Seeing in a dream a dark seething terrible sea. Interpretation: what does it mean to dream of a sea with big waves

Dream interpretation blue sea. Why dream of the sea - clean, dirty, with waves

The sea is a very meaningful symbol. It contains diametrically opposite interpretations in its semantic space. The sea can mean both calmness (the expression "sea surface") and destructive elements. The ocean always symbolizes life with all its contrasts. Therefore, the interpretation of sleep is very dependent on its specific details.

Natural water sources in a dream belong to the sensual sphere. If calm dark stagnant water symbolizes the subconscious (immersion in the pool is often interpreted as "immersion" in the depths of the human psyche), then the moving and agitated water - the sea in a dream - is a symbol of the manifestation of emotions and feelings, instincts and intuitive sensations. If you dreamed about the sea, relatively calm and serene, and the water in it has a pleasant emerald-blue palette, then this is a favorable symbol of harmony inner peace, joy and tranquility. If the dream book of the sea is restless, raging, with large threatening waves, then the meaning of sleep will be the opposite. It is a symbol of great unrest and emotional upheaval.

Looking at the sea without plunging into the water means receiving news from afar. If the dreamer in reality expects any important information, then he will soon receive it, and the more harmonious the seascape, the more positive the news will be. It is not uncommon to see the sea in a dream - this is a mirror image of relationships with people, in which case the riot of waves indicates unexpected quarrels and conflicts. For lovers, such a dream portends violent passions that can lead to an undesirable showdown. But walking along a beautiful sea beach or swimming in a calm blue sea together with a lover is a happy dream.

The scale and power of the sea element in a dream allows you to broadly interpret what the sea is dreaming of. If the sleeper is sailing on the sea himself or on some ship, then the size of the waves indicates the level of risk in business. The absence of incidents on the water is a sign of overcoming difficulties thanks to the inner instinct and intuition, quick wit and endurance of the sleeper. If the waves overwhelm him, causing fear and impotence, then the dream predicts a stunning event that will entail a series of additional worries and anxieties. But giant tsunami waves are harbingers of a danger that can be greatly exaggerated.

Drowning in the sea is a sign that in reality the dreamer will face such difficulties that will literally take him by surprise. Saving a drowning person is the business of the drowning person himself, but ... not everything is so bad; in reality, one should act more fearlessly, more actively and boldly.

Dream interpretation - clear and blue sea

Why dream of a clear sea? This dream is considered good. Sea with clear water portends a calm life. Usually, the purity of water is combined with calmness, because a stormy element cannot be transparent.

According to the dream book, a clear sea is not fixed in the mind of the sleeping person if it is not smooth. Waves raise sand and small pebbles from the bottom. Therefore, the transparency of water during a storm is practically excluded.

The ocean in a dream can acquire different color shades. According to the dream book, the clear blue sea symbolizes a happy life. The fidelity of this interpretation is emphasized by the sun's rays illuminating the water. If you dream of a sunny day on the south coast, then you will be lucky.

What is the dream of the blue sea? Additional interpretations of this dream are given by details: sand, trees, seagulls, ships. In your dream, there are birds flying or sitting on the shore. This means anxiety and fear, which implicitly torment the mind. Maybe life scares you. If a ship or a boat is present in a dream, then a journey is ahead.

A calm sea dreams of a measured life without any special events. A somewhat routine well-being awaits you. But it will not be boring, because many urgent matters are waiting for your attention.

Why is the blue sea dreaming? This deep dark color means different meanings. It seems that such a reservoir has no bottom. In the real ocean, huge water bodies are painted blue by nature, while shallow water is green or blue. The vast hidden depths symbolize that problems and their solutions are lost in your brain. You just need to find them. The subconscious signals this in such a complex cipher.

The Black Sea dreams of an unexpected meeting that can bring serious trouble. If the night ocean reflects the moon and stars, it is a good dream. It means a long and happy life. If the night sea is restless and stormy, then the dream portends fears and anxieties.

According to the dream book, dolphins in the sea symbolize the friendship and devotion that you will meet in real life. These are positive signs, they mean goodwill, salvation from trouble and love. The sleeper will be a very happy person.

Troubled sea in a dream

According to the dream book, a sea with strong waves dreams of the beginning of a turbulent period of life. A storm carries a danger to a person if the sleeping person is directly inside the raging elements. If you watch the waves from above, then trouble will bypass you.

If you dreamed of a sea with waves, this means that changes are coming soon. Watching a storm from the shore symbolizes caution and the desire to keep a distance from danger. The farther from the surf line a person is, the calmer he can be.

According to the dream book, big waves on the sea also mean strong emotions and passion. Most likely, the sleeper is in love or is obsessed with another desire, for example, a thirst for revenge. However, this is less likely. The ocean is associated with life, therefore only love is the cause of such a dream.

The rough sea portends anxiety caused by some very pleasant occasion. The reason for the fun fuss can be a vital event, such as a wedding, engagement or christening. If you are sailing on such a sea on a ship, then boredom will not threaten you soon.

As the dream book indicates, a storm at sea can mean different forecasts. If the sleeper swims in the raging ocean and does not feel the bottom under his feet, this means that life will spin him in his millstones. If he is watching the storm from a cliff, a high platform or an embankment, that is, he is far away, this means that danger can be avoided.

According to the dream book, the raging sea symbolizes a storm in the human soul. Boiling feelings do not give the sleeping rest day and night. Love, jealousy, resentment, fear - all this is woven into a tight bundle of ciphers, which the subconscious mind gives out during sleep.

Why dream of a raging sea? This dream warns of the danger of losing control over oneself and circumstances. Don't let your feelings take over your mind. The exception is a dream in which you see a storm from afar. This means that the worst is over.

A tornado at sea dreams of sudden and radical changes that will completely turn the life of the sleeper upside down. You should prepare for major troubles that will dry up all human strength. Only the struggle for happiness can stop the upcoming grandiose problems. Don't give up and you will definitely get through this.

A storm at sea symbolizes the emotional excitement caused by the upcoming life changes. Doubts and anxiety gnaw at the sleeper long time. This meaning is reinforced by the foam present in the dream on the crests of the waves.

Why dream of swimming in the sea

As the dream book indicates, swimming in the sea in a dream means that the sleeper knows how to enjoy simple pleasures. If a person feels a clear pleasure from being in the water, this means that everything is fine in his life now. Night bathing symbolizes the unpredictability of twists of fate and uncertainty about the future.

According to the dream book, swimming in the sea means that the sleeper knows how to use circumstances to his advantage. Bathing in calm water portends success and good luck. If you have to overcome the waves, then temporary difficulties are coming.

Swimming across the sea in a dream means being in the process of making an important decision. The responsibility that the sleeper is burdened with in reality, in a dream appears to be an ordeal with an unknown result.

