population of 4.7 million people.

Significance of the Battle of Stalingrad.

The military-political significance of the Stalingrad victory makes it possible to better understand why the Battle of Stalingrad was at the epicenter of a clash of geopolitical interests of the warring countries.

With the victorious end of the battle for Stalingrad, the Nazi elite in Germany decisively linked the achievement of their geopolitical goals in the world war. According to the plan of the Hitlerite military-political leadership, the Nazi troops in the summer campaign of 1942 were to achieve the military and political goals set by the Barbarossa plan, which were not achieved in 1941 due to the defeat in the battle of Moscow. In accordance with the "Blau" plan, the main blow was supposed to be delivered on the southern wing of the Soviet-German front in order to capture the city of Stalingrad, access to the oil-bearing regions of the Caucasus and the fertile regions of the Don, Kuban and Lower Volga, disrupt communications connecting the Center of the country with the Caucasus, and create conditions for ending the war in their favor.

Hitler's strategists believed that the loss of Donbass and Caucasian oil would seriously weaken the Soviet Union, and the exit of Nazi troops in Transcaucasia would disrupt its ties with its allies through the Caucasus and Iran.

The Nazi command intended to defeat the Red Army in the steppe spaces between the Azov and Caspian Seas and in the foothills North Caucasus securing a military advantage in the area. The military-political leadership of Nazi Germany associated their plans with advancing the entry into fighting fresh forces and reserves of the Red Army.

In the event of the successful implementation of the plans "Orient" and "Blau" in the hands of Germany, not only the rich deposits of hydrocarbon raw materials of the Middle East and Western Asia were in the hands, but also the scale of fascist aggression expanded: Turkey and Japan could be drawn into the war against the Soviet Union, whose troops, having passed India, they entered into direct interaction with the Wehrmacht on the territory of the states of Western Asia.

The Soviet leadership revealed the plans of the German command in time and took urgent measures to disrupt them. The headquarters of the Supreme High Command and personally I.V. Stalin accurately identified Hitler's aspirations during this period: "He is a fatalist. Hitler will not leave Stalingrad. Yes, he can turn to the Caucasus, but he will still keep part of the troops at Stalingrad, because the city is named after me."

The unfolding battle at the walls of Stalingrad and its victorious outcome frustrated Hitler's geopolitical plans in this part of the world and facilitated the operations of British troops in North Africa and the Middle East. Stalingrad victory gave a new impetus to the actions of the allied forces of the anti-Hitler coalition and in other theaters of military operations of the Second World War.

As a result of the Battle of Stalingrad, the Soviet Armed Forces wrested the strategic initiative from the enemy and held it until the end of the war. The victory at Stalingrad further raised the international prestige of the Soviet Union and its Armed Forces and was a decisive factor in the further strengthening of the anti-Hitler coalition. The peoples of Europe, enslaved by fascist Germany, believed in a speedy liberation from Nazi tyranny and rose to a more active struggle against the fascist German occupiers.

The crushing defeat at Stalingrad was a severe moral and political shock for fascist Germany and its satellites. It radically shook the foreign policy positions of the Third Reich, plunged its ruling circles into despondency, and undermined the confidence of its allies. Japan was forced to finally abandon plans to attack the USSR. Among the ruling circles of Turkey, despite strong pressure from Germany, the desire to refrain from entering the war on the side of the fascist bloc and to maintain neutrality prevailed.

Thus, the victorious outcome of the Battle of Stalingrad was of great military and political significance. She made a decisive contribution to achieving a radical change not only in the Great Patriotic war, but throughout the Second World War, was the most important stage on the way to victory over the fascist bloc. Conditions were created for the deployment of the general offensive of the Red Army and mass expulsion Nazi German invaders from the occupied territories of the Soviet Union.

Battle of Kursk Meaning.