Jumping into the sea means losing control of the situation. Difficult life circumstances or violent passion make the sleeper do things that he will certainly regret. The feeling of dizziness from danger accompanies a person not only in a dream, but also in reality.

To dive into the sea means to trust to a stranger. This can result in completely unpredictable circumstances. Everything can end well, or it can get completely out of control.

If in a dream you are carried away to the sea, this symbolizes the need to make an important and responsible decision. And it must be done in as soon as possible because the matter is urgent. The subconscious fear of the consequences of such a decision disturbs you in a dream and in reality.

What sea did you dream about

Why dream of a frozen sea? Such a dream portends the increased attention of competitors and rivals. In addition, it may mean a cooling of love relationships.

The cold sea portends barriers that prevent reunion with a lover. Swimming in icy water means endangering your health.

The warm sea dreams of improving the weather and mood. Weekends or long holidays are coming. So relax and have a good rest.

As the dream book indicates, a dirty sea portends trouble, gossip and slander. If you do not feel guilty about yourself, then you should not pay attention to empty talk. If your conscience hurts, then it is better to apologize.

Why dream of a dirty sea? You will become the center of gossip activity. Pay no attention, and soon your act will be forgotten. Competitors can fan the rumors for a while. But they will soon run out.

The dark sea dreams of changes that will bring a dubious result. Your actions can turn out to be both good and bad. The future is unknown.

The cold sea, most likely, portends quarrels, jealousy and cooling of relations. A break with a lover is possible. If you value relationships, start trusting your loved one.

Ice on the sea symbolizes jealousy and doubts about the fidelity of a loved one. This will lead to an almost inevitable cooling of relations. Hold back your emotions. Do not blame your lover in the absence of evidence of his infidelity.

The green sea dreams of a successful completion of business and a well-spent vacation. This color is typical for coastal zones with an abundance of underwater vegetation. The transparent ocean and algae at the bottom symbolize the desire for relaxation.

The azure sea in a dream portends happiness. Bright blue color symbolizes air, sky and life. A calm sea, sparkling in the sun like a diamond, will give the sleeping person a bright and joyful future.

Are you firmly convinced that you saw a salty sea in a dream? Then exciting adventures await you. Tasting water means trying to diversify your life with the help of travel and new acquaintances. Swimming in the salty ocean means rejoicing in the upcoming changes.

The dried sea dreams of sad events. Joy will leave your life for a while, but you don’t need to be sad, because it will definitely return. If a dried-up reservoir is gradually filled with water, then a pleasant surprise awaits you. If the pond or lake dries up, then trouble awaits.

The sea is shallow and clear means a cheerful, carefree life. If in a dream you walk along the surf, then happiness, good luck and many pleasures await you. To go from the coast to the sea means to take your chance.

Coast, beach, mountains and sea in a dream

As the dream book indicates, the sea beach and sand symbolize the transience of life and the meaningless fuss that fills it. If you are concerned about problems, think about their importance. Perhaps it's not as serious as it seems.

According to the dream book, the seashore is dreamed of by someone who is in a situation of choice. What's better? Calm and stability or new and unknown? A dream can suggest possible paths for the development of the situation. If you are on land, choose the proven option, and if you are standing in the water, then the unknown awaits you.

Why is the seashore dreaming? In reality, the sleeper is worried about dreams of travel and distant wanderings. Don't be afraid to hit the road. You will quickly get tired of staying on a stable, but such a boring coast.

According to the dream book, a vacation at sea dreams of good luck and fun. If your vacation is coming soon, spend it closer to the water element. If you are immersed in work, then it's time to relax and unwind a little. It's time for you to celebrate.

If you dreamed of mountains and the sea, then serious trials await you. Having overcome them, you can count on a worthy reward. Maybe it will be a promotion.

Gathering at sea means needing rest. You work too hard and get very tired. It's time to relax, otherwise constant stress can lead to serious consequences. Packing a suitcase means leaving an experienced passion in the past.

Vacation at sea symbolizes the onset of a happy period of life. If you dream that you are resting in silence and loneliness somewhere at the end of the world, then you need to listen to yourself and understand your own desires. Sunbathing in a dream means hoping that financial transactions will bring profit.

Sea tides and sunsets according to the dream book

Sunset on the sea dreams of successfully overcoming obstacles. Good luck and success awaits you. If the bright sun shines directly into the eyes, health problems are possible. The scarlet sky above the horizon without a solar disk means high expectations and too high demands. If the setting luminary is partially covered by clouds, then in the future life plans may be violated.

Tide symbolizes change for the better. Life will gradually be filled with new attachments, deeds and successes. Such a dream portends great luck if green algae swim in the water. If brown plants float on the surface, then small, but very annoying chores await you.

The ebb of the sea and the exposure of land dream of boredom and routine. The interpretation of a dream depends on whether water leaves sand or stones. If you see stones, then this is good sign. Your financial position will be strong. If there is sand at the bottom of the ocean, then the efforts will most likely not bring results.

In dream books, the sea turns out to be a difficult symbol to interpret. Depending on his condition, interaction with the water of the sleeping person and other details, the interpretation of the plot can change dramatically. So, the sea from a dream can, for example, promise the fulfillment of desires or portend pregnancy.

Interpretation of dreams with the sea in dream books

Information about the dreaming sea can be found in every popular dream book. So, in Freud, the calm sea surface seen in the distance symbolizes the problems in sex that the sleeping person currently has in reality. A person does not enjoy sex, he is bored and uninteresting with a partner. Perhaps the cause of the problem is not boredom, but the dreamer's complexes.

  • If the sleeping person watches some acquaintance of his swim in the sea, then in reality he will need to be helped. Without a dreamer, the character will not be able to cope with the problems he has. But a well-deserved worthy gratitude will not keep you waiting.
  • Entering the raging water portends a man or woman the beginning of a stormy passionate romance. Sex will be his strongest side. Nothing else will bind lovers in this relationship. That is why they run out pretty quickly.
  • To swim in the sea in a dream yourself - to harmony in all areas of life.
  • If the sleeper enjoys being in warm clear water in a dream, then he also receives pleasure from his real life.

In Miller's dream book, the sea is described as a symbol of unfulfilled hopes. in some life sphere the person feels dissatisfied.

  • Hearing somewhere in the distance the soothing and relaxing sound of the surf is a warning of a boring and meaningless period that will soon begin in the life of a man or woman. We need to do everything possible to change it and not waste several years at once.
  • If a young girl is sailing on the sea in the company of a loved one, in reality you can safely connect your life with him. This is a worthy person who will become an excellent husband and father.

In Tsvetkov's dream book, the sea is spoken of in a slightly different way.

  • If the sleeper sees himself walking along the shore, he has a long journey ahead of him. It is very important not to associate her with strangers.
  • If you dreamed of looking into the distance at the raging sea, in reality you can expect important news from afar.
  • Sea water of a very beautiful bright and rich blue color is dreaming of a fateful meeting in the very near future. In order not to miss an important acquaintance, you need to start leaving the house more often.
  • And to sail in your nightly dreams on a steamboat on sea water - to cardinal twists of fate.

In Hasse's work, the calm, quiet sea symbolizes the same serene course of the sleeper's life. No sharp turns are expected in the near future. You can relax and just enjoy life.

If a person swims far into the sea alone, then his goals are too bold and ambitious. In order not to make a serious mistake, when making final decisions, you should always carefully weigh the pros and cons, and even better, seek advice from a more experienced wise friend.

Swim, sit in a pond

Cheerful swimming in the sea dreams of luck in all matters in reality. After such a dream, you can safely take on any undertakings. For example, experiment with starting your own business.

Swim in the sea with a very warm water in a dream - to a quick increase in income.

The financial situation of the sleeper will become much better. This will allow him to realize his long-standing material dreams.

Swimming at great depths symbolizes the meticulousness and excessive pickiness of a person in real life. It is these qualities that will eventually become the cause of unsuccessfully developing relationships with others.

Sitting in an icy pond in a dream is an important sign for a man or woman in reality. He suggests that for the implementation of a long-conceived plan, it is worth choosing another time. In the meantime, it's better to lie low and wait.

I dreamed of a restless, dirty, muddy sea

The state of the reservoir significantly affects the interpretation of sleep:

  • The restless sea is dreamed of by people whose personal and intimate life has recently become very stormy. The main thing at the same time is not to forget about your reputation and carefully monitor your health.
  • Dirty sea water appears in a dream as a harbinger of problems in relation to others due to gossip about the sleeper. All of them will turn out to be untrue, the machinations of ill-wishers, which will especially hurt a man or woman.
  • The muddy, raging sea suggests that all the minor problems from the life of the sleeper, which he did not want to deal with right away, will now flood over him in a flood. You can no longer cope with them alone, you will have to turn to friends for help.

drown, drown in water

A very unpleasant frightening dream is one in which a person drowns or chokes. But even such stories do not always have a negative interpretation.

If a man or woman simply drowns in sea water, without a feeling of strong fear, then most likely this is a hint that in reality a person is afraid and avoids it in every possible way. Serious relationships. If this is indeed the case, you need to start fighting your fears as early as possible. Otherwise, there is a risk of remaining alone for the rest of your life.

Does a person experience fear when going under water? In reality, he is overwhelmed by negative emotions. We need to get rid of them. For example, go on vacation or enroll in a boxing school. Any chosen method will do, the main thing is to stop accumulating negativity inside yourself.

Did you have to choke in the sea in a dream? A waking man or woman is tired of work or a hobby. The soul yearns for something new.

Drowning in a dream as a result of a shipwreck - to get acquainted with a bad company or a swindler in reality. Such personalities must be carefully avoided so as not to spoil your whole future life.

What does a dream mean in which the sea is blue, clean

And why dream of a blue, clean sea? If at the same time there are no waves on it, the water is absolutely calm, it can be considered a symbol of love and personal happiness. It is this that awaits the sleeper in the near future.

Swimming in icy blue clear water - to recovery.

If a person is not sick, then - to good health for many years.

Storm on the sea

If you dreamed of a storm at sea, you need to prepare for troubles and losses in reality.

  • Swimming in the water under such conditions is a serious illness or injury.
  • It happens that in a dream a person during a storm is carried away far from the ship into the sea. This means that enemies will create many obstacles for him on the way to the goal.
  • If the sleeper finds himself in the very center of a storm in a dream, you need to think that the cause of most of the problems in life is his incontinence.

Why does the sea dream of a woman, a man

If dolphins dream in the sea, then this great sign for sleepers of both sexes. For a man, they portend great luck in all endeavors. And for a woman - an early pregnancy. As a result, a very beautiful and healthy child will be born.

If you had to see the sea in a dream during the rain, then such a plot promises tears for the fair sex because of your loved ones. To a man, he predicts the betrayal of an old friend, whom the sleeper always trusted infinitely.

High transparent sea waves promise a woman strong strong love. For a man, they symbolize creative success.


Dream Interpretation Sea SEA - a dream about the sea - is always favorable, because it promises health, peace of mind, prosperity. If the sea is slightly worried in a dream - the dream portends your victory over circumstances; perhaps this is a sign that in your affairs you will be able to put things in order after for long years confusion. Too calm or very stormy sea in a dream is a warning: fate is preparing a test for you, and you must endure it steadfastly. A good dream in which you fall into the sea - it promises long-term health or recovery to the patient. Old French dream book

Dream Interpretation Sea If someone sees that he is traveling by sea, then in reality he will prevail, confronting an important dignitary. Seeing yourself drowning in the sea is a harbinger that the leadership will invite you to their place for a report. The dream in which you dreamed that there were waves on the sea means anxiety and a painful mood. Dream Interpretation Taflisi

Dream Interpretation Sea As the sea dreams, this person will soon have such a life as the sea, restless. To go along the coast, by the beach near the sea - the road; look at the sea - news from afar; sea ​​water is blue, blue - a meeting (as a rule, desirable, pleasant). The sea is clean - get rich; health. Sailing by the sea is wealth, by ship is useful work. Ukrainian dream book

Interpretation of sleep Sea In general, vain expectations and dreams are embodied in dreams about the sea. You indulge in carnal pleasures, secretly longing for spiritual pleasures. The measured sound of the sea in a dream portends a tedious, fruitless life, devoid of love and friendly participation. If a girl sees in a dream how she glides over the surface of the sea with her lover, her cherished dreams will come true. Modern dream book

The meaning of sleep Sea Hear in a dream the sad sound of the surf - a prediction of a tedious and fruitless life, devoid of friendly warmth and love. Dreams of the sea: portend vain expectations at a time when material desires are satisfied, there are spiritual aspirations that the flesh cannot satisfy. If a young woman dreams that she is sliding along the sea surface with her lover, this means that the dreams of her youth will come true in reality, and joy will accompany her in life. Modern dream book

Dream Sea Fall into the sea: to wealth. To wash in the sea: to joy. To see the sea with clear water: to expectations, a trip, or to anxieties. To see the stormy sea: to the anxieties. Calm sea: to joy. Medieval dream book

Why is the Sea dreaming Like salt water: dreams of tears and grief. If the sea is calm, then everything will be fine in life. If the sea is stormy, with waves, it means that soon many pleasant and unpleasant incidents will happen in your life. Children's dream book