Firstly, the Nazi army suffered a severe defeat, huge losses, which the fascist leadership could no longer make up for with any total mobilizations. The epic battle of the summer of 1943 Kursk Bulge demonstrated to the whole world the ability Soviet state on your own crush the aggressor. The prestige of German weapons was irreparably damaged. 30 German divisions were defeated. The total losses of the Wehrmacht amounted to more than 500 thousand soldiers and officers, over 1.5 thousand tanks and assault guns, 3 thousand guns and mortars, more than 3.7 thousand aircraft. By the way, pilots of the French Normandie squadron fought selflessly together with Soviet pilots in the battles on the Kursk Bulge, who shot down 33 German aircraft in air battles. The enemy's armored forces suffered the heaviest losses. Of the 20 tank and motorized divisions that took part in Battle of Kursk, 7 were defeated, and the rest suffered significant losses. The chief inspector of the Wehrmacht tank forces, General Guderian, was forced to admit: “As a result of the failure of the Citadel offensive, we suffered a decisive defeat. The armored forces, replenished with such great difficulty, due to the large losses in people and equipment on for a long time were put out of action ... The initiative finally passed to the Russians.

Secondly, in the Battle of Kursk, the enemy's attempt to regain the lost strategic initiative and take revenge for Stalingrad failed. The offensive strategy of the German troops suffered a complete collapse. The Battle of Kursk led to a further change in the balance of forces on the front, made it possible to finally concentrate the strategic initiative in the hands of the Soviet command, and created favorable conditions for the deployment of a general strategic offensive of the Red Army. The victory near Kursk and the exit of Soviet troops to the Dnieper ended in a radical change in the course of the war. After the Battle of Kursk, the Nazi command was forced to completely abandon the offensive strategy and go on the defensive on the entire Soviet-German front.

Third, victory in the Battle of Kursk is a triumph of Soviet military art. During the battle, the Soviet military strategy, operational art and tactics once again proved their superiority over the military art of the Nazi army. The Battle of Kursk enriched the national military art EXPERIENCE in organizing a deeply echeloned, active, stable defense, in carrying out flexible and decisive maneuvers of forces and means in the course of defensive and offensive operations.

Fourth, the defeat of the Nazi troops during the Battle of Kursk was of great military-political and international significance. He significantly increased the role and international prestige of the Soviet Union. It became obvious that the power of Soviet weapons Nazi Germany faced with inevitable destruction. The sympathy grew even more ordinary people to our country, the hopes of the peoples of the countries occupied by the Nazis for a speedy liberation were strengthened, the front of the national liberation struggle of the resistance movement fighters in France, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Norway expanded, the anti-fascist struggle intensified both in Germany itself and in other countries of the fascist bloc.

Fifth, the defeat at Kursk and the results of the battle had a profound effect on the German people, undermined the morale of the German troops, faith in the victorious outcome of the war. Germany was losing influence over its allies, disagreements within the fascist bloc intensified, which later led to a political and military crisis. The collapse of the fascist bloc was laid - the Mussolini regime collapsed, and Italy withdrew from the war on the side of Germany. The victory of the Red Army near Kursk forced Germany and its allies to go on the defensive in all theaters of World War II, which had a huge impact on its further course. The transfer of significant enemy forces from the west to the Soviet-German front and their further defeat by the Red Army facilitated the landing of Anglo-American troops in Italy and predetermined their success.

At sixth, under the influence of the victory of the Red Army, the cooperation of the leading countries of the anti-Hitler coalition strengthened. She had a great influence on the ruling circles of the USA and Great Britain. At the end of 1943, the Tehran Conference took place, at which the leaders of the USSR, the USA, and Great Britain, I.V. Stalin; F.D. Roosevelt, W. Churchill. At the conference, it was decided to open a second front in Europe in May 1944. Assessing the results of the victory at Kursk, the head of the British government, W. Churchill, noted: "Three huge battles - for Kursk, Orel and Kharkov, all carried out within two months, marked the collapse of the German army on the Eastern Front."

The victory in the Battle of Kursk was achieved thanks to the further strengthening of the military and economic power of the country and its Armed Forces.