Dream Interpretation Sea In a dream, he points to a strong ruler, and whoever sees the sea from afar will see fear, confusion and misfortune. And whoever sees that he is standing on the seashore, he will receive something from the ruler, and sometimes it indicates a groom for a woman. If the sea is not muddy and does not have large waves, this indicates the state and population, if any. And whoever sees that he drank water from the sea and it was transparent and calm, he will receive wealth from the ruler in such an amount as he drank water, or he will earn good money. If the sea is stormy and muddy, then this means that the one who sees the dream will suffer fatal heaviness and danger. If he sees that he is walking on the sea, then he will move to another place, and will also rise in the eyes of great rulers. The calm transparent sea is a harbinger of happiness and joy. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Sea Walk along the coast, beach: the road to look at the sea: lead from afar sail the sea on a steamboat: important changes worrying: loss to fall into the sea: danger of seeing ships at sea: anxiety. New dream book 1918

Dream Interpretation Sea Seeing a calm sea on a beautiful sunny day portends a cloudless existence in full abundance. Stormy sea - to the insult that they will inflict on you, deliberately choosing the most suitable moment for this. Flying in a dream over the sea as if on wings portends a dream come true, but if you fall into the sea at the same time, in reality you will lose money or an expensive thing. Drowning in the sea - in real life, you yourself will be the culprit of many of your misfortunes. Swim in the sea - risk your health. Sailing on the sea on a ship means that happy events await you in reality. If your ship crashes on the high seas, this is bad news. To be left alone in the sea, having managed to escape from a sunken ship - such a dream means that ruin and shame await you, and any requests from a friend for help will be met with indifferent silence in response. Sailing on the sea, having taken a trip around the world on a small yacht - in reality you will incur significant financial losses. At the same time, falling into a big storm that broke out at sea means that in reality you will show complete failure in business and you will simply be removed from them. Drifting in the sea in complete calm - in real life, indulge in an easy and completely harmless hobby. Seeing a ship sailing towards you with bright lights on the high seas is a harbinger of well-being in everything. Colliding with an iceberg in the sea portends in reality unexpected changes in circumstances caused by the need to postpone the anticipated pleasure. Seeing the distant light of a lighthouse from the sea portends that the path to real success will be opened to you in the very near future. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Sea Sea: dark forces of mood and mystical energy of the psyche. Matrix of all creations. Chaos. Cold, cosmic unconscious. Depths of the sea: that which cannot be grasped or comprehended, especially the depths of the unconscious, but sometimes the depths of evil. Night journey by sea: the death of the ego. Refers to the crossing over the Styx, that is, to the underworld, the fear of death and the loss of hope in achieving all goals. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Sea The SEA is quiet, clean - joy, success in business, health, get rich; calm - stop in business; cloudy, slightly in waves - success in business, fulfillment of the plan; strong waves - sadness, loss, failure in business, troubled life; stormy - danger, sadness, anxiety; falling into it is a disaster; swim - wealth, fulfillment of desires // loss, poverty; sailing on a ship is a profitable job; to wash is joy; to go by the sea - the road; look at the sea - lead from afar; sea ​​water - a meeting (often - pleasant, desired). Small Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Sea A dream in which you hear the sound of the sea portends a boring life without love and friendship. You may be alone for the rest of your life. The dream of the sea also speaks of your tendency to seek physical pleasures and neglect spiritual joys. A girl who dreams that she is gliding along the sea with her lover, such a dream promises the fulfillment of her desires and marriage to the person she loves. Dream Interpretation for Lovers

Dream Interpretation Sea Sea: reflects the emotional and creative upsurge, the element of the unconscious in a person. Blue, clear sea: joy, favor of Fate. Stormy sea, storm: your intemperance will create problems for you, broken love. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Sea Sea. If you hear the melancholy sound of the sea in a dream, it means that you are destined to a tedious and fruitless life, devoid of love and friendly participation. Dreams about the sea testify to the futility of your expectations, as, indulging in carnal pleasures. You will yearn for the delight of the spirit, which the flesh cannot replace. If a girl dreams that she is quickly gliding over the surface of the sea with her beloved, it means that her girlish dreams will happily come true, and joy will guard vows of fidelity. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Sea The sea, if it is stormy: it speaks of danger threatening you, anxiety and sadness if it is quiet and calm: this is for peace, tranquility and prosperity if you hear the sound of the sea in a dream: you will have a tedious and fruitless period of life, devoid of love and friendly participation if you sail on the sea: it is a sign of wealth, strength and health. Dream Interpretation of the Future

Dream Interpretation Sea The light sound of the sea, heard in a dream, promises melancholy and loneliness. In general, dreams about the sea are rather sad. They testify to the futility of expectations and spiritual emptiness. But the girl who dreams that she quickly glides over the surface of the sea with her lover is waiting for a happy dream come true. If in a dream you saw the sea from afar, then at present you think of love as something inaccessible and unreal. A dream about a calm sea, which you look at from the coast or from a ship, indicates that you lack peace. Soon the situation will change, everything will stabilize, and you will receive what you lack so much. If you dreamed about someone swimming in the sea, then you can help some person solve a problem that he could not cope with. If in a dream you saw yourself swimming in the sea, this means that you are currently feeling great. You succeed, your desires are fulfilled. If in your dream you were trying to enter a restless, raging sea, then expect such a night of love that you have not had for a long time. Swimming underwater in the sea - do not try to learn something that you absolutely do not need to know. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Sea “Waves of joy”: good luck in reality “a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bsomething”: a quantitative measure: a lot of “knee-deep sea”: unreasonable courage, boasting “wait for the weather by the sea”: inaction, expectation “sea wolf”: an experienced, experienced person. Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Sea The sea has always been for man: a symbol of unlimited freedom of spirit and possibilities. Despite the fact that the elements of the sea can threaten a person with disaster at any moment, people love to look at both the calm and the raging sea, people are attracted to the sea by an unknown force, and those who have chosen the profession of a sailor usually do not abandon it for the sake of the most tempting benefits on land. In other words, the sea: this is a powerful combination of three primordial elements, the energy of the sea is so great that even just looking at it removes stagnation and blocks in the movement of energy in the body. The sea cleanses souls, and a soul cleansed and liberated from the captivity of everyday habits easily corrects, cleanses own body. To see the sea in a dream with admiration for its boundlessness: yin-yang is the state of depth and extent, the maximum filling of the volume. To admire the boundlessness of the sea in a dream means to anticipate and realize the life path, not only as a distance and the sum of years and actions, but also as a way to simultaneously comprehend oneself and the world, without which all actions are aimless, and life is a random set of unnecessary facts. The road is not only overcoming the distance, but also changing one's own worldview of the path, revising one's past and new ideas about the future. But on the road, all this is done gradually. The sea: a space that has both length and depth is a voluminous and at the same time immense space, since its shores and bottom are out of sight of the observer. Therefore, the sea in a dream is a comprehension of everything life path at the same time both humanity and one's own. Feeling himself a part of the universe and at the same time realizing his only self - this is a man in volume, a man boundless, like the sea. The dream is favorable: the fullness and infinity of the life of the sea is the fullness and infinity of one's own creative ideas and spiritual potential, but the dream does not predict specific events. Watching the sea with fear: unfavorable: consciousness is on the verge of abandoning the very need for spiritual movement, which ultimately leads to obsession with the little things of life and the gradual erasure of the only self to the level of a thing. Watching a too stormy sea in a dream: it should be remembered that too active Napoleonic plans will cause a response movement of the elements: a stormy situation can sweep away its creator. Such a dream winter season indicates a favorable fullness of forces, however, there is a not very favorable divergence of the dreamer's rhythms with seasonal rhythms that require rest. Stormy plans can be held until spring. Imperial dream book

Dream Interpretation Sea The sea is calm: a calm life, prosperity, peace is stormy: a stormy life, danger, anxiety fall into the sea: incur losses sail the sea: start dangerous things sink into the sea: you yourself are to blame for your misfortune. Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Dream Interpretation Sea Sea: quiet, clean calm: stop in business muddy, slightly in waves: success in business, fulfillment of plans with strong waves: sadness, loss, failure in business, troubled life stormy: danger, sadness, anxiety fall into it: trouble to swim: wealth, fulfillment of desires / loss, poverty to sail on a ship: a profitable job to wash: the joy of walking along the seashore: the road to look at the sea: to lead from afar sea water: a meeting (often Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Sea It reflects the emotional and creative upsurge, the element of the unconscious in a person. Blue, clear sea - joy, favor of Fate. Stormy sea, storm - your incontinence will create problems for you, broken love. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Sea In general, in dreams about the sea: vain expectations and dreams are embodied. You indulge in carnal pleasures, secretly longing for spiritual pleasures. The measured sound of the sea in a dream: portends a tedious, fruitless life, devoid of love and friendly participation. If a girl sees in a dream how she glides over the surface of the sea with her lover, her cherished dreams will come true. Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Dream Interpretation Sea If anyone sees that he is traveling by sea, he will defeat the great king. Seeing yourself drowning in the sea means being brought to the king for an account. Seeing waves on the sea means anxiety and hardship. Muslim dream book

Dream Interpretation Sea It is a symbol of infinite energy, the Universal Consciousness. The sea appears in our dreams less often than the river. Seeing the sea means taking a step towards the highest wisdom in life. And if you dreamed about the sea, be sure that any of your problems will have a happy ending. However, attention! There is one exception. If you dream of a shipwreck, a storm at sea - be careful. Your life or the lives of your loved ones are in danger. It reflects the emotional and creative upsurge, the element of the unconscious in a person. Blue, clear sea - joy, favor of Fate. Stormy sea, storm - your incontinence will create problems for you, broken love. Dream Interpretation Tutorial

Dream Interpretation Sea The light sound of the sea, heard in a dream: promises melancholy and loneliness. In general, dreams about the sea are rather sad: they testify to the futility of expectations and spiritual emptiness. But the girl who dreams that she quickly glides over the surface of the sea with her lover: a happy dream comes true. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Sea For women: Watching the calm sea from the shore means a calm, measured life. No matter how much you strive to change something in your life, you are unlikely to succeed in the near future. If you are sailing on a calm sea, this may mean some cooling of relations with relatives and friends, which can be caused by any little thing. Try to be patient. Seeing the raging sea - troubles are possible that can occur in any of the areas of life: at work, in the family. Sailing on a stormy sea is just a reflection of your life at the moment, which is so full of events that it is sometimes difficult to make sense of them.
For men: Storm at sea - losses, ruin. Calm sea in cloudy weather - anxiety and excitement about the development of relationships with loved ones. Seeing an island in the sea is an unfulfilled hope for the support and understanding of friends. To be on an island in the sea - your opinion about someone from your environment is wrong. Fall into the sea - be in a difficult position. Swimming in the sea for a long time - to feel that you are alone in your grief. To go into a calm sea in clear weather in order to swim - to feel a surge of vitality. Sailing on the sea on a ship - overcome all your doubts, stop worrying. Seeing ships at sea is in doubt.
For children: The SEA - like salt water - dreams of tears and sorrows. If the sea is calm, then everything will be fine in life. If the sea is stormy, with waves, it means that soon many pleasant and unpleasant events will happen in your life.

The dream book claims that night dreams about the sea testify: in a person’s life there comes a time when he depends not only on his own strength, but also on other circumstances. Interpretations are also based on the plots of the vision, on the image of the element itself: affectionate or formidable. But all astrologers agree on one thing: a dream about the sea is an important warning.

Why dream of a clear sea?

There is a version that in dreams about the beauties of the sea, our expectations and dreams came true: the quiet surface of the water - to wonderful changes in life, and the raging waves - to trouble. Such stereotypes have been created for centuries, because people have always not only respected this element, but also feared it, trying to appease the sea gods. Times have changed, but the attitude to visions has remained. Dream Interpretations give several explanations for what the sea dreamed of, in which the water is clean and clear:

  • to the realization of aspirations and desires;
  • to the successful resolution of problems;
  • to a stable and peaceful life;
  • to an ideal relationship with loved ones;
  • to the need for a reassessment of values.

Some predictors see in a calm sea and disturbing notes for the dreamer, such as:

  1. Alienation in relationships. If in the near future it is possible to refrain from quarrels, then the cooling itself will come to naught.
  2. The solution of important issues may stall, calm at sea is associated with stagnation in business.
  3. It's time to think about, not to drive away sad thoughts, but to analyze them.

Why dream of a dirty sea?

Seeing dirty water in a dream is considered a bad sign, the same applies to sea water. A muddy sea in a dream is a signal of a possible quarrel with friends, relatives or colleagues. Some dream books advise you to prepare for the dangers that may lie in wait in reality. Astrologers give several interpretations of such a dream:

  • being in the water is a warning about gossip around you;
  • to see a calm, dirty sea from the side - to witness unpleasant events;
  • watch the big ones muddy waves- problems will affect the dreamer directly.

What is the dream of the blue sea?

The most beautiful and pleasant dream is azure to the very horizon, gentle sun and surf. Why is the blue sea dreaming? It has long been known that calm, blue sea water personified a rich catch for our ancestors - for good. Today it is associated with the best experience summer holiday. Therefore, the interpretation of the dream is very rosy:

  • to a pleasant, long-awaited meeting;
  • to wonderful surprises;
  • to find spiritual harmony;
  • to a quiet period in life.

If small waves are visible on the surface of the water, this indicates creative inspiration, to see in a dream a light storm of the blue sea - to an explosion of pleasant emotions. And to see fish in the sea - to the fulfillment of desire. According to the dream book, the sea has other interpretations, less pleasant, which depend on the dreamer's actions:

  • to see the blue sea from a boat, far from the coast - a warning against erroneous decisions;
  • you can’t get to land - soon you will need the help of friends;
  • if you accidentally fell into a calm, blue-hued sea, you can call the authorities.

Why is the green sea dreaming?