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The Battle of Stalingrad lasted for 200 days and nights and included defensive (July 17 - November 18, 1942) and offensive (November 19, 1942 - February 2, 1943) operations. The defensive operation began on July 17, 1942 on the distant approaches to Stalingrad. Until August 10, fierce defensive battles of our troops continued, with the aim of seizing the initiative from the enemy in the entire South-Western direction. On August 23, 1942, the enemy managed to break through to the Volga north of Stalingrad, after which the Germans tried to capture the city with a blow from the north along the Volga, but their attempt to break into the city on the move was thwarted. On November 18, 1942, the defensive period of the Battle of Stalingrad ended. On November 19, 1942, the counteroffensive of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad began with volleys of 7 thousand guns and rocket launchers. By November 30, 1942, our troops squeezed the encirclement, more than halving the territory occupied by the enemy, but they could not cut and destroy his grouping on the move due to a lack of forces. However, in January 1943. during the offensive operation, the Red Army defeated the enemy troops northwest and south of Stalingrad, surrounded and liquidated the 330,000-strong group of troops of the fascist bloc. The historical significance of the Battle of Stalingrad: Firstly, the victory at Stalingrad demonstrated the increased power of the Red Army and the military skill of our military leaders. Secondly, as a result of the Battle of Stalingrad, the Red Army wrested the strategic initiative in the war from the enemy. Thirdly, the defeat of the Nazi troops at Stalingrad was of great international importance. After Stalingrad, the international prestige of Germany fell even lower. Fourthly, the victory at Stalingrad raised the international prestige of our country even higher. Fifthly, the victory at Stalingrad strengthened the anti-fascist movement, both in Germany itself and in the countries of the fascist bloc.

Causes and significance of the victory of the peoples of Russia in the Patriotic War of 1812.

The reasons for the victory of the peoples of Russia in the Patriotic War: a) the resistance and patriotism of the Russian people, b) the courage of the army soldiers and the art of generals, c) the firm determination of Emperor Alexander 1, d) frosts and vast expanses of Russia. The significance of the victory of the peoples of Russia in the Patriotic War:

1) the war led to the growth of the national identity of the Russian people. The main hero of the war of 1812 was the Russian people;

2) in the course of the struggle against Napoleon, the complex and lengthy process of consolidating the Russian nation accelerated, its ties with other peoples of Russia became closer;

3) the war accelerated the process of decomposition of the feudal system in Russia;

4) Russia's victory destroyed Napoleon's plans for world domination. peoples Western Europe were freed from Napoleonic rule.

The struggle of the USSR for the creation of a system of collective security in Europe

The Soviet Union, in fulfillment of its idea of ​​collective security, came up with a proposal to conclude an Eastern Pact, which would give security guarantees to all European countries and would eliminate "the feeling of uncertainty about security experienced everywhere, uncertainty about non-violation of peace in general and in particular in Europe." The Eastern Pact was to include Germany, the USSR, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Czechoslovakia. All participants in the pact, in the event of an attack on one of them, were supposed to automatically provide military assistance to the side that was attacked. Germany categorically refused to take part in the projected pact, referring to its unequal position on the question of armaments. Two days after the German refusal, Poland refused. Of the participants in the projected pact, only Czechoslovakia unconditionally joined this project. As for Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia, they took a vacillating position, while Finland generally evaded any answer to the Franco-Soviet proposal. The negative position of Germany and Poland disrupted the signing of the Eastern Pact. According to the plan for the Eastern Pact, the security system created by it was also to be supplemented by the entry of the USSR into the League of Nations. The entry of the USSR into the League of Nations acquired a special character due to the fact that in 1933 two aggressive states, Germany and Japan, left the League. In parallel with the entry of the USSR into the League of Nations, the so-called "streak of diplomatic recognition" of the Soviet Union takes place. During this period, the USSR establishes diplomatic relations with a number of states. On November 16, 1933, normal diplomatic relations are established with the United States, in 1934 - with Hungary, Romania, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria and other countries. This was the direct result of both the general international situation in 1934 and the growing role and importance of the Soviet Union as a factor in peace.

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