The shade of sea water plays an important role, some dream of emerald waves. What does it mean to dream of a green sea? For some reason, most dream books mark an unpleasant sign:

  • health problems may arise;
  • unpleasant events are coming when you have to defend your point of view;
  • wander in the greenish waves of the surf - hopes will not come true, but bad consequences can be avoided;
  • quarrels with relatives are not excluded in the near future;
  • For business people- To money problems in business.

What is the dream of the cold sea

But if you suddenly dream of the icy waters of Antarctica, it’s time to be alert. Everything related to cold weather is always interpreted by astrologers not very positively, and such a dream is no exception. Why dream of a frozen sea? The stars say that the expanses of the sea, covered with ice, confirm the unfulfillment of strong desires. If the ice binds the surface only near the shore, some of the plans will still come true. As for the dreamer's actions:

  1. Colliding with an iceberg - expect unpleasant news about your loved one.
  2. Dive under the ice - you have to risk yourself for the sake of your relatives;
  3. Walking on the frozen sea - you will soon be in the spotlight;
  4. To see how the ice breaks on the sea - you will cause the collapse of someone's plans.

It happens that the dreamer is faced with a cold sea, without ice. He ventured to swim in this - he will be able to overcome the fear of obstacles. The water is clean - the barriers will be small, if muddy and dirty - they may not be on the shoulder. When you dream of a morning beach with still unheated sea water, this suggests that a situation will soon arise when subordination in relationships comes first.

Why dream of a vacation at sea?

The most pleasant dream is about relaxing on sea ​​coast, the only pity is that the awakening will be a little sad. But you can console yourself with favorable forecasts. Why dream of relaxing at sea?

  1. Expect fun surprises and entertainment.
  2. If you dream of a family vacation, then soon you will have to take care of loved ones.
  3. If on vacation there is a warm sun, clear water and a soft breeze on the beach, then you can safely count on complete well-being in the future.

Why dream of swimming in the sea?

Another of the pleasant visions is sea bathing, provided that the water is gentle and warm, and since in most cases people dream of a resort bathing option, astrologers call such a dream a pleasant omen. Why dream of swimming in the sea? The interpretation also depends on the actions of the participants in the dreams:

  1. Seeing someone bathing means you can help a friend cope with a difficult problem.
  2. splash around in sea ​​waves- all plans are being implemented successfully, you can wait for the money.
  3. Swimming in a calm sea - for quick travels or important changes in fate.
  4. Breaking the waves in a storm is a romantic adventure.
  5. Swimming in the sea in a dream with someone - a true like-minded person will appear. For a girl to frolic in the waves with a man, she will soon enter into a spiritually compatible marriage.
  6. If in a dream they saw how many people bathe, they will be able to successfully apply their talents.

Why dream of drowning in the sea?

Drowning in the sea in a dream or seeing others drown is no less unpleasant sight than in reality. Therefore, one should not expect positive omens here, but astrologers warn: we are talking not about imminent death, but about an important warning that plays a special role. So it’s worth remembering carefully both the details of the dream and its plot. The dream book "sea" gives the following interpretations:

  1. Seeing from the outside how you are drowning yourself is a big financial hassle, large loans are not excluded.
  2. At work, you can expect an unscheduled "work emergency".
  3. drown in muddy water, but at the last moment to swim out - to the difficulties that will be overcome.
  4. If thrown Lifebuoy- you have to get into debt, but friends will help pay off.
  5. If in a dream you dreamed how they went to the bottom - to an accident or illness.

Why dream of a tide on the sea?

Seeing a sea with waves in a dream - to restless events in life, the higher the waves, the more difficult the chores will be. If the water is cloudy, you can’t do without gossip, you should be careful in conversations with colleagues. If the waves are transparent, then routine problems will make themselves felt. And what does the sea mean in a dream at high tide: when water arrives, this is the peak of luck in business, favorable new circumstances will appear. If the sea level rises quickly, with foam - it is worth waiting for emotional experiences, chores are possible. Gentle, soft tide promises a pleasant stay.

Why dream of a calm sea?

Seeing a calm sea in a dream is a good omen. Some astrologers explain this vision by the need to bring a little excitement and adrenaline into your life. But most predictors agree that the sea surface without waves is a symbol happy life. Or evidence that will soon appear in business white stripe, things will go well. It is possible to receive long-awaited news. But plunging into the water during a calm is already evidence of future changes in life.

Why dream of a storm at sea?

A storm at sea for our ancestors was an alarming sign; in reality, this phenomenon promised a lot of trouble to the inhabitants of coastal villages and those who were far from the coast. Therefore, the decoding of such a vision remains unpleasant. What is the dream of the sea with waves:

  • to loss and failure in business;
  • to difficult trials;
  • to a serious illness - one's own or loved ones.

The interpretation also depends on the plot and the time of sleep:

  1. Seeing someone's death during a storm - to the death of relatives.
  2. If the waves with huge caps of foam - to deceptive hopes.
  3. I dreamed of a sea storm from Thursday to Friday - to the sad news from afar, and from Friday to Saturday - to a quarrel with a friend.
  4. The dreamer is on the shore during a storm - evidence that troubles will bypass.
  5. The storm destroyed your house - to big trouble, moreover, friends are unlikely to be able to provide support and assistance.
  6. Seeing how a sea storm sinks a ship is a tangible monetary loss.

What is the dream of the dried sea?

The dream book of stories about the sea contains many different interpretations. If you look at sea water - to the news from distant relatives then look at the surf - to the expected solution to problems that will happen by itself. It is extremely rare for people to dream of a dried-up sea, this is considered a very unfavorable sign. Astrologers agree on an omen that the dreamer is expected Hard times, it is possible that in all spheres of life. Such a dream about the sea can portend financial difficulties, and the collapse of a career, and. But if you heed this warning and take action, troubles can be completely avoided.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn (detailed)

Why is the Sea dreaming

  • The ocean symbolizes the sea of ​​life, your subconscious mind, and the tremendous intuitive power within you. It's time to delve into the primal wisdom that lives within you. Trust your intuition.
  • The meaning of this sign may vary depending on the condition of the water. A calm, calm ocean testifies to great inner strength, as well as emotional and spiritual balance. The stormy, restless ocean requires great courage from you to embark on a journey to calm waters through emotional storms. (See also Water)

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Maya

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • good value
    If you dreamed that you were swimming in the sea, now is a very good time to start your own business. So that you do not have any problems with business, on initial stage Drink a tablespoon of sea water every day.
  • bad value
    If you dreamed that you were drowning in the sea, they are trying to use you. So that the person does not work out, take a bath by candlelight before going to bed.

Dream Interpretation: Noble dream book of N. Grishina

Why is the Sea dreaming

  • The sea is a symbol of infinity and greatness, the element of the unconscious in man.
  • Dreams about the sea - they say that in life there comes a period when you depend not so much on own forces how much from external.
  • A clear, calm, serene sea, reflecting the luminary - joy, serenity, in-depth contemplation of the world and life.
  • Stormy sea - unconscious forces in you are out of control, damage from this.
  • The surf with even and calm beats of the waves is a calm life / time of spiritual growth.
  • Sea foam in abundance - deceptive hopes.
  • Fall into the sea - harm, disaster.
  • The moon among the gloomy clouds over the raging sea is a dream fatal for the development of your destiny, something unusual and unfavorable.
  • A quiet sea with a moon and a moonlit path over the sea is a peaceful happiness.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Why is the Sea dreaming

  • The raging sea - they can tell us that we must learn to look not superficially, but to delve into the depths of our emotions and experiences.
  • Waves are strong feelings and experiences. A muddy, dirty overflowing wave - to a big quarrel or a serious illness.
  • The tide is the fulfillment of hopes, new opportunities. If you are standing on the shore and watching the surf - a quick resolution of matters.
  • Look at the sea - get news from afar; walk along the seashore - a road awaits you; sail the sea on a steamboat - serious changes await you.

Dream Interpretation: New Family Dream Interpretation

See the sea in a dream

  • The light sound of the sea, heard in a dream, promises melancholy and loneliness.
  • In general, dreams about the sea are rather sad. They testify to the futility of expectations and spiritual emptiness.
  • But the girl who dreams that she quickly glides over the surface of the sea with her lover is waiting for a happy dream come true.

Dream Interpretation: Gypsy dream book

See the sea in a dream

  • Long journey. Quiet, calm sea - the trip will be successful and enjoyable. The stormy sea portends many problems and worries.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Shuvalova

See the sea in a dream

  • It symbolizes the opportunities that open (or close) before you. The qualitative characteristics of the sea indicate the situation in which you find yourself: stormy, dirty, addictive - you are at an impasse; clean, transparent, on which you easily swim - everything is in order, before you are endless new possibilities.

Dream Interpretation: Old French dream book

See the sea in a dream

  • A dream about the sea is always favorable, because it promises health, peace of mind, prosperity. If the sea is slightly worried in a dream - the dream portends your victory over circumstances; perhaps this is a sign that you will be able to restore order in your affairs after many years of confusion. Too calm or very stormy sea in a dream is a warning: fate is preparing a test for you, and you must endure it steadfastly. A good dream in which you fall into the sea - it promises long-term health or recovery to the patient.

Dream Interpretation: Chinese Dream Book of Zhou Gong

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • Boundless sea. - Great happiness and prosperity.

Dream Interpretation: Eastern Women's Dream Interpretation

Why is the Sea dreaming

  • Standing on the shores of the turbulent sea - to a stormy life, entertainment and love adventures. If you see yourself in the waves during a storm, expect stormy scenes in the family or with your loved one. For a young woman, a dream in which she and her lover are sailing on the sea in calm promises the fulfillment of the desires of youth and a long joyful life.

Dream Interpretation: Old Persian dream book Taflisi

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • If someone sees that he is traveling by sea, then in reality he will prevail, confronting an important dignitary.
  • Seeing yourself drowning in the sea is a harbinger that the leadership will invite you to their place for a report.
  • The dream in which you dreamed that there were waves on the sea means anxiety and a painful mood.

Dream Interpretation: Miller's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • If you hear the melancholy sound of the sea in a dream, it means. You are destined to a tedious and fruitless life, devoid of love and friendly participation.
  • Dreams about the sea testify to the futility of your expectations, as, indulging in carnal pleasures. You will yearn for the delight of the spirit, which the flesh cannot replace.
  • If a girl dreams that she is quickly gliding over the surface of the sea with her beloved, it means that her girlish dreams will happily come true, and joy will guard vows of fidelity.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Lucky Omens

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • The sea - to see beautiful, calm, but not foamy or swim in it - the fulfillment of desires.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Tsvetkov

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • walk along the coast, the beach - the road;
  • look at the sea - lead from afar;
  • sail on a boat - important changes;
  • blue water, blue - meeting;
  • swim in the sea - fulfillment of desires;
  • sea ​​depth - stomach; hidden anxiety.

Dream Interpretation: Freud's Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • The sea that you see in a dream from afar indicates that you currently think of sex as something inaccessible and unreal, at least not that you can enjoy it. In fact, the reason for this perception is your attitude towards own appearance, which does not give you the opportunity to fully relax and enjoy.
  • The calm sea that you looked at from the coast or from the ship indicates that you lack the peace that you are looking for wherever you can. Soon the situation will change, everything will stabilize, and you will get what you lack so much.
  • If you dreamed about someone swimming in the sea, the dream has good value- you can help the person you saw solve some problem that he could not cope with in any way.
  • If in a dream you saw yourself swimming in the sea, this means that at present you feel great, everything works out for you the way you yourself wish, and the reason for this is a full-fledged sex life, although so far you have not given it no value.
  • If in your dream you tried to enter a restless, raging sea, then expect such a night of love that you have not had for a long time, and you have completely forgotten that you can make love like this. Do not do anything special for this - everything will happen by itself.
  • Swim underwater in the sea - you are trying to learn something that you absolutely do not need to know. Your meticulousness will not lead to anything good, and you will only be upset.

Dream Interpretation: Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • Dreams about the sea are a symbol of unfulfilled hopes and aspirations. Even if material needs are satisfied, spiritual needs remain. If you hear in a dream the measured sound of the surf, evoking sadness, then this can predict a meaningless and painful life in which there is no place for friendship and love. If a young woman dreamed that she and her lover were sailing on the sea in calm, then this dream promises the fulfillment of the desires of youth and a long joyful life.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • The sea is joy; worried - sadness.

Dream Interpretation: Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Sea

  • Your life; what a sea, such is life; where you are in the sea, there you are in life (at the bottom, on the surface, on the shore).

Dream Interpretation: Italian dream book Meneghetti

Why is the Sea dreaming

  • It means the possibility of endless development and symbolizes the organism as a whole. Changes in the sea indicate the condition of the subject's body.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

See the sea in a dream

  • Primary elements - water.
  • Elements - cold, wind.
  • Emotions - fear, anger.
  • Organs - kidneys, liver.
  • Planets - Mercury, Jupiter.
  • Explanation and interpretation
  • Like the wind, water has no shape, but it easily wraps any shape and fills (takes shape) any volume. The energy of water is a passive (without combining with yang activity) slowing down yin-energy - drowning, like water, the energy of calming and stopping the development process (without wind, water becomes stagnant - dead). When a person lacks yang energy (the gallbladder, bladder and intestines are weakened), then internal energy of the yin organs goes outside (according to the rules of yin - inside, yang - outside), which in a dream is perceived as immersion in water - immersion in oneself, in one's state of lack of will. Physiologically, this image is explained by the fact that blood flows inward and overflows dense organs, which gives rise to a state of heaviness, immobility (sinking and not being able to move, row), depression, fear and fatigue with indifference to the future. Then there is an image of submission to a huge (impossible to fight) and all-consuming elements (absorbing everything into its bosom). The sea (big water) to see/cross/swim/sink - if the yin energy of the organs is in an overwhelming yang-energy calm, then a person dreams that he is floating on the sea and he is scared. Drowning in a dream is a sign of complete depletion of yang energy and submission negative emotions. Submission to both internal and external difficulties in a dream is perceived as drowning. Doctor's advice (kidneys) and a change of scenery (rest) are needed. Sailing on the sea / water in a dream and struggling with difficulties, despite the formidable superiority on their part (refers to any situation: health, work, family, etc.) - an active search for a way out, revision and awareness of real inner forces. Striving and action are in themselves favorable; fate usually sends help to those who struggle. Swim out - reach the shore / escape: a dream predicts a favorable outcome and unexpected help. However, you should still check for possible health losses (kidneys).

See the sea in a dream

  • The primary elements are earth, water, wood.
  • Elements - cold, humidity, wind.
  • Emotions - thoughtfulness, fear, anger.
  • Organs - spleen, pancreas, kidneys, liver, bladder, gallbladder. Planets - Saturn, Mercury, Jupiter.
  • The sea has always been for man a symbol of unlimited freedom of spirit and possibilities. Despite the fact that the elements of the sea can threaten a person with disaster at any moment, people love to look at both the calm and the raging sea, people are attracted to the sea by an unknown force, and those who have chosen the profession of a sailor usually do not abandon it for the sake of the most tempting benefits on land. In other words, the sea is a powerful combination of three primordial elements, the energy of the sea is so great that even just looking at it removes stagnation and blocks in the movement of energy in the body. The sea cleanses souls, and a soul cleansed and liberated from the captivity of everyday habits easily corrects and cleanses its own body. To see the sea in a dream with admiration for its boundlessness - a yin-yang state of depth and length, maximum fullness of volume. To admire the boundlessness of the sea in a dream means to anticipate and realize the life path, not only as a distance and the sum of years and actions, but also as a way to simultaneously comprehend oneself and the world, without which all actions are aimless, and life is a random set of unnecessary facts. The road is not only overcoming the distance, but also changing one's own worldview of the path, revising one's past and new ideas about the future. But on the road, all this is done gradually. The sea is a space that has both length and depth; this is a voluminous and at the same time immense space, since its shores and bottom are out of sight of the observer. Therefore, the sea in a dream is an understanding of the entire life path at the same time of both humanity and one's own. Feeling himself a part of the universe and at the same time realizing his only self - this is a man in volume, a man boundless, like the sea. The dream is favorable: the fullness and infinity of the life of the sea is the fullness and infinity of one's own creative ideas and spiritual potential, but the dream does not predict specific events. Watching the sea with fear is unfavorable: consciousness is on the verge of abandoning the very need for spiritual movement, which ultimately leads to fixation on the little things of life and the gradual erasure of the only self to the level of a thing. Those who observe a too stormy sea in a dream should remember that too active Napoleonic plans will cause a response movement of the elements: a stormy situation can sweep away its creator. Such a dream in the winter season indicates a favorable fullness of strength, however, there is a not very favorable divergence of the dreamer's rhythms from the seasonal rhythms that require rest. Stormy plans can be held until spring.

Dream Interpretation: Dream Interpretation Hasse

See the sea in a dream

  • Calm - calm life; turbulent - stormy life; fall into the sea - incur losses; sail the sea - start dangerous things; drowning in the sea - he is to blame for his misfortune.

Dream Interpretation: Erotic dream book Danilova

See the sea in a dream

  • The quiet, calm sea seen in a dream is a sign of a balanced relationship with the second half, a complete idyll in bed.
  • A storm at sea in bad weather means that it's time for you to think about a temporary separation, because your mutual jealousy haunts both of you.
  • Male reproductive organs
  • A dream vision of male genital organs can be interpreted by some representatives of psychoanalysis as a symbol of strength, the personification of a certain sexual principle that gives an incentive for the development of the individual and society, because Freud's theory paid attention primarily to male sexuality. But here it is necessary to take into account the fact that this dream does not carry a pronounced sexual connotation, therefore its interpretation has a slightly different direction than it could have received from the orthodox supporters of the founder of psychoanalysis.
  • Based on the general theoretical principles of psychoanalysis, we will be able to draw a conclusion that, in our opinion, will be more correct than the one that Freud himself could come to: let's move away from his characteristic sexualization of the libido and its manifestations in sleep. Interpretation this dream should be done in the following way.
  • It is obvious that you are in need of authority. In other words, around you you can not find people worthy of emulation, whose example you could follow. Thus, the sexual interpretation is translated into a much broader and generally significant one: the search for an object of imitation in order to compare your actions with it, which sometimes cause you doubts. It is also possible that at the moment you are in need of advice because you are hesitant to accept important decision on one's own. Male striptease
  • According to modern philosophy, male striptease is a very young phenomenon in human culture. After all, its consumers are women, and for many centuries, until the end of the last century, they played the role of a model and an object that a man contemplates, but they themselves never played the role of a beholder. And yet, male striptease not only takes place in real life, but sometimes appears in our dreams.
  • If a woman saw a dream with similar content, this can be considered as some reflection of the processes of emancipation taking place in society and everyday life. What was previously exclusively the privilege of men is now becoming available to women. And striptease here is a typical example of this trend. Seeing this type of entertainment in a dream means the desire to free oneself from male oppression. Apparently, you consider yourself a woman born for freedom, and not to be crushed by the authority of the strong half of humanity.
  • Nevertheless, liberation is one of those problems for you that is difficult to solve without sacrificing something dear. But such is our life: you have to pay for everything. The only question is that the result will justify your sacrifices. So before taking appropriate action, you should think carefully about your actions.
  • If a man dreams of a striptease, in this case the dream has, of course, a different interpretation. Classical psychoanalysis will probably declare the latent homosexuality of such a person. But we, going in line with a balanced interpretation of dreams, will assume that the plot of night vision expresses some degree of dissatisfaction caused by the fact that in your work the practice does not correspond to the results that you originally expected.

In the dream book, the site itself big dream book Runet contains 75 best dream books: Italian dream book Meneghetti, Yellow Emperor's dream book, Hasse's dream book, Miller's dream book, N. Grishina's noble dream book, Longo's dream book, Pythagoras's numerological dream book, Assyrian dream book, Shuvalova's dream book, Native American shamanic dream book, old French dream book, fairy tale and mythological dream book, male dream book, Denise Lynn's dream book (short), dream book of lovers, Russian dream book, esoteric dream book, Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti, dream book of Nostradamus, Mayan dream book, Islamic dream book ibn Sirin, dream book of the Otavalos Indians, culinary dream book, Aesop's dream book, and others.

